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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11633050 No.11633050[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Otaku culture


>> No.11633055
File: 21 KB, 256x256, dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ dance party!

get in here /jp/!

>> No.11633056

Kill yourself.

>> No.11633057
File: 19 KB, 200x200, captain_jack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11633058

No what the heck are you doing you fool, don't post ugly pics on /jp/.

>> No.11633060

after you

>> No.11633061

Why do seemingly knowledgeable musicians and critics seem to love that song so much?

Nile Rodgers said it was one of his favorite songs of all time, and the NYT or something said it was like #37 in the 100 most influential songs of all time. What about it is so good?

>> No.11633062

I've been listing to
a lot lately.

>> No.11633063


Come back, 90s...

>> No.11633064

tuhmbs up if u were born in the 90s!

>> No.11633066

80s kid here (born in 89)

>> No.11633067

What I was expecting:

>> No.11633068
File: 35 KB, 622x537, thumbs_up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11633071
File: 45 KB, 500x374, ccs-opening-middle-finger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11633072

Something I hate about Daft Punk: they try to be counter-culture and 'partyboy friendly' simultaneously. They released Get Lucky, which is clearly a song about how fortunate it is to have casual and spontaneous sex with a girl at a party, and tried to say that it's "partly that, but also an abstract statement about how it's lucky not only to have sex with someone, but to meet them." It's shit. It's deception. I hate commercial pandering.

>> No.11633073

I like when Japanese and western artists collaborate on animation projects.

>> No.11633073,1 [INTERNAL] 

How is an otaku culture thread not otaku culture?

>> No.11633073,2 [INTERNAL] 

Seems like you get lost in layers of irony real easy

>> No.11633073,3 [INTERNAL] 

>Daft Punk
>otaku culture

>> No.11633073,4 [INTERNAL] 


I can do what I want, fuckboy. Who's gonna stop me?

Try posting your shit on /jp/ and just SEE what happens. You might be safe from me here but that's only until I convince the admin to give me all your IPs.

>> No.11633073,5 [INTERNAL] 

I wonder what it's like to make a huge single that tops the charts relatively early in your career and then never again creating a song that comes close to its popularity. I wonder if they grow to hate having to sing it over and over again. I wonder how it feels like trying to compete with yourself from 5-10 or more years ago and never coming close.

>> No.11633073,6 [INTERNAL] 

I love when my dick and your mom's holes collaborate on sex projects.

>> No.11633073,7 [INTERNAL] 

Commercial pandering is the best.


>> No.11633073,8 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11633073,9 [INTERNAL] 

It literally says otaku culture in the OP

>> No.11633073,10 [INTERNAL] 

I'm listening to Sunn O))) what about you, warosu?

>> No.11633073,11 [INTERNAL] 

I've read that a couple of 80s pop/rock bands grew up sad because they were one hit wonders.

Here's an otaku culture song where they tried to avoid this:
>The band knew they had a success with "Turning Japanese", so much so that they waited until their second single before releasing it, fearing that if they released it as their first they would become "one-hit wonders", but they never matched its success.

>> No.11633073,12 [INTERNAL] 

I'm listening to your mom's moans of pleasure.

>> No.11633073,13 [INTERNAL] 

i lost that bassalians comic years ago

do you happen to have it

it was my favorite thing to ironically post on /mu/

>> No.11633073,14 [INTERNAL] 

Was that the one where something merges? Or someone asks about the album or something?

I just remember learning about Sunn O))) through a comic that got spammed a lot.

>> No.11633073,15 [INTERNAL] 

it went like "played your gloom axe steven o'malley!" and "then steven o'malley played his gloom axe and defeated the bass aliens!" or something like that

it was really terrible and not funny at all and every time you posted it a load of people would tell you never to post something so shitty again

>> No.11633073,16 [INTERNAL] 

who /mu/ here?? XDDDDDDDDDDDD

>> No.11633073,17 [INTERNAL] 


This is /jp/'s ghost board

>> No.11633073,18 [INTERNAL] 

you laugh but /mu/ was one of the best boards ever

>> No.11633073,19 [INTERNAL] 

/mu/ is a perfect example of a board crushed by irony instead of embracing it like Warosu.

>> No.11633073,20 [INTERNAL] 

No. /mu/ was never good.

>> No.11633073,21 [INTERNAL] 

it didn't have to be good to be hilarious

>> No.11633073,22 [INTERNAL] 

You know, a lot of people like to call /mu/ bad but it probably has more on-topic legitimate contributions than any other "fast" board.. Searching their archive feels like trespassing into a diamond mine! (=ↀωↀ=)✧

>> No.11633073,23 [INTERNAL] 

before it turned into file sharing, rate my taste, viral marketing general it was pretty good and had a lot of diverse discussion

none of the archives go back that far

>> No.11633073,24 [INTERNAL] 


Looks gr8 m8.

>> No.11633073,25 [INTERNAL] 

Who let Trevor make an archive theme?

>> No.11633073,26 [INTERNAL] 

Share threads seem different from basic file sharing because people actually get feedback and recommendations. You seem to think they're a bad thing, I'm not sure why you would though.. (;*´Д`)ノ

Here's a search tip! (*´▽`*)


>> No.11633073,27 [INTERNAL] 

>You seem to think they're a bad thing
they killed the board by flooding it with retards from other boards and places who wanted to mindlessly consume

>> No.11633073,28 [INTERNAL] 

why are you roleplaying as the administrator of /ota/?

Please respond.

>> No.11633073,29 [INTERNAL] 

Globbing is for gays.

>> No.11633073,30 [INTERNAL] 

He's Trevor. His mom was drinking during pregnancy and he ended up being retarded.

>> No.11633073,31 [INTERNAL] 

this isnt the milk thread

>> No.11633073,32 [INTERNAL] 

They both have FAS.
