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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12672669 No.12672669[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

“When you go to Tokyo….if you’re a white male, you can do what you want. Just grab her, pull her in. She’ll giggle. Just say PIKACHU or POKEMON or something to take the pressure off. I’m romping through the streets (of Tokyo) just grabbing girls and it’s like (motions) head on dick (pfft) head on dick, yelling ‘PIKACHU’ with a Pikachu shirt on….Every foreigner who is white does this. When you see that one foreigner in the crowd in Tokyo and your eyes will lock and you know that he knows and he knows that and it’s this guilty look like you both fucked a hooker or something.”

>> No.12672707

otaku culture

>> No.12672707,1 [INTERNAL] 

janny tried this he went around going "pikachu pikachu"

but the girls just laughed and said "iya snorlaxu snorlaxu desu ne"

>> No.12672707,2 [INTERNAL] 

what the fuck he's literally sekuharaing them

>> No.12672707,3 [INTERNAL] 

silly gaijin doesn't even know that って is already an abbreviation of と言う and that saying って言って is redundant

>> No.12673045

>Every foreigner who is white does this

news to me

>> No.12673045,1 [INTERNAL] 

lmao janny's keeping the thread so he remembers to try this out

just tell them you manage an otaku culture board you fat faggot and I'm sure they will swoon

>> No.12673045,2 [INTERNAL] 

looks like you're speaking from experience

>> No.12673045,3 [INTERNAL] 

post more gamergate stuff dude

>> No.12673045,4 [INTERNAL] 

yes I told your mom I ran the "your son is a faggot" subreddit and she fucked me on the first date


>> No.12673045,5 [INTERNAL] 

Saten, will you stay with /jp/ until the very end? Most consider the death of /jp/ to have already passed.

Fight the Power

>> No.12673045,6 [INTERNAL] 

Are you purposely trying to get a literal v shitter to stay ironically? I'm 100% certain no one likes him here since he tries to bring his "board culture" here

>> No.12673045,7 [INTERNAL] 

Hey I like Saten.

That's kind of his thing you know, he complains about moderation and stuff like feminists. He's right in his complaints, and I don't mind hearing them.

>> No.12673045,8 [INTERNAL] 

There are a lot of places for that and this isnt one of them

>> No.12673045,9 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/'s lifeblood was pissing off janjan in various ways. I guess you don't remember.

>> No.12673045,10 [INTERNAL] 

le feel

>> No.12673045,11 [INTERNAL] 

Well I just wanted everyone here to take it easy. Now most /jp/sies have migrated to other sites and are now taking it easy. Most recently moot's rival Hotwheels who scored a deal with 2ch and has been very successful. I bet moot is stomping his feet because 4chan is unmarketable after the celeb nude leaks, loss of thousands of users after banning #GG and most recently the /b/tard that murdered a woman and uploaded the pics.

There's not much reason to stay on a shitty dead board killed by moot and his retard brigade. I would recommend another site if you want to take it easy. BUT I will always be here to shitpost and remind the janitors and moot how much they fucked up and killed the board. So yes I will be here forever!

>> No.12673045,12 [INTERNAL] 

Unironically complaining about feminism and the moderation doesnt piss of the big J and especially when its on some archive and not on the board itself

>> No.12673045,13 [INTERNAL] 

is this post satire?

>> No.12673045,14 [INTERNAL] 

8chan hasn't been very successful

>> No.12673045,15 [INTERNAL] 

why do you want to piss off the general board?

>> No.12673045,16 [INTERNAL] 

It's been able to replace 4chan /g/ with a substantial active userbase (/tech/), something no other imageboard has been able to do. I'm very happy about that.

It's a success to me. The speed of their popular boards is just about right, not incredibly fast, and the userbase isn't quite as shit although it pretty much is just direct immigrants from typical 4channers. The difference is between the kind of people who would decide to leave and post on something other than 4chan, and the people that wouldn't.

I would call it a success.

>> No.12673045,17 [INTERNAL] 

I've been gone for a while, someone explain the monster girl general to me and why it's allowed

>> No.12673045,18 [INTERNAL] 

>dead board

You should come up with actual numbers before making statements like that.

It certainly isn't "dead", but its activity could be decreasing.

>> No.12673045,19 [INTERNAL] 

the touhou and furry community is basically the same thing so why not

>> No.12673045,20 [INTERNAL] 

It was on /a/ then mod decided it needed to be on /jp/ because he wanted to "improve" /a/

>> No.12673045,21 [INTERNAL] 

when's the mod going to "improve" /jp/

>> No.12673045,22 [INTERNAL] 

without it the post rate of jp would be like 10 a day by now and kigmod doesnt want it deleted for inactivity since he would have no place to post about his fetish so he called in a controlled raid

>> No.12673045,23 [INTERNAL] 

hey saten what's the latest on gamergat dude? you're my only source on the latest gamergate news because i can't go through the twitter hashtag for more than 3 minutes without feeling sick and like i got even dumber

>> No.12673045,24 [INTERNAL] 

yeah, it's literally the best an imageboard has ever done to contest 4chan

>> No.12673045,25 [INTERNAL] 

that's because everyone is banned over 1 or 2 posts they made in a shitpost thread for every 10 quality posts

>> No.12673045,26 [INTERNAL] 

or they became normies and left because they have bbq's and weddings to go to and some are at the height of their careers so they are working alot or having children or just on different boards or forums entirely? Or maybe people are just samefagging a lot less.

>> No.12673045,27 [INTERNAL] 

is this real??

>> No.12673045,28 [INTERNAL] 

For you.

>> No.12673045,29 [INTERNAL] 

What's this I hear about people under 18 being able to post on /b/?

>> No.12673045,30 [INTERNAL] 

Look up when m00t and WT were born.

>> No.12673045,31 [INTERNAL] 

Please explain.

>> No.12673045,32 [INTERNAL] 


can someone explain this pic to me? what is the person holding? i thought it was money but it doesn't look like money

>> No.12673045,33 [INTERNAL] 

Do you guys think this works on American women? Instead of saying pikachu, I just say McDonalds.

>> No.12673045,34 [INTERNAL] 

Good idea. And on the cute ones, saying "Starbucks, Starbucks" should work.

>> No.12673045,35 [INTERNAL] 

i'm a certified meme otaku and i believe this is that 'hot pockets' meme people have been talking about

>> No.12673045,36 [INTERNAL] 

but dats moot. hes da one guy on team4ch who doesnt do it >for free

>> No.12673045,37 [INTERNAL] 

>snorlaxu snorlaxu

LMAO Saten you fat sack of shit

>> No.12673045,38 [INTERNAL] 

delete warosu

>> No.12673045,39 [INTERNAL] 

most /jp/sies migrated to other sites because it filled up with insufferable retards such as yousrelf

>> No.12673045,40 [INTERNAL] 

and now, /jp/ is kill

intentional sage

>> No.12673045,41 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ was kill a long time ago

>> No.12673045,42 [INTERNAL] 

haha le epic kill maymay

>> No.12673045,43 [INTERNAL] 

>/jp/'s lifeblood was pissing off janjan in various ways. I guess you don't remember.
the lifeblood of the loudest retards in neo-/jp/, maybe

>> No.12673045,44 [INTERNAL] 

Is late 2010 / early 2011 neo-/jp/?

>> No.12673045,45 [INTERNAL] 

It's warosu's you retard

>> No.12673045,46 [INTERNAL] 

I really, really hate young people. Anyone under 50 should just fucking die.

Except fuckable little girls and teen girls.

>> No.12673045,47 [INTERNAL] 

early 2011 is around when it really starts

>> No.12673045,48 [INTERNAL] 

King of Pol was a faggot who lied about stuff and he's been kicked out.
Gawker has lost a few more advertisers over the past few days, like Dyson (the company that makes those cool air multiplier fans from that one Sion anime) and Schriever.
Weekends are always slow...

Wow! That's my post! What are the odds? Are you a fellow game dev otaku?

I thought it was supposed to be cash but like >>12673045,35 said it might actually be a Hotto Pocketto. The artist has done a bunch of portraits of people involved in #GG and they are pretty good!


>> No.12673045,49 [INTERNAL] 

Warosu is for intellectual discussions

>> No.12673045,50 [INTERNAL] 

You mean Kore wa Zombie Desu Ka?

>> No.12673045,51 [INTERNAL] 

How do you feel about losing your little war?

>> No.12673045,52 [INTERNAL] 

hoooooot pockets

>> No.12673045,53 [INTERNAL] 

>pretty good

i've got some news for you

>> No.12673045,54 [INTERNAL] 

>that first joke


>> No.12673045,55 [INTERNAL] 


There is no losing condition. And we're not going to achieve the winning condition (burn every game journalism site to the ground - although two are gone now). All we can do is create as much change as we can, and we've already done a lot!

There was only one site that docked points from Bayonetta 2 because of the "objectified" main character (and the author of that article is a hypocrite who jacks off to Suicide Girls). The game was a big success!

I think the SJW fad is dying. #GamerGate shows developers that there is a big divide between gamers and journalists and they shouldn't care what journos think. So I think video games are going to be safe.


>> No.12673045,56 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah I'm pretty sure the losing condition was the media attention labeling you retards as anti-women and all that. You guys lost a long time ago...

>> No.12673045,57 [INTERNAL] 

What's wrong with being anti-women?

>> No.12673045,58 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah the show's over, Kotaku said Kotaku isn't corrupt, we've lost.

>> No.12673045,59 [INTERNAL] 

The vast majority of society immediately opposing you, which is objectively a bad thing for a "movement" such as this.

>> No.12673045,60 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah I'm sure you'll stop being retarded eventually.

>> No.12673045,61 [INTERNAL] 

Bayonetta 2 isn't a big success.

>> No.12673045,62 [INTERNAL] 

I thought Milo's portrait was mootles, but then my I saw moot's portrait and my smile and optimism were gone.

>> No.12673045,63 [INTERNAL] 

All moot needs to do is get an emo haircut and he'd be swimming in even more pussy.

>> No.12673045,64 [INTERNAL] 

That's what you were saying three months ago, poopypants.

It sold really well, especially for a WiiU game.

>> No.12673045,65 [INTERNAL] 

I guess it sold ok for a dead console, but 200,000 copies is terrible. Shitty launch games sell more.

>> No.12673045,66 [INTERNAL] 

dat only works for teen girls lol

20+ year olds know better

>> No.12673045,67 [INTERNAL] 

So you're saying you don't think there's a chance that you'll ever stop being retarded?

>> No.12673045,68 [INTERNAL] 

It's about as good as it could have done on the WiiU. At it's only been out a week, we'll see those numbers grow.

Negro I've been trying to get anime allowed on /jp/ for 6 years, do you really think I'll be giving up #GamerGate any time soon?

>> No.12673045,69 [INTERNAL] 

Maybe if you're a poser and doing it for women that will never be attracted to you.

>> No.12673045,70 [INTERNAL] 

How is it that terrible? Plenty of games are successful with even under 100000.

>> No.12673045,71 [INTERNAL] 

you can't have been more than twelve six years ago

>> No.12673045,72 [INTERNAL] 

any teenbros here tonight wanna fug

>> No.12673045,73 [INTERNAL] 

Will you abuse my teen ass into submission like the daddy I never had?

>> No.12673045,74 [INTERNAL] 

im a bottom

>> No.12673045,75 [INTERNAL] 

Let me see your ass

>> No.12673045,76 [INTERNAL] 

*bends over*

>> No.12673045,77 [INTERNAL] 

How's your mom

>> No.12673045,78 [INTERNAL] 

I hope he and his compatriots cum inside as many Japanese bimbos as possible and breed the greasy japs out of that country. It's way too nice there for them.

>> No.12673045,79 [INTERNAL] 

What happens if you visit a country and get someone there pregnant?

>> No.12673045,80 [INTERNAL] 

White people in Asia act the same way niggers do in white countries. They know they have more testosterone than the native males and therefore are free to dominate and act like subhumans.

This truly reveals once and for all that East Asians are the master race and all inferior white, black, and other Asian races need to be exterminated for the greater good.

>> No.12673045,81 [INTERNAL] 


Difference is the Aryan male is not only stronger and more of a man than the jap twig-men, but also is smarter, unlike a nigger. They are better all around. Jap girls flock to aryan penises because it holds priceless genetically-superior semen for their babies.

>> No.12673045,82 [INTERNAL] 

> but also is smarter

Japanese, Koreans, and even the Chinese(Taiwan, Hong Kong) have a higher IQ than whites according to every estimate I've ever seen.

>> No.12673045,83 [INTERNAL] 

Too bad they can't really apply it

>> No.12673045,84 [INTERNAL] 


Wrong, jew infiltration of academia will of course bias iq tests in asia's favor since their ideologies (work 14 hr per day, suck your jew boss's dick and never talk back or you'll be executed on the spot) favor jew so much. In reality the jap is only a smidgeon above niggers intellectually.

>> No.12673045,85 [INTERNAL] 

There's no evidence that whites are more intelligent than Japs and Koreans.

>> No.12673045,86 [INTERNAL] 


Wrong, it's proven. whites are inventors of everything the world uses.

>> No.12673045,87 [INTERNAL] 

Look who invented the atomic bomb and who got bombed lol

>> No.12673045,88 [INTERNAL] 

IQ tests don't ask "do you suck your jew boss's dick" and besides, there are hardly any jews in japan just like there are hardly any non-japanese.

it's just a fact that japanese and koreans are more intelligent than whites

>> No.12673045,89 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah, but that was in the past. Nowadays whites are the less intelligent race.

>> No.12673045,90 [INTERNAL] 

The normie segment of 4chan is defending this shit hard.

I've told you guys for ages that this whole "PUA" shit is an obvious figleaf for quasi-normies, along with the shittier elements of /fit/.

I remember I told one of these wannabe normals that actual, normal people don't study books and attend "boot camps" on how to pick up girls, and he started sperging out and getting mad.

It'a almost like a religion.

>> No.12673045,91 [INTERNAL] 


jews decide what iq test results should be. if you ask a twig-armed jap what 5+5 is and he says 11, and you ask an aryan man what it is and he says 10, the jew will try to find some technicality to make the jap right because he wants that work mentality to seem smarter. 'oh he thought outside the box hehe. what a clever goyim. it's 11 if you add one, you see. +20 IQ points!'

>> No.12673045,92 [INTERNAL] 

I see you've never taken an IQ test before

>> No.12673045,93 [INTERNAL] 


i dont need jew approval to know i'm a genius

all you need to know to see i'm a genius is to look how hard i destroyed u in this argument

>> No.12673045,94 [INTERNAL] 

lol nice rationalization bro

>> No.12673045,95 [INTERNAL] 

It varies on /pol/.

You have threads where people deride him for being a white nigger, on the other hand people dicksuck him for "owning" feminists.

>> No.12673045,96 [INTERNAL] 

rapists and pedophiles own feminists everyday and i don't see /pol/ going to bat for them

>> No.12673045,97 [INTERNAL] 

please get this guy arrested for harassing my pure japanese maidens

>> No.12673045,98 [INTERNAL] 

i hope he gets deported

that would be a picture perfect ending to this story

>> No.12673045,99 [INTERNAL] 

That's true, the whole fixation on feminism is stupid.

Feminism is just one part of liberalism. Getting mad at feminism but being ok with other kinds of degeneracy is typical 4chan nerd behavior. Incapable of understanding things on a systematic level.

>> No.12673045,100 [INTERNAL] 

oh jesus christ shut the fuck up

you're one of the biggest degenerates there is

>> No.12673045,101 [INTERNAL] 

I want a jap gf, any tips?

>> No.12673045,102 [INTERNAL] 

This is a HORRIBLE thread.

>> No.12673045,103 [INTERNAL] 

yeah it's almost like every other thread ever

>> No.12673045,104 [INTERNAL] 

God damn this kid is retarded LMAO

>> No.12673045,105 [INTERNAL] 

here's how the system works: everyone who ever has or ever will post on /jp/ is an irrelevant shit-eating prole with no economic or social capital worth speaking of and therefore incapable of effecting any systemic change in anything whatsoever except possibly as an insignificant part of a horde of shit-eating pseudonymous internet activists

>> No.12673045,106 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12673045,107 [INTERNAL] 

Eat shit nigger.

Fuck Arc too, he was a nigger.

>> No.12673045,108 [INTERNAL] 

Same old athens

>> No.12673045,109 [INTERNAL] 

sorry i can't hear you over the irony of somebody with ten thousand posts in /jp/ complaining about degeneracy

>> No.12673045,110 [INTERNAL] 

I thought Arc was a femanon pretending to be a nignog.

>> No.12673045,111 [INTERNAL] 

I know as a cocksucker fag, the concept of degeneracy is foreign to you.

>> No.12673045,112 [INTERNAL] 

athens isn't even one of the gayslayers

he probably fantasizes about being manhandled by a strong aryan man who don't need no woman

>> No.12673045,113 [INTERNAL] 

feel when you don't have the fanart of athens as a girl any more

>> No.12673045,114 [INTERNAL] 

I do.
