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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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22214565 No.22214565 [Reply] [Original]

Guide & resources:

Previous thread: >>22209301

>> No.22214568
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>> No.22214573

wow what a cutie, wish i could hold her hand

>> No.22214597
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How embarrassing.

Almost as embarrassing as taking 15 years to learn Japanese.

>> No.22214598

lmfao retard

>> No.22214599


>> No.22214620
File: 63 KB, 475x356, 1566364375268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it took matt 9 years to learn it and quiz isn't even 20% of the way there

>> No.22214622

advice for getting the most out of reading

>> No.22214637


>> No.22214643

wrong, retard

>> No.22214655

i have msgs for you guys

>> No.22214687

this isnt really advice though

>> No.22214747

how do you read 一二三?

>> No.22214762

>why can't I speak?
you said yourself. and you can't even speak english well enough to talk to matt without embarrassing yourself so your japanese must be even worse lol
>using that measure in the first place is retarded when I never bother communicating in Japanese
"using one of the most important aspects of language to gauge competency in a language is retarded"
well ok

>> No.22214782
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Giving them rights might have been the greatest mistake humanity ever made. And it's not like they'll ever vote them away again, so I guess we're all fucked.

>> No.22214790

so what is your argument? that I don't know English either? despite having a perfect score on an exam certifying C2 proficiency?
and I suppose 100% comprehension in Japanese for most things I consume doesn't mean anything either, or being able to read as many kanji as native speakers according to your delusion if I am not in Japan sucking on some hairy Jap dick I don't know the language, fuck off

you are delusional

>> No.22214792

but you're just 1 of the 1 million 4chan npcs who has the exact same incel personality

>> No.22214821

no actually you are just displaying severe personality problems constantly talking people down and constantly clinging on to unfortunate things that people deal with like addiction or money problems and thinking you are superior for it you make me sick

>> No.22214836


>> No.22214858

daily sad virgin thread

>> No.22214860

daily incel thread

>> No.22214884


>> No.22214943

>despite having a perfect score on an exam certifying C2 proficiency?
>really had long conversations in English with anyone so I lack verbal communication skills

that's more bullshit that the 250vn and 50book guy, i believe him more

>> No.22214965

moe hates women because he wants their love so bad and they wont give it to him. it's why he seeks refuge in cute anime.

>> No.22214979

i do like hypothetical women but real women cannot reach that standard

>> No.22214981

Wouldn't it be funny if the Japanese were called the Brapanese? Wouldn't it be funny if they were called 屁人? That would be funny.

>> No.22214993


>> No.22215011

by watching yuruyuri, qm has gone from the level of 一番早い nihongoer to based god on the same level as moe君.
i know qm used to care more for the quiz more than anything else (hence his name), but i really do like to have people around who like nice anime/manga, especially if they've got cute girls doing stupid shit.

>> No.22215048


>> No.22215061

i understood this

[calvin celebration]

>> No.22215062

一番遅い jamal
一番悪賢い matt
一番寂しい moefag
一番安い quizmaster

一番ゲイ 私

>> No.22215088


>> No.22215095
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>> No.22215143

anyone know of a program that lets you keep tally with a keyboard shortcut? each time you press a certain key it adds 1 to a counter

>> No.22215151

i've studied more or less optimally from day 1, my issue is that i dropped it multiple times for 3-4 months cause i'd start smoking weed every day and turn into a useless sack of shit lol

>> No.22215157

god weed is so nasty

>> No.22215175

>when the maid cafe be lit

>> No.22215195

wtf does 受肉 mean here?
大辞泉 says it's "神が人の形をとって現れること。" and jmdict says it's "(Christ's) incarnation", but i can't see any divine beings there.

>> No.22215212

high iq people actually have it easier because their pattern recognition works better and that's what language learning is all about
you're just needlessly critical of the media you consume and that has nothing to do with you being smarter than the average person

>> No.22215278

fyi this is why it took me 5 years longer than qm that you are arguing about. never was compelled to input any garbage. realistically me and quizmaster probably have the same # of hours of input

>> No.22215331

lmao so what, this is fun

>> No.22215347

talking about jlpt levels or basic-intermediate-advanced-native level is pure cringe.
you don't need to know THAT much japanese just to understand stupid shit.

>> No.22215348

I agree but its kinda true for many. I almost didn't do any japanese this year does that increase still increase my counter? Yeah sure. Hours or finished content is a way better measurement, but many people don't finish things they start or forget what they have done in the period. Also anime, books, wikipedia, vn's and other media are all different. Only watching anime is like eating too much cardohybrates and so you get bloaty, so in order to get some vitamines you eat some manga and read some books or wiki to get some real protein and gains.

>> No.22215362

manga is the shortening and whipped cream of japanese learning

>> No.22215381

vns are the sugary-ass fruity yoghurt of japanese, but the true whey and kale of japanese learning are old-ass novels.

>> No.22215382

In cooking we say he doesn't have the complete palette

>> No.22215396

like as in trying to eat it just makes you say fuck this and go back to killing yourself with junk food

>> No.22215398

are you literally retarded?

>> No.22215403

>What are those called in general
anime lol

>> No.22215405

stop using my name i dont wanna be an eceleb just for btfoing hayai guy smdh

>> No.22215425

that actually sounds like a good idea. makes it easy to make new cards and replay lines you dont understand quickly

>> No.22215427

palettes are what painters use. palate is what's at the roof of your mouth.

>> No.22215450

watching anime lines completely out of order, over and over again. This sound like super fun time to me.

Btw. has anyone tried the paid fluentu thing. Is there interesting content as well, or is it just super random and boring youtube videos over and over again.

>> No.22215470

dont die?

>> No.22215500

i'm gonna go throw some seasoned potato slices in the oven and then play some tf2.

>> No.22215510

do keto for maximum language learning gains

>> No.22215548

this some anime godfather iq logic

>> No.22215549

i see why you think this because brain = muscle
but no the nature of human interaction and therefore human language is much more esoteric than that, it's more related to the "soul" and therefore would be best improved by activity of the soul
what i am trying to say is that you cannot learn japanese if you do not pray

>> No.22215551

why would keto = muscle though lol

>> No.22215589

lol her マル秘方法 would only work in american loud ass mfers lmao

>> No.22215602

i am being serious
praying makes your hair grow longer, your life longer, your day longer ect

>> No.22215605

But anime is actually the easiest way to create cards?

>> No.22215610


>> No.22215618

I got sat down with another person and it consisted of two parts one was was a conversation under supervision and the other was an interview, I was really nervous but still passed the C2 mark for speaking maybe they were really kind with the grading

>> No.22215620

Not for all who prays the people who pull the strings like to pick and choose

>> No.22215664

There comes a time in every man's life when he needs to make a decision. Am I going to masturbate into a used cum sock for the third time today or am I going to man the fuck up and finish the 4th chapter of Genki 1

>> No.22215667

>With audio either being cut on wrong places, or too much silence / music / noise all over
I have NONE of that so you are obviously fucking it up on your side, this happens with subs2srs not with the anime cards method

>with proper translations
man I give up you are retarded

>> No.22215673

QM, have you and your discord crew (Ciaran, etc.) ever considered doing a rewrite of the DJT guide?

>> No.22215686

Sitting in my networking class; I'm assuming "kc" is KanColle? Makes me think of some high-class shipgirl escorts ha ha...

>> No.22215709

check out the guide at animecards.site you are not supposed to translate
you are not learning when translating, it is a waste of time
if you are learning Japanese for the purpose of translating you need realize you will fail and that even if we assumed you wouldn't fail you'd have to at least study for 3 years constantly in a Japanese only environment as well as have an excellent grasp of the English language before you are even slightly qualified to translate anything

>> No.22215713

ofc qm had experience with ball licking.
thanks, ill take notes

>> No.22215738

This, but make it gentle femdom loli armpit/thighjobs with 'punishments' of having to do more reps for best results.

>> No.22215739

you don't learn by translating if you don't understand that you don't understand language learning in fact chances are you have no chance whatsoever to learn Japanese, I'll tell you again just GIVE UP

>> No.22215746

dafuq man; anyone have a Mega link to an archive?
well at least the bright side is I don't need any more evidence convincing my friends who are on the fence about how much Reddit sucks ass

>> No.22215791

should i watch sailor moon or read punpun?

>> No.22215826

know what a man is not and that is a bitch like you

how do you think you learn words in your native language?

>> No.22215844

I already can program though and my japanese is slowly but surely improving.

>> No.22215849

>how did you get so fluent?
-questions nobody will be asked in this thread

>> No.22215863

define "learn it". to be fair, the potential to learn meaningful aspects of any given language shortens the more you learn, so we don't really know how much growth Matt made say from year 7 to year 9 for example.

>> No.22215867


>> No.22215879

I know less than you do unfortunately... I was hoping shit was organised and nothing was broken there but I guess that's not the case

>> No.22215884

this makes me so angry
like, how does it not dawn on these people to just read or watch more japanese

>> No.22215900

imagine having a japanese wife and the only thing you can talk to her about is the weather

>> No.22215903

The original library is also gone. Both of them going down at same time like this can't be a coincidence.

If there's anything you want or need from the itazuraneko page then I'd get it now while you still can.

>> No.22215921


>> No.22215927


>> No.22215937

literally everything is retarded and pointless, just make a few interesting choices on the way to spice things up

>> No.22215945
File: 44 KB, 750x282, 3F8A42EB-E3D6-4722-9D37-97E437C7A303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s mine but consider that I was doing it at work while multitasking and also I about getting more value per card (I’m reading the sentence and hearing the target word every time)

>> No.22215946

yeah it pissed me off to read too why do people want to be in textbook study mode forever what the fuck

>> No.22215948

Can I learn math like Japanese? Just read a lot of math and put unknown equations into Anki.

>> No.22215950


>> No.22215951

dude you are obviously mining words that you already know. I fail to understand this. Why don't you just watch anime and or read? You are already so proficient at this language, it's time to take of the baby wheels and start enjoying the fruits of your hard work man. Or do you feel like your listening is still lacking? Just watch anime raw for a couple of hours every day, you will catch up with your reading in 3 months max.

>> No.22215960

be honest how much time did you spend on anki during your first year? i was doing 500 reviews at 1hour

>> No.22215961
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>He believes in Nationalism for all races and working together to end Zionism/Jewish power around the world
Ask litbus guy or moe. They're both tinfoil-hat wearing retards who believe the same thing.

>> No.22215963

>people get lower than 90% on their anki reviews


>> No.22215964

man when i did sentence cards i was 2x more efficient than this and it still sucked ass

>> No.22215973

>I think 8ch should be coming back in the next week or so at least though
Wonder how many more mass shooters they will manage to produce this year.

Even the guy who founded the site thinks it should be shut down.

>> No.22215977
File: 832 KB, 941x4702, 7664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are my life time stats. Do note that I have deleted about 3000 cards which is why my total and learned cards are a bit lower than they really should be.

>> No.22215998

That’s not an argument though.

I am reading a sentence every time which is value, I am hearing the target word every time which is value. You are doing neither the majority of the time. You are just learning a bunch of characters of which you don’t even need to know the readings for in most things we do in the language. Not very efficient, Quizmaster.

>> No.22216002

people only shoot each other because they're too lazy to shoot rick people

>> No.22216006

yes youre a much better poster anonymous guy just stay away

>> No.22216016

ciaran, makopi, and matt beat you though so you have like an average dick

>> No.22216022

But I am studying the same amount of time as him on anki, the argument is that it’s a more efficient use of the time also I do it at work usually not when I can read a book

>> No.22216029

i think more people might go for anime cards if you stopped saying to only listen to the audio one time
people intuitively sense that’s not enough to be worth extracting the audio in the first place

>> No.22216035
File: 894 KB, 1003x5005, 7665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what happens when you delete the core deck and start mining your own cards

>> No.22216042

What a surprise the Quizmaster doesn’t have an argument for the things that actually matter

>> No.22216059

quiz, buddy, even that's pretty gay. this is a lgbtq+ friendly zone, just admit you fantasize about the dekinai sucking your *supposed* gigantic dick

>> No.22216061

The Quizmaster is learning to look at stats while I am learning the structures of the language to use when talking to my Japanese friends how sad for him.. It’s funny because a guy who has never talked in the language shouldn’t deserve a response anyway

>> No.22216062

why are you afraid of hitting the ez button?

>> No.22216066

qm getting brutalized by anus

>> No.22216072

why is quiz so toxic? riddle me that, batman

>> No.22216084
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ok you guys have a good night. I'm already late for bed, because of our silly arguments. Hope you all gonna make it one day, no matter what method or how smart you are <3

>> No.22216095

Don't see the point. Most cards I add I will never fail. There is a certain amount of cards that are not instantly memorized however and require more learning effort and having lower ease on those pays off which is the reason I press the hard button.

>> No.22216098

do consider that qm is at 3 years while yanis is a few months in

>> No.22216100
File: 6 KB, 256x256, KukNW8ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having those stats and still being here

>> No.22216105

the ez button is for the opposite of
>There is a certain amount of cards that are not instantly memorized however and require more learning effort and having lower ease on those pays off which is the reason I press the hard button.

>> No.22216118

if a card is truly ez then you wont be afraid to just hit 'good' so you can get a proper refresh and score another win next check up

>> No.22216119

Im learning the language more efficient because each of my cards have exponentially more value than his. He’s learning a bunch of readings he doesn’t even need to know most of the time and never hears his target word or reads an i+1 sentence

>> No.22216120

did you start after feb 2017?

>> No.22216121

This is a strange argument to make. Consider the fact that I have no duplicate cards whatsoever as the creation of those is prevented by Yomichan. So even if I was making cards for things I already know (which I can't ENTIRELY deny) it is all for things I have had not a card before. Never create a card for things I know well by the way and I try to get every new word (if it is voiced).

>> No.22216125

around feb 2017

>> No.22216127

While I do wish I'd be as good at comprehension as QM is in the same amount of time it took him, I would never want to be like him even if it meant crippling my nihongo forever.

>> No.22216132

he's not that bad and he's not that good

>> No.22216151

I still don't see the benefits for a beginner doing anime cards will, it would be fine if combined with sentece cards, because with animecards you'll learn the word but i don't think you'll get used that way to reading it (although later would be easier to learn the kanjis) but with sentence cards you force yourself to read and helps you more to ingrain the readings to the kanji faster than encountering them on the wild

>> No.22216187

i don't get it i really hate 催眠 games but i'm playing the third 催眠 game in a row now wtf

>> No.22216206

You should be watching anime right now, Anon.

>> No.22216207

If I get the gist of something and I'm learning new words I'm not wasting my time reading something right?
I can't shake the feeling I'm wasting my time, am I "cripplied"?

>> No.22216212

you're right but this post is still textbook projection at the same time

>> No.22216217

No you are destined for success if you read

My friend Moses is a super polyglot who pretty much only reads yet he focuses on output

>> No.22216223

if it's in japanese then you're getting better at it regardless
if it's in english you are hindering the japanese,
all of the crazy 2 years fluent stpries in japanese are full immersion people. just coming here a little bit means at best 3 years

>> No.22216228

why did this thread turn into shit right after the halo 3 link i've posted?

>> No.22216268

genkiっていうシリーズを勉強し始めたばかりのできないヤツ こんちゃっす!

>> No.22216274

tomorrow is my weigh in day, been bustin my fuckin ass running 5 days a week and counting calories, cant wait to weigh the exact same as 2 weeks ago

>> No.22216277

who are you fighting

>> No.22216278

the ふおうき

>> No.22216281

nobody, i just adopted the term from mma lingo i guess

>> No.22216292

Is there any way to hook correctly nantsuiro drop? no matter how I tried with textractor but it just pick de first line and ignore when there's a second one

>> No.22216334

imagine cards with only sentence audio from anime on the front and the back was only the new word with it’s reading and meaning
your listening skills would go from 0 to 60 in two weeks

>> No.22216336

Good idea.

>> No.22216349

shhh they might learn nipangese

>> No.22216351

Why is hot and spicy migoreng less spicy than the satay one?

wtf this is ruining my day now i can't study nihongo

>> No.22216371

can u read 厠

>> No.22216372


>> No.22216375

uhhhhhhhhhhhhh is it hagemu?

>> No.22216391


>> No.22216399


>> No.22216410

i dont really like to waste time with that stuff

>> No.22216412

you dont know japanese

>> No.22216425

Being N3 is suffering.

>> No.22216491
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: (

>> No.22216497

not using anki and just learning words as i come across them is so freeing

>> No.22216506

what's with you autistic faggots jerking yourselves off over not using anki? you guys make fun of matt for his gay ass method but you create your own "methods" and think anyone else that isnt doing it your way is wasting their time, its the exact mentality the ajatt fags have

>> No.22216526

same but unironically

>> No.22216535

there are lots of pop punk bands in Japan if that's what you meant to ask

>> No.22216556

matt and jamal both agree that using srs does not directly or necessarily lead to comprehending content in a language or being able to speak it, and they both agree that wasting hours doing anki reps is not really that beneficial. matt just so happens to be misleading in his promotion of gay anki add-ons.

>> No.22216583

You are ignorant of how atrocious most "localizations" are.

>> No.22216589

you mean wasting their time learning Japanese, being here, or both?

>> No.22216594

i never claimed it's completely useless. as a matter of fact, using anki for the sake of reviewing vocabulary you've mined can be quite beneficial, but there's been too many examples of people who end up wasting 10 months on core6k or something like that without reading a single eroge, or people who waste 2-3 hours per day doing anki reps instead of at least putting some audio from anime in the background

>> No.22216608

Why not rip the band aid off completely and start reading.

>> No.22216609

>but there's been too many examples of people who end up wasting 10 months on core6k or something like that without reading a single eroge
literally me

>> No.22216612

>shounen aimed at kids
Lmao as opposed to the shounen aimed at adults?

>> No.22216613

the eroge meme is cringe just saying

>> No.22216625


>> No.22216626

before that, the meme used to be "read manga with furigana till you get good at reading manga without 'em"

>> No.22216630

Because nobody seeds torrents. They're useless.

>> No.22216636

try reading 虐襲1-5 and then come back to us and tell us how you think about eroge

>> No.22216644

eroge are a gateway drug for neetism and being gay

>> No.22216655

i'm already a neet so should i try eroge

>> No.22216670

How can you have studied something for 3 years and not know the absolute basics. This is baffling and not unlike some of the stuff I've seen on r/learnjapanese

>> No.22216680

it's le epin b8, m8
ki ni suru na.

>> No.22216683

learning japanese with your nani > everything else

悪魔のdigits my guy

>> No.22216684

>I never made cards for my native language.

>> No.22216688

8chn needs to htfu. At least there you can very easily filter namefags and all the dumb cunts that respond to them in one click

>> No.22216706

the only reason why i know espanol and english is because i spent every fuckin day no less than 14 hours a day listening or reading to stuff in either language till the age of 15/16-ish.
if somebody tells me to re-read shakespeare's the tempest or cervantes' novelas ejemplares, i'll most likely come across words i know i've seen, but can't remember the meaning of.

>> No.22216713

Guy on retard image board thinks he's above other guys on a different retard image board. Truly stunning details coming up after sports at 11

>> No.22216725

Then you're eating too much and or not counting right.

>> No.22216728

dogen called out yanus?

>> No.22216778

write in the same way this gentlemen speaks

>> No.22216779

But I was posting in Japanese... I think...

>> No.22216786

wrong japanese obviously

>> No.22216789

then don't be too overt about your explicitly burgerican political beliefs or ideas on society.

>> No.22216794

imagine having such a functional language that you can find a はけ口 for your anger by using 虚仮威し while being in a 喧嘩 so you never become physical

japanese is reserved for the chosen people

>> No.22216831

Has anyone figured out a way to make ruby furigana not be copied when selecting text in anki

>> No.22216840

how would you say "japan" in katakana?? an idol song uses ジャピャ~ン
i think it's a little off. "japyaan"
is it legit? or it is just idols being idols?

>> No.22216869

i'd imagine this is jamal once he retires in nippon

>> No.22216873


>> No.22216880
File: 697 KB, 639x481, airsummerroute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unlocked a new route.
this kind of speech is a bit more difficult to understand than the one in the other 3 routes.

>> No.22216888

then either your Japanese still isn't good enough, or the ideas you're promoting are blatantly non-Japanese (at least within the 2ch collective). or maybe a combination of both

>> No.22216909



>> No.22216916

>It seems like they got good enough at japanese where they outgrew anki and then proceed to ignore the fact that anki may be beneficial to people
nah i agree with you. i think from the beginning anki is great. don’t think i’d be where i am without it. but i feel like there’s a time to outgrow it. everyone should evaluate what that time is for themselves

>> No.22216935

like this, 一~ 二~ 三! etc.

>> No.22216945

each knee san

>> No.22216952

i mean little kids like 8 not 15

>> No.22216995

>橘 means tachibana
absolutely amazing, jmdict.

>> No.22217001

>寿司 means sushi
>東京 means tokyo
someone stop them

>> No.22217012

mine the name and shokubutsu

>> No.22217050

y'all so bad at arguing about Anki it makes me want to finish this edited vncore with sentences and sentence audio

>> No.22217074

nvm i'm a fucking dumbass

>> No.22217082

zoomers are so shit at using pcs they can't even figure shit out when the error message tells you exactly what you need to do to fix it

>> No.22217083

is zoomers the new word for dumb adults?

>> No.22217086

no it's just that zoomers grew up using ipads and iphones so they don't know how to work a computer

>> No.22217092

i'll die a sad man if i never see a speedrun submission for the vncore deck

>> No.22217121

You worry too much on the little things

>> No.22217123

dw no one is worried about your dick

>> No.22217128

個人的 vs 私的
Whats the difference

>> No.22217133

i can't articulate the difference but i can feel it

>> No.22217150
File: 185 KB, 416x799, 1570473010372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[reposting from /int/, hiro has rangebanned my ISP and can only post via public wifi]
Offline Japanese novel library, 21,542 entries. Both horizontal and vertical text support.

The novelimages folder isn't necessary unless you really want the images some books have. Each entry also has links to an ebook file format version.
It was briefly hosted online but ended up being removed for violating terms and conditions (copyright content). Think of it as a large, completely offline extension of the novel library on itazuraneko.neocities. There is a searchable table in a file within the "other" archive called "kensaku.html", with the full list of all content.
Any updates will be added to the same linked folder.

Minor update: decided to add an 青空文庫 rip because after looking into it, they have been forced to remove a fair amount of literature over the years thanks to greedy copyright claims. 14371 entries added, same vertical/horizontal text and bookmark ability as the rest of the books/volumes.
I'd like to post a live, online version for people to have a play with but providers haven't taken kindly to the attempts I made in having it hosted.

>> No.22217154

you would say that. it took you 15 years.

>> No.22217163

Don't try to hard. Trying to remember words shouldn't be the main goal. The main goal of looking up words while you are reading should be so you can understand what the sentence and the story is about. Learning words is just byproduct of that(That's why I wouldn't use SRS at all, creating a card means you are trying to remember that word for some reason). So once you understand what sentence is saying, move on to the next one. The goal is to encounter as many words/new words overall per day as possible.

>> No.22217167

>32.19 GB

>> No.22217178

>Think of it as a large, completely offline extension of the novel library on itazuraneko.neocities.
So does it have all the same books that the itazura library does?

>> No.22217187

It's more about the mindset

>> No.22217198

imagine being really far ahead after 5 years through the help of srs
thank you Damien Elmes

>> No.22217200

Jamal what language will you learn next???

>> No.22217203

Wait Jamal actually don't respond to that question

>> No.22217204

he has to finish learning japanese first

he still can't beat qm in the quiz despite studying japanese since the 1990s

>> No.22217207


>> No.22217210

being able to read words is one of the more unimportant aspects of the language?

i see a bright future ahead for you LOL

>> No.22217212

wrong but the only actually meaningful test is the 'reading a passage from a vn/novel' test which only two people took so far iirc

>> No.22217215

Well assuming you are talking about the hardest difficulty of the quiz you will have furigana for those words most of the time

>> No.22217219

Ask someone to make one.

Download the other.zip file, inside that is a file called kensaku.html. Open that in your browser and it will list everything on the site, aside from the newly added 青空文庫 zip.
It has everything the itazura neocities library has plus around 13100 more volumes/books, not including the 青空文庫 zip.

>> No.22217225


vns for instance almost never have furigana

>> No.22217232

By all means let me know when there's proof Jamal has a harder time reading vns than the Quizmaster now we are getting somewhere

>> No.22217241

Yeah he make posts in Japanese

>> No.22217244

see: >>22217237
why do you think he's so afraid of a 2 minute vocab quiz? lmao

>> No.22217249

@y your current taido tells me you have at least the エラを張ってるトコ of js nani in your kuchi

>> No.22217254

>cuz u have no power over me
then why do you keep responding to me, old man?

>> No.22217255

Lol okay Discord weasel

>> No.22217297

I wonder what happens when a stray Discord weasel gets lost from the rest of the pack... better find your weasel family before you get fucked up

>> No.22217301

and yet someone saying "jap" sends you into a nervous breakdown

your sense of morality is a bit wonky

>> No.22217303

wtf does this even mean lol

>> No.22217304

what happens when a stray boomer gets lost from the rest of the pack he comes on 4chan and namefags as "Yanis"

>> No.22217315

u have to admit yanus the anus is catchy hes got somethin there

>> No.22217323


>> No.22217340

Anybody who is remembered for posting anything should namefag. We can become a giant namefag family.

>> No.22217345

>straw man
anyone need only look at the last thread to see its not

>> No.22217349

> using a name too big for his posting britches

Not sure what this means

>> No.22217355

jamal wants to assimilate into jap culture and become a real jap one day

>> No.22217365

>overlord volumes 7-13 still not there
whose ちんぽ do i have to 吸う to get these in the library

>> No.22217370

he feels threatened by the appearance of more namefags since they deprive him of precious attention

>> No.22217372

who are some good jap twitch streamers

>> No.22217375


>> No.22217390

for >>22217150

>> No.22217400

haven't seen a naisu bodi post for a while

>> No.22217421
File: 1.39 MB, 1280x720, naisubadee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22217429


>> No.22217451

>the mentally ill freak throws another tantrum and kills a site for attention
No one cares return to your discord circlejerk.

It is the same attention whore maintainer who goes on autistic fits of rage before deleting everything every few months. If he decides to have another tantrum and delete itazuraneko, it would be a good thing we would be rid of his terribly designed site taking the op hostage every thread. You know he makes every thread just to have his site in the op? Every time someone makes a thread before him with the real djt site he goes on a spamming spree to try and kill the thread. djtguide.neocities.org is still up and that's all we need.

>> No.22217464
File: 64 KB, 750x561, EGRh4tWUcAEpRk7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22217491


>> No.22217524

>he likes jk rowling

>> No.22217537

wotd: 女手

>> No.22217546
File: 570 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20191009-155924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22217560 [DELETED] 


>> No.22217561

are u ok

>> No.22217565

i mined this not too long ago

>> No.22217572




>> No.22217584

awful taste

>> No.22217603






>> No.22217610


>> No.22217620

wotd v2: お茶請け

>> No.22217625

Is there any way to download more than one sub file at a time from Kitsunekko?

>> No.22217628

u know ur ready for some nukige when your balls hang lower than your pp

>> No.22217634


>> No.22217649


>> No.22217653


>> No.22217654

i think i've only seen that twice until now (2 years in)

>> No.22217657



>> No.22217664

Nevermind, I just realised you can just wget them.

Say you want all the subs for Kimetsu no Yaiba from:

You would run:
>$ wget http://kitsunekko.net/subtitles/japanese/Kimetsu%20no%20Yaiba/Demon%20Slayer%20Kimetsu%20no%20Yaiba.S01E{01..26}.CC.ja.srt

Change the URL to match the URL of whatever subs you want, and the {01..26} bit to match the episode numbers within the filenames for whatever show it is.

Another example, just in case that's confusing/I'm explaining badly:
>$ wget http://kitsunekko.net/subtitles/japanese/Non%20Non%20Biyori/{1..12}.ass

>> No.22217666


>> No.22217676




>> No.22217685




>> No.22217695


>> No.22217704

gambare anon kun

>> No.22217730


>> No.22217757


>> No.22217773

the concept of a pure language sounds really cool

>> No.22217788

gonna mine 遊戯王 cards

>> No.22217833


>> No.22217864
File: 207 KB, 886x692, 6D7F2770-E335-46A2-8A91-1F9F0CCE2363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Begone thot

>> No.22217880

is she trying to interview that man at the pool

>> No.22217894

What are some good, long anime?
(let's define "long" as being 50+ episodes)

Whenever I finish a particular piece of media, I end up falling into a period of procrastination, so the longer the media goes on for, the longer I stay productive.

>> No.22217898


>> No.22217909

Based and Banzaipilled

>> No.22217915

i'm just 三釁三浴

>> No.22217925

Already watched it while it was airing.

I was actually considering rewatching it recently, but I'm not sure that I want to. It's one of those pieces of media that is so good that it would be a waste to watch at a time when I would have to be pausing every few lines to go look up words.

>> No.22217929

Clannad, LotGH, Monster, Fate/stay, Teekyuu(must watch)

>> No.22217933

Its not too bad in my experience.
Just don't bother looking up every fucking military rank you hear lmao.
ad nauseum

>> No.22217935

Seen all these too.

>> No.22217973

how do you play eroge without becoming diamonds?

>> No.22217988
File: 1.03 MB, 3072x2304, 1478070899270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

decent thread so far, keep it up.

>> No.22218000

二ッ岩魔魅軍団 how do I read this?

>> No.22218005


>> No.22218009


>> No.22218024

why did you have to out yourself?

>> No.22218054

play too many eroge

>> No.22218076

thank you anon

>> No.22218081

The author.zip file seems to be missing a lot of pages. Did you forget to include them or do they just not exist yet?

>> No.22218082


>> No.22218112
File: 157 KB, 1920x1080, jinseisoudan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22218117

pretty cute, almost makes me want to pick up some sol moetrash.

>> No.22218119

GochiUsa isn't trash. Going to have to ask you to take that back.

>> No.22218125

>over 4 hours since a namefag shitted up the thread
What a feat

>> No.22218138

it has that one oppai loli, so I guess it's alright?

>> No.22218139

Reminder to add the following under your name filter:

Also, uncheck "Stubs: Show stubs of hidden threads / replies." under the 4chan X settings.

>> No.22218141

>that one oppai loli

>> No.22218145

you want me to post a pic so I get banned, don't you?

>> No.22218147

i'll do this until the end of the month and see how it goes

>> No.22218156

the windows photo viewer is going into this loading mode when i fast forward a few images in a short amount of time
also i'm getting a lot of memory errors
i think my HDD with all my porn is dying

>> No.22218159

No, I just don't know who you mean. All the 中学生 characters are 無乳.

>> No.22218181
File: 56 KB, 362x1000, e5578efc63cc91cce1859bbdc05e55ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aren't they living in europe?

>> No.22218196

we had an anon a few months back that posted rori lewds here that he was reading and he didn't get banned
his post even stayed for a long time i think

>> No.22218199

The town is based on Alsace but I don't think it's ever explicitly declared that the characters are European or live in Europe.

The character names are all written in moonrunes rather than katakana so I assume they're supposed to be Japanese and living in Japan, in spite of the Europe-inspired scenery.

>> No.22218210
File: 398 KB, 448x478, 1564091478551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i might be mental bros. felt like shit and no hope for future for a week, and then suddenly felt like i was a god and could achieve anything for about 2 days.
today i feel like offing myself again

>> No.22218228

Sorry I've never used Anki before and have a very stupid question.

Am I supposed to use it to learn only vocabulary, or try to memorize/learn how to draw individual Kanji for each card too? Basically I have no idea how to use Anki.

Only vocabulary, or practice writing Kanji too? I've been ignoring the example sentences in it already as I have no idea what's being written in them anyway, as I've just started. No idea if I should be learning how to write with cards too, or just strictly vocab.

>> No.22218241

wotd v3: 胎教

>> No.22218244



>> No.22218245

only vocabulary, and only japanese --> english, not the other way round

>> No.22218255

Thank you very much for your reply. I want to learn writing too at some point. I honestly can recognize what Kanji means but can't write it to save my life. Is Anki a bad resource for learning how to write?

>> No.22218283

>Is Anki a bad resource for learning how to write?
depending on how you use it, i don't think so
what i do for writing is, make sentence cards with all hiragana on the front and bold the words i have to write in kanji
then put the kanji sentence on the back
personally i wouldn't bother with something like this as you're just starting out, as learning to write is much, much easier after you've already read a ton of japanese
so unless you are forced to learn it because you are taking a class, or are just really eager to do so, i would put off the writing for now

>> No.22218287

sounds like you got dopamine problems.

>> No.22218300
File: 557 KB, 1024x780, 201910092020-00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.22218305

its fine but i think you shouldnt do any real writing practice until youre getting comfortable in the language
at least dont practice writing anything that isnt already extremely easy to read

>> No.22218312

Anki for vocab.
RTK for writing.

Do both at once.

>> No.22218313


>> No.22218318

but moetard said it isn't real

>> No.22218323

moetard isn't real either.

>> No.22218353

thats fucked up

>> No.22218386


>> No.22218424


>> No.22218437

>assuming you are talking about the hardest level
And why do you assume that other than to make a buffoon out of yourself trying to come up with an excuse for not showing everyone how much you suck? You don’t have to do the hardest quiz at all, you however can’t do any quiz not even the N5 one because you are a loudmouthed baby who knows nothing.

>> No.22218454



>> No.22218514

>never hears his target word
you know that anime cards have audio for the word by itself as well that plays when you reveal the card? you hear the word every time just not the full sentence. you really are dumb

>> No.22218534
File: 4 KB, 51x126, Screenshot_6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anybody help me with this kanji?
Feels like something I should definitely know, but it just eludes me.
I've tried radicals, OCR and hand writing identifiers for more than an hour and I didn't get anything.
In general I'd be happy for a bit of an explanation on how to search most kanji. Over the past days I've repeatedly searched for kanji and the radical search on jisho for example is terrible. Sometimes I click on a random kanji, selected "parts" into the radical search and it doesn't show up and as far as I'm aware, there's no way to search for a kanji based on the kanjis it's made up from.

>> No.22218540


>> No.22218554

Woah thanks. No wonder I didn't find anything. Does that guy just have incredibly bad handwriting or is there some alternate writing style for that kanji?

>> No.22218561
File: 5 KB, 286x136, uhhhu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is my Anki fucked? Apparently the same word but it looks so different on the website...

>> No.22218562

i'm not sure but i think it's this actually 硨 doesn't seem to make sense in the context of the hiragana though
anyways, LINE's handwriting recognition is excellent even if it's for chinese, found it first try

>> No.22218564

It's >>22218540 since the context is a penis, but thanks for the tool.

>> No.22218567

that's chinese bro

>> No.22218569

it's 硬
see how the stroke doesn't go through the top of the 車 part

>> No.22218571


>> No.22218574

Which is chinese? Sorry I am a total newfag. I've downloaded the deck from this thread's guide and comparing it to website https://core6000.neocities.org/ and it's just so fucking different. What am I doing wrong? What's wrong?

>> No.22218575

you're using a chinese font

>> No.22218577

your anki font is chinese

>> No.22218578

Is there any way to change it?

>> No.22218585

install the japanese support addon to anki if you havent already

>> No.22218588

the font in anki is chinese
go to edit > manage note types
select the card type that core uses (it should have a lot of notes)
select cards...
change the fonts in the middle field to meiyro

>> No.22218620

what are you favourite sounding words?
i like 絡繰り、体たらく and 司る

>> No.22218625
File: 15 KB, 508x177, front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon?

>> No.22218628

if that doesn't fix it i'm not sure what's wrong

>> No.22218641

Thank you

>> No.22218659

Isn’t it ‘Meiryo UI’? Maybe you should just look at the anime cards guide covering this :)

>> No.22218668

both exist

>> No.22218677

why would you use meiryo ui

>> No.22218685

wasn’t aware both exist, both look fine anyway

>> No.22218692


>> No.22218721

Chiming in a bit late, I've never done Anki but isn't learning writing as you're learning vocabulary killing two birds with one stone and thus beneficial? I mean you're looking at the fucking card anyway, might as well learn everything there is on it.

>> No.22218737

except it takes way longer to also drill writing, and you're probably never going to physically write down a kanji in a real world situation unless you actually go and live in japan and have to fill out forms or something

>> No.22218753

this plus even if you're working in japan you'll most likely use a fucking computer not handwriting to work

>> No.22218754

anki cards should be as fast and minimal as possible
its easier to learn how to write words when you already have a strong recognition ability

>> No.22218766

Question about RTK, does it actually cover useful Kanji, Kanji used in newspapers and daily life, exams etc, or is it pretty much a random collection of shit?

Because I honestly doubt I need to know how to write Japanese Judas tree in every day situations

>> No.22218786

people do use handwriting in work situations as well. japan still uses faxes so it's common to handwrite on something faxed to you then fax it back

>> No.22218788

it covers the jouyou kanji which are taught in school
some of the jouyou kanji just aren't used that often, the one you're referring to being one example
most of them are very common though

>> No.22218792

Thanks anon, so it's generally not time wasted to dip into rtk?

>> No.22218804

depends on what your goal is, if you really want to learn how to handwrite go ahead
if you mainly want to watch and read japanese media, i would consider it a waste of time

>> No.22218823

this was mentioned earlier in the thread, but it's easier to learn handwriting after you already know japanese. it might be a good idea to only do like the first 250 - 500 kanji from rtk for now. that'll give you a good "base" on how writing works in terms of stroke orders and stuff while also not burning you out. and then you can always tackle the rest once you have more japanese under your belt.

>> No.22218833

stroke order being important is the biggest meme of learning jp

like who the fuck cares what order you draw it in if the end result is and looks the same

>> No.22218836

to add to this
learning to write a bunch of kanji will still leave you coming up blank when you want to write most words
just learn japanese and then practice writing words if you want to

>> No.22218857

it's not as important as some people make it out to be, there's some things that even japanese people fuck up all the time and you won't really notice it
but if you don't follow the general notion of top to bottom, left to right your shit will look all wrong

>> No.22218870
File: 441 KB, 1240x1299, 1572265688230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

狡 :: cunning, sly, crafty, niggardly

>> No.22218877

its no more of a meme than writing being important
you shouldnt learn any of this shit because its important
you should learn it because you want to
but learn japanese first
also imagine worrying about stroke order but not knowing how to migiharai lmfao

>> No.22218884
File: 174 KB, 1536x2048, 72474502_482495615935736_1833285568864190464_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it doesnt look anywhere close to the same if you write it quickly (semi-cursively) like normal handwriting, which means people won't be able to read it and you won't be able to read other people's because you don't understand why they look different to normal character.

take a simple character like 口. on the left is a standard quickly written semi-cursive version that any native could easily identify because it's how they themselves write it when writing quickly. the right side is me attempted to write the same character just as quickly using the wrong stroke order (starting from the right side then going left and doing the other part). it's unreadable to any japanese person as that character and by writing like that you probably won't be able to read other peoples correctly written handwriting.

>> No.22218887

hunter x hunter

>> No.22218941


>> No.22218981
File: 285 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought 8 volumes of boku no hero academia on sale
>open up the first one
>way more exposition and vocab than other shounen manga i've read
>not comfy at all to curl up on the couch and read

fuck lads i should have just kept buying one piece

>> No.22219010

had the same experience watching the anime.

>> No.22219038

more like boku no gay academia

>> No.22219053

more like full of shit overrated alchemist

>> No.22219057

>75 unique posters in this thread
>the quizmaster discord has around a dozen people N1 or above
Is this an accurate representation of DJT's level?

>> No.22219058

more like kimetsu no yabai

>> No.22219063

anki tests arent the same jlpt level. there's only a couple of people on the server who've actually passed n1

>> No.22219081

imagine not being on jamals private discord server where you get daily nostalgia post by the man himself

>> No.22219086

this thread is basically the same thing though

>> No.22219091

toss me an invite

>> No.22219107

>n1 ability to read words
>doesnt know what they mean and cant read japanese

>> No.22219161

eh idk a good twitch streamer to listen to while playing eu4. the two biggest streamers stream pubg and apex but they don't talk constantly.

>> No.22219187

well it's free input.
perfect for listening practice.

>> No.22219193

i thought you gave up

>> No.22219196

tryin to find live shit ur limiting ur selection
just listen to shit on youtube if u want the gaming then find 実況s or somethin

>> No.22219199

i did you're confusing me for the shitposter who likes fps games and isn't entertained by quality shonen.

>> No.22219208

i didn't*

>> No.22219219

u can listen to trash in one earbud thats different
its still a waste of time but at least ur not shitting on somethin good

>> No.22219263

there was a guy here who said he passively listened to anime all day and by the next year he was able to understand most of what he watched. which makes sense because "passive listening" is really just "active listening occasionally".

>> No.22219283

some people are more crippled than others
i paused anime to post this

>> No.22219307

t. born in 1998

>> No.22219308

jamal level with me here. japanese media sucks. you know it, i know it. if i'm going to learn this language instead of doing something productive then i'm going to do it while playing a fun video game like eu4.

>> No.22219322

i active listen too, just more sparingly because active listening sucks ass.

>> No.22219337

prob cuz u dont understand anything
which is why ur passive listening is even more useless lmfao

>> No.22219347

You do passive listening while you're away or doing other things, like cooking, walking, etc. Doing passive listening while playing or reading is a dirstraction that lowers your attention to the immersion, if you don't like to read and need to listen a twitch stream just stop reading

>> No.22219360

i understand more than i did a month ago but passive listening might work better for me than a complete beginner because i can read better than i can hear so i can use passive listening (which is active listening in bursts) to get used to words i know from reading.

>> No.22219391
File: 885 KB, 1920x1080, watch_v=a4dghkyVOnE_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's a cutie

>> No.22219404


>> No.22219436

feeling like a bit of muramasa today :devilish emoji:

>> No.22219458

HAHA I KNOW HIRAGANA! I need to learn dakuten next but what the fuck comes after that? Do I start learning words from the sounds? I think I need to install japanese keyboard next. Any hints or tips?

>> No.22219488

i started watching this guy but im not so sure about it

>> No.22219500

wouldnt u be better off doin that after u read it

>> No.22219547

this is why i'm afraid of getting nihongo friends yet.
I'm not that fucking crippled, but i know how annoying it's to talk to someone who doesn't know english very well

>> No.22219574

not you the other guy talking about people with bad english

>> No.22219585

wow i used to think he was so damn good in this

>> No.22219593

a children

>> No.22219603

learnin kogo never bogo

>> No.22219605

>a children
lol someone who actually knows english would never make a mistake like this.
>jamal's retarded logic on the kogo fiasco

>> No.22219618

he got the meaning right he just gaffed on the reading twice because he was tired wtf is your prob

>> No.22219633

>if they put him on the spot on 1 of those tv variety shows like they did to that 1 girl who pretended to know japanese on the internet
who is this

>> No.22219638

why are there so many incels in this thread

>> No.22219640

>that 1 girl
you're gonna have to be more specific.

>> No.22219663

If you can't understand this, you don't know Japanese.

>> No.22219691


>> No.22219704

thats what you get for not respecting another mans property

>> No.22219710

>wanting to make a middle aged cheating japanese whore "urs"
jesus fuck youre a cuckold on top of everything lmao

>> No.22219722

explain to me how someone can gaffe 義 twice without noticing what they just did

>> No.22219725

why are the monogatari series so popular with the westerners when they rely entirely on the viewer knowing japanese? are they THAT superficial?

>> No.22219742

it's still gonna be trash, at least you'll know what's the show about.

>> No.22219744

same reason you can say "a children" without realizing it and just carry on

>> No.22219748

>the videos she kept
retard lol

>> No.22219757

should I just flee the country before I get arrested and sued?

>> No.22219759

one weekend

>> No.22219766

if you have that option it might not be a bad idea

>> No.22219776

if you're tall and white you can do this in a week on tinder. some guy i know who never got any action in europe ended up with the keys to some japanese milfs house after 1 fuck. the japanese milfs are truly insane for that young white dick

>> No.22219777

post pics of the whore before u do anything

>> No.22219780

Do you think I could get away with saying that she told me she was single? my japanese is too shit to argue for myself in court tho so i'm pretty fucked

>> No.22219785

how much drugs should be involved?
man needs something to live for

>> No.22219786

u cant say a children without realizing
u can carry on cuz its not worth correcting it but u cant not realize it

>> No.22219791
File: 117 KB, 503x437, 1564074627474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you're tall
tfw 5'10
yeah it's fucking over bros

>> No.22219795

that's tall in japan though tbf average height is like 5'7"

>> No.22219799

Monogatari series is really good. Whether EOPs like it or not I don’t really care because I cannot take their opinion seriously.

>> No.22219800

906話『一騎打ち 魔術師と死の外科医!』 To be exact

>> No.22219807

ever heard of google moron?

>> No.22219820

? not that google the normal google?

>> No.22219830

on /trv/ people say that this the only gaijin hunters u can get are rancid and ugly af

>> No.22219835

depends how ugly you are

>> No.22219840

Sentence cards or anime cards?

>> No.22219844

well the presumption is that you are at least fairly ugly since u cant get pussy in your home country innit

>> No.22219856

can you unironically get sued for cucking a guy

>> No.22219857

>u cant get pussy in your home country innit
that was never said though?

>> No.22219861

in US yes, check the news

>> No.22219862

>some guy i know who never got any action in europe
what do you mean, this was in the first post i responded to

>> No.22219879

idk dude the way you phrased that post implied otherwise. in other words it's not evidence for this statement you made at all
>if you're tall and white you can do this in a week on tinder

im tall and white and i highly doubt id get fuckall on tinder lol

>> No.22219889

>u cant say a children without realizing
you wouldn't know if you realized or not dumbass. i wonder how many mistakes you've made in your native language without even realizing it.

>> No.22219892

that 1 was just an extreme example i picked but there are many ugly short whites dudes in japan who can get cute gfs (such as myself)

>> No.22219957

In Japan, married couples have a legal obligation to remain faithful to each other. Therefore, if one spouse is unfaithful, both the unfaithful spouse and the cheating 3rd party, may have an obligation to pay damages to the non-cheating spouse. This is also true in the case of couples who are merely engaged rather than married, especially when the affair causes the breakup of the engagement.

This rule applies even if the 3rd party did not know of the marriage or engagement, as long as a reasonable person in his or her circumstances would have known. Willful ignorance of the other party’s wedding ring is not a defense.

Furthermore, these damages can be claimed completely independently from whether the couple files for divorce or not. Therefore, it is possible for a wife to sue the mistress of her husband while still continuing to stay married.

>> No.22219960

the only information i trust about fucking on this website is when it comes from jamal

>> No.22219964

sentence cards if you want to output eventually and not sound like a retard, anime cards if you want to be a discord quizmonkey

>> No.22219970


>> No.22219972
File: 32 KB, 480x360, mpv-shot0369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely me.

>> No.22219984
File: 1.07 MB, 500x339, zoisite.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on the other hand, here's me

>> No.22219987

When did you realize the superiority of the Heisig method /djt/?

>> No.22220007

i hate this faggot

>> No.22220017

i make a lot of mistakes in my native language
i realize mistakes that obvious immediately like any native would

>> No.22220125


>> No.22220159


>> No.22220163

You have a non-Japanese font set in your card styling and Anki is defaulting to a Chinese font to display the Kanji glyphs.

>font-family: arial;
>font-family: meiryo;

>> No.22220174

>tfw still fuck up the cases in my native on occasion
in my defense there are 7 of them

>> No.22220177

he got it solved five hours ago dude

>> No.22220185
File: 246 KB, 646x654, gei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22220186

We get tons of questions asking about this. The maintainer really needs to make a fixed version of the deck and replace the link in the guide.

>> No.22220200

It was longer than a year though. Khatz, Matt, Jamal, George, Lucas, Quizmaster all have their own things to say about learning but there's one thing shared amongst all of them which is about making hours and having fun. I just believed the message Matt/Khatz was saying, it sounded like logic. I understand that some people like to watch their media without understanding but I just wasn't one of them, I'd rather do 10000 hours of white noise and then do the fun stuff, what should I have done instead? In a sense this was my way of having fun. All those hours are better than nothing, same goes for Jamal's 10000 hour of watching anime with english subs. Its still better than nothing. Just because its passive listening doesn't mean its easy to do, I found it at times not very easy at all, it might be passive but its still there all the fucking time. Just like getting tired of a song. I've had countless moments where I got sick of the white noise and the same commercials, same anime, same news.

>> No.22220203

I'm 0% ゲイ because I fap exclusively to traps and as everybody knows traps aren't gay.

>> No.22220208

wait it's the real jamal LMFAO


>> No.22220210

one of us one of us

>> No.22220214
File: 57 KB, 686x729, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're like a little baby.

>> No.22220227

>posted today
how did you even find this? seems more likely that this is you lol

>> No.22220247

the guy spammed it on reddit and it showed up on my homepage

>> No.22220253

it's always esls who seem obsessed with cases and i don't understand why

>> No.22220256

Anybody know an epub reader for chrome that works with yomichan? With that, I can live without the library if it goes down, though I'll miss that dark theme.

>> No.22220261

well yea i understand that and i run into the same issues myself but i also actively watch shows and i know i'll tolerate more of it the better i get.

>> No.22220270
File: 190 KB, 1200x926, 1570610381193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How accurate is this?

>> No.22220275

im not an esl, i grew up bilingual. my english is far better than my other native at this point cause i did uni in english and everything i do at my pc is in english

>> No.22220276

btw that guy should thank me becus im pretty sure i got him more views posting it here than he did from reddit

>> No.22220280

Is there some reason you can't just use the HTML versions? >>22217150

>> No.22220290


>> No.22220291

yeah i have no plans to leave reddit

>> No.22220298

I don't want you to miss this post accidentally: >>22220286

>> No.22220301


>> No.22220303

wow ironic from an uppercaser

>> No.22220309
File: 70 KB, 470x470, 1550357313048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22220312

jamal copycat dekinai where you at dude? havent seen your shitty as retard posts in a while. you give up yet?

>> No.22220313

when u scrolling the reddit homepage and some1 posts some cringe

>> No.22220317

yeah, I haven't seen moeshitter all day.

>> No.22220323 [DELETED] 

thinking about revising genki for the stuff i have forgotten. would it be better to revise from genki or revise from the dictionary of Japanese grammar?
is there anything from genki that won't be in there?

>> No.22220326

i spend all day mindlessly browsing reddit lol

theres no other site that has an endless supply of content that doesn't revolve around individuals ie instagram, twitter etc. 4chan is fucking boring after 10 years of the same shit. i've filtered over 100 subreddits to make it bearable though

>> No.22220329

They are all real words. Some of them are really rare forms like almost all of the repeated forms.
This entire graph is a huge mess of conjugations and related words and doesn't really make sense.

>> No.22220331

thinking about revising genki for the stuff i have forgotten. would it be better to revise from genki or revise from the dictionary of Japanese grammar?
is there anything from genki that won't be in there?

>> No.22220332

we need a new thread
quick! someone make another 2hu shitpost

>> No.22220337

You don't need to revise grammar. What you are really thinking about doing is procrastinating.

>> No.22220342

well as long as it's in japanese

>> No.22220343

>we need a new thread
This one is far from dead.

>> No.22220345
File: 3.51 MB, 1920x1080, XR1oSgU[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone tell me what the second line says?

I hear "bouge haite janai yo" but I can't find anything with that.

>> No.22220358

Also -käyttöisyys is not untranslatable, it just doesn't have a good translation in English.
Monikäyttöinen = 多用途の
Monikäyttöisyys = 多用途

>> No.22220359
File: 35 KB, 572x380, 1428645454086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22220368
File: 41 KB, 1184x208, daily japanese thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22220371
File: 55 KB, 793x702, DXHeaYNLBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay quizmaster i surrender
no longer i shall leave the creation of memory shrines by accident, now i will convert to 異動画単語帳道

>> No.22220384
File: 510 KB, 698x768, european languages are ez.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i guess these cases don't really matter though and you're still intelligible when you mess them up since diplomats seem to be able to learn finnish faster than japanese.

>> No.22220388


>> No.22220394

finns are perfect example for how autistic amounts of immersion works for acquiring a language

>> No.22220402

who are u talkin about ?

>> No.22220407

Watching twitch is low level. Watch showroom to be authentic.

>> No.22220409

This still feels like a basic level, if I'm going to do spanish I will be reading books in 3 months at 100% comprehension?

>> No.22220415

if you follow the mia perfectionist path® (including meditation) you'd have a good shot

>> No.22220418

Where are you getting 3 months from?

>> No.22220421

but won't i need to revise any forgotten grammar before progressing to tobira?

>> No.22220425

you don't need tobira

why do we even bother having a guide

>> No.22220436

so you can learn in a structured way and can progress from easier to more difficult things in a methodical way i guess? plus you can learn more important stuff that is vital first

>> No.22220437

They're learning for 40 hours a week

You don't do tobira, you read and listen for 2^∞ years until the end

>> No.22220441

trying to "revise" ur "forgotten" grammar when u dont know any japanese

>> No.22220442


>> No.22220445

3/4ths i can remember but it's just minor shit i've forgotten over time etc

>> No.22220448

it's a waste to watch akbingo with your level of japanese. do it the proper honor and rewatch it if you ever get better.

>> No.22220463

I have a friend who is flying to japan to see the love live reunion tour that he somehow won a ticket too

>> No.22220469

language ain't some kind of set path with difficulty levels locked behind achievements and that kind of stuff like some kind of rpg. it's just a bunch of words and combinations of them that are used to describe shit. even if you go through every single damn japanese language textbook or vocabulary deck, you'll still have a few phrases here and there that might trip you up. you'll still come across weird-ass kanji and quotes from classical literature even in easy vns like air or subarasiki hibi. yeah, your listening skills will be shit even if you spend every day playing japanese stuff in the background for 3 years like matt did. no, there's literally no method that'll guarantee you perfect fluency or comprehension.
just go on or give up.

>> No.22220474
File: 22 KB, 558x139, kjhnjkn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22220480

watching showroom is for plebs
true men stick to radio

>> No.22220481

don't just fucking undo moechads existence 勝手に like that.

>> No.22220482


>> No.22220486

Idol shows are the lowest of the low

>> No.22220491

i just realized that no textbook can ever be complete.
no medical textbook will ever describe every single disease ever.
no mathematics textbook will ever go through every single kind of equation there is.
no cs textbook will teach you everything there is to know about any branch of programming/computer science.
no psychology textbook will ever properly describe any possible syndome or its treatment.
nothing is complete except for incompleteness.

>> No.22220493

the rest havent even taken it because they dont care about jlpt. that doesn't tell you whether they would pass it or not

>> No.22220495


>> No.22220498

neither does the quiz

>> No.22220499

that's equivalent to asking if heterosexual men would enjoy anal sex despite the fact that they don't seem to care for niggas with long 肉棒s.

>> No.22220503

ive fucked ur moms ass so much that the textbook id write on it would be complete though

>> No.22220507

i love the way things are worded in nip

>> No.22220511

>i just dont get why these kids need to bombard themselves with so much noise
>keep it simple
>play a video game watch anime (w.o looking at ur phone or other monitor)
>enjoy the moment instead of bein all spread out with a bunch of shit all at once
first time i ever agreed with jamal
>japanese media sucks. you know it, i know it.
wtf are you talking about why are you learning if you dont like any of the media just give up now

>> No.22220513

That phrase almost certainly means that whatever you're reading is shit, though.

>> No.22220534

lmao it's not what you think it is

>> No.22220540


is the episode loading for u guys?

>> No.22220542

that wasnt a complete sentence was it

>> No.22220560


>> No.22220570

no my man

>> No.22220574

lame well i was getting bored anyways

>> No.22220592

cringe post

>> No.22220598

>They're learning for 40 hours a week
You're reading the image wrong. That 600 hours figure is only counting classroom hours. 25 classroom hours per week over 24 weeks = 600 classroom hours.

The ~40 hours/week figure is including self-study. When you factor that in, you get to 960 hours over 24 weeks (6 months).

>> No.22220600

everything he fucking posts is cringe when you picture a literal old man at the keyboard

>> No.22220612

ill never change

>> No.22220621

you're too low iq to grow as a person, indeed

>> No.22220624

lol whats your problem

>> No.22220626

ill probably end up killing myself

>> No.22220642


>> No.22220652

stop looking for copes for your shit reading speed

>> No.22220672
File: 888 KB, 1024x576, Muramasa_6KxlKm54wf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me when i see the hayai guy trying to come for jamal

>> No.22220686

cardcaptor sakura is better than what i had expected

>> No.22220692

Which Japanese font do you use?

>> No.22220700

why is muramasa looking like something straight out of the Meiji restoration

>> No.22220715

it's set in the 1940s technically i believe

>> No.22220732

Yu Gothic

>> No.22220738

new one?
lol i had to look that up, is it really that bad

>> No.22220740

back when bangers meant something, rip the good era

>> No.22220761

sounds cool
>sad about aging and life
those kind of things don't bother me but thanks for the warning i will probably watch it

>> No.22220767
File: 6 KB, 434x102, _patreon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22220784

it is harder probably about 4-5x harder

>> No.22220794

IPAexGothic for the web
Meiryo for Anki and subtitles
Yu Mincho for LNs

>> No.22220800


>> No.22220810
File: 29 KB, 815x340, jimaku2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop caring. nothing wrong with watching japanese subs forever. even some japanese オタク prefer it.

>> No.22220812


>> No.22220817

stop pretending youre reading when youre just skimming and getting nothing out of it like that 1200cpm beginner guy

>> No.22220819

not everything has subs though, which is what he's complaining about

>> No.22220821

the universe is telling you to drop part 3 because it's the worst part

>> No.22220823

i only read at 300cpm thank you very much. i think there's potential to get at least another 200 and still take everything in fine so i refuse to cope

>> No.22220826

and it's pretty comfy just listening

>> No.22220829

ive already watched 40 fucking episodes of it theres no way im dropping it lol but it is getting pretty tired at this point

>> No.22220833

it has some of the best parts it just drags in places. still worth watching all of it especially for the last few episodes

>> No.22220839

your comprehension is probably 50%

>> No.22220851


I almost quit because part 3 was so bad, its just monster of the week shit

part 4 made me start liking it again and part 5 is definitely my favourite

>> No.22220852

it would be hard for me to do my translations in that case

>> No.22220854

that's because your mining
true morph masters attack the frequency lists instead for min maxing the comprehension gain

>> No.22220855

it's all monster of the week after part 2

>> No.22220866
File: 26 KB, 640x411, 000000006466_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which morph should I use first?

>> No.22220869

>it was pretty much kny tier until dio's world.
i don't think it was quite that good but yeah

>> No.22220870

u forgot to mention the results of such efforts, kinda seems like an important bit lol

>> No.22220874

he has 100% comprehension without subs now. 1000% with subs.

>> No.22220876

which is why when you translate your speed slows to a fraction of what you claim is your avg

>> No.22220878

true, i've found that just repeating it does wonders, guess i'll just be watching everything twice for the next few years

>> No.22220880

the result is that i can watch comfortably without subs now with like two or three lines per episode on average where i can't make the actual sounds out without subs

>> No.22220882

so /djt/ what glorious anime are u looking forward to this fall season?

for me, it's absolutely fuckin NOTHING

>> No.22220888

kabukichou sherlock

>> No.22220891

at least part 3 had comedy and didn't have a character like zenitsu. but as far as plot goes they're pretty comparable. just bare bones monster/stand slaying every week. i actually dropped part 3 right after they arrived in egypt and picked it back up months later. i only finished kny because it was shorter.

>> No.22220892

Rifle is beautiful

>> No.22220894

i read the whole thing first before thinking about translating and i don't typically encounter anything new when i go through it line by line to translate. it just takes longer because you need to think about how to express certain things well. 300cpm is almost certainly considered 遅読 by the standards of whatever you were trying to cope with anyway so im currently following that advice anyway.

>> No.22220895

absolutely fuckin NOTHING

>> No.22220900
File: 80 KB, 469x630, ダウンロード (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong morph

>> No.22220905

BEASTARS looks crazy

>> No.22220907

so whens the kny train movie coming out

>> No.22220909

does this mean you understand it or you are just able to hear the sounds properly

>> No.22220919

not that anon, but does it matter? once you can hear the sounds understanding is just a matter of vocabulary which will naturally increase as you consume more japanese. the hard part is hearing what's going on in terms of syllables.

>> No.22220924
File: 281 KB, 1156x672, chek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

planning to check these out

>> No.22220943

>the hard part is hearing what's going on in terms of syllables.
this is only one single element of what makes listening harder than reading, and is by no means 'the hard part'. anyone who has watched 10k hours of eng subbed anime has already completed this step

>> No.22220946

idk but i'm excited as fuck to see the sick fucking animation oh my god that fight is gonna be so fucking badass! i already preordered my seat an amazon this series is so good i wonder if tanjiro will be able to protect nezuko and if zenitsu falls unconscious and cuts up the demon i'll fucking piss my pants!

>> No.22220957

then what is the hard part

>> No.22220958

>rpg mechanics
into the TRASH it goes

>> No.22220960

>youre so desperate to compare your abilities to a native who has a solid 15 years or more ahead of you in this language.
you dont know how long ive been learning tho

>> No.22220965

that isekai sounds like absolute fucking dogshit, why would you ever watch it

>> No.22220967

fix your dopamine

>> No.22220969

theres nothing wrong with your dopamine but you may have other problems

>> No.22220970


>> No.22220971

knowing japanese

>> No.22220972

u just cant resist replying to every single kny post lol

u might be the first case of kny derangement syndrome

>> No.22220974

Why would you voluntarily watch something by >DEEN?

>> No.22220979

can we watch it together

>> No.22220984

but that comes automatically if you just keep at it, it's not "hard" at all
whereas if you keep watching with japanese subs on you might never develop the ear that's required to make out the sounds on your own

>> No.22220987

my dopamine receptors are still fully functional so i dont waste brain power being all hypercritical and angry about animated shows i just check it out and if i like it i keep watching if not i just drop it

>> No.22220989

if you think this is bad you should see how i reacted to people who like my hero academia so much

>> No.22221036

they did kannagi, so i'd say it was good
>maybe pa works is a good choice
hanasaku iroha and sirobako were both pretty good.
angel beats and charlotte were terrible tho.
true tears was only bad because of everything after episode 7.

>> No.22221040


>> No.22221049
File: 2.88 MB, 1256x698, 1543782710295.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate them for what they did to Overlord.

>> No.22221051

the higurasi anime was actually better than ryukishi07's mess of a work.
fate/stay night (2006) was as good of an adaptation as we'll ever get for the fate route (which was fortunately not even that good of a route in contrast to the other two).

>> No.22221052

imagine caring about "taste" in japanese cartoons when the whole point is to have fun while watching them
your inferiority complex really rules every area of your life huh

>> No.22221058

Absolute garbage.

>> No.22221063

taste is what determines what you find fun, retard. the stuff you find fun is complete trash to any average person, dont even have to be a pretentious cunt to think so lol

>> No.22221081

the average person likes horrible anime

>> No.22221082
File: 125 KB, 858x960, 1549788245291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(which was fortunately not even that good of a route in contrast to the other two)
Trying to make a good adaptation of any F/SN route is like trying to polish a turd.

>> No.22221085

nice collection of eigo you've got there

>> No.22221090
File: 223 KB, 400x225, 1565964718852.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry but that bullshit forced drama ending was atrocious and you have awful taste.

>> No.22221111

better to not be retarded and enjoy certain things than to be retarded and enjoy everything

>> No.22221113

this is not what we mean when we say use english subtitles lol

>> No.22221123

actually it's much better. ignorance is truly bliss

>> No.22221129

why do depressed little fucking faggots think theyre high iq lol

>> No.22221132

anohana is an anime that seemed like it kind of had a good premise behind it (friends getting split up and then meeting up again years later through having to come to terms with their friend's accidental death), but that somehow got horribly executed for the sake of loads of tears and on-your-face drama.

>> No.22221139

i guess

>> No.22221169


>> No.22221177
File: 158 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_20191009_000947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can somebody explain to me when to use な with adjectives like きれい? (Sometimes they are used and sometimes not)
Seen like 10 explanations from books but cannot understand them

>> No.22221185

quit worrying about it and acquire japanese

>> No.22221187

it's a long road ahead for you my friend

>> No.22221193
File: 14 KB, 351x141, TCDkyXsBbD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

end of sentence thing
look at pic

>> No.22221194

な goes with words that have 音読み. -い goes with words that have 訓読み.

>> No.22221198
File: 119 KB, 731x712, sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets mad over other people’s preference of cartoons
>can’t enjoy anything because feel good chemicals are all dried up
>this is so much better!

>> No.22221214

o shit i wasn't paying attention
綺麗 is a na adjective as you can see by it's og form

>> No.22221223

almost forgot, that anime looks ugly

>> No.22221258

Playing some 逆転裁判
I can finally understand a game for toddlers!!!!


>> No.22221273

The anime you hate is actually the anime that you love, that's why you're so passionate about it. You care for it so much you hate it. You don't mind if other anime could be better, you want this one to be better. You love it.

>> No.22221277
File: 61 KB, 438x562, IMG_20191008_235548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks bro

>> No.22221280

finally someone gets it. i don't say that a show is mediocre in every aspect except its animation because i hate it but because i love it so much and want season 2 to be better.

>> No.22221288

i dont hate any anime i just drop them after 1-2 episodes if its shit and dont think about them

>> No.22221289


wtf does that water-pipe-like thing mean? is it some kind of mathematical symbol or hangul?

>> No.22221295

its a water pipe like in mario cause im a plumber

>> No.22221317

by plumber I mean I wanna lay some pipe and get my back pipe tongue cleaned

>> No.22221321

go back to >>>/a/

>> No.22221323


>> No.22221349

1337 nice

>> No.22221365

thats a good pipe yep

>> No.22221366

ill try to come up with a cool post by then

>> No.22221369

POST YOUR WOTD (word of the day)

>> No.22221425

anybody think that 尻餅 is a bit of a weird word?

>> No.22221433

>mochi tied to a baby's back if he starts walking before his first birthday in order to cause him to fall on his backside

>> No.22221436

I’m trying to learn japanese but i don’t know where to start. I have a bunch of apps for hiragana and katakana. I’m in high school so i don’t really have a lot of resources available but i’ll take all the feedback i can get.

>> No.22221441

i don't even want to know where you found that word

>> No.22221442

Im going to japan next week, will this line work to get me to see some sideways jap pussy


>> No.22221450

i’d bet it hasn’t been even a third as long as a native

>> No.22221459
File: 33 KB, 474x400, 尻餅.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not really, i like it

>> No.22221464

when they are used as adjectives lmao

>> No.22221466

that doesn't really make sense because natives can be any age

>> No.22221469

you might get slapped just for using that

>> No.22221471

what if i say おマンコ

>> No.22221480

use あそこ

>> No.22221483

it’s cute
i thought it was because when you fall on your butt it gets squished like mochi

>> No.22221495

bruh aint non of us can read that shit

>> No.22221508


>> No.22221511

ill read it if you give another good reason

>> No.22221515

Japanese web design is so fucking scuffed it looks like something from the early 2000's

>> No.22221527


>> No.22221548

context. a native at the average reading speed he claims he should be at.

>> No.22221549
File: 197 KB, 800x464, o1080062714610212734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22221556

what age is that then

>> No.22221557

>it looks like something from the early 2000's
you mean good?

>> No.22221565


>> No.22221578

this is really giving me new ideas to make a living

>> No.22221579



>> No.22221582
File: 541 KB, 1024x780, 201910100830-00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22221588


>> No.22221593

Who are you talking to?

>> No.22221621

none of the mpv scripts for copying subs to clipboard seem to work on windows. what a shame

>> No.22221631

japan really gets fucked by natural disasters imagine how bad it was for ancient japanese niggas

>> No.22221632

I want to know what science there is to figure out how language will change in the future I am very interested in what impact the internet will make and people being more connected

>> No.22221633
File: 692 KB, 807x1230, Screenshot_7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did she mean by this? Is it just gibberish or is there some meaning hidden here behind the retard-speak?

>> No.22221636

>using science to predict the future

>> No.22221657

if I say えと, あの and えー a lot will i sound native

>> No.22221658

im interested in dakimakura but wont get one

>> No.22221659

Well it's still an answerable question for anyone and I don't think such behaviors should be encouraged
Yellow tinted because....? Lmao

>> No.22221666

Well if you live on your own it could maybe be a quite liberating feeling to get one

>> No.22221670

you forgot the まあ

>> No.22221673

all of that shit's just 占い dressed up with fancy maths for people who are too dumb to realize that reality is too random to predict.

>> No.22221676

The only thing we can't predict is how well we will be able to predict things

>> No.22221679

>reality is too random to predict.
this. i really can't tell when i'm going to kms

>> No.22221691

read up on Hume's problem of induction

>> No.22221702

Hopefully soon

>> No.22221705

I will try to remember to
Not a cool post

>> No.22221706

ホント and ください seem but I really can't see anything in the context here that would make sense.

>> No.22221709

these threads become so much better when you filter all namefags

>> No.22221712

show me a single good post in this thread and I'll consider your point

>> No.22221717

This one right here:

>> No.22221729


>> No.22221735

idk the nameless posts are pretty bad especially some of these uppercase ones

>> No.22221750

My favorite posts are the ones that insult Moe and he says to them "what is your problem"

>> No.22221751

誰か should post some screencaps of something they're reading 本日.

>> No.22221752


>> No.22221754

i still hate women

>> No.22221770

I'm going to go for the epic >>22222222 post wish me luck. What should I write into it?

>> No.22221775
File: 891 KB, 796x600, morgana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22221779

Why did you post that?

>> No.22221783

go with the safe one「わたしはゲイ」

>> No.22221785


>> No.22221789


>> No.22221793

because ヤコボ is hot and i want to swallow his cock

>> No.22221794

Oh I see alright no problem then.

>> No.22221797

Is that that VN for girls? Why would you read something like that?

>> No.22221807

no? its for alpha males that like hot guys

>> No.22221812

too many 平民 in here

>> No.22221817

now this guy knows what its all about

>> No.22221844


>> No.22221850

you got baited bro

>> No.22221878

>i was pretending to be retarted :)

>> No.22221881

it wasn't my post but it was obvious bait

>> No.22221884

not him but
>he was only pretending to be retarded :(

>> No.22221899

how can i get my life back on track im going off the rails towards my doom

>> No.22221905

>getting slapped by cute jap girls
dare to dream

>> No.22221913

depends what your problems are and what you wanna do haha

>> No.22221927

yep and that one is going on to the list
