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9958326 No.9958326 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/, when was the last time you finished a VN and went, "Wow, what an amazing display of storytelling." or felt depressed that won't ever experience it for the first time again?

Honestly, the only time this ever happened to me was at the end of my first two VNs (Saya and YMK) and I'm 90% positive that was only because it was my first introduction to the media and it was light years ahead anime which I normally entertained myself with. Ever since then pretty much every VN I read left me feeling indifferent or angry that I wasted so much of my time on something so bad.

Is it just me or are VNs in general just third rate excuses for books written by pseudo-intellectuals that couldn't become real writers? No offense, in fact I would actually love to read one that leaves feeling like the time I put into was more than worth it.

>> No.9958335

People are just going to apply your criticism to Saya no Uta.

I agree though, I certainly felt that way about SnU. Trouble is, it's a tricky balance. If I wanted a great piece of storytelling, I'd be reading books instead of playing Japanese porn games.

>> No.9958384

That's what happens when you're forced to eat the scraps that fall off the table. It's just that sometimes someone happens to knock something good off.

Enjoy, English only peasants.

>> No.9958396

But the deep or interesting VNs are the only ones that get translated.
Most Westerners don't realize that a run-of-the-mill visual novel is basically cute porn. They're too used to Fate/Stay Night and Tsukihime.

>> No.9958409

The problem with most VNs is the pacing. They're unbearably slow and take too long with slice-of-life crap to get to the plot.

This seems to be the only thing that separates published writers from VN writing, as far as I can tell. Even utter dreck like the Dresden Files manages to advance the plot at a speedy pace instead of spending absurd amounts of time on what the characters are eating for dinner.

I have yet to read a text novel that got me as engrossed into the story as some VNs, though.

>> No.9958427
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its all because you were too weak to find happiness

>> No.9958414

That exact feeling is why I learned japanese.

>> No.9958419


Oh? Enlighten us oh great master of the superior language. What great gems are we lowly mortals missing out on?

>> No.9958431

Well to be fair it's obviously true that you're not getting the entirety of the medium if you're only reading what has been deemed by other English speakers to be "good".

>> No.9958436

>They're unbearably slow and take too long with slice-of-life crap to get to the plot.

This. The parts about the protagonists' daily life or whatever are just padding. They don't establish the characters or anything, they're just events of no interest or consequence. I hate to use it as an example, but Katawa Shoujo was especially bad for this.

The best stories are ones that work everything together to form a complete story. Every line should matter. That doesn't mean the story has to move super fast or every piece of dialogue has to be exposition, but there's no point to a "getting dressed and going to school" scene if it's just for the sake of transporting the character to the next scene.

>> No.9958462


That's not the question. Of course it's obvious we're missing out. The question is, are we really missing out on anything really good?


You'd think it'd make you NOT want to learn Japanese since you have an idea of what's in store for you.

>> No.9958457


I like it and I'm sure others do too. If you want action go watch a michael bay film nerds.

>> No.9958478


think of it like a venn diagram you're only getting the good english ones. And those are always late because tranlsators can't keep up. So if you know the language you don't need to wait to read a title you're interested in at least.

>> No.9958504

Think of it like novels or films. There have been thousands of good books and movies, but only the classics get remembered. Sometimes you watch a "popcorn movie" and it's really entertaining, but it's certainly not going to be remembered in ten years' time. Or maybe you read an old book and think, "Wow, how come this never became a classic?"
Those are what you are missing out on.

>> No.9958569

Have JAST USA released SnU yet? The translation is _done_. It's taken, what, three years?

>> No.9958608

>Enjoy, English only peasants.
I read Chinese translations too so I’m not an English *only* peasant but I’m still quite a peasant.
I’ll get around to Nihongoing it up one day.

>> No.9958609
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OP, there is no point to criticizing the medium as a whole. Yes, some VN's suck ass, but it is no different in terms of quality over crap with movies, music,television (Animation included) and games.

>> No.9958611


So in actuality, nothing really worthwhile or worth the effort. As you've said there are thousands of titles and searching through these to eventually find a gem seems like a burden more than anything because most of the titles you're playing aren't worthwhile.

I'm assuming the classics are what are being translated in the case of VNs which are deemed worth the effort to translate (obviously not a rule or principle, but the real classics make it in). If you can't get much pleasure out of the ones the community deems the best of the best, how can you enjoy lesser titles?

>> No.9958615

>But the deep or interesting VNs are the only ones that get translated.
Which is why Muramasa has been translated, while My Girlfriend is the President remains Japan only.

How the hell am I supposed to know what you find good? Unless you dislike visual novels, I can pretty much guarantee that you're missing out on something you'd enjoy.

>> No.9958623

>Which is why Muramasa has been translated
Translating Muramasa to English would be a bit tough.

>> No.9958631


>How the hell am I supposed to know what you find good?

I'm asking you what YOU find good.

>> No.9958638

I haven't played every translated visual novel. Until I have, I'm happy, even if I end up playing VNs that aren't to my tastes.

The reason I dropped watching anime and reading manga is because there's way too much media available, and it hurts my brain.

>> No.9958653

It has been translated.

>> No.9958751

> I read Chinese translations
Knowing all kanji for free and still too lazy to learn Japanese? That a waste of human. Please, rot in hell.

>> No.9958770

Ironically I found Saya no Uta to be mediocre, purely because it was too short to make an impact on me.

I've read a lot of the major English-translated VNs so far and I've appreciated the storytelling in most of them, a notable exception being Muv-Luv Alternative because I hated the lengthy scenes with the Kimi ga Nozomu Eien cast. I don't read nukige though so that probably skews things a bit.

From memory, the last VN I read and enjoyed the storytelling was Little Busters. I've still yet to read Tomoyo After.

>> No.9958788
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Since this is a shit thread,
someone tell me why this game is so bad.

>> No.9958792

I’m sorry. Kanji aren’t difficult to begin with compared to grammar.
And I kanji dense texts considerably easier to read than texts written without much kanji.

>> No.9958797

I honestly haven't felt that way since FS/N 4 years ago.

>> No.9958794

Hey OP. Here is a wise tip. VN stories are exactly like kiosk books stories. There is always sort of campy feel to them and much reconstruction. I hope you could understand.

>> No.9958807

I agree. I have a feeling he doesn't really know Japanese.

>> No.9958810

Ever since Saya no Uta I have always wanted to hold a loli in the bathtub and have her soft butt pressed against me.

>> No.9958815


>a loli

I have some news for you ...

>> No.9958819

She's a loli in my heart.

>> No.9958823


Well technically she is a loli, just not a human one

>> No.9958874
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>> No.9958897

>babby's first VN of the worst kind

>> No.9958909

"Real" writing always tries its best to make the reader as angry and sad as possible. Saya no Uta also gave me those feelings. I don't want things like that.

>> No.9958914

What kind of normal has feelings? I grew out of those in high school.

>> No.9958918

Probably because you got beaten up so many times pussy.

>> No.9958927

Ever17's reveal was rather impressive. I think the mark that something truly defines a medium is that you can't move it to another medium and keep the same effect. Ever17's protagonist misdirection could not have been achieved in any medium other than a visual novel and it gets a lot of points for that.

Not that Ever17 didn't have its weak points.

>> No.9958928
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Should I play Steins;Gate or not?

>> No.9958929
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wow that was really mean

>> No.9958936

yes but always remember... THE CAKE IS A LIE!!! xD[/SPOILER]

>> No.9958941

Saya no Uta is an anomaly among VNs, in that it could be published as an actual novel with very little (if any) tweaking and be received extremely well.

Most VNs are about wich waifu wud u fug though, so try to find and read the ones that aren't like that if you're into stuff like SnU.

>> No.9958942
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My tastes > your tastes

>> No.9958945

Just wondering, which VNs did you find unbearably bad? I'd like to see if you actually stumbled upon some terrible crap or if it's something else. I started with the same titles, loved them, and I've found several reads just as enjoyable later.

>> No.9958958
File: 88 KB, 800x600, aeka delivers justice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I seriously hope you played the best route.

>> No.9958979

For me, Umineko was the peak. Alternative gave me a rush too, mainly thanks to the military/mecha.
But since then I haven't really felt much from VNs.

>> No.9959005

Cross Channel was pretty remarkable for having such a funny, weird, interesting and maybe even clever narration (by the protagonist) that it failed to bore me even when nothing relevant was happening. A very pleasant read. A less skilled author would've made it a tedious chore to read through all the time looping and stuff (if you accidentally spoiled yourself like I often do, this is revealed like 2 hours into the game so don't worry).

>> No.9959013

>Saya no Uta
It was rip-off from tezuka phoenix
And it was highly overrated in the western becasue 99% of gaijin newfag dones't read Tezuka's works

in Japan, hardly anyone care about Saya no Uta beside niche Nitro+ fantard.

There is a story in Phonex about the man has an accident, and he start to see all living thing as weriod form, but accident there was only one who look like a girl, and he fall in love with her, but she is actually a fucking ugly robot

Is this kind of story seting common? Actually no. try name one I bet you can't.

And there is even another story about a creppy slime like cuture in love with a human in Phonex.

even the mc of Saya no Uta metion the manga in the VN

It's fucking rip off and what Urobuchi does is add lovecraft and sex to attract ADHD to think their porn game is deep and edge.

my engrish is not good, but this is fact

>> No.9959028

Just because the it was a homage doesn't mean that it was bad. The writing was good and it was an interesting take on some of the same themes.

Pull the stick out of your ass.

>> No.9959043

Wow, it all makes sense now. He also stole the idea for Madoka from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

What a hack. It's no wonder everything he's done on his own has been awful, including his anime airing this season, psycho-ass.

>> No.9959049 [SPOILER] 
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You thought you could forget, didn't you?

>> No.9959057


Nukige aside, the VNs I enjoyed the least were muv luv, cross channel, and forest. I dropped forest a few hours in which was a first for me since I've finished everything I've started before that. It was probably a hype thing and they didn't deliver what was expected.


I preferred Mizuki's route. Aeka's felt really melodramatic and contrived like their sole purpose was just to evoke anger. Aeka herself felt more like a plot device than an actual character. Mizuki's route had much better characterization, development, and a more realistic relationship between her and MC.

>> No.9959061
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No, I'll never forget. I've actually contemplated hunting down the people who made this and murdering them.

>> No.9959062

Yeah I hear he also ripped of Equilibrium with Jouka no Monshou. How shameless.

>> No.9959071


>How shameless.

Who are you? Yui?

>> No.9959511

>are VNs in general just third rate excuses for books
No, it's a completely different medium, just like how film and comics are different from books.
>written by pseudo-intellectuals
What? The vast majority of eroge writers make no pretense about being "deep."
>that couldn't become real writers
Once again, are people who write for other mediums people who "couldn't become real writers"?

Good fiction is rarely plot-driven, actually. Sorry you like pulp.

No, that's definitely not a suitable analogy. It's not like all "classic" eroge get translated or like every translated eroge is a classic.

>> No.9961239


>The vast majority of eroge writers make no pretense about being "deep."

We're not talking about nukige here

>Good fiction is rarely plot-driven, actually.


>> No.9961257

>Good fiction is rarely plot-driven

>> No.9961286

>Wow, what an amazing display of storytelling


>I preferred Mizuki's route


>> No.9961289

Go read Harry Potter, faggot.

>> No.9961515

But he's right. Plot can make stories good, but characters are what makes them great.

As a general rule, people will only care about what is happening if they also care, at least a little bit, about who it's happening to. There could be fights and explosions and plot twists all the damn time, but if you don't know or care about who any of the characters are, then it's going to be boring. On the other hand, something as simple as a conversation can be really exciting if you're actually invested in who's talking and what their motivation is.

>> No.9961965

>Good fiction is rarely plot-driven, actually. Sorry you like pulp.
Thanks for being pointlessly condescending. Sorry you like cliche characters having mundane conversations and not doing anything interesting, I guess.

This is true, but as another anon said above:
>The parts about the protagonists' daily life or whatever are just padding. They don't establish the characters or anything, they're just events of no interest or consequence.

"Characters make it great" is true, but cliche characters don't.

>> No.9962245


A nerd like you can't appreciate the masterpiece of writing that is Mizuki's route.

>> No.9962648

Ever17 and Umineko
Saya was OK,
Sharin no Kuni is shit

>> No.9962691


YMK is a flat story with flat characters, flat plot, flat music, and flat everything.

It is simplistic. You can enjoy it, but you cannot say it is high quality.

>> No.9962734
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>> No.9962737

Holy shit owned. gg no re

>> No.9962745 [DELETED] 



The high point in that game was when they revealed the date. It had the shittiest pacing with hours upon hours of chicken sandwiches and the fact that it was aliens at the end was a real downer.

>> No.9962752



The high point in that game was when they revealed the date. It had the shittiest pacing with hours upon hours of chicken sandwiches and the fact that it was aliens at the end was a real downer. Not to mention the events at the end felt really forced and contrived.

>> No.9962963

>It is simplistic. You can enjoy it, but you cannot say it is high quality.
Why not? It's a work of entertainment. If he enjoys it, it's accomplishing what it's supposed to accomplish.

Beyond that, complexity and quality are unrelated scales.

>> No.9967211


He's just being dark and edgy like those faggots at /a/. "Just because it's entertaining doesn't mean it's good xD"
