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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9963205 No.9963205[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9963208
File: 5 KB, 501x585, It_that_Betrays.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9963215

>minorities are in the majority

whata fuck man

>> No.9963220

Whites births are only the minority if you put every other race together, otherwise we are still the majority.

>> No.9963219
File: 33 KB, 250x250, KUSO THREAD WWWWQ1339118030163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9963221

that feel when delicate recessive white/blond genes are going to become even rarer and the ''Aryan`` look in genetic form is going to worth tens of thousands of dollars from egg/sperm donors.

>> No.9963223

I want /pol/ to leave.

>> No.9963227

It feels nice to be a minority. Can I have a minority scholarship now? Can affirmative action work in my favor?

>> No.9963232
File: 37 KB, 509x619, feel guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9963239

How about you get the fuck out, tripjew.

>> No.9963235

Does a spic shit in the woods?

It ain't white

>> No.9963238
File: 25 KB, 346x260, Typical Americans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check yo privilege, chalkie.

>> No.9963240

It only matters if you are a minority if you are not white.

>> No.9963245

Notice how this guy only started posting after /q/ came about?

>> No.9963253

I'll leave when I'm dead.

I was here before that without a trip.

>> No.9963254
File: 16 KB, 397x366, schIomo sez.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you guys just go find a nice black or Asian girl to be with? They're the majority now anyway.

>> No.9963258

Do you have any more jokes?

>> No.9963261

That's not how majority and minority work. White births still outnumber every other race. You only get that we are a "minority" is you add up all of the different minority birth rates together. It's nonsense.

>> No.9963266
File: 19 KB, 396x497, LELLEL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this happened in my country
>30-40 years ago
>and now it's a third world country

enjoy your future

>> No.9963276

No. Whites are a minority in a white country. That's the problem.

>> No.9963282

No we are not. Every other race is smaller than us. Compared to us, each race is a minority.

>> No.9963283

I'm not joking. If you kill me I'll be gone and my family will have some extra cash. Everyone wins!

>> No.9963285

>tfw in australia
>tfw niggers/sandnigger/asians everywhere

>> No.9963314

Same in most of europe. Except it's more like 30% of the population is one mudslimes niggers block, 5 millions more each year through immigration, they make half the children.

I hope when russia-kun saves us he won't rape us to death too much.

>> No.9963319


>> No.9963316

why are hispanics considered "white" anyway?

>> No.9963327

IIRC a mixed child of white and hispanic parents is consider "white hispanic" or something. Actual hispanics aren't considered white.

>> No.9963329

White Mexicans exist, americunt

>> No.9963331

What do you not understand? Whites are a minority when compared against non-whites.

Whether or not the non-whites are made up of one or a hundred groups is utterly irrelevant.

>> No.9963343

Why is it whites and non-whites?

Why not blacks and non-blacks? There are lots of non-blacks.

>> No.9963344

There is no "American" ethnic/national group and US was never a white county

>> No.9963345

What of the Natives?

>> No.9963346

You're saying, "If you put these minorities together, they're a majority." You're just making an arbitrary selection of groups to constitute a "majority" rather then evaluating each group alone.

>> No.9963353

It only mattered when whites arrived.

That said, fuck America. Assholes of the world.

>> No.9963356

Australia is not a white country. It's a prison for white trash. You are no better than abbos.

>You are now aware that if whites loved racemixing, that recessive gene would be in everyone and lead to more blonde haired people instead of less.

>> No.9963358

moot should just merge /jp/ and /pol/. Everyone would have a fucking field day.

>> No.9963362

Because that's what we're discussing? What was even your point in this post?
And what would I gain by that? We can see a trend here, one where whites will descend into minority, and in the end will cease existing through either ethnic mixing or by them just not having enough off-spring.

Myself, I don't care much for America. But it's sad to see this destructive development take place in any country characterized by white culture.

>> No.9963366

I don't want any Japs on my board

>> No.9963367

No, he should just ban the people who start these threads.

>> No.9963368

>mfw a Amertfat tried to tell me I don't live in the best country in the world

>he actually thinks Australia was populated entirely with criminals

>American education


>> No.9963369

Don't bother arguing with them. I truly will never understand the mindset of non-Jews.
They're dumb as cows.

>> No.9963371

What do you call minorities-that-happen-to-be-majorities? Also, this is what europe's gonna' be real soon, except with muslims instead of hispanicniggerjews.

>> No.9963375

Seems like they're implying that hispanic should be counted as white.
Silly america

>> No.9963376
File: 42 KB, 317x293, jewpeek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw americlaps are trolled by the jews since birth,
Enjoy your mutilated dicks, fagets.

>> No.9963377

The US is also filled with the scum of Europe, namely criminals and failed peasants.

>> No.9963379

majority means "more then haf" not "most"

>> No.9963381


These threads are cute,though. /pol/ is a cute board full of cute people.

>> No.9963385

ITT: buttmad shitskins/chinks

>> No.9963386

Which 2hu politician?

>> No.9963388
File: 53 KB, 413x720, shhhjustcome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Australia is an extremely hot version of Canada. Once China is through buying your minerals you'll be back to shit. Don't get full of yourself.

>> No.9963390
File: 23 KB, 232x197, bags bonny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly it wont mean more Jew births.

>> No.9963398

When will the White Man realize that he's being rapidly genocided out of existence with his own consent?
I have no job, because i know that a race war's coming, and soon, there's going to be a need for myself in the ranks of White Men serving for the glory of WHITE leaders, no more jews spewing fake ideals in our ears, exactly like 67 years ago.

>> No.9963396

You missed your 88 get, doofus

>> No.9963405

Are you that crazy guy that always posts extremely long arguments about absolutely nothing.

>> No.9963413

You're quoting....'
Who are you quoting?

Anyways, SIEG HEIL.

>> No.9963419

I'm moving to greece now.

>> No.9963427

>race war is coming

Stop watching Alex Jones.

>> No.9963428

Isn't that most of /jp/ that you're describing?

>> No.9963430

Is the Golden Dawn a NEET friendly organization?

>> No.9963433

I don't know, but they were giving out free food to greek citizens last time i checked,

>> No.9963438

By white people they mean rednecks, right

>> No.9963461


They won't have the choice once there will be no schools, jobs or occupations left in the country after jews had take everything to give wage to the european muslims.

>> No.9963461,1 [INTERNAL] 

Fucking niggers

>> No.9963461,2 [INTERNAL] 

DJ Racemixer on da house!

>> No.9963461,3 [INTERNAL] 

I just got curious to see how /pol/ is doing and there were multiple threads discussing things going on on reddit, and not in the context of them being foreign happenings. What the fuck.

>> No.9963461,4 [INTERNAL] 

everyone browses reddit now

you're trying too hard

>> No.9963461,5 [INTERNAL] 

/pol/ is the reddit board. Where do you think all the Ron Paul fags came from?

>> No.9963461,6 [INTERNAL] 

``ron paul /b/''

(who else is a truOLDFAG here)

>> No.9963461,7 [INTERNAL] 

feelio when you move to whiter country and cut your ties with the brown
