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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9976311 No.9976311 [Reply] [Original]

Nobody will believe you.

>> No.9976319

believe this

*whips out dick*

>> No.9976340

I don't even know what you're on about now Lain.

No one on Earth understood your show, because it was made to make absolutely no sense, yet people pretend to understand it anyway. Then they are defense is that "Just because you didn't understand it, doesn't mean I didn't". But that's bullshit and let me tell you why:

1; Lain is nonsense.

2; Lain is a moe remake of ghost in the shell disguised with 12 layers of DEEP. (pseudo-DEEP)

3; Lain is silly.

>> No.9976341

I like Lain

>> No.9976562

But I liked it.

>> No.9976573

Dude if you didn't understand it it's your problem because I did lel

>> No.9976574

Did you watch it on acid?

>> No.9976578

I was actually pretty easy to understand

>> No.9976580

Well... I agree with almost anything that you said. Lain is full of crap that is just there to make you think there's a serious plot behind it.

And yet... I liked it...

>> No.9976582

So you don't seem to understand?

A shame, you seemed like an honest man.

>> No.9976583

Ghost In The Shell is a shit

>> No.9976585

It makes a lot more sense if you have a basic working knowledge of networking.

Knowing about the history of the industry makes it amazing.

>> No.9976588

how the fuck are you not able to understand Lain

>> No.9976606
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Anyone else?

>> No.9976647

Lain is a para-schizo, I don't see what's so hard to understand.

>> No.9976654

Lain a shame

>> No.9976666
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>It makes a lot more sense if you have a basic working knowledge of networking.

I'm Cisco certified.

Shit was MADE to make absolutely no sense. Even the people disagreeing with me can't come to one conclusion about what it's about.

>> No.9976686


>> No.9976708

I like SE Lain

It's one of those animes that will always stick with me.

Might consider getting it on physical media sometime.

>> No.9976714

I like myself for not liking Lain. Heh, all those who do like it seem to me like idiots. Pretty much the same reason for why I didn't watch K-on.

>> No.9976719

Lain was made in 1998, almost 15 years ago.

Do you feel old /jp/? I do.

>> No.9976734

but k-on is really shit

>> No.9976752


>> No.9976757

I always viewed LAIN as being a show where all you are (the viewer) is an observer. You're not explained anything because you don't really exist. All you do is sit back, and watch shit unfold.

I thought it was pretty cool how they envision the future of the world's connectivity. There's a website out there that interprets many of the symbols/references found throughout the show, but I don't remember what the url was. Quick search should yield it. Green text colour on it.

>> No.9976760

Now it's time for you to watch Boogiepop Phantom.

>> No.9976772

>There's a website out there that interprets many of the symbols/references
I fucking despise that kind of sites. They are just douchebags who think they can explain everything with their crackpot theories.

>> No.9976778

I've watched it like one month ago.
That was... meh...
But ending theme is fucking great.

>> No.9976791
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>> No.9976793
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I think for a few things those sites have a certain benefit.

Some authors of content mean to convey something specific in their work that may not always be apparent to someone who is not an avid follower of the subject.

Something like this site becomes a looking glass into something you're unfamiliar with.

Here's some LAIN cosplay I saved just because I've never seen any before.

>> No.9976801

Lain was so bad that rather than drop it around episode 5, knowing that if I dropped it I would eventually come back to it for another round of pain, I watched it to completion with the video playing at about 30% faster than normal to minimize the amount of my life I wasted on that shit.

>> No.9976799

I'm jealous

>> No.9976807

I actually did the exact same thing my first time watching. Watched it a second time about a year ago and it's one of my favourite shows now. You should give it another chance later on in your lame life.

>> No.9976810

>Nobody will believe you.
Then at least someone is going to believe me.

>> No.9976812


>> No.9976821


Deja Vu.

I know I've seen >>9976807 post that same exact thing before in response to basically the same comment.

>> No.9976822

99% of the time an anime shows references to a certain obscure subject is just for flavor and nothing else.

Those people who are "expert" on the subject and believes that they are the ultimate authority to interpret the related anime are just cancer.

See Evangelion and the cabal

>> No.9976825

every time

>> No.9976827

The "web" in the show felt closer to Neuromancer than GitS did.

There, I said it.

>> No.9976831

>all those who like it seem to me like idiots
Are you implying LAIN is on the level of K-on you retarded piece of shit?

>> No.9976833

That was probably my original comment 4 years ago before I re-watched it

Nice to see you again

>> No.9976834

That's true most of the time, and there's a lot of people out there who always ask for explainations.
They take Ikuhara shows as face value and find them absurd, they think that Evangelion is about christianity and that Lain is an alien...

These sites are the only way for genuinely stupid people to enjoy those shows. They expect something very "deep" because it makes them looks less dumb for not "getting it".

>> No.9976836

No, no, no Japanese don't read books it was obviously a rip-off of GitS.

>> No.9976840

>they think evangelion is about christianity
Is anyone acutally this fucking stupid?

>> No.9976841

This nigga gets it.

>> No.9976844

Well, yes.

>> No.9976846

So if I read all of these and then study up with books I'll understand?

>> No.9976847



Were can I find a good iso of this?

I'm installing it.

>> No.9976853

Well, and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schizophrenia

>> No.9976875


>> No.9976874

The project has undergone a name change and a new direction. Here's a link for info


>> No.9976879

I don't think she's schizophrenic. It seems like she just has HPPD.

>> No.9976887

I've talk to someone who thought that Mima was raped for real in Perfect Blue.

Never underestimate the stupidity of the average anime watcher.

>> No.9976886

I've heard all kind of fucked up theories back at the time.

There were some douches that would watch Evangelion with "cabal for dummies" in hand and find all sort of symbolism in every single scene.

Everything had to have some kind of cabalist meaning to it just because they put in a damn sephirothic tree of life as an interior decoration for Gendo's office.

>> No.9976894

Let's not forget that guy that made a 9 hour youtube video to explain Umineko.

>> No.9976896

She didn't do any drugs, though. And her sister was fucked up, too. Schizophrenia is hereditary, and her really distant parents she came to become highly paranoid and distrusting of indicate schizophrenia.

Delusions of grandeur, emotional isolation, etc.

>> No.9976919


I really wish I was using the internet and into computers in 90's-early 00's.

>> No.9976942

you aren't serious, it makes even less sense

>> No.9976945

>I personally can't wait for corporate takeover to blast off.
>I wanna see STARBUCKS everywhere I look.
>I want a barcode on my can of beans.
Looks like ol' Sephi-Sama finally got his wish

>> No.9976965

But her parents weren't real...

>> No.9976969

The grass wasn't greener. Nerd shit is still around even if lazy mega hipsters don't know who would spoonfeed it to them.

>> No.9976990

What are you talking about, everything in Lain did happen.
No delusions, no drugs, no imaginary parents.
It was all real.


>> No.9976991

People want to browse in the 90's for the experience itself, not because we don't have enough nerdy things in the present.
Why are you so aggressive?

>> No.9976996

Shut it, nerd

>> No.9977002

That's part of the delusion of her dissociation. It's my interpretation that she probably underwent some serious abuse, which, alongside her natural schizophrenic tendencies, would seem to naturally lead to her episode where she ``discovers'' that she's not even human.

>> No.9976999
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>> No.9977006 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.9977018

So what OS WAS she using? I can find a copy of mac os 8, although whether or not there's a difference between that and copland, or if copland was just it's nickname, isn't really clear.

I found a dead torrent of a bblean skin, which I really want, but that's whatever.


Uchuujin urasai.

>> No.9977031

"The 90's experience"? Thou hast to be shitting me!

>> No.9977059

>Even the people disagreeing with me can't come to one conclusion about what it's about.
because they are dumb. It's about a virtual reality integrating so tightly and seamlessly into the actual reality that we can no longer distinguish between what's virtual and what's real, thus the virtual becomes real. Geez.

>> No.9977069
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>> No.9977084

Lain has quite the werewolf hands in this picture.

>> No.9977098 [DELETED] 
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I liked Lain for the OP, because it wasn't generic nip gibberish. The same with Cowboy Bebop and GITS:SAC and Ergo Proxy and countless other 90's and early 00's anime. The last time an anime had a nip OP/ED that didn't sound like shit was Gundam 00 S1.

What happened to all the good western-influenced anime?

>> No.9977111


Nevermind, found a link for a copy of copland OS. Can't wait to install, who else wants to try it?


>> No.9977116

Mac OS 8 is the stable release of the shitstain that was copland. Copland was called System 8 for a time when they thought they could still release it in 96, then the release date got pushed back because it was so unstable and shitty.

>Eventually, many features developed for Copland, including the new Finder and support for themes (the default Platinum was the only theme included) were rolled into Mac OS 7.7, which was rebranded as Mac OS 8.

>A number of features originally seen in Copland demos, including its advanced Find command, built-in Internet browser, and support for video-conferencing, have reappeared in recent releases of Mac OS X as Spotlight, Safari, and iChat AV, respectively, although the implementation and user interface for each feature is completely different.

>> No.9977117

I will never understand this scifi hax masturbation bullshite just like I will never understand people who watch sports. You could be doing some heavy-ass spooky skeleton wizardy right now yourself, anon.

>> No.9977124

>"There was a hands-on demo of the current state of OS 8. There were tantalizing glimpses of the goodies to come, but the overall experience was awful. It does not yet support text editing, so you couldn’t actually do anything except open and view documents (any dialog field that needed something typed into it was blank and dead). Also, it was incredibly fragile and crashed repeatedly, often corrupting system files on the disk in the process. The demo staff reformatted and rebuilt the hard disks at regular intervals. It was incredible that they even let us see the beast."[25]

I-I don't know...

>> No.9977137

Because CS is actually pretty boring, dude.

Unless I'm programming in a LISP dialect, then I feel like a fucking wizard yo

>> No.9977139
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I don't understand how that was the mascot OS for Lain. She has all this crazy hardware and shit, acting like she's l337 hacker, yet:

>does not support text editing

What? Lawdy, still gonna install it.

>> No.9977142

It's not, nerd.

>> No.9977149
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Only a nerd could find CS fun.

Have fun typing abstrac bullshité into your editor.

>> No.9977151


>> No.9977153

i want NAVI in my pc.

>> No.9977157

And I want a meaningful love relationship, but somethings are not going to happen and we have to deal with this fact.

>> No.9977158



>> No.9977164

>The NAVIs are seen to run "Copland OS Enterprise" (this reference to Copland was an initiative of Konaka, a declared Apple fan),[5]
Including Copland was just Konaka's idea as another shoutout to apple.

There's also
>Other subtle allusions can be found: "Close the world, Open the nExt" is the slogan for the Serial Experiments Lain video game. NeXT was the company that produced NeXTSTEP, which later evolved into Mac OS X after Apple bought NeXT. Another example is "To Be Continued." at the end of episodes 1–12, with a blue "B" and a red "e" on "Be": this "Be" is the original logo of Be Inc., NeXT's main competitor in its time.[34]

So, Copland, NeXT, and BeOS, I think are the main things her OS is themed around. Copland more as an apple fandom thing, probably.


>> No.9977204

Give Google 10 years.

>> No.9977248

Give an update on how much it sucks whenever you're done screwing with it.

>> No.9977306


I might not get to it for a bit, I'll just shit up /jp/ with a new thread about it when I do.

>> No.9977729


what the fuck

>> No.9979360

ie. You're never going to get to it.
