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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13879089 No.13879089 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>13859611

The guide: http://pastebin.com/hwhGL66a

Please avoid shitposting and being off topic - follow global and local rules. Instead of replying, report and ignore!

If you have a question about a certain item, please provide as much information as possible so that we can help. Usually, your measurements, equipment and habits are our best indicators.

Please limit your own posting so that the thread can live longer - ideally 4 days or more.

Don't forget to take it easy!

>> No.13879121

Would love to see pictures of your onahole and lube collections and related paraphernalia.
Unboxing pics of new onaholes that have been delivered are also welcome.

>> No.13879131

Just posting this link here to pre-empt any questions about where to get Ona Tsuyu lube on Amazon.com


On NLS: http://en-nls.com/pict1-40767?c2=9999

>> No.13879152
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Anybody excited?

>> No.13879161

Hell yeah can't wait for VR!

>> No.13879205
File: 123 KB, 554x377, 1437535366192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know it.

>mfw using Rift/Vive

I can't wait to leave my DK2 behind.

>> No.13879283

yes, give it a few years and its going to be amazing. i will get an oculus soon.

in fact since i think its going to be so big. i should buy a first generation oculus and keep it in mint condition then sell it for a collectors price later on,

>> No.13879363

Should have done that with the DK1 really. I wish I got into this sooner.

>> No.13879396

can you still buy them? tbh it would take a decade or so for it to accumulate any real value, and thats if it gets big. i should but what am i, sensible? fuck that.

>> No.13879410

No. But individuals selling their ones are either selling them not in mint condition, or at a high price.

>> No.13879412

I'm so ready to get an Oculus Rift when it launches early next year, already have a very powerful PC to run it at max settings. (i7 4790K, 32GB RAM, 980 Ti).

>> No.13879441
File: 3.50 MB, 640x272, VOzL9eh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't fucking wait. I'm already immersing myself in VR related things I'm one step away from becoming a developer. This is possibly the most excited I have ever been in my life.

>> No.13879452

its happening.

the future shines with the loquacious light of micro LEDs

and hums the dignified song of an overclocked personal computer.

>> No.13879478
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>this thread
I'm not sure what to think of this circle jerk.

>> No.13879485

This is relevant.

>recently on le reddit

>Getting too addicted to VR-porn :(. (self.oculus)
submitted 7 minutes ago by OculusViveFan
Help! This isn't even funny anymore. Everything started when i visited the reddit porn site that was made specificly for Janus VR. There was a trailers about porn site that offers lot of VR-porn. I didn't think clearly and finally registered into the site.
Now i just cant stop watching the VR-porn. Even when i masturbate it won't take so long before i want to watch again. I'm not trying to advertise or anything but damn, in most of the videos it feels like you are really there and everything is just like real life. I cant even count how many times i tried to touch the girls.
I'm having a bad vibe that this will be too addicting. Who would not want to see the porn-stars in closeup and full 3D just like they would appear in real life? It's just so fashinating :/.

>> No.13879517

it might be a little mentally damaging, porn is already pretty bad. i guess we will have to remember to hold back a little.

i occasionally do nofap anyway so as long as i stick to that it shouldn't be a problem.

>> No.13879528

Good for you. Masturbation is healthy in right amounts.

>> No.13879698

thank you, but it matters to you too. remember to be careful with the VR porn. lets keep those endorphin and testosterone levels steady!

>> No.13879736

Of course! I intend to live as long as possible until effective life extension comes and then the singularity.

>> No.13879758

I just got the new Lolinco, I'm excited since I held off masturbating for a few days.
I'm not horny though...

>> No.13879764

Please post pics and a detailed review, a lot of people are considering it.

>> No.13879768

If masturbating "too much" is the biggest of your problems, then you really shouldn't be on /jp/. But I forget that its 2015 and all the real /jp/ers are long gone.

Carry on, I guess.

>> No.13879772

I've never done a review, and I only have 3 onaholes myself. I will do my best!

>> No.13879843

So why are onaholes so much preferred over more western things like fleshlights here? Is it because onaholes are more inventive/have more interesting engineering?

>> No.13879852

Their biochem corpus is far in advance of ours, as is their alchemical sentience, and our ethical inflexibility has allowed them to make progress in areas we refuse to consider.

>> No.13879856

its a matter of quality and respect for eroticism.

>> No.13880078

Have you bothered to read even the still-alive previous thread (linked in the first post), let alone the archives?

Either read more or lurk more before asking the same newfag questions.

>> No.13880083

I'm curious what you guys think of this.


>> No.13880125

How good is the tiny packet of lube that comes with Magic Eyes holes any good? Should I use all of it?

>> No.13880162

I've been using a big 64 oz thing of cheap, thing water-based lube for the past two years, but I'm about to run out. The second to last time I used my Lilith Uterus, I tried out the lube that comes with and I absolutely loved it. It's lewd, thick, stringy and womanly. What is a good lube with these properties?

>> No.13880172

In his defense, there's never anything good in these threads anyway. Might as well answer newfag questions.

>> No.13880189

The lube that comes with the Uterus is called Honey Drops. If you want the exact thing NLS sells it, but the better option is Onatsuyu which has almost identical properties and dries less quickly.

>> No.13880228

Don't use all of it at once, its way too much.

>> No.13880236

It's rather chunky and not that good, just use the lube you have (or keep it as collectables)
its supposed to be one use, but you can use a little and save for later
You're better off using different lube

>> No.13880321

Fair point.

>> No.13880366
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I just finished, phew that was quite something!
While I've never tried the original lolinco, I've gotten enough feedback from enough anons to know that it was quite the dick bullier!
Trying this one out has been very nice, I'm not sure if it was the week of pent up sexual frustration, but I think it was just the right amount of texture. A lot harder than my other holes, but still a good experience. The size is fairly large for something that isn't a hip hole, but you should have no problem using one hand with it. Depending on your size (I'm about 5.5 in), you may have to snug yourself in a bit to reach the very end, but it is worth it to try out the texture near the front of the hole.

The womb by far is the best I've ever felt in a hole, it's got a kind of "double womb" thing going on, so the air (which has already been blocked by the first "hymen") is sucked out once more, and focuses on your head!

Still need to clean it out, but if it stays this consistent in future uses this may be my new favorite. I suppose if you have tried out the first iteration of the hole and didn't like it as much, keep in mind it's still pretty firm but in a good way. The womb made it for me, as it probably will for anyone with impregnation fetishes like myself.

>> No.13880380

Pics where?

>> No.13880396

I wasn't that hyped before this.

But after reading this, I'm 100% erect and ready. I believe I will be this way for the next week until it arrives. Fucking hell. Having an impregnation fetish doesn't help either.

>> No.13880436

care to impregnate me?

>> No.13880452

Sure, just don't expect me to not take responsibility.

>> No.13880457

you based in the states?

>> No.13880466

I've seen all kinds of fetishes, but you, Sir, are disgusting.

>> No.13880484

Meant to quote >>13879758 and >>13879764

Just finished the first cleaning, not nearly as hard as I thought it would be, a bit tough to get water and soap in due to the small opening maybe it will be easier with a bit of wear and tear. Upon further inspection the womb inside seems to be much easier to reach than I thought. The shape itself is much more snug than your average Lilith Uterus or Slutty Announcer, it'll get tighter the further you push!
I must be harping on about this womb a ton, but I really haven't seen anything like it yet. Magic Eyes seems to be the big innovator in the onahole game, taking big leaps here and there, cant wait to see what comes next.

Admittedly I am a bit nervous about uploading pictures, will some descriptions do?
Soft exterior, hard exterior, EXTREMELY puffy vulva seriously, it's ridiculous.
Though to be honest I never focus on the "design" of the hole that much when doing the deed, excluding the Cocolo with it's glorious belly.

Do not edge, my friend! If you are weak willed like me you will ruin your fapping dry spell in anticipation.

>> No.13880489


T-Thank you.

>> No.13880494

Damn wrong side. IF you ever make it south past the bible belt I'll let you do whatever.

>> No.13880512


oh man haven't seen that pic in years. where's it from again?

>> No.13880519
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>I'll let you do whatever.
Jesus Christ anon. My dick.

If I do come, I will come for you, and I will not forget. Anon never forgets.

>> No.13880546

Why are you so scared of uploading pics of your onahole? There's tons of people who post pics of their onahole deliveries or collections here.

>> No.13880574

Ressentiment, the most accurate piece of media that predicts what life will be like in the near future. Disregard magic.

They even got the part about bumping into walls with room-scale VR right.

>> No.13880575

I'm in these threads everyday so keep me posted. The only thing you cannot do to me is leave scars.

>> No.13880596

It may be years. It may be more than a decade. It may never happen. But if I do come, I will surely look for you. May you also find opportunity in your travels.

Who am I kidding, we'll probably be dead before then. But at least we'll be able to meet each other in VR soon, and then soon after than, teledildonics. And then tele-impregnation.

>> No.13880599


>> No.13880606


It should be a required reading for any self respecting /jp/er.

>> No.13880608

I will be reading this ASAP. While doing so I'll be thinking of all of you but especially >>13880596

>> No.13880631
File: 1.33 MB, 720x405, nUfm0.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While, or after that, here's some reading of what the bleeding edge of consumer technology is achieving. Slow, but sure steps.


>it works like a charm. If anything is going to take VR experiences, which have been mostly isolated and lone journeys up until this point, to the next level, it’s co-op. Never had I felt the sensation of VR presence more, or the feeling that my mind and body were transported to a different place, than during this demo.

>Moving along, Luckey summoned a ball into the room and he threw it up into the air and caught it. He then threw it at my face, and I felt surprisingly disrespected. It was as if someone in real life was chucking a fastball at my noggin.

>This was the first time I’ve been able to use the mic and hear it in action. It’s fantastic, and the positional audio brings a true immersion experience; you believe that you’re really physically with someone who's not actually in the room with you. Throughout the demo, the backdrop changed from space-like environments to underwater scenarios, and Luckey's voice would echo or be muffled appropriately. I felt a childlike wonderment. Imagine playing a sci-fi flight simulator and having your friend sound all electrostatic-like on the other end. How freakin’ cool would that be?

>This is a demo that will stick with me forever, an unforgettable experience that offered an unparalleled level of presence that I haven’t felt before. It also helped that Luckey was obviously bent on providing me a great experience. It felt oddly intimate at times, as if I might have to apologize for bumping into him if our virtual bodies got too close.

Some more perspectives from different people who tried also it:



You can tell I'm pretty damn excited.

>> No.13880679

Can I finally be the little girl?

>> No.13880683

Just ordered my Puni Hole DX
Did I do good?

>> No.13880697 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.13880732
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And with this, I bid farewell. Until next time, /ona/.

>> No.13880977


it's pretty surreal that it's set in 2015 and the friend guy had a 40 inch plus curved monitor

pretty damn good for a manga from 2004...

>> No.13881012

is buying rina big for durability for double the price of normal size worth it? i heard the interior is the same except longer. And speaking of length, what is the insertable length? im pretty small myself (4.5) so i dont know if it'll reach the end of the womb for stimulation

>> No.13881146

https://en-nls.com/pict1-42594?c2=9999 shows the womb at 16cm and the entrance to it at 14cm, so your 4.5" (11.25cm) would likely get to the entrance with some compression of the toy - e.g. by pushing firmly. You may be able to get into the womb but it is a moderately firm hole, so I wouldn't bet on it.

It's not necessarily one of my go-to holes but I certainly do enjoy it when I use it.

All of that said, it looks like it should be a durable hole and the inner layer should hold up well.

>> No.13881305

>tfw can't be any of your personal onaholes

>> No.13881311

Disgusting. You're that slutty fag that was begging to be impregnated aren't you?

>> No.13881316

That sounds like me so maybe?

>> No.13881335

Oh, you're not. You don't have the same talking habits either. Damn this thread is filled with a bunch of bitches. Guess it's time to make a harem.

>> No.13881573

dude fuck you, now I really want to try this one, I love my lolinco (I have the first version) and now that it has a womb I need to have this one

guess I'll start selling some shit to get enough money

>> No.13881587

The Lolinco Virgo hype is strong.

>> No.13881796
File: 539 KB, 1200x1752, COMIC_MILF_2013_02_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best larger/bust/ass/torso sized onahole? Want too get a good one.

>> No.13881824

What does Japan Shopping Service mean when estimating cost, and it says "acquisition cost"? Are they referring to shipping?

>> No.13881871

I'd get a plush and fit your ona in it instead of blowing cash on a huge expensive ona you might regret.

>> No.13881882

bought a lolinco and lilith uterus soft from queencat. how long does shipping take to get from Cali to Chicago?

>> No.13881946


>> No.13882102

this is depressing as fuck. im going to do the VR thing. but ill also take the traditional out of juts not thinking about certain things.

this hits a little too close to home.

>> No.13882325 [SPOILER] 
File: 638 KB, 4608x3456, 1438862030032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolinco after first use. She can't hold lube quite as easily anymore, and her little butthole has been ripped asunder.

She still feels tight, at least. I'll try repairing her eventually.

>> No.13882462

I just impulse purchased the Lilith Uterus Soft on Amazon last night, as well as some PePe (for anal play) and Ona Tsuyu (for obvious reasons). I've been lurking these threads for a while, but this is the first time I've purchased any JP toys/lube. Was going to get the Venus Real instead, but it was out of stock in soft. If I have a good experience with this one, I'll get that later.

>> No.13882474

nevermind , i read the whole thing. very depressing but everything bad can be avoided with a little discipline.

>> No.13882523


>> No.13882532

After just one use? Damn, that sucks. How big are you?

>> No.13882737
File: 632 KB, 4608x3456, lolinco-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never measured my girth, but my length is just under 6 inches

Pretty average basically, but to be fair I was a bit rough with her. My only other hole is a Venus Real, so I guess I should've been more gentle.

Have a bonus image.

>> No.13882821

Don't think this was mentioned in the pastebin but is it okay to use a hair/blow dryer to speed up the drying process after cleaning an onahole?

>> No.13882860

>piece of plastic

>> No.13882905

those things harbour a lot of germs. it might lead to an infection.

>> No.13882957
File: 647 KB, 975x994, cornelia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean you don't respect and love your rubber vagina enough to acknowledge her gender?

>> No.13883030
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That's hella ugly.
I once gave my hole a second go instantly after the first. Let's just say i found a new recipe for whipped cream.

>> No.13883083

Your a monster dude. How could you be so rough on that sweet little loli pussy. I have her coming in the mail as well as 9 more. Ill be sure to be careful now.

>> No.13883482

best place to buy tomax holes in the uk?

>> No.13883704

Damn, I'm larger than you. I hope the Lolinco Virgo will be able to withstand it.

>> No.13883878


>> No.13883891

There shouldn't be any need, just use a paper towel or two. You're going to have trouble drying the insides with a dryer anyway and I really wouldn't want to heat the hole while flipped to get around that.

>> No.13883910

give it to me.

>> No.13884163


What is this and how do you use it?

>> No.13884186

you fuck it and imagine its the sea cucumber from monster girl quest.

>> No.13884209

You have 10 Lolincos coming in the mail? Are you trying to establish an entire harem of Lolincos? Or is it Lolinco + 9 other holes? This is all incredibly fascinating.

>> No.13884254

It wont that part will always tear after a while, no matter how pencil dick you are, but it barely changes it anyway it will still bully you.

>> No.13884268

what the actual fuck?

>> No.13884279

She's going to be my first onahole, so I want to treasure her. I don't want to inflict any pain if possible.

>> No.13884337

always craved some cumnoodles after my sessions

>> No.13884518

How do I know if the loli packaging is legal in my country? I'd like to have the boxes, but I don't want customs to confiscate my whole package

>> No.13884529

The question isn't whether its legal in your country, the question is whether customs think it is. My advice would be to just call them. I did it before and they were really helpful.

>> No.13884551

Call me autistic if you like, but I'm not really comfortable with calling them...

>> No.13884589


>> No.13884595

You haven't told us what country you're in anon, so we can't help you. Which means that it's no packaging for you unless your country is listed in the pastebin saying that it's ok

>> No.13884597

I've worked in telemarketing for a while. I would never dared to call customs just like that if it weren't for that experience, so I understand you very well.
There's always email, I guess.

>> No.13884605

I live in Belgium. From what I've read, packages are more likely to be seized in Europe, but I can't find any specific information.

>> No.13884628

C'mon, you're almost as anonymous on the phone as you are here.

>> No.13884651

Thinking about getting the Hunter Girl (2nd) and the Nekokko Maonyan. Are parody holes usually worse than regular holes?

>> No.13884743

You could buy from Omochajews and pay the premium for doing so, as they ship to Belgium.

Call customs from a public phone, if you think someone is going to trace you.

>> No.13884792

What is the name of that one?

>> No.13884809

Lube the lips better next time, it helps a lot.

>> No.13884829

>not knowing the best ero-mangaka to exist and all of his works.

>> No.13884833

Thanks for the help.

>> No.13884841

Everything you fucking need is in the filename and image, you disgusting lazy self-entitled crossboarder.

>> No.13884845

here it is. http://exhentai.org/g/575311/a96eba1e37/

>> No.13884846

How do you married guys get time to use your onaholes? I know there are plenty of older guys here that are married.
Those of you with girlfriends too. Do you have extremely high libido, or does your sentient onahole cut you off from sex often?

>> No.13884852

Libido is too high. Need to cum at least 4 times a day. Wife is too tired ofter dealing with shitfucks at the hospital so I resort to onaholes

>> No.13884858

Thanks anon!

You can suck my fat cock

>> No.13884879

>Wife is too tired ofter dealing with shitfucks at the hospital
Anon I think I have bad news for you. I'm so sorry.

>> No.13884883

I don't think she gets herself off in the cancer ward but you never know. All that puke and shit might be her thing after all.

>> No.13884893

I hope you're not kidding. This can be a very serious matter. I care about you.

>> No.13884902

I've seen what she has to deal with. I would be exhausted as well. Does suck that a lot of my advances are wasted but I understand. I have her real pussy half the time and top shelf fake pussy the other half of the time.

>> No.13884955


>> No.13885447

Slow thread, so what gets ya'll in the mood. I need something to get me revved up.

>> No.13885536

>so what gets ya'll in the mood.
Titties usually do it for me. A nice pair of hips is good too.

>> No.13885541

Any specific videos or doujins?

>> No.13885556

Tons. There are a number of threads on a number of different boards for the subject though that'll move faster than /ona/ is right now, you might want to visit one of those. Sad Panda threads are a good start.

>> No.13885560

How droll.

>> No.13885591

Do I need to sign for the EMS package if I ordered from nls (USPS)?

>> No.13885595

have: lilith sprial wave + venus real w/ meiki plush. best soup ofc

in transit: lolinco + lilith uterus, hopefully delivered tomorrow

What should I expect from these two.

What should I buy in the future; are VA: admission + graduation, 17 bordeaux, and eroman worth? Any other onaholes worth buying?

>> No.13885617

>lilith uterus
Can I assume Soft? It'll be a nice little edger with a surprisingly intense entrance.

I'd say Mi Nyan/Ai Nyan is also worth buying.

>> No.13885668

>Mi Nyan/Ai Nyan

yeah. its soft. gonna try it on my plush. any opinions on 17 bordeaux? I heard it breaks easily. Really want Admission/graduation too

>> No.13885751

17 Bordeaux has incredible suction with air squeezed out. However not very durable due to poor dual layer construction.
The 17 Evo Soft is also a good option which I liked more than my Bordeaux (also more realistic).

>> No.13885885

just came like 5 times in a row. I even fapped this morning. Is there a health risk of fapping too much?

>> No.13885891

You could have a heart attack and die. True story. Fap lightly, Anon.

>> No.13885899

you have to sign for most of the shit you order, why is that I problem I wonder

>> No.13885954
File: 954 KB, 1000x1600, 1438467981554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WHAT. I thought it was just dehydration and dick not working for a while. well, the sore dick thing only happened when deathgripping, but soft ona's cured that. fuckk

>> No.13885968

I was mostly messing with you. There was a guy that died after fapping like thirty times in a day, but IIRC he had a condition of some sort anyway and you'r dick isn't likely to stand up (pun intended) for that kind of punishment anyway. Really the biggest hazards are the wasted time and maybe a Repetitive Motion Injury. That's physically, mentally might be a different story. I also hope you're not seriously masturbating so furiously you forget to drink.

>> No.13885988

How does someone even fap that much Jesus Christ.

>> No.13885993

I've never had to sign for EMS. My post guy forgot that I didn't have to and remembered just as he gave me the pen to sign with.

>fapping too much

Apart from overused penis, fatigue, dehydration, dry skin(from some lubes), moist skin (from overlubing), slight irritation on some parts, not much. Certain heart conditions might be affected by fapping, but I highly doubt it from happening. Apart from that, what >>13885968 said. Don't forget to stay hydrated!

The same mental stimulus can lead to something being your "normal", and can cause ED in the most serious of cases. Be sure to vary your material. Vary it too much and everything becomes your norm, too little and you risk that one variant becoming your norm. This tends to happen over very long periods, so don't worry about it.

>> No.13885999

I got some guava juice and cider nearby. Man, 30 time a day is fucking crazy.... My balls would ache for weeks. Using my hand got too boring, so I started using onas. Then I got bored of stroking the ona with my hand, so I bought the plush after reasoning balloons wouldn't do shit. Imagine getting arthritis from fapping lmao.

I'm here to waste time during the night so that my ona arrives sooner. I feel so bad for ppl outside of europe/US/JP that have to wait longer than 5 days

>> No.13886009

>I feel so bad for ppl outside of europe/US/JP that have to wait longer than 5 days
You've got a full keyboard in front of you, come on. Anyway, I usually do that anyway unless my package is so big I'm over the SAL limit. I can be a patient man to save a few dollars. Not like I don't have other things to fuck in the meantime.

>> No.13886019

I don't

>> No.13886216

Anyone know if the Lovely Cation 2 ona is any good?

>> No.13886456

Some time ago, an anon commented about reading h-manga on his tablet so he could use an onahole while laying down. Finally tried it yesterday and loved the comfiness, way better than half-leaning back in my chair. Perfect Viewer is a great app. Do recommend.

Also happens to bump up a projector on my list of things to buy eventually.

>> No.13886515
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Just get an Oculus Rift or Hololens.

You get both the benefit of having the display always wherever you look, as well as the ability to play VR/AR content.

>> No.13886527

VR resolution isn't high enough for my tastes. I've got a 1440p monitor in portrait mode, I can't imagine VR doujins would look that great in comparison.

>> No.13886550
File: 1.19 MB, 1280x720, 1434478806729.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're viewing traditional 2D content then you might be cucking yourself a bit, but the resolution doesn't actually look terrible. "VR doujins" might sort of be a misnomer the way you're using it, but I'll say that the headsets will be worth it to get just for the waifu simulators, which you will never, ever get anywhere else, simply because it's physically impossible, as your brain can not be fooled into thinking what you're seeing is real with any other sort traditional display.

>> No.13886619

Also don't forget about the "temporal" anti-aliasing or detail enhancement when you have high enough refresh rates, because of the micro-movements of the head, so low resolutions will effectively look higher.

>> No.13886643

I just hope its not all going to be 3dpg stuff like

>> No.13886693
File: 945 KB, 4960x1800, ocumarion_line.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why "hope" as if you have no power to know about things and understand what's happening yourself?

>> No.13886709

Now that I look at that picture again, I'm reminded how easy it might be to be fuck your waifu. All you really need is a hip and a tracker attached to it. Then you just align the 3D model with it and maybe have some physics/animations as you fuck it. You might do better with a full doll, but you can get something very convincing with a very simple setup. This may very well be the first thing I try when I get a Constellation/Lighthouse tracker. And it will take literal minutes to setup considering how easy Unity and Unreal have made making VR games.

>> No.13886718

>Why not spent time on something that might or not be decent in 10 years
Gee, I wonder. I'm already picky when it comes to art style as it is, and 3d models of 2d art always end up looking like crap. Excuse me for not getting on the hype train before seeing anything actually good.

>> No.13886824

No anon, I think you're just jaded and have insufficient imagination, as well as a lot of negative emotion, so you default to assuming the worst of something you know little about, while not seeking to know anything more about it because you're assuming you already know (everything about it), which has been reinforced by your unrealistic expectations not being met by past individual experiences and conditioning. This is just a subjective analysis, not fact.

The truth of the matter is probably that you absolutely don't care, consciously or not, what I'm saying right now and will not until you're given a demonstration which will be possible in about a year. Until then, there is no denying that you will not be understandable or give anyone except your own opinion a fair consideration and time of day about this subject. In other words, this post is more for myself and archival purposes. Also note, if it really needs to be, that there was never any antagonistic or offensive will to my posts, and any that there might seem to be is purely of your own interpretation. Good night.

>> No.13887014
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>3d models of 2d art always end up looking like crap.
that sums up my thoughts on the whole thing pretty much. Realism(tm) might be great if you're into real woman, but for 2D... it just doesn't transfer well. I really wouldn't want to fuck my waifu if she looks like she was made in AA.

>> No.13887034
File: 2.37 MB, 3800x3800, 3 内部イメージ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magic Eyes has a new product, a half hip. 2kgs in weight, dual layer and having a approximated price of 10800 JPY, expect around 9000 JPY when it hits retailers.


Last week, Magic Eyes announced that they will no longer stock Onaroid Miyu, meaning that the warehouses will have the last of them. Knowing what Prime did with an A-One onahole, other manufacturers may get the mold or design from Magic Eyes and rebrand or even further develop the mold.


Remember to stay healthy, /ona/!

>> No.13887080

I'm pretty sure that the term for this is "technobreak". At least, that's what they call it in Japan. Cool as fuck.

>> No.13887538

The Onaroid Miyu was absolute shit anyway. I enjoyed the box art and panties more than the hole.

Hole was only good to entertain Miku fetish

>> No.13887718

My Aneros (Helix Syn) arrived, but I probably won't be able to use it until tomorrow.
Any advice for a first time user?

>> No.13887818

>3d models of 2d art always end up looking like crap
They're working on that technology.


>> No.13887923 [DELETED] 

lmao aussies get 3rd slot for fucking free

>> No.13888022

Are there any onaholes in the shape of a hand?

>> No.13888083

My first ona is coming today and I just lost power.
There is no justice

>> No.13888144

>Fucking fake vagina
>Needs electricity to watch porn

How are you going to fuck a real pussy anon?

>> No.13888200

The first time you used an onahole, did you do it without porn?

>> No.13888203

Not that anon but I did, actually I had prepared some porn beforehand but after actually feeling these insides of the hole the sensation was strong that I completely forgot about porn, I just enjoyed the hole.

>> No.13888206

of course. How else could you appreciate the toy for what it is?

>> No.13888234

Anon please. I need my cartoons.

>> No.13888243


Honestly you won't need porn if you have even a slight imagination. The onahole will feel so great your brain will do the rest for you. And you'll probably only last a few minutes anyway

>> No.13888249

I can go on as long as I want with an onahole and it's a lot more fun with visual stimuli. What now?

>> No.13888256

>How are you going to fuck a real pussy anon?
Do you know where you are?

>> No.13888267

Plenty of people here have tasted or taste real pussy on a regular basis though, we even have some married people in here.

>> No.13888271
File: 2.36 MB, 320x287, 1424480850280.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I have a huge loli cervix impregnation fetish and I don't have money for it at the moment

>> No.13888277

Hang in there anon, and remember that hard earned pleasures are much more satisfying.

>> No.13888297

how long is the hole and can you really feel yourself going through the cervix, because I didn't feel anything with the cervix with the Eroman or Daisuki Hold?

>> No.13888307

Feelerino when you fucked your Girl in the Box so much that the material has started to fall apart and erode.

I gave her one last fuck as she was falling apart in my hands, I could barely even keep an erection but I still went at it, when I pulled out after cumming she more or less deflated and let out some air as if it were her dying breath. I'll miss her a lot, she served me well these past two years and although she had a bad habit of going dry fast, she really was one of the best onaholes that I've ever had.

>> No.13888314
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>> No.13888317

>two years
I guess that's some money well spent. I've always had this conception that the regular lifespan of a good onahole is around a few months.

>> No.13888327

Gonna be honest after breaking it in it isn't as tight, but you can still definitely feel it.
If you cant you're most likely using too much lube.

>> No.13888466

I really, really like my Loliho but the inside of her tunnel has expanded diagonally in every direction. I'm pretty fucking small too so I have no idea why she's torn up so much. I've had her for maybe 6 months or so?

>> No.13888637
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guys, I read the guide

what is this specific type called? see picrelated

I was told it's onahole, but you cant google it, you get one hole onaholes, but this one, the one I need has two holes, it's open from both sides

how do I google it? I want a name or tag to search for porn with it and to maybe order one

>> No.13888641

But why is it at the end of the hole, kinda weird that they decided to place it there, mine is currently in customs gonna get it next week.

>> No.13888645

This comes up often and while I don't know the exact term, the general consensus is that open holes like that are shit. They're usually cheaply made and there's no vacuum effect

>> No.13888650

i want one though can I have it please

>> No.13888683

Gonna put the open end onahole question in the FAQ

>> No.13888710

I have or have coming
All three open my pussy
Both virgin ages
Mouth of truth
Tong egg(anal masterbater)
Sweet younger sister
Dasukyis hold
Smooth and flat idol cadet

>> No.13888719

I want to be you

>> No.13888742

I'm the guy with 8 lolicon onaholes and I'm married and not hiding them. They are resting on my dresser in the bedroom.

>> No.13888755

I'll post pics soon. I'm currently loving virgin age admission.

>> No.13888756

A cockring?

>> No.13888758

Have you ever used an onahole with your wife? If so, what was it like?

>> No.13888781
File: 111 KB, 264x334, lovingAnOnaholeShittyCrop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With VR, this is the future.

>> No.13888808

Just lost my ona virginity. I struggled with insertion because I was too afraid of using too much lube. Feels better than by hand but not as much as I thought it would. Maybe I have death grip.

>> No.13888816
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>> No.13889036

I'll assume you're new to anal play in general.

You'll want to be nice and clean. If you don't want to do an enema, then I recommend taking a shower about 45 minutes after you have a movement, paying special attention to your anus. Afterwards, you can lube up (use plenty!) and slowly insert the device.

Once you've got it in, relax and focus on the sensations as you begin moving. Everything will probably be really mild at first, and it's likely you won't be able to orgasm from it alone. That's fine, as long as it feels good. That said, try not to masturbate normally unless you want to be done.

>> No.13889117

I can't wait for our 4th gen. It will be a glorious day.

>> No.13889330

Just ordered myself a Onaroid Miyu. Thanks for the heads up anon.

That hip looks great as well. I'll be keeping an eye on that one.

>> No.13889455
File: 94 KB, 475x880, 1438909906761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm taking vitamins and the included supplements. Any brands work for ya'll. I'm mainly interested in the Pygeum. I got Swanson's but want to know if anyone has had any luck with other stuff.

>> No.13889467

Cocksleeve. Christ you people know nothing.

>> No.13889792

Real pussy comes with porn included

>But why is it at the end of the hole
Anon must be trolling... Mustn't he?

>> No.13889858

What is the best onahole you can buy on amazon?

>> No.13889872

Lolinco or Mouth of Truth are great options that are available on Amazon.
For lube, get Ona Tsuyu (listed as "Best Soup Japan"). Amazon link can be found in the second post of this thread.

>> No.13889951

Someone please reply ;_;

>> No.13890001

No, most parody holes and those that are based on videogames (even if they are "official")are terrible.
if I remember well onahodouga did a review and gave them a terrible rank.
Avoid parody holes.

>> No.13890172

lolinco and uterus arrived today! lolinco smells factory as fuck holy shit. How many washes does it take for it to get bearable?

>> No.13890234

Does anyone else leave their cum inside their onahole? When I clean it the next day, my cum is yellow/green. Is this normal? Do I have an infection or something?

>> No.13890259

um, gross

>> No.13890375

I don't really do anything when I orgasm. No moaning or anything. What's wrong with me? I feel good, I just don't really react in any visible way besides relaxing my body.

>> No.13890388

Are you cut?

>> No.13890395


>> No.13890397

VR would just be 2nd gen with a pair of goggles, that's a gynoid. Full immersive VR is going to be a hell of a thing but it's not even on the horizon at this point.

Swanson won't ship to me so I've been using the Vitamin Shoppe's saw palmetto and pygeum complex. It works wondrously, but you're probably paying far less for the same active ingredient.

>> No.13890445

you should wait for 2 weeks and it'll smell like death. Please wash ASAP.

>> No.13890549
File: 176 KB, 1080x1952, ~.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since I'm capable of orgasming non-stop, what should I buy if I want to orgasm infinitely without any effort?

Pic related, every "lap" is an orgasm except 18 because I was shaking a little.

>> No.13890569

Teach me your secrets.

>> No.13890574

Something soft that you can fuck while laying down or on your side, get a venus clone or real on soft.
You can also get an Anal toy.

>> No.13890576
File: 16 KB, 250x250, 1438465973704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy a meiki plush, get a rocking chair, install penis bully, rock back and forth to the rhythm of love in sitting cowgirl position

>> No.13890593

How do you do this. I wish to mind break myself.

>> No.13890624

When I was around 12 (or maybe less?) I'd rub my penis left and right against my bed because I didn't know how to masturbate. At first I did it too feel good and fall asleep, but after many months/years of doing it, I learned I could keep going.

Okay, will look into it. I was thinking something with moving parts or vibrating. Anything good like that?
Probably won't get an Anal toy, though.

Will also check that out.

>> No.13890645

Wait a second, what does this non-stop orgasming mean exactly?

>> No.13890647

My multivitamn already has saw palmetto So I just went with regular pygeum. It's about 500mg a day but I think it's so high because it's not extract. Only been doing it for 3 days. I just want to be a leaky faucet of precum.

>> No.13890651

Masturbating, orgasming, masturbating more, orgasming more.

>> No.13890658

>How many washes
It depends. Regardless, your dick can't smell, so don't worry about it.

>my cum is yellow/green
I'm pretty sure that means you have cancer, anon.

>> No.13890667

Oh, so you're saying you basically never lose sensitivity and hardness. How is the amount of cum though after your first orgasm?

>> No.13890668


>> No.13890678

Well the pygeum complex worked well for me, I haven't bothered looking for anything else since what I've got now ain't broke. Precum really is fun to play with, I like the feeling of power the whole stack brings on.

>> No.13890687

Around half less than the first. Eventually I get to just a few drops, but that's after around 7 orgasms.

>> No.13890704

ejaculation ≠ orgasm

>> No.13890710

How do you orgasm without ejaculating naturally?

>> No.13890723

Kegels or just stopping before you ejaculate. They're two separate events you CAN find a point between with practice.

>> No.13890728

I guess I'll just have to stick to my daily 3. I don't want to over do it on Zinc and what not. About to start taking Maca too. I'll be taking 60mg of zinc daily, about 1000mg of Maca 1200mg of Lecithin and 1 gram of pygeum. I have no idea how much is too much of pygeum but the bottle says serving is 1 gram.

this is the multi I'm taking

>> No.13890731

Is it the point where you don't reach a full orgasm, and some fluid may come out? Is it the point where you if you had put any more pressure on your penis, you would have reached a full orgasm? If it is then in my mind I wouldn't even call it an orgasm.

>> No.13890742


I (>>13890549) am not this (>>13890723 >>13890704) guy, just to clear up any confusion.

My orgasms aren't restrained at all.

>> No.13890754

What do you guys think of the Squamate hole? anyone tried anything like it before? im curious

>> No.13890771

That's pretty much it, yeah. You get the sensation of pretty much everything but semen shooting out, which admittedly is nice on its own.

Might want to try muira puama and catuaba instead of the maca. The latter isn't useless, mind, but I noticed a bigger punch with the first two together.

By the way, 60 mg of zinc daily is still a shit ton and there's 15 mg in your multi as well. You might want to only use that zinc supplement twice a week or so if that.

>> No.13890776

Yeah I take 2 multis so 30 mg total there and then the zinc tab is 30. I might cut the zinc pills in half.

>> No.13890785

On those two do you take them daily or just when you want?

>> No.13890800

>"Reductions in a copper-containing enzyme, a marker of copper status, have been reported with even moderately high zinc intakes of approximately 60 mg/day for up to 10 weeks"
>The NIH lists the upper limit for zinc at 40mg for adult males
You really don't need that extra zinc supplement at all, especially once dietary intake is taken into account. I guess it's not surprising that a men's multi provides that much of the stuff, but man.

I took them daily. It took a day or so for those to kick in but I guess you could start and stop if you were planning a good fap in advance.

>> No.13890808

You ever tried Tribulus?

>> No.13890832

Only in another pill with a bunch of other stuff in it.

>> No.13890886

>17 Bordeaux has incredible suction with air squeezed out. However not very durable due to poor dual layer construction.

That's a bit concerning. Would wrapping it in surgical tape or something as reinforcement help, do you think?

>> No.13890932


Outer compression going against inner expansions could possibly help in keeping it all together, but the layers coming apart are inevitable. Putting tape or a constrictive band on the outside will affect the sensations inside because it's tighter. The best way to avoid a shear between the materials is to use adequate amounts of lube and to take care when drying the insides with a towel.

>> No.13890993

I'm >>13890704
From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orgasm#In_males:
>In men, the most common way of achieving orgasm is by physical sexual stimulation of the penis. This is usually accompanied by ejaculation, but it is possible, though also rare, for men to orgasm without ejaculation (known as a "dry orgasm") or to ejaculate without reaching orgasm (which may be a case of delayed ejaculation, a nocturnal emission or a case of anorgasmic ejaculation).

From the same Wikipedia page:
>Subsequent and multiple orgasms
>In contrast to the two-stage model of male orgasm, Kahn (1939) equalized orgasm and ejaculation and stated that several orgasms can occur and that "indeed, some men are capable of following [an orgasm] up with a third and a fourth" orgasm. Though it is rare for men to achieve multiple orgasms, Kahn's assertion that some men are capable of achieving them is supported by men who have reported having multiple, consecutive orgasms, particularly without ejaculation. Males who experience dry orgasms can often produce multiple orgasms, as the refractory period is reduced.

>> No.13891018

Are there any onaholes that are known to fit two dicks simultaneously?
My wizard candidacy has already been revoked.

>> No.13891031


The Puni Hole DX and Cocolo I guess, as they have two holes.

Are you gonna double team your ona with a good friend? Or do you have two dicks

>> No.13891046

Two holes? But I basically want to frot, but in a hole.
Yeah, a good friend who also turns out to be lewd.

>> No.13891097

They're working on that


>> No.13891103

Anybody else had a Rina that wore out? It was what I used most often for 6 months and suddenly it feels like its grating. The bump on the top near the entrance fell off too.

What should I get to replace it? I've got an announcer, MoT, lolinco and a 17 bordeaux.

>> No.13891106


If you're in North America, why not go with a Venus

>> No.13891126

Is it really different than the 17 bordeaux? I liked the rina because it was a happy medium between between the lolinco and bordeaux. But the shipping would be cheaper.

>> No.13891151


I can't comment on that since I don't have the 17, but I do have the MoT and lolinco, and my Venus is far and away my favorite. Feels great and is easier to clean than either one of those as well.

>> No.13891177

I'm making a guess that you have just woken up.

>> No.13891315

somebody list all the really tight penis bullies please. so far, lolinco is incredible. is VA:admission good too?

>> No.13891500

I bought a Twins Panic and a Rose's Onahole from NLS, what other full-ass onaholes should I spend my hard earned money on?

>> No.13891619

What's the best lotion you guys have used? For me it was the tiny bottle that came with Dragon Knock. Just one drop was good enough for any hole, it was like magic.

>> No.13891714

Are there any toys that have a realistic texture for cunnilingus?

>> No.13891755

source for that webm?

>> No.13891769

Summer Lesson

>> No.13891807

Yes I can cum in 45 seconds with admission as long as I have some really arousing porn playing in the background

>> No.13891825


what is this hole made of to warrant such price

>> No.13891917

Possibly a firmer, much stiffer material due to the theme, but it might also just be NLS being funny. In the past few weeks, Mao and Aya's prices have gone up considerably - by over 10,000 JPY to a whopping 62,834JPY. Their price is now well above the retail price of ~44kJPY. Despite having DHL as a shipping method, which is often cheaper with heavier packages, NLS will charge quite a lot for a single product. However, looking at their JP site, Aya and Mao have a price of 60,847JPY(tax incl.). I hope they get it down so it gets much more affordable so that more of it is turned over.

The Puni DX's also seem to have risen in price, too - now at 11,765 JPY. I believe they used to be at around 8,500JPY, as M's retails it at 6,830 JPY(tax incl.)



Puni DX Hard:

If we were to follow supply and demand logic(?)(https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supply_and_demand)), I do hope either demand goes down, or supply goes up to drive down prices to their original, or even lower prices. Then again, I'm no economist, so I can't say much on that matter.

Good morning to those of you in the East Coast, good afternoon to those in the Euro region, and goodnight for the Asia-Pacific. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and a great week ahead.

>> No.13891935

>The Puni DX's also seem to have risen in price, too - now at 11,765 JPY. I believe they used to be at around 8,500JPY, as M's retails it at 6,830 JPY(tax incl.)
Good memory anon. I just checked back through my NLS order confirmations and I paid 7,538 JPY for Puni Hole DX Hard in early June.

>> No.13892824
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My no refractory period comrade.

As far as I've heard, most of the Japanese electric onaholes are a crapshoot. There's always the Sybian Venus though, which is advertised to work on people who can't even get their dick up.

>> No.13892833
File: 456 KB, 400x600, 09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So do you guys do flower arrangement?

>> No.13892884

How do they work for you? Keep you going for a while?

>> No.13893133

Get some Ashwagandha and Dong Quai, plus vanilla yogurth to mix it in since it tastes like shit otherwise

>> No.13893156

I tried doing a supplement routine for a few weeks last year.
Only thing is, pygeum isn't sold in my country. I had to make due with Zinc, Arginine, and Sunflower Lecithin. Honestly seemed like too much of a hassle to swallow a handful of pills a day so I stopped. Now I just have a bunch of pills sitting in my drawer. Has it done any good for anyone else?

>> No.13893189

The secret is low testosterone.

>> No.13893211

So if you're MtF and get HRT, you can keep orgasming?

>> No.13893235

Yes. Transsexual women on hormones can eventually have multiple orgasms.

>> No.13893242

There's this lime green color in my Venus Clone when I leave it overnight.
None of my other holes does this.
What is it?

>> No.13893310

I'll crossbreed with your mom if you don't help me nerd

>> No.13893414

It's 30°C in my flat and that seems to be a great operating temperature for my Tomax holes.

They feel absolutely fantastic.

I might rub myself sore at this rate.

>> No.13893440

>Transsexual women
Dude, just say trannies.

>> No.13893627

Nope, I don't think so. I have fine testosterone levels. It just happened from bed rubbing. That's it. No Kegles, low testosterone, or anything.

>> No.13893712


This is glorious.

>> No.13893754

Can I just pick up my package since it's in my city? Using e-packet from NLS here. It's been here for close to two days now according to the tracker.

>> No.13893789

Assuming you're in the U.S. it might be delivered today. USPS isn't the best at updating the online tracking in my experience.

>> No.13893791
File: 83 KB, 281x246, 1438887539599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to pause what I was doing for a moment.

Is that even good for the flowers?

>> No.13894367
File: 2.64 MB, 640x360, ona.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anime just went full onahole.

>> No.13894387

D-Does it taste good? What kind of sausage are they using for the worm character? Will a hotdog do?

>> No.13894392

I like the inclusion of the jav pool.

>> No.13894395

Jav pool?

>> No.13894398

Holy shit, I didn't even notice until you pointed it out. I was too distracted by the corn starch.

>> No.13894401

The show is about the government cracking down on lewdity, and the JAV pool is shown blowing up in the OP.

>> No.13894407
File: 60 KB, 247x274, 1438889777671.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's like nuking the casting couch

>> No.13895099

You wouldn't hear so much talk about it if it didn't. It worked quite well for me, but there is a lot if stuff to take. I just got a pill organizer and made taking the supplements twice daily part of my daily routine. Wish I could've gotten the sunflower lecithin in some form other than pills though, that was the worst to take.

>> No.13895156
File: 36 KB, 600x380, 1391785109423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Owned this for over a month now and only used it twice, cleaned it out hard every time and used a onahole spray but it's literally impossible to dry the inside. Worry that If i fuck it again it'll give me some sort of dick infection or if I leave it be it'll become a bacteria/fungi breeding ground.
Some things weren't meant to be fucked.

>> No.13895215

At least you have a bitchin' pencil holder now.

>> No.13895220

Well I guess it's not being delivered today. Guess Monday's going to be the day.

Is there any chance that customs did something to the package? I forgot to mention it flew straight to my city. I also chose to remove all packaging.

>> No.13895237

Still need help.

>> No.13895276

Fuck off fag

>> No.13895316

Your best bet is to have an open ended hole that is large enough or flexible enough to handle the girth of two penises. I suggest getting one with the Bungee Touch material from Ride Japan and chop of an end.

Alternatively, get a very long hole. You can cut the end off two R20s and glue them back together to produce a long hole.

>> No.13895398

Interesting. Are there any bungee touch ones other than the chimera one?

>> No.13895429

I only had my Lolinco for a week and I already tore a massive hole in the top of it. It is my first hole, and I guess I just need to find a longer one. Even though I only got to have a few goes with it, I was amazed at how great it was. are there any ones that are just like it but longer?

>> No.13895445

Yes. I believe all of the pink ones use the Bungee Touch material. If you can't read Japanese, look for this phrase in the picture descrip. "バンジータッチ", as that means Bungee Touch.

There's always Virgo!

>> No.13895449


I had no clue they made those! Thank you so much!

>> No.13895524

If I cut the strings out of this, this might be good.

>> No.13895615

>tore a massive hole
Maybe don't be so rough.
There is Lolinco Virgo, as >>13895445 suggested, and the original R20; both of which are similar in length at around 19cm.

>> No.13895651

I may start up again then, I didn't realize it had to be twice a day.
Isn't that much zinc bad for you? What is the amount per pill?

>> No.13895700

>I didn't realize it had to be twice a day.
It doesn't, but with most supplements smaller doses throughout the day are better than one huge dose. Your body can only absorb so much at once and generally you want the levels of whatever you're taking to be constant.

>Isn't that much zinc bad for you?
I already brought that up here: >>13890800. Yeah, zinc is the part of the vanilla stack that needs the most monitoring, but when I said I was taking things twice a day I didn't mean I was taking everything twice a day. I took the lecithin, pygeum, half of a multivitamin and a few extrasthat often, but not the zinc supplement; that one I'm actually going to cut down to a few times a week since my multi already has the RDI.

>What is the amount per pill?
Mine are 30mg each which is the smallest I could find in the store I was at, but again, never twice a day with that amount. Unfortunately they're caplets so I can't split them either, I'll need to watch out for that next time I buy some.

As for your poor results, the pygeum is actually the second or third most important part of that regimen, by not having that you're missing out on a decent portion of what it's supposed to do. You might try saw palmetto or some other prostate activator instead. You should also be drinking lots of water if you're looking for bigger loads, otherwise things just get thicker which is also kind of nice, but not really the point.

>> No.13895737 [SPOILER] 
File: 18 KB, 400x300, 1439105406216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand whats so great about these?

>> No.13895895

Well guys, it looks like it's game over for me. Trial coming up soon. Fun while it lasted I guess.

>> No.13895905
File: 117 KB, 1024x576, 1339742129355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trial coming up soon.

>> No.13895909

Obscenity charges. I'm probably done for.

>> No.13895913

>Obscenity charges

>> No.13895917

Apartment was having maintenance and I left packaging out. I wasn't home and I forgot they were coming that day and left it out. Long story short the guy called the police because it got him all bothered. I live in Kentucky.

>> No.13895920

Somebody was in your apartment without you being home?
If that's the case you're not a smart anon

>> No.13895927

They have keys, and I had given them the okay days before because it's required, but I forgot they were coming and wasn't there.

>> No.13895930

Why do they have keys? Or are you renting/leasing?

>> No.13895932

Maintenance and stuff like that happens somewhat frequently when you're in a rental. His only mistake was leaving things like that out, and even then I'm surprised it's even actually a problem.

>> No.13895936


probably it had a loli image on the box and the maintenance guy got freaked out cause (casuals)

>> No.13895939

Presumably, but he's in Murrica. If this actually made it to trial that means there might actually be something illegal in owning the artwork where he lives. I mean, I guess he is in the Bible Belt, but still I didn't think there were many places that was actually an issue.

>> No.13895943

Pics or it never happened.

>> No.13895944

What specifically do you want pictures of?

>> No.13895946

Some form letter that you've revived in the mess.
Fine to Black your name, address etc out.

>> No.13895952

It's illegal in the entire United States. I don't know why we even have this argument every month.


The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund defended this one guy who owned some lolicon manga among thousands, but they never fought it up because the defendant accepted a plea bargain. Doubt they'll come for an ona wrapper.

If I were you I'd burn the contents of my computer.

>> No.13895957

The officer explained it would be mailed to me, as of yet I haven't gotten it. This happened on Friday.

What's the point? They took onaholes/packaging as evidence.

>> No.13895966
File: 376 KB, 225x183, 3ccc38af.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Judges face when they bring the onaholes out in court
Anywhoo, make sure you post a a scan of something so you can go down in /jp/ onahole history

>> No.13895967

I guess I was thinking they might search your computer but if they didn't do it already they probably won't do it.

But still.

>> No.13895973

First time I've seen that. I guess there's still that obscenity clause, but that'd depend heavily on what he actually had.

>> No.13895975

Alright.. I guess I may as well when I get them.

Honestly I just expect them to react with disgust, the officer who did the search/confiscated the onaholes face was something. The female officer with him, too.

Not sure how long I'll go away for or if I will, hope you guys are still here when I get out.

>> No.13895982
File: 141 KB, 800x1043, sad-japanese-businessman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not sure how long I'll go away for or if I will, hope you guys are still here when I get out.
Don't worry anon, we'll all make it to gensokyo, just some earlier than others.

>> No.13895985

>Trial coming up soon.
>The officer explained it would be mailed to me, as of yet I haven't gotten it. This happened on Friday.
Then how....

>> No.13895986

Have you talked with a lawyer or prepared a defense yet?

Might want to ring up the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund for advice just in case.

>> No.13895990

Because they told me I should be expecting to go to trial. Not like they're just going to drop it, is it?

Why? It's not even close to a comic of any kind. Doubt they'd offer any assistance. As for my own defense lawyer, what's the point? Would they really be able to help/be willing to considering the charges?

>> No.13896000

>Not like they're just going to drop it, is it?
They might for a number of different reasons, actually. How many holes did they end up taking?

>Would they really be able to help/be willing to considering the charges?
Yes. That's how public defenders work. If you can't pay for a lawyer you just have to hope the one you're assigned isn't shit.

Seriously, don't go defeating yourself before you even have a court date.

>> No.13896004

>How many holes did they end up taking?
3, that's all I had.

>Yes. That's how public defenders work.
I assumed they could/would just refuse to defend me or not try very hard since the general reaction is disgust.

>> No.13896020
File: 33 KB, 520x577, yo wite bitch, what u in here fo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon's going to go from fucking onaholes to being a onahole

>> No.13896023

I was hoping I'll be put in minimum security or in the separate group with the kiddy diddlers.

Might really be the end for me if not.

>> No.13896045


Different anon, here, just joining in.

Which ones were they, were the holes inside the boxes and how well worn are they? Do you have any other holes or boxes of them that they have yet to find?

Are you in digital or physical possession of any other grey-zone material, that is graphic or suggestive in nature?

They might be tracking you as we type. If you want to start "anew" from all this, I suggest you quickly dispose of any material that can be used against you. A few hours of fapping per week can't equate to five years in corrections.

Alternatively, you can stash them. Do you have any trustable friends? By trust, I mean brotherly trust. If you do, put everything in a sealable container and have them store it, or even bury it somewhere in their property where dirt is loose(those with shitty gardens, perhaps). Depending on your local PD, state laws and shit you get into with the LEs and counties, this is particularly risky as they can start surveillance for months just to get a lead. If people can be bothered trying to see if you fap to pictures of something printed on cardboard, they will do it.

I hope you're not too shaken by all this.

>> No.13896046

One too many for a point in your defense according to >>13895952. Wait, actually, were all of those demonstrably loli holes or even ones you had packaging for?

>I assumed they could/would just refuse to defend me
No, someone has to take that case if you invoke your right to attorney.

>or not try very hard since the general reaction is disgust.
This is admittedly a possibility, but lawyers are not known for their morals and they have to defend people for worse shit on the daily. Besides, losing cases make their record look bad; you're not fucked yet.

>> No.13896054

>Anon hasn't gotten the letter YET
I wouldn't be surprised if we just drop it because really it's a petty crime
Rina felt fucking good anon

>> No.13896070

Rina was the one I left out because I had just gotten her, they took the rest which were with the packaging and equally graphic. That's all I had as I said before.

What do you mean, they're possibly monitoring my internet traffic? All I have is a few visual novels with loli stuff, I don't really download anything.

I was depressed before, I guess I've just kind of given up.

Do you really think they'd drop it, this is Kentucky. Would I get my holes back if that was the case?

>> No.13896096

>Why? It's not even close to a comic of any kind. Doubt they'd offer any assistance.
They did fight a case that was superficially similar (Handley case).

Public defenders defend murderers and rapists. Disgust isn't supposed to enter into it (well, it inevitably will, but that can't be helped.)

There's probably no way a jury wouldn't convict for obscenity but you still want a strategy to try and get a lenient sentence. At the very least, some line to take, like, "I just wanted the products."

>Would I get my holes back if that was the case?
Police never give shit back. I think that's the least of your worries right now, though.

>> No.13896117

>What do you mean, they're possibly monitoring my internet traffic?
That's a thing that can be done. They might even have just cause now.

>All I have is a few visual novels with loli stuff
To be on the safe side I'd delete them and get a utility to do a triple overwrite of the empty space on your hard drive. You're at a point where you don't need to leave any more ammunition around.

>I was depressed before, I guess I've just kind of given up.
Well stop. This can go many different ways, but lots of those depend on you being active in this. Go for a walk and get to doing something productive, you don't need to go down (hard) for drawn images.

>> No.13896130

>To be on the safe side I'd delete them and get a utility to do a triple overwrite of the empty space on your hard drive. You're at a point where you don't need to leave any more ammunition around.
Better be quick and overwrite everything just once. It's basically impossible to recover the data if it's overwritten even once. It would cost thousands for the cops to even try to recover it if it's overwritten more than once, and they're never going to do that for such a small case.
If he wants to be really safe and doesn't care about his data being lost, he should magnet his drives and bury them.

>> No.13896165

Depending on how severe the investigating party believes the "crime" is, they will go to different lengths to get enough evidence to provide sufficient doubt to get a judging party to deem that the individual(in this case, you) is indeed guilty of any charges laid. It can be slightly different from country to country and state to state, but generally physical evidence is enough.

>loli stuff
It's now or never. Get rid of anything that can be evidence. It will be used against you if they deem the case worth the urgency.

>Would I get my holes back
Highly doubt it. It's in evidence lockers now. Like the other anon said, it'll be the least of your worries.

If the viewing party deems it petty as all hell, they'll just put it in a low priority backlog and will get to it some time in the not so near future.

As >>13896096 said, you should at least prepare a few bits and bobs on your defense, such as just wanting the products. Hell, QueenCat has Secret Twin Tales and Lolinco, so you can try at least to source a reply from them, asking if people want things for the packaging or the product, with or without the ties to the illustration. The main goal is to make your dick feel good. If anything, tell them it is no different from the well known Fleshlights, just with different packaging.

List down shit that can go in your defense, make documents and cite things, take screenshots of forums too if you want. There's a lot of better things they can pursue and burn their time on. Be smart, be creative, as even the most irrelevant of numbers and statistics can help your case. Call out fallacies and baseless assumptions. Hell, even describe what 3DPD is and how most of us are grossed out by them. 2D affects nobody. Use 50 Shades as a defense if you're that creative with words.

>> No.13896193
File: 195 KB, 525x420, https%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2F6f711c919e890c92699a836ec84892eb%2Ftumblr_nbiozjj5Jb1qz53a0o1_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't they just leave us alone and actually do their job and shoot illegal drug traffickers/murderers

>> No.13896208

>Hell, even describe what 3DPD is and how most of us are grossed out by them. 2D affects nobody. Use 50 Shades as a defense if you're that creative with words.
I agree with the other stuff you said, but that might crush his defense. "2D affects nobody" is implicitly admitting that you bought it for the packaging.

>> No.13896224

Woops. Glad you pointed that out, anon. Good thing you're here.

No sarcasm intended, by the way. Generally grateful that you pointed something out. Maybe I should take that bit of sleep I've been craving.

>> No.13896240

No worries, we're all just trying to help that anon (I hope).

>> No.13896350

does anyone else like to wear womens underwear whilst fucking their onahole/masturbating?

>> No.13896366

Not yet, but only because I don't have my hole yet

>> No.13896367
File: 537 KB, 640x481, comradechan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like putting a sweater and panties on my mail I plush and powerdrilling

>> No.13896373

Meiki plush

Goddamn autocorrection

>> No.13896380

I have a pair of red velvet panties and god they feel good. I wish I could wear them everyday. Men's underwear is shit in comparsion goddamn.

>> No.13896434

So what exactly happened to nipponsextoys.com? Did the guy have cancer or something. I want to buy the daisuke hold and have it in a few days and I don't see it listed on amazon

>> No.13896441

You can always buy from NLS and pay extra for the express shipping.

>> No.13896746

Do you mean prostate toys in general, or that one specifically?

>> No.13896749

For anal or vibrator play. Usually I'll just use an ona completely nude.

>> No.13896836

Being nude doesn't turn me on, it's so boring

>> No.13897259
File: 360 KB, 1200x667, 1438944532959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo. let's say I want to buy a lot of onaholes. What do? Do I go NLS and do DHL? It looks like shipping weight has no limit. Any ideas? Shipping to USA btw

>> No.13897480

I just remembered that it was pygeum supplements by itself were what wasn't being sold anymore, but instead there was a Saw Palmetto+Pygeum supplement instead. Maybe I'll try that.

Looking at what I've got, I've got 50mg Zinc pills, 500 mg L-arginine capsules, and some sunflower lecithin softgels. From what I can remember it was 2 Arginine, 1 Zinc, and 1 Lecithin daily in my case. Does that sound about right. Thanks supplement anon.

>> No.13897788

Please wait for seven hours for the new thread, /ona/!

>> No.13897794

Pygeum+saw palmetto is what I have, that'll work fine. As already discussed, cut those zinc tablets in half at the very least and take no more than half a tablet daily. You're good on the arginine, but I'd suggest doubling the lecithin you're taking since that's the heavy hitter and I've found nothing but positive benefits from taking it with no upper limit I can remember encountering. Aside from that, consider splitting that into a twice daily dosage, chug water and you're good.

Good luck, be sure to report back.

>> No.13898044

It seems like my dick produces more smegma after the long term use of onaholes. A lot more.

I hope it's not causing calluses to form on my uncut dick or anything. I use very soft Alice holes mostly with Alice lube.

>> No.13898170

I know I shouldn't be, not for this reason at least, but man I'm really jealous of you uncut fags. I wish I could produce smegma like the guys in my loli dojinshi.

>> No.13898192

slap on some cottage cheese on yer penis and take what foreskin you have left and bunch it up at the tip and tie it down with some rubberband. LIVE YOUR DREAMS ANON

>> No.13898925

At least cottage cheese tastes good, no one likes smegma.

>> No.13898956

Your piss neon yellow? I drink a shit ton of water like 180 ounces a day and it's still fucking neon.

>> No.13898973

my dick feels a lot softer/smoother after starting to fuck onas

>> No.13898977

Exercise more

>> No.13898978

It was never neon yellow always very pale because of all the water.

>> No.13899116

Anyone know of anything else coming out soon or in development?

or is it impossible to find info on new onaholes because japanese

>> No.13899122
File: 357 KB, 500x375, Great post.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do these things give you incredible orgasms? Like how do they feel? How is the Super - O? Have anyone ever ejaculated from it?

I've tried erotic hypnosis, is it anything like that?

>> No.13899270

That's almost twice the recommended amount, about a gallon and a half if what you're saying is accurate. If you're not pissing clear after that you might want to visit a doctor.

>> No.13899356

You might want to look into this.

>> No.13899394

Ok so it's really 80 - 140 ounces per day. This only started happening when I started my multivitamin. I guess I'm not absorbing it all?

>> No.13899420

but does it feel good, and my initial question was regarding the aneros and prostate....

>> No.13899430

Regarding the Aneros it varies from person to person. Some people won't be able to get big O's from prostate stimulation and some will (some can't even find their prostate), you can experiment with a finger (plus lots of lube) and see if it works for you.

>> No.13899537

yeah but if it works, how awesome is it? Plus I've already experimented with a finger and did locate my prostate, though I'm not really sure how I was supposed to rub it....because I was uncertian from what angle I were supposed to insert my finger!

>> No.13899564

It's up to the producers to announce their lineup of products. Often, they won't be able to announce details about structure and material due to having the need to further develop and have quick fixes after they see it in production. Often, these flaws and faults cannot be seen or forecast until production hits, and can vary from manufacturer to manufacturer.

There is a site that have updates on onaholes whenever they are announced as far as I know. I intend to send an email to our lovely Rjob along with the additional information and maybe a few new sections that go in depth once I have enough time to get it all written and revised. However, it can be difficult to navigate such sites without some knowledge of Japanese, but it's straightforward most of the time. Who can't copy paste into a search bar and hit enter?

>> No.13899593

Does it feel a lot better when you cum after taking all these supplements? Or is it for something else? I feel stupid.

>> No.13899598

I believe you can google how to stimulate your prostate. There's tons of information out there and if you can't be bothered to do your own research you don't deserve an Aneros.

>> No.13899604

Well I've only been doing it for like 3 days. Didn;t cum until yesterday and the first 2 shots were huge then had about 5 smaller shots. Was a good orgasm, was really wanting precum though. Later about 3 hours later I was still horny and used a onahole was very sensitive and it took a little while but it was a lot more intense.

>> No.13899716

So what's the point of the supplements exactly? More intense orgasms, more cum, ... ?

What supplements should I get? Is there a basic stack that's generally agreed upon to be effective?

>> No.13899723

I want to drown in cum, that's my goal. The picture I posted here is what I'm taking.>>13889455

>> No.13899736

Say I use this 'holy grail of orgasms' stack, how long would it take before the effects are noticeable?

>> No.13899790

For me it took 3 days, the anon in the picture was 5 weeks for definite results. Probably 30 days.

>> No.13899876

Interesting, I might try this.

Just tried this. Damn, it's really weird. I didn't touch my shaft at all, so it took much longer to cum and was kinda uncomfortable for a few minutes. But what that guy says is right, you just have to continue doing it until it feels like you're going to pee, and then you squirt. I masturbated before today, so it wasn't a lot, but it felt like a small orgasm. It's not cum and not urine either, it's really squirting. I was surprised that I could still cum after.

tl;dr: 10/10, just mansquirted, would recommend

>> No.13899886

>some kentucky anon is going on trial for loli
Doesn't the guide say loli packaging is legal in burgerland?

>> No.13899908

Read it before. If I want a good orgasm sans onahole I just rub below on the back of the shaft head. Now a question. Multiple times when I have a really good go I get the feeling I have to pee and just keep thrusting. I have just kept going and it has felt good but not sure what it was. I wish the anon in the article had some pictures of what came out of him.

>> No.13899960

It looks similar if not the same as what girls squirt, and there's tons of videos out there about that.

>> No.13899971

Clear then, cool. Well if I squirted at that time it seemed like a shit ton of clear piss.

>> No.13899985

He getting charged with obscenity which is different

>> No.13899994

Yep, squirt should be close to clear if not clear. Sometimes it may be slightly milky/cloudy depending on your diet. You're doing it right.

>> No.13899999

I felt bad for my hip because I thought I was just pissing in her but was like eh fuck it this feels too good.

>> No.13900125


>> No.13900130

Nice one, brahski.

>> No.13900221

Well okay, I ordered some L-arginine and Lecithin. I'll report back when I try them.

>> No.13900251

post pics I take two pills of pygeum and my piss is still neon yellow. My advice is to drink 4 times as much water as you normally do. I have no clue if it's being absorbed or not.

>> No.13900380

But is squirting healthy? Will I significantly dehydrate myself by squirting? Does the liquid contain any significant amount of nutrition that would have otherwise been used by my body had I not squirted it out? Does it increase the risk of any sort of defect/disease, whether it be neurological, urinal, or anything else?

>> No.13900547

We have hit page 8.

New thread: >>13900543
