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14392926 No.14392926 [Reply] [Original]

wwwhats /jp's alcholic beverage of choice? Sometimes I buy sake but I'm drinking cheap american beer today whilst staring at this moe booze.

>> No.14393114
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i feel so buzzed
a chilly monday /jp
haiku feels desuyo

>> No.14393203
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>> No.14393435
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Belgian beers.

>> No.14393451

The only alcholic bevarage that to me doesn't taste like shit is mojito and pina colada.

>> No.14393483

Kirin for beer, Vodka for hard liquor.

>> No.14393559


You managed to only buy silly beers beside the weirdish delirium.

>> No.14393587



I have a bad news for you.

>> No.14393636
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Also, my favorite band is Judas Priest, my favorite character in binding of isaac is Judas and my favorite part in the divine comedy was the inner 9th circle.

I might have a problem.

>> No.14393690

Vodka or whiskey.

Wine for short plane trips.

Sobe for something cool in the summer.

Moonshine and Ramune.

>> No.14393728


Make that soju actually. I don't think I have even had sobe before.

>> No.14393735
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Some special beer by Troubadour is the best stuff I've ever had from tap, so I decided to buy half a box of their stuff. Everything Delirium is also good.

I had a much more varied order previously with ~70 different beers, all Belgian.

Pina colada is my favourite drink as well.

>> No.14394076

I recommend you Bloody Mary and any other vodka-based cocktail with fruit juice as the other main ingredient.

>> No.14394438

My niggas! Belgium beer really is top notch. My absolute favorite is Delirium Nocturnum, Chimay might come to a close second.

Japanese beers are pretty meh, at least the ones I've had.

>> No.14394533

Oh! An alcohol otaku thread?!

I agree for the most part. The only one I really enjoy is sapporo, and that's made at a local factory here. I'd like to some day order some of the real stuff and taste for the difference.

Anyone have any whisky recommendations?

>> No.14394704

What is this a pisswater joke? Its better than the American stuff I find.

Heck it's hard to find any good beer where I live.

>> No.14394759


Looks like I found the degenerate thread.

>> No.14394786

Looks like I found the manchild.

>> No.14394795

Not drinking alcohol is actually one of the diagnostic criteria for autism.

>> No.14394803

>y-you don't drink? haha baby! grow up and poison yourself like the rest of society

I know this is bait but there are tons of people who don't drink and are certainly not autistic.

>> No.14394833

What's wrong with poisoning yourself? Surely you don't believe your body and/or mind is actually worth protecting?

The need to intoxicate oneself has been present in the human psyche since the beginning. In fact, I'd go as far as saying it's one of the defining qualities of a human being.

>> No.14394860

Some people actually believe this.

>> No.14398749

Yourself not included.

>> No.14398804
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Takara plum wine is the good shit you'll feel like a little girl with that tasty flavour before it smacks you with the 12% and then the next thing you know you've become a loli for real.

>> No.14398875

Alcohol is the only reason humanity has endured til now.

>> No.14398883
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I don't drink because of sense of solidarity to the people who are locked in the prisons for selling less dangerous drugs. It also tastes like shit and makes you smell bad, talk too loudly and think that you're better than you are.

>> No.14398895

>It also tastes like shit

Stop drinking horse piss, and drink something tasty, like Scotch.

>makes you smell bad

You already smell bad. It probably helps mask it.

>talk too loudly and think that you're better than you are.

Alcohol only lets out what's inside. If you're a shitty person when you're drunk, it's probably because you're a shitty person to begin with.

>> No.14398902

Found the pothead.

>> No.14398910

Alcohol is literally the worst drug, but you guys are cool.

>> No.14398919

I thought Kirin is the better famous beer in Japan for me. Sapporo is OK and Asahi is piss.

>> No.14398920

Ever had Asahi Black? It's choice.

>> No.14398965

>Alcohol only lets out what's inside. If you're a shitty person when you're drunk, it's probably because you're a shitty person to begin with.
Confirmed for never being sober around drunk people

>> No.14399122

Aspiring brewer here, and this thread made me really happy before it made me really sad.

There's not a style of beer in the world that I don't have a deep love and appreciation for, but by and large porters and stouts take the cake for me. Baltic, Irish, Belgian, Russian, American, Polish (one of which I'm finishing up right now), Mexican, you name it.

Honorable mention goes to Belgian ales, if only because once you've had a few you come to realize that the moniker doesn't really mean anything - Belgians view brewing as the art that it is, and everyone has their own way of approaching it. Styles don't exist in Belgium, they're just ways for foreigners to navigate the landscape.

God, I love beer.

>> No.14399251

Scrolling through this and not seeing even one mention of german beer makes me sick. Is this the alcohol hipster thread or something?

>> No.14399262

I tend to drink unflavored Bicardi rum. I hate the taste, but I love feeling like a pirate.

>> No.14399339

I hate beer and don't understand how anyone can like the taste of it. It being an acquired taste is a big lie too.

>> No.14399344

Depends on the beer. Some are light and peppy, others rich and dark. There's probably a beer out there you'll like, and theres many many varieties out there.

>> No.14400236
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I drink a lot of Kraken rum because it's like 100 proof, cheap and kind of tastes like chocolate.
I even have all of the little collectible shot glasses that come with certain 1.75 L bottles! But not like I ever have used one since I drink it straight from the bottle and drink like 3L of it a week.
Sometimes a buy Orion beer since I drank it when I was in Okinawa.

>> No.14400399

Johnie Walker Black or Maker's Mark are my go to late night drinking session beverages. If it's cheap or I feel like spoiling myself I'll upgrade to the Double Black.

If it's hot and I want something refreshing Fat Yak Pale Ale.

If it's cold and I want something that'll warm me up then a generously heated bottle of Kizakura Yamahai.

>> No.14400453

>It being an acquired taste is a big lie too.

shakin my damn head

>> No.14400964

Is sucking cocks your favorite choice, isn't it?

>> No.14400984

I wish I had enough money to drink good whisky. Unfortunately, 50 euros per bottle is something I can't afford at the moment.

>> No.14401000
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My beer of choice

>> No.14401056

No, I don't have 'drinking buddies'.

>> No.14401182

How about a few 'fuck buddies'?

>> No.14401276

I don't go to the gym either.

>> No.14401374

>I don't go to the gym either.
You don't need it.
Just look cute and wear cute dress/skirt.

>> No.14401585
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Forgot image.

>> No.14401639

I always wanted to try sake but 8$~ the bottle is pretty expensive...

>> No.14401745

>after 1 hour
Felt asleep while taking a piss? Sasuga drinking bud.

>> No.14401786
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my all time favourite sake. everything else just tastes like diluted piss after this.

>> No.14401912

If Kilkenny is on tap (which it is in my #2 go-to pub), it's what I always drink first. Nothing like a pint of milky smooth Kilkenny to start the evening.

>> No.14401948

When I go out I like to order Cosmopolitans. I usually drink rum and coke or vodka at home. I used to make screwdrivers until the orange juices I got tasted like shit and I didn't want to go out and get more.

>> No.14402152
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I'm an alcoholic

>> No.14403227

>Felt asleep while taking a piss?
Is watersport your favorite fetish? I'm really curious.
IRL I just forgot what I planned to do while swimming in cute Japanese trap pron's...

>> No.14403240
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riot punch

>> No.14403356

Don't get me wrong, German beer is pretty fantastic...if you're in Europe. Imports just don't survive the trip when they're that delicate. Of course, there's doppelbock and such, but it's the exception, not the rule. They can be absolutely delightful, but there's plenty of American examples that are fresher, less shaken from shipping, and perhaps most importantly not lightstruck.

I suppose what I'm saying is that I can't fairly judge German beers, having never reeeeally had them, you know? German styles produced locally are lovely, sure - I can appreciate a well-done lager - but to be honest I just prefer esters in my beer.

>> No.14403452

Why? Because during ridiculing a person who consumes liters of liquid to get high only urine fetishists can bring up taking a pee?

>> No.14403478

Beer is pretty much the best alcoholic beverage there is.

>> No.14404283
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>> No.14404287

Does anyone have the rest of these? I lost them many moons ago and I regret everything.

The Reisen one at least please!

>> No.14404293
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>> No.14404305
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Most of the other ones are just boring knock-offs of existing cocktails, but this one is good for swinging your dick around and impressing newfags.

>> No.14404413

Vodka + whatever
Don't care for most other liquors or any kind of beer

>> No.14406250

That actually sounds like a sound standpoint, I overreacted maybe.
Though seeing all the dutch and belgian beer-posts, that shouldn't be an issue for some anons, even if it would for you.

If you ever get around to it, try the german Störtebeker beer-variety, it has a lot of fantastic interesting flavours. For example the dark beer, strong and atlantic ale as well as the beer brewed with whiskey malt.
Other great beers from germany would be Dithmarscher and Einbecker.

>> No.14410424

A quick google reveals the single funkiest glass I have ever seen. And I'm a collector.

Einbeck was actually already on my list of cities to visit if I ever manage to put together the money for a beer tour of Europe, being the historical home of Bock. I've done a lot of studying on the history of beer, and while trying the beers of the world certainly interests me, I'd be much happier to see those historical sites.

I'll be sure to keep those names handy, though. Thanks for the recommendations! Are you German, yourself, or just very enthusiastic?

>> No.14410658

I am German myself, though I drank beer from around the world, including polish, dutch, italian, french, scandinavian, russian, british, chinese, japanese and american, mexican, whatnot. My favourite beers are from Germany and Holland.

>> No.14410724

Damn, son.

America's a pretty great place to be for a beer lover, but other than the really major craft producers it's hard to find stuff that's not local. At least where I am...That's an impressive breadth you've got there.

Now though, I have to wonder how much of your opinion of German beers is just pride in your nation. I have heard a lot of that coming from German drinkers. It could also just be the same effect I'm under: Beer is at its best when it's at home.

>> No.14412041
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Yes, If it so confuses you, we can call it peepeekissu バカーァ!

>> No.14416543

I've been trying to get into sake. I enjoy drinking it, but right now I can't really order much more specifically than asking for recommendations or just trying everything on the list. What are some of the general criteria people use to describe sake? I know ginjo, daiginjo etc. but those don't really describe the taste.

>> No.14416577
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Anything specific you'd recommend? I've never actually liked beer, being more into wine and whiskey, but I'm willing to keep trying. You probably know more about the local beers here than I do.

>> No.14417346

Alcohol is riajuu poison, please avoid.

>> No.14417530

Anything and everything that isn't a cooler or everclear / wood alcohol. RIght now, I prefer Hakutsuru sake warmed up, Cremore Springs Altbier, Jagermiester and Makers Mark Wiskey. I also drink my hard liquor straight.

>> No.14423986

In the short time I lived in Japan I became rather fond of umeshuu and anzushuu. I'm not particularly fond of bitter things, so I never drank beer normally and pretty much only drank cider and mixed spirits before I went over. But umeshuu opened me to a whole new world of cheap drinking where ever I went in the country. It was nice.
