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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 87 KB, 320x460, naisho_no_naisho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9969790 No.9969790[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>I’m not a lolicon, but the OP has got to be one of the cutest and most catchy ones I’ve heard. It reminds me of SCORE’s Crayon Tulip, which is also a similar type of game. The game uses a ‘Twins Meter’ system that determines if you follow Hazuki, Ren or the harem route. There’s also a black tooth at the bottom of the meter, which I assume is the purity gauge. I’m not a lolicon, but Fukumimi’s drawings are perfect for this game. C’mon everyone, let’s nai nai♪

>You ARE a lolicon. Now that is out of the way, this game is as disturbing as crayon tulip and kud wafter. Seriously this is blatant pedophilia, and no amount of excuses about them being cute and you wanting it to be platonic would be enough to get anyone off the hook from playing this game. It is one thing if I dunno the protagonist was taking care of a sibling or working somewhere that involved kids with absolutely no inkling of sexual attraction to them. Games like these however hint at a disturbing acceptance of scarily low age limits.

>I’m not a lolicon, I’m a siscon! (I do agree that these girls look dangerously young.)

>You ARE a lolicon, you reject sisters that are well proportioned no matter how much they fall into your sister zone in favor of only those who are flat and small. These are so young that they would still be dangerously young in ten years.

>Played the trial. I feel so guilty.

>> No.9969799

I downloaded Wanko to Kurasō and very nearly lost my penis to masturbation-related injuries. What does that make me?

>> No.9969803

The only eroge I have ever fapped to was Bishoujo Mangekyou. What does that make me?

>> No.9969805

A furry?

>> No.9969814

I'm okay with that. I used to feel guilty enjoying Kodomo no Jikan, too. Now, I have no shame left.

>> No.9969853


>> No.9969930

thanks for the updates bro

>> No.9969953


>> No.9969959

>dangerously young in ten years
I do not follow.

>> No.9970015

In ten years, they'd be 15 or 16 and still dangerously young.

>> No.9970016

They do kinda look 5, and 15 is still a middle school girl. You saying you hate middle school girls?

>> No.9970017

I disagree.

>> No.9970037


>> No.9970066
File: 9 KB, 315x268, chris-hansen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see. Why don't you have a seat over there, sir?

>> No.9970105


Pretty cute, dude.

>> No.9970195

I can't even understand what OP is trying to say under that quiver of meme arrows.

>> No.9970215

I think he's quoting someone.

>> No.9970222

But who?

>> No.9970231


I want to fuck then so badly

>> No.9970231,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why are normals always so fucking condescending? So many of them seem to believe that they have the duty to try and guilt-trip anyone who likes things that they view as morally wrong. It makes me so angry.

>> No.9970372

can't get ITH to work correctly with this... oh well i'll just fap to the CG's

>> No.9970593


>> No.9970647

How do i start this? It just says the game is "japan only".

>> No.9970651

And i'm running it in japanese AppLocale.

>> No.9970658

2 green4 me dident read

>> No.9970676

Nevermind, solved it.
Use this to run SiglusEngine.exe

>> No.9970707


Why do you keep talking about playing this game when it haven't been released yet?

>> No.9970775

Isn't there a trial?

>> No.9970819

There is. I would know, I just came playing it.

>> No.9970853


any link for the demo? I tried to download it from their web but it gives me problems

>> No.9970855

That game sucked ass, I don't know how you guys can masturbate to such vanilla stuff.

>> No.9970942


Yeah, real men masturbate to Hizashi no Naka no Real.

In before reinstalling.

>> No.9970956

their website's not working for me either.
Is there another link?

>> No.9970967
File: 16 KB, 961x563, god dammit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9970998

Is he quoting that website with the two retards "reviewing" games?

>> No.9971037

The law doesn't.

>> No.9971182

I don't care if I don't understand a word of it. This game sounds super interesting.

>> No.9971343


>> No.9971390

It is very bad to fuck girls at this age. Studies have shown that earlier the girl loses her virginity, earlier she becomes a slut aka she can't maintain a stable relationship. If you really care about your loli, you should tenderly love her and wait until she is mature enough to participate in the act of making love.

>> No.9971402
File: 86 KB, 428x500, 1349476149662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9971421

B-but Jew-sama..!

>> No.9971422


You have taken me to the right path again anon-kun. How could I had such thoughts!? I must take my penalty from god.

>> No.9973519

very ture

>> No.9975499

I've tried both methods and I'm still getting the Japan only message.

>> No.9975563

The obvious solution to this is to hold her captive in a place where she will not be exposed to the undesirable elements of the world, and can be only yours forever.

>> No.9975584
File: 797 KB, 844x683, fe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this guy ever stop bragging?

>> No.9975588

He's not bragging or anything.

>> No.9975596
File: 34 KB, 278x278, plsrespond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9975756
File: 36 KB, 278x278, 10_out_of_10_K-On!_Movie_Desktop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9975762

Lolicon is not real pedo at least.

>> No.9976045

Nope. He's Kenichi-level in that regard, except the shit he goes on about is nothing at all special.

>> No.9976066

fucking quasipedos taking away all the glory.

>> No.9976076

Sure it is. The definition of lolicon mentions nothing of dimensions.

>> No.9976433

I'm a pedophile, yet I prefer 2D lolis over 3D lolis.

That's why lolicon should be legal.

>> No.9977439

Can anyone make a patch to remove the region lock? Even with JP locale it still doesnt' work.

>> No.9977452

when does it come out?

>> No.9978609

Really anon? Go figre yourself you lazy piece of shit it's not even hard.

>> No.9978615

How are they locking it by region? I mean, how are they detecting that you are not in Japan?

>> No.9978626

If you write your name in romaji or katakana, the game locks. I don't know how to bypass it.

>> No.9978640
File: 37 KB, 546x716, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9978635

You can't just reinstall it?

>> No.9978809

Just write your name as あのんくん

>> No.9980004
File: 81 KB, 954x547, ss (2012-11-02 at 02.32.08).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9980031

Japanese law does.

>> No.9980036

Some Japanese games check your time zone. Try changing that.

>> No.9980042

Can't you just remove the DRM?

>> No.9980043

move to Japan

>> No.9980054

>Can't you just remove the DRM?

Could I? Yes, probably, but I imagine you would find it difficult.

>> No.9980057


Won't help... it has a high-tech gaijin detection system. Japan only means for Japanese only, silly.

>> No.9980064

Kill yourself and pray to be reborn as Japanese

>> No.9980073

I'm just going to wait 60 years and transfer my brain into the robotic body of a Japanese styled person.

>> No.9980070


Wow, why are they such dicks about it?

"われわれsofutuwareが日本人しかです!!! しろpigguきんし!”

Seriously fuck them.

>> No.9980071

I believe we developed a fool-proof step-by-step guide for this.

>> No.9980081

Because 90% of filthy gaijin pigs pirate their games. Seriously, fuck pirates.

>> No.9980084


Won't help... A person such as myself is destined to be reborn as flesh eating bacteria.

>> No.9980090

Let me know when their games are easily available for purchase here and maybe I'll start to give a shit.

>> No.9980096

At least have the decency to only eat the flesh of goyi- er... I mean gajin.

>> No.9980106


I think it's the exact opposite.

>> No.9980099

They want you to move to glourious nippon.

>> No.9980104

Of course they will make the game available here for just 3 or 4 weeaboos purchase it.

>> No.9980107

The games are probably region locked because of the big stink foreign press made over that one rape game a few years back.

>> No.9980110

Then they should not bitch about gaijin pirates.

>> No.9980113


The games are Glorious NIPPONLY to protect your from morally questionable content. They care deeply about delicate little flowers raised in sheltered Christian society.

>> No.9980114

Then I will happily pirate thank you!

>> No.9980119

But rapelay is pretty tame compared to alot of manga and anime. There are anime where young girls are violently raped and killed. There are manga where unspeakable things are done. Why America so fear mongering?

>> No.9980120

I'll suck 100 cocks if someone finds a way to remove the region lock.

>> No.9980124

Just re-install windows in Japanese region.

>> No.9980129

Yeah, I know. That's why I think they'd prefer that foreign press not find out about things that are worse. It would be fine if foreigners would leave it alone, but they start campaigning to make things like that illegal in Japan and become a nuisance.

>> No.9980130


You would suck a cock even if that didn't happen.

You would probably pay money specifically TO suck cocks.

>> No.9980145

H-How did you know?

>> No.9980148


So nothing will change then... That's not very much incentive to help you out. Suck a million cocks, and then we're talking.

>> No.9980150

Of course. That was the goal of the feminists who made a big deal out of rapelay. Feminism today exists partially to punish men who don't want to dedicate their lives to making a girl happy. Their mission is to ruin our fun. The only way to protect your freedoms from those pigs is to masturbate to more lolis and rape. Get on it, soldier.

>> No.9980157

How could you campaign to change the laws in another country? The only people with that kind of power are the jews and they don't really care.

>> No.9980161

I watch you suck your own cock every night, gulping down your delicious juices.

>> No.9980166

If we put everyone's brain in robots this wouldn't be a problem. No gender, no problems.

>> No.9980171

>Their mission is to ruin our fun. The only way to protect your freedoms from those pigs is to masturbate to more lolis and rape.

Humor aside, I know you're right.

>> No.9980173

Go back and read about the controversy over Rapelay and find out.

>> No.9980204

Yeah but that's because of the fucking british losers and their American friends. This is why Japan doesn't want piracy, because they don't want Amerifats and britards to know about the countless amounts of rape, murder, etc. found in their media.

>> No.9980217

Rapelay became known because it was being sold on Amazon, nerd. This isn't about piracy.

>> No.9980227

I'm downloading it as we speak to try to crack it for you fags.

No promises, though.

>> No.9980246

>because they don't want Amerifats and britards to know about the countless amounts of rape, murder, etc. found in their media.

If they had anything resembling balls, they'd collectively tell people to get bent. Oh wait, that's what they're doing. Never mind.

>> No.9980366

So how exactly is the game finding out you aren't in Japan? If it's due to time zones or romaji/カタカナ like someone said, I don't see why you can't just reinstall the game with a fixed time zone or type the name in ひらがな.

>> No.9980641

Alright, I cracked this nigger (probably). Someone give me a good site to upload shit on. Mediafire doesn't seem to let me upload as I please anymore.

>> No.9980662


>> No.9980708
File: 698 KB, 870x565, snappyhew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This replaces an exe somewhere in the folder for the game.

Some shit:
1. I don't have locale set to japanese, nor did I use applocale, however I have it installed.
2. My time zone is set to GMT with DST autocorrection disabled.
3. This shit is based off of the shit linked in >>9971343
4. I've only tested it as far as the image associated with this post.

>> No.9980742
File: 296 KB, 1158x748, ss (2012-11-03 at 01.33.28).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It works. Let me suck your dick.


>> No.9980823

Get a load of this nerd!

>> No.9980819

Is this even out yet? All I find for it is the trial.

>> No.9981362

release is on November 30th

>> No.9982880

anyone else thinking about buying this game? i'd like to, but

a) i'm not fond of risking jail time
b) good chance it'll be out on the internets anyway by dec 1

but on the other hand...if i buy, i can has artbook.

>> No.9983518

I might buy it as well.

>> No.9983566

They look eight or nine. In 10 years they would be legal.

>> No.9983578

VNTS guy should put this on the list.

>> No.9983584

Way too old.

>> No.9983588

Out of morbid curiosity, what exactly where they doing to trip people up like this, and how did you circumvent it?

You're doing god's work, by the way.

>> No.9983587

Yes, 18 or 19 would be way too old. It's a good thing they are still young in the actual game.

>> No.9983606

This is not going to be good for japan's population problem.

>> No.9983616

I hope this gets an English patch.

>> No.9983660

Number of good loli games that have ever had an English translation: 0

The odds don't look good for you.

>> No.9983665

You funny guy, you.

Hahaha oh wow.

>> No.9983666

Hope springs eternal.

>> No.9983667

>There are anime where young girls are violently raped and killed.

Recommendations? That tends to be mostly relegated to backstories. :-(

>> No.9983719

I don't really know, I just found 3 checks and removed them. I didn't really look at what they are. I'll look into it later.

>> No.9983745

Yeah, if you could let us know that would be great. It will probably come in handy for future games.

>> No.9983811

It's appreciated either way anon, but like >>9983745 said, it's good to know for future occasions.

>> No.9983894

The first check looks at the version information for kernel32.dll.

>> No.9984186

Looks like, in order:
1. Check for japanese kernel32.dll
2. Check for japanese locale
3. Check for japanese timezone

>> No.9984200

Correlation is not causation. It could be the kind of girl who fucks at 12 is the same kind that can never have a serious relationship.

>> No.9984209

86% complete

>> No.9984231

Your not trolling right

>> No.9984295

I think he's talking about the trial.

>> No.9984324

Pretty sure he's just trolling.

Euphoria has an adaptation AFAIK, but I haven't seen it. Young girls are probably raped and killed in that one.

>> No.9984329

This game..... It looks interesting.

>> No.9984350
File: 508 KB, 546x408, くれよんちゅーりっぷ ~ちどりとこるりの誘惑授業~.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why won't anyone translate good loli VNs

>> No.9984385

So the best way to avoid problems is to get a Japanese version of Windows.

>> No.9984420

How do you find what they're checking for? Like what files did you look at.

>> No.9984421


So true. Most pirates are Japanese. Rather than piracy, studios are more worried about preventing "Rapelay" style western media attention that would bolster bans/restrictions trying to gain support in Japan.

>> No.9984428

>good loli VNs

they go too toddler for most translators to touch with a 10 ft. pole.

>> No.9984430

>So true. Most pirates are Japanese
I saw a video of Chinese SZS fans on YouTube recently, there was this guy in the comments going “Filthy Shina pigs”, to which another guy responded “isn’t that a bit hars? these guys are pro-Japan”, then the original commenter said “they couldn’t have watched SZS normally, they all watched this illegally.”
I w’d.

>> No.9984447

Are translators really that dumb to think people actually give a crap about VN's outside niche otaku circles?

>> No.9984456

People cared about Rapelay

>> No.9984462

not a VN

>> No.9984463

I followed the code in SiglusEngine.exe
It's a big mess of fuck and I'm not good at figuring this shit out, so I could be wrong as shit. More specifically, what I noticed was:

- In the first check, a string for the path to kernel32.dll is constructed, which is then used with GetFileVersionInfoSize, GetFileVersionInfo, and VerQueryValue on "\VarFileInfo\Translation". The result of the last function is iterated through for the 0x411, which is the locale ID for "Japanese".

- In the second check, a call was made to GetLocaleInfo.

- In the third check, a call was made to GetTimeZoneInformation. After changing my time zone appropriately, I still failed this check, though, so there's probably more to it.

I spent most of my time looking into the first check, and then I got lazy and just glossed over the next two.

>> No.9984467

Doesn't matter. If people threw a fit over that they can throw a fit over a VN.

>> No.9984481

>3. Check for japanese timezone
I like it how that fucks over any GOOD OL' JAPANESE CITIZEN that happens to be visiting overseas.

>> No.9984505

No they can't.
People who play VNs know to expect sex scenes, etc...
People who don't know what a VN is and somehow happen upon one will simply click through scenes of text, say "wtf is this" and get rid of it.
Rapelay was a game about rape upfront. You can't tell if a VN has rape just by playing it for a few minutes. No media outlet is going to click through scene after scene of a foreign language VN just to see if theres something in it they can complain about.

>> No.9984506

Their target audience does not travel abroad.

>> No.9984529

Yeah there are no VNs that are upfront about rape, right? You're retarded.

>> No.9984534

Can someone just rip the CGs?

>> No.9984535

I know there are, and look, no western media has caught wind of them.
I wonder why?

>> No.9984545

It can happen at any time.

>> No.9984579

>I followed the code in SiglusEngine.exe
This is what I wanted to ask about. Did you just open up the .exe in notepad or something?

>> No.9984582

It's not going to. I'll bet you 1000000000円 that no VN will ever ever be on the news for loli content.

>> No.9984589

I can believe that. I'm told it's pretty easy for Chinese to understand written Japanese.

To clarify, I saw observed through utorrent that most of the peers downloading eroge on english-language torrent sites have Japanese IP addresses. It's another story when factoring in direct downloads and torrent sites in different languages.

>> No.9984594

What is this even called?

>> No.9984599

Read the title.

See >>9980742

>> No.9984619

Watch me write to FOX, nerd.

>> No.9984624

Like, in english?

>> No.9984632

> This is what I wanted to ask about. Did you just open up the .exe in notepad or something?
I...no. I used a kind of program called a debugger (specifically, I used ollydbg). It allows you to observe and alter the execution of programs.

>> No.9984665
File: 80 KB, 550x372, badasses_in_the_rain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like, in english?

>> No.9984668

whats it matter if you cant even read the title.

>> No.9984670

>doesn't know how to read

>> No.9984696

Yeah okay i'm supposed to copypaste that to search for CGs.

>> No.9984701

>doesn't know how to type

>> No.9984704

How about you type it here so I can copy and paste it, tough guy?

>> No.9984706

The title is "Let me suck your sick"?

>> No.9984729


>> No.9984790

This is disgusting, i'm reporting you all to Fox news.

>> No.9984819
File: 20 KB, 1174x254, google translations is accurate for once.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine. Here you go.

>> No.9984873

You think you're clever? All I want is a name.

>> No.9984907

Does this happen often? Would love to make patches for this.

>> No.9984917

whats a filename
dont ever change /jp/

>> No.9984944

Such an impressive display of idiocy has not been seen in many a day.

>> No.9984963

What website is that?

>> No.9985005

>ss (2012-11-03 at 01.33.28)
Are you getting a good laugh out of this? Because i'm not.

>> No.9985053

For the love of fuck, man.
> naisho_no_naisho.jpg

>> No.9985061

It can be found using just the hiragana part of the title. If you can't even read hiragana, or at least use a fucking chart, you really shouldn't be here.

>> No.9985106

oh yeah im getting a good laugh, because youre a fucking idiot lol

maybe you should go back to gaia

>> No.9985116

Well thank you for being a genuinely nice person. Why doesn't the world have more nice people? I got throw for loops for no reason at all.

>> No.9985134

the op was so nice that they included the information you were looking for 100+ posts ago

people like you are the reason we cant have nice things

>> No.9985164

How do you figure that? Is a simple question affecting the thread quality that much?

>> No.9985191

Less about the question you asked, and more about the lack of real effort it seemed you put into looking for the answer on your own. Citing that the name is in the file name of OPs' pic (>>9969790). Not him, but I reckon that's what the problem is about.

>> No.9985200

see >>9985191

at this point im not sure if this is some guy trying to troll, or just a complete imbecile

>> No.9985680

I loved this so.

>> No.9986563


>> No.9989006

No you're a fag.

>> No.9989045

I seriously hope you guys aren't downloading and using a crack made by a 4channer just to play what looks like vanilla garbage.

>> No.9989047

Just did what are you going to do about it?

>> No.9989108

I'll play something else and wait for a proper crack.

>> No.9989120

What is a "proper crack"?

>> No.9989127

A crack used by a large number of people with very few of them complaining about keyloggers, RATs, etc

>> No.9989149

get a load of this nerd

>> No.9989175

we should get Derek to test it

>> No.9989401

He's totally building a botnet, isn't he?

>> No.9989435

Already hex dumped it. Only 3 or 4 bytes changed - nowhere near enough to modify the function of the code drastically enough to do any damage.

>> No.9989447

All OK, no virus!

>> No.9989474

New here. How did you determine that?

Also, I can dump this shit to hex and see the number of changes made in a comparison, but how the hell do you figure out what the changes did? Obviously someone can read this well enough to bypass whatever protections were in the exe - what's the method?

>> No.9989541

>New here. How did you determine that?

The magic of Derek. Don't ever question him.

>> No.9989566
File: 82 KB, 802x1214, fuckassfinal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make these jumps non-conditional.

>> No.9989585
File: 6 KB, 213x192, 1328643901287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last time I had to debug one of these I almost burst into tears, since then I know for sure there's no God, at least not a merciful God that would stop this aberration from existing.

>> No.9989596

Alright, that works. Thanks - gonna try this out on a few other progs (I think MangaGamer released something recently that needs cracking...)

Mind telling me the name of that tool? I've been using PE, that looks nicer.

>> No.9989606

Hi, Derek.

>> No.9989610


>> No.9989623


Thank you sir.

>> No.9989651
File: 183 KB, 1600x900, rebroadcast3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9993155 [DELETED] 


>> No.9994676


>> No.9994704

What's this called?

>> No.9994726

> Naisho no Naisho!

>> No.9998227
File: 206 KB, 990x490, C7o6w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't mind me, just bumping with ren.

>> No.9998227,1 [INTERNAL] 

I'd like to ask why this is the case. There a lot of translators who say they love loli, and yet true loli eroge never get translated. It makes me feel like they're the kind of people who just claim to like loli so they can be otacool.
