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14385488 No.14385488 [Reply] [Original]

Remember to practice safe sex when you fuck a hologram in a hotel bathroom.

>> No.14385502


>> No.14385505

What about if I fuck a fan of a hologram in a hotel bedroom?

>> No.14385582

How does one fuck an hologram?

>> No.14385592

I'm not fucking anything without thigh highs on

>> No.14385601

Are you fucking serious? It's 2015 and you've never stuck your dick in a hologram?

>> No.14385603

I wish i can fuck something.

>> No.14385615

A good hologram is like the holodeck on star trek. Forcefields give it substance so you can put your dick in it.

>> No.14385638

If you're really hard up, you could always find a prostitute on backpage or something.

>> No.14385660

why hasn't /jp/ developed it's own prostitution ring that only servers /jp/sies

everyone knows there's a market for it

>> No.14385662

by waiting a few decades.

>> No.14385673

Has anybody on /jp/ ever used a prostitute? I would be surprised.

>> No.14385680

this would probably be easier for the awkward losers from /jp/, just fuck another awkward loser from /jp/

>> No.14385712
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The first hotel to run a hologram partner driven by an A.I. tailored to a Vocaloid fan. Your own personal Miku (or whichever one you prefer) for the evening. You could watch TV together, eat a romantic one-on-one dinner from room service (another hotel specialty, plus the hologram would have its own digital "food" for immersion sake), gaze at the stars on the balcony, then ask her to sleep next to you. You can have her dance for you or just sing you a song, or you could do karaoke together (she would push for it depending on her personality).

She wouldn't mind your personality, wouldn't mind your body odor or fitness level, and would react to everything you do in the room. She'll be educated and will be able to give her opinion on anything that's happening on the world currently, and you can have a heated discussion with her. Or you can have her be more passive and listen more, to your daily life and problems. She would happily talk to you or just listen with a smile.

The only sad part, is that you have to let her go in the morning, when you have to return to real life... until they streamline quantic processing and pocket hologram companions become a thing, that is.

Still, this seems like a cool gimmick for a hotel. Hologram partners in every room. Sounds cool, yeah?

>> No.14386024

Whoa I almost forgot. You saved my life, thanks dude!

>> No.14386032
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Why would a girl buy condoms is she's not a slut?

>> No.14386109

because children are awful

>> No.14386355

I like this idea.

>> No.14386394

Condoms are effective contraceptives, and there's a certain stigma attached to the pill in Japan. There's also the added bonus of preventing VD.

>> No.14386972
File: 674 KB, 500x373, rin4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, that long? I wanna fuck Rin now.

>> No.14386994

Lots of practice

>> No.14387032

buy a costume and pay a prostitute.

>> No.14387043
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Nah, I want to breed the hologram!

>> No.14388407
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If your foreskin is particularly thick, condoms can help you feel the structure of a vagina's interior walls better. You also don't need to pull out during sex, and it doesn't leave a sloppy mess inside your lover's interior, so you can get straight back to fucking. Hell, maybe she'll even do that erotic thing where she drinks the semen from inside the condom out of pure after-sex satisfaction.

Condoms are your buddies! They enhance recreational sex in every way. Even with holograms.

>> No.14390167

I went to a soapland last summer

>> No.14390226
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https://vimeo.com/129434792 Haptic feedback will likely come earlier, but both of these technologies are slow to arrive due to limited applications outside of the /jp mansion

>> No.14390464

How was it?

>> No.14390697

pretty great. we brushed our teeth for like 5 minutes, then i got the whole ball-washing chair thing, bathtub rubdown, nuru nuru massage which was low key disgusting but still hot (I never would have guessed how much I enjoyed getting my feet licked before that, so there's that i guess), sex then we just kinda relaxed and talked for the last 20 minutes. lots of fun little moments, would recommend.

>> No.14397441

Sounds like a great therapy.

>> No.14398942

Wouldn't that be impractically expensive?

>> No.14399091

How would that even work?

>> No.14399460


How many anime dollars did that cost you?

>> No.14399495
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>tfw when robots that resemble humans and programmed for sex are going to refuse to sleep with you

>> No.14399755

Don't you have a protest to shoot up, feels-kun?

>> No.14399799

Man, now I really want to find a slutty hologram and rut like animals in a cheap hotel bathroom! Thanks dude!

>> No.14400039

Very much so. I can definitely see how it keeps high strung overworked salarymen from going insane.


>> No.14400264

sounds like a phenominal business plan to get fat weebs hooked.

what about a subscription based system like how satellite TV works? you pay a deposit for the equipment and a monthly fee for the service. get fat weebs addicted to your AI like crackwhores, selling everything for more time with their holographic partner. sell them a "downsized" tiny 2 room apartment for them to spend quality time with their AI girlfriend.

Add microtransactions for more clothing and cosmetic items.

>> No.14400281
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Then some /i/ntruder hax the program and Miku calls you a faggot for an hour before stating that she is going to an hero because you are the ugliest worse than useless nigga that ever lived :[

>> No.14400371

Huh, Miku was on Letterman?
I knew she did something with Lady Gaga but I didn't know she was on talkshows.

>> No.14400375

It's like Willie Nelson's bus

>> No.14400404
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It was a really funny night. the live threds were great. 10000 anons who haven't watched network television in 15 years all lulzing it up over commercials and how horrible tv is. Also Letterman sucks dick.

>> No.14400440

It was really unfortunate that they didn't give her subs or anything because between Miku's naturally non-understandable English and the sound quality I think the vast majority of people finished up not having any idea what she said.

>> No.14400444
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A lot of people thought Sharing the World was a bad track choice.


>> No.14400597

eh, interesting program, but i hate the idea of exposing vocaloid to the normie mass not understanding who she or what vocaloid really is... normies probably laughed and jived to miku, ugh...

>> No.14400703

ugh fucking normies

>> No.14400944

omg, ikr our taste is just so refined uuuuuuuuuugh


>> No.14400962


i know right?

literally even cant right now

srsly ugh

>> No.14400980

How dare people enjoy things without having a full grasp of the tiny insignificant to them details.

I am just angry, angry and abased these people do things their own way.

>> No.14401580

Ignoring the feels shit for a second, this actually made me laugh. Can't wait to collect rejections from robots on a daily basis.

>> No.14401605

A stigma? What the hell? Is it like the, "If she's shaved it's because she's promiscuous," thing?

>> No.14402275

I would volunteer to be a prostitute for /jp/sies if this was a thing.

>> No.14404452
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It would. Just the cost of developing such an advanced, nearly-sentient A.I. would already be monumental, probably. Then imagine the hardware that those things would be required to run, whatever voltage said equipment would require, what temperature it needs to be on to operate optimally...

It's probably not financially viable to take such a gamble, even as a large, five-star hotel chain. But it's fun to imagine having a nice, relaxing, serene evening with Miku, as you both look onto the starry sky and later, the gentle sunrise, you two on your own little world.

>> No.14404768

"Safe sex"?

I don't condone decadence.

Truly the age of lust, which is also the 2nd circle you bunch of unsalvageable souls.

>> No.14404989

Hedonism is the true way of life, faggot.

>> No.14405014


>> No.14405066

Every time I see some nerd boy traditionalist I want to bully the SHIT out of him before I go back to fuggin sluts

>> No.14405083
File: 840 KB, 1280x960, LOOK IT'S A HOLOGRAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's already too late, even here. People seem to just unquestionably accept that Miku is a hologram. She isn't, guys. That is a marketing thing and she existed long, long before that. Nothing about her character indicated she was a hologram, the idea didn't come up until they started doing those concerts. Now it's become her very identity.

>> No.14405151

>Create character that's very creation is to be a blank, personality-devoid marketing mascot for companies to use and license

>She hits the biggest available consumer market in the world (currently) and gets a new outlook as a hologram
>Companies make said adjustment to keep pushing her into the Western mainstream

It was going to happen eventually. Why would you be upset over Miku attempting filling her fated role in life Anon? Are you a sadist?

>> No.14405871

>stay away from English Miku like the plague
>hear this this morning

It's come a long way

>> No.14406094

>>tfw when

>> No.14406098

From behind, roughly

>> No.14406815

Holy shit.

They really tried there.

>> No.14406856
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It was more of watching in mild horror as they totally shot their 'debut' in the food with a nigh-unintelligible song.

It's more of CircusP than anything, he's got a lot of experience salvaging SONiKA, so he could at least make Miku sound mildly intelligible.

>> No.14407046

Does Japanese miku sound to Japanese what English miku sounds like to us? Can they actually understand everything she says? I can't unless it's like, Mitchie M.

>> No.14407208


No, English Miku is far worse. Granted Japanese Miku can be -made- to sound unintelligible and she definitely sound a bit robotic, but she's entirely understandable.

English GUMI and Avanna are the closest we have to 'good', and they're roughly on the low-end of 'ineligible' to their Japanese counterparts (so how well a good English GUMI comes across is about how well a badly managed vocaloid in Japanese sounds).

>> No.14407356

Miku sucks shit, dude. The reason every MV has subtitles is because it's incredibly easy to get lost, I'd say that video is pretty similar in terms of quality to most popular Miku songs in Japanese.

I'm sure it was a hell of a lot harder to create, though.

>> No.14407619

Where were you when Miku effectively (completely) deprecated acts like Perfume?

>> No.14410411

Japanese is, phonetically, much more easily converted into a format like VOCALOID

>> No.14410484

anyway sex with a tulpa a lot better, than with those holograms.

>> No.14410502


english miku still a shit. the v2 engrish is still better.

>> No.14410657

I like that robotic sound that Miku has, it's one of the things that really makes me like her

>> No.14413426
File: 354 KB, 1068x2048, 4147e301941fcbed2c30762d8c59508d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, the robot-y sound that vocaloids have is really cool, it's what makes me listen to vocaloid so much as opposed to a normal singer.

I don't know what it is but, it's not as if Miku is more impressive than a pro-singer or anything. But knowing that she can almost get up there in Mitchie songs for instance is really impressive to me. It's strangely appealing in a way. Plus, I guess Miku and everyone else are really for us, there's attempts to bring her to a "mainstream" audience but like in Letterman's case, people think she's cute but ultimately it's not for them, plus Miku concerts are still populated almost entirely by fans as opposed to curious people.

Miku is for us and not for anybody else, despite attempts to the contrary. That's strangely appealing, in a way.

>> No.14414828

Condoms are SHIT. I want to be impregnated!

>> No.14415184

god damn captcha telling me I've mistyped it even though I did it
this shit's only supposed to happen to other people

you know you want one

I feel your pain.

we're still at the point where you need to emphasize the robotic nature of her voice in English (it's not natural in Japanese, but it's certainly more intelligible)
I like this though. Her voice really does fit the whole club track sound.

Has the UI for the software gotten any better?
Last time I did anything with an English speaking Vocaloid was in like 2010 (used Sonika). Getting lyrics to sound right was a nightmare.

>> No.14415282

Come to the show in Toronto, and don't be too fat.

I will see what I can do.

>> No.14415307


Tulpae don't exist, dude.

It's literally just an out of control meme.

>> No.14417503

I wish you would die.

>> No.14417791

*flics lighter*
*rips fat blunt*
nuthin doin geekfreak

>> No.14417859

I think it's just English Miku that sounds like shit, Spanish Miku isn't particularly good either, but it's at least much more understandable than the English version.

>> No.14417876

I want to have an unplanned pregnancy with the virtual idol.

>> No.14418517

But you're planning it

>> No.14418537

But she's not, and that's what counts.
