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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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14416607 No.14416607 [Reply] [Original]

I genuinely find it surprising that I enjoy otaku culture more when I cut myself off from the online and IRL communities that exist to share and discuss it.

Why? I think it's me but I see so many other people here share the same sentiments. Posting on the big jay isn't fun anymore.

>> No.14416621

People are one eyed and try to force their view on you, however discussion would not exist if people didn't have different opinions on a topic. People's ability to argue has decreased, but their assertiveness has increased.

>> No.14416629 [DELETED] 

online communities lean towards curating instead of sharing and enjoying, sadly

>> No.14416675

I'm extremely easy to manipulate by social pressure.

Sometimes I just scroll past a post without thinking much about it, but then someone replies laughing, I reread it and laugh too.

Or look at a ecchi image, think nothing of it but then someone comments on how hot it is I can't help to notice it too.

When I'm disconnected from the Internet I enjoy media more but it's not as exciting as being understood and accepted by other people on the Internet.

>> No.14416731
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Don't run away, anon. Just ignore shitters.

Remember, the sub-100 years you have on this world is shared by most of us here. Even reading this post of yours is proof you exist in my world.

I love you, /jp/. A hundred years from now, no one will know you or I exist, so you guys are special to me, even the bullies.

>> No.14416786

I know. I love you girls but I've been moored at the /jp/ wharf for five years now. I've become so used to staying in port with the crossboarding neurotypicals and 13 year old klan members that I don't do anything else these days. I stay up till 5 AM and wake up at 1 PM so I can start shit posting and not woking or coding or learning how to translate obscure dojinshi or literature. I don't even watch anime anymore.

I will take this cutter out to sea. Someday. But not today.

>> No.14416791
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It's logical, it means you're intelligent.
Almost all the people here are marginalized people, often very stupid or autistic, and who have a serious problem (I don't say that to be offensive, sadly it's actually objectively the case).

Be aware that communities in general are almost always shit, and on this topic it is totally.

"westerners otakus", weaboos and other similar people have no reason to exist, they're mostly stupid people rejected by society and finding comfort in japanese medias, even though they don't understand the culture, they think they do and know everything about it, and try to assimilate a culture they don't belong to, trying to stupidly ape it, that's why japanese people hate them.

And it looks like you're noticing it, anon.
If you like that culture, just try to learn it from their point of view, and not the point of view of an autistic neckbeard spending all his days watching animes.
And the first and biggest step to do that is to cut with all the other stupid people like these, and don't be "part of these communities", don't be one of "these retarded groups of westerners worshiping japan just because anime became trendy".

If you like these things, you don't need them to be happy, just enjoy them by yourself, and if you need to be in contact with people, try to find nice and friendly people from there, if you're intelligent enough to not act like a complete retarded weeb with them.

I'd say the same advices to my closest friends or family actually. Hope it could help you to be more happy in your life.

>> No.14416801
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>I stay up till 5 AM and wake up at 1 PM so I can start shit posting and not working
/jp/ IRL

>> No.14416848


It is a well known fact that the worst part of any hobby or fanbase is the people in it.

>> No.14416862
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OK anon. I am probably only delaying the inevitable at this point because I don't actually want to change.

...I wonder how different the big jay will be November 2016.

>> No.14416863

I was going to make a post stating that you were part of the problem by calling people "autistic neckbeards", then when I was going to point out the western communities I typed that they were just a bunch of hypocrites so maybe I'm part of the problem too.

What I wanted to say is that we shouldn't call them names just because they're different, because we're doing exactly what they do.

>> No.14416869

i'm probably one of the very stupid and autistic people you mention in the post, but what I don't get
>don't need them to be happy
isn't the reason we're all here is because we aren't happy and found a way to pretend to be happy vicariously through characters on a 2d screen?

>> No.14416979

OP here...I think that most /jp/sies are probably in the same boat...mid twenties males who are burnt out and don't really know what to be doing with their lives...talking with everyone here is on average not painful and the tiny crumbs of enjoyment I still get from /jp/ keep me coming back hoping that more might be just around the corner if I just open up one more thread.

The thing is that I have been talking a lot with people here but I don't really have much to show because of it. I did some back of a serviette calculations and based on my typical 4chan usage I've probably wasted nearly two full years worth of time on this message board. Maybe if I didn't have the big jay I would have killed myself rather than self-medicated with touhou and vocaloids and moe when I was going through the mental health system but a lot of that time was probably wasted when it could have been put to better use.

I wonder how many people reading this are around my age...save yourselves. Don't become a lazy beer-gutted 26 year old mentally ill burnout like me. Do something that can contribute to the happiness of others like translating or scanning obscure dojinshi or literature, code fun dojinsoft, stuff like that.

And don't write long rambling blog posts on message boards either.

>> No.14417012

Whether or not I like something is highly dependent on the community. When the I like the community I tend to like the media, when the community is shit I don't. Thankfully for a lot of things you get to choose the community.

This makes me either a social addict or a poser but I guess I've come to terms with it.

>> No.14419012

keep your head up! Fight for what you want and what makes you content! Tomorrow is always special, and yes, like you, come here for the community. This post is great. thanks anon.

>> No.14419202

>cut myself off from the online and IRL communities

Isn't that life in general?

>> No.14419688

yeah im not gonna lie, /jp is pretty bad

>> No.14419750


>> No.14419819

>I wonder how many people reading this are around my age...save yourselves. Don't become a lazy beer-gutted 26 year old mentally ill burnout like me. Do something that can contribute to the happiness of others like translating or scanning obscure dojinshi or literature, code fun dojinsoft, stuff like that.
This is going to sound dumb, but thanks anon, i realize i am wasting my time, i should work on that game i was making before it's too late.
But still, don't give up, you're 26, you still have things ahead of you, and i believe you can still get somewhere.

>> No.14419849


Thanks but there is no hope ;_;

>> No.14422782

There is always hope. You never know when a chance opportunity will arrive to turn things around. Just believe that positive results are possible and don't get too discouraged by anything negative.

>> No.14423198 [DELETED] 

>I stay up till 5 AM and wake up at 1 PM
Are you me?

>> No.14423199


>I stay up till 5 AM and wake up at 1 PM so I can start shit posting and not woking or coding or learning how to translate obscure dojinshi or literature.
Are you me?

>> No.14423230
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thats the spirit anon. genki feels , it'll all be daijobu.

>> No.14423276

But there is.
First you know you have a problem that's good.
Now you must think what to do to solve it, start by seeing what exactly lead you to have that problem don't commit the same mistakes again and will be easier to improve yourself.
Time is the most valuable thing you have don't waste it, once it's gone there is nothing you can do to get it back.
I know you can do it, gambare anon-san!

>> No.14423345

There's always hope. I spent five years doing basically nothing, dropped out of two colleges, and tried to kill myself in a drunken fit of self-hatred. Finally I realized I should be content with the small things in life and became an electrician in order to support myself (honestly, earning your living feels great).

I'm still here on /jp/ but it's no longer because I want to run away from the world, but because I enjoy Japanese media. You know, how it should have been from the start.

>> No.14423355

this exactly. Life is a journey, and there are an infinite set of roads that can be taken. some of those, you don't want to reach the end of that road. for you or myself. Hell, I wouldn't want to see anyone go that route. Sure, there are some routes in life that one should be conscious of, but the consciousness of knowing that road and what it entails should serve as motivation of sorts to not keep progressing down it.

>> No.14423763
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>I stay up till 5 AM and wake up at 1 PM

>> No.14423837

When did /jp/ become so positive? Not that I'm complaining.

>> No.14423845

All the negative people either left /jp/ in disgust or killed themselves.

>> No.14423876

It isn't really surprising that you enjoy doing a thing itself, rather than just talking about it on internet. Or seeing people talk about it on the internet.

Personally I mainly attend the Untranslated VN General and sometimes you can see posts that are clearly meant to just annoy others. That can be discouraging about discussions. Especially since sometimes you can tell those shitposters don't even know Japanese or read VNs themselves.

(Sometimes I visit the English-side VN threads, which are often even more terrible. But that can't be helped, the situation of English VN market and communities is pretty bad itself, which in turn turns people sour.)

Also it's not true that everyone on /jp/ is just pretending to be happy through Japanese media or something like that. At least I'm truly happy. (Can't give you any tips on how to do it, though.)

To /jp/ I come to see what other people are saying. You can still find interesting opinions and knowledge here, even though more in the archive nowadays. Also sometimes to share my own happy experiences, but that can be hard sometimes, positive sincerity isn't really appreciated on 4chan too much, I feel.

>> No.14423879

>been learning jap for a month and a half
>feel like I've made absolutely no progress
It feels like headbutting a brick wall.

>> No.14423932

28 here brother

>> No.14423968

>5 AM and wake up at 1 PM
That's not good enough really. Embrace it please. I stay up until 11am and get up in the middle of the night.

>> No.14423985

At the peak of my neetdom, for a long time I was running on roughly a 28 hour cycle. Every day, I would go to bed and wake about 3 or 4 hours later than the day before. In the course of a 7 day week I would sleep only 6 times, and I would be back to where I started one week later. I wasn't trying to to this or anything, it was just the natural rhythm my body feel into when faced with nothing else to do. I've since read somewhere that humans living in a cave with no external light source and no clocks will naturally fall into a similar schedule.

>> No.14424018

I don't think I've ever experienced that. I'm in a pretty bad physical health state though and I'm pretty much always tired, bed times tend to change for me.

>> No.14424043

Sugoi blog senpai desu

>> No.14424619




>> No.14424817

Good for you but that seems more of change in attitude,

I've been wage-slaving for 5 years with no real objective.

I don't want to survive I want to live.

>> No.14426925

The only solution is to get a job you can somewhat enjoy. There's really no reason to live otherwise unless you somehow have a steady source of unlimited neetbux. Finding the motivation to get a decent job can be difficult though. I suggest you take advantage of someone who cares about you like a parent or sibling or friend if you have one, and coerce them into sending out resumes and setting up interviews and so forth out of pity, as that's really the hardest part of getting a job.

>> No.14427663

NEET with a 7am bedtime reporting in.

I'll be cutting off my internet when the money gets low.
