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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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995986 No.995986 [Reply] [Original]

I recall there was a chart listing the most popular visual novels according to a Japan web survey. Does anyone have the site or pic posted?

Pic not completely unrelated.

>> No.996006
File: 231 KB, 975x810, 1215920464628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.996024



>> No.996055

Clannaids wasn't that great if you're not ronery.

>> No.996071

Chart proves you wrong kiddo.

>> No.996075

But most people who play VNs are ronery so yeah

>> No.996084


>Chart proves

lol'd hard

>> No.996091
File: 13 KB, 317x367, 1215921408875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh lawl, butthurt over a chart?

>> No.996100

No, I'm butthurt because my step-dad just raped me.

>> No.996115


>improper use of an image macro
>complete lack of reading comprehension and common sense

I know summer is why you're not in school, but I can't for the life of me figure out why you're not in /b/.

>> No.996408
File: 14 KB, 317x367, 1215925528247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Excuses, anon, excuses.

>> No.996690

I need a time and place for this pic op

>> No.996824


For #7, why is there an Ever17 Premium Edition with '18' next to it?

>> No.996854

Kagetsu Tohya I think it's one of the 10 side stories you get.

>> No.996874



>> No.996877

Tsukihime English v1.2 only extra scene.

Press tab a lot on the start screen for all of the hidden Mirrrormoon-made extras.

>> No.996886

aaaaah got it thanks

>> No.996935

Most popular of all time? Or within a certain time range?

>> No.996941


Does "DC" stand for Dreamcast?

>> No.996964

Im wondering if i should replay Tsukihime just for the new patch's easteregg.

>> No.996967

Yes. And SS is Sega Saturn.

For the most part, the console versions of these games aren't much different, so I usually just end up ignoring those ones and just focus on PC titles.
In general, erogamescape is a reasonable place to get a rough idea of how good a visual novel is, but nothing more than that. In addition, watch the number of votes a title has. If it has less than 20 or so, it's probably not the best idea to take the vote too seriously.
