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9963250 No.9963250 [Reply] [Original]

An self-hating liberal arts professor and race traitor was teaching a class on how the Nazis were evil white fascists that killed 60 trillion jews in the holocaust.
“Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and apologize for being white, a crime that can only be pardoned by having children with asian girls and giving all your money to the black man, who is our equal in every conceivable respect!”

At this moment, a proud, pedigree nordic pagan gun enthusiast who only ever associated with fellow aryans boldly stood up, showing the professor his swastika armband.

“Hey, Professor, what is this?”

The arrogant professor smirked like a kike and smugly replied “It’s a symbol of hatred, you evil nazi. Why do you want to exterminate all the jews and start a second holocaust?”

“Wrong. It’s a symbol of white pride, worldwide. There is nothing wrong with wanting to stand up and fight for people of your race. Anti-racist is codeword for anti-white.”

>> No.9963252

The cultural marxist professor was visibly shaken, and dropped the chalk and his copy of his favourite SNSD album. He stormed out of the room, clearly planning on converting to Islam. The professor then realized that he had been playing into the hands of the zionist media elite and their negro minions. He promptly killed himself, cleansing the gene pool of his unfit liberal genes.

The students then all agreed to sign up for Hitler Youth, and started proudly singing the Nazi german anthem in unison. An pure germanic eagle with a hitler moustache tore down the American Flag, replacing it with a celtic cross. All parties involved gave up race mixing, worshipping the semitic god Yahweh, and unanimously decided to kill all the niggers in the local area, and then promptly return to their respective ethnic homelands and secure a future for white children.

Nobody at that class ever forgot that man. To this day, the very mention of his name terrorizes cultural marxists and non-whites alike.

His name was Anders Behring Breivik.

>> No.9963268
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>> No.9963295

cool story would read again

please get that reddit shit off my board

>> No.9963297

Not bad. Could be better. Much better effort than the one that just arbitrarily applied trans- to a bunch of random nouns.

>> No.9963301
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>> No.9963306

You're still fuming over that tranny pasta? Must have hit close to home.

>> No.9963323

Why are these stormfront guys so jealous of the Jews?

>> No.9963334

>u mad lol why u mad tho

>> No.9963374

>anti racist is code word for anti white
There's a better way to express your cause, you dumbass nazzys.

>> No.9963400

Really. They make it seem as if their identity is defined as being racist. I wonder if these white power groups like stormfronts aren't just a way to generate more hate towards white people.

>> No.9963463
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but they're filthy snownigger barbarian scum

>> No.9963475

I still don't understand the whole jew-nigger thing. I never saw a single jew defending a negro or the inverse.

>> No.9963481

Racism is a marxist construct.

>> No.9963489

Romans weres the true masters and according to books Rome itself had many ethnicties

>> No.9963620
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Of course.
