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9962781 No.9962781 [Reply] [Original]

Why are Yukari and secondary Touhou fans in general so obnoxious when it comes to powerlevel discussions?

When will people learn that it really doesn't matter if one Moonbitch can spontaneously summon any god she wishes to win, or the other has a crazy moon technology that can purify entire cities, EVERYONE in Touhou cheats.

Directly comparing their strengths is pretty pointless in Touhou, their powers are loosely defined and may even contradict themselves depending on which manual/book you read. As if that isn't enough, it's a fairy tale setting where pretty much everyone can use some degree of magical/spiritual/divine power to do things that aren't even part of their power set (for example, REPLACING THE MOON, STEALING SPRING) so everything depends on what role each character is in for the current story.

Hell, I've completed PoFV with Cirno before, beating all kinds of bad ass characters. There isn't any actual out and out statement saying it's NOT what happened, just the combined assumption of the majority of the fans. Not like a the specifics of the flower incident are covered well enough to debunk the crazy idea.

Point is, it's a light hearted fairy tale setting our lovable danmaku game is set in and it's creator doesn't take it very seriously. The events in SSiB don't really amount to much (like most of Touhou's plot) and in many respects it could be taken as ZUN trolling the fans who take his work way too seriously.

Stop embarrassing us true Touhou fans.
If somehow you overcame your massive autism and got the opportunity to ask ZUN if Yukari could beat the new 52 Superman in an interview he would laugh at you.

>> No.9962785

disgusting feet, but the nail-polish is cool

also, back to >>>/v/160558632

>> No.9962792

I can't believe /v/ is more primary than fucking /jp/.

>> No.9962796

Problem with Touhou is that without spellcard rules, everyone would pretty much one-shot each other anyways.

I think it shouldn't be too dark, I like the light-hearted aspects.

>> No.9962793


God the internet is fucking shit

>> No.9962797

yeah, no shit. /jp/ is as bad as /mlp/.

it's funny that /v/ hates /jp/ as much as /jp/ hates /v/.

>> No.9962803

Its for the best, maybe all those "newfags" will leave us 4chan veterans alone on /jp/.

>> No.9962804

>Point is, it's a light hearted
Nope, touhou is pretty dark.

>> No.9962868

[citation needed]

>> No.9962869

Yin and yang, fella.
There's the dark side and there's the light side. Do not mess with the balance.

>> No.9962882

what would be your definition of "newfag" on /jp/?

what would the "veterans" discuss on /jp/ once they're left alone?

>> No.9962901

Otaku culture, and my definition is essentially anyone before 2006 or thats able to lurk and replicate the posting habits of someone from before 2006. If you were around then, it was between 2006 and 2007 that the site really began its decline.

>> No.9962912

yeah 2006/2007 /jp/ was THE SHIT

im telling you man

>> No.9962920

In non-fuckwit speak, OP is saying that Yukari is an overrated cum guzzling faggot and her fanbase consists of drooling retards.

>> No.9962919

Please read the original post, I had said 4chan veterans, not specific to /jp/.

>> No.9962934

Powerlevel discussions will always devolve into what basically amounts to "my favorite Touhou character can beat up your favorite Touhou character and I can back this up with obscure evidence!"

Frankly, this isn't Dragon Ball Z. Power levels shouldn't matter that much.

>> No.9962945

Touhou is like Magic: The Gathering in that you can have one super powerful card but that won't stop your ultra-common "Target player discards a card." card from carding the card.

>> No.9962952

Shut the fuck up. You're a fucking newfag

>> No.9962959

Please don't be so angry.

>> No.9962966

Both are games.
Yet there ARE some peoples who take games, including their canon, seriously.

>> No.9963918

Vaguest powers are always strongest. Yukari has never been shown losing to the moonbitches, therefore you can't say she's weaker. Well, there are only four contenders for strongest anyway. Not that it matters, since 2hus settle their differences with rave dodgeball.

>> No.9963962

Who are those four? Just so I can call you a faggot.

>> No.9963970

>Magic: The Gathering in that you can have one super powerful card but that won't stop your ultra-common "Target player discards a card."

Loxodon Smiter~

>> No.9963984

Moonbitches (obvious), Yukari (obvious), and Shikieiki (obvious/because Yukari says so).

>> No.9963998

You are a faggot.

>> No.9964008

Probably Yukari, Yuyuko, Remilia and Yuuka...

>> No.9964040

Doesn't she mention in SSiB that they'll lose against the moon anyways?

>> No.9964099
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>> No.9964103

Your ancestors were better.

>> No.9964105

The ability to hover outside of reality is a pretty big deal, sure. And I have to wonder how the hell that guy posted Remilia and not Flandre, the one with Laevatinn and the special ability to destroy absolutely anything.

>> No.9964108

She'd be top tier if she'd train for five seconds instead of sucking dick for donations.

>> No.9964116

But she's not Sanae.

>> No.9964117

He did not say for free.

>> No.9964121

As expected, Gensoukyou is fucking LAZY. People bitching powerlevels are trying too hard

>> No.9964128

What are Yukari's ten desires?

>> No.9964131

To sleep
To sleep
To sleep
To eat
To eat more
To suck dick
To abuse Ran
To be a bitch
To harass the shrine maiden
To sleep

>> No.9964132

It is a mystery

>> No.9964135

>To suck dick
Boy, are you desperate enough?

>> No.9964138

I never said I wanted her to.

>> No.9964148

Nobody knows what a youkai like that is up to.

>> No.9964149

There are some fictional worlds where it's fun to discuss powerlevels. Generally, the stronger and more concrete the canon the more fun it is to discuss.

For (poor) Example, The halo series has a very strong canon (Pre-halo 4) with books and other supplemental material that is all consistent.

Opposite directon, W40k's canon is a mess of rewrites and conradictions. It is no fun to discuss.

>> No.9964158

40k is a setting, anyway.

>> No.9964154

Yes, she can suck my dick with her gapimg vaginal teleportation too I don't mind

>> No.9964157
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Arguing 40k is like pulling teeth.

It's painful. Everything changes too much and it's just a mess.

>> No.9964163

I doubt you get a choice in the matter. No sense worrying about it.

>> No.9964162

>Generally, the stronger and more concrete the canon the more fun it is to discuss.
I never have fun discussing in TM thread.

>> No.9964168

Everybody is gay in Gensoukyou. Stay desperate.

>> No.9964191

If only that were true.

>> No.9964286

Do you think I can convince some male youkai to stay in their animal forms while I suck their dicks?

>> No.9965272

muh powerlevel

>> No.9965343

most characters have some ability that should make them win any battle ever such as rewriting history so that someone seizes to exist or controlling someones fate. when you think about it like that then it becomes a contest to put yourself into a position where you can use your ability first

>> No.9965459

I take it as ZUN not being able to express well his characters powers

>> No.9965520

Idiots. Yukari isn't even that powerful. She supposedly has the ability to control any border or gap she wants, but her limitations are proven in SSiB because one of the moonbitches has power over the gap between the moon capital and the moon and Yukari can't do anything but wait for some arbitrary moment where she can somehow get in. This proves that she can't control boundaries and gaps that are already controlled by other people. This means she can't do anything of that crazy shit like making a gap directly in your brain and poke it as long as you have a strong enough sense of self. If I ever find her I'll strut ever so slowly towards her as she tries to bluff me, only to run away back inside one of the gaps she does control so that I cant poke her nose.

>> No.9965561

She could just shoot you with danmaku.

>> No.9965580

>Point is, it's a light hearted fairy tale setting our lovable danmaku game is set in and it's creator doesn't take it very seriously

>Kisume... I don't really know what she normally does. But, I have images of her being pretty brutal. Words are useless against her; she'd just chop your head off, stick it in her bucket, and return home. The head you see may not even be Kisume's head.

>> No.9965587


Lunarians are the most powerful magic users ever, and moon is protected by ancient spells created by generations of lunarians over the centuries.

>> No.9965601

It still shows that there's a limit to Yukari's capacity, in the fact that she can't truly control all boundaries.

>> No.9965708

Run this by me again: you're saying that if Yukari can't penetrate powerful magical defenses laid down by extremely advanced society of biologically immortal humans and highest gods of Japanese pantheon, it means she also can't penetrate your anus?

>> No.9965736

I don't think that is what he said, anon. He simply said she has limitations to her power as in she can't control EVERY gap. She'll still be able to penetrate his anus.

>> No.9965775

I believe in the strenght of my sense of self. She cannot penetrate my anus, as my sense of self is as strong as any magical defense created by supreme deities.

>> No.9966074

Yukari's 'gap manipulation' was mostly just a lol so funneh XD gimmick ZUN introduced so you could summon barriers in Imperishable Night and so you could teleport from one side of the screen to the other through 'gaps' in SA

>> No.9966080
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>> No.9966091

I doubt it was meant to be funny and I also doubt he made that face when I thought of it.

>> No.9966107

Stop looking at me funny, powerless youkai!

>> No.9966111


Read CiLR.

She can penetrate their defenses. And she did in the past.

The problem is they can detect it and launch a counterattack.

>> No.9966143
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I liked the part where she got defeated, cornered, and when she tried to leave through her gap she was too big too fit through it.

Also the part where she wedged her umbrella in the gap to help keep it open was neat.

>> No.9967420

That never happened

>> No.9967459

I liked the part where she blew Eirin's mind

>> No.9967514

I like the part where she blew more than just Eirin's mind.

>> No.9967554

what exactly is the problem with discussing powerlevels?

Sure, its pointless, you'll never reach a consensus and the canon is loose enough to support any theory, but it's still fun.

the ones who complain about powerlevel discussions are probably those turbo autist speglords who take everything too seriously and don't know what fun is.

>> No.9967578
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>> No.9967605

Turbo autist. heh

>> No.9967650

The stage tells you how powerful a character is. That's why Reimu says to Ran that no matter what, Chen is just a stage 2 boss.

>> No.9967669

It's funny because Reimu is a stage 4 boss.

>> No.9967679


In the easiest game.

>> No.9967681

Then again, you double-team Eientei in IN.

>> No.9967686

So Reimu is like a stage 8 boss

>> No.9967703

So Mokou, Ex-Keine and Eientei are all stronger than Reimu and Marisa?

>> No.9967704

I make special case of defeating Reimu only using Marisa when I reach her battle.

>> No.9969712


Not this shit again, for fuck's sake
