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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9965142 No.9965142[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How many times have the bully mods banned you from /jp/?

>> No.9965145 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9965144

7, I think

>> No.9965155

I always feel sad when I'm banned and I don't even know why.

Sometimes the mod notes taunt me...

>> No.9965157
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too many

i lost count


>> No.9965159

Waking up in the morning knowing that you're getting unbanned today is the best feeling.

I look forward to it more than christmas.

>> No.9965160


Haven't been banned since 2007, and that was only 2 days for posting explicit material on /a/.

>> No.9965165

They never taunted me, even when I did really stupid shit on purpose to get banned

>> No.9965176

I got banned about a month ago for "having a signature" even though I never posted such a thing. It was saddening really.

>> No.9965171

I sometimes behave like a horrible person here and yet I was never banned yet.

>> No.9965174

A lot
The last time I got banned just because I said I was 13 years old

>> No.9965175

So you never evade?

>> No.9965181

I believe if you do the crime you should do the time even if you don't agree with the reasoning. I believe in Justice.

>> No.9965178

That cirno is cute i want to kiss her mouth

>> No.9965180

I've been banned dozens of times from /mu/ but never on any other board. If you knew how little moderation that board had/has, you'd be impressed.

I stopped browsing /mu/ in 2010 before you say anything.

>> No.9965187


You're retarded.

>> No.9965191

Please don't bully.

>> No.9965192

That was 5 years ago right?

>> No.9965189

You're horrible.

>> No.9965193

I've only ever been banned from /a/.
Abusing the report system or something.

>> No.9965196
File: 2.13 MB, 400x267, mod bans on 4chan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the point of a ban if you're just going to evade it.

>> No.9965198

You believe that getting bullied by the mods is right even if you didn't do anything.
You're retarded.

>> No.9965201

He was probably joking about being 13 and the mod was an autist who had never heard of sarcasm or something.

>> No.9965203

Wow you're right, I'll never evade again.

>> No.9965205


>> No.9965210

0 because I don't shitpost.
Reported for making shitposters look like victims and actual humans with feelings and emotions

>> No.9965216
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>> No.9965227

>The quality of posts is really important to the community [...]
Quoting global rule 6, for which i got banned endless times.
Seriously, this is saddening, it's like the mod is telling you "haha, your posts are shit, and you are shit, and everything you do is shit, here you go, you fucking SHIT, take this ban", i mean, i get the rule and admit that it should be featured on 4chan, but banning people because of it? Really? It's like one of those forum rules that claim something along the lines of "be nice to each other", except that whenever someone acts in a way that the moderation considers not nice enough (and this evaluation is entirely subjective) you get a ban.
Mods are shit, and i always posted observing the rules of this board, f*ck them all, and f*ck this website, if /jp/ didn't have any mods (except maybe some to get rid of exceptional stuff, like CP, because CP is illegal and shit) i'm pretty sure we could be an even greater board, even without unnecessary rules.
Reporting is against the rules, admitting that you reported is against the rules, study the rules you so claim to be knowledgeful of.

>> No.9965241

reported for announcing a report

>> No.9965256

You coul always stop making posts which are:
1. Like they are made by a 15 year old from gaia
2. Have no purpose except trying to stir a conflict up
3. Are random bullshit just to spite /jp/, the mods and the users

>> No.9965281

I don't do 1 for sure, since it is included in the global rules and forbidden..
While i agree that stagnation is bad, and that people should have a healthy debate once in a while, i never attempted 2, all my purpose are conflictless and always have a purpose.
As a /jp/er and a rule abiding citizen, i would never make something with the intention of making someone angry, as said against rule 2, thus, rule 3 is out of the question.
I don't make bad posts, the moderation bans me whenever it gets the instinct to do so, i'm, as said before, a law abiding netizen and even sit my ban through, holding myself back from picking up a proxy and posting.
I'd understand if they said something along the lines of "you were banned because of bad grammar, because your post isn't attinent to the board topic, because you were avatarfagging!" etc. and carry on, bearing the cross that tehy pur on me, but they don't because i DO NOT break ANY RULES AT ALL, so, because the moderation is comprized by faggots who like to play Hitler In A Concentration Camp (there's a reson it's NSJ), all i get is a lazy "your post wasn't nice enough!".
And that's insulting, saddening, and unjust.

>> No.9965286

>all my purpose are conflictless
All my posts

>> No.9965287

You are a drama queen

>> No.9965296

Get banned 6+ times for not doing anything and then come back here and post that again.

>> No.9965297

You have such a terrible posting style.

>> No.9965300

Please elaborate.

>> No.9965312

I won't feel any pity for you if that's what are telling me to do.
And I doubt you got banned "for not doing anything"

>> No.9965322

I'm not asking for pity, i'm asking for understanding as to why i'm annoyed.
I just thought that you called me a drama queen because of my posting style and/or attempts to sound like a victim, to this i do admit, but i think that it is justifiable, considering how many times havei gotten banned by the shit moderation.
And yes, i got banned for not doing anything, unless you can come up with the proper definition of a post, or series of posts breaking global rule 6, keeping in mind that the poster didn't break any of the other rules, always keeping them in mind before posting each time.

>> No.9965328

see >>9965256

There's just something about your posts that are really annoying. I'm glad it's not just me that thought that.

>> No.9965338

I'm not 15, nor am i trying to stir shit up, please do not call my posts annoying, for it hurts my feelings AND is against global rule #2 as you are flaming me.

>> No.9965344

Is this that tee-rolling thing I've heard so much about?

>> No.9965357

No, because trolling is against global rule #2, i don't think that my posts are trying to insult anyone or anything, stop flaming.

>> No.9965360

You're too much of an epic troll.
Guess we should stop replying to this guy.

>> No.9965368

Please stop flaming, it's nice to have any opinion you want, but when it starts hurting others, it's not good to let it out, why are you bullying random people on the internet?

>> No.9965374

Personally, I'm not flaming you. I think your trolling method is hilarious.

>> No.9965378

Stop calling me a troll, it's hurting my feelings and isn't really nice.

>> No.9965433

Quite a lot and usually without reason. I don't post without proxies anymore though so I don't really give a fuck.

>> No.9965494

0, because i dont shitpost

>> No.9965517

Posting in metathreads is shitposting. Congrats on your first shitpost.

>> No.9965532

>I don't do 1 for sure
But your whole post is exactly that.
> because your post isn't attinent to the board topic, because you were avatarfagging

Okay, so yeah I am pretty certain that you were banned because you act like you are from Gaia, mods were just too lazy to write down the explicit reason for you special snowflake

>> No.9965535

Once after three years of not getting banned or warned. Then I went to /q/ to diss the mod for his incompetence and he brought the stupid sticky down.What followed was a butthurt mod with a grudge banning me for any silly thing I did for three weeks at a time (and from all boards) over a period of three months.

Since I haven't been banned recently, I think it's safe to say the mod got bored of his pet project.

>> No.9965535,1 [INTERNAL] 

This is one of the reasons why I have evaded every single ban I got in my 8 years of 4chan

>> No.9965535,2 [INTERNAL] 

You imply that he would care about a random anonymous poster that called his shit out for making that sticky. You're not a special snowflake, anon.

>> No.9965535,3 [INTERNAL] 

You probably got banned once from being a spectacular shitposter and many more times for evasion.
