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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 218 KB, 800x800, Buratei.Marii.full.1221217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9986252 No.9986252[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What up /jp/ , what otaku-shit are you niggaz up to on this fine saturday evening/sunday morning?

I'm drinking md 20/20 and will probably pretend to be a girl in some erotic RP. It's gonna be tight as HELL. My parents are gonna be pissed when they see that I got drunk again tonight.

>> No.9986261 [DELETED] 

I was thinking about breaking into the neighbor's house and raping their daughter. She's eight.

>> No.9986268
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my foot hurts and its preventing me from taking it easy

>> No.9986271
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>> No.9986274 [DELETED] 

You should cut it off.

>> No.9986276
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I'm sorry to hear that. I would share my alcohol with you if I could. It would make your foot feel better in exchange for mild nausea and morning-after regret.

>> No.9986282

Please don't joke about rape.

>> No.9986285

I won't have any access to alcohol for eight days, I am sad.
I won't be able to draw anything for /jp/ for eight whole days. Can't take ti easy right now.

I had to repair a wall I broke when I was drunk so I have no money, I might also buy Hyperdimension Neptunia next payday for something else to do.

>> No.9986286 [DELETED] 

Who's joking?

>> No.9986287

I wish I could buy alcohol.

>> No.9986291

That's not funny!

>> No.9986301 [DELETED] 

I wouldn't expect something that wasn't a joke to be funny.

>> No.9986305

He's just thinking about it. I'm sure he won't go through with it, even if she is sexy and adorable.

>> No.9986316
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I hate breaking stuff when I'm drunk.

I broke my mom's shelf and seashell ornaments in our bathroom when I was shadow boxing after taking a piss. It was an accident though, so mom didn't charge me.

I broke the shower curtain when I got bored and pulled on it while hammered. Mom said it was okay and didn't charge me, though.

I broke my keyboard in a fit of drunk rage a few months ago-that shit sucked. I think I broke something else, too.

I frequently piss all over my lawn when I'm drunk while my mom has her morning cigarette and I chat with her. Makes me feel like the proper white trash I am.

My mom is so nice to me. I'm such a shitty son.

>> No.9986313

How would you like it if someone came into your house? Don't joke about breaking and entering.

>> No.9986318 [DELETED] 

In her case, it will be entering and then breaking.

>> No.9986319


>> No.9986323

let me kiss it better

>> No.9986324

I can actually give you advice I picked up from my animu. First of all, to break in, tape up the window in an area and then elbow the middle of it. It doesn't even make a sound.

>> No.9986325

Read the e-mail field, please.

>> No.9986329 [DELETED] 

I did, but you made it so tempting I couldn't resist.

>> No.9986333
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B-but it's weird when you know they're from /jp/....

W-what kinda imaginary girl do you like?

>> No.9986342
File: 301 KB, 664x1000, 1348012762219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you are a good son and I love you like a brother.

I'm sure your mother would wish for nobody else as her son, don't forget to tell her you love her just as much.

Have a good day.

>> No.9986346
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Thanks anon, you're sweet.

>> No.9986368
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A ban request? Really? I'll make sure to include a picture of a Touhou next time I talk about rape.

>> No.9986369

My vision is blurry

>> No.9986389
File: 38 KB, 576x660, etnaisflat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boys, can we please just take it easy and enjoy ourselves? No need to get upset or hostile.

>> No.9986393
File: 418 KB, 800x800, 4997846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds trill op are you cute?

>> No.9986397

>A ban request
that's some bullshit, is the new janitor a girl?

>> No.9986400

You deserved it, dude.

>> No.9986402

You're only allowed to blog about socially acceptable things here in /jp/.

>> No.9986412

Janitors can't ban people. Must have been a wandering mod.

>> No.9986423

>In addition to new janitors, we've made two noteworthy changes to our moderation system. The first change is the introduction of a temporary posting block that is applied when a janitor submits a ban request.

>> No.9986415
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Are you?

>> No.9986416

>ban request

>> No.9986425

They can submit ban requests and block you from posting.

>> No.9986427
File: 147 KB, 500x500, janitor vs jp cl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Janitors can file ban request and that gives you a 15 minute block from posting

>> No.9986430

Oh, I thought that he ban stated "He asked for it" or something like that. I've been away from 4chan for too long.

>> No.9986431

It is less than 20 min before my dad reach to my place and pick me up for gym, thanks to certain helpful anon i am unable to prevent this crisis to happen. I try suicide but.....using knife to cut ymyself hurt a lot so i stop that, i dont have sleeping pills to go overdose it and rest in peace. What should i do /jp/???

>> No.9986434

Get a blog.

>> No.9986444

Why are people saying you're a whore? Please tell me it is not true.

>> No.9986447

Those new janitors are bullies.

>> No.9986448
File: 241 KB, 800x600, 23572357_p4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah man someones got to wear the pants otherwise it would be gay

>> No.9986454

I love reading erotic stories from the female point of view.

>> No.9986459
File: 505 KB, 1200x1600, etnasmiles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh, sorry. I only let cuties fuck me.
