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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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34473559 No.34473559 [Reply] [Original]

If you have a question about a specific product, please LINK it so people know what you're talking about.

New Onahole guide:

New doll guide:

here are links to the more informative pastebins that are hosted on controlc, just in case

aural stim:
lube alchemy:

here's the wiki if you don't like using controlc

Pastebin nuked old guides so we have new links(keeping pastebin links here below just in case)
The ona guide: http://pastebin.com/hwhGL66a
The doll guide: https://pastebin.com/rrUa6jKF

OtonaJP a shit. Order from them at your own risk.
OtonaJP has rebranded as Naughty-nippon in the EU and should also be avoided. Don't say we didn't warn you.

- - - Notice for Aussies: Only J-list doesn't ship to Australia anymore (it's their own fault for not discretely packaging onas). All the other retailers still do ship to Australia - - -

>Please read the guide, use the archive, don't shitpost. Follow global and local rules. Don't reply, report and ignore instead.

>Length, girth, budget and geographical location are extremely important in determining your next best course of action!

Previous Thread: >>34378226

>> No.34473609
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i'm so horny ;_;

>> No.34474085

anons who live with their parents, where do you hide your onas?

>> No.34474103

in the fedex package it came in. i then put the package with other boxes in my room on top of my dresser. It's not the best, but it'll do for now.

>> No.34474107

when do you guys find time to use em

>> No.34474124

when they aren't home or they're asleep. it helps that i live downstairs

>> No.34474236
File: 1.12 MB, 1276x1789, 042PL_中型ホール-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking at toysheart 2019 catalog. this one stands out. its a curved onahole for oral/vag !
who was the guy with the curved penis? this is your onahole!

>> No.34474237

I just have a box in my closet. It helps that I am the tallest in the house

>> No.34474252

My parents never come into my room. That being said, I have toy bags and blank cardboard boxes that I use so that nothing gets lost and I can keep things inconspicuous.

>> No.34474261

You know what to do, anon...

>> No.34474267

mine is in a locked desk drawer, but one works day, one works night. never get to fuckin use em

>> No.34474373

I have my own drawer attached to my bed. Only person who goes through it is me because, obviously.

>when do you guys find time to use em
Any time I feel like it. Just close my door, play some music/podcast/video/whatever and go at it. Even if they assume I'm spanking it, I don't care. They're almost always downstairs and I'm almost always upstairs anyway.

>> No.34474378
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female curling player data sheet

>> No.34474398
File: 1.76 MB, 1276x1789, 055PR_分布図-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every toysheart onahole (in their catalog) ranked by softness, hardness, etc.

i wish all onamakers did this type graph.

>> No.34474476


Do you lads really have to worry about your parents going through your shit or something even if you're adults? Christ Boomers really are fucked if that's the case for you lot. What are they even gonna do if they see them though? Everyone's mother owns a cuntfucker3000 and i'm sure even Mother Teresa was getting a good squirting here or there. Fuck 'em if they try to shame ya lads. More than that though in regards to using them, why not just keep your door closed and buy a box fan to drown out the noise? Most Onas aren't gonna be louder than a cheap noisy boxfan.

>> No.34474496

im waiting to get mine because im so paranoid of my parents finding it. i have faith that they wont open my package, but if they ask something like "oh what did you order" i might fuck up and say something that sounds suspicious. im confident that i can find a good hiding spot but im so afraid of messing up basic human interaction that they think im hiding something, which i am

>> No.34474510

i dont really have to worry but still i get overly paranoid

>> No.34474515

ToysHearts is probably the best when it comes to information. You never have to guess how short/long a tunnel is because they directly tell you what measurements it is.
Other companies, they only tell you what's the length of the total toy, and then leave guess work to anything else. What a pain. I ended up ordering a few holes that were too short/thin because of this.

>> No.34474932

Not really. There's the obvious embarrassment factor of a family member, or anyone for that matter, finding my stash of toys but I've given them zero reason for them to meddle or worry about the private stuff that I do since I pretty much have my shit together, relative speaking of course. In my case, this would be just another embarrassing moment like my sister walking in on me while I was jerking off eons ago when we still lived together. A few awkward days/weeks is worth not going crazy over my dick toys being discovered.

>> No.34475011

You forgot to add my plush doll guide/list to the op:


>> No.34475233

Any sense of where the magic eyes hard stuff lands on this scale?
I have a lolinco hard that feels good and all, but I'd like to get something softer that I can enjoy for a while rather than give a few pumps when I'm ready to wrap up my fap

>> No.34475288

I live alone but I wouldn't want anyone to find my gym bag stuffed to the brim with plastic ass and pussy. I could laugh off 1-2 sex toys I'm sure but I don't know what I would say to downplay me owning this many.

>> No.34475759

Yes they look through my stuff, and I'd get kicked out if they found my ona. They don't even let me keep the door closed. All this despite being mid 20s.

>> No.34476239

>but if they ask something like "oh what did you order" i might fuck up and say something that sounds suspicious
I found that creating enough "noise" made my parents stop asking. Start ordering cheap shit off aliexpress, cheap hobby supplies, individual manga, etc. Try to order things you actually want or can use. Push through any "you order too much" shit, keep the cheap and clean orders coming. Eventually they stop asking about the normal packages. Try to avoid ordering too many things for your family when you plan to order things you want to go under the radar, just to avoid any "is that for me," "is that mine," or the worst: someone opening the package thinking it's theirs.

>> No.34476676

Every boy needs a hobby

>> No.34476765

I've actually started doing that kind of. i order stuff from eBay and alie a lot. i guess before i actually get my ona ill ramp it up a bit. thanks for the advice anon

>> No.34476932

sorry anon, I was the OP of the previous thread. Someone else started the thread this time around.

>> No.34477444

Had some Tenga and Fleshlight stuff for a while. Both were painfully tight on my dick (7in) and I have to discard the plastic shell which makes the actual sleeve flop around.
I'm looking into onaholes. How much of an issue is length? Do I need to get one that's 17cm in length or can I go shorter? I want to start with something cheap as a tester.

>> No.34479333
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After like 10 years I finally decided to get myself a hole, and finally join you guys. Can anyone better versed in moon explain the stats on this graph to me?

>> No.34479406

The graph is from toys heart products. It's explained here: https://www.motsutoys.com/toysheart.html

>> No.34479457


Thanks bud. I was trying to find it, but googling it gave me no results.

>> No.34479545

So TOMAX is supposed to be a top tier brand but nobody ever mentions anything of them besides the venus real soft. Is any of their other stuff noteworthy?

>> No.34479809

Hey anons, any sanitary way of giving my toys pubic hair? Wondering if the doll guys have any tricks?

>> No.34479843

Have they invented anything new? Or is it still the same rubber holes with different textures?

>> No.34480245

Check the archives, I know Lilith Uterus and the Clone are also talked about a lot but I'm sure all products have been tried once by some anon.

>> No.34481311

i wish i can read gook

>> No.34481604

That's in nip, not korean.

>> No.34481805
File: 514 KB, 1440x2662, Screenshot_20210411-220211_Gmail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a while but I finished rating my onas. Most are 9/10 but that's because I tend to prefer soft ones and kinda knew what I was getting into. Took me over a week to try em all.

>> No.34481934

I've been ordering shit since I was a teen so my parents stopped caring. But look, I've order onas like 4x this past year (which is when I started) and after having a terrible scare, I recommend you to just have it held for pickup. My package had been delivered to my neighbor and he held onto it for like 4 days before he realized it wasn't his. I thought a package thief took it the whole time. Luckily he didn't open it and finally brought it back. I've been ordering stuff off the internet for over a decade and never had a misdelivered or stolen package. Of course it had to be my onas as the first. It doesn't hurt to take the extra hour out of your day to pick the package up and that's my number one recommendation.

>> No.34482597

Why do you make it sound like having the onahole dropped on your front door with the doorbell ringing is the only way to receive it? Have you retards heard of Amazon Lockers or DHL servicepoints? Surely USPS/UPS/Fedex or whatever has pickup options too. This is assuming you have a car or are in walking distance from one of these, and then bring it into the house when no one's home or at night.

>> No.34482617

Didn't mean to quote the 3rd guy.

>> No.34482750


That sounds insane. What's their reasoning for such things? Are your parents jesusfreaks or something? My condolences anon.

>> No.34483014

Move out you retard

>> No.34483057

They're probably conservative christians. They look down upon masturbation heavily.

>> No.34483737

Did you write a review for the Ponkotsu Guardian? I was interested in that one myself.

>> No.34483862
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>> No.34483939

No I didn't. Is super fluffy/puffy on the inside and stimulates you from every direction. It's weird because it's suppose to be relaxing rather than stimulating. Maybe using slicker lube will help with lasting longer with it.
These scores are just my initial impressions. Sometimes the sensation you get with an ona can change after a few uses. The ones with lower scores are ones that tend to be a bit hard for me. For your regular person it's probably an average hole that's stimulating. I heard good things about the upper swing and the textures on the insides felt good with my fingers but didn't translate well for my dick. Could be I overdid it and need to take a good 2 week break but again, these are first impressions.
Anything with a 10 or higher is a definite must buy from me if you're average length or so.

>> No.34483953

Fucking hell didn't realise how much jew is omochadreams until I went to checkout, 23 euro to ship outside germany while selling tomax holes at 2x compared to the japanese price.

>> No.34483987

Oh that's good. Now I don't feel personally attacked as third guy.

>> No.34484426

Thanks for the short review, I plan on picking one up at some point.

>> No.34486285

rip virgin age admission. got moldy. i seldomly used it so it's been a long as time since i pulled it out.

>> No.34486429

anyone have recs for onas on the tighter side that are meant to emulate texture/feel of real vaginas? for reference i am slightly above US average in length girth.

>> No.34486614
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Worst parcel service I've ever used.
I've never received a package from them at my doorstep. You always need to pick it up at the post office because their drivers don't care at all.
First onahole order I ever made spent two weeks riding around on their conveyor belt before they decided to send it back to the seller.

>> No.34487604
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>Order fully clothed hole on AmazonJP
>Customs still rejects my package
If any other mexibro has any advice I'll be happy to hear it, because I don't think I have a lot of options left.

>> No.34487682 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.34488028

Put some double sided tape on the outside of the onahole and then fuck it

>> No.34488081

use phone to translate.

>> No.34488120

Isn't your guys AoC 13? That's strange that they'd reject it.

>> No.34488509


Can't you just order from somewhere like TD and ask them to remove the boxes? After all it's only the boxart that's causing problems for you right?

>> No.34488734

Sometimes they do, but it can be a pain depending on your situation. Fedex has drop offs at certain stores, like I can have shit delivered to the local grocery store's customer service desk because they offer fedex pickup. You could always get a PO box. Why not offer the advice yourself instead of getting upset that others didn't mention your solution.
Does Amazon.jp even offer the lockers on international orders?

>> No.34488892

>Amazon.jp lockers on international orders
Nope, you sadly can only choose lockers within Japan

>> No.34489239
File: 50 KB, 540x540, ajisai-no-chiru-goro-ni-natsusha-premium-hole-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought I'd drop my review of the "OVA Ajisai No Chiru Koro Ni - Natsuha's Premium Hole". I have to say, it's actually much better than I expected. First off, after taking it out of the plastic, there was very little smell on the ona itself. Also, it felt really nice, almost velvety, to hold. Even after a few washes with soap and water, it STILL feels nice to hold to the point where I don't even bother powdering it.

During use, it's actually somewhat of a bully, the textures are aggressive and it kept trying to launch itself off my dick. Add to that the fact that it's small, and it can be hard to distinguish the individual nubs and bumps even after trying it with Insomnia. However, I'm a fan of bullies so it was overall a pretty good feeling for me. The bumps on the ona exterior make the ona seem thicker than it actually is, which in turn adds to the feeling of luxury. Unfortunately, the tunnel was unfortunately not aligned correctly so I keep poking off to the side, but the bumps do a great job of keeping me from feeling much of my hand when this happens so it's not as bad as it sounds. I would say this is a 7/10 on feeling. To give some meaning to this rating, for me the Lolinco Ex Virgin is 9/10 and the mostly-featureless arkhe tunnel (excluding the womb) is a 3/10. Note that watching the ova while using this hole instantly turns it into a 9.5/10 but this is a very unscientific assessment so take with a pinch of salt.

Some things to watch out for: the promotional images are a lie, it's not actually a through hole. Also, it's really small, so if you're bigger than 5" and/or girthy you may want to stay away (or mod it into the through hole it was meant to be). Needs more lube lube than you'd think or it feels rough in an unpleasant way and is more a 5/10.

Price wise it's $18 excludingshipping but it beats everything else I've bought in the $15-25 price range. So definitely worth a look if you're either living in Japan or were going to import something from Japan anyway and figured you may as well try something new while you were at it.

>> No.34489881

Inside my parents.

>> No.34490462




>> No.34490476

Everything "obscene or pornographic" is banned, strictly speaking, you could order just the hole wrapped in a plastic bag and customs could still reject it. I need to find a way to buy Japanese rubber pussy without the package ever going through customs.

>> No.34490478

I use it whenever they are not adjacent by one room. If they are still able to hear it at that point, OOPS!

>> No.34490632

>tfw want them but yropoor
>no face

>> No.34491152

I've been waiting on them for a while and finally bought.
I'm planning on doing a rocket + fantasia combo with VR once I have the money.

>> No.34491190

I want them too, but being in EU instantly just doubles any price if it comes from beyond the sea or, hell, even just from outside EU.

>> No.34491199

I want to get Hatsujo Gal but it's sold out on ToyDemon. It's in stock on AmazonJP though...has anyone in the United States ordered it from there okay? I'm mainly concerned with the tits being out on the box art.

>> No.34492229

You use DHL servicepoints with Amazon JP because they only ship internationally with DHL.

>> No.34492608

Amazon JP has their own customs department, and they ship via DHL. I've ordered some pretty questionable things through Amazon JP over the years and not once have I had an FBI agent knock on my door.
Your only fear is them potentially delivering the item to the wrong address, or a nozy parent ripping open your box thinking it's theirs. (but you know, the latter has less to do with DHL).
Also, listen to DHL's estimated delivery date. Not Amazon's. They're more accurate for obvious reasons.

>> No.34493598

Amazon jp is fantastic for American buyers and I would recommend it to anyone looking to get onaholes and lubes fast and easily.

They know their shit and American onahole sellers need to be realize that they’ve got some quality competition.

>> No.34493702

My only issue with order from amazon jp is the high shipping. Sometimes costs more than what I'm even ordering.

>> No.34494903


>> No.34495251

Yeah it's retarded but at least you don't have to deal with customs.

I don't think I've ever heard anyone who's used DPD say they had a good experience with them. By far the carrier I hear people complaining about. Had a couple of deliveries through them and they both went terribly with them messing up both my address and their own pickup point (????? kek). Stay away if you can. Really wish Motsutoys would just start using DHL for other countries besides Germany.

>> No.34495267

viva mexico

>> No.34495323
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>motsu is the only place that has the stuff I want
>have no option besides dealing with dpd

>> No.34495722

a country where its basically para-military rule due to cartels murdering anyone they want and fighting in the streets. your supreme court just legalized weed , your legislature about to make it a law. and you cant have porn? what the fuck backwards ass country is you mexico? :(

>> No.34495727

pretty based imo, weeding out the weak and the degenerate

>> No.34495942
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sexdroids fucking when

>> No.34496046

I just discovered doll reviews on bilibili: https://search.bilibili.com/all?keyword=catdoll&from_source=webtop_search&spm_id_from=333.851

Looks like there are plenty of Chinese women who are into dolls.

>> No.34499373

how's the tenga egg lube? how fast does it dry out and what's the shelf life?

>> No.34500600

Imagine paying good money for a realistic piece of pseudoflesh, and the manufacturer ruins it by embossing their logo onto it.
Luckily such things don't happen in real life.

>> No.34500671

Fucking Magic Eyes.

>> No.34500697

about to get the sujiman kupa cocolo, what am i in for?

>> No.34501080

How long does a batch of J Lube keep at room temperature? What if I mix it another that has preservatives?

>> No.34502640

almost forever? just keep it sealed up

>> No.34504171
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>check dpd order
>address is mangled
>doesn't let me redirect it to a parcelshop

>> No.34506477

If you mean the Tenga Hole Lotion I've only tried the Real version (red bottle) and it's fine, odorless, completely average lube. Probably overpriced for what it is but it's consistently good and I have no complaints about it. Lube in general doesn't really have a shelf life because most lube ingredients don't really expire. It's advised you use it within 1 to 3 years but really even after that, unless there's like mold growing in it you'll be most likely fine.

>> No.34506539

every fucking time. literally happens to me every single time i have shit delivered through them. last time i had to intercept their driver at the wrong address they were trying to deliver at. i advise you to do the same thing: luckily their tracking is actually pretty accurate and will tell you where their driver is when your delivery window starts, so literally try intercepting the driver and tell them your delivery code (DPD will send you a code via text on the day of your delivery). last time i asked the driver "what can i even do to fix this? this is not the first time it's happened" and the guy deadass goes "idk man that's for you to deal with whoever ships through us". no it's fucking not fuckface, no other delivery company pulls this shit. FUCK DPD

>> No.34507360
File: 266 KB, 292x353, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I waited fucking forever for toydemon to restock this, and five days ago I bit the bullet and made an amazon jp account. Literally just got it. Jesus fuck that was fast. I'm never using td again, especially when the expensive shipping is instantly worth it if I add just about anything else to the order.

>> No.34507894

any tips for using amazon.jp? i don't know how to find shit in japanese and all that

>> No.34507920

Anyone else have their motsutoys points not approved weeks after making a purchase? Is this normal or should I contact their support?

>> No.34507937

There's a little japanese flag next to the search icon that you can click and swap your language to english. A lot of the products are translated. If that fails, use google or something like kimochiishop to find the japanese names of products.

>> No.34509396

Glad to have another brother who’s seen the light.

When ordering it from Amazon Japan with international shipping is cheaper and just as fast as buying it from an American supplier, you realize how much ToyDemon has been fucking you in the ass price-wise.

>> No.34509482
File: 437 KB, 802x640, 2021-04-19 15_44_08-Succubus Senki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your favorite onahole?

>> No.34509643

The favorite onahole I ever used was the Fuwa Pocha Torori-Na
My current favorite is >>34507360

>> No.34509753

how much was the shipping?

>> No.34509845

check the page, as shipping would of course differ depending on the country.
In my case, it was only around a little bit less than the price of the product. But with Amazon JP, the more you order, the "cheaper" the shipping will be so it's best if you order a lot from them at a time.
Last year I ordered about $140 worth of stuff from them and shipping only cost me around $40

>> No.34509897

This >>34510000 anon's mom.

>> No.34510146

Well fuck I didn't give motsu my phone number. It's weird because my address is mostly right but mangled in a way that suggests they didn't just copy paste it, either they wrote it by hand and did a poor job of it or most likely it was picked out of a (shitty) database that didn't have the address properly. Anyway it was supposed to arrive today so we'll see.

>> No.34510833

I'm thinking of buying one of these, don't know what I want yet, I already have https://www.amazon.com/RIDE-hard-elasticity-cavity-Masturbators/dp/B00X9XVR2A/ but I want an upgrade.

My possible choices are:

>> No.34510853

Original Mouth of truth and lolinco Virgo are both good choices. If you’re not well-endowed, go for the extra virgin instead.

>> No.34510886

How well-endowed are we talking about?

>> No.34510991

That is exactly what happened with mine too. With me they had the door number wrong so I had to run two blocks down to catch up with their driver. Pay close attention to your email, they will still email you the same code and (hopefully but this is really random and can or not happen from my experience) send you an email the day before delivery telling you your delivery is scheduled for tomorrow at a 1/2 hour time window. When you get close to that time window use their tracking, it will actually tell you in real time where their van is.

>> No.34511156

Uh, how long am I supposed to be leaving drying sticks to dry?

>> No.34511182

Well the estimate they gave me originally was today but no email yet. This shit is killing me, it's my first time ordering an ona and I didn't think getting a japanese rubber vagina delivered would be such an ordeal in 2021.

>> No.34511464
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Yo, first time shopping at toydemon and I'm getting picrel error. Adress is correct, it also won't let me choose a payment method.

>> No.34512436
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Harem status: complete.

>> No.34512699

Just tried the Tenga Spinner

It was actually quite good for the price. Smaller than expected

Softness is on par with Tomax Soft which was surprising since my experience with Tenga Flip was that it was wayyyyy too hard. This is ideal for me. I have a problem with my penis head getting too sensitive in a lot of holes but there was 0 issue here.

Don't really care about the spin gimmick, but the main appeal to me is the excellent suction which provides a lot of stimulation without it being too overwhelming on the penis head. It doesn't require a lot of sliding.

Also, it has frosted transparency so you can see yourself cum which is fun

9/10 will buy other versions right away

>> No.34512718
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Oh and here's the table with all the variations. Pretty useful info that toydemon and other sites should include...

>> No.34512951
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That reminds me, are there any holes that are decently transparent at the end? Bonus if it's available on Toydemon.
The pictures show the Spiral with a lot of transparency but it's kind of false advertising.

>> No.34514924

Now show them getting an education.

>> No.34515052

Above average (6in/15cm)

>> No.34515982

about 10 minutes or so.

>> No.34516152

Whats the base body on the right? And how do you keep the hair tidy I have those hair comb with rubber nibs and its still hard to keep straight.

>> No.34516286

It's never complete. You'll always want n+1 at some point.
Sorry to say, but the third member has incredibly wide shoulders.

>> No.34517265
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The 168cm Dagmar body. I use plastic detangling brush, works pretty well.

I decided to stop at 3 because any more would not get enough attention and I want them to have enough attention.
>wide shoulders
She's also tall, has long arms and long legs and that's the body type I was going for.

>> No.34517785

I want to buy Sujiman Kupa as a first time Onahole buyer (I tried fleshlight before). But there are several versions out there. So which one is the best in terms of how good it feels?
* Sujiman Kupa Lolinco Virgo Premium Soft
* Sujiman Kupa EX Virgin Lolinco
* Sujiman Kupa Lolinco Virgo
* Sujiman Kupa Lolinco


>> No.34518339

Virgo Premium Soft. I think the blend of highly stimulating entry/end points with the softness of everything in between complements it very well.
Keep in mind that it's an absolute pain in the ass to clean/dry (all of them are, but especially the EX Virgin and the Premium Soft due to the hymen/uterus gimmick). Make sure you have some microfiber cloths, a long thin stick like a chopstick, and maybe a drying stick before you buy it.

>> No.34520286

They’re all unique in their own way. Each has their own strengths and weaknesses. For me, I personally prefer the Extra virgin because of the tighter tunnel and varied textures.

Unfortunately since every dick is different, all I can say is you have to get each one and decide for yourself.

>> No.34520445

Omocha Dream got a Tomax shipment in. Even Lilith Uterus is in stock.

>> No.34521420

>fake cunny is illegal
>fuck, even regular porn is illegal
>buy from neighboring country
>"yeah bro, your package will be destroyed by your custom if they randomly inspect it"
motherfucker, they just want me to kidnap and rape real women don't they ?
also tips on discreet packaging ?

>> No.34521497

what a legend
did you ask for a different head for the 168cm or did you pay extra?

>> No.34522204
File: 2.36 MB, 512x512, 1613032601276.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I started using only an onahole to fap recently and for the first time in my life I had a nocturnal emission as the age of 28. IS this related to the ona or just completely coincidental? I'm tripped out over this I've literally NEVER had one before.

>> No.34522531

Could be coincidence unless suddenly changed your fapping frequency due to the onahole. I had my first one at 26 after not fapping for two weeks due to surgery. Never happened before and never since.

>> No.34522563

>also tips on discreet packaging ?
All of these companies do discreet packaging. They all come with a plain brown box that the product is covered in brown/white paper, and the address states their government name on it.

If you mean boxart removal, all companies do it except for Amazon because of their shipping process. You either check a box or leave in their comments before placing the order to remove the boxart. They'll ship it in a generic brown box inside the generic brown box.

>> No.34522641
File: 31 KB, 700x700, S000053_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used one of these on my onahole but it was really hard to get in and out again and im afraid it could damage something. It worked very well though. Is it safe to use or should I just use paper towels?

>> No.34522728

Twist and jiggle slowly when pulling out.
I've been using drying sticks (diatomaceous earth) kind and I haven't witness any damage that my dick has done already. The only problem you may experience is if the product is very soft as really soft ones can cling to the stick. For those, I have a spongy drying stick, but soft ones normally don't need it anyway.

>> No.34522981

Jesus it’s nearly a 100 bucks just for that and shipping to the US

>> No.34523467
File: 313 KB, 1447x2047, 1602350092568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have experience with homemade onaholes? What method did you try and how does it compare to a purchased one

>> No.34523592
File: 813 KB, 800x1066, IMG_9049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did you ask for a different head for the 168cm
Yes, I simply asked.
The only thing I was worried about was the skin tone not matching like pic related (who the fuck decided this was acceptable for a promo shot?). But they came through and the tone matched perfectly.

>> No.34523863

What prison are you posting from

>> No.34523880

religious parents

>> No.34523914

>motherfucker, they just want me to kidnap and rape real women don't they ?
That's exactly what happens when authoritarian shitheads try to take away men's sexual outlets. Where do you live anyway?

>> No.34523925

Move out or learn how to hide your shit.

>> No.34524042

Sounds like Straya

>> No.34524206

can you squeeze the giant tiddi

>> No.34524670 [DELETED] 

How would I hide a loli doll from my snooping mom? I need to buy one to feel less lonely and not really for pleasure.

>> No.34525179

Buy a tenga and flip it inside out and call it a wrist rest for your mouse.

>> No.34525241
File: 103 KB, 1425x1255, 61MzYpEQwoL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learn to cook gummy onaholes and you can eat the evidence

>> No.34525775

Sure, not as much as TPE though.

>> No.34526625

My girlfriend is getting back from her trip and my onahole adventure must come to an end. Im gonna keep the drying stick, bag and lube and get rid of my Virgo Premium soft. Staying positive by reminding myself that it was cheaper than an escort, and much less hassle.

May god bless you all.

>> No.34526971

PO box address?

>> No.34527032

Oh so you fuck a jelly donut or something and then you eat it afterwards? I'd much rather go for a fruit or that's been hollowed out to avoid wasting food or having to recycle your own semen

>> No.34527124

Or you could stop being a pussy and just keep it

>> No.34527715

I’m engaged and I still have all 16 of my onaholes.

Just keep it.

>> No.34527766

How legit is this company

>> No.34528220

What's the good automatic piston onahole?

>> No.34528645

Can you pick DHL as the shipping company in Omocha if you live outside Germany?

>> No.34529585
File: 140 KB, 169x239, 1591176551713.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DPD please tell me where my ona is, I just want to know she's safe and cared for.

>> No.34529672
File: 55 KB, 640x726, 4ca83be41f009c508f97c3df29fcb973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got my first hole so I'm no expert but all I can say is that I really love having my pp inside of it. Not even stroking. Just having it inside feel so great.

>> No.34530637

keep it or give it to me

>> No.34532427

nice larp

>> No.34533584

Oh she's being cared for alright

>> No.34533827
File: 146 KB, 1600x1201, 1374077877273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer using an onahole while laying down, rather than mounting it and thrusting into it.
It's to the extent that I don't think I would enjoy any type of sex other than cowgirl.
Not that I'd ever have real sex anyway, haha.

>> No.34533919

I don't last long when I lay down and stroke myself with an onahole.
But when I mount myself and thrust into it can go at it for ages.

>> No.34535255

I've read the guide and the threads a lot, but I still don't get what makes the Venus Real that much better than holes in the 50$ range.
Is it the texture ? Realism ? Durability ?

>> No.34535368

Tomax are very durable. The venus real soft is the go-to hole for people that want a realistic experience.

>> No.34535448

So I can expect a few years of regular use out of it if I take care of it properly ?
I already have a ~40$ hole that a friend recommended, but his started tearing up after a year or so, and I'm pretty sure I use mine more frequently than he does

>> No.34535827

I've had many variety of Tomax holes over the years. The one that's going on 4 years (Soft) really only has external tunnel damage (just some tears, still perfectly usable. The one in Very soft (lilith spiral wave)I've had for about two and a half, and it shows some more damage (wider opening) but still usable. The ones I have in regular and hard (Dolphin and Clone) are basically undamaged, despite me owning them for just as long as the Spiral Wave.

>> No.34536243


>> No.34536341

Is it fair to expect something like the meiki zyx or the julia +, in that is a really soft feeling, or is it's real goal only realism and makes compromises on stimulation?
Asking because I am a degenerate DGS coomer who can't coom without stimulation.

>> No.34536394

Julia and Meiki are definetely more stimulating than Venus Real. Venus Real's texture is meatly, almost like an actual vagina.

>> No.34536582

I really didn't enjoy the meiki zyx, as it was really heavy and the quality was extremely disappointing.
I read some reviews about the quality of tomax holes being really good, but is it worth to get the "most realistic" feeling onahole for 80 bucks?

My alternative would be the lilith uterus, since it is half as heavy, and has the uterus, which I really want to try.

>> No.34536809

>but is it worth to get the "most realistic" feeling onahole for 80 bucks?
only if you desire said feeling from your toys. It's good at what it does, but make sure what it does is something you actually want.

>> No.34537328

Renzoku Zetcho Kari Binta any good?
Never bought from that brand before, what other brand's material do they feel like? Pink Ride Japan?

>> No.34537495

How can someone know if that's what they want without trying it?

>> No.34537872
File: 57 KB, 528x432, Pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is right >>34536809 let me try your Venus real soft

>> No.34537877

By looking at something
saying "hey that interests me"
other anons tell you what it's like
then you consider their feedback and take the gamble to see if it appeals to you
Unless you never masturbated in your life, you have at least a general feeling as to what your dick prefers.

>> No.34537896

Someone should open an onahole bar where you can go try out every onahole!

>> No.34537942

Why bother when you can do it with sex dolls? Besides, chucking $20-50 at a toy to fuck around with isn't a big deal.

>> No.34539045

This is a pathetic story but my mom found something I stuck up my butt while cleaning my room as a teen and she has never even attempted to enter ever since. I think it might have scarred her. Oh well, at least I don't have to worry about anybody finding onaholes.

>> No.34539121

You've awakened a new level of horniness.

One time in college I had such an intense wet dream that I was pile drive humping my bed. I nutted in my pants and woke up to my room mate sitting up in his bed staring at me.

>> No.34539153


I've done the rubber glove butt method when I was a teen. Its kind of fun if you've never used a hole, but not really sustainable. It will probably leak air before you finish.

>> No.34539603
File: 82 KB, 1162x507, kyo-onahole-warmer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have one of these? This particular model. I'm looking to get one and I'm slightly concerned the only real review I've ever seen was someone saying it melted their Venus Real's insides. Does anyone use this regularly? For the record I'm not worried about poor/weak heating, just don't want the thing to fucking melt my onas.
Also yes I know a good amount of people in this general think it's a waste of money and time but I'm fine with wasting both of those anyway.

>> No.34539666

This one is a much better deal, it has a UV light at the end that can help eliminate bacteria in your hole while it heats up. The orange light turns green when it reaches the maximum temperature and it shuts the heating mechanism off automatically.

>> No.34539712

What's even the point of a warmer? Just adds hassle to setup procedure. Just stick your dick in and it'll warm up in 15 seconds

>> No.34539751

Unfortunately I live in Europe and don't really feel like shelling out 50+ dollars for a warmer (shipping + retarded customs).

>> No.34539759

lmao @ that channel
this one doesn't seem that bad

>> No.34539781
File: 285 KB, 615x489, 0cb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>European customs
I'm very sorry for your loss.

>> No.34539799

I'm not really in a rush when I use my onas and I like the feeling of getting into them while they're warm.

>> No.34540070

I just got the CHICHIFUETA rockets in the mail yesterday.
And boy let me say I'm not a boob guy, but goddamn these are some quality.
Literally masturbating while sucking titty, never thought I would do something like it but it definitely was a great impulse buy.
Feel almost like the real thing and they are HUGE.
I have no idea what clothes to put them in.
Next stop, the fantasia...

>> No.34540096

I just leave them in the open because my mom is the one who originally introduced me to onaholes when I was like 16 she bought me a fleshlight. Sometimes she'll see a new one I bought and ask to feel it but that's it.

>> No.34540184

nice larp

>> No.34540189

Not sure sticking your dick in that foam is a good idea...

>> No.34540201

tfw the onahole I want is still sold out on toydemon

>> No.34540802

which onahole

>> No.34541010


>> No.34541630

I have a jar in my sink that I fill with really hot water. I just let my ona sit in there for 10 mins or so(this might be bad for some materials though). You definitely can't warm an ona to pussy temperature without fapping for like 20 minutes.

>> No.34542041


>> No.34542193

have you tried heating up the bottle/some of the lube instead?

>> No.34542234

That could work, but some onas are thick and I like that heat to get all the way to the deepest parts of the wall so it stays warm the whole time. These materials take awhile to heat up, and a long time to cool down as well. If you haven't fapped in a truly pussywarm ona, you're missing out. Completely different feeling.

>> No.34543130

anon wasnt lying, the gyaru hip feels great. but holy shit this thing is fucking loud. really wish the two tunnels werent connected, only way i can make it slightly more quiet is to jam a finger into whichever tunnel im not currently using. Even then, it is still really loud

>> No.34543665
File: 351 KB, 1331x998, IMG_20201220_040747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to a higher plane of existence.

>> No.34543670

Based Amazon jp bro

Keep up the good work

>> No.34543736

I have this one and I can say that you should definitely after 10 minutes of having it plugged into your onahole and your usb outlet check the inside of your hole. It can get really hot inside to the point of burning your tip, killing masturbation immediately.
I haven't tried to melt my onahole voluntarily yet but I do think thata the stick surely can get hot enough to ruin your day.

For me I stopped using warmers all together, as the heat disipates too quickly and to be honest, I like the cool feel of lube. Don't buy it if you plan on edging.

>> No.34543758

Do you store those standing like that?

>> No.34543776

all but the tan one laying down has the standing feet option.

>> No.34544110

I do plan on edging and I've had pretty long sessions after warming up lube to (sort of) get the same effect as a warmer. Just mostly worried about the melting. I thought that thing was supposed to have a thermostat built-in. Oh well, that's two different people saying the stick gets way too hot, which is not great.

>> No.34544336

If you move up the ladder to a hip/torso/doll any other position than cowgirl or laying down is quite exhausting.

>> No.34544351

Anon's getting NTR before even meeting his partner!

>> No.34545841

Can you guys help me find a vendor? I'm in NZ and wanna buy something with tame packaging so it has no issues getting through customs, so probably something from the Tomax line.

The local stores don't really do ona's, mostly just fleshlights and stuff.

>> No.34546158

You can ask most shippers to remove packaging.

>> No.34546377

any recs on a good starting hip, im looking for something I can hump?

>> No.34546408

I'm building up my shopping list for my first Tomax hole. So far I have :
>drying stick
>cleaning stick
>toy bag
Do you guys recommend diatomaceous earth sticks for drying ? Or should I just get a microfiber cloth and dry it with a stick ?
Do I really need the sponge sticks or can I just use water and soap to clean everything ?

>> No.34546493

You don't need a stick to dry. I stick a tshirt with my finger into the hole and use my other hand to squeeze from the other side. This lets you reach every nook and cranny. Only problem are uteruses and a drying stick is difficult to insert in too.

Water and soap is fine.

>> No.34546525

Just say "computer parts" or something.

>> No.34546750


>> No.34546973

KanojoToys should ship to NZ and like what the other anon said, you can remove packaging at your request.
Something like Amazon JP would be cheaper, but they DO NOT remove packaging.

>> No.34547080

I mean it is really easy to regulate the heat. Just plug the heater in and don't stick it in the heater. Then you stick the heating stick into a glass of water and look at the temperature of the water as you try it out. That should somehow give you a baseline on how it heats the surroundings.
Even easier would be to just stick the thermometer into the hole after you warmed the hole with the heating stick. It takes time to start getting hot, so take multiple tests. Can't go wrong there then.

>> No.34547167

>Just plug the heater in and don't stick in the heater
What I meant to write is don't put it in your onahole

>> No.34547553
File: 288 KB, 1386x695, tenga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't be surprised if they feel like shit but holy fuck do those look cool

>> No.34547607

how fast is shipping from motsutoys generally?

>> No.34547958

These look more like shelf decoration than something you would fuck.

>> No.34548090

I think that's the point honestly. One of the customer reviews said that he would leave it on his desk and no one would suspect a thing.
But you also pay a lot for the design, 50€ for a 12cm stretchable hole is a bit much in my opinion.

>> No.34548160

That's Tenga's entire motto. It's all about sex toys that can be hidden in plain sight.

>> No.34548195

True, a lot of them just kinda look like bottles of deodorant or shaving cream, or even eggs for some of them.
But this model actually looks interesting

>> No.34549385

They mostly use DPD

>> No.34550670

Having one of these on your office desk is definitely a power move.

>> No.34551236

Imagine being bored in a meeting and just whipping that shit out to pass the time

>> No.34551327

I once did do that when my company had a zoom meeting. Made sure that only my face was visible and my mic was off so they couldn't tell I was jacking off. Boredom does strange things to people.

>> No.34551467

>there is a quarter of a metric ton in that picture
You must have stunning physique from all that lifting.

>> No.34553273

I git the house to myself today and I want to use my onahole. What genre should I masturbate to? Here are my personal tags:


>> No.34553407


>> No.34554199

Postal Service, just because I'm curious.

>> No.34554530

Just tried my Tomax Venus Real Very Soft with Tenga's Lotion Real (the standard one they give as sampler) and it was a pretty awful experience. Couldn't slide at all and it needed to be watered down.

Maybe some people's poor experience with Tomax holes is because they used too thick lube

The lube works perfectly with Tenga's spacious holes though. Creates great suction with them.

>> No.34555059
File: 134 KB, 1024x683, 1615802900025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you getting the Soft Edition in the pink box, or the regular gray box?

>> No.34555115

Miracle DX for me.

The boobs are a nice bonus and feel great to fondle.

>> No.34555141

Go for the kupa cocolo if you want to destroy a tiny pussy.

>> No.34555321
File: 87 KB, 850x1206, sample_1b622cd7931f3d440f5f3f4b3ea74adc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, they probably tasted like awful chemicals.

>> No.34555346

Just jam a Nerf Rival round in there.

>> No.34555350

this is truly the worst thing about it
same with soft belly torsos, you wanna kiss them but the smell....

>> No.34555455
File: 137 KB, 850x1286, Nagatoro-Hayase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neutral tasting artificial rubber is probably not a thing yet, sadly.

>> No.34555866
File: 26 KB, 256x256, 1594669054688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb question, but will just putting your finger in an onahole cause any mold or anything? I just got a torso and was planning to use it tonight, but my roommate told me he'll be returning for a few days. So I plan to use it after he leaves.

Can't be too careful with these expensive things.

>> No.34556109

maybe if you're a fish person or something.

>> No.34556567

They're whatever, most users report the plastic parts breaking out of the TPE and scratching their peepees. That's enough of for me to never even consider them. I say this and I've had pretty good experiences with Tenga stuff, just so you don't think I'm just hating on them because meme.

>> No.34556616

1-5 days to most of Europe, 2-7 days elsewhere. They have an entire page just for this, sorted by country: https://www.motsutoys.com/shipping/
The actual issue is who they ship with, and that's mostly >>34549385 which is as bad as it gets in terms of reliability. Search the past two threads for 'DPD' and you'll see why.

>> No.34556698

Had this same experience with the same items (Soft over Very Soft though) just yesterday, I think the Venus is just very lube-hungry or something so if you use something thicker it needs to get dilluted often. Never had this issue with Tenga stuff and I always only really used a tiny bit of lube with them.

>> No.34557163

really depends on how clean your finger was imo.
if you had a cum marinated finger that was dripping with room temperature baby juice probably yes.
if you just cleaned your fingers probably less likely, especially when they were dry.

Generally, if everything is dry and there is no organic matter there, the mold won't form. Small amounts of finger skin residue won't probably be enough for huge mold growth.

>> No.34557167

I find the Venus Real Soft to be too tight for me. Can anyone recommend a "realistic" onahole that is a little looser?

>> No.34557252

Probably dry if not a little sweaty. As for germs... Just from my keyboard & doorknobs and stuff. Maybe I'll try to use it tonight just to be safe.

>> No.34557345

Is there such a thing as a toy that realistically simulates kissing?

>> No.34557478 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 980x734, 71v7in0L8NL._AC_SL1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to have this and now want another hip, but I don't like how small this one is
Is there another hip I can get for under $150 thats a few inches bigger in all dimensions?

>> No.34557501

.... how, what's your girth?

>> No.34557524
File: 172 KB, 997x760, 71v7in0L8NL._AC_SL1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to have this and now want another hip, but I don't like how small this one is
Is there another hip I can get for under $150 thats a few inches bigger in all dimensions?

>> No.34557589

I have been planning to buy this just because it comes with panties.
Do you recommend it? Anything you wanna let others know before buying it?

>> No.34557626

I just kiss my Mouth of Truth and play with the tongue while using another onahole like the Venus Real for my dick. It's nice but it was meant for blowjobs, not kissing probably.

>> No.34557733

The panties I got with it were kinda shit and I had to use clothespins to hold em on, they randomly include various pairs so you might get a good pair. Besides it being smaller than I expected, it was fantastic. Super easy to clean, great in both holes. I almost exclusively used anal hole though since it was longer than vagina and even in anal hole my dick would sometimes poke out the other side (im almost 6"), also some people reported tearing a hole through the stomach when doing it vaginally.

Great deal for the price and I'm thinking of buying it again.

>> No.34557937

Uh I just got my onahole and used it twice, the first I didn't even cum. Washed and dried it after both uses but now there's a smell like drying paint coming out of it. Have I been molded?

>> No.34558183

It's just TPE/mineral oil. Some of them stink like chemicals until you wash them a few times. I soak mine in hot water with liquid dish soap for a few hours when I first get them to get rid of most of the smell if it is strong. Doing this will make them tacky, and why people powder the outside. I don't really care about the tackiness, and don't have dust or lint around because I'm not a scumbag lazy faggot weeb. The tackiness is like a bonus for me because I jar almost everything unless they are too big.

>> No.34558871

Anyone who has experience with through holes have one they would recommend?

>> No.34559090

I've been using the Meiki Maria Ozawa for a few months and I like it, but the one I own has the very common "left leaning canal" defect. It seems like the odds purchasing an Ozawa with this defect are very high.
Can anyone recommend a Onahole that is similar to the Maria Ozawa Meiki?

>> No.34559804
File: 2.97 MB, 500x281, d82.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make delivery guy bring my 40kg sex doll up 4 flights of stairs

>> No.34560410

Just whack it to The District Sleeps Alone Tonight in a dark room staring at a picture of your waifu on slideshow and catch brief glimpses of your own reflection mid-stroke between images

>> No.34560459

What doll?

>> No.34561715

Newfag here
Read the intro, visited toydemon.com, and I'm not sure what to look at. Also not sure of the distinction between hard and loose/soft.

Interested in realistic vaginal and one-handed. Budget isn't too important, but shouldn't be too much higher than $60 USD.
My penis sizes:
Length: 12cm (not bone-pressed)
Girth (circumference): 13.5cm

>> No.34561967

soft/hard refers to the firmness of the TPE. softer holes will jiggle and will stretch more easier, whereas harder holes will be firmer, won't distort as easily and will often give you more stimulation as you use it.

go for the meiki zxy
since it's above $50 it ships for free

>> No.34562542
File: 1.88 MB, 275x319, 1608799966565.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're gonna deliver it to the wrong address oh God they're really gonna deliver it to the wrong address.

>> No.34562642

Anyone know any good sellers for clothes that fit the Puni Ana Miracle DX?

>> No.34563118

Well that's it, DPD delivered my package to hell knows who. I'm not sure if I want to fill a claim or just write off the entire thing as a failed experiment.

>> No.34563242

how does that even happen? is the address handwritten or something?

>> No.34563361

I don't know, the address showed mostly correct in their website except it had some stuff like "RD" or "CL" mixed in. Still, the street name and number were easily recognizable and punching those in Google would take you right to my doorstep. When I opened their live tracking shit it showed my address as some completely unrelated location miles away, I hoped maybe it was an error of the live tracking but the truck seemed to be headed in that direction and now it says it's delivered and I've got nothing. So I can file a claim to *maybe* get my money back but for that I need to provide all my personal information and a detailed bill of everything in my package, so much for privacy.

>> No.34563648


I second what this anon says. ZXY was my first hole almost six years ago, and it’s still my favorite, 17 different holes later. Take good care of it, and it will last years.

>> No.34563802

>That's enough of for me to never even consider them.
Yeah, especially considering the price
> I say this and I've had pretty good experiences with Tenga stuff
I'm a bit curious about their products, what would you recommend ?

>> No.34563906

contact the vendor you ordered from. let them know your package was delivered to the wrong address and see what they can do.

>> No.34565243

I like their Geo line and the Flip Zero. They're as close as it gets to hassle-free in terms of cleaning which makes them great for spur of the moment/quick, unplanned sessions

>> No.34565874
File: 414 KB, 879x719, 702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon... You were told earlier to follow their live tracking and try intercepting the driver. I guess since the location was miles away that might not have been possible. Contact their support asap, but don't get too hopeful because (you guessed it) it's shit.

>contact the vendor
Assuming this was Motsutoys, they're not going to care. If they did they wouldn't use DPD to begin with, yet they still do (because it's cheap and they're cheap). Anon is actually kind of fucked because both in the vendor's eyes and in DPD's eyes things went as expected: the vendor shipped their shit to the provided address and DPD delivered the package it got to the (wrong) address that got entered into their system. The issue here is DPD's system being horseshit and scrambling addresses, so they need to be basically shown that the address that was provided to the vendor and the address that they actually delivered to aren't the same. This entire process all happens automatically and with 0 human interaction so of course no one bats an eye.

tl;dr: DPD a shit.

>> No.34566510

The Geo looks really nice as well, but do they feel good ? I assume there's very little pressure in itself and most of it comes from the hand.
And did you try their "disposable" stuff ? The Cup and Eggs look fun, even though you probably can only get a few uses out of them

>> No.34566703

The Geo (I had the Coral) feels surprisingly tight, mostly because you can create suction inside the entire thing by just squeezing it before going in. Be careful with it because while the materials are very sturdy (the entire thing feels much sturdier than a normal hole), it's still relatively small and relies on stretching which, if taken too far, will make it tear. Mine ripped after 15 careless uses or so, but I was being pretty rough with it. Absolute breeze to clean.
Never tried their disposable stuff and have no interest. At that price point it just seems like a waste of money. You can get a Geo for the same price as 6 eggs and you get over double the mileage (assuming you use each egg once of course, although most people claim they can get two or more uses out of them).

>> No.34566717

Have sex with real women. Get a gf. Get married. Have kids (we both know you won't be able to resist cumming inside of her unprotected).

This is way of life in your country. Just accept it. Your government doesn't want you spilling your seed inside of rubber vaginas; they are forcing you to get with a real woman. Enjoy!

>> No.34567700
File: 2.65 MB, 3376x4025, 1590112170791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An update on the DPD situation: someone showed up to deliver my package now, hours after they had flagged it as delivered on their website and way after the hour they were supposed to show up. I guess the driver just marked it delivered so he wouldn't get penalized for not delivering it on time or something. Still, happy ending after all.

>> No.34568313

nice! let's dp that shit

>> No.34569399

They pull that shit all the time to make their metrics look better.

If it’s any consolation, they’re not the only delivery company that does it.

>> No.34569959

>it's still relatively small and relies on stretching which, if taken too far, will make it tear
Yeah that's what I'm a bit skeptical about, it's the same mechanism as the transparent tubes and the eggs. I'm sure having it tight against the glans feels good, but you lose all stimulation from the actual structure while it's on the shaft.
Anyway, I'm just starting with holes, I'll buy a Tomax first, and might try Tenga in a while

>> No.34570143

There's also situation where they misdeliver to wrong address and then the person at the house drops it off later or the next day. I've done it a few times myself

>> No.34571203
File: 94 KB, 1042x945, a10 basic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why aren't you fags talking about the new budget A10?

>> No.34571431

imma bust in less than 2 minutes anyway. what's the point?

>> No.34571436

So you can mercilessly get milked even after busting.

>> No.34571437

it'll be a good bust

>> No.34571470

Imagine trying to pick that up from someone else's home after they already opened it.

>> No.34571478

>cums in it first
>Here's your package, sir.

>> No.34571576

Is it actually that good? Or is it loud and clunky like most of those electric ones?
The thought of getting milked while doing something else like browsing the internet is pretty appealing. Like having your girl give you a bj while you're busy.

>> No.34571620

knowing how soft the material is, i'd be worried how quickly they'd tear

>> No.34571621

Almost happened to me recently. They had it for 4 days but luckily didn't open it. For any future purchases, I'm just going to have it held at FedEx or whatever for pickup. My life would have theoretically been over had my neighbor opened that package. It was like around 10 onas, some having loli type artwork on it which I hate.

>> No.34571660

I tried the $600 original one and it's mediocre (for me)
Would rather just keep humping my onaholes sandwiched between two pillows

>> No.34571682

That's why I like how Toydemon has hold at fedex as an easily available option.
I get like hundreds of packages a year to my house and around 1% of them arrive after delivery which I suspect is my neighbor dropping it off after it was misdelivered. So I'm not taking the risk of losing a $200 onahole order or the embarassment of someone opening it

>> No.34571766

Yea, I thought most places had a hold option. I only ever order from toy demon though. I just checked and I see they got a lot of restock on stuff. I know I shouldn't order anything since I just spent 200 or so recently but the temptation is great.

>> No.34572194

>3DPD boxart

>> No.34572218

I'd rather consider it lost. Though the box had my name and address on it so some cunt could always walk up to my home, bang on the door and then shout at the top of his lungs "OI M8 HERE'S YOUR RUBBER LOLI VAGINA".

>> No.34572518

If it helps, I have a Venus Real Soft and the Geo Coral was a lot more stimulating. That being said, the Venus provides a much more enveloping sensation overall. Just very bland at the glans.

>> No.34572981

Who cares? You're getting it for the product, not the pretty colors and shapes on the box.
You're gonna throw away the box or whatever almost immediately.

>> No.34573359

I'm getting mine in medium, I should be fine on that point.
Thanks for the tips

>> No.34573537

remainder, fap before you buy anything

>> No.34573693
File: 23 KB, 208x220, 1614859739575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I was an onahole out of the box before using it for the first time?

>> No.34573755


>> No.34573761

It's not *required*, but you should either way because the powder/oil they preserve it it can possibly irritate your glands.

>> No.34575752

$2 mason jar is better.

>> No.34575800

>I thought most places had a hold option.
FedEx, UPS, DHL, etc all have it, it's not an option, it's automatic. If you request signature receipt and there is no one to sign for it, then it goes back to the local distro warehouse at the end of the day and you can pick it up there. They all give you three days to pick it up if no signature during delivery hours that day. If you don't pick it up after that, it is returned and you are refunded. This has been protocol for everything insured for at least 20 years.

>> No.34575962


>> No.34575973

What would happen if you put an onahole in a jar, used a vacuum to lower the pressure so it expands, but have it so you can still stick your dick in it.
Would it feel good?

>> No.34575990

just placing an ona in a jar, then squeezing the air out will create a vacuum in the jar. its the mason jar trick. its called mason jar for a reason, because mason brand jars are made for pressure cooking and can take a vacuum. regular glass jars will fucking shatter dont do it unless you have brand name glass

>> No.34576030

>its called mason jar for a reason
Why are they called mason jars?

>> No.34576306
File: 1.65 MB, 1944x2592, PXL_20210503_224234489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess what came in the mail today?
First impressions are pretty good. I like the stimulation for it, although it's not comparable to the Alchemist version in the slightest, despite it being in the same family.
I'll have a full review by the end of the week.

>> No.34576315

No idea, it's just a type of jar for preserving food. I just happened to have one next to the sink where I was cleaning an ona, saw that it would fit, and basic physics kicked in to get me to experiment with them. They're a durable product. I was using various plastic bottles I had cut prior to the mason jars, and the jars were better. I explained and showed pictures here how to do it a couple of years ago and wrote reviews. Worth a shot to try a boring or shitty ona with it before tossing them. I've probably spent around 1000 USD a year trying different onas, and the ones I hated using out of the box, half of them are great with a jar and a regular skin lotion instead of lube.

>> No.34576355

Because it was patoned by John Mason, silly.
no seriously

>> No.34576396

The spirit of the box influences the spirit of the hole. Through sympathetic resonance on the astral plane a loli box imparts a minor loli soul into the hole, thereby creating a weak waifu. A porn star box however is unclean, and creates an aetheric parasite link to the porn industry egregore which saps your spirit every time you orgasm.

>> No.34576612
File: 52 KB, 711x620, 1564932210534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no onahole jar named after you to leave behind as a lasting legacy

>> No.34576919

>its the mason jar trick
I have never seen actual evidence of this working

>> No.34577253

Posted pics of it a couple of years ago. Works fine.

>> No.34577341

Can you post it again? Would like to see a demonstration of your fap-fu.

>> No.34577431
File: 176 KB, 1772x957, Clipboard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Random stuff I bought off of Amazon.

>> No.34577453
File: 184 KB, 2026x1053, Clipboard02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Larger stuff, and cheaper reps of items for half the price.

>> No.34577468
File: 301 KB, 2000x1151, GET container.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modding magic eyes shit to make it feel better.

>> No.34577485
File: 96 KB, 1213x1396, gina 32oz v 16oz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheap $25 ona that has a vag and mouth that is super durable, and it great in different sized jars.

>> No.34577511
File: 67 KB, 886x1258, modded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did this on a lot of onas, just adding tongue rings.

>> No.34577528
File: 329 KB, 4020x1488, Zemalia Gina - Magic Eyes Lolinco Virgo - Magic Eyes Lolinco - ToysHeart R-20 - Maccos Full Swing - Ride Japan Soft and Fluffy Fuwa Pocha Long Troli-Na - ToysHeart Virgin Age Graduation - ToysHeart Virgin Age Admission.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

destroyed all of these. melting for a different feel, rings, vacuum in a jar, etc. Cut some up too just to play with the different texturex.

>> No.34577547

Even before the pandemic they all leave packages at your door now. During pandemic they even do this for businesses.
There's no direct sign option for Fedex home delivery during pandemic time

>> No.34577569

Textures together. Cut them up and stacked them in a jar or bottle and just wanted to see what it was like to feel all of the different brand materials in a single ona I created.
It's called insurance. They want a signature. I do this for a living.

>> No.34577614

Have you not received a package at your home in the last 5 years? They've done away with signatures a long time ago. No driver has the time to wait around for people to answer their door when 90% of people are at work

>> No.34577730

Yes. I also require signature for shipment for my job which is basically shipping products around the world. If someone can not sign, and it isn't picked up, it is refunded.

>> No.34577742

Your job isn't Fedex ground/Home delivery
Completely different standards

Like I said, most companies won't let you request direct signature for home delivery

>> No.34577763

Every company offers it. Most require it on shipments over 1000USD because paying the extra for insurance is cheaper than buying it twice. Grow up kid.

>> No.34577793

>FedEx, UPS, DHL, etc all have it, it's not an option, it's automatic. If you request signature receipt and there is no one to sign for it, then it goes back to the local distro warehouse at the end of the day and you can pick it up there.
Just saying it's not automatic at all. You're going to mislead people
Especially during pandemic times they will ALWAYS drop your package off at the door, possibly at the wrong address. Again we're talking about companies selling to CONSUMERS, that are shipping by ground and will not select direct signature required.

>> No.34577824

It is automatic, has been, and hasn't changed.
You keep bringing up dropping off at the door, that isn't signature receipt.
Insurance/signature is cheap, just tell the seller you want it. If you live at home, have it shipped to a locker or pharma company and pick it up. It isn't rocket surgery.

>> No.34577845

>just tell the seller you want it
Then it's not automatic is it?

>> No.34577872

It's part of the ordering process. You tell them you want it, you get it. How isn't that automatic? Even if you don't want a receipt, they keep it at the distro for three days.

If you faggots are that paranoid about your play things and they're worth that much to you, then do it. Otherwise play the playground doorstep lottery.

Picked up a FedEx order at a pharma chain about two weeks after it was delivered a couple of months ago. Just do that. They have room to store shit and don't care. Doesn't cost anything to keep it there.

>> No.34577907

Does anyone have suggestions for non-anatomical orifices, and where to buy them with reasonable ease?

For reference I already have a considerable collection of fleshlights, but since the majority of there stuff is vagina-themed (which I am personally disinterested in) I am looking to expand into other brands as well.

>> No.34578183

Like what, anal/oral holes or stuff like giant lizard cloaca?
>where to buy them with reasonable ease?
The guide in the OP says where.

>> No.34578200
File: 29 KB, 519x519, 1616539736997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like I'll be buying some jars.

>> No.34578242

Do they really enhance the feel though?

>> No.34578259

Like geometric designs, though aliens/fantasy creatures would be OK too. For example looking at the ToyDemon site there appears to be one that looks like an icecream cone, which intrigues me.

>> No.34578435

Looking into getting the Puni Ana DX as a first ona - would you guys recommend the hard, normal, or soft?

>> No.34578445
File: 245 KB, 640x480, ice cream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wanted to fuck an ice cream cone.

>> No.34580185
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>ordered ona sunday night
>expected delivery wednesday
>check tracking monday night
>order hasn't shipped yet

>> No.34580268

>order package from Amazon JP just before Golden Week
>gets in the States in one day
>expected to be at my home today
>"On Hold" lmao!
>now its "estimated delivery date is unknown"
Thanks Ohio. they better not be sending my package back or I'll kill them.

>> No.34580277

For anyone who makes the new thread, make sure you add the new plush doll guide anon made


For anyone who makes the new thread, make sure you add the new plush doll guide anon made

>> No.34580625

I wish to subscribe to your newsletter, and also get the number of your drug supplier

>> No.34580637

How is the zemalia gina anyways?

>> No.34580656

Meet me behind the 31 flavors after closing and I’ll show you how Baskin and Robbins really party.

Come alone and bring your own ice cream scoop.

>> No.34580663

Amazon jp does NOT fuck around. Those dudes are reliable.

>> No.34580773

Blessed thread. Thanks for the 11/10 info links, anons.

kek. Years ago, I took an Aneros into the shower with me for cleaning and forgot to take it out with me once I finished my shower. My mom told me she "thought I left something in the bathroom". Thankfully we just laughed it off and she never brought it up after.

>> No.34580894

I ordered on the 1st. I'm still waiting for my shipment confirmation.

>> No.34580929

Golden Week, anon.

>> No.34580938

that applies to amazon?

>> No.34581293

How does one go about throwing out a torso ona? Just take it apart of something? I feel like if I just toss it as is in a trash bag its gonna look like I'm throwing out a body

>> No.34581330

cut it apart and toss pieces of it into the trash each week

>> No.34581358

new thread: >>34581351
