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9970938 No.9970938 [Reply] [Original]

The town library finally has power again. Given no one is actually living here, it's much more comfortable than the community center. Still entirely too many people, but at least they're quiet, for the most part.

I think I'll order a pizza tonight.

>> No.9970959
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Isn't pizza too expensive? Why don't you buy a cheap bag of rice and cook some using a Swedish torch stove under a bridge or in a culvert?


>> No.9970963

Epic blogpost dude, you should post it on /r9k/ too I bet they will love it.
Oh but what if someone from /r9k/ also browses /jp/?
After all they share alot of members.....
I know!
You should delete this thread.
After all it would make your friends at /r9k/ feel really bad if they would see that you already made the exact same thread here

>> No.9970965

Why are you being a bully towards someone who clearly is in a more difficult situation than you?

>> No.9970971


>> No.9970979

I'm not bullying anyone, I'm just trying to give OP advice on how to post

>> No.9970980

I wish I lived in America. All your experiences from this storm seem so exciting. Is it fun? Have you made some good friends?

>> No.9971017

That's not bullying.
He's advising him proper posting etiquette.

>> No.9971033


HELL yeah I made some friends. We went out and got ourselves new computers and shit. Shot some pigs in the process too. xD

>> No.9971047

Want to come stay with me?

>> No.9971055

Can a filthy hobo like you even afford a pizza?

>> No.9971325

Do they bring pizza to libraries and are you even allowed to eat pizza there?

>> No.9971328

I would also like to know the answer to this question.

I loved my local library as a kid, but now it's all run down and has been set to be demolished for four years. Plus every time I go in, it's full of kids and their parents shield them whenever I walk by.

>> No.9971349


I visited my childhood library a few years ago and all the kids played runescape. The same librarian worked there too. The library where I live now suck major balls. I can't even browse the manga section in peace without people staring at me because it's located right next to the help desk. My old library had a big section for manga and hobby stuff in the far back corner on both floors and was always empty. And when I bypass the timer so I can use the computer for unlimited amount of time, the people get all up in my face. My old library didn't give a shit mostly because it was a very low populated area and not a lot of people lived there.

>> No.9971462
File: 123 KB, 679x827, 8eadecc451f784b01ed97f8085f2028c84ec4d11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was an assistant in a library for some school thing years past, and it was kakkoii as shit.

I sorted books, sat in reception and went down into the endless underground vaults of ancient books and smashed furniture. I also helped the blind guy who taped every single state documentary that was ever broadcasted. That was his job, every day, and we sat there in the room with walls upon walls of VHS tapes and had coffee and spongecake.


>> No.9971485

This university library is very nice. They have a big section of Asian books, they have pretty bindings and stuff.

>> No.9971511

I used to go to the university library, but I don't anymore. It's much more comfy to just study in bed with my laptop.

>> No.9971515

Working in a library sounds very relaxing and laid back.

>> No.9971540

The only library I've been in was of my high school before I dropped out. It was small with a small collection of books, although it was the largest high school in my country. It was also very modern looking and airy. You could definitely not hide behind the bookshelves like in my american movies. It was more of a social place where students go to work in groups. There were lots of rooms and tables for this purpose. It wasn't very quiet there either.

>> No.9971561


>dropping out of high school

How terribly... normal.

>> No.9971569

>How terribly... normal.
Yeah, the dropout rate is 1/3. That's pretty normal right?

>> No.9971667

I jerked off in the library to furry porn when I was 14.
