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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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18316554 No.18316554 [Reply] [Original]

Read the guide before asking questions:

Previous thread: >>18294874

>> No.18316574

I know some posters here have access to Japanese ebook libraries, and I was wondering if any of you would happen to have decent quality scans of からかい上手の高木さん volume 7.

>> No.18316591

Listening test, difficulty level N0

>> No.18316602
File: 3.84 MB, 204x204, fuuu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does RTK get as much flak as it does? I nearly didn`t use it because of all the criticism it gets here and elsewhere on the net. It is honestly the single most useful tool I have used (and still use) of all the tools I have.
You can`t not learn kanji when learning, if you know all the most common kanji learning Japanese is a relative doddle. The book helps you lay down such a solid foundation it makes everything you do after so much easier.

Do people just like to pretend kanji aren`t as important as they are?Are people here and elsewhere simply memeing about RTK because they can`t be arsed to sit down and learn kanji and rationalize that by saying "it is useless anyway!"?

I just don`t understnad, the books are fun and interesting to read in and of themselves as well. I can`t see how anyone who has actually read and used the books could ever come to the conclusion that they are bad or shouldn`t be used. It would seem that such an opinion could only come from someone who has not read, and does not want to read the books

>> No.18316610

At least wait until the thread is dying.

>> No.18316611
File: 36 KB, 665x574, 1517193184214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolute beginner here, total study time one week. By how much and how soon did you guys start "layering" your study? By that I mean how comfortable where you with all the kana before you started trying to learn vocabulary and grammar and how much did you focus on each? Should I try to become 100% familiar with all the kana before even attempting to advance to actual words and sentence structure or should I try to learn them in parallel?

>> No.18316615
File: 887 KB, 1147x1000, 9a75f2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really care about learning Japanese anymore, the only thing I still do is my Anki reviews with the intention of eventually taking it up again. I simply wish to stop coming here and not losing time by procrastinating those reviews. Any tips DJT?

Please use the archive.

>> No.18316627

The more you do the better. Start with core already, you can go slow like 5 to 10 cards a day. You can also start getting familiarized with grammar. The more time you can invest, the better. Don't try to study anything to perfection in isolation, won't happen.

>> No.18316629

First go through all kana in a day or two and then move on. You don't need to remember 100% of the kana before moving on since you will be seeing them constantly elsewhere so you end up learning them well later

>> No.18316645

Shitpost really hard and get banned for a couple of days.

>> No.18316646

Short answer: Because RTK is (a lot) worse than other kanji resources, even if one assumes that its method is good.
Long answer: use the archives.

>> No.18316650

Find something fun to read.

>> No.18316651

The little cross in the top right corner.

>> No.18316652

Most people are idiots who criticize things they have not used nor have any intention of understanding. They see people shitting on something and decide, consciously or not, to join in, out of peer/group pressure to conform.
If you think about it, there are probably things on other boards and topics you yourself trashtalk without having any real basis for it aside seeing others do the same thing and so what's good is good and it's understood so don't even question if you know what I mean.

>> No.18316655

This post literally doesn't mean anything or make any points. It's just angry rambling.

>> No.18316660

Do bans apply to passes? Otherwise I am afraid I am unbanable beyond a day as I have a dynamic IP. Even then, I could just stop using the pass!

I don't want to read!

You are right, but that's something I have been struggling with for a long time.

>> No.18316663

>Because RTK is (a lot) worse than other kanji resources, even if one assumes that its method is good.
But it isnt, if anything it is better. Spend a couple of weeks reading the books and your retention rate of the vocab is basically 100% as you have seen it all before and largely "understand" the words.

>> No.18316665

I don't care what happened when you used RTK, it's worse than other kanji resources in every metric, even if you're using the RTK method with those other resources.

>> No.18316666

I was quoting from a Jack Johnson song, anon. Anger isn't even a possibility.

>> No.18316672

I didn't say anything about you.

>> No.18316675
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>> No.18316679

You can still get banned with a pass. Passes only bypass range bans.

>> No.18316690

>like that's somehow an accomplishment
My dog could be a contractor.

>> No.18316692

What the fuck, is this even Japanese?

>> No.18316696

The real problem with RTK is the toxic community of eternal dekinais that formed around it, each of whom makes learning resources for months or years before deciding that it's impossible to become completely fluent in a reasonable amount of time. The deck on the left side of >>18316675 is an example of a resource made by such people. It's full of useless nonsense.

The easiest way to avoid those people is to avoid the resources they flock to. It doesn't really matter what you use on your road to fluency as long as your resources aren't actively lying to you and you don't isolate yourself from comprehensible input.

>> No.18316704

I know that, but bans apply to IP addresses and I told you I have a dynamic IP. What I wondered about is if bans attach to my pass, as it is the only constant between my days going on 4chan.

>> No.18316717

RTK is shit, get over it

>> No.18316720
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quality learning resource

>> No.18316722
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>> No.18316730

>You are right, but that's something I have been struggling with for a long time.
Then the only conclusion is that you apparently do not actually want to learn Japanese.
Personally I have set myself the goal to learn enough Japanese to comfortably navigate the country (on my own if required) and be able to hold my own in an average conversation by 2020. The olympics and comiket98 being the reason for that particular year. That leaves me 2.5 years, and I have been at it for a year now.

I have a clear goal, I have a clear deadline. Thus I have no problem motivating myself, as I know full well I will only have myself to blame when come 2020 I am one of the de facto deaf, mute and illiterate tourists that can do little more than go from their Hotel to the Olympic Stadium and back again

>but they`ll all learn English for the event and put up English signs!
Fantastic, as cute and endearing as that may be, nobody is being fooled. Most of the country will be inaccesible due to the enourmous language barrier if you do not know Japanese.

So TL;DR to you:
Set yourself a clearly defined goal, if you have no reason to learn Japanese, you will not learn it. "I want to watch anime without subs" is usually not a goal that gets this done btw as there is no real pressure, you can always just switch back to subs. If it works for you though, great, set that as your goal and get cracking.

>> No.18316732
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Stops giving explicit stroke order early on, instead listing radicals in appearance order. Yeah, very useful.

>> No.18316739

Wow, look at this baseless and unsupported opinion. Don?t get many of those around here.

>> No.18316743

Except it's the opposite of baseless and unsupported.

>> No.18316758

Another one! They sure are abundant today.

>> No.18316771

Didn't I just tell you I don't want to learn Japanese right now? I'm way too busy with other things and those other things are why procrastination cause by Japanese reviews is problematic.
By the way, only being a year in you really have no business telling anyone how to learn and what to do y'know, you are practically still a beginner.
Also please go back to /int/.

>> No.18316784

>They sure are abundant today.
or as we RTKers like to say: 群確有豊今!

>> No.18316790

Reminder to ignore most of what you read on /r/learnjapanese, because people are more concerned about inserting snarky corrections into their posts (even when completely unnecessary) than helping people or conveying useful information.

>> No.18316793

Learning Japanese isnt much different from learning anything else when it comes to how to approach the "problem" of learning something new.

You on the other hand are just shitposting, you aren not learning Japanese, you have no desire to learn Japanese, yet post here out of sheer boredom. You not only have problems learning Japanese, you also have problems learning/doing anything else with your life, choosing to procrastinate here instead. Disgusting with your "woe is me, I can`t help but keep wasting time in coming here, wutdo?" act. Unironically kys, you are a waste of space.

>> No.18316811

I have a great desire to learn Japanese, but no time! I am also putting great amounts of time into other things but it is all very tiresome. I suppose I'm not improving the situation by shitposting either way. I'll take the earlier anon's advice and use the X !

>> No.18316841

>but no time
Jesus Christ, stop lying to yourself, you probably spent at least an hour shitposting in these threads. That is an hour you could have read pretty much any learning resource. I swear to god if you are still here to read and reply to this you only have yourself to blame for not learning squat, instead shitposting and ignoring good advice. Go and stay go.

>> No.18316859

Here you just get a different flavour of shit, where people try to outpretend each other on how advanced they are.
I honestly only come here to have my questions answered by the lurkers who actually are good at the language. Anything else will surely devolve into "my way of doing X is superior to your way of doing X" wherein neither party is actually doing X.

>> No.18316866

To be fair, 有豊 doesn't sound too far from 豊か

>> No.18316877

I actually did my reviews while idling the thread and will go to sleep now. As for not learning, I think the more there is to do the bigger the desire not to do it is. I think I have noticed this for me at least, that I struggle to start with tasks if they require large amounts of continuous effort, all the while shitposting on 4chan is quick and easy. There is definite some cognitive dissonance at play here, between the desire to actually go and do something and actually doing it. And it's not like I actually do have a lot of time, I do have some deadlines myself, dates on which I write exams to be exact. And if I were to properly study for those exams I wouldn't have a second left for Japanese from this moment on, so that's definitely a truth. Oh well, I'll stop losing even more time now, see you in a week.

>> No.18316878

If you don't care about learning Japanese anymore then why would you need help? Just stop learning

>> No.18316983

I don't see the problem with this. The radicals are listed in the order that you write them, it's the same as a stroke-for-stroke diagram but condensed. Whenever there's an exceptional stroke order it's written out completely or noted.

>> No.18316990

>Whenever there's an exceptional stroke order it's written out completely or noted.
You say this but it's not actually true.

>> No.18317010

My bad, I must be misremembering. I never had an issue with stroke order going through RTK, but that's probably because my Anki deck also had a stoke-for-stroke diagram with it. But, given the rules laid out in RTK, and a bit of common sense I don't think it's that hard to gain an intuitive sense of stroke order anyway.

That being said, I don't think stroke is super important. I write 必 the chinese way because the japanese way is stupid as fuck.

>> No.18317018

RTK is beginner stuff, why would a beginner obsess over the precise stroke order of obscure and/or complicated kanji with "exceptional stroke orders"?

The vast majority of the kanji have their correct stroke order given to a T in the book, it is basically impossible to pick up bad habbits using RTK.

>> No.18317019

I didn't say anything about that.

>> No.18317023


>> No.18317029
File: 8 KB, 523x158, totono1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello DJT. What is the meaning of だか in pic related? I've been googling it but have yet to find something to make sense of this. MC apologizes to his childhood friend in this context.

>> No.18317033

Thinking of using Animelon to watch Spice and Wolf. Is the site any good or is it a total meme?

>> No.18317040


>> No.18317046




>> No.18317051

Wouldn't it be strange to use だ in a question like that though?

>> No.18317061

I was thinking that's just how they do rhetorical questions, but I would say imouto knows best.

>> No.18317110

meme, use kitsunekko.net for subs

>> No.18317150
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Anyone have any suggestions for mobile?
My PC is old and I'm fucking broke.
I'm using human Japanese and very much enjoy it, but am curious to other options you might suggest.

Note: Kana memorized and working on a bunch of basic vocab.

>> No.18317168





>> No.18317213

>retiming the sub file in 3 different locations to watch a single episode

>> No.18317266

can't understand shit when it's all written in kana. At least the kanji gives you a good base separating verbs and noun from particles & others making it much easier to read than all that mess.

>> No.18317300

guess im not as lazy as you

>> No.18317354
File: 72 KB, 311x355, 1491921677106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it that the simpler the kanji, the worse KanjiTomo is at recognising it? And why is it so bad at reading kana?

Also, I don't suppose there's a plug-in or some such for it that gives it the ability to decipher conjugations for you like Yomichan does?

>> No.18317365


>> No.18317369

stroke order

>> No.18317377


What does stroke order have to do with OCR?

>> No.18317376

use capture 2 text

>> No.18317396

Is it actually any better than KanjiTomo?

>> No.18317399

It's an alternative.

>> No.18317404

>Why is it that the simpler the kanji, the worse KanjiTomo is at recognising it?
Kanjitomo has a "creative" method of performing OCR. It's not very good when it doesn't have a lot of information, but unlike the methods used for most other languages, it never fucks up ridiculously poorly on clear computer-generated high-information kanji.

>> No.18317411

>it never fucks up ridiculously poorly
>ridiculously poorly
I had to read this ten times before I felt like I had an idea of what you were trying to say.

>> No.18317415

But does it actually do anything better? The way it works seems to be a lot less convenient than KanjiTomo. Rather than having a Rikai/Yomichan like functionality, you have to copy text to your clipboard, then paste that text to Jisho or something.

>> No.18317423

I'm not really the clearest person but it shouldn't be that hard to understand. Is it really that bad?
It's just different.

>> No.18317424

I found it to be better, its more lightweight and it will only scan what you want

>> No.18317428

If you have a clipboard grabber you'd just OCR then mouse your rikai clone over your clipboard grabber.

>> No.18317435

>It's not very good when it doesn't have a lot of information
In other words, when dealing with simple characters?

I've actually noticed that sometimes it works better if I scale the image down. A number of times now, it has been unable to read a particular kanji with the image at full size, but after forcing the image to fit the size of my image viewer's window (shrinking it considerably) it became able to read it on the first try.

>> No.18317439

It's bad with simple characters, yeah.

It works better scaled down because it has fewer weird options to test that give it bad results.

>> No.18317480
File: 86 KB, 756x574, 1430280123155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

潜る (くぐる)
潜る (むぐる)

>> No.18317562



>> No.18317715

Should you learn kana before than anything?
If you learn vocabulary in romaji the time you see a word in kana you won't recognise it, go with the kana charts go on your step and more important take patience to learn, after you learn hiragana and katakana you can go with vocabulary: verbs, nouns, numbers, adjectives, greetings, and then grammar you know: particles, past, present, negative verbs and easy phrases.
But kana is your base to learn the whole language properly.

>> No.18317716

>潜る (むぐる)
where did you find this

>> No.18317718

むぐる is an obsolete reading of that word. Now もぐる sure.

>> No.18317742

If in doubt, check a Japanese dictionary.
That it is the bottom most entry and begins by explaining that it is the same as the top most entry is usually an indicator that it is not the reading you are after. Authors have a habit of either using kana instead or providing furigana if it is ambiguous, meaning it would be safe to assume that if someone wanted to use むぐる in this instance, it would be made clear to the reader that it was this different reading as opposed to くぐる of もぐる, depending on the context.

>> No.18317802

You can also watch the episode without any subs at all.

>> No.18317922

Perfection of one area will not happen in isolation, at least not in a reasonable amount of time. When you've covered all of kana, start learning vocab (using kanji on the front for anything that can possibly be written in kanji, reading in kana on the back assuming it was written in kanji, also meaning of course). Make sure you double-check if you're unsure of a kana so that you don't develop a habit of misreading it, but this will go faster than just reviewing kana directly. Some loanwords in katakana will help with that but you don't have to force it now.
Start a grammar book either at the same time as vocab, or within a couple weeks. Again, perfection wont happen in isolation, so MOVE FORWARD and don't test yourself repeatedly to perfection. Many people here recommend skipping any worksheets entirely. You're primarily familiarizing yourself with the most common concepts so that you have an idea of how to break down a sentence and where to look in the book for very common grammar until you remember it.
When you get through your first grammar book, start reading easy material, and look back at the grammar book and other grammar resources for reference. This is how you will get everything solidified: read and look stuff up when you don't remember it. You can also consider mining vocab from what you read instead of using a premade deck, as words that you've encountered in reading material will be much easier for you to learn. It is generally recommended that you avoid intermediate grammar books and just use a grammar dictionary, as it's important for you to focus on reading real Japanese instead of spending months "preparing" for it, which wont take away the initial difficulty.
If you struggle with the same words for days, that's fine. Weeks, it's time to do something about it, there are a lot of things you could try and not much agreement on which you should do, just put more attention into those words in some way. If this is happening a lot or your true retention is something absurdly low like 50% and you think the problem is the kanji, consider radical study or kanji study, I'm not going to get into that as there's at least one argument about it in every thread. Do not stop anything else you are doing for this, however.

>> No.18318080

hey :D
https://github.com/seanvert/mecanki/blob/master/main.py made this python script that runs through books and saves a wordlist. Might be useful to someone, I'm planning to make it to automate an anki deck with colors on the phrases and also planning to add a GUI in tkinter.

>> No.18318114

What are the colours going to represent?

>> No.18318127

word "classes" like adjetive something, verb

>> No.18318131

I'm somewhat grammar dumb D: help me out if you have any good idea on that matter. Because I'm doing this thing to see if I can learn those things

>> No.18318152

I don't really think it's worth doing that. If you've memorised the meaning of a word you should know whether or not it's an adjective or a verb or whatever. If I see the word 食べる I don't think "What kind of word is that? Oh, it's a verb. Ok, now what does it mean? It means to eat." I just go "Oh, it means to eat." The definition takes care of it.

>> No.18318155

http://jollylearning.co.uk/2011/03/30/the-jolly-grammar-programme/ something like this

>> No.18318165

Maybe you should spend that free time learning Japanese

>> No.18318179

but I'm an anki drone :\ and I need to make a deck out of a book

>> No.18318188

Being an anki drone isn't a good thing. Anki is a tool to support your learning, it shouldn't be the only thing you use. Focused study, whether it be reading or listening is more important than using anki alone.

>> No.18318190

check this out :D might not be a waste of time

>> No.18318191

>96 line script

>> No.18318195

There is no need to be upset

>> No.18318206

I'm also learning how to program, calm down. I always do my reps before doing those programming things.

>> No.18318207

just pointing out scripts that hook into larger actually complex programs to do something useful don't take as much time as learning a language

>> No.18318210

I'm not saying visual aids are not useful, they're actually incredibly useful for learning and retention. What I'm saying is that you shouldn't actually need them to discern whether a word is a verb or an adjective or whatever, you should be able to get that information from the meaning of the word.

>> No.18318228
File: 82 KB, 680x680, 312432153454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>variables and functions written in mixture of english and coder's native language

>> No.18318252

it's just I'm using anki to learn things, I don't think I learn much reading grammar books. And I do 300 daily reps without much stress, I think I could use that to learn grammar patterns

>> No.18318262

it's not ready yet, but want to see something really ugly?
https://pastebin.ca/3966236 check this one out lol

>> No.18318276

I really don't think you understand what I'm saying at all. You'll have a better time learning grammar patterns by reading and listening to a variety of media, rather than wasting time colouring in your anki deck.

>> No.18318288

but I already do that, I watch that nihonjin no shiranai nihongo, gyakuten saiban and ladies vs butlers. And I'm also doing an n5-4 exercise book. I just want to make a colorized anki deck :D

>> No.18318329

Look, I'm not jerking off like a normal person would, ok? I'm into that nofap thing, I have a lot of energy and because I'm single I don't have anyone to release my energy, so I thought an anki deck generator would be a good idea.

>> No.18318375

Passed N2 without any anki, would like to brush up on my Jouyou kanji with anki to start reading for N1, though.

Anyone know any good decks with kanji in compounds?

>> No.18318393

do you think it's better to get pictures out of the book movie and make cards with those?

>> No.18318412
File: 484 KB, 2419x1687, Full blown autism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does my autistic study schedule look doable or are the later genki chapters slower? Been going at it for a few weeks.
I have a lot of free time and already live in Japan

>> No.18318430

If you already live in japan, surely you don't need this place :^)

>> No.18318441

I think any picture would be fine, but I guess connecting it with the source material wouldn't hurt, but it would be more effort. A google image search would be much quicker.

>> No.18318455

Replace wanikani with anki and a better kanji resource and it'll be fine. Your diligence will pay off in the long run but you might get bored initially.

>> No.18318516

Am I a baka for wanting to major in Japanese for university?

>> No.18318519


>> No.18318527

Does anyone know where I can find a download for Astelight Shuushuubako? All the torrents have no seeders and any direct download links I've found are dead.

>> No.18318611
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>> No.18318691



>> No.18318711

IMO it's not worth it. The courses are usually slow (it doesn't take 3 years to get through Genki I, Genki II and Tobira), there's little in the way of support, it's expensive, you can have your skills recognised via JLPT or otherwise instead and you're stuck using material they have set for you. It's awful having to slog through texts that are completely unrelated to your interests and language goals.

I can think of only two reasons for doing it: you either need to have specifically majored in it for some reason (my country requires that you do if you want to teach it in schools) or you're already getting a degree for some reason and figure if you're learning Japanese anyway it will save some time.

>> No.18318779

you won't get a job

>> No.18318878


Not him, but I already finished my Master's in Japanese and now I'm gonna continue to a PhD course in Japan.

Am I fucked?

>> No.18318888

Probably depends on what you're planning to do with your life.

>> No.18318904

well, with a PhD you could get into teaching at universities I guess

>> No.18318926

Do you know Japanese?

>> No.18318935

you should have stopped at a bachelor's degree and found work in Japan you absolute mongoloid

>> No.18318974

>bachelor's degree
>find work

>> No.18319033




>> No.18319116


>> No.18319164
File: 327 KB, 500x259, 1490318586703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are LN authors such pretentious dicks?

>using fucking obsolete 旧字体 kanji that don't even show up in Japanese dictionaries
>writing words which everyone else writes in hiragana with kanji instead for no reason

>> No.18319170

Because you haven't read any other books yet, in any language.

>> No.18319172

You probably already realise this but making charts like that is just procrastinating.

>> No.18319175


>> No.18319181


>> No.18319216


>> No.18319221

I knew there was an AJATTer in here. I wonder who it is...

>> No.18319224

That introduction sentence already made me cringe

>> No.18319225
File: 50 KB, 1520x260, Screen Shot 2018-01-27 at 4.30.33 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18319228

Well I would hope that there's a lot more here, it's the most superior way of learning any language

>> No.18319230

There's a good number of AJATTers who have demonstrated great success with that method yet no one has ever come out of DJT with a comparable level of skill. Really makes you think.

>> No.18319239

Most DJT people hate on RTK anyway, so AJATT is usually a lost cause on them.

>> No.18319242

>yet no one has ever come out of DJT with a comparable level of skill
its an anonymous image board, fuckwit

>> No.18319244

Like that stops people from going around and saying "I learned Japanese with the DJT method and look how good I am now!" even though the DJT guide gets posted everywhere outside of here.

>> No.18319246

This your Japanese after studying for over 6 years.

>> No.18319247

Why would you hate RTK?

>> No.18319249

>Like that stops people from going around and saying "I learned Japanese with the DJT method
yeah, it actually does because anybody can claim that? retard?

>> No.18319252

What the fuck are you even talking about? Are you okay?

>> No.18319254

I believe that DJT graduates are not spastics like that guy in the video.
Also where is your prove that "no one has ever come out of DJT with a compareable level of skill".
As if everyone who's done with this thread gives a report. There are many skilled people posting in this thread from time to time. That should be proof enough.

>> No.18319256

Not an argument.

>> No.18319258

What makes you think he's a spastic? That's a pretty baseless claim.

>> No.18319260

>I believe that DJT graduates are not spastics like that guy in the video.
You're right, they're on a whole other level of spastic

>> No.18319264

Do I need a base for an insult? It's just my first impression of the video.

>> No.18319285

I really have no idea how you could've gotten that impression from the video. He's just a dude claiming to have a large vocabulary, mentioning that the graphic novel he's reading is known for having lots of obscure and hard words, and then reading it in Japanese.

>> No.18319290

>a good number
Care to list some?

In the first place, there's not much difference between AJATT and the general DJT method anyway. AJATT has more focus on passive listening and tells you to make sentence cards instead of vocab cards, but that's about it. The core of both is learning through reading and listening to native content.

>> No.18319302

This MattVsJapan guy says in that huge 3 hour video he made that he didn't even do RTK as a beginner.

>> No.18319309

I'm actually surprised I watched that whole video in one sitting, it's just a guy talking into a webcam. It's pretty good though

>> No.18319311

He ended up redoing it later on because his recall and writing weren't that great, and RTK fixed it.

>> No.18319315

Actually I think he said he did do RTK, but he did his flashcards the wrong way around, with the kanji on the front and keyword on the back, instead of keyword on the front and kanji on the back.

>> No.18319318
File: 370 KB, 579x567, eba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and writing weren't that great

>> No.18319323

That is fine, there is no need for you to understand me.
I can appreciate the fact that he can actually read that properly but he's too awkward for me in general.

>> No.18319329

to be fair people here have always conceded that RTK is a good way to learn how to write kanji

>> No.18319341

After such a long time does it really matter which guide you follow.

>> No.18319344

I haven't been hanging around DJT for that long so I didn't know that. I should probably read the archives at some point when I'm bored. I think people on DJT give RTK flak because they think it's useless in the long run, but in reality spending a few months learning kanji saves time overall, compared to people who spend years getting through just the joyou kanji, and ending up with a smaller vocabulary as a result.

>> No.18319350 [DELETED] 

I'm inclined to say yes. I passed N1 and was accepted to a course in Japanese.

>> No.18319357

I'd say the amount of exposure to Japanese through true AJATTing is way more than DJT. However, Matt has lived in Japan and had lots of Japanese"friends" in college, which we can't do from our basements.

>> No.18319361

That's the plan. Nowadays most relevant positions ask for at least partial focus on modern media. Luckily the course I'll take is flexible enough to allow this.

I'm inclined to say yes. I passed N1 and was accepted to a course in Japanese.

>> No.18319366

I think the AJATT method, if followed correctly, is the fastest method to fluency and proficiency than any other method. It doesn't take 6 years to reach that level, but if you reach that level faster and continue studying until the 6 year point, then you'd probably be better than someone else who used a different method.

>> No.18319381

I mean, yeah. 6 years of Genki-a-year college won't get you to casually reading Muramasa level.

>> No.18319385

I think another difference is that DJT puts a lot of focus on learning grammar patterns, whereas AJATT involves just learning them passively through input, or at least putting concerted effort into learning grammar in japanese, once you can understand native material.

>> No.18319482

So what is AJATT exactly? Do you have an example of what it requires you to do and how it works? I had a look at the site but it's obnoxious to read and it requires you to sign up to get access, which I don't really feel like doing.

>> No.18319488

Duolingo is shit but the daily virtual badgering is appreciated.

>> No.18319491


>> No.18319500

Is there a good overview of counters anywhere? Like something explaining all the different ways you count things explained with pronunciation changes? The more of it i learn the harder it is to keep up and i just want to have it all in one place to avoid further confusion

>> No.18319513
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>> No.18319514

Probably million different ones on the internet.

>> No.18319517

I have a silly question for you djt: it occured to me, I was learning vocabulary for moon, but not english. Has anyone here used a word deck for english?

>> No.18319519

You don't need to sign up at all.
Everything about the method is here. http://www.alljapaneseallthetime.com/blog/all-japanese-all-the-time-ajatt-how-to-learn-japanese-on-your-own-having-fun-and-to-fluency/
A lot of it is motivational, and Khatz's writing style is weird, but it's honestly worth the read despite its length. Also ignore the bit about lazy kanji, just use the method given in the link that's crossed out, it's better.

>> No.18319543

>DJT puts a lot of focus on learning grammar patterns

>AJATT involves [..] putting concerted effort into learning grammar in japanese

>> No.18319545

Neat. Couldn't find the link on that clusterfuck of a website.

The guy takes too long to get to the point for my liking and puts too much effort into looking 'fun' and 'cool' imo. Maybe I'll have a more thorough look sometime.

I also kind of doubt that 'listening to japanese 24 hours a day' is gonna help anyone much, like the guy claims. Learning through osmosis is not a thing, and if you're just putting it on as background noise I really doubt it'll help at all. It won't hurt, I guess.

>> No.18319552

I was subscribed to dictionary.com's Word of the Day, but that pretty quickly devolved into nonsense words from the 1700s.

>> No.18319590

>>So what is AJATT exactly?
It stands for "All Japanese, All The Time". It's pretty much what it sounds like; the idea behind it is to spend as much time as possible being exposed to Japanese (the author even recommends having something playing in Japanese while you're sleeping).

The general method to it, IIRC is:
1. The first 3 months are spent doing RTK while listening (actively and passively) to as much Japanese as possible (the author says never to use English subtitles).
2. Just go straight to reading and listening without touching a grammar guide, making sentence cards in Anki to learn the words you come across.

The problem is, the author didn't even follow his own method. For instance, he tells people not to use grammar guides and that they don't need them, but he admits in several articles in the Table of Contents that he himself used several grammar guides (from memory: Tae Kim, All About Particles. and the Quick and Dirty Guide to Japanese Grammar).

>> No.18319593

Oh, and the person being talked about in this thread (MattVsJapan) has also admitted to using at least one grammar guide (Tae Kim's).

>> No.18319594

>Couldn't find the link on that clusterfuck of a website.
It's designed to be that way.


>> No.18319596

Some of the common ones are covered in Genki. Tae Kim has a page on them too.

>> No.18319601

Sounds terrible. I get the 'read and listen asap' idea though, but aside from that it sounds more like snake oil to me.

It's like, the guy might've learned Japanese and exposed himself to Japanese while sleeping, but it's just a case study - you don't know if he wouldn't have achieved the same result without playing Japanese all night long.

I dunno, the guy's website, way of writing and Youtube attitude kind of raise a few red flags for me.

>> No.18319710

They did this on purpose to sound like gaijin or something, right?

>> No.18319745

Please teach me how to be japanese!! Just tell me what to do and I'll do it!! Nothing else is working im just slowly dissolving into nothingness. Someone please!!!

>> No.18319763

spend your every waking moment studying for 21 years then join a company where you die from overwork within 10 years

have fun!

>> No.18319776

This anime is actually.. surprisingly watchable

>> No.18319789

ok how the fuck does なんです translate into "it is assuredly that ...; can say with confidence that ..."

can some of you nipnog noggins tell me that?

>> No.18319818

Read for 10,000 hours before asking about production you r-word.

>> No.18319833


>> No.18319835

i'm worried i'll be reading for 10,000 hours still not learning anything because I don't know how shit is being used. it's just me memorizing without understanding.

>> No.18319865

Why does tohoku-ben sound so similar to korean/chinese? I want to know the historical connection to that dialect. Is it one of the oldest forms of japanese that is still spoken to this day?


>> No.18319927

It's a good bad anime

>> No.18319949

I was worried at how they would tackle animating such an absurd and abstract 4koma from the notorious bkub but so far it seems to be working out. I hope it is gaining popularity over there but at the same time I hope it doesnt. I dont want another rick and morty to happen.

>> No.18319972

You don't need a deck. If you're a brainlet like me your issue is that you don't bother looking up unfamiliar words when you encounter them. Start doing that and you'll definitely develop your vocabulary.

>> No.18319977

They had to cancel some event in some store because way too many fans showed up

>> No.18319987

>I dont want another rick and morty to happen.
Too late:

>> No.18319990

Has anyone been using Fuji TV? I haven't used it in about a month but now I keep getting a message that I have to register to keep watching. Tried googling a bit and saw that the fucking idiots on reddit talked about it and one of the staff members of Fuji responded by saying they'll fix it. Did it really got fixed?

>> No.18320011

its already gotten the dumbass tumblr fans/sjws, not that it speaks for the shows quality

>> No.18320030

Anyone use ankidriod? Is it worth using?

>> No.18320043

You get what you pay for

>> No.18320110

Their staff already knew about the loophole, but I guess they didn't bother fixing it since not a lot of people used it. Then some fucktard made a video about it and redditors spread it on their subreddits which led to the staff finally saying they'll fix it. It's still possible to watch it for free, but no one's really keen on sharing on how to do it after that shitshow. Basically reddit as always ruins everything when they get their hands on it.

>> No.18320113

How can I have anki allow me to do my review earlier. Whenever I want to do anki at around 1pm the review is not up yet, and I have to wait a couple of hours.

>> No.18320149

Did you try rutracker?

>> No.18320150


>> No.18320228

Spending 2hr/day with hand down pants ain't exactly an "accomplishment" either, you know.

Language tools aren't really resource intensive. Are you looking for something other than AnkiDroid?

>> No.18320256

Do you guys know of any resources that explain how collocations/phrases come to mean what they do? I can't wrap my head around stuff like 事も有ろうに

>> No.18320258

MattvsJapan's videos are cool but his obsession with RTK is fucking weird.

>> No.18320271

It turns out he was fluent before pretending to study. Khatz was born into a weathly family with Kenyan royalty connections and there are photos floating out there of him as a kid as at a school full of Japanese. Also in a way funny, during the period where his site was all but inactive, someone on the kanji koohii forums found a site using the AJATT format but for some cam girl scam. There were a bunch of other domains related to this same aforementioned one, making it look like he was trying to establish a system of scams. A shame the guy is Kenyan and not Nigerian because that would have been hilarious.

If you prefer to review on a tablet or are afk alot, fuck yeah. I just finished my reps in bed before reading this thread.
It supports vertical text for Japanese without having to dick about with javascript, making Ankidroid ideal for my monolingual vocab deck.
Oh, and it's free.

>> No.18320283 [DELETED] 
File: 88 KB, 720x1280, indexu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this belongs in wsr, but i don't want to create an entire thread for this so can anyone translate this?

>> No.18320287

Just make a thread.

>> No.18320308

Type 中出し大好き there

>> No.18320316

eh what could go wrong?

>> No.18320321

anyone here know why vegetable store is "800store" in japanese?

>> No.18320325

>i don't want to create an entire thread for this
That's exactly how >>>/wsr/ is supposed to be used.

>> No.18320339

I want to learn Japanese but I can't get motivated by myself should I just go to college

>> No.18320340


>> No.18320376

At the risk of blogging, can anyone tell me why, historically, the Japanese thought it was necessary to have not one, but TWO syllabaries with one reserved solely for names an loanwords? I can understand one syllabary, I can even understand having a syllabary in conjunction with a rote logography, but having TWO syllabaries AND a rote logography is just silly.
I keep getting snagged on katakana while reading and it's kind of pissing me off.

>> No.18320377

No, you won't learn Japanese there either if you can't make yourself study independently. Learn to control yourself or give up.

>> No.18320382

Nigger, I'm trying to do both. Get off your ass and do something instead of bumming around here on 4chan. You won't regret it.

>> No.18320408 [DELETED] 

Yiff in hell, furfag.

>> No.18320411

That game doesn't have anything to do with furshit. Go back to /int/.

>> No.18320417

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z


>> No.18320424

You could try, I guess. There are Asian studies where I live and it's just 4 years of studying Japanese, their culture and stuff. One of my former high-school classmates is in her 3rd year now. She's currently abroad in Japan for her 3rd year and continuing her studies there.

>> No.18320430

Go away.

>> No.18320436

That honestly explained more than three entire wikipedia articles.

>> No.18320438

You don't belong here.

>> No.18320463
File: 60 KB, 619x619, confused 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anyway to make typing in Japanese NOT a retarded hunt and peck adventure or do I just have to knuckle down and learn a new keyboard layout?

>> No.18320467

What? Just use romaji input like everyone else.

>> No.18320474

Not who you were replying to, but this advice is very helpful. Thanks.

>> No.18320503

Wait, what? I can do that?

>> No.18320528

Of course. Look up "IME". Google has one, and your operating system has one too.

>> No.18320560

I have IME configured, I didn't know it supported romanji input. Christ, I feel like such a fucking retard.

>> No.18320569


>> No.18320574

I really hate all of the English words raping Japanese. Is there any database for Japanese words for loan words like テレビ or コンピュータ?

>> No.18320633
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>> No.18320645

I really don't know how I've made it this far in life considering my general ineptitude.

>> No.18320741
File: 302 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180201-061736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started vocab a few days ago. Are these stats bad or normal?

>> No.18320762

How reliable is Yomichan for telling me if a term is popular or not?

>> No.18320766

If it uses the Innocent Corpus stats that rikaisama uses, then it's not going to be very reliable outside of the most common words. There won't be any false negative among common short words but outside of that it's going to be unreliable.

>> No.18320793

What are some anime that have timed Japanese subs uploaded?

>> No.18320802
File: 877 KB, 500x775, 1517426995215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had been thinking that the kanji for 沢山 was just one of those random kanji pairings, but seeing pic related actually sort of made me see it in perspective a bit better.

>> No.18320803

... have you already missed a day?

Anyways, I wouldn't worry about "how your stats compare". If the workload feels right and you aren't burning out, it's fine. Otherwise you might want to reduce the number of new cards per day.

>> No.18320805

Japanese subs are for plebs

>> No.18320809

>... have you already missed a day?
No. What makes you think that?

>> No.18320830

Sorry, I thought that the # of cards = # of words in your deck (which would've meant that you had ~120 cards but only have studied for 3 days). I spaced out there.

>> No.18320846


>> No.18320932

How do I learn to read haiku?

>> No.18320993

Just learn C++ and download the sourcecode

>> No.18321009

>listening to spook stories for listening practice
quite comfy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNj4utTMjI8 if you're interested

>> No.18321010

Do you have to be on a native level to get witty things like puns?

>> No.18321014

I'll stick to my chopin, thanks.

>> No.18321015

depends on the pun

>> No.18321027

>Kenyan royalty connections
Kenya doesn't have royalty. It's a republic.

>there are photos floating out there of him as a kid as at a school full of Japanese.
Post them.

>> No.18321125

>I keep getting snagged on katakana while reading and it's kind of pissing me off.

>> No.18321128
File: 97 KB, 694x448, 1491171165606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

わたし ばか でつ

>> No.18321165

Fuck no, I study Japanese to get away from programming. Wish there were more Japs and less Chinamen in the bay area

>> No.18321186

comp sci student here
can confirm japanese > programing

>> No.18321213

>listening to things while trying to learn
In the words of Milt Kahl "I'm not smart enough to think of more than one god damn thing at a time!"

>> No.18321240

Not him, but your ESL is showing painfully obviously buddy.
>recall and writing weren't that great
Neither his recall nor his writing were good, so referring to them together using "weren't" is correct.

>> No.18321242


>> No.18321246

I think I was misunderstood. The spook stories are the listening practice. They're in Japanese.

Ghosts stories are nice for basic listening practice as they're told in a slow, even tempo. And personally I think pure audio is better than watching anime or what have you. You lose contextual clues but it's easier to focus on what's being said when you don't have to pay attention to what's happening on the screen.

>> No.18321247

Even Japanese people don't use kana input, for the simple reason that it requires memorizing more key locations and they learn romaji through exposure as children.

>> No.18321254

Should qualify that a bit more: Some people use kana input, but well over 50% of them use romaji input because of the stated reasons.

>> No.18321312




>> No.18321317

Is there a ”あうして” to follow the same pattern as これ、それ、あれ、どれ and other similar words?

>> No.18321325


>> No.18321344

And those same people don't know how romaji actually sound and write ちとせ as titose and しゃ as sya because that's how their IME works.

>> No.18321379
File: 125 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot from 2018-01-31 14-05-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does the oite at totteoite mean?
totte is the imperative form of toru right?
i am guessing this is like a compound verb

>> No.18321383

It's very easy to notice that in twitter account names.

>> No.18321387

in totteoite*

>> No.18321391

Sorry, english native here. I wasn't questioning the grammar, just the act of writing itself.
Entirely pointless

>> No.18321394


>> No.18321401

While we're talking about IMEs here, has anyone else experienced Google IME causing huge loads on their computer's processing speed? I swear it only started after installing the program, where I'll get super bad bouts of lag in my computer while just doing regular stuff. And typing with the IME makes it worse.

>> No.18321407

>comp sci student here
Well of course Japanese is better than Java. Everything is.

>> No.18321417

I've used googles ime for about 2 years. But I don't have a coal fired cpu

>> No.18321428

Modern Java is actually approaching okay to use, but it's hit the same language complexity wall that C++ has.

>> No.18321431


>> No.18321449

Listening to music has a detrimental effect on your concentration, despite most people thinking it has the opposite effect.

>> No.18321450

What exactly is the difference between

They both mean nearby, close, vicinity etc.
Other than the the rules for conjugation differing between the two, what is the difference in meaning?

I have read that one is used to indicate a vicinity to something specific (as in "I live near the church" when talking about a specific church) and the other for more general indications of things being near your surroundings (as in "I have some stores near to where I live").
I am however finding very little to back that up and would like someone with more expertise to enlighten me.

>> No.18321470

Why does Google translate 彼女に私をくれ as "Give her to me"? My understanding of the に and を particles tells me that this should say "Give me to her".
Is Google wrong or am I retarded?

>> No.18321475

近く is a noun
近い is an adjective

>> No.18321494

Can you post an example of "modern Java"?

>> No.18321497

And it only took 20 years of active development.

>> No.18321499

g*ogle translate is an atrocity, but that sentence is ordered so awkwardly that I can hardly blame it here.

>> No.18321504

>Is Google wrong
You should know by now that Google is wrong 90% of the time.

>> No.18321509

Replacing い with く turns an adjective into a noun.
"That nearby thing"
"That thing is nearby"

>> No.18321512



>> No.18321525

What would happen if I did その物は近い instead? Does that sentence even make sense?

>> No.18321546
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>> No.18321560

You say that, but that is a half truth. Every dictionary I have consulted states that 近く is, aside from being a noun, also a no-adjective. What then is the purpose of 近い? If 近く can serve as an adjective and carries the same meaning, why would I ever need 近い?

>> No.18321565

All の-adjectives are nouns. What makes it a の-adjective is that の acts like a grammatical case instead of a postposition for them.

>> No.18321583

But the く variant can serve as an adjective in and of itself without replacing the く with an い. So to go with your example of:
I instead can do the following:

What then is the point of having 近い if there is absolutely no difference in (implied) meaning?

>> No.18321587
File: 126 KB, 1280x720, 0015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looks at korean imitation anime
that's why you're dekinai

>> No.18321598

>く variant can serve as an adjective
semantically yes
syntactically no

>> No.18321603

You can conjugate i adjectives but you can't do that with any others.

>> No.18321607

There is no point or purpose. You're asking the wrong questions. Stop thinking about it.

If there are two ways to seemingly say the same thing then they always have different nuances. This is the case here.

As it happens, その近い物 is incredibly more idiomatic than その近くの物.

>> No.18321622

I understand that, yet that doesn`t really explain what the difference is. In one sentence I have taken the noun and turned it into an adjective via a particle, in the other I have taken the adjective itself. Wheter I remove the く and replace it with an い or tag a の onto the く, the end result is for all intents and purposes identical; I have the adjective "nearby" (and as far as I understand there is no implied difference in meaning from using one "way of obtaining" the adjective over the other).

They both mean the same, they both fullfil the same purpose. Which is prefered when and why (if at all)?

>> No.18321624

One is shorter and simpler.

>> No.18321627

Well then there is a point and purpose, and you, along with >>18321598 have just given it.

>> No.18321629

But you can conjugate na-adjectives though.

>> No.18321632

There isn't really a point or purpose, it just happened. The reason this was so hard for you is because you're approaching it with a ridiculous frame of mind. This isn't mathematics or engineering. Things don't have purposes.

>> No.18321635

No, you're conjugating the copula. だ is a contraction is にてあり, な is a contraction of にある, etc.

>> No.18321640

Also the に here is a historical copula, not the indirect object particle.

>> No.18321645

Tied into this, when IS 近くの preferred over 近い?

>> No.18321648

It isn't?

>> No.18321650

This differs on a word to word basis as well as what the situation is, how long the sentences are, the style of speech, where you are in Japan, and your age.

Don't bother asking these questions until you actually know Japanese. They don't matter.

>> No.18321653

The difference is, if you use 近い to talk about a noun you have to identify explicitly the noun.

If you use 近く(の) you can nominalize without identifying the noun.

>> No.18321654

As someone who speaks 6 languages you are categorically wrong. Languages developped certain ways for a reason, nobody ever willy nilly spun a wheel to decide on something when it came to languages, what you are doing is splitting hairs over the meaning of "purpose".

>> No.18321658

You're talking about cause, not point/purpose. I have been specifically wording things to specifically refer to the point/purpose for a reason. Actually read what you're responding to with the words in which it's written rather than what you think it's saying.

>> No.18321659

Which languages do you speak?

>> No.18321680

Example without the の


>> No.18321692

>Don't bother asking these questions
Rather easy to say when you are in the know. I am however presented with two rather similair words that seemingly do and mean the same thing, and am left wondering if there are any distinct or important differences between the two. If the answer is "no", that is very well, but I can`t possibly know the answer is "no" without being told.
Going by the multitude of varied answers I am getting to the question it would strike me as an answer that is not abundantly obvious either.

>> No.18321703

I am not him, was merely pointing out how you were wrong and needed a good old knocking of that high horse Mr Ken-sama.

English, German, Dutch, French, Spanish and Irish. Currently learning Japanese. Most were learned through my upbringing.

>> No.18321704

I'm aware that you feel upset that you're not getting the type of answer you expected, but this really is one of the most pointless ways you could possibly spend your time. Ask wise questions, not questions that lead you nowhere and can only possibly have incredibly elaborate answers. You're assuming that there's some fundamental comparison that can be drawn between 近い and 近くの. Aside from the fact that 近い is a dictionary word and 近くの isn't, there's no comparison that you can draw other than "近くの is usually way less idiomatic". That's all you need to know if you don't know enough Japanese to figure these kinds of things out yourself. Don't assume that your train of thought is meaningful when you don't even know how the language's grammar works, all that's going to do is corrupt your understanding of basic grammar whenever you try to understand what other people say about it within your broken mental framework.

>> No.18321705

Native in Swedish, learned English and German in school, and I have Japanese, Spanish, and French all at least level 10 in Duolingo.

>> No.18321707

>was merely pointing out how you were wrong
What you said has nothing to do with what I said. They specifically asked about the purpose of there being two things, not why it happened. You're butting into a conversation that you're not even following.

>> No.18321711

>Japanese, Spanish, and French all at least level 10 in Duolingo.
Nice meme

>> No.18321713

You're not >>18321659

>> No.18321716

>level 10 in Duolingo.
don't know if you're trolling but what level is this actually?

>> No.18321718

>What then is the purpose of 近い?
>What then is the point of having 近い

>> No.18321723

>cause, not point/purpose
linguistically incorrect, but w/e

>> No.18321726


>> No.18321727

Same as being good at a language learning-game without actually knowing the language

>> No.18321728


>> No.18321729




>> No.18321733

At level 10 in Duolingo's Japanese course, you have just learned how to say "きのうはあついでした”

>> No.18321752

this better be b8

>> No.18321759

I am not upset about the answers.

You do have a way of pontificating endlessly though, more annoyingly you seem to be aware of the fact. So I am a little upset about someone who is clearly not good at teaching pretending to be anyway. You seem to have a firm grasp on the language, but no grasp on teaching. Your answer could and should have been as short as "No meaningful difference for someone at your level", which is essentially what you have said in far too many self fellating words.

In short, stop being a pompous ass, the only possible reaction you will ever get to that is "upset" and it will have nothing to do with the actual content of your answer.

>> No.18321762

Breaking the native reading material barrier is quite difficult.

>> No.18321763

You made sweeping statements about the way languages develop which were wrong. If you are going to play Ken-sama in a thread, be prepared to be challenged.

>> No.18321765

I'm not pontificating, I'm telling you that you're actively wasting your time and approaching Japanese with such an attitude that you're going to hurt yourself trying to learn it. Get over yourself and accept that people are going to have opinions about what you're doing if you try to interact with them.

>> No.18321767

Except I didn't make those statements, you just assumed I did because your English ability is poor.

Also, stop pretending not to be the same person.

>> No.18321771

There is literally nothing wrong in
>There isn't really a point or purpose, it just happened.
>This isn't mathematics or engineering. Things don't have purposes.

>> No.18321788

It's not really as hard as you think it is, you just have high standards for yourself.

>> No.18321792

Step 1: Start reading native material

wew that was hard

>> No.18321799

I do hope you realize everything you said there applies to yourself moreso than to myself.

You were pontificating, the vast majority of your comments served no other purpose than to be an aggrevating ass.
As you have pointed out to me that my way of appraoching the particular problem in the language was erronous, I returned the favour by poitning out your way of appraoching "teaching/helping" is erronous.
To use your own words: get over yourself and accept that people are going to have opinions about what you're doing if you try to interact with them.

>> No.18321802

How do you even start when you can't read their gay china scribbles.

>> No.18321803

>This isn't mathematics or engineering. Things don't have purposes.
>Things don't have purposes.
There is that sweeping statement again. Not that it matters, you can be wrong all day every day and it will not change a thing in my life.

>> No.18321804


If someone walks up to me and asks for help removing a bullet from their leg, I'm going to tell them to call an ambulance, not give them a pair of surgical pliers.

You're the someone walking up to me and asking for help removing a bullet from their leg.

There are reasons why you might not want to call an ambulance, like being a criminal or having no insurance or way to pay for a hospital visit, but you don't have a reason to particularly need not to be told not to worry about it.

You're not an academic linguist trying to write an article distinguishing two similar things in a language. You're not working in natural language processing. You're learning.

Some things are not worth worrying about when you're at a particular stage of learning. Nobody who doesn't understand exponents and logarithms has any reason to understand analytic analysis.

Nobody who doesn't know Japanese has a reason to worry about the thousands or millions of tiny questions there are to ask about particular words or phrases.

Don't exoticise Japanese and treat it like something that's unusually opaque or systematic. It's just another language and there's nothing special about any particular thing in it.

You're actively hostile to the idea that someone who knows more than you can have general advice with a greater scope than the specific help you're looking for. You're not looking at patronizing pretense, you already got what you asked for, you're actively attacking anything else that you get in addition. This is selfish in a bad way and you're only going to hurt yourself trying to maintain this aspect of your ego.

>> No.18321806

>Also, stop pretending not to be the same person.

>> No.18321815

Some people are too immature to brush this kind of interaction off. Just stop responding to him, it's making the world a worse place.

>> No.18321817

I am not sure what other person you think I am. I seem to be the only one "attacking" you on your silly claims about languages, as such it would seem to me to be crystal clear which replies are mine.

>> No.18321825

You leave posts unanswered until the long posts from the "other" person come out, then you respond over a minute later than the "other" person does.

>I am not him

So you might want to avoid arguing on this website until you at least gain a little bit more intelligence about how obvious this kind of samefagging is, where you say you're not the other poster even though you're on the same side of a pair of branched arguments. You're only going to get called out if you do it like this.

>> No.18321827

Anyone anki'd the Dictionary of Japanese Grammar Revised deck before? I feel like I understand the grammar immediately when seeing the example sentences, but in practical reading, it just doesn't click.

>> No.18321828

>I am not pontificating
You have your head so far up your own ass buddy.

>> No.18321829

Also your writing style is really obvious because your active English grammar is so constrained, you might want to look into that.

>> No.18321832

You don't know what that word means if you think it describes that post.

>> No.18321834

Holy shit, just stop. Stop it.

>> No.18321835


>> No.18321839
File: 1.24 MB, 847x2000, comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Close enough to 24 hours, looks like no one else had any interest.


These are rakuten ebook rips. The quality of this series in general isn't amazing but not too bad. At least a lot better than the 11mb upload floating around. I also grabbed the first volume of からかい上手の(元)高木さん and put it up, since I wasn't able to find any online. It looks like a fun read, think I'll read it next.

If you want to try and get in touch with the person who claimed to have access to a whole collection of ebooks, he was kind enough to drop his handle in the djt site feedback, making him easy to find. I don't know how reddit works but this matches up: https://www.reddit.com/user/chocolatkey/ . If you can stomach that site, it might be worth trying to get into contact; upvote his karma or whatever it is they do there.

>> No.18321842

Thanks for this.

>> No.18321843


>> No.18321846

Good jesus what sort of cuckooland do you live in, do you even hear/read yourself? Get a grip you loon.

>> No.18321848

Nobody writes like this.

>> No.18321854

Also, are you the anon who runs mokuroku.neocities.org?

>> No.18321856

improve the guide's faq pls

>> No.18321861

Yet you did.

>> No.18321868

Sorry but I don't write like a fluent English-for-academic-purposes speaker that doesn't have a good active grasp on vernacular vocabulary/grammar.

>> No.18321871

Why? His answer was helpful, the way he gave it was not.

>> No.18321874

>autists fight over pointless shit - episode
which do you watch?

>> No.18321878

Go read or something, you're wasting valuable time. Nobody is looking down on you because of this, you don't have any thing to regret.

>> No.18321882

You might not know this, but in English, avoiding contractions where they're obligatory isn't polite, it's assertive.

>> No.18321890


>> No.18321898


>> No.18321900


>> No.18321907


>> No.18321909
File: 280 KB, 474x302, a is for.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh snap, look at the cool kid bringing out the guns. How assblasted does a person have to get over "what you said is wrong" for them to act up like this? This is what aussie posters must feel like all the time.

>> No.18321915

You might've forgotten which thread of responses you're replying to, might want to follow the quotes back.

>> No.18321917

What they said isn't wrong, you just assumed it meant something they didn't say.

>> No.18321937

It's been a while since I've touched it and is probably in need of updating, but yeah. Should really do something about that.

Sorry anon but I'm not any of the anons involved with the djt site.

>> No.18321954

That is wrong. There is no such thing as an "obligatory contraction". What you mean is a mandatory contraction, of which there are very few in the English language. You finding it impolite and assertive says more about what you think you know about the English language, than what you actually know about it.
I was not sure if you were ESL up untill this point, but such a comment can only have come from an ESL speaker.

>> No.18321958

No, I mean obligatory contractions, not "mandatory contractions". I mean what I say, and I know way more about English grammar than you, being a native speaker with an advanced academic literacy.

>> No.18321962

>I was not sure if
Dude, you're literally exposing that you don't know what you're responding to. They're saying that this is assertive and almost ungrammatical.

>> No.18321982

First of all, thank you for the great resource. I have two questions:

1) I have some manga I'd like to submit to the site. Do you have any preferences with regard to formatting, organization, filenames and whatnot?

2) Any progress on this feature?
>Please consider using the cover of the first volume, rather than the most recent, to avoid potential spoilers. Thank you for your work.

>> No.18321992

I am aware of what he is saying. He is wrong though, it is not ungrammatical or for that matter assertive. That he perceives it as such is something he will have to deal with on a personal level.

Untill I see a passport and a degree, you are neither of the things you claim to be.

>> No.18322002
File: 1.96 MB, 307x168, sigh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like it matters, he is (you are, I honestly have no idea anymore at this point) about as movable as mt everest on anything that didn't come out his own mouth and hasn't once bothered to adress his sweeping and wrong statement about the development of languages never having purpose or being driven by it.
Instead I get one autism reply after the other. Can't say I care though, in the end his "episode" was/is all rather amusing and the ride turned out to be wilder than I expected from that single remark I made.

>> No.18322011

That doesn't mean the method doesn't work. Let's say he was fluent before he supposedly started learning Japanese. There are still people who have used the method and achieved fluency. There might not be many of them, but I don't think that's because it doesn't work but rather because a lot of people believe it doesn't work and as a result don't even attempt it. I'll admit the method's not for everyone, and can seem a bit extreme, but the goal of the method isn't "to pass N1" but to develop a native-like understanding of the Japanese language, which is why the method revolves around massive, continuous input of native material.

>> No.18322028

What's the most normal way to say "Friday night" or "Saturday morning" in Japanese? Would it just be 金曜日の夕べ, 土曜日の朝, etc? Is 土曜日午前 weird?

>> No.18322066

This is how I learned German, not out of own free will though.

Army brat in Germany aged 9, nothing but German TV, nothing but German kids to play with, all day every day German German German aside from talking English with my fmaily at home.
It got fluent in the language, no idea how long it took though, I cant really remember when it first went from "jesus christ what is all this" to being able to talk German. In fact I can?t remember watching TV but not being able to understand it, I just know that I would watch TV and that at first I couldnt have possibly understood it. I have no real memories of it though, maybe BECAUSE I didnt understand it so forming memories of what I was viewing was harder?

Wouldnt really recommend this "method" though, for me it just sort of happened, cant imagine wanting to willingly put yourself through it when there are alterantives.

>> No.18322101

That's how immigrant kids learn desu

>> No.18322102
File: 65 KB, 750x604, BASED ACE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

almost 4 years and i still am completely awful

.__. i ned japanese bf..
i still try tho since i like japanese stuff like wrestling..

>> No.18322120

学校に家にから行く Is this the correct way to say "going to school from home”?

>> No.18322126

It's not ungrammatical, just assertive.
It is 100% certainly assertive. Really. You're not writing an academic paper, you're having a conversation. The pragmatics are different.

>> No.18322130


>> No.18322133

Getting through the KKLC cards for the day takes too much time with the production (?) cards...

>> No.18322134
File: 56 KB, 512x642, 1488967653245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18322135

>It is 100% certainly assertive.
Notice the lack of contraction making this statement assertive.

>> No.18322136

What would be the correct way to say it then, please?

>> No.18322138

The entire point isn't to "endure" the method through willpower but to enjoy the process. You immerse yourself in Japanese media because you actually enjoy it, whether it be anime, audiobooks or whatever. Obviously if you don't have any enjoyment in the media itself the method will be pretty ineffective.

>> No.18322147

にから makes it ungrammatical.

>> No.18322148


>> No.18322152

Reminder that willpower isn't real, it's just the ability to enjoy forcing yourself to do things enough to make your brain's decision-baking processes not give things you don't want to do a really low priority.

>> No.18322155

What I do when I have a doubt like that, is to google that phrase and see what gives the most results, that should tell you the most common way of saying it.

>> No.18322159

decision-making but the typo is funnier

>> No.18322162

what.. .____.

>> No.18322167


>> No.18322177

and why isn't that just a longer way of saying "willpower" exactly?

>> No.18322185

People think willpower like a resource that you spend when doing things you don't like, and treat it like that when talking about it.

>> No.18322226

If you think a lack of contractions only has its place in academic papers you are wrong, if you think it is impolite you are even more wrong. It is more formal, but under no circumstance are contractions obligatory as you claimed. There is no such thing as your "obligatory contractions" in English.

>> No.18322228

Impolite and assertive are not the same thing. You don't know English.

>> No.18322233

>but under no circumstance are contractions obligatory
Stop posting. You don't have any idea what you're talking about.
>There is no such thing as your "obligatory contractions" in English.
Yeah, there's no jargon that goes "obligatory contractions", but that doesn't mean they're not a thing. Nobody ever says "Can you not do that?" - why not? Because it's assertive and means something different than "Can't you do that?"

>> No.18322237

whether you treat willpower as a limited ressource or an ability to enjoy shit, which is also limited and which you could also just call pride, seems like a mostly semantic distinctiion to me

>> No.18322240

you're the one that's wrong here, get over it and stop shitting up the thread with off topic garbage

>> No.18322242

Thank you.

>> No.18322245


>> No.18322259

Thinking that systematically avoiding contractions is never impolite is a common pitfall of learning English because of academia. You need to realize that this is a problem and correct it, not insist that people who point it out are wrong and shit up a community in the process. If you refuse to do that, at least go away or drop it.
I understand what you're saying, but it would help for you to not make simple composition mistakes like
>Nobody ever says "Can you not do that?"
when responding to someone who has issues with casual communication.

>> No.18322277

The initial claim was that the uncontracted form was both assertive and impolite. It is neither of those. It is a case of formal vs informal, not assertive vs unassertive.

Stop backpedalling, one moment "obligatory contractions" are a thing according to you, the next they are not.
They do not exist outisde of idiomatic phrases and a select few words, at which point we are talking about mandatory contractions.

Educating people on English is not shitting up the thread.

>> No.18322285

>The initial claim was that the uncontracted form was both assertive and impolite
No it wasn't. They merely said that it was assertive. You are the first person to post the word "impolite" in this entire thread. Don't fabricate argumentative points. I will not respond to you any further, you piece of shit.

>> No.18322292

They interpreted "isn't polite, it's assertive" as saying that it's impolite, which is ridiculous.

>> No.18322326

A sentence does not become impolite by merely rephrasing it in its uncontracted form, nor does it become polite by merely contracting it. The pitfall is in believing uncontracted English only has its place in academia. Asserting that formal and possibly distant is the equivalent of cold and impolite is incorrect. Insisting that the uncontracted form is de facto and in and of itself impolite is wrong, period.

>> No.18322328
File: 449 KB, 720x1024, giriout01_104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls do not shit up djt with arguments about english, especially if you're not a native speaker from an anglo country, even if you're right about what you think you're probably not going to be communicating effectively because anglo english works differently than world english

can someone help me from this? what's ん家 a contraction of?

>> No.18322330

>pls do not shit up djt with arguments about english, especially if you're not a native speaker from an anglo country, even if you're right about what you think you're probably not going to be communicating effectively because anglo english works differently than world english

>> No.18322338

i don't give a flying fuck about your argument and this isn't the place for it

>> No.18322339

's house
use rikai or yomichan on it

>> No.18322346


>> No.18322349


>> No.18322353

Wrong, again.
>You might not know this, but in English, avoiding contractions where they're obligatory isn't polite, it's assertive.
Would you rather have had me replace ever instance of impolite with "isn't polite" in my posts?

This is Olympic tier mental gymnastics.

>> No.18322354
File: 45 KB, 375x427, 1377343017846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this what a DET for japanese speakers would look like

>> No.18322356

>This is Olympic tier mental gymnastics.
No, you just don't know English. "not polite" means "does not qualify as polite". "impolite" means "qualifies as the opposite of polite". These are not even comparable things. Conflating them means you don't know English. No buts.

>> No.18322358


>> No.18322362
File: 429 KB, 956x867, 2353657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18322368

Did anyone ever reduce daily new cards from 20 to less?

>> No.18322371

The simple solution is to stop arguing wrong assertions. I am not the one here stubbornly insisting objectively wrong claims are correct.

>> No.18322374

you are, in fact, the one that's wrong

>> No.18322375

I'm doing 15, it's enjoyable and I'll finish core6k in a year total

>> No.18322376
File: 9 KB, 319x331, 1517418058319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just stop learning if you're a brainlet like me..

Go do something else..anything else..

>> No.18322377

>I am not the one here stubbornly insisting objectively wrong claims are correct.
That's exactly what you're doing though.

>> No.18322380

weebiest thing i've read all year, congrats

>> No.18322382

Defeatist posting not welcome.

>> No.18322384

You can do it, your brain is just full of the wrong chemicals. Make them go away.

>> No.18322385

I hate myself..

>> No.18322390

you could have prevented this
you could have listened
why didn't you listen

>> No.18322391

Yeah, language acquisition has always been difficult for me. I put it on 10 for a while, and if I'm having a particularly bad time with the cards I put it to 5 temporarily and focus on grammar more while I run the old cards more.

>> No.18322394

I've studied for almost 4 years and probably couldn't even do jlpt3 that well..

>> No.18322396

Don't count the time between starting and now, count the days you actually spent studying.

>> No.18322398

ESL speakers think they know it all.

>> No.18322399

how does one efficiently mine from manga/outside the internet where you can use yomi

>> No.18322400

You're either ESL or have a deeply disturbed understanding of English.

>> No.18322403

I really hate all of the Japanese words raping English. Is there any database for English words for loan words like kimono or samurai?

>> No.18322404

Kill yourself and reborn Japanese

>> No.18322405

please do not call native speakers ESLs just because you're wrong and they're right

>> No.18322407

i use capture 2 text with clipboard inserter
it doesn't always work on games though

>> No.18322409

Take the 10 seconds to write the word out?

>> No.18322410

I'm an actual idiot..let me more for this one last post and I'll leave..

>> No.18322412

Go to bed, you're drunk.

>> No.18322415

If this is not simply near native shitposting and you truly believe uncontracted English is by definition impolite or, for our mental gymnast, "not polite" then there is no helping you. I wish you luck in the real world.

>> No.18322424

you're the one who's gonna be dysfunctional in the real world buddy

>> No.18322427

>and you truly believe uncontracted English is by definition impolite
Literally not a single person in the entire thread has ever said or implied this. Stop fucking posting. You're arguing with nothing.

>> No.18322431

formal != polite
Get over it.

>> No.18322432

All this samefagging. Arguing with yourself for what possible purpose other than to shit up the thread?

>> No.18322434

I'll leave the thread now..bye..

>> No.18322437


>> No.18322441

No, he is just mentally ill and probably a tranny soon if not already

>> No.18322442

It might surprise you but some people are actually as stubborn, stupid, and argumentative as >>18322398/>>18322371

>> No.18322446

There are none for a lot of them. They didn't fucking have televisions before the war so when that concept of a television was introduced, they just borrowed (and shortened) the foreign word too. They slowed down on massively coining new Japanese calques and neologisms for foreign concepts after the Meiji era, and after the war I don't even think they bothered anymore for the most part. If you want a language that makes up a lot of its own words instead of blindly borrowing English words, learn Chinese.

>> No.18322450


>> No.18322457

On phones many people use flick kana input, which is different. On computers, the great, great majority of people use romaji. Using kana input on a computer is like using dvorak instead of qwerty.

>> No.18322462

I'm an EOP pleb and I still use flick kana input. For English. Don't ask how, it's just that superior to latin keyboards.

>> No.18322463

nobody cares, fuck off

>> No.18322472 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 361x333, dropbearposter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're all as autistic as each other. Worst of all is that the lot of you are probably all perfectly white natives of the UK, US or Australia, arguing over literally nothing shitting up a perfectly fine thread. My money is on Australia, they are the only people this effecient at shitting up a thread.

>> No.18322475

oh it's the guy from /int/ who shits up the thread on purpose

>> No.18322476 [DELETED] 

Am Australian, can confirm I take massive shits.

>> No.18322478


I will learn Japanese..that'll be my only goal and I'll do whatever is necessary...

I'll finish college I'll do anything as long as I learn..even if the PAINS of life make me cry nightly...I WILL learn Japanese..

>> No.18322492 [DELETED] 

straya is more about straight up shitposting than autism

>> No.18322496

One the reasons for me to learn the runes of the moon is so I can go read 2ch and see if they shit up threads as bad as we do.
Do they even have threads/boards dedicated to learning English or dedicated to foreign countries?

>> No.18322506

That's a good reason, I like it.

>> No.18322516

I went to 5ch's english learning board once and the OP of the top thread on the board said something about asking why there are so many false learning methods as false as the rape of nanking or something. Not joking.

It was the most active thread.

>> No.18322518

That's some impressive banter material.

>> No.18322537

maybe there is some convergence point of what we both struggle on, and something could make it easier on both learners if it was unraveled
or maybe im just lazy and the reality is diligence and effort

>> No.18322538

the reality is obsession and time

>> No.18322541


>> No.18322577
File: 1.12 MB, 1105x637, um.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18322584

If I want to try radical learning, what's the best resource? Anki deck?

>> No.18322607

language is just funny. took koreans long enough to even get their own alphabet. kata was their Phoenician script

>> No.18322613

I'm lost..

My dream is too learn Japanese but I failed..

>> No.18322623

In phrases like these:
>わかりやすい理屈である。 現金なもので、この少女に対する疑惑も恐怖感も嘘のように消えていった。
現金なもので is something like "As self-centered as I am" right? I understand that 現金 can mean 打算的, but I'm not sure if that conveys the feeling right. Any ideas?

>> No.18322625

The efficiency is arguable but I've been using ocr manga reader to send words directly to ankidroid cards. It requires a little fiddling with each word, since the format doesn't match up exactly, but it is okay. Every chapter or two I'll stop reading, open up ankidroid and review those newly mined words.
This is a very change in approach so I can't really comment on any advantages or disadvantages over adding the words to some external notepad, be it using the nice word list feature in aedict or something else then manually importing them i to the particular deck.
This is entirely within an android device environment where I do my reading so the instant import functionality of rikaisama have never been part of the equation so it would probably seem really inefficient if that is where you are coming from.

>> No.18322652

I think T9 is faster than qwerty on phones. I tried but I couldn't possibly use the flick alphanumeric mode of Japanese IMEs on my phone. The dictionary and word prediction was too garbage for me.

>> No.18322654

seems like a good guy

>> No.18322655

The last time I went to their english thread (5+ years ago?) there was a tripfag ESL who lived there and frequently answered questions.

Most of his answers were correct, but when I corrected an unnatural sentence he gave he lost his shit and started pointing out flaws in my japanese (believing at first that I was a stupid jap kid), but when I switched to english he started mocking me as a dumb gaijin and demanding that I type in japanese.

I then ignored him and started picking up the leftover questions in the the thread that nobody had responded to, but he began spamming quotes about how native speakers are untrustworthy and how bad american education is, burying my answers and making the thread essentially unreadable for 50 or so posts

I was kind of a big weeb back then who thought japanese were all polite so in retrospect this was a pretty disillusionary event

>> No.18322662

No, see, I use flick kana input for English. Not flick alphanumeric.

>> No.18322668

>I was kind of a big weeb back then who thought japanese were all polite so in retrospect this was a pretty disillusionary event
I thought you got disillusioned by living in Japan for a while and getting wrecked by being antisocial.

>> No.18322692

>and getting wrecked by being antisocial.
As well anyone should be with that kind of behavior.

>> No.18322695 [DELETED] 

Muh raid. When will you people admit that you're an autism den and stop blaming others for your rampant autism?

>> No.18322701

first post from this IP

>> No.18322740 [DELETED] 

Yes, precisely showing that I'm not the ''/int/ guy'' >>18322475 is blaming for all the shitposting in this thread. I have no dog in this race, but this thread is so hostile, never properly answers questions and only reply with a dry ''no'' due to lack of knowledge like this guy here >>18322130 replying to >>18322120 . This thread sucks as a learning resource, and I can see why some keep blaming /int/ for their faults, since they're so much more helpful and courteous than the shitbags filling this DJT here. It's normal to be envious towards them and try to constantly take them down a notch for no reason I guess.

>> No.18322742


>> No.18322747

good post :)

>> No.18322749


>> No.18322846

>and I can see why some keep blaming /int/ for their faults, since they're so much more helpful and courteous
The only problem we have with them is there inability to stay there, like you.

>> No.18322865 [DELETED] 

So how get we get into this sekret klub you have here? You guys have membership cards? Please, most people on this DJT are cross boarders since this general wasn't even here in the first place.

>> No.18322907

>hates this thread and says the other thread is better
>still keeps coming here

>> No.18322908

Hate and paranoia.

>> No.18322930 [DELETED] 

So you've never liked two things while liking one more than the other? I'm just saying that this version of DJT has a lot more faults and hostility than the other one. Sorry if that triggers you autismos.

>> No.18322933

Stop projecting.

>> No.18322938

Right back at you slick

>> No.18322940

Those aren't me.

>> No.18322949

So stop complaining about the other thread being better then. I use both without constantly complaining about one being worse than the other and shitting up the thread in the progress

>> No.18322961

>I use both without constantly complaining about one being worse
So either you don't care that this thread is becoming an unhelpful steaming pile of shit full of autism, or you're actually one of the autismos actively shitting it up on a regular basis.

>> No.18322962
File: 158 KB, 412x500, 1494207714534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I try asking a question and you guys continue to go on an off-topic tirade about the /int/ thread.
Nice going guys.

>> No.18322987

Proving my point right here >>18322740
This thread is masquerading as a language learning general, when it does absolutely nothing resembling language learning. No one here knows Japanese m8.

>> No.18323012

You are the problem they're referring to.

>> No.18323013

How can I say "as much as" in the context that A does as much as B, for example...

>It rains as much as it snows.
>I drink as much as he does.

>> No.18323016

I have heart problems now so I never did it..

But do amphetaneets still exist here?

>> No.18323018

I take 20mg ritalin every day.

Are you asking for production help, or are you curious how Japanese does this? Because there are several ways.

>> No.18323024

Production help, I've considered a few possibilities but none of them sound right when I read it back.

>> No.18323029

What possibilities have you considered?

>> No.18323041

Even if I am, my post didn't stop anyone who knew the answer to his question from answering. Stop defending the 100 post autism about English grammar earlier in this very thread, while singling out my 2-3 posts as an absolute blight on the pristine reputation of this general.

>> No.18323045

I didn't post anything else or defend anything.

>> No.18323046

I don't honestly know, anon. But what you're describing is called a simile. I found this https://www.jref.com/forum/threads/similes-in-japanese.13772/ but I don't know if it's correct or not.

>> No.18323053



A few others, most of them sound completely wrong when I read them back. のように seems like the closest one so far.

>> No.18323067



>> No.18323073
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>> No.18323079


>> No.18323085


>> No.18323091

I'd use と同じくらい or something.
What he's asking about is not a simile, but a comparison of amount/intensity. You certainly wouldn't use things like みたい, ごとく, よう, さながら etc. in this case.

>> No.18323105

Yep thats it. Right there, after 2 years and being able to read semi decently, I'll never produce. It will 100% sound unnatural

>> No.18323115





>> No.18323126
File: 945 KB, 1081x1600, 絶対☆霊域_1_090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Reading as I understand it,
>After, I する'd the warehouse in a panic.
But what sense of する might that be? I know it's a versatile verb, but the context is basically begging for the verb "left" and I've never heard of する being used that way.

>> No.18323131

後にする = to leave a place.

>> No.18323134

And it's the same type of construct as "leave behind".

>> No.18323139
File: 2.15 MB, 1920x1080, 1513273939566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone recommend me where to listen japanese radio?

>> No.18323168

There used to be a link in the sticky years ago..

Just look up a game in Japanese with the word 実況プレイ on YouTube and use that.

>> No.18323181


My biggest frustration in learning Japanese so far is in not knowing where to cut the sentence when looking something up. I typically have to search through three or four permutations of something unfamiliar before finding the word or piece of grammar that I actually want. I scanned two dictionaries and a grammar guide for "後、後に、する、にする" and obviously my error was in not considering that the whole phrase might be a set expression. This happens many times a day.

>> No.18323224

The only way to cultivate the skill is to talk to Japanese people, and as it would be the only use for the skill is talking to Japanese people.

If you want to talk to the Japanese, what are you waiting for?
If you don't, what are you missing?

>> No.18323271
File: 77 KB, 219x445, Yomi Nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but
>tfw I talked with a cute Japanese girl on the phone for 3 hours two days ago
>tfw I have plans to talk with another one on Friday

>> No.18323304


>> No.18323306

Just chuck the whole sentence into jisho.org, it usually splits up the words nicely and it lets you click on any of them to go straight to the definition.

>> No.18323321

>If you want to talk to the Japanese, what are you waiting for?
>If you don't, what are you missing?
quaint pleasantries without any honesnt opinions as I am held in permanent stasis via 建前 because of my accent or writing style
You have to be proficient before you gain interest and you don't gain proficiency without practice. So there isn't much point to try.

>> No.18323329

Go talk to random Japanese streamers

>> No.18323366

Kanjimoto usually recognizes those

>> No.18323377


>> No.18323512

I don't know this expression really well, nor am I confident, but neither of those sentences seem to be using it correctly.

Your sentences seem to be using it as "one who easily changes his views", but the 利害得失 nuance is nowhere to be found in your examples (unless there's more context) and I'm not sure if it's separable from the original meaning.

someone please correct me if I'm wrong

>> No.18323534

I'm a beginner myself, but I don't think you can use が like this. You're using it like English "is". Do correct me if I'm wrong though
I'd say something like this, if I had to produce.

>> No.18323571


>> No.18323575

It's used in the same manner in multiple works, check on Yourei. Others:

>> No.18323613

Move to Japan.

>> No.18323625

Or at least try one of those language exchange services. You should put effort into finding people who care enough to correct you before giving up.

>> No.18323664

Well these two make much more sense as I can guess from context that the speaker in the 1st doesn't like school very much (and so immediately enters a good mood the moment he gets to leave) and that eris in the 2nd was crying or sulking just before getting ice cream.

I guess the girl in the 2nd sentence in >>18322623 did something favorable for whoever's being called 現金, but I'm still totally lost on what happened in the first sentence.

still not confident overall, but I will disagree with translating it as "self-centered"

>> No.18323673



>> No.18323687


>> No.18323689

http://ichi.moe/ is the best resource for this. It always parses sentences perfectly for me.

>> No.18323719





>> No.18323730

Yeah, self-centered is misleading I agree. I get the essence, but it's kinda hard find a nice meaning in English for it.

>> No.18323736

Where can I get some Japanese audiobooks to listen to? Don't much care what the topic is

Thanks <3

>> No.18323748

Asked some Japanese this, see >>>/bant/3914401

>> No.18323771


if he's still there thank him and ask him about this too >>18323013

>> No.18323783

That's already answered here though? >>18323571
Also there is nothing stopping you from going over there and asking it yourself

>> No.18323789
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>> No.18323801
File: 1.02 MB, 858x1200, 8fd061615df7b43e6c6310aac50c4341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the help Finland.

>> No.18323823

Same here. I've heard the nips are bantmasters and I want to witness it with my own eyes.

>> No.18324003

How common are 'food' kanji in actual Japanese? They're starting to show up in my Core deck, and there's just so many of them. Most of them look fairly distinctive but it seems like a hassle to memorize them all, like 桃 (peach), 茄子 (eggplant) and 苺 (strawberry). Similarly for the specific animal kanji like 蚊 (mosquito), 蛙 (frog) and 蝙蝠 (bat). In manga and video games I usally see these kinds of words in kana but I'm not sure if this is because I'm playing games for kids/teens or because writing these things in kanji is uncommon.

>> No.18324025




>> No.18324150






>> No.18324211
File: 777 KB, 1280x720, 1516323735109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kenyan royalty connections
There's no royalty in Kenya what the fuck

>> No.18324218

I read a fuckton of novels in english, so that counts as learning vocabulary??

>> No.18324239


In my opinion, in common books not for kids, say, about 15 years old, 桃、苺、and 蚊 are usually written with kanji, 蛙 and 蝙蝠 are written with katakana, and 茄子 is in between.
It is not unusual all of them are written with kanji in books for adults. (Of course that depends on circumstances.)
When they are written with kana, katakana tends to be used compared to hiragana because
1)Readablity: 「外からカの羽音とカエルの鳴き声が聞こえる」vs「外からかの羽音とかえるの鳴き声が聞こえる」(as you can see, kanji is much better in this case)
2)Names of living things tend to be written in katakana, especially when they are seen "biologicaly".
e.g. ヒトもイヌもネコも、肺を使って呼吸をする。

>> No.18324285
File: 409 KB, 610x786, recipe_help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is an example.
I think 茗荷(みょうが:Japanese wild ginger)is a bit difficult to read for average Japanese.

>> No.18324292



>> No.18324306

I started on 30, went down to 10, and then went up 20, which is super comfortable for me cause it takes me like half an hour to anki

>> No.18324350


>> No.18324476

This is probably the longest compound I ever rikai'd.

>> No.18324483



>> No.18324510

Here's a video of someone saying it incase you wanna make a flashcard for it or something.

>> No.18324529
File: 324 KB, 2274x1844, 1517283084001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18324557

Makes sense. I see a lot of foodstuffs with the お in front of it, it often seems arbitrarily tacked on to things that in my Western view do not require a honorific. But I guess it's a nuance I'll eventually pick up on.

Right, that makes sense. I guess the meaning won't be drastically different, although I suppose the 'all-kanji' notation makes the situation feel more 'adult' or 'serious', right?

I do often see these kinds of words in katakana, although not always. In the Yotsuba manga, though, Yotsuba herself tends to use hiragana for words like these. I guess that's to make her sound younger?

Good thing I'm not planning to read a whole lot of recipes. I guess it's not all that different in English, since if you see a plant name you don't recognize you'll have to look it up, too.

>> No.18324725

>the 'all-kanji' notation makes the situation feel more 'adult' or 'serious', right?
>Yotsuba herself tends to use hiragana for words like these. I guess that's to make her sound younger?

Exactly. You have a good intuition!

Here's a quotation from Wikipedia:
>When it was first developed, hiragana was not accepted by everyone. The educated or elites preferred to use only the kanji system.
>Hence hiragana first gained popularity among women, who were generally not allowed access to the same levels of education as men. And thus hiragana was first widely used among court women in the writing of personal communications and literature.

>> No.18324780


>> No.18324782

acquired immune deficiency syndrome

Democratic People's Republic of Korea

One parallels the other:
acquired = 後天性
immune = 免疫
deficiency = 不全
syndrome = 症候群
Democratic = 民主主義の
People = 人民
Republic = 共和国
Korea = 朝鮮

>> No.18324803

Beginner here.

Going through Anki, at around 500 words learned.

How do you deal with Homophones, especially when studying in Anki?

There's like 2 different よく and they both mean totally different things. 上 and 下 have like 5 different conjugations each, all of which are pronounced differently, and then there was 起きる which had like 4 different meanings based on conjugation, two of them not related to the kanji's original meaning at all (which I originally knew as "get up"), but then it can also mean "occur" and it's literally conjugated the exact same way. Or 近い which came up like 4 times in the vocab list, each one meaning slight variants of the exact same thing.

How do you get past this? At least as far as self-learning, as I'm guessing in reading it'll be dependant on context clues. But many I've come across a few vocab words where they can have the exact same kanji, and even conjugated the same way, but it'll be pronounced totally differently with no real way to distinguish between them aside from blind guessing which "yoku" you're coming across (for example). And it's starting to make it really hard to keep track of everything.

>> No.18324811

I condensed them onto one card, with all the readings
but there is no real way to deal with it in anki, they just have to be selected for correctly when it really matters, aka reading

>> No.18324844

>There's like 2 different よく and they both mean totally different things.
combine and come up with both, hit "hard" if you only think of one

>上 and 下 have like 5 different conjugations each, all of which are pronounced differently
delete every one except うえ and した and learn the rest through reading

>and then there was 起きる which had like 4 different meanings based on conjugation,
if you keep mixing them up suspend all but one and then slowly unsuspend one by one

>Or 近い which came up like 4 times in the vocab list, each one meaning slight variants of the exact same thing.
they're all similar and I doubt you'll mess them up in context, pass the card

these are my suggestions

>> No.18324914


>> No.18324924


>> No.18325069

Does DJT have a source for practice exercises?
Translate this, conjugate that, change the tense, etc. that sort of stuff. At the moment I am coming up with my own stuff based on the learning materials I use, but it feels like I am reinventing the wheel and wasting time. Surely someone out there has made practice books at various levels that contain more than 10 minutes worth of work.

>> No.18325070

What's the problem here?
In Japan people are not all special snowflakes, they know equality is just an empty dream of the weak.

>> No.18325073


>> No.18325143

>Surely someone out there has made practice books at various levels that contain more than 10 minutes worth of work.
"Surely someone out there ... " のところが、「いかにも英語!」って感じがする。ネイティヴスピーカーじゃないとなかなか出てこない表現だと思う。やっぱりanonはすごい、羨ましい…。(回答になってなくてごめんね。)

>> No.18325210

What does/did DJT routine look like?

When I first started it was anki revision untill done or 1 hour had passed. If it went over an hour no new words added. If under an hour, 1 new word added for every minute under (approximately, wasn't sitting there timing myself to 59 minutes and then adding 1 word).
Then 30-60 minutes "reading" a NHK news easy article, deciphering what was said and adding any of the new words I found to a secondary deck. After done with with the reading/deciphering I would go over this seconday deck.
Followed by 1 chapter of TaeKim, with a revision of the previous 6 chapters I had done every Sunday.
When I had extra time left I would use this to practice writing, firstly because it helped solidify the words I had learned, secondly becuase I wanted to learn to write properly while not making it the top priority.

A total of 2-3 hours a day which had me tired ontop of my usual schedule, but a good kind of tired. What did you use as schedule, if you used one at all? I ask because I have a friend who learned Russian by seemingly doing nothing but faff around with their reading materials and TV stations whenever he felt like it, interesting to see how such varied methods can achieve essentially the same goal.

>> No.18325246

In the beginning I watched 4+ hours of raw anime/dorama everyday because listening was much easier than reading. Now that I know more kanji I do more reading and playing imported games, but still vastly prefer listening.

I never really tinkered much with anki, it's always <30 minutes a day for me.
I read tae kim at work whenever I had time and never bothered with explicitly studying grammar ever again.

>> No.18325272

Did you enjoy those 4 hours of anime in the beginning? Assuming you were a complete beginner you wouldn't have understood a single word outside of the typcal anime phrases even the west is familiar with by now "am I kawaii uguu~" correct? Was this purely passive learning, i.e you didn`t perform any tasks involving reading/writing down vocab or so? How long did it take you to get to the point where you would understand the gist of what was being said?
It`s pretty cool because that is in a way how natives of a language learn their language, through hearing it over and over and then eventually repeating it back and being corrected.

>> No.18325346

I tried to watch every anime and drama that aired in a season, so I enjoyed some more than others, but mostly I enjoyed it.
Yes I was a complete beginner, but It wasn't only passive listening, I opened jisho and typed in words I didn't know the meaning for and mined them in anki.

I don't get this way of thinking that you wouldn't understand anything, most of the stuff you get from the context of whats happening on screen alone.
For example if a character is hurt and is carried to the hospital you'd know 病院, 看護婦, etc have to be hospital terms and it's very easy to guess and then look up if you're correct.

You get the gist of whats going on very quickly, especially if you get involved in the story and want to understand it. That's also when you have the most fun.

In hindsight I should have probably dropped the not so fun shows like idol boy group stuff but I still powered through.

>> No.18325513

This is a little late, but I'd like to point out a different perspective on this.
Even if the word is generally written with kana, the kanji can still show up in (comparatively) rarer or more ‘sophisticated’ words, e.g. ウサギ and 脱兎, and knowing the kanji makes it easier to recognise and remember the word.
Feel free to point out any examples you have found.

>> No.18325595

I watch a lot of cooking videos and use the cookpad app.
I only ever see kana for loanwords like カラザ, アーモンド or チョコ. Even chinese loanwords are often written in kana like タンメン and マーボー豆腐.
Almost everything else is in kanji, especially fish terminology like 鱗, other words like 灰汁 even though they all are listed as usually written in kana only,

>> No.18325644

Yeah, he's made this claim before and been asked for proof of it before and he never responds.

>> No.18325667

Uhm, excuse me, but have you watched black panther yet?

What would someone like you know about royalty in kenya?

>> No.18325671

Has he been studying for 6 years already? Really? I always thought he was a fast learner with superior methods because he is talked a lot. But 6 years of studying and living in japan for quite time on top of that just proves that he well...knows japan on a decen level. Is it
that impressive?

>> No.18325674


>> No.18325678

>>Has he been studying for 6 years already? Really?
Yeah, check his video history on his channel. He has a video of himself in Japan from April of 2012 and he had already started studying before he went there.

>> No.18325685

>上 and 下 have like 5 different conjugations each
They are different words, not conjugations of a single word. If we're talking about conjugations, there's more than 5 just counting those of a single one of those words.


I'm probably missing some, but you get the idea.

>> No.18325711

Is it worth it to learn the two-kanji components of four-kanji phrases if they hardly seem used except as part of that phrase?
臨機 at least has some examples on weblio of being used on its own, but 応変 doesn't have any, and when you google it you only find it isolated on kotobank or the like.

>> No.18325747

Japanese learners who actually know Japanese on a decent level (way beyond N1) are exceedingly rare.

>> No.18325757

If two kanji words in for component phrase preserve their meaning then just learn those words. If 四字熟語 has its own meaning then learn it. Basically its the same for any word.

>> No.18325782

is ajatt a meme

>> No.18325793

it's useful if you live in Japan

>> No.18325799

Anyone having good results in any sphere of our life is rare I would say. But people talking about Matt always emphasize his study method but I don't think bringing japanese to the level is that impressive and somehow shows superiority. After certain time learning the language is just practicising it via reading, speaking, writing, listening and learning new words. But there is a difference when you start and you don't know shit about the language.

>> No.18325809

と, たら, ば, なら

Can anyone explain to me, in the simplest terms possible, the difference between these four conditionals and their usage?

>> No.18325813


>> No.18325817

classic /djt/

>> No.18325824

If he does his own research he's better off in the end.
/djt/ puts tough love over anything.

>> No.18325833

It can sometimes help to get other people's opinions on things, but I agree that wanting someone from /djt/ to explain something to them is retarded, in hindsight it never works out.

There's always eight versions of something, three trolls, and four people who aren't even on N5-level and yet feel the need to pitch in.

>> No.18325844

The DoJG entry for たら can

>> No.18325860

Might as well just guess.

>> No.18325903

I know this is bait but I'm unironically Kenyan

>> No.18325907

How else do you translate 貴様 into english and still get the message across? Saying "so it's you" does not feel like it does it justice.

All I can think of is you(rude)

>> No.18325914

you bastard

>> No.18325918

you (humble) in some parts of japan

>> No.18325924

Man this show is so odd in terms of pacing. Like something about it does not feel quite right. I see what it wants to do and all the classic tropes it goes for but it's as if it is missing one key component to make it really shine. It feels off like some of the scenes goes on for a bit too long. The character interactions feels strange to me. It's as if it wants to be both yotsuba and ichigo marshmallow and not getting the charm that each series has.

>> No.18325934

It's cause they're trying to stretch the manga chapters as long as they can, so it ends up being longer than it needs to be most of the time. Try reading the manga though, it's really good and the pacing is way better than the anime.
In fact, that's what I'm using for my reps right now, it's the first manga I've ever actually read raw.

>> No.18325935
File: 167 KB, 1280x720, 0017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last episode was weird in terms of pacing with that festival. All the still images and slow camera panning.

Probably over budget already or they're saving it for better episodes.

>> No.18325941

Do you live there?

It's weird how there are basically no posters from Sub-Saharan Africa on 4chan even though plenty of people there speak English and have access to a computer and internet connection. Well, there are South African posters here, but I imagine most, if not all, of them are descendants of Boers and Brits rather than native Africans.

>> No.18325943

Is this video
still the most up to date method for text hooking, or is there another method used now?

>> No.18325957
File: 79 KB, 728x414, ass torn asunder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That seems to make sense. I think I'll read the manga instead, I really want to like the series and the girls are pretty cute.

>> No.18325958

you don't want a parser or furigana inserter. they're garbage, make lots of mistakes, and slow your learning.

rikaichamp or yomichan and the clipboard grabber described by http://pastebin.com/raw/DgZ84qwk or this weird rikai clone because it has a clipboard grabber built in https://forum.koohii.com/thread-14904.html

this specific version of ITHVNR http://www.hongfire.com/forum/forum/hentai-lair/hentai-game-discussion/tools-and-tutorials/411001-ithvnr-ith-with-the-vnr-engine/page11#post5731129

that's all you need

>> No.18325967

Yup, born and bred in this wonderful third world shithole.
And the main reason people don't use 4chan is cause they don't know about it, and the ones who do treat like the generic 'le hacker anonymoose xd' thing and avoid it. It's kinda nice tho, we don't get any of those generic edgy dudes yelling about how they're from 4chan over here.

>> No.18326017

Yeah, I have the same feelings about it. I think the problem is the characters... but it's not that the characters are bad, they just don't seem to have any chemistry with each other.

In a good SoL, the characters will all play off of each other the the focus will be on the interactions between the main cast, but in this show the focus seems to be more on how each individual one of the girls individually interacts with boring side characters.

Like, when Yellow runs into a store and starts talking to the shopkeeper about うんこ, the other two just sort of stand around doing nothing instead of cutting in and playing the straightman to her nonsense. Even when they do interact with each other, you don't feel any sort of connection between them. Like when in the last episode they were calling Red "Leader", it just felt really off because none of their interactions until now ever gave the sense that they had that sort of relationship or saw her as the leader of their group.

>> No.18326040

>Probably over budget already or they're saving it for better episodes.
The episodes so far should make clear that they had practically no budget to begin with. All the voice cast are total nobodies and there has been QUALITY out the ass since episode 1.

I haven't watched it so I can't say for sure, but I'm guessing all the studio's money has gone to Death March (or maybe the NNB movie).

>> No.18326052
File: 240 KB, 757x540, yotsuba mushii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This must be what Azuma was afraid of when he said he did not want Yotsuba to be animated. I mean if you just give it to a studio who knows what they are doing it will be fine, we have proof of that. I wish he'd come off of it already and not be such a perfectionist.

>> No.18326059

I could have sworn the VA for Yellow was the same one for Miu, it would have made sense.

>> No.18326065

So whenever a word in Japanese has multiple shades of meaning, I usually think of a word in English that has a similar set of meanings.

That said, I have no idea how to approach 収める like this. Its definitions seem all over the place.

>> No.18326071
File: 78 KB, 315x310, 1495529355564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck does ろりっこ and ぶりっこ mean? I tried looking it up in jisho but couldnt find anything relevant to their conversation.

>> No.18326072

Ah right, so that's how it is.

Are you native African then or from British colonial stock?

>> No.18326074

I thought so initially too. She's clearly trying very hard to imitate that performance and she manages to pull it off quite convincingly.

>> No.18326102

She is probably trying to say Broccoli but forgot the word for it so she is just guessing from memory. It would also explain Takagi's comment after it.

>> No.18326110

She can't remember the word ブロッコりー so she is going through words that sound similiar to it. The meaning of the words aren't related at all

>> No.18326156

The meanings of おさめる all derive from 長 (おさ), someone in charge - someone who controls things, sets matters right, changes disorder to order.

>> No.18326213

So I wasn't the only one.

>> No.18326224
File: 37 KB, 600x470, perplexed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it wrong that my main motivation for learning Japanese is so I can shitpost on 5ch?

>> No.18326238

Mine is to become a light novel author in Japan and prove to the world that gaijins can dekiru.

Always shoot for the stars.

>> No.18326242

I did not get the memo why is it now 5ch? Was there a big uproar from the users there?

>> No.18326246

Native African, was born here, and if I can help, I have no intention of dying here
I've always wondered how Japanese people treat africans when they go there honestly

>> No.18326250

Better than if you go to most anglo countries.

>> No.18326260
File: 2.00 MB, 451x254, SOTQYCW.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18326268
File: 376 KB, 800x468, d0015166_1554359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can cosplay they'll treat you well.

>> No.18326286

>I've always wondered how Japanese people treat africans when they go there honestly

>> No.18326297

From my understanding Hiroshima Nagasaki still actually holds the copyright to the name 2ch, so they had to change the name because he kept raising a stink about it.

>> No.18326301
File: 16 KB, 300x281, 1515300872277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit really? I wonder why
Holy shit this is amazing
How common are black people in Japan anyway?
>having to talk like Killer Bee for most of the day
Pls no
This is honestly incredible holy shit

>> No.18326305

Even that's a more noble goal than mine. I keep trying to rationalize it as useful skill. Like, "oh, it widens my job prospects" and "oh, it opens up a whole new world of travel opportunities" all of which is true, but in the back of my mind there's always the thought of "Yeah, but I REALLY want to shitpost with those nips on the OG image board in anime-tongue".

>> No.18326323

What usually happens if they find out you're a filthy gaijin trying to infiltrate the board? Do they chase you out?

>> No.18326329


long watch but maybe it answers your questions

>> No.18326339

Ah, I see. Thanks.

>> No.18326355

Thanks for the link anon, I'll check it out

>> No.18326358

From what I've heard they don't really care so long as you're runes are decent and you're not Korean.

>> No.18326423

Well fuck you too Oshii.

I think this is a bit longer then either of those.

>> No.18326469


>> No.18326472

the immersion part is not a meme

what is a meme: sentence cards, passive listening, and RTK

>> No.18326512

The idea "all japanese all the time" is not a meme.
The blog "all japanese all the time" is absolutely a meme.

>> No.18326526

Why don't the teachers ever do something about this behavior?

>> No.18326531

Because parents had too much economic power over Japanese schools at the time.

>> No.18326538

Because in Japan teachers are there to teach, that's pretty much it. Discipline is left to parents an peers.

>> No.18326565

That's stupid and toxic.

>> No.18326584

better than indoctrinating kids

>> No.18326599

Come back when you have something real to complain about.

>> No.18326606

they do that anyway

>> No.18326670

>More jarring was a decision announced last Friday to include “jukendo”, a martial art based on bayonet fighting, among sports that can be taught in junior high schools, a step that one local governor tweeted showed a “nostalgia for militarism”.
I wish my school would have taught us bayonet fighting.

>> No.18326674

i wish america still had rifle clubs when I was in school

>> No.18326686

My high school had a rifle club and I'm only 20

>> No.18326691

you are lucky, even in hill country texas we didnt have, let alone anywhere in a city

>> No.18326693

I wish any of my schools had clubs.

There was a choir group with ~10 people but that's about it.

>> No.18326709
File: 151 KB, 388x443, HABBENING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>article 9 reinterpreted last year
>Abe wants to revise the amendment entirely
>jap schools teaching bayonet fighting
>NorKs are stirring the shit pot right next door
>Trump just struck a deal to sell new fighters to the JSDFAF
>mfw Japan will remilitarize in your lifetime

>> No.18326719

>NK shoots a missile and Japan is kill

Why am I wasting my time learning this language?

>> No.18326744
File: 764 KB, 640x913, 30s_poster_17[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To stay on topic, does anyone know any good Japanese militaristic pre-war novels? I've read a few post-war anti-militaristic ones, but reading pro 大日本帝国 works might be interesting from a non-nip perspective.

>> No.18326780

Only vaguely related but if you're interested in a anime that has a ton of JSDF dickwaving watch GATE.

>> No.18326781

Even if Japan is become of kill, the stuff they've made up to now will still be around.

>> No.18326801

All I know is 君死に給ふことなかれ pre-war poem.

>> No.18326853

Thanks. That's more than I have read so far, which was a part near the end of 坊っちゃん where an officer comes to the school and the children start singing 軍歌.
I'm reading 野火 which is really anything but pro-militarism. The soldiers even joke about wanting to be captured by Americans so they would at least get some food. Really enjoying it so far.

>> No.18326904

I only read it because it was part of a drama series I watched (花子とアン).

>> No.18326920

Have you read 雨ニモマケズ by the way?
(In French because the layout is better)

>> No.18326937

Now I have. Very nice.

>> No.18327087

Ah, that explains it, thanks.

>> No.18327159

I'm stuck on Tae Kim's grammar guide - Essential grammar part. It's not any particular topic that gives me problems, it's just maybe too much too fast?
How did you guys go through it, should I JUST keep on reading until it's done? I want to be over with it so I can start reading stuff in Japanese desu....

>> No.18327194

Read and forget, then when you actually need it you'll remember that there was a section in tae kim that explained it.
Then you'll re-read that section and actually learn it.

>> No.18327357

How would you produce a sentence describing that you would do something if you could?

My attempt is:
Is that correct?

>> No.18327359

To clarify I'd like to say "I would drink it if I could" or the closest natural thing.

>> No.18327424

Should i be adding every new word i find or just the ones i've seen more than once?

>> No.18327466

If you see them more than once you'll remember them without anki.
Add just the ones you rarely see.

>> No.18327484
File: 320 KB, 452x710, 1396252549147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ give me a learning schedule and plan to start off.

>> No.18327491
File: 25 KB, 134x286, kanto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How am I supposed to interpret this? Kanto Girls' University, High-School Division, Sports Fields?

>> No.18327507

Personally I just add the ones I want to know, e.g. I'll ignore words like 橡, but add words like 八端. If it's a common word I'll remember, it will quickly move on to the mature cards and won't bother me again unless I forget it.
Really it's up to what you think you'll need or want to know.

>> No.18327512
File: 50 KB, 694x279, jikannwari.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go!

>> No.18327550

How does the library rip BookWalker images?

>> No.18327606

Do anki and a beginner grammar book every day until you've read through the beginner grammar book (exercises and full understanding not necessary, you are familiarizing yourself). Then, do anki and reading, looking up things you don't get, every day until fluent.
Schedules are procrastination. You might stray from this plan, for example if you think that kanji study will help you, but do everything you're doing every day, consistency is the most important part.

>> No.18327643

nani the fuck
do they have the kids selling insurance
I mean, i would do that because I have no assertiveness and give in at the slightest provocation, but still

>> No.18327836

It doesn't, some books from Rakuten and maybe Amazon include the bookwalker logo.

>> No.18327966

1. Read Tae Kim within 2 weeks

2.1. Read something you're interested in every day for as much time as you can spare
2.2. Make cards in Anki for the words you want to learn and do your reviews every day

>> No.18328027

In my first attempt to learn i did 100 new cards everyday, reached almost 2k words from core 6k and got really burned out so i quit. I tried to get back into learning but my decks got fucked since i didn't use them, now i want to start from scratch with only mined words.

How many new cards should i be reviewing daily?

>> No.18328110

Like 10-30, whatever you're more comfortable learning.

100. You absolute madman.

>> No.18328216

20 should be your max.

What a lot of people fail to take into account when boosting their new cards/day setting is that even a small increase has a drastic consequences for their daily review load. Even if you can manage, say, 30 new cards a day, you need to ask yourself if you're prepared sit through the >300 cards worth of reviews every day that come as a consequence of that.

>> No.18328265


Don't listen to these dudes
Do what you can manage and always be pressing close to your boundaries or youll be learning this language forever

>> No.18328277


Don't listen to this dude
Language learning takes years of daily effort so it's important that your routine be sustainable and not as torture.

>> No.18328290

Bookwalker is owned by 角川書店 and a large percentage of all manga and light novel ebooks are published by Kadokawa through this service, being sold across all major ebook retailers.

>> No.18328415
File: 179 KB, 833x195, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This goblin is raping a girl when he's told that MC has attacked his cave/nest.

I can't tell if it's "I must kidnap more...but" or "I don't have to kidnap more... but"
なければならない is must and ではない is negating that to be "must not"? Is that right?

>> No.18328425

What kind of a reading level are the Princess Maker games? Particularly 5. How does it compare to Rance 01, and how do those compare to any given Shounen Sunday manga? Kind of an odd question, I know.

From my efforts thus far it's seemed like, in terms of difficulty,
Rance 01 > PM5 >> SS
Is that about right?

>> No.18328449

>ではない is negating that to be "must not"?

No, look up ではないか in HJGP. That's not が.

>> No.18328452

the former

I think you're seeing a phantom 濁点, the last kana is just か

>> No.18328470

Shit yeah I just realized that. Now it makes perfect sense thanks.

>> No.18328484

It depends on your free time but I'd say 30-50 is a good amount if you want to be fast but not overwhelmingly so. Remember that your total reviews per day ends up averaging the amount of new cards you add per day times 10. If you think you can handle more than 500 reviews every day without exception then take the challenge, otherwise set your limits wisely.

>> No.18328516

Anyone know of any scripts that can bulk scrape for kanji compounds for a given kanji?

>> No.18328537

I haven't seen evidence of anyone doing more than 30 cards consistently for months in the three years I've been here. People who claim so are always beginners on the road to burn out or won't post their stats as proof (because they've only been doing it a short time or their actual cards per day averages out to less).

>> No.18328587

>Remember that your total reviews per day ends up averaging the amount of new cards you add per day times 10
This is a lower bound if your retention is good. 85% or higher good. If you start struggling, it will cascade into more and more reviews.

>> No.18328697

I wish Anki had the ability to replay voice clips for a slide. But then I shouldn't really be using Anki as my pronunciation monkey.

>> No.18328701
File: 608 KB, 754x719, really makes you think huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>/int/85095696 please respond

>> No.18328709

Push R.

>> No.18328723

Thanks, anon!

>> No.18328750

>last two spaces on the board are はむか _ _
>I add う for 歯向かう and take the lead
>computer adds る for カウル and wins
how many japs know what a fucking cowl is

>> No.18328768

send hiroyuki an email and ask him
bonus points if its in barely understandable japanese

>> No.18328804
File: 17 KB, 242x292, tasukeket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two lines I'm kinda stumped on atm, would appreciate if someone takes a look:

This sadamistu guy, surely he won't kill them by stabbing them in the neck this time?

This one I honestly have no idea. I attached the bubble it came from.

>> No.18328825

i think idk

>> No.18328832

yeah you're right.
still don't really know what it means, maybe something like
>It's premature to say sadamitsu was the cause!
but that's mostly a guess.

>> No.18328863

首を突っ込む means "to interfere", "to stick one's nose into". Nothing to do with killing.

>> No.18328864


おっ…さだみつにブンなぐられた あおにさい!


>> No.18328878


>> No.18328879

I thought it was completely out of context there.


>> No.18328901

What does the たところにばかりあるのではない part mean? I can't even begin to understand this.

>> No.18328942

Never mind. I'm retarded.

>> No.18328952


What is that 可愛いもので even doing at the beginning of this sentence?
Doesn't seem to make any sense to me.
>Because refrigerators and bikes are cute, there are debris and pieces of boards and such...

>> No.18328953

looks like there is not only empty space between your ears after all

>> No.18328968

かわいい has an annoying secondary meaning "precious (to sb.)"

in this sentence it has nothing to do with cuteness

>> No.18328978



>> No.18329031

Does he answer emails? The few times I've sent emails to ""famous"" people I've not been lucky.

>> No.18329060

famous people like twitter because people have to keep it short
thats the idea with email, brevity
and then he will considered it before all the others

>> No.18329066

Seems correct to me.

>> No.18329076
File: 214 KB, 849x941, ne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18329083

retention stats would be interesting

i easily have the time to do more and im fairly autistic, did you mess with the steppings at all?

>> No.18329090

>121.0 minutes/day

>> No.18329098

I don't have the plugin. That's overall and and for the current month. I don't like my answers on mature cards but you have what you have.

>> No.18329103
File: 28 KB, 798x275, ne3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18329106
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>> No.18329109


you dont hit 1?

>> No.18329137

true retention is retroactive since it uses anki's normal logging

>> No.18329144

How do the Japanese say years?

Like, it's 2018 and all of us English speakers say "Twenty-Eighteen" in conversation. Do the Japanese do the same thing? にじゅうじゅうはち

>> No.18329149

Only on new cards because I know them. I somehow can't forget what I added on the very day.

>> No.18329170
File: 34 KB, 720x540, 1491055500342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18329174

I still don't know what it does there, meaning precious.

>> No.18329177

is next year going to be せん九?

>> No.18329195


>> No.18329201
File: 71 KB, 1000x900, 1_000000007340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18329209


meant to quote:

>> No.18329246
File: 1.93 MB, 780x9857, 2017-10-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18329288

TK can
Interestingly, he says that と is the most common out of them, but I only see it used as short for "must" in manga I read

>> No.18329413

可愛い = can treat them easily

>> No.18329493

must is not japanese
the japanese is 'if not x then no good'

>> No.18329499

pretty impressive
ive got a similar deck size, 18k total, only about 1k more matures
but its taken me 2 years compared to your just over half

>> No.18329501


>> No.18329526

「距離を隔てた(separated by a distance)ところに」=「遠いところに」

>> No.18329537
File: 19 KB, 575x277, 1517262338415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I make japanese look less shit on firefox?
Every time I try reading something in nihongo my eyes bleed
Is there some recommended font or something?

>> No.18329542

What a typo! Not 保険ほけん but 保健ほけん (health and physical education).

>> No.18329615








>> No.18329642
File: 103 KB, 696x624, めいりお.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.18329783

You should be able to read japanese in pretty m,uch any font. Get used to it, it's not bad.

>> No.18329844

That's pretty ridiculous progress. I'm curious about any details about this, such as if you knew more than kana when you started, any changes you made to interval settings, and what else you do for study. Regardless, I'm not the other guy but thanks, I am never quite sure what claims to take seriously.

>> No.18329903

I finished core10k in like 9 months at around 40 cards a day. Although, yea, I deleted my anki deck years ago so I can't post proof either.

>> No.18330121

Nice bunpou

>> No.18330144

did you already know chinese?

>> No.18330294


how the FUCK are you supposed to remember this shit I have 1200 kanji in anki and I still can't remember this shit when I read or hear them most of which was in the first 100 words of core
fuck Japanese

>> No.18330372

Probably by becoming more familiar with the pieces that make them up, which probably just means a lot more reading and listening. I'm confused as to why a couple are in that list.

>> No.18330411

Is reading one chapter of a manga a day enough for reading practice? Or should I do more? Cause I just started reading and I'm not sure if that's slow or not

>> No.18330417

One chapter is fine when starting, obviously you should increase it proportionally as you get faster

>> No.18330420

≒開けた ところまでは よかった けれど
Though nothing was wrong till I had opened the door, ...

The form「(verb+た[completion])+は、」 is rare in modern Japanese. These expression are derived from old usage, I guess.

■過ぎたる(*) は なお 及ばざるが ごとし(『論語(ろんご, Analects)』) *たる is a conjugation of たり, which is an archaic form of た.
■さて打ち置きたる は、面白く、生き延ぶる わざ なり(『枕草子(まくらのそうし)』)

>> No.18330441



>> No.18330457

一時間以上悩んだんだけど、適当な説明なのか自信がない( >>18330420

>> No.18330500





>> No.18330578

What does どうもこうも mean?

>> No.18330623

I'm stumped. I need your help DJT.

At the end of episode 4 of Overlord (the most recent one), Crusch says something like 「はらぬわ。」 which is translated as "Impregnate me."

I cannot, for the life of me, figure out what verb she is using. Help me out.

>> No.18330704

>I've come to love her without any reasons.
>In short, まったく、理由はないのですが---と言う意味です^_^

>> No.18330725


>> No.18330732


>> No.18330744
File: 77 KB, 388x396, 50408054_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18330758

She said 「孕(はら)む わ」. 孕む=妊娠(にんしん)する

>> No.18330760


>> No.18330938

Is there an anki deck that's made up of purely hiragana only words that gets used a lot. Like つまり、なぜ、いろいろ.

These are in the 2k/6k but I feel like there are lots more of these words that I miss out on due to 2k/6k being more focused on kanji containing vocabulary.

>> No.18330979

Yes, on textfugu.
There was also one for common katakana only words.

>> No.18331183

All them words you've said have kanji though
さら、さすが、etc. also have kanji

>> No.18331275
File: 30 KB, 503x624, 1492649178038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Download and install the IPA fonts*

2. Open up Firefox's preferences page

3. Language and Appearance > Fonts and Colors > Advanced... > pic related

* http://ipafont.ipa.go.jp/node17#en
Unfortunately, the official website seem to be down right now, and the download links in the CoR are for the old version of the font. You can try downloading the font from this archived version of the page in the meantime:

Alternatively, you can try using an alternative font from here until the page comes back online:

>> No.18331294

>purely hiragana only words
> Like つまり、なぜ、いろいろ.

>> No.18331318

By the way, I recommend against using the Noto CJK fonts. I don't know what the reason is, but all the glyphs have a way larger height than they need (the bottom 2/3 of the glyph is the character, then the top 1/3 is just a blank space), meaning you get big vertical spaces between every line of text.

>> No.18331445

Is there any KanjiTomo like application for android?

>> No.18331462

For manga? There is OCR Manga Reader.

>> No.18331474

Just installed this. things now look way better than before
thank you

>> No.18331479


>> No.18331524

Looks good, thanks.

>> No.18331559 [DELETED] 

to the /jp/ mods that actually do their jobs
if you ever read this, would you be so kind to forward this issue of non-existing monitoring on /int/, now that the spammer is here as well
thank you


>> No.18331589

Kunrei-shiki is the only reasonable transcription
