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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10950555 No.10950555[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

They're going to outlaw loli in Japan, what are you going to do about it nerd?

>> No.10950571

Draw my own loli here where it's legal.

>> No.10950580


>> No.10950584

Nothing because it means we won't have any of those disgusting pedophiles any more.

>> No.10950585

Where is still legal in these dark times of laws ?

Africa ?

>> No.10950610

I think that anon lives on the ISS.

>> No.10951013
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I hope they outlaw fat ugly balding/mushroom cut ntr men too.

>> No.10951032

Too bad Japan publishes false crime statistics, that would be interesting to watch.

>> No.10951036


>> No.10951067


>> No.10951077
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Nothing. I am in glorious America, where the loli roams free and easy and /jp/ is in America and, thus, let your loli flag shine!

I am indifferent to some 3rd world country's laws.

>> No.10951091

Where do you think all this loli comes from, numbnuts?

>> No.10951100

You haven't been following the recent cases that have established precedent against it under obscenity laws, then.
But, at least for now it's obviously not being actively pursued.

>> No.10951098

It truly is becoming illegal to be weird.


"But they're not real"


>> No.10951099

We will just start to do OC-loli!

>> No.10951103

This can't be real. Didn't they try and fail to do this in 2009?

>> No.10951104

They're trying again harder this time

>> No.10951167

I probably wouldn't care, because people will still make it, and it will still end up on /jp/ somehow.

>> No.10951222
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>> No.10951230
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Isn't prostitution banned in Japan?

Pic very related.

>> No.10951233

Yes but they get away with it by saying you're actually getting a special massage.


>> No.10951240

There's loopholes around it like >>10951233
and it's not really enforced anyway.

>> No.10951243
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>> No.10951247

Forced comfort woman were a bad thing, but what's wrong with voluntary prostitutes servicing US troops?

At the end of World War II, "geisha girls" slept with American soldiers and good times were had by all.

>> No.10951260
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>> No.10951267

I don't think I'll ever consume so much loli material that the already released material wouldn't be enough for me.

>> No.10951269

Maybe all the artists will move to America where we have FREEDOM.
I'd be ok with this. Maybe like Hawaii or something.

>> No.10951297

"General paresis, also known as general paralysis of the insane or paralytic dementia, is a neuropsychiatric disorder affecting the brain, caused by late-stage syphilis. GPI was originally considered a psychiatric disorder when it was first scientifically identified around the nineteenth century, as the patient usually presented with psychotic symptoms of sudden and often dramatic onset. It is rare in most developed countries."


>> No.10951308

That's against loli hentai. 2lewd4me

I like super kawaii loli and that will forever be free and legal.

>> No.10951507

no more loli daki
no more loli manga
no more loli onahole
no more loli figure
no more loli eroge

I will definitely, definitely kill myself if this happens.

>> No.10951792

Lolis make my dick rock hard.

>> No.10951833

Didn't they already do this?


Good riddance. I hate loli.

>> No.10951864


same here

oh god why? why?!

>> No.10951872

I hate you motherfucker

>> No.10951892

Does Penicillin really cure gonorrhea in 4 hours?

>> No.10951915

Just like all the other times they tried to do something about it I doubt anything will come of it.

>> No.10951923

You mean like the time they banned the production of photographic child porn?

Or the time they made it so little girls in cartoons can't show us the goods?

These things happened, Anon. They'll happen again.

>> No.10951936

he just gave it 18+ rating

>> No.10952126

Why can't they just leave us alone?

I fucking hate ishihara, i hope he gets assassinated by truLOLICON otaku. Oh man, that would be EPIC as FUCK.
But most loli ero stuff already has 18+ rating, look at doujin covers for example.

>> No.10952134

It's time to get a real loli.

>> No.10952141

They're trying this ever year

>> No.10952195

I wonder how much money does the loli market move.

>> No.10952218

This is the price to be paid for society's demonization of pedophilia.

Perhaps future civilizations will look back on the current situation as an example of how far the world has progressed.

>> No.10952245

So... What are you saying? Like progressed so that people got morals and wisdom instead of acting on their own animalistic desires?

>> No.10952255


the old reddit switcharoo haha

funny :D upswagged ur post

>> No.10952261
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i really wonder if they think taking away loli things will make us prefer shitty hags

>> No.10952264


hi pretentious XDDDDDD guy who thinks he's a actual genius

how's being mentally ill treating you

>> No.10952284

i don't think they care what you prefer, but once you're caught raping 3d loli you can be put away

>> No.10952287

What are you on about chums. This is nothing but basic human mindset.

>> No.10952299
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hey that's not fair

>> No.10952325

They should just ban 3d loli instead

>> No.10952327

>Or the time they made it so little girls in cartoons can't show us the goods?
If you're talking about the panty shot thing, that was just one station or so.

Otherwise I don't know what you mean. Ive seen more hentai with lolis in it in the last while than I ever have.

>> No.10952333
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Would you consider yourself a pedophile?

>> No.10952342

Have you ever noticed how shows like To Love Ru can show the young-looking space aliens topless but not the younger sister character in elementary school?

This is why, and it's recent.

>> No.10952345

Yesterday it was me, now it's this guy. You're pretty carefree with that post of yours.

>> No.10952355

What about Strike Witches?

>> No.10952350

lolicon means pedophile, so yes

>> No.10952351

I'm not too big on loli so no, not really.

>> No.10952353

Everyone on /jp/ would fuck a child if they didn't get arrested for it and nobody found out. The only thing is that some people won't admit to it.

>> No.10952362
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That's because admitting you want to fuck children can get you banned.

>> No.10952375


No because real people don't and never will appeal to me. My standards are too high.

>> No.10952377

Why you even care you fucked up people?

>> No.10952379

You don't have to be interested in real people to be a pedophile. See >>10952350

>> No.10952393
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Because little girls are really cute

>> No.10952400
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>> No.10952412

Only /a/ can't admit this.

>> No.10952427

That is just fucking google translator.

Now this. Is what you sick fucks should aspire to be. 小児性愛者

>> No.10952434


That's still irreverent to why they'd arrest me on possession of anime pictures alone. There is absolutely no link to viewing these and actually hurting real children.

>> No.10952435
File: 235 KB, 1916x1076, [Commie] Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's - The Movie 2nd [BD 1080p AAC] [D5AF9542].mkv_snapshot_00.38.42_[2013.05.27_16.26.05].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never have and never will watch To Love Ru so no.

>> No.10952438

Whatever happened to that guy who used to post CP?

I haven't seen him in a while..

>> No.10952440
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>> No.10952443

Panty shots are terrible. Only intentional lewdness can make me aroused.

>> No.10952446

Nobody implied anything of that sort.

>> No.10952449

shiver me timbers

>> No.10952471

If you miss him so much, go search on fuuka.warosu.org. That archive never deletes any posts on /jp/.

>> No.10952476

I'd fuck a 9 year old in the ass in a heartbeat if the law wasn't in the way.

I wonder how I'd react to her screaming. Would her helpless cries feed my arousal for her body, or would I feel a sense of self-abhorrence?

>> No.10952483

But breaking the law makes it more exciting, right?

>> No.10952487

Did anyone even mention arrests?

Though yes, it does happen. Here's an American man whose wife reported him for (just) cartoon child pornography:

>> No.10952499

>I'd rape people if rape was legal

>> No.10952500

the western mentality does.

>> No.10952512

The Japanese government can only ban the sale of it in stores. They can regulate neither the internet nor Comiket, they've already publicly announced they don't have the resources to censor the internet without gravely hurting freedom of information and they don't wanna be like China and censoring Comiket would likely lead to a riot as they start carting off otaku in pedophile paddywagons.

>> No.10952513


Of course. Most people would. You should stop pretending that this is some rare exception and not how the majority of people would behave. Including you.

If everyone would act like little angels without law, we wouldn't have laws.

>> No.10952514

No you don't get it, this guy is a huge deviant untamed by society's morals! Even though people might look down on the act, he'd go ahead and do it anyway!

>> No.10952516


Thoughtcrime is illegal in America.

>> No.10952517

I still don't understand why people seem to think making this a thoughtcrime is a good idea.

>> No.10952526


You need to stop ridiculing anyone who deviates from the status quo as 'edgy'. Not everyone is as dull as you. Sorry if it makes you regretful to see people who haven't yet lost their individuality.

>> No.10952544

I don't understand why pedos spend all their time whining instead of doing something. If you like little kids so much, go marry one. It's legal in America.

And stop using pure 2D lolis to shitpost about how much you want to fuck disgusting 3D trolls.

>> No.10952550

I didn't know that Arino became a major.

>> No.10952551


1) no it isn't

2) people cannot do anything but whine because most of the world's population isn't in control of what it's allowed to do

>> No.10952552

they're against child abuse and desperate to do something to make them feel like they're helping somehow - even though it doesn't actually help at all.

>> No.10952554

That isn't what I was getting at. It's more that he was preaching to the choir but felt the need to post about it anyway. Like going on a drugs forum and bragging about how you do drugs.

>> No.10952558


Yes, how dare he share his views with like-minded people, where he might be agreed with instead of ridiculed.

Do me a favor and don't post again.

>> No.10952562
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"Taylor, Quayle and Holland (2001) also argue that regardless of whether the children portrayed in objectionable images are physically abused during the creation of the images, victimisation occurs each time an image of a child is used for a sexual purpose (including sexual fantasy generation, arousal and masturbation). In effect, this activity encourages non-consensual use of individuals as sexual objects."
- "Internet Traders of Child Pornography and other Censorship Offenders in New Zealand" by Angela Carr (Dept. of Internal Affairs, Wellington, New Zealand, April 2004), citing "Typology of Paedophile Picture Collections" by Max Taylor, Ethel Quayle, and Gemma Holland in The Police Journal, vol. 74, no. 2 (2001), pages 97-107

"Child pornography, by itself, represents an act of sexual abuse or exploitation of a child and, by itself, does harm to that child."
- Kenneth V. Lanning in "Child Molesters: A Behavioral Analysis" (National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, 1992)

"Child pornography is not a computer crime. Every image depicts a child being abused. They are crime-scene photographs."
- Michelle Collins, the director of the Exploited Children Unit of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, as quoted in Edison/Metuchen Sentinel, The Examiner, and The Independent (New Jersey, August 30, 2006) in an article about a man who sexually assaulted boys and girls aged 2 to 8 and videotaped these acts plus placed hidden cameras in rooms where the children undressed

>> No.10952564

Oh boy it's this nerd again

>> No.10952567
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"It cannot be emphasised enough that behind every horrid piece of child pornography is a tragic case of an abused defenceless child, somewhere in the world."
- Chris Ellison, Australian Senator and Minister for Justice and Customs, as quoted in The Age (Melbourne, Australia, February 23, 2005)

"It's chilling to realize that every photo on every page of every child pornography magazine... is a permanent record of the works of a child molester."
- William V. Roth, U.S. Senator from Delaware and Chairman of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, in Spring 1985, as quoted in The Los Angeles Times (September 16, 1985)

"While little is known about the specific long-term effects of use in child pornography, the immediate trauma and effects of sexual abuse on children is well documented. Because child pornography is a clear record of child sex abuse, its victims would therefore experience the same emotional and physical consequences in addition to any harm resulting from the pornography. ... Child victims of pornography face the possibility of a lifetime of victimization because the pornography can be distributed indefinitely. Physical, psychological, and emotional effects of child sexual abuse are coupled with the possibility of the pornography resurfacing. Being photographed during sexual abuse intensifies the child's shame, humiliation, and powerlessness."
- "Child Pornography: The Criminal-Justice-System Response" by E. Klain, et al. (National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, 2001), http://www.missingkids.com/en_US/publications/NC81.pdf

>> No.10952570
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"It is possible that victims of child pornography suffer as severely if not more severely than other victims of sexual crimes. It is psychologically very devastating, because every time that image is looked at or shared that child is being victimized again and again. The Internet allows these pictures to be shared."
- Kelly Kennedy, a spokesman for the Wisconsin Attorney General's office, as quoted in The Fond Du Lac Reporter (September 7, 2005)

"It does not threaten the First Amendment for the Federal legislature to conclude, for example, that inducing children to engage in sexual activity can physically harm them, and consequently to prohibit the photographing of children who have been induced to do so, and to legislate against the publication and sale of magazines or films in which such photography appears. The publisher and the seller are principals in the abuse."
- "Taking on the Censors" by Robert Sabbag in Oui, January 1978

"The use of children in sexually explicit films is of course criminal exploitation of people who can't defend themselves, and it is cruelty to the children and an offense against the parental feelings of anybody with the slightest amount of sympathetic imagination. I think the makers of such pictures must be tracked down and imprisoned."
- "Dr. Ruth's Guide for Married Lovers" by Dr. Ruth Westheimer (Warner Books, 1986)

>> No.10952573

>whether the children portrayed in objectionable images are physically abused during the creation of the images, victimisation occurs each time an image of a child is used for a sexual purpose

So he's using pseudo-intellectual language to justify his views, which are literally "I don't like the idea of people masturbating to children even though it's completely harmless."


>> No.10952575

And images of other crimes are legal because...?

>> No.10952578

No man, children are being psychically molested.

Neuroscientists need to find a way to use this power for wireless internet or something.

>> No.10952582

Every time you look at a Holocaust picture, you are murdering 7,000,000 of my ancestors.

>> No.10952589
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but couldn't it turn otherwise good people into perverts?

>> No.10952598

Same reason why anyone is attracted to something.

>> No.10952593

I am more curious to know why some people turn or are born as pedophiles. What causes this? Genetics? Parenting? Bad experiences with adult women?

>> No.10952597


/jp/ makes a circlejerk.

>> No.10952599

Dude. You can look at other people's crimes as long as you don't sympathize with them. Are you really this retarded? Or are you just trying to troll on level two?

>> No.10952605


who's harmed by my sympathization

>> No.10952606

I really don't know what they expect to happen if they criminalize 2D CP. Do they think that if you make pedo fapping material illegal that they will just stop and be attracted to grown up women again? Why not rather figuring out the cause and a way to theraphy pedophiles?

>> No.10952610

Cops use that as an excuse to look at cp.

>> No.10952619
File: 346 KB, 1300x767, 30994415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't give a shit since I haven't liked loli since like 2008. Now I'm a B through DD guy ^__~

>> No.10952620

I liked 10-year-olds as a 10-year-old and I just never stopped.

>> No.10952622

it's obviously a stupid idea that wont have any consequence except creating a new batch of criminals

it's not going to protect any children at all, they're wasting time and other resources trying to make themselves feel like they're doing good when they're doing nothing.

that said, there's probably no real way to these horrible abusive crimes - some people are just fucked up and horrible things without empathy for others..

In a world like this people have to lie to themselves and invent scapegoats and so on so that they can sleep at night.

>> No.10952628

1) Yes it is. In this state, at least. (but then we're also not one of those MUST BE 18 2 FUCK states either.)

2) What is lobbying, what is activism, what is voting, what is public protests? If you need supporters, start with opposing the sex offender registry. They'll put anyone on there for anything and even normal people will support fighting against that. After that you can push for the age limit to be lowered to 14 or something federally.

Tiny groups of femnazis can get stuff changed. a large group of pedos can do something too.

>> No.10952629

> to put a stop to*

>> No.10952638



>"The proposal isn't really pertinent and for some people it will certainly increase the likelihood of going through with it (sexual abuse)," warned psychotherapist Jules Mulder of the De Waag clinic.

>Mulder, who specialises in treating paedophiles, noted that it would be very difficult to cover all "tastes".

>"Some want photos of naked children, others want children having sex while someone else wants an eight-year-old boy with dark hair and a certain look in his eyes," he said.

>"It's not possible to satisfy these different desires with a bit of virtual child pornography."

This sexpert says you can't be satiated with 2D loli porn alone, /jp/!

>> No.10952644


>What is lobbying, what is activism, what is voting, what is public protests?

nobody is interested in spending years of their time trying to convince narrow-minded people of something they should already know so they can have a chance at making right a small portion of an enormous and multifaceted problem

>> No.10952641


I theorise it is because of the "progressiveness" of society.

To have a hated group seems to be an inescapable human need.

Society isn't allowed to be overtly bigoted anymore, so there's been progress toward defining ``true evils'', which can be hated, without appearing bigoted. Pedophilia is a good foundation, as very few condone child abuse, but it has been corrupted. No longer is the issue that children may be damaged, it's that the people simply are pedophiles. The logic has gone, and now pedophiles are equatable to, say, ``witches'' of the past.

It isn't only pedophiles, either. Racism was defined as a true evil, but that too has been corrupted into nonsense like ``white privilege'' (original sin). There are many more examples.

Society doesn't really progress, it just moves the hate around.

>> No.10952642

>Some want photos of naked children, others want children having sex while someone else wants an eight-year-old boy with dark hair and a certain look in his eyes
>It's not possible to satisfy these different desires

Someone please email this man a *booru link.

>> No.10952654

Well. If you look at pictures of thousand of dead Jews while thinking: "Yup, they had it coming. This is justice. Long live the eternal leader of undying Reich." Then it's kinda the same deal as you stroke your dick to child pornography and sympathize with some narcissistic sociopath.

>> No.10952651


>> No.10952653


certainly it's more possible to satisfy it with infinitely-possible art than realistically-limited images

>> No.10952655


The child is not being harmed directly, but the trading of child porn encourages child molesters to take part. Not to mention that the child was never able to give their consent to having pictures of a fat guy anally raping them distributed for all to see. A child's right to privacy and a childhood overcomes your right to jizz to it. 2D is fine, a real human was never violated and had their rights breached, but the harm and encouragement to child molesters is well documented. Most child molesters trade images, and this trade encourages them to produce their own in order to trade for someone else's, encouraging more child molestation. I would hazard a guess that most people here are well aware of the internet and how child molestation rings work. As a paedophile myself, I can't understand why you would grab your 5 seconds of pleasure with disregard to welfare of those you love.

>> No.10952660


who's being harmed

easy question. who's being harmed

>> No.10952666


we know

great job bringing something irrelevant up

>> No.10952669


My point was completely relevant, its an argument for why child porn is harmful.

>> No.10952677

You're preaching to the choir.

>> No.10952688


you're confused and changing the subject but anyway this is fine, the new subject is also one where you're wrong

there is nothing harmful about having sex with children, excluding physically harmful things like vaginal/anal sex

here's a hypothetical. you tell me at what stage the child is harmed and why:

a child is giving an adult a handjob, of their own volition, to satisfy their own curiosity and to sate the adult's sexual desire

don't give me an emotional appeal like 'HOW can't you SEE that pedophilia is INTRINSICALLY WRONG???' because then i'll ignore you

>> No.10952689

They arent simply going to vanish you fucking idiot just like how racism and general bigotry will always be around no matter what.

Also pedophiles arent the problem. Those you like 2d loli dont cause trouble for others. It causes no physical harm to anyone by liking 2d loli and everyone knows it.

>> No.10952699
File: 37 KB, 615x409, C_71_Articles_227400_BodyWeb_Detail_0_Image-430857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People just like hating weird people.

I posted about this a week or two ago, and managed to find the person I was thinking of.

Someone in Yorkshire molested and murdered an 11-year-old girl, and all the locals blamed the man in this picture (Stefan Kiszko) because he was a weird recluse who lived with his mum. When the police questioned him, he accepted the blame because he thought they'd let him go home and see his mum again. Instead, they arrested him and he went to prison for 16 years. Then some DNA evidence revealed he wasn't responsible, so he was released. He died shortly afterwards.

>> No.10952710

>of their own volition
Why would they ever do that? Least of all a girl. There has to be some psychic manipulation involved for that to happen.

>> No.10952707

Oh boy.

Here we fucking go.

You are taking advantage of the child. It's rape.

>> No.10952715

the law is lazy and doesnt want to deal with each case and so they just throw everything under one rule. the public is not against that so it works

>> No.10952716

The trade of images is already illegal so there's no reason for more laws. Unless you want to use the slippery slope fallacy.

>> No.10952712

Jews or children?

>> No.10952713


>It causes no physical harm to anyone by liking 2d loli and everyone knows it.

They generally don't though.

Whether it's preemptive strike arguments (kill/imprison/heal the pedophiles before they commit a crime), or simply a ``immorality'' argument, they genuinely believe that simply leaving a pedophile is equatable to helping them molest a child.

>> No.10952720


>Why would they ever do that?

as i said: to satisfy their own curiosity. or maybe the child loves the adult and wants to cause them pleasure. who knows? what reasons do people give other people handjobs for?

answer my question. when and how is the child harmed in that process?

>> No.10952721

>but once you're caught raping 3d loli
That wont happen because most of us are only interested in 2d anyway. Why cant they figure this shit out that those who are interested in 2d dont care for shitty 3d?

>> No.10952726

I can finally kill myself. I know I won't miss anything anymore.

>> No.10952728


but it's like banning all sex because rape exists

surely you realize it's wrong

>> No.10952732

Are you really? I thought that the whole 3DPD thing was a joke.

>> No.10952734


I thought the argument was that a child couldn't really understand the implications of sex, and therefore they can't ``really'' consent.

Has it reached the point where we've started pretending all children are utterly asexual? What an utter delusion.

>> No.10952739

>to satisfy their own curiosity. or maybe the child loves the adult and wants to cause them pleasure.
No kid would every go up to an adult and start jacking him off to "satisfy their own curiosity". Complete bullshit. They wouldn't even know anything about their dicks being a means of pleasure until they hear it from other people (which certainly doesn't happen until they're at least 11 or 12).

And I'm not going to answer your question. I'm going to argue your shitty points because you brought them up.

>> No.10952746

[P]rostitution, adultery, necrophilia, bestiality, possession of child pornography, and even incest and pedophilia ... should be legal as long as no one is coerced. They are illegal only because of prejudice and narrowmindedness.
Some rules might be called for when these acts directly affect other people's interests. For incest, contraception could be mandatory to avoid risk of inbreeding. For prostitution, a license should be required to ensure prostitutes get regular medical check-ups, and they should have training and support in insisting on use of condoms. This will be an advance in public health, compared with the situation today.
For necrophilia, it might be necessary to ask the next of kin for permission if the decedent's will did not authorize it. Necrophilia would be my second choice for what should be done with my corpse, the first being scientific or medical use. Once my dead body is no longer of any use to me, it may as well be of some use to someone. Besides, I often enjoy rhinophytonecrophilia (nasal sex with dead plants).

I am skeptical of the claim that voluntarily pedophilia harms children. The arguments that it causes harm seem to be based on cases which aren't voluntary, which are then stretched by parents who are horrified by the idea that their little baby is maturing.

There is little evidence to justify the widespread assumption that willing participation in pedophilia hurts children.
Granted, children may not dare say no to an older relative, or may not realize they could say no; in that case, even if they do not overtly object, the relationship may still feel imposed to them. That's not willing participation, it's imposed participation, a different issue.

I've read that male dolphins try to have sex with humans, and female apes solicit sex from humans. What is wrong with giving them what they want, if that's what turns you on, or even just to gratify them?


>> No.10952748

What about nude child modelling?

That's what most "CP" seems to be whenever it's spammed.


I have no idea how authentic this is, but a lot of it makes sense.

Frankly I think there's no problem with photographing children nude as long as the kids are happy and their parents are happy. And I think this should apply to lewd as well as artistic photographs, as long as you don't physically harm or trick the child.

There are child nudists out there and plenty of family photographs of kids naked, or even famous ones. I'd be interested to know how Kim Phuc feels that everyone has seen her naked.

My point is, this would probably be enough for a lot of people, but all child porn laws seem to have that one clause like "obscene exhibition of the genitals" which is so vague I can only guess it's there for convenience when they want someone imprisoned.

>> No.10952749

Children have no will power so they'll turn into a sex addict if they are exposed to it.

>> No.10952751


I haven't masturbated to 3D in about 6 years.

It worried me at first, that 3D would never approach the perfection of 2D, but I came to terms with it.

Any sex I had with 3D would be rape against me, as I certainly wouldn't want it.

>> No.10952752

>No kid
Did you mean "no healthy, sane and well-treated kid"?

>> No.10952755

I collected these quotes like two years ago, posted them once, and people have been reposting them ever since.

I did it as a joke.

>> No.10952756

doesnt really matters if they ban it.
isnt 3d loli also illegal? Well i downloaded lots of japanese photobooks, over 2000 3d loli pics
also whats the deal witg candydoll? Sonya M a goddest.

>> No.10952759


I started masturbating at age 6, and I am sure I am not the only one.

>> No.10952764

>"Child pornography, by itself, represents an act of sexual abuse or exploitation of a child and, by itself, does harm to that child.
Haha oh wow no it docent. It is a drawing. It does not exist. Why is this such a hard concept for people to understand?

>> No.10952766

Could you cum?

>> No.10952770


>No kid would every go up to an adult and start jacking him off to "satisfy their own curiosity"

this is a hypothetical to make your own shaky argument sound better. no one said anything about a child 'going up' to an adult, randomly, and doing this.

btw, if you think that there's some magical rule that makes children not be curious about the function of penises and vaginas, i dunno what to tell you because you're obviously really really sheltered

>They wouldn't even know anything about their dicks being a means of pleasure until they hear it from other people (which certainly doesn't happen until they're at least 11 or 12).

pay attention to the hypothetical

not everything functions in the way it tends to function

>And I'm not going to answer your question. I'm going to argue your shitty points because you brought them up.

"i have no response to your argument so i'm ducking out now. let me hurl some acrid insults on my way out because losing makes me weawwy weawwy cranky :("

>> No.10952786

As opposed to what? And in case the kid is retarded or whatever then it can consent even less. You can manipulate a child into masturbating you but don't go thinking that it would ever do it out of its own volition and especially without you asking it to or hinting at the topic.

You started the hypothetical with your "curiosity" bullshit.

>no one said anything about a child 'going up' to an adult, randomly, and doing this.
Then you're just manipulating the kid.

>> No.10952775


I could orgasm, but no semen was produced until 12/13.

It was a hassle having to clean that up, when I'd previously had no such hassle.

>> No.10952776

I started masturbating at 14.

To a normal person, which one of us is more fucked up?

>> No.10952777


This pretty much sums up on just how fucking stupid these action to ban 2d loli are.

It is a drawing. It isnt real.

>> No.10952782

>btw, if you think that there's some magical rule that makes children not be curious about the function of penises and vaginas, i dunno what to tell you because you're obviously really really sheltered

They should discover their sexuality among each other and not with a perverted uncle who exploits it.

>> No.10952795

>They wouldn't even know anything about their dicks being a means of pleasure until they hear it from other people

Seriously what? Why would anyone think this? That is dumb and wrong.

>> No.10952790


What the majority believes isn't necessarily correct.

>> No.10952791


ugh jesus christ you're dense

i figured this stuff out on my own in like an evening of thinking and i didn't have someone on the internet explaining it all for me

how are you all so dumb

>> No.10952792

Child abuse is okay as long as it's between children?

>> No.10952797

>As opposed to what?
As opposed to a mistreated, ruined kid.

>> No.10952798

>They should discover their sexuality among each other

Even that's being made illegal. Kids are arrested not just for having sex, but for sending each other lewd photographs on their phones.

That's what they get for being child molesters and CP producers, I guess.

>> No.10952799

Do you honestly think an 8 year old girl knows that males get pleasure from stroking their dicks? Are you completely retarded?

>> No.10952801

the analogy you tried to draw is completely broken, please think more carefully!

>> No.10952806


let's not change the subject here

answer my question about the child giving a handjob. at exactly what point, and in what way, are they harmed?

>> No.10952808


Everyone in my school did.

One kid found out from their parents, or something, and it spread like wildfire.

>> No.10952810

Reading it again I didn't mean to write "their". I was talking about what I said in >>10952799

>> No.10952813


sure, you just have to tell her

wtf are you trying to say? telling children things they don't instinctually know is abuse?

>> No.10952825

Please do not misuse spoilers.

>> No.10952831

You were already answered. They would never do it out of their own volition and everything else is manipulating the child.

It's not abuse but it's manipulation if you then whip out your dick and preferably promise her something nice in return and she starts doing it then you think it's consented but in reality it's abuse.

>> No.10952843

Except you are talking about 3d here. Those who like 2d want nothing to do with 3d.

>> No.10952853

>I thought that the whole 3DPD thing was a joke.
Are you seriously this retarded?

>> No.10952854


>They would never do it out of their own volition

are you even reading what you're typing

jesus christ, how do i even explain this to you. no, random guy on internet, you do not speak for all children who ever have and ever will existed. you do not get to decide what they want to do for the sake of your retarded views based on what society has told you is acceptable

>> No.10952855


The average person would believe that is a delusion, or an excuse.

Note, that is not my view, but what you're up against.

>> No.10952868


>if you then whip out your dick and preferably promise her something nice in return and she starts doing it then you think it's consented but in reality it's abuse.

please stop introducing negative plugins into my hypothetical and ANSWER it, on its own

not with your own deluded shit attached

>> No.10952870

Actually it's you who (luckily) doesn't get to decide.
You're so enclosed in your retarded concept of consent that you really believe that manipulating a child into stroking your dick for your own pleasure is perfectly acceptable and not potentially mentally damaging for the child in any way.
I wouldn't be surprised if you got molested as a child yourself to come to such a conclusion.

>> No.10952877


>It's not abuse but it's manipulation if you then whip out your dick and preferably promise her something nice in return and she starts doing it then you think it's consented but in reality it's abuse.

So it should be illegal to offer to clean the house more often if your spouse has sex with you, right?

>> No.10952883

A spouse can actually consent you dumb fuck.

>> No.10952884


Where do you get the idea from that no child could possibly do it of their own volition?

>> No.10952886


you are batshit, holy hell

this is like trying to convince a creationist that god isn't real

>> No.10952894

>please stop introducing negative plugins into my hypothetical and ANSWER it, on its own
But you said yourself that she wouldn't do it herself so you obviously have to motivate her.

>> No.10952897


he won't answer this with anything coherent or relevant

don't bother trying


so can children. turning 14/16/18/whatever does not pass some magical one-size-fits-all barrier of intelligence (as if all people develop thinking skills at the same rate, rofl)

>> No.10952909




the sooner you kill yourself the better

>> No.10952901

I dont see how it is broken. People are accusing 2d loli pictures to actually cause harm to real children which in fact do not.

>> No.10952902

You think your daughter would some day walk up to you and out of the blue ask you to let her stroke your dick?

>> No.10952904


i never said this sorry

putting words in my mouth will not make your awful argument any less dumb

>> No.10952912

Then the other retard I'm arguing with did.

>> No.10952922


i think everyone here is tired of hearing you throw up this same non-argument

i'm just gonna ignore you nowe

>> No.10952923


I don't intend to have children.

That is not answering my questions, though.

That implies because not all daughters are attracted to their fathers, no child can possible be attracted to any adult.

>> No.10952924

>turning 14/16/18/whatever does not pass some magical one-size-fits-all barrier of intelligence
Okay so let's fuck toddlers because who gives a shit right. There's no barriers so whatever. We can just pretend he consented afterwards because who's going to prove you wrong?

>> No.10952927

you think that's 100% impossible?

>> No.10952932

There is no defense for pedophilia. Just to let you know we (the 4chan staff) love to report this kind of shit to the authorities. Fuck off and die pedo cunts :-)

>> No.10952932,1 [INTERNAL] 

Took you long enough, sonny.

>> No.10952932,2 [INTERNAL] 

I'm so tired of the tumblr/SRS/whatever crew opposing pedophilia on /jp/ with their terrible arguments. At this point there's so many of them that there's no hope in even publicly ridiculing them out of the board, either.

>> No.10952932,3 [INTERNAL] 

Your fault for getting yourself in a shitty thread.

>> No.10952932,4 [INTERNAL] 


If you ignore a problem it will just get bigger.

>> No.10952932,5 [INTERNAL] 

why is it wrong
>because its against the law
why is it against the law
>because its wrong

>> No.10952932,6 [INTERNAL] 

That is true, but as you mentioned, at this point it's impossible to make the problem go away. /jp/ has long since been overrun by twitter/tumblr/reddit/web2.0 at large.

>> No.10952932,7 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ cannot form an argument worth a shit. On either side.

>> No.10952932,8 [INTERNAL] 

Nice proposition, fagshit, but where's your evidence?

Unsound argument detected. What a fucking hypocrite.

>> No.10952932,9 [INTERNAL] 

Calm down, dude.

>> No.10952932,10 [INTERNAL] 

Everything seems to consistently go down hill. There is no freedom in the near future, probably much less in the far future. With time I become more and more convinced that nearly everyone on the planet is a self-righteous and delusional asshole except for me. I don't believe I'll ever get along with normals. It used to be that I only thought I couldn't, but I've recently become sure that I can't. It's impossible to be around such hateful, brainwashed, and egotistical people.

>> No.10952932,11 [INTERNAL] 

People actually do believe in 3DPD joke nowadays?



3D lolis are far greater than your 2D ``bullshite''

Enjoy your drawings, I'll enjoy a sweet real person

>> No.10952932,12 [INTERNAL] 

Enjoy your stay in prison, kiddie rapist.

*whips out handcuffs*

>> No.10952932,13 [INTERNAL] 

There's nothing wrong with pedophilia.

>> No.10952932,14 [INTERNAL] 

Did you want an ugly pedo penis in your ass when you were a little boy?

>> No.10952932,15 [INTERNAL] 

No, I wanted to fuck little girls because I was a pedo myself.

>> No.10952932,16 [INTERNAL] 

Absolutely nothing OP.
