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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9993734 No.9993734 [Reply] [Original]

Do you start to feel really frisky when you think about smelly NEET pussy?

>> No.9993735


>> No.9993758

wtf stub legs

>> No.9993764
File: 84 KB, 325x356, 1348465246686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smelly NEET pussy

Yes. I don't understand why the stinky scent of a cute girl's vagina/butt turns me on so much.

>> No.9993775
File: 31 KB, 948x213, all them replies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I crave the musk

>> No.9993804

lovin the puss

>> No.9993837

wow whoa that post was made on my birthday, e/b/in find

>> No.9993855

You shouldn't tell people your birthday hacker nazi pedophiles might use it to find you and then molest you my teacher said so

>> No.9993878
File: 590 KB, 1259x645, reaction images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

small time

>> No.9993912

That always makes me cringe. The guy made a perfectly good point.

>> No.9993935

No he didn't.

>> No.9993945

Yes he did. All of the people who replied to him practically proved it.

>> No.9993960


why so many replies? what were they saying?

>> No.9993966
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Images mostly

>> No.9993969
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They weren't saying anything, they were responding endlessly with reaction pictures, like underaged retards.

>> No.9993968
File: 63 KB, 1648x219, bad feels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasen't aiming at reply count but the post itself.

>> No.9994033
File: 106 KB, 780x581, 132590880468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I start to feel disgusted picturing the state of that filthy, unwashed vagina. Makes me shudder.

Take a fucking shower bitch

>> No.9994045

dat omorashii

>> No.9994049

does NEET imply unhygienic? I'm a NEET and it allows me to take a shower as often as I want.

>> No.9994052

Anzu shouldn't wash herself more than once a week. No girl should.

>> No.9994067

Not necessarily. But OP described the pussy in question as "smelly". Hence emanating a sour odour. Which does imply unhygienic.

But in any case, I don't think alot of NEETs shower daily.

>> No.9994073

There's no need to shower daily anyway if you aren't doing any physical activity, it would be only detrimental to your immunity and skin.

>> No.9994081

Taking a steamy hot bath is my favorite time of the day.

>> No.9994085

I guess it depends on who you ask, I know it's common to associate 'smell' or 'smells' as a negative thing. When I hear 'smelly' I just think 'something that has a smell' but that's just me

To an extent this is true.

I never want to leave the shower myself.

>> No.9994082

Yeah, it upsets the balance of natural oils and all that shit.

>> No.9994089

I like taking baths too. I never used to, but I find it very relaxing more enjoyable than a shower now.

>> No.9994093

NEETs are filthy as homeless people.

>> No.9994103

What if /jp/ all had NEET girlfriends and did nothing but stay inside and do lewd things all day?

>> No.9994107


Sounds like you have OCD.

Your hands or computer desk might be clean but your room is full of garbage or letting something else go to shit.

>> No.9994113

We'd get bored and annoyed of them soon because reality can't stand up to fantasy.

>> No.9994115

not as good as it sounds, trust me

>> No.9994125

Oh man, that would be the greatest thing ever huhuhu lewd as hell.

No queers, you will not prevent me, a straight man, from fantasizing about this.

>> No.9994126


Tell me more about relationships, permavirgin.

>> No.9994129

I disagree as I am a NEET and I am not as filthy as my sweaty nonneet friends.

>> No.9994132

My room is the most organized and clean in the house and out of all my other family members, I don't think I have OCD but I do like to remain clean and organized (it isn't required I just like to and can so I do). The only thing I can think that's messy is my email inbox and digital files.

>> No.9994142

What has been described isn't a relationship, but having sex with some bitch. You don't understand the distinction, which is why you don't understand my point.

>> No.9994147

lewd = hand holding
nobody is implying sex you pervert

>> No.9994151

The post says:

>What if /jp/ all had NEET girlfriends and did nothing but stay inside and do lewd things all day?

Key word here is girlfriend, you imbecile.

>> No.9994155 [SPOILER] 
File: 85 KB, 495x704, 132250051783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related its your mom

>> No.9994159


>> No.9994164

Maybe this is the right place to ask. Where in Tokyo can I get condoms for foreigners (aka bigger size). I don't want to go all the way to Shibuya to condomania, I live in Shinjuku

>> No.9994169

Buy them on the internet.

>> No.9994171

For what, virgin, you want to make balloon animals?

>> No.9994179

I would but I kind of have an appointment in 2 days so I'd like them sooner than that

>> No.9994181

A) Use a small one and hope it stays on until you can get some bigger ones.
B) Don't be such a pervert.

>> No.9994196

Hookers provide condoms.

>> No.9994202

I actually hooked up with a nice girl a few weeks ago and had sex with her last week. I'm meeting up with her again this week so I anticipate round 2

>> No.9994208

Have fun with the pig's STDs.

>> No.9994210

you can microwave small ones to make them bigger. Somehow. I saw it on youtube

>> No.9994219

A friend of mine has one for me as a last resort, but I'd rather have my own.

Going to the stores now to look for some

>> No.9994351

So, if there was anyone else looking for them.

They have them at Don Quijote (ドンキホーテ). Pick the ones with either the horse or the elephant on them, depending on your size.

Horse is 37mm in width, Elephant is 46mm
