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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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15108741 No.15108741[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How come people are incorrectly using weeaboo in the place of otaku nowadays? Do people even know the difference anymore?

>> No.15108745

/jp/ - Weeabo Culture

>> No.15108751

I used to think I knew those words meant, but I don't anymore.

>> No.15108818



I hate this cunt with a passion, but he has a point here.

>> No.15108907
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>> No.15108914


That hurts my eyes to look at.

>> No.15108920

there's no difference.
it's all trash

>> No.15108955

If I watch a video of a talking head I lose, is there a transcript or tl;dr anywhere

>> No.15108987

"Nowadays"? Are you joking? What's the point of this thread? People have been "misusing" the word weeaboo practically since it fell into common use. It pretty much just means "person who's really into Japanese stuff" now, and no one really seems to have a problem with it except the 情弱共 who still think it's an insult and then get upset when someone calls them a weeb.

>> No.15109006

i am a weeaboo

>> No.15109009
File: 827 KB, 2404x1260, Degradation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Degradation and simplification of the meaning thanks to the word becoming mainstream.

Another examples this occurrence:

Waifu: My favorite female character of X thing I watched.

Trap: Any type of crossdresser or tranny. That they are convincing or able to pass as female does not matter just as long they are guys dressing up as girls.

Pic somewhat related.

>> No.15109102

Fucking greens. Never trust greens.

>> No.15109133

Thanks, capitalism!

>> No.15109277

You could try to blame it on "fucking browns, fucking grills, etc" but really the problem is casuals.

There is no problem in new people joining the hobby as long as they take it seriously, if nobody joins the only thing that can happen is people leave and it dies anyway. This that was the philosophy to being hostile to newfags; they only want dedicated people to stay. The problem with that, I think, is that due to the reputation of the site normalfags started to think of 4chan as a sekret club and endured the hostility anyway because they were more concerned about fitting into the sekret club than actually discussing the topic at hand.

Something becoming mainstream usually is a bad thing, but if it's community tries too hard to prevent it it can actually help it to become mainstream.

Like a sign "DO NOT EAT HERE, REALLY GOOD FOOD BUT HARD TO GET IN" will make people want to eat at a burger joint. Because if they get in it means they are cool, even if they give zero shits about burgers. Luckily /jp/ is only shitposting, touhou, and a few other obscure things and not as much of a sekret club, so it's probably more likely to die than become infested with normalfags.

The best way to stop this from happening is to have a hobby so autistic that nobody besides people that genuinely care would want to participate.

>> No.15109299

Don't fret, we already have trained new generation /jp/sies to replace the ones we lost.

>> No.15109304

Is there anything that is that autistic though? All I can think of is guro IRC channels, which have consistently nice crowds.

>> No.15109333

>The best way to stop this from happening is to have a hobby so autistic that nobody besides people that genuinely care would want to participate.
What could it be though?

Videogames used to be super autistic and look where they are now. Anime is gonna go down the same road sooner or later if things keep going as they are.

One way or another, everything that has a relatively big influence by the West will sooner or later taken over.

The only solution is to learn Japanese which is a real big entry barrier that is not gonna be broken any time soon. Universal Translators aren't happening in at least 20 more years.

>> No.15109369

funny, I was just reading something related to this topic before seeing it


>> No.15109389

I used to consider speedrunning to be that super autistic hobby you're talking about, but then this started happening.


Not to mention, the current state of AGDQ

>> No.15109395

Maybe you're right.
Tabletop roleplaying has gotten really bad, and that's pretty high on the sperg charts. I enjoyed doing it when I had a group but people are such fucking casuals and it's hard to find anybody that gives enough of a shit to show up consistently to sessions. It's become surprisingly mainstream because "LOL LOOK AT ME SUCH A NERD PLAYING DEE AND DEE"; in other words, muh sekret club.

How can new people be introduced to a community without introducing casuals? It doesn't matter how autistic something is, it seems, people will just turn it into a sekret club and think they're cool because they do it, even if they totally casualize it.

With you talking about guro, I can see edgy teens getting into it. That'd be the trigger for the sekret club scenario to take place.

>> No.15109413

Pretty nice article. It's so accurate it hurts.

The speedrunning scene is disgusting. I'm pulling this out of my ass but I bet whatever speedrunning scene there is on Japan is nowhere as similar as the Western one.

People simply don't have values anymore, that's why things degrade like this.

>How can new people be introduced to a community without introducing casuals?
Be real picky with who you attempt to introduce? Kick out whoever you see is not really putting effort on it immediately? There's not many options. Finding good people for anything is practically a roulette.

>> No.15109425

>Be real picky with who you attempt to introduce? Kick out whoever you see is not really putting effort on it immediately?
That makes it sound like a trade job, like professional plumbing or soldering. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

>> No.15109437

boo hoo wish i could go back to the 90's and and blah blah blah stop liking what i like

>> No.15109438

I know exactly what you mean. I was going to mention tabletop wargames because of the time, money, and effort required, but that has gone downhill quickly. Maybe if it is something for people with different standards then it can stay straight. Local rugby clubs look like they are free from drama.

>> No.15109440

>Videogames used to be super autistic and look where they are now.
I know, and it hurts.

>Anime is gonna go down the same road sooner or later if things keep going as they are.
You mean it's not there already?

>The only solution is to learn Japanese which is a real big entry barrier that is not gonna be broken any time soon.
I kind of want to learn Japanese on one hand because it will expand my options, but on the other I could just wait for stuff to get translated.

>> No.15109441

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Still, even if not, wouldn't you agree that if you wan to introduce your hobby to someone with the hopes that they join you in the enjoyment of it you wouldn't want the person to be the best person possible? Someone who actually truly enjoys the hobby, contributes to the hobby and is passionate about the hobby?

What is the point of trying to nurture someone whose interest will always be half-assed and sometimes even detrimental to the enjoyment of it? One always wants the best for what one cares about. It's an universal thing.

>Ever free of drama

>> No.15109448

On the time you wait for something to be translated you'd have already learnt Japanese to such fluency you would be able to read the original work.

Also, it's like you say, expand your options. For 1 thing that becomes translated there's 1000 that do not. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to read those 999 remaining things if so you wanted without depending on anyone?

And then there's stuff like the quality of the translation, accuracy, censoring, memes, etc.

>> No.15109467

I believe it has to do with the fact that people started to refer to themselves as weeaboos ironically, so it just ended up ruining the actual meaning of the word. Weeaboos also commonly refer to themselves as otaku which makes people uncomfortable with associating with the label.
Sports don't have drama, they have banter.

>> No.15109520

>Wouldn't it be nice to be able to read those 999 remaining things if so you wanted without depending on anyone?

I don't really like visual novels, manga, or even anime that much; what I'm interested in most is games. That said, when I do find one I like I get really into it and will not rest until I have consumed all of it. It's kind of a love/hate relationship, in which I hate most of it but love a small amount of it(I really like GATE-JSDF).

Typically, the best games get translated, and I know that there are plenty of good untranslated games out there, but there's enough translated to keep me busy for a long time. Plus, plenty of games are playable without being translated; very playable, in fact.

>> No.15109614

>Weeaboos also commonly refer to themselves as otaku which makes people uncomfortable with associating with the label.

I used to think that way, then I started to realize what being an otaku really meant. (I would still never refer to myself as one though)

>> No.15109672
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Does the term 'weeaboo' even work anymore?
Anime has been slowly becoming mainstream.
I even have a few normie friends who indulge in it every now and again.

>> No.15109693

If you have a healthy variety of Western interests you can't be weeb.

>> No.15109696

That's the thing. The word has been degraded to the bare minimum by the mainstream. Now, a weeaboo, is any person who likes even a single Japanese thing no matter what it is or how minimal it is.

>> No.15109741
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If you were to change a few words around it'd be like you were talking about punk rock.

Today I heard old bookish people on the radio talk about the sex pistols, and then I saw teenagers buying alternative albums on vinyl at a record store. It's the circle of life in late capitalism, people are always searching for cultural capital to steal from those who possess "exclusive" intellectual properties.

Just take it easy.

>> No.15109775

I once saw a guy who looked like he did a short stint in prison casually perusing moe DVDs

>> No.15109781


>tfw /mlp/ are more honest than every board you frequent

>> No.15109793

I'm gonna have to ask you to explain further instead of sperging because you mentioned /mlp/. Seeing a different viewpoint from something I have no knowledge about would be a nice change of pace.

>> No.15109872


I suppose I mean to say, even though they get so much shit from every other niche on the globe, they have yet to let their community fall apart and have gone strong for so many years without getting their shit corrupted beyond repair.

>> No.15109923

It's like you don't realize /jp/ has been at the last stage of degradation for a few years now.

>> No.15109932

Hmmm. I wonder were I could relate this text with ZUN's recent announcements. Is he "protecting" touhou by giving it controlled exposure? Does he fear its trivialization and/or defilement?

>> No.15109936

No matter what you do all things are subject to decay. Learning to accept that is like having a heavy weight taken off your shoulders.

It also might turn you into a moefag like it did to me. Feel free to weigh the pros and cons.

>> No.15110123

>they have yet to let their community fall apart and have gone strong for so many years without getting their shit corrupted beyond repair.
That happened years ago. I've seen everything >>15109369 stated occur. If anything, it's on the tail end of the cycle. Remaining a shell of its former self that exists while people have already moved on to the next big thing.

>> No.15110224

Mop detected

>> No.15110294

It started with insecure people here on 4chan autocalling themselves weebs but still on an ironical level.
Repeat that many times and retards start calling anything Japanese weebshit and stuff.

Also it's "cool" to not call yourself an otaku due to the fact teens misuse the term here on the west by proclaming themselves like that, so that's also why they call themselves "weebs" ironically.

>> No.15110318

I bet you're one of those retarded American chefs that destroy other countries' traditional dishes by changing literally everything about them while having the guts to still call them like the original and maybe even advertise it to ignorants as such because otherwise nobody would buy it.

>> No.15110324

Because that's what happens when something becomes trendy. It applies to practically anything, music or some other hobbies etc.

>> No.15110338

>Anime has been slowly becoming mainstream.
>I even have a few normie friends who indulge in it every now and again.
>every now and again

I think you don't know what weeaboo is anymore, weeaboo is about a person treating Japan like the holy grail pretending to like literally anything about it (I knew someone who even praised their kamikaze attacks while shitting on kebabs doing the same) and shitting on anything western for no reason. Bonus points if said person actually doesn't know shit about Japan in the first place.

Just because anime is mainstream that doesn't delete weeaboos. A normalfag who like anime is just a person who like anime and you'd be stupid at calling them weeaboo no matter how shit their tastes are.

>> No.15110344

The whole point of the thread is how people are diluting the meaning of the word to the point where just watching a single anime makes you a "weeaboo" now.

>> No.15110369

>Weebs = fags who think the sun shines out of Japan's asshole
>Otaku = fucking creepy hermits who obsess over their fucking hobbies, and live miserable, lonely lives because of it. (Shit sucks bro, I know from experience.)
Jesus Christ /a/, it's not hard.

>> No.15110375

forgot what fucking board I was on. Fuck my life, I shouldn't post while drunk.

>> No.15110378

It's ok, your post applies to /a/ as well. Those fags barely knew half the terms they use anyway.

>> No.15110385

Of course you are.
Now can you go back to /a/, you filthy crossboarder.

>> No.15110396

I don't have to take that shit from a fucking otaku. I can always go back to my loli dream castle in my head, and rewatch Space Pirate Captain Harlok.

>> No.15110454

>Videogames used to be super autistic and look where they are now. Anime is gonna go down the same road sooner or later if things keep going as they are.
Video games were played by nerds, but they were never just a nerd thing. Video games are more like a childhood thing or old novelty people want to relive. It's like pokemon, another video game, really. It's normal for kids to like it, but those adults obsessed with ivs and drawing porn of it and stuff are the weirdo nerds. Nonetheless, there's not a time where people didn't enjoy video games in general. Particular subgenres of game, for example VNs which are basically exclusively for otaku are becoming that way via steam and translators in general, but you can't say all video games, including console gaming, arcade gaming, and computer gaming was an exclusive nerd subculture. In fact, the problem was that it became cool to be a nerd, not cool to play video games. It's the reason so many comic book and fantasy movies are getting made. Playing video games was just something nerds did in addition to other nerd shit, not the exclusive realm of nerds.

Anime is a medium, anime otaku are just weirdos who attach to certain anime, just like video game otaku are the nerds that obsess over certain video games. There are kid anime, adult anime, boy anime, girl anime, mainsteam anime, niche otakushit anime. Anime won't fall to that though because it's fallen into the super niche where fanatics make niche anime about their beloved niche. That is, it's become fragmented over having widespread appeal, sort of like 4chan boards turning into generals.

The 2d world as a whole(otaku oriented games, anime, VNs, artwork, doujin works) at least is a wide world that has some bar to entry. Most of the deep stuff like doujin works you'd have to already be an actual fan of anime and manga and games to get into, and you get filtered down the more you go. Touhou may be mainstream among Japanese media fans, but STG are niche, doujin games are niche, video game music is niche, and cute lolis are niche. Even tertiaries are still otaku relative to the average normal person. It's never going to be the Japanese Madden or something. If there's a threat to it, it'd be copying the western indie culture.

The same reason people on 4chan misuse words like "projecting", "autism", and "cuck". People going around spouting shit they heard like they know what it means. It's the same with any slang. There's no deep "muh nerd culture being misappropriated" reason.

>> No.15110496

You would think most people who were moe fans were at least potential criminals.

>> No.15110537

One thing I dislike is the teenagers who actively self-identity as "weebs". It's so dumb, why can't they see it?

>> No.15110545

Then let's not have a fandom.

You may enjoy a game. But DO NOT form community.

>> No.15110562

Where does Touhou fall on this?

Sure we got secondaries tainting it, but some argue that with the advent of Kancolle, all the worst fans left.

>> No.15110582

I've had several pickup groups/campaigns ruined by any given lolrandumb girl and her beta orbiter(s) joining and shitting up everything until the GM gives up.

Not to harp on females as I've met several honest to goodness tabletop gamers without penises, but attention seeking women seem to be a prominent disease vector to communities in my experiences. This seems to apply to other hobbies as well.

>> No.15110626 [DELETED] 

Name something that doesn't have a community around it.

You can always choose to insulate yourself from everything and quietly enjoy it... but then you're one of those rare human beings who genuinely doesn't care about social interaction or enjoy chatting about the things that they like, and you're not going to be able to affect anything except as a consumer (or maybe a mysterious content producer who never talks, but those rarely exist).

>> No.15110652

Two or more people who enjoy a thing and talk about it is already a community.

It's true that you can always choose to isolate yourself from everyone and silently enjoy it. If you genuinely don't care for social interaction or talking about things that you like (and let's be real, we're having a social interaction at this very moment) then you aren't even missing out on anything. Most people aren't like that.

>> No.15110657

/jp/ is post-degradation, really. Almost everything that could have gone wrong did, and now a few of us zombies just hang around reminiscing while the majority of the board is general filth.

>> No.15110674

/jp/ was never good don't kid yourself

>> No.15110729

Well it's short, cute, not "otaku," and they don't know it's a wordfilter of "wapanese." It's a perfect word for posers and bandwagonners.

>> No.15110746

That doesn't mean things hasn't become worse. Your post seem to imply two states: good or bad, when in reality, there's bad, worse and worst.

>> No.15110750

Touhou remains recoverable as long as Zun continues to keep it in the doujin community and not go the way circles like Type-Moon did.

>> No.15110767

Nothing on this site could really be considered objectively good. It used to be a lot more fun though, even it was just because we were younger then. I wonder if the kids who come here nowadays are having as much fun as I did when I was new.

>> No.15110809

yes I am an American chef but I like to destroy countries traditional women instead

>> No.15110828

As long ZUN doesn't give a shit about whatever happens among fans and just makes the games for himself without catering to anyone the serie itself is safe. Sure the fanbase can be cancer but the core game is always there.

>> No.15110876

Weeaboo is literally a nonsense word with no meaning.

It is a wordfilter for wapanese.

4chan is very prolific at altering the human language

>> No.15110993
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Are you?

>> No.15111027

Why do weebs have the worst, or at best most entry-level, taste in the anime...? It just doesn't make sense to me.

>> No.15111290

That's be point of weebs (in the original "glorify Japanese media and can't shut up about it" definition). They're ignorant. They just discovered this new shit and can't stop acting like they've discovered some revolutionary shit and thus have to go public about it, Dunning Kruge effect and all.

>> No.15111316

I'm more upset about the rise of the word "weeb".

>> No.15111349

It would be hard to compare since they might have never experienced the past /jp/

>> No.15111377

I don't see what's wrong with that. They're not ashamed of their obsessive interest in anime/video games/whatever (and they really have no reason to be) so they've claimed the word for themselves.

>> No.15111391

I guess I am in fact a weeaboo, since I absolutely despise any kind of western shit and I do, honestly, believe that Japanese versions of everything are superior. I haven't gotten to Ken-sama levels of pride and honor, though. ;_;7
As for people avoiding usage of "otaku", it's always made sense for me that anyone would want to stop calling themselves as such after they realize that only entry-level anime fans still use that term, at least around here in the west.
It probably got corrupted in the same way that normalfag did, and since it's easier to say I guess normalfags picked up on it. AND IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT JAY PEE
The worst thing about terms getting murdered like this is that if you try to contest people who use them, they'll usually just say that words have no fixed meaning.

>> No.15111429

>Tabletop roleplaying has gotten really bad

This. Fucking this. Every random I've been to had atleast one girl constantly going "like oh em gee im such a nerd. lemme take a selfie first and post it on twitter and facebook! xD" every other member wanting to get into her panties and atleast this one dude who's constantly bitching about the ruleset and having it altered beyond recognition for him.

>> No.15111460

Everytime someone who's into Touhou bitches about Kancolle's popularity, I remind them that it's the best thing that ever happened. It literally enabled gameplay discussions again.

>> No.15111466

>This seems to apply to other hobbies as well.

You can actually watch this dance live on twitch.tv. Just go to directory/all and click on the first titty streamer you see.

>> No.15111468

Unfortunately we seek social interactions. All of us would feel less shitty about ourselves if that need didn't arise.

>> No.15111480

I enjoyed week 3 of /jp/. All the people spamming /jp/ because it was new slowly left and we could actually discuss Touhou and doujin games again. I remember every thread back on /a/ was "which touhou wuld u fug?" and being so happy that this wasn't the case with /jp/ anymore.

...Well,... look at /jp/ now.

>> No.15111647

Half of /jp/ is generals with retarded micro communities already. I wish I never checked them out due to curiosity. I dare you read JAV threads for example.

>> No.15111862

Never bothered with them, but how bad could they possibly be? I can only imagine some retarded waifu war-esque shit.

>> No.15112157

This is the most fucking autistic thing I have seen in a long time. fucking weebs.

>> No.15112389

Did the decline of /jp/ start when Kancolle arrived? I remember leaving /jp/ for quite a while around the time when Kancolle became prominent here with Touhou threads gradually decreasing by the day.

>> No.15112419

Kankercolle is the lesser evil, I would say idolfags are much more annoying. They don't seem to understand sage so their shitty threads are always on the top of the catalog

>> No.15112442
File: 54 KB, 484x484, 6733-heathered_purple-z1-t-weeaboo-trash-working-on-that-weeaboo-ass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weeaboo is being appropriated by ironic self-depreciating tumblr normalfags that listen to garbage like yung lean and omocat.

>> No.15112447

Everyone knows monster girl threads are the worst threads and monster girl fags are the worst people on /jp/.
They don't belong here but a mod is one of them so they and their autistic circlejerk get to stay. You could read this up in the IRC leaks.

>> No.15112455
File: 58 KB, 484x484, 3200bc-white_neon_pink-z1-t-i-am-the-weeaboo-trash-your-parents-warned-you-about.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15112590

>(Game created by a Japanese company) looks really fun, I'm going to...
What is wrong with the one on the right. When I was younger I used to exclusively play games by Japanese companies because the only console I had was an N64. Most of the western games on the N64 was dog shit with the great exception of Rare. I went a pretty long time thinking that Japanese games were better until I played Morrowind and Deus Ex and realized how open and experimental western games can be. I have always loved Japanese games and 2D shit, but I have never liked or cared about Japan's people, history or non-2D culture. Delete that picture from your image directory please. It is wrong.

>> No.15112883

The decline of Kancolle threads started a few months after they came to /jp/, when they got a template general and all non-game discussion moved to /a/.

The decline of /jp/ started in 2010.

You know who to blame for this.

I can't imagine the kind of weeb who would type out an extended response to a troll edit of a picture that was stupid to begin with.

>> No.15112953

>Actual discussion of fan games
Fuck. Now all we have left in the doujin department is Touhou and Elona. I miss the threads where anons were developing their own fan games and showcasing progress like a mini /agdg/.

>> No.15113036

The problem is the modern general based fandom. The games and stuff were discussed on /jp/ before everything became a general, then all discussion disappeared to /a/ and /vg/ like with iM@S and when it came back, it was full of faggots.

>> No.15113114

>Nothing on this site could really be considered objectively good. It used to be a lot more fun though, even it was just because we were younger then. I wonder if the kids who come here nowadays are having as much fun as I did when I was new.

They could not possibly be. 4chan was a lot freer at first, before the "secret club" people started trying to distance themselves from the sites they poured in from for 4chan cred. Anything people had been doing even since the beginning of 4chan would be called gaia/ebaumsworld/MAL/animesuki/whatever boogeyman site type posting. For some reason, they've also grown to think the point of the site is to be as hostile as possible. There was always hostility, sagebombing, making fun of idiots, intentionally linking newbies to viruses, but it's like people think the entire point is to shitpost and troll and disrupt any sort of remotely intelligent or focused conversation. The end result is you can hardly do anything without people spitting fire at you. Probably the worst thing is the backlash against certain types of image macros and terms becoming popular and thus becoming unable to say them anymore.

>> No.15113174 [DELETED] 

The "games and stuff" discussion never really came back. All we've got now are fairly silly threads.

To this day I still think that the janitor helped signed the death warrant for iM@S discussion in /jp/ three yeras ago when he deleted the Idolmaster PS4 thread.

>> No.15113191

The "games and stuff" discussion never really came back. Most of what we've got now is fairly silly threads about wanting to do this and that to idols.

To this day I still suspect that the final blow for serious iM@S discussion in /jp/ was when the janitor deleted the Idolmaster PS4 announcement thread two and a half years ago.

>> No.15113980
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>> No.15114126
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>> No.15114147

They're basically the same now.

>> No.15114360

>I miss the threads where anons were developing their own fan games and showcasing progress like a mini /agdg/.
I miss those threads too

>> No.15114421

>I can't imagine the kind of weeb who would type out an extended response to a troll edit of a picture that was stupid to begin with.
Over the last year or so, I've noticed that a larger number of newfags are introduced to 4chan through /pol/ instead of /b/.

Moot should have killed the board for good

>> No.15114557
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>> No.15114684

>would say idolfags are much more annoying.
Holy shit, yes. Fuck idolfags. I have to filter all of their threads to make /jp/ half-browsable and even then the fuckers keep making threads in a way they kept evading my filters. I fucking hate them so damn much.

>> No.15115399

/pol/ is a good board, but it makes sense. /pol/ is pretty much old /b/, but like old /b/, the people who leave there and visit other boards are pure cancer. Or maybe it's not even /pol/s fault. The last two times it was killed, the idiots just posted everywhere. Having some sort of containment for tinfoil hatters is good.

/r9k/ has become the biggest current problem on the site though. If only there was a way to drive them off to a 9chan.

>The "games and stuff" discussion never really came back. Most of what we've got now is fairly silly threads about wanting to do this and that to idols.

I was talking about the monstergirl fad, not iDOLM@STER. /vg/ itself was a blow to /jp/ because most of its topics fall under videogames, even touhou, and moot really should have just made an anime style otaku games board to cover VN, doujin game, anime style MMO, and such. /jp/ lost a lot without MMO threads, illusion and other erogame threads, and discussion on other doujin/Japan only games.

But yes, at that time, people could talk about monstergirl stuff without being total faggots.

I hate that there are so many threads and filter them, but there's not really a reason that idols are not otaku culture.

>> No.15115522

isnt weeaboo just a word filter? people are starting to use it as a serious word?
i dont really understand anyways. i only come here because im too autistic for other internet communities.

>> No.15115578
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>> No.15115965

>I miss the threads where anons were developing their own fan games and showcasing progress like a mini /agdg/.

Now I'm depressed again. I realized how fun it was to discuss stuff on /jp/ back then and how civil it actually went. A miracle, really.

>> No.15116040 [DELETED] 

> /vg/ itself was a blow to /jp/ because most of its topics fall under videogames, even touhou, and moot really should have just made an anime style otaku games board to cover VN, doujin game, anime style MMO, and such. /jp/ lost a lot without MMO threads, illusion and other erogame threads, and discussion on other doujin/Japan only games.
The sad thing is that it really didn't have to happen. All of those topics that moved to /vg/ didn't have to, and even if you wanted to post about them in /jp/ today you could.

The real reason all of that crap ended up in /vg/ forever is because it was around that time that /jp/ became an utterly unusable shithole, with endless shitposting on one side and "elitists" driving off all actual content on the other. If it weren't for that, it might have been a simple preference filter - people who preferred general threads could use /vg/ and people who preferred threads that come and go could use /jp/.

>> No.15116050

> /vg/ itself was a blow to /jp/ because most of its topics fall under videogames, even touhou, and moot really should have just made an anime style otaku games board to cover VN, doujin game, anime style MMO, and such. /jp/ lost a lot without MMO threads, illusion and other erogame threads, and discussion on other doujin/Japan only games.
The sad thing is that it really didn't have to happen. All of those topics that moved to /vg/ didn't have to, and even if you wanted to post about them in /jp/ today you could. The real reason all of that crap ended up in /vg/ forever is because it was around that time that /jp/ became an utterly unusable shithole, with endless shitposting on one side and "elitists" driving off all actual content on the other. If it weren't for that, it might have been a simple preference filter - people who preferred general threads could use /vg/ and people who preferred threads that come and go could use /jp/.

Unfortunately that ship sailed five years ago and /jp/ itself is organized around general threads these days (partially as a response to the shitposting wasteland era of /jp/), so... well, it is what it is.

>> No.15116180

>/jp/ itself is organized around general threads these days (partially as a response to the shitposting wasteland era of /jp/), so... well, it is what it is.

/jp/ turned from "Let's talk about japanese stuff + Touhou" into "Here goes everything that doesn't fit into either /a/ or /v/."
The inital creation of /jp/ was literally moot going "Touhou goes here, stop spamming /a/ with it", but what I think he imagined it turning into was:

"Hey! I found this pretty sweet manzai group. I subbed their latest entry, check 'em out!"
"Guys, did you hear about [latest japanese event]? What's up with that?"
"Another hikki neet was found dead at Mt. Fuji! That makes 10 this year alone!"
"I'm going to Japan next week. What are some essentials I should take with me?"
"Look at this wacky japanese subculture thing!"

Instead it turned into a bunch of idol and JAV general threads.
For being labeled "Otaku Culture" we're not actually discussing much Otaku stuff. (Idolotaku are literally the least compatible bunch.)
Why? Because as you and the guy you quoted said:
All our threads are over at /vg/. /hgg/ belongs on /jp/. If I'd make a thread trying to discuss IF/Gust/whatever kusoge studio, it would get deleted. If I'd make a thread about PSO2/other jp mmos and meet-ups, it would get deleted.

If I'd make a thread about just anything that we could sperg out on, it would get deleted. I'm highly surprised that the Elona thread wasn't banned yet.

There's simply nothing to discuss for us, because none of us actually live in Japan and only a handful can read more than entry-level japanese and/or dive deeply into latest news.

What we need to actually improve the state of /jp/ is for some topics over at /vg/ to be moved back to us, for a few select people to be allowed to "blog", (i.e. 'I found this cool thing in Japan last week' or have some /jp/ approved blog that is in lieu of that.) and have some hardcore otaku mods. Just people that post random japanese related news so we can actually live up to our shitty label.


>> No.15116191

To add to that. Maybe we should send our concerns to Hiroyuki. Because right now /jp/ is:
Idol General - /ig/.

>> No.15116227

>/vg/ itself was a blow to /jp/ because most of its topics fall under videogames, even touhou, and moot really should have just made an anime style otaku games board to cover VN, doujin game, anime style MMO, and such. /jp/ lost a lot without MMO threads, illusion and other erogame threads, and discussion on other doujin/Japan only games.

The funny thing is that what /jp/ has become was what people wanted back in 2011/2012 (example: >>7583346). No one really bothers with 2hu imagedumps or discussion anymore, all video games have been run off the board, all translated VNs have been run off the board, and all we are left with is shit like idolfag generals, onahole generals, and a VN translation thread that is really just astroturfing for shitty steam powerpoint porn books.

Chalk one up for the truNEET shitposters I guess.

>> No.15116307

I just submitted a feedback form with the thread link and summarized its mentioned keypoints. Let's hope that it finds a mod that cares enough about /jp/.

>> No.15116309
File: 81 KB, 848x480, [gg]_Zan_Sayonara_Zetsubou_sensei_-_02_[DB36C966].mkv_snapshot_02.33_[2013.06.17_20.30.39].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People hardly even use weeaboo anymore, now it's just weeb. Weeb is used to refer to anyone who likes anything Japanese, and weebshit means anything that is Japanese or related to Japan. The original meaning has been lost, and it's very rare to find people who know what it is. It's possible that most people no longer even know that weeb is short for weeaboo.

4chan is today in a state of mass hysteria over "weebs" and "weebshit." Anyone who's even vaguely positive towards anything Japanese is a weeb, and anything Japanese is weebshit that must be resisted until the bitter end. There doesn't seem to be any thought behind it and nobody, as far as I know, has ever given any explanation for this hysteria. They can't even explain what they mean by weeb.

Words, phrases and ideas spread easily on 4chan, but either quickly lose their meaning and become just things to repeat, or have their meaning diluted and corrupted. People develop pavlovian responses and say things without understanding what they mean by them, or say things because other people are saying them.

This isn't limited to 4chan, but 4chan makes it worse because everyone is anonymous. Posts seem much more authoritative and indicative of popular opinion than they would on a forum where you know who's who. And because many people come to 4chan, they take all the garbage here with them to other communities.

That's just a stereotype of otaku, and is now probably more common in the West than it is in Japan.

Anime and cartoons actually are different, so that one doesn't belong on the list. It's like calling Civilization an arcade game.

>> No.15116386


>To start with, all of the idol shit, MMO shit, Japanese cartoons, and mainstream video games are banned. They already have boards.
>[...] Textless image dumps, [...] which X would you Y [...] filter to a ban.

This was 2011. Sure lasted long.

>> No.15116449
File: 65 KB, 310x387, shattered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the fuck out of here before I take a rage-dump on your dirty crossboarder chest.

>> No.15116489

>If I'd make a thread trying to discuss IF/Gust/whatever kusoge studio
Gust threads are weirdly left alone.

>> No.15116496

>Gust threads are weirdly left alone.
Really? The last one I was in was deleted shortly after. But that might have been because it was just people calling eachother's favourite game shit and others going >2016 >liking GUST.

>> No.15116506


You were either in a thread a while ago or in some shitposters thread that got deleted with his posts.

>> No.15116510

Nobody is going to "move" anything out of /vg/ and into /jp/. The people have to come of their own accord.

Idols are like 5 out of 165 threads, unless you count the iM@S threads, in which case it goes up to 10..

>> No.15116518

Nevermind then. Guess I'm blind.

>> No.15116524

>Idols are like 5 out of 165 threads, unless you count the iM@S threads, in which case it goes up to 10..

With 200 posts each and constantly on the frontpage, yes. Your point being?

>> No.15116566

>Nobody is going to "move" anything out of /vg/ and into /jp/. The people have to come of their own accord.

I was figuratively speaking, not literally. Though moderation is a tool that could implement that literally. If suddenly mods over at /vg/ delete /hgg/ threads, stating they belong to /jp/, guess what thread would suddenly be on /jp/.

>> No.15116804

<span class="sjis"> ∧,,,∧     
  (´・ω・) フゥ...
  (´   c(_ア )

We could have more sjis threads

>> No.15117036
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>> No.15117049

Personally I think the presence of general threads here and the fact that they get several times as much traffic as actual /jp/ stuff means we've failed as an image board. This whole website has, really, now that any thread on any topic is considered a general thread, and that posting that content outside that one long line of stagnation is frowned upon.

I'm only still here because I can only deal with image boards anymore and most spinoffs are wastelands of contentless shitposting and circlejerking. There's nowhere else to go.

>> No.15117081

/jp/ was doomed to fail with a weak label like "Otaku Culture" and no tools to actually post about topics that would fall under that.

>> No.15117083

Oh look, another shit thread where dumb teenagers can pretend they fit in by spouting the same old "trueNEET" memes.

>> No.15117166

I think there's nothing wrong with generals. It allows people of like minds to discuss what they want to discuss. Is your ideal /jp/ just a random bunch of shitposting threads that come and go?

Now, to be clear, I think that there's nothing wrong with generals but our generals need more variety. It's pathetic that idolshit is always at the top and receives as much traffic as it does. I don't think they should be pruned, but we need to do what >>15116180 said and bring more games over from /vg/ and just overall be more tolerant with what's posted(as long as it's not shitposting). It's like others have been saying; what do we even talk about? We can't talk about anything. Many here care more about the entertainment Japan produces and less about their culture(some do and there is nothing wrong with that), so not allowing game and other media threads/generals is seriously limiting the discussion potential of /jp/. It's no wonder all that gets posted is cute 2hu pictures and generals of a few odd things that don't fit in /a/.

I'm not saying /jp/ is the pinnacle of an internet community, but /jp/ is the most I've felt at home anywhere on the internet. Despite the shitposting and general lack of discussion besides the generals, when a discussion does get started I usually enjoy it. I'd love for /jp/ to get revitalized by treating it like an actual board instead of just a dump for all the shit that doesn't go in /a/ or /v/.

>> No.15117184

Wasn't this shit thread posted on /a/... oh... right

>> No.15117224

The problem with generals is that they foster a circlejerk mentality and community. People stop browsing boards because of the topic of the board in itself but only because of a general that in turn is full of people who browse that general and only that general. They seclude themselves and isolate from the others and as such the general board suffers because there's and whenever these people get out of their safespaces and interact with other people who also finally got out from their safespaces there will inevitably be conflict because they are accustomed only to the behaviour of their generals and not the overall one of their board.

>> No.15117331

>Personally I think the presence of general threads here and the fact that they get several times as much traffic as actual /jp/ stuff
Only the monster girl, KanColle, and AKB threads get more traffic than other threads.

>/jp/ is the most I've felt at home anywhere on the internet.
This is the biggest problem with 4chan though. /jp/ is not your "home." /jp/ is one room in your "home". General threads are just that kind of idea on a smaller scale. They don't want to talk about related game on a game board, or related anime on an anime board. They want a place to talk about everything at once but can't get their own board, so they make their own little sub-board so they can be at "home".

>what do we even talk about? We can't talk about anything.
/jp/ never really had much in the way of topics to begin with though. The general population doesn't really care about anything. Vocaloid is a related topic, but they end up in one or two threads because no one cares outside the diehards. Idols end up in a few threads because real life stuff is shunned. It's possible to make iM@S, KanColle, and mobile game threads that aren't about the games themselves, but there's not much to talk about except how cute character x is.

There's really a lack of attempt at new content above all though. If only /jp/ was better at producing its own content without shitting on others' works or people made attempts to strike up conversation about something other than traveling to Japan or how to translate something. It feels like there hasn't been any big content lately either. Doujin games hardly get uploaded anymore and the majority of them are touhou fan games.

>I'd love for /jp/ to get revitalized by treating it like an actual board instead of just a dump for all the shit that doesn't go in /a/ or /v/.
That is what it is though. one big problem with /jp/ is that "/jp/" basically hates everything.

What is it besides Touhou that "/jp/" does not hate?

>The problem with generals is that they foster a circlejerk mentality and community.
This is /a/ and /v/ mentality that led to general threads, moreso than an effect of general threads. The reason you conflict with them is because they act like those boards have come to act. Do you really conflict with doll posters? Kig posters? Idol posters? Onahole posters? Train posters?

>> No.15117352

>The problem with generals is that they foster a circlejerk mentality and community.
Not always. The problem in that case is the members of the general itself, not the fact that it is a general. A community existing as a general means that the community is smaller or more focused, which can cause people to want to enter circlejerk mode; so you're right, it does promote a circlejerk mentality and community. However...

If that's the type of people they are then why would you want to discuss anything with them anyway, even if they weren't circlejerking? Fuck 'em.

>People stop browsing boards because of the topic of the board in itself but only because of a general that in turn is full of people who browse that general and only that general. They seclude themselves and isolate from the others and as such the general board suffers because there's and whenever these people get out of their safespaces and interact with other people who also finally got out from their safespaces there will inevitably be conflict because they are accustomed only to the behaviour of their generals and not the overall one of their board.
You make some good points here.

Touhou gameplay generals exist in /jp/, even if they aren't very popular. Methinks that the best solution to talking about Touhou gameplay is generals, even if you're right considering those points. The reason I think generals can be a good solution at times is that the discussion is simply not active enough to survive as just threads out of the blue. Also, generals can contain cancer, the whole reason /vg/ exists. You wouldn't want idol generals to get a whole bunch of separate threads, would you?

>> No.15117407

>Touhou gameplay generals exist in /jp/, even if they aren't very popular.

Have you seen the one with 300 replies on the frontpage? It's a fucking miracle. It's been years since we had an actual gameplay thread where people post clears and scores, discuss spellcards and it didn't turn into "which t2hu wuld u fuq?"... yet.

>> No.15117416

>It's been years since we had an actual gameplay thread where people post clears and scores, discuss spellcards and it didn't turn into "which t2hu wuld u fuq?"... yet.

no it hasn't

>> No.15117422

Oh shit. I actually remember that one. It was filled with shitposters though.

>> No.15117439

The problem with generals isn't that they are generals. It's that they try to force continuity with every previous thread while sucking the life out of any other threads on the topic. People might have complained about each other's tastes, but nobody really cared all that much when there were several vibrant threads at a time about the same or similar topics. Of course this is a secondary issue, as the main problem is that nobody really knows what to talk about here, and when we can manage to agree there's never enough content to discuss. Everything we used to talk about other than touhou has either moved back to /a/, gone to /vg/, or wasn't popular enough for either of those and became a general. There are still always several other nice threads up but other than touhou and imaginary idols the major discussion-producing content is pretty sparse.

>> No.15117602

>Have you seen the one with 300 replies on the frontpage? It's a fucking miracle. It's been years since we had an actual gameplay thread where people post clears and scores, discuss spellcards and it didn't turn into "which t2hu wuld u fuq?"... yet.
It's actually been going on for about a couple weeks now, I think. The threads haven't been up every day but they have existed. I plan on starting a thread about the fan games and desperately trying to keep it alive some time. It'll probably die but I'm gonna try, dammit.

>They don't want to talk about related game on a game board, or related anime on an anime board. They want a place to talk about everything at once but can't get their own board, so they make their own little sub-board so they can be at "home".
I'm afraid I don't understand. Most general threads aren't everything at once, they generally stick to the topic, even if it is a circle jerk.

>There's really a lack of attempt at new content above all though. If only /jp/ was better at producing its own content without shitting on others' works or people made attempts to strike up conversation about something other than traveling to Japan or how to translate something. It feels like there hasn't been any big content lately either. Doujin games hardly get uploaded anymore and the majority of them are touhou fan games.
I know of a few good doujin games that have been made recently. I mean, you're right that there hasn't been that much lately but there is stuff.

>/jp/ never really had much in the way of topics to begin with though. The general population doesn't really care about anything.
>That is what it is though. one big problem with /jp/ is that "/jp/" basically hates everything.
Yeah, a lot of people are bitter. But that doesn't mean we can't get at least some discussion going. People here at least like cute 2hus.

>> No.15117728

>I plan on starting a thread about the fan games and desperately trying to keep it alive some time. It'll probably die but I'm gonna try, dammit.

You are the hero we need, but don't deserve. I wish more people would make more threads. Even if it's about random shit, as long as it's /jp/ related. Just put your topics out there.

>> No.15117871

>I'm afraid I don't understand. Most general threads aren't everything at once, they generally stick to the topic, even if it is a circle jerk.
I mean that when discussing 'X: the series', instead of 'X: the series: the game' being on /v/ and 'X: the series: the anime' being on /a/, generals serve to talk about all of that at once. They can't become /mlp/ and have a whole board for their obsession so they make a place where they can talk about every part of it at once, regardless of where they actually are.

It's like '/jp/ - my friends are here' on a smaller scale.

>> No.15118390
File: 188 KB, 370x474, Taser.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/r9k/ has become the biggest current problem on the site though.
I was a heavy user of /fit/ four or five years ago. People blogging about how depressed they are while posting sadfrog and cancer man is so bad for board quality. The entry level for posting becomes post a sad frog and complain about something.

>> No.15118468

I think otaku can become weebs. Or maybe weebs jsut become otaku.

I used to just watch anime and play games. Now I'm watching bullshit like Japanology wondering how it came to this.

There is a slippery slope here, somewhere.

>> No.15118494

I havent been on /fit/ in a long time. I tried once, I wanted to improve myself and all that.
All i saw were threads on steroids, manlets, tfw no gf, "high test" girls, fat hate threads, and memes about how /fit/ totally wasnt gay.

It's still not the msot dissapointing board however. That would be /ck/, I expected recipes and discussions about cooking. I got people talking about junk food and which fast food shithole had the best burgers. Fuck you /ck/.
Fuck /fit/ too, I have bought some books on the subject of fitness and am working through them and losing weight. I'm gonna make it without /fit/.
Fuck /fit/ fot the high test meme though. It's one thing for all the gay shit, but the high test stuff is bullshit trying to make fat women sound less terrible than what they are. Fat people disgust me, and I'm fat myself (for now).

>> No.15118525

/fit/ may be a shit as a board but the sticky is relatively good.

Is /ck/ really that bad though? I've never checked there so I wouldn't know.

>> No.15118540

Not him but I think I know what you mean. The image board mentality seems to be slowly dying, everyone seems to prefer these small subboards/generals, forming a little friends group with their own famous personalities, talking about their topic but also a lot of other stuff because they treat it more like their chatrooms instead of making smaller threads with an OP that actually tries to start a specific discussion instead of opening a new general about a topic where people often don't really have good discussions because of the circlejerk preventing different opinions or new, uncommon ideas and they tend to go more often off-topic since they are up 24/7. I think posting speed has also a lot to do with that.
Posting small threads with original OPs gets pretty rare because even the small, non-general threads are either the same recurring threads over and over or very similar to others before bringing nothing new at all.

>> No.15118585

I also think generals are poisonous to the image board formula, but then I can also see why people make generals. Not just on a topical reason to share their recent related events, but also connect to other people with the same interests. After all, we're not getting younger. We can delude ourselves as much as we want, but in the end we really just want to find a few friends and hang out talking about cute little girls doing cute things or any equivalent of it.

>> No.15118589

I just checked. It's not as terrible now, but first page
>Favourite chocolate bar
>Favourite beer
>Favourite drink
>Food porn thread
>Do you like bananas
>Tea or Coffee
There are a few threads about cooking, but
>Steak cooking tips
0 replies
>Does /ck/ like Okonomiyaki
Replies, but again talking about shit others cook for them.

It's less about cooking and more about eating, shit board. There was like one thread about cooking with beans, and it had less replies than this other trash.

>> No.15118617
File: 69 KB, 737x625, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck /fit/ too, I have bought some books on the subject of fitness and am working through them and losing weight. I'm gonna make it without /fit/.
That puts you ahead of most of the board the average poster there has never read a book on the subject which is the main reason I left. That and the shitposting.

>> No.15118619

Make a non general thread and people bitch how there is already a general.
Generals, like you said become circlejerks and are shit for discussion. If you stick with specific threads you rarely expand your tastes.

I'm too lazy to check, but I'm honestly afraid to even check /vg/ to see how many threads /ksg/ is on. I enjoyed the vn, but I cant even discuss it without a sense of shame due to these autists. I think KS is now 4 years old.

>> No.15118645

I havent read much on the subject so i cant say I''m better. Also the books I own arent exactly scientific. I mena maybe they are, I dont understand the science of the body. The stuff I bought was focused on calisthenics, rather than on how the body works. I just wanted a cheap workout that I can do almost anywhere.
I suppose the next stuff I look into should be focused on more scientific stuff like how the body works, nutrition, etc.
Oh and a book on stretching because I hurt my shoulder a while back and have had issues since (tha are greatly helped with stretching).

>> No.15118660

I'll check for you anon. Goes on spoilers in case you don't want to get your day ruined.

>> No.15118668

Different guy here.
I for one will check in on their 3000th thread to see how much people shit on them

>> No.15118677

I still don't get how. I just don't know how. What are they even talking about these days?

>> No.15118683

>I suppose the next stuff I look into should be focused on more scientific stuff like how the body works, nutrition, etc.
As someone who has read shitloads on the topic mostly because it interested meI have to say any halfway decent guide will be all you need to be in better shape than 90% of people.
Sorry for offtopic posting i'l stop now

>> No.15118715

I checked it out of curiosity. It's basically blogging and people comparing waifus. Surprisingly little tripfags, but I didn't read it too thoroughly.

Oh, there was also a guy posting a greentext story about Hanako being raped by niggers

>> No.15118735

What a nice general...

>> No.15118749

There's worse out there.

I dare you to check /5n@f/ sometime if you want to see the sort of people you're sharing a site with.

>> No.15118755

>I wish more people would make more threads.
That's not going to happen because the "condense you are thread" autists will just spring up again and destroy anything that isn't a general or some trash touhou image dump thread.

>> No.15118787

I swe4ar videogames are not only getting worse, but spawning worse communities too. Maybe when I was young and didnt have the internet as a kid, I didnt notice such autism. Even when I got the internet it wasnt too bad for a while, but now we seem to have more autistic communities, who are more autistic than ever. FNAF, Minecraft, KS, DOTA, etc. Thats not including e-celeb bullshit.

People may say the touhou fanbase is shit, but I have always admired the strain of autism the thouhou fanbase has. Most fanbases are unproductive autists, meanwhile some nip right now is making 2hu anime, another is making a great peice of fan art, 5 others are making douins, someone is making a eurobeat, classical, metal, etc remix/cover of the music and it's just a nice community overall.
Shame about shitty memes (Sakuya pad meme is still alive, why?) and iamge dump threads, the latter should jsut stick to /c/ if you only want images of a certain character.

>> No.15118803

Internet became bigger, and most importantly, more accessible to the average person thanks to the proliferation of things such as tablets and iphones. It's no surprise the internet got dumber considering that. The bigger the fanbase the shittier it becomes. It's an universal rule.

>> No.15118821

why is this shit thread still up

>> No.15118827

We were waiting for you to make such an exceedingly creative post that contributed to the discussion more than every other post until now together.

>> No.15118845

Considering every single post thus far has been mindbogglingly dumb, the thread has actually built up into the negative values of the discussion scale. Thus, my post helped normalize it a bit towards 0.

>> No.15118865

Are the general threads in positive values thread reviewer domo?

>> No.15118872

I hate them as much as anyone, but meta shit is even worse.

>> No.15118903

Then go and make a thread about whatever your favourite topic is and come back when you get shitposted to hell by generalfags.

Maybe then you'll be a jaded meta asshole like us.

>> No.15118922

>They want a place to talk about everything at once but can't get their own board, so they make their own little sub-board so they can be at "home".
While some generals do suffer from the secret club for VIPs problem, most of /jp/'s threads remain consistently on-topic. Most of what passes for "circlejerking" in /jp/ is repetitive or inane discussion which is still about the topic.

Slicing X by media is inane. It really just doesn't make any sense from an organizational perspective to carve up what is almost certainly a unified community across multiple boards (people who like X: The Series are also likely to like X: The Game). For massive topics it works out and topic rules are topic rules, but it's still a topic interest (as opposed to the "my friends are here" thing.)

>If that's the type of people they are then why would you want to discuss anything with them anyway, even if they weren't circlejerking? Fuck 'em.
It's not the people, it's the place. If you want to talk about X on the internet and there's a general thread for it for it somewhere on 4chan you're likely to use it, given the lack of other places to do it (which are palatable to the typical 4chan user, at any rate.) And where you post shapes what you are like as a poster. We were all young, impressionable faggots once.

>> No.15118955

>It's that they try to force continuity with every previous thread while sucking the life out of any other threads on the topic.
I agree with this. On principle there's nothing wrong with people who like a thing discussing a thing, even if it is for hundreds of threads over several years. The real problem is that the threads force all discussion into a certain format.

When everything is locked into a single thread, whatever sub-strain of the topic is most popular drowns out everything else. And everyone gets so used to having a single thread that the people in it never really bother to post about it in any other thread.

At least this thread will stop existing after it's over. (For a while, anyway.)

>> No.15119070

Sad but true, as hipster as it sounds going mainstream kills everything.
I hope the GiTS movie bombs for this reason, anime is bad enough already.

I think 2hu being filled with lolis has repelled the normies from going near it, along with the now mountains of porn. Based ZUN.

>> No.15119131

People call you that to hurt you for liking something they don't like. Don't let names get to you.

>> No.15119419

remember when we called each other weebs jokingly? and faggot(kind of)? and image macros were called image macros and not "memes"

>> No.15119452

It's really funny, actually. Back when they were newish, I thought /fit/, /ck/, and /sp/ were the least 4chan-esque boards. Stupid shit for normalfags. Any time I have looked at them, they have been far and away some of the most 4chan-esque boards. Although /ck/ isn't that bad. It's mostly the board users that complain whenever someone talks about anything other than home cooking which makes people want to post about fast food and stuff. /fit/ is awful and /sp/ is literally /sp/ - Shitposting.

>> No.15119461

Touhou porn saving Touhou.

Ellen Baker porn killing Ellen Baker.

>> No.15119471

>Back when they were newish, I thought /fit/, /ck/, and /sp/ were the least 4chan-esque boards
And now look at us, we have boards like /soc/ and /lgbt/ now.

>> No.15119473

Does it still take hours to make new threads on /jp/? That shit killed it for me. Between captcha and post timers, and wasn't there a post limit too? It just made me not want to even bother making threads unless I'm fully confident they will get several days worth of replies. Like if I wanted to make a thread to talk about Tower of Succubus, I might get an idea for a non-fetish related Touhou thread a few minutes later and be unable to make it.

>> No.15119481

4chan has always been full of faggots though. Even here, those fags were pushing their "trap" and crossdressing and dick sucking threads. There's still the kigurumi threads too, which are basically about gay guys having gay sex while dressing up in fursuits and pretending to be lesbians. It's only natural that board would exist.

/soc/ was a failed attempt to fix /b/. Containment boards never work. Just like >>>/trash/ is /fur/ now.

>> No.15119495

>Make a non general thread and people bitch how there is already a general.
Does this happen outside of hated threads though?
>Go back to your monstergirl thread
>Go back to your idol thread
Those kinds of things I see because they're hated, so they have to be in a general. Do people do this for everything?

>If you stick with specific threads you rarely expand your tastes.
Do you feel threads like the Gust games threads and mobile game threads and DMM threads are different since they are about a large amount of games rather than a single thing?

>> No.15119504

Do Kigurumi threads devolve on crappy ERP and skinny faggots putting on a skirt and thigh highs and calling themselves traps?

I don't know much about Kigurumi, but from the little I know, those suits are damn expensive. Kigfags are dedicated as fuck to their hobby and take it really seriously unlike those "faggots" who just crave dicks and traps because they are too lonely and socially inept to get themselves a woman that they delude themselves into thinking "traps" are better than them. I really can't put them on the same bag.

/lgbt/ is actual homos, although from what I've seen it is a tranny haven more than anything with normal homos and lesbos having a minimal presence because the board has been more or less been taken over by them.

I personally wouldn't mind crossdressing threads here on /jp/ if they kept all that shit out of there and people just talked about cute clothes. Sadly, it'll never happen. The amount of people who want that and would be able to kept things just to that are pathetically small.

>> No.15119516

>but now we seem to have more autistic communities, who are more autistic than ever. FNAF, Minecraft, KS, DOTA, etc

The thing you said about Touhou is just differences in the Japanese fan communities. Touhou isn't special.

>> No.15119558

Because the current state of the site is the result of opening the door to refugees and drawing unnecessary attention to itself. This is what happens if you don't protect what you love/need.

>> No.15119671

>There's really a lack of attempt at new content above all though. If only /jp/ was better at producing its own content without shitting on others' works or people made attempts to strike up conversation about something other than traveling to Japan or how to translate something.
This is because /jp/ finally became a bunch of unrepentant weeaboos Not the "Sasuke is my bishie ^_^" kind but the kind that genuinely idolizes Japan as being far and away better than the West.

If the West produced it, it's shit. If it's translated, well, it's probably shit. If you're from the West (and haven't gained a perfect command of the Japanese language) you're shit. It goes even without saying that Western memes are shit. It's the mentality that there is nothing that any of us can offer the community in terms of creative input, because anything you can do, Japan can do better and probably already did it first.

Even if people didn't shit on your topic because they hated it, well-meaning people would inform you that there is a general up and whatever you want to talk about is probably better talked about there. Often they're not wrong just because the community has already holed itself up in one thread and isn't going anywhere.

>> No.15119677

>skinny faggots putting on a skirt and thigh highs and calling themselves traps?
No, they put on a flesh tone body suit underneath and a doll head over their face and outright call themselves an anime girl.

They're like those people in those Touhou cosplay having gay sex videos the trapfags would post. Except it's some dude as an anime girl pretending the vibrator leading under the skirt isn't in his ass. Go ahead and take a look >>14976428
Maybe they are different though. They're happy with pretending a guy is a girl rather than pretending guys are better than girls.

>it is a tranny haven more than anything with normal homos and lesbos having a minimal presence because the board has been more or less been taken over by them.
Truly they are a menace straight and gay must team up and one day rid the world of.

>I personally wouldn't mind crossdressing threads here on /jp/ if they kept all that shit out of there
What reason would you have for being interested in crossdressing except for the fetish aspect? Stupid stuff like ladybaby? Outdated visual kei? Crossplay thread that would be better suited on /cgl/?

4chan being thought of as this unmentionable cesspit of cp and board raiders and epic hackers did more to attract people than anything.

And boards are generally the result of their own posters. Take Warosu's ghost. It became a huge shit simply through it's own regulars and nothing else. /jp/ is like this because of it's hostility and people who are literally addicted to shitposting. (or legit insane like some older spammers seemed.) Actually this could be described as /v/, /a/, and /vg/'s problems too.

>> No.15119746
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>remember when we called each other weebs jokingly? and faggot(kind of)?
Neither of those were ever not insults, even if people tried to appropriate them as affectionate terms.

>and image macros were called image macros and not "memes"
Macros are a subset of memes, but I do hate how people use the word "memes" the way they do nowadays. A lot of old memes were just in jokes. You couldn't "generate" memes, like each individual image is a meme in itself rather than part of an existing meme.

Of course the word meme itself is nothing new, as you can see from this image that I don't know why I have.

I really hate how you can't use some macros nowadays without being thought as some meme spewer. It's like macros themselves aren't dead, but you can't post ones with stupid random text. You can't say stuff like "lollercoaster" anymore (maybe, people do still say pretty stupid stuff with kek, but greater things like rofl are dead.) You can't say 'win' or 'fail' or any sort of short phrase anymore.

>> No.15119763

That's natural. Memes are born and die all the time. Some have shorter lifespan, some have longer. However, the proliferation of social media and them becoming mainstream have shortened their lifespan thanks to it quickly using them so much, often incorrectly, to the point it becomes beating a dead horse.

>> No.15119768

But Eva actually sucks

>> No.15119769

That is attention though. It feels like no one cares for individual board culture anymore, /a/ has become even worse over the course of the last year and it feels like reddit has officially taken over. It doesn't help that boards like /vg/ are literally full of people that cross link to every known cancerous site in existence.

At least the jay managed to stay somewhat true to controlled chaos. People don't come here and take part in whatever is going on, or even stay. It's because this board is one big meme and that's actually a good thing this time around.

>> No.15119816

>it feels like reddit has officially taken over.
Blah blah boogeyman.

What makes someone reddit? This site was always populated by people from other sites too, no one was born on 4chan, nor was anyone born on /a/ or /jp/. However, I legit don't use any other sites nowadays, so I don't have a single idea what posters from them are like, nor what people think is a difference in quality between them and 4chan. It's just boogeymen to explain shitty users shitposting to me.

>It doesn't help that boards like /vg/ are literally full of people that cross link to every known cancerous site in existence.
/vg/ is the most cancerous site.

>> No.15120068

Otaku isn't insulting enough, so I just use weeaboo.

>> No.15120525
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>This site was always populated by people from other sites too
Reddit and tumblr users are worse than any of the old boogeymen because they are social media platforms. While sites like mal and gamefaqs were shit the users who came from them were on the internet to discuss their hobbies while social media sites are more about actively searching for replies upvotes and new followers.

>> No.15120596

>It's the mentality that there is nothing that any of us can offer the community in terms of creative input, because anything you can do, Japan can do better and probably already did it first.

On that note. How the fuck did the DJT (Daily Japanese Thread) end up being spawned over at /a/? It's so bizarre to me that this isn't a /jp/ thing.

>> No.15120620

To add to that:

Whenever you see a poster with blogging mentality, someone who also only reacts to replies to their posts and/or someone who focuses only on the scandalous parts of a topic:

Those are typical social media users. And why is that so bad? Because self-centered "raising awareness" blogging posts will never stoke any discussion. It's like talking about Tracer's butt instead of mentioning it shortly and then talking about needed gameplay changes. (I don't care for Overwatch, but that was the most recent and fitting topic I could think of.)

>> No.15120622

How are upvotes different from reputation systems on older sites? Regular forums as a whole are dumb for that idea of names having some sort of authority because of their age or number of likes. What are these reddit people doing that the normal users haven't? Because I've watched the users of 4chan become shit, and while some was caused by new people flooding in, aka "eternal summer" as 4chan called it, a lot of this has just been the users themselves getting deeper into the ruts they've dug. /v/ and /vg/ basically just point fingers at everyone and everything and pretend the problem comes from somewhere else. It's a strange paranoia.

But okay, they're social media platforms, what do they do though that's different from 4chan posters? 'They' meaning reddit posters.

While I don't use tumblr either, it comes up in searches enough that I see it seems to be largely used as porn blogging site as well as whatever subset of cancerous users certain 4chan boards are scared of. It doesn't seem to have an overall culture. It's more on the level of a modern livejournal, zanga, myspace type site. As such, I think attributing anything to that site as a whole, instead of to a group (e.g. 'SJWs') is fallacious. (unless you're from /co/, in which case it does seem like a congregation point for stupid cartoon subcultures)

So yeah what does reddit DO, that their posting on 4chan ruins it? And why is it largely limited to /v/ and /vg/, and /a/ apparently?

>> No.15120626
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I'm glad it isn't here. People use non /a/ reaction images and admit to not using /a/ for anything outside the general, I'm pretty sure most of them aren't trolling either.
On one hand the guide on djt is arguably the best resource on the internet for learning Japanese and lurking the thread for a few days will give you some good ideas on the other the threads are 90% shitposting

>> No.15120640

>Plus, I think a decent majority of /jp/ already knows Japanese to a degree.
If only. Well, maybe to a very small degree.

>> No.15120665
File: 52 KB, 1284x336, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started learning in under A year after I started watching anime. I don't know why anyone with a vested interest in Japanese media or culture wouldn't

>> No.15120667

I call anyone who openly admits to watching anime a weeaboo because if they truely know the meaning of weeaboo it will piss them off.

>> No.15120696

>It's so bizarre to me that this isn't a /jp/ thing.
/jp/ is not /lang/ (nothing is, anymore). It's better off in /a/ anyway, as the primary place you're gonna use/practice it is in manga or anime. Here, you're probably going to be talking about stuff largely on Japanese sites in Japanese that require a modicum of understanding to participate in.

/jp/ is probably the place for translation discussion(not requests, discussion), but not really for learning Japanese. Although I don't especially care, as long as they aren't "translate this, weebs" type threads. I think in /jp/ you should be trying to exercise your Japanese, not learn it from scratch. It's also frustrating when someone comes and wants to participate in something and asks for a link or something and so you give them a source page on .jp domain and they go "I can't read moonrunes" or wants something on nicovideo to be on youtube.

>Not the "Sasuke is my bishie ^_^" kind
Yeah they are. Look at some random Touhou thread. Hell, I'd rather "Mokō is my bishie ^_^" than "I wanna sniff Tewi's butthole!" or "Mommy mommy mommy!"

>If the West produced it, it's shit. If it's translated, well, it's probably shit. If you're from the West (and haven't gained a perfect command of the Japanese language) you're shit. It goes even without saying that Western memes are shit. It's the mentality that there is nothing that any of us can offer the community in terms of creative input, because anything you can do, Japan can do better and probably already did it first.

That's not really true. It's more like a small group of uncreative people attempt to shit on anyone else who tries to be creative.

I don't even think something being translated is the problem, it's more that everyone plays something and enjoys it, then 3 years later it gets translated and /v/ finds it and isn't content enough to discuss it there, but has to come running to /jp/ to let everyone know about the hottest new release of a years old game that everyone who cared played already. And then become irritated if no one wants to discuss it anymore.

>> No.15120717

I think the majority of primary /jp/ users(that is, ones primarily influenced by /jp/ memes and culture) do know it to some degree, since untranslated VNs (and other media) are a major part of /jp/'s topics. If nothing else, they can probably recognize a few words, like 東方 and ミク in such a way that they could pick them out of a list of random words to find some doujinshi. Primary /a/ or /v/ or /vg/ users or anyone else who's only here for some particular thread might not even know that much. Even if /jp/ users mostly use text hookers, they can probably still correct them themselves to some degree even just from seeing dictionary entries over and over.

>> No.15120875

Trap has lost all meaning, out of curiosity I checked /b/ as while back and saw a trap thread, the OP image didnt come close to passing. Also the thing about traps is you dont fucking announce it.

I know about Sonic, but I dont remember seeing autism surrounding it when I was younger.

You cant use them becuase retards use them without context. See cuck for the most recent example, most people acted like a child learning a new swear word.

/v/ is pretty shit, expecially after the GG bullshit. I didnt care for it, but due to gg getting threads banned, it was a foothold for tumblr and tumblr tier mods to delete threads based on personal feelings rather than rules.
on /a/ and /v/ I have seen perfectly fine threads deleted by sjw tier mods for no reason, while trash or offtopic threads remain.
Social media is probably the worst thing ever invented.

>> No.15120961

>Social media is probably the worst thing ever invented.

Social media is the best thing that could have happened, but was misused instead. Full transparency, being able to connect to people with the same hobbies outside of your own reach and a fertile ground for just about any topic. We could have been fully connected to the people we care about, while maintaing a range filter on it and be introduced to new like-minded people and topics within the aforementioned filter.

Finally a way to connect to new people without having to go to a frat party and be judged for not wanting to get shitfaced!

And then it turned into a censored moralfag cesspool version of exactly that very frat party filled with cosplaying marketeers instead of douchebags. And now it's either shilling or "look i just took a shit. isn't that awesome?!!!?? xDD" - 202 likes.

It's like a hyperversion of the hugbox forums you encountered over the past 10 - 15 years.

>> No.15120977

>being able to connect to people with the same hobbies outside of your own reach and a fertile ground for just about any topic.
It makes more sense to do that anonymously though. If you want to discuss a hobby or interest you shouldn't need a name or avatar
The reason people claim to be on social media like twitter or facebook is to keep up with friends but really it ends up as shallow d-list celebrity worship which is probably unavoidable due to impressionable people trying to find someone who personifies what they think is a good advocate for their hobby.

>> No.15121029

Social media has turned into either becoming an object of worship or stroking your e-peen enough until you are satisfied for the day and feel like people actually care about you.
The modern age equivalent of "MOM. GET THE CAMERA!"

I feel, similar to how everything's turned into nothing but making money anymore, social interactions have turned into attention gathering, rather than having fun together. What's worse is that we're the minority in asking: "Who gives a fuck about karma, upvotes and likes?" And that's insanely scary.

>> No.15121033

wow sick banter m8

>> No.15121228
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>to have a hobby so autistic that nobody besides people that genuinely care would want to participate.

>> No.15121250

Ultimately, no matter the era, people like us have always been in the minority. What shifts between eras the "something" we are the minority against.

Social Media is scary because it's like the ultimate hivemind we've been seeing evolve and develop through the years and years and years. Don't think, just watch, just follow the latest trend, just enjoy the newest popular artist, just play the newest popular game, or worse, don't even play just, just watch the most popular Let's Player play it.

Let's Players worship is what most mystifies me considering that the people who watch them are "normal" people. They don't lack family, friends or any sort of bonds. If they so wanted they could go and have friends or at the very least shallow real life relationships and companionship. But no, they'd rather just watch someone else play the game they like and spent all their time chatting on the stream so they can "pretend" they are interacting with the streamer, and worse, they spend their money so that the streamer can notice them and give them a little bit of personalized attention.

It's even worse than hiring a whore or prostitute if we consider the time she'll pay attention to you and the benefits you'll be obtaining from her because you paid her. At least you'll be getting your dick wet, and if you are hiring one to fulfill a very specific fetish you wouldn't otherwise then that's money well spent.

Ultimately, it all goes back to >>15109369. This article is surprisingly universal, take social media and try to relate it to the article and you'll see how it's evolution fits perfectly with what's spoken on it.

>> No.15121292

It's because of groups getting together that furries and other autistic things exist. If they couldnt make echochambers, we wouldnt see tumblr talking about bullshit like being "non binary".

It's a double edged sword, and the internet has made it clear the cons outweighed the pros.

Funny you mention "I just took a shit", thats the exact post that made me delete my FB account after leaving HS and wanting to stay in touch with some friends. Now I have no friends I stay in contact with, but it's better than dealing with that bullshit. It was either that or "lol I'm drunk from last night, but having shots before my lecture".

>> No.15121317

>Let's Players worship is what most mystifies me considering that the people who watch them are "normal" people.
I actually watch a Let's Player and pretty much only him. He plays old simulator games or hard to get into games (Silent Hunter, IL-2, Dwarf Fortress etc.) while explaining the mechanics and giving tips on it, but also learning some stuff himself along the way. He really just likes sharing games he loves to play and is genuine in what he does.

And now that I said that: I don't get why people can watch Pewdiepie or anything close to him. He doesn't play interesting games or games in an interesting way. He just plays the latest trend, yells a lot, fakes emotions and gets a million subscribers. I don't fucking get it. And the worst part is that 99% of all popular youtubers are exactly like him. Why in the actual fuck do people find that funny and interesting to watch?

>spent all their time chatting on the stream so they can "pretend" they are interacting with the streamer, and worse, they spend their money so that the streamer can notice them and give them a little bit of personalized attention.
This is actually even worse when you combine it with titty streamers and puts even more weight on your prostitution example. Why in the fuck do people donate to titty streamers, often up to 1k bucks, but don't just invest that in hookers and whores instead?! You actually get more out of it, more personalized, to a much cheaper price.

>> No.15121328

I love the steps this thread went through.
From "Goddamn, people are retarded for misusing the word 'weeaboo' "
To "Goddamn, this board is shit."
to "Goddamn, this site is shit."
and finally now to "Goddamn, the world is shit."
Shows you that we really are the jaded rejects of society, no matter our status.

>> No.15121335

Weird people have always existed.

It's just that the Internet has given them a way and place to get together all the much more easily.

Furthermore, now that they know they are not alone, and they can get together, and organize themselves, now they can push for acceptance. Or rather, force, acceptance and normalcy.

The Internet is both the worst and best invention in the history of humanity.

>> No.15121398

It really wouldn't be this bad if the internet was locked behind a gate that needed some form of intelligence to unlock.

All these feminists, lgbt, furries and god knows what gain their acceptance from people who have no fucking idea about the topic at hand, and simply chime in, because of morals and "it's the humane thing to do!". A good example comes from my workplace, sorry for blogging a little bit.

Imagine your average 20 year old social media using excuse of a human. He tells me "I'm a feminist.", so I just raise my eyebrows at him and ask "But aren't you a man?". Eventually he really sits there, lecturing me on how women are opressed here in the west and uses buzzwords like rape culture, cis scum, sexism etc. etc.
Eventually I just ask again. "You're a feminist?" - "Yes." - "As a white male, with a healthy income in the middle of a metropolis, ... and didn't you say last week your favourite game is Bayonetta?" - "Yeah, so?".

And now take this individual times x million and you basically have your average social media userbase. How do people end up like that? I don't get it.

>> No.15121422

At least we are here together, anon, to find solace in our poignant rejection.

>> No.15121444

Feminism was actually a good thing until 10 years ago.
It was about equality , now is about sexism towards men and bigotry.
Anyway we are not talking about SJWs , feminism and all that shit so dont derail the thread with this shit.

>> No.15121505

Honestly I'm disappointed by how many people don't even know kana. I always assumed we were in this hobby for the long run. Feels like we're getting a lot of new people who aren't really into our board culture but still feel the need to shitpost.

>> No.15121572
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So, according to him, you are a feminist because you like Bayonetta?

The funniest thing is, you turn the page, and you'll find another feminist who thinks Bayonetta is misogynist and offensive.

That's the best part of "modern" feminism. No matter what it is, it is offensive somehow. What is being lauded and progressive one day by a group of them will be despised the following by another group of them. There's no endgame, there's no goal. It's just complaining for the sake of complaining. Making up problems to get mad at because of how peaceful society is nowadays, because they are people who have never known struggle, pain or suffering so they want to feel they are feeling any thanks to the imaginary issues they create.

The only winning move is not to play.

>How do people end up like that? I don't get it.
God if I know. The whole thing is basically a cult. People need something to believe and end up turning to that.

>> No.15121610

I think that the poster you are replying to is implying the hypocrisy of the aforementioned feminist by vocalizing oppression towards woman yet liking a game widely regarded as misogynist by feminists. People jump on the moral bandwagon because to fit in and wallow in a complacent sense of sanctimony.

>> No.15121629

You are right. It seems I misread his post. My bad.

>> No.15121958

>I always assumed we were in this hobby for the long run
If new anime manga and games stopped coming out of Japan tomorrow I genuinely doubt I would run out of stuff to watch/read at for at least a decade. So much great stuff will never be translated

>> No.15122016
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I would say social media was doomed from the start because it encourages connecting one's real-life identity to their internet persona. Even in the shittiest bulletin board forums nobody ever had more of a stake in the conversation than the reputation of their dumb username. Now however, the internet has finally become inseparably tied to the real world and so if even one IRL person strokes their e-penis, everybody else they know will start doing it too for fear of looking untrendy, just like fads of the past.

The problem is that the internet isn't a fad. It's a fad delivery system with unlimited shelf life, and those of us who want to use it independently of our shitty lives, as we and our predecessors have been using it and other similar networks for decades, have become the dying minority. It's a terrible situation and frankly I don't see any solution other than getting all the normalfags off the internet, which is unfeasible, or developing a new network which has a bar of entry so high that they'll never be able to get in.

>> No.15122033

it's just another word that has been appropriated by the masses, like trolling and memes

>> No.15122037

>developing a new network which has a bar of entry so high that they'll never be able to get in.
Like Freenet , meshnet and the like?

>> No.15122046

Honest question. How hard would it be to create "another internet"?

>> No.15122059

>or developing a new network which has a bar of entry so high that they'll never be able to get in.
I just want hiragana or kanji capcha. That will pretty much function as the same thing

>> No.15122064

It's been done many times. The bar of entry was too high for you to realize, however.

>> No.15122095
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I never understood the appeal of letsplays.
I dont use my youtube account anymore, I'm not logged in due to disliking gmail and other bullshit they pushed on people. So I get to enjoy some oocassional reccomended vidoes, then other times whatever is popular that youtube is trying to shove on me.
Reaction vidoes, top X lists and whatever new music video or viral shit (that will be forgotten in a week) are what they push. God it's shit now, the worst part is it can only get worse due to lack of decent alternatives.

>How do people end up like that?
Attention whoring, chasing pussy while being a "nice guy" or simply trying to pretend their lives matter by creating a non existant problem, then pretending they are heroic for solving non issue. I have seen people compare Anita Sarkeesian to Rosa Parks.
Or just indoctrinated with guilt

Atleast their lives always end badly, and give us something to laugh at. The best part is, the guy in this pic cant get a prostitute. It would be admitting he was just after sex, which would force him to face the fact he isnt a nice guy, and he just wanted sex but totally failed. It would be the last scrap of his dignity.
I'm glad 2D has made me realize what I want in girls, and I ignore 3D as a result.

>> No.15122117

I think there are actually plenty of feminists who don't see anything wrong with sexualisation of women in entertainment, so good job on sperging out like a goobergate /v/edditor, I guess.

>> No.15122136
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You're delusional if you think knowing Japanese makes it any better. You get to play Muramasa, Baldr Sky, and Subahibi 10 years before the rest of 4chan big whoop. The Otakulords that lined up in Akiba in front of softmap or whatever will have played it weeks or months prior and already written dozens of EGS reviews before you even touched it.

Both 2ch and niconico are a shadow of their former selves, hell even futaba is seeing infiltration of なんJ-ism. Switching languages does not make the passage of time different. Just deal with it or move on to something else.

>> No.15122172
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>I think there are actually plenty of feminists who don't see anything wrong with sexualisation of women in entertainment
Sure are, except, those are actual feminists. Not the modern "feminists" we are talking about here.

What would you know though? After all, your first response was to just spout a buzzwords and strawmens at him because his post didn't fit your narrative.

>> No.15122200
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The problem is that this "new internet" will be the wild west.
Until 2007 authorities didn't give a shit about what did you do online even if it was illegal, so It didn't mattered if you ended up on some nasty ilegal page but everything now is being filtered and monitorized.
If you enter in this "new internets" ( per example some imageboard on TOR) your chances of accesing risky shit are pretty high because this new networks gather a lot of shaddy guys who think that they are safe using it for their activities.
(So the users are like 20% privacy fags and the rest are pedos.)
And If you start using this new protocols your internet traffic will look suspicious and is probable that you will end on some gov blacklist.
There are to many risks.

>> No.15122217

Masterchns anonymous accounts was such a great idea to prevent shitposting. Its a shame it got taken over by off topic cp posting
