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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9972552 No.9972552 [Reply] [Original]

Halloween is over, /jp/. You know what that means, right? It's time to start counting down to Christmas!
What's Santa getting you this year?

>> No.9972558

LEGO Gensokyo

>> No.9972556


>> No.9972562

I hate Christmas. It's the one time of year I have to spend time with my family. I think I'll overdose or something the night before, so I'm suitably ill to not do anything.

>> No.9972569

I have a fuckton of LEGO and I'm considering doing this. Not a whole Gensokyo (like that Minecraft world), because my room isn't big enough for that, but maybe some of the landmarks (Hakurei Shrine, Scarlet Devil Mansion, etc.).

>> No.9972575

I don't want to. I don't like Christmas. I have to feel bad again for recieving gifts while I don't give any.

>> No.9972576

Halloween hasn't even started. It's Monday.

>> No.9972864

I'm getting a 3DS XL.

>> No.9972874

No one cares, faggot.

>> No.9972880

I care.

>> No.9972886

I-Is this what they call "Holiday Otaku"??

>> No.9972889

Why does everyone always forget about Thanksgiving?

>> No.9972901
File: 156 KB, 500x500, bakabkabkabak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cause no one GIVES you anything on thanksgiving it's BORING and LAME. Only old people like it because they can stuff their fat smelly asses with turkey and then fart all over each other., you get presents from Santa on Christmas, which makes it awesome! Plus you eat food on christmas too, so it makes Thanksgiving like nothing!

>> No.9972906

Same sentiments here. I wish /jp/ was my family.

>> No.9972907

Not everyone lives in America.

>> No.9972917

I am very excited to give my love his present! I hope he likes it.

>> No.9972920
File: 191 KB, 768x480, akarin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well then get the fuck off of this AMERICAN website then, nigger. Do you think the servers are in Poland or something, you shitty cunt?

>> No.9972929

I don't care what I get. I have a pretty good idea of what I'm going to get some of my family though. Thinking about actually doing something that will make them happy for a change brightens my day. I'd better be sure to save my money properly.

>> No.9972927

Be nice to our friends in Poland, you big jerk.

>> No.9972928

No bullying

>> No.9972934

Also, why the fuck would anyone on /jp/ care about Thanksgiving? Do you actually like unnecessary familial visits or what?

>> No.9972961

A meal in the mess hall, and a nice long march in the snow with smokey bear

>> No.9972989


>> No.9973011

This isn't the kind of amusing racist video I was expecting.

>> No.9973035

Not everyone is a bitter asshole who hates people to make himself feel better.

>> No.9973068

I imported one a week with money out of my savings account because my birthday is in a few days, so I just plan to replace my savings money with money I get from my parents for my birthday.

However I didn't tell them and the way they are acting I feel like they may have expected me to put this money towards a car with my birthday money, so I am getting very nervous and scared because it would be no easy task to return it

>> No.9973213

Hopefully some extra money to cover the cost of hurricane damages. But it's probably going to be nothing, like usual.

>> No.9973232
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> it's probably going to be nothing, like usual.
Why? Have you been bad?

>> No.9973240

a hooker

>> No.9973245

I live alone, several thousands of miles away from family. Maybe I'll just buy myself a Yukari figure and some CDs, but that's money.

>> No.9973295

probably nothing...

I feel put on the spot opening presents and haven't asked for anything in many years.

I usually get money because people have some stigma about not giving a gift (I have never given one in my life). Money sits in a bank account for the past 16 years getting raped by inflation because I have nothing I really want that I don't have:

good computer and 3 monitors
comfy chair, food and drugs.
taking it easy

Sex bot would be nice...but they aren't out yet.

>> No.9973330

Everyone in my family has their own kids, so they're usually the only ones to get anything. My uncle sometimes gives me money though which is nice. My mom said she could buy me a 3DS or figures if I'd like, but I feel bad about saying yes.

>> No.9973490
File: 231 KB, 658x800, satanishere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satan will bring the gift of eternal torment.

>> No.9973525

Christmas is less fun every year and I want less every year too so I'll be happy enough if I get nothing. Wouldn't mind getting some money though.

>> No.9973566
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About four years ago I tried making as many Touhou minifigs as possible.

>> No.9973590 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9977841

Please don't do drugs.
