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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9960519 No.9960519[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Alright, /jp/. This just happened, and I need your input.

>Sitting in my room, reading a book. Sister barges into my room and says I have to go to the store to buy something so she can make a cake.
>I hesitate, because it's a goddamn good book, it's a fucklong distance to the store and I'm tired as hell.
>she keeps on saying how she's going to make the cake and all I have to do is bla bla bla, buy this and that, being bossy as fuck as she usually is.
>I say no, try to be polite, sister ignores this and gets mad and barges out and slams the door
>I feel bad for making her mad and prepare myself to go to the store
>while walking down the stairs I hear my sister yelling
>I say I'll go to the store, she yells at me and refuses
>tells me to go up to my room like some sort of 8 year old
>she gets pissy and throws a shoe at me because apparently I'm being an asshole (not sure how I managed to do this)
>I go upstairs because fuck this, not going to help by me standing here
>decide to go for a walk, while standing in the hallway I mutter to myself that she's a bitch
>bathroom door flies open (it's in the hall) and she goes full on super saiyan mode
>shoes, tables, even the door cannot stop this woman and only fuels her aggravation

TL;DR I didn't go to the shop, sister got pissed, doors were broken and shoes were thrown. What do I do now? (Just fyi; I've gone to the store nearly every time she asks despite hating it, this was a one-time thing)

>> No.9960526

Who are you quoting?

>> No.9960525
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>> No.9960531


>> No.9960532

thxnjre[or0r oP F4F Rdrjvcntong me frtm LE EPIK RDEDDIT

>> No.9960533

Is your sister an ape?

>> No.9960535

stik ur penis in ur butt

>> No.9960540

That's impossible unless ur a nigger.

>> No.9960544

This post is a full quiver of me-me arrows.

>> No.9960542

Women require a testoronal entity to make them behave. Slap the bitch, shove your dick in her, choke her into submission, film it and post the results here.

>> No.9960545

Not everyone has little sisters that want to make cakes for them, you ungrateful sack.

>> No.9960546
File: 366 KB, 640x480, ledick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9960547

This isn't otaku culture

>> No.9960548

not really. i remember some site, like a lem0np@rty one, where dude was sticked in his ass and came

>> No.9960551

Tsundere as fuck

>> No.9960550
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>> No.9960556

Yeah, just get her a Kirino cosplay outfit and fuck her brains out.

>> No.9960559

>being bossy as fuck as she usually is
>I say no, try to be polite, sister ignores this and gets mad and barges out and slams the door
Extremely difficult people. As comical as it may sound, maybe someone should just give her the dick. Preferably with contraception to keep her genes from spreading.

>> No.9960571


>> No.9960575

Give that bitch a spanking.

>> No.9960597

i would fap for som cake right now

>> No.9960596

I know that this thread has absolutely nothing to do with /jp/, but I have to say that real women are garbage.

>> No.9960600
File: 73 KB, 360x363, 1344838642449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3DPD man amirite?

*giggles hysterically*

>> No.9960607

actually real wimmiz are subhuman so hes rite ;)

>> No.9960608

No, I think he means emotionally, pigcunt.

>> No.9960634

So, you'd rather have the /r9k/ attitude than the /a/ attitude?

>> No.9960652

Get the fuck out, weaker sex.

>> No.9960658

I don't have to be a woman to call you out on your /r9k/-faggotry.

>> No.9960659

I bet you lost your spaghetti.

>> No.9960659,1 [INTERNAL] 

What the fuck, Trevor?

I'd pay, um, five bucks to see what you look like IRL.

>> No.9960659,2 [INTERNAL] 

I miss this image

>> No.9960659,3 [INTERNAL] 

Shut the fuck up.....

>> No.9960659,4 [INTERNAL] 

Quoted the wrong post. F*cking terrific.

>> No.9960659,5 [INTERNAL] 

Then how about you delete your post, idiot...

>> No.9960659,6 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 

How about i delete this post?

>> No.9960659,7 [INTERNAL] 

Warosugirl does it again.

>> No.9960659,8 [INTERNAL] 

But we already know what he looks like

He's just trying to make us believe that's not him by not deleting the profile.

>> No.9960659,9 [INTERNAL] 

He already proved that's not him.

Way to be a newfag.

>> No.9960659,10 [INTERNAL] 

Didn't. He said something like that's not his phone in those pictures, completely ignoring that that profile hasn't been active in four years and phones aren't proof anyway.

The profile guy has the same hair T does in that partial FSU profile shot he leaked. The age and attitude also match.

>> No.9960659,11 [INTERNAL] 

>completely ignoring that that profile hasn't been active in four years

Except he didn't. He's had a different phone since before then.

>> No.9960659,12 [INTERNAL] 

Not proof.

>> No.9960659,13 [INTERNAL] 

My MySpace hasn't been active in about six years but it doesn't mean it isn't mine.
