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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3487359 No.3487359 [Reply] [Original]

Is a man not entitled to his moé?

>> No.3487382


>> No.3487395
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>> No.3487409
File: 189 KB, 539x303, Eeny_Teeny_Maya_Moe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3487410

>tripfag not filtered

"No" says the Anonymous on /jp/, it belongs to me.

>> No.3487414

Fuck off back to /v/.

>> No.3487417

Do you actually filter out every one?

>> No.3487424


>> No.3487440


>> No.3487449

OP, why is your 4chan so 2006 in appearance?

>> No.3487459

Maybe he likes to look at it and imagine himself being in a better 4chan.

>> No.3487462


I never knew making a reference to a video game meant that I browse /v/. themoreyouknow.jpg


I'm not the faggot in the OP's image but why would I? I just filter out tripfags who make the kind of comments you'd see on YouTube and aren't just trolling like Arcueid. Currently I have 8 tripcodes filtered.

>> No.3487464

If it annoys you so much as to filter every tripfag, then why bother coming to /jp/. Your standards must be real high and I don't think /jp/ would fit your standards.

/jp/ - Japan/Random

>> No.3487475

Who do you have filtered then? I'm curious as to who else you put in the same boat as Arc with regards to his awful posting / trolling.

>> No.3487474

Thats rather a good response.
Just tell me, why would you need to filter tripfags out? are they that annoying to you?

>> No.3487491


Stupid comments and general faggotry, why else?


!rNk8s6TM.Q; !ponpoNB7VQ; !JimREGmAW6; !CIELBE/jzM; !DoLLFaGERs; !barYV1VtIA; !T.We2gZSuI; !3GqYIJ3Obs

>> No.3487500

This guy is mad.

>> No.3487505

Thats understandable, its bad enough with the spam without having to have tripfags being retarded.

Yes Arc couldn't take a hint in that thread, what a faggot.

>> No.3487512

>Stupid comments and general faggotry, why else?

Tripfags are no the problem of /jp/, troll and spam are the problems of this board.
You may have noticed that most of the tripfags have left already and most of the normal and good posters too.
Left are tripfags like Arc and other shit ones and of course the trolls and spamers.

>> No.3487521

Not sure who those trips belong to except a couple, but most don't seem as filter worthy as Arc.

>> No.3487539


only on tuesdays

>> No.3487552

Pretty much this and some of >>3487464
/jp/ is pretty much Japan/Random.

Are you expecting VIP quality here bro?

>> No.3487562


Arc is just trolling it makes me smile every time people rage at him. Do keep getting annoyed with him though, I'm sure he's loving it.




>Tripfags are no the problem of /jp/, troll and spam are the problems of this board.

Tripfags aren't a problem? What? Everyone sucking up to Pygmalion and plenty of posts about Jones is really good quality content. These are only examples, of course. I just ignore them most of the time.

>You may have noticed that most of the tripfags have left already

And nothing of value was lost.

>and most of the normal and good posters too.

It's an anonymous message board, just in case you didn't notice.

>Left are tripfags like Arc and other shit ones and of course the trolls and spamers.

Then just filter Arc if you dislike him so much. And filtering trolls and spammers is so pathetically easy too. I haven't seen a JBCS thread since I filtered it and I haven't seen a Dawson image in quite a while either. Learn to use the filter to get rid of the shit you dislike.

>> No.3487571
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>> No.3487614

>Tripfags aren't a problem? What? Everyone sucking up to Pygmalion and plenty of posts about Jones is really good quality content. These are only examples, of course. I just ignore them most of the time.

You must be living in the past, Pyg threads are long long gone already, Jones love threads are posted by the trolls, ZUN and Jones post even fewer these days. There were never that many tripfags on /jp/ anyway and the few we had were decent, if you are used to /a/ lanced shit and such then you have a reason to hate them.

>It's an anonymous message board, just in case you didn't notice.
I think you haven't noticed it, people just got fed up with Bawson, spam and such threads and /bun/ was created. Some people left for that and never came back, some others just got to fed up with the state /jp/ is in and left for good. That is why you may notice that there are just not any good threads anymore because the people don't want to take this shit anymore. It is understandable: Spam and spam, no mods or Janitors to clean it up, moot doesn't care, the mods and janitors don't care and so nothing happens for days. Easy target for spamers and now trolls because of the slow speed of /jp/, threads used to stay up a day before falling off page 10 plus, like i said, no mods give a shit about the board.

>Then just filter Arc if you dislike him so much. And filtering trolls and spammers is so pathetically easy too. I haven't seen a JBCS thread since I filtered it and I haven't seen a Dawson image in quite a while either. Learn to use the filter to get rid of the shit you dislike.

I would have to filter 90% of /jp/ then. Arc is just a stupid kid, he always was and always will be, it's easy to ignore him.

tl;dr: blame the mods for the current state of /jp/ and probably it's deletion because it turns into /b/

>> No.3487714

It's an anonymous message board with the ability to enter words into a name field if you haven't noticed.

>> No.3487725
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>tripfags are cool
>no they're not
>I filter them
>I like x and y but not z
