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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 113 KB, 500x333, tako2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9956237 No.9956237 [Reply] [Original]

post Japanese food /jp/

>> No.9956253

I'm the Anon who always complains about people calling onigiri ``rice balls''.

I'd just like to warn everyone that I'm keeping an eye out on this thread.

>> No.9956257
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>> No.9956260
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>> No.9956263
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>> No.9956264
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You guys ever make rice balls before? Tips?
They always fall apart and break in my hands. And the rice sticks to my hands or won't cover up the food.

>> No.9956265
File: 15 KB, 250x165, 250px-KatsuSando6515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally like their Breaded Pork

>> No.9956266

Man, I could really go for some rice balls.

>> No.9956269

How much on average is a full box/plate of that anyway, in USD.

Looks so delicious.

>> No.9956270
File: 86 KB, 610x458, 20110317-ramen-hacks-05[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let the rice cook a little longer, or add sugar

>> No.9956271

Sometimes wetting your hands a bit before making the rice balls helps. You also need to have a sticky type of rice.

It varies but takoyaki are usually 500-1000 yen for 8.

>> No.9956273
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It's street-food, but you can get it in restaurants for pretty cheap. I think it would be like 12 dollars or somewhere around there.

>> No.9956277
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>> No.9956280

How dare you eat squid-chan

>> No.9956293 [DELETED] 
File: 187 KB, 800x553, meat-on-sticks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rice balls

You fucking faggot I WILL END YOU.

>> No.9956317
File: 30 KB, 350x288, 1324648091301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How dare you call shish-kabobs mere "meat-on-sticks.jpg"
It is I who shall be ending you.

>> No.9956335 [DELETED] 
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Come at me, bro.

>> No.9956339
File: 89 KB, 920x615, mosaic430f052301cd2b230c0e52eb2cae648212ee02b6[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tried a onigiri the last day from the uni canteen
(they get these wrapped in plastic from a local japanese restaurant every day fresh)
>the whole onigiri is wrapped in nori
>take a bite
>nori is crunchy (didnt expect that) and shit smells like 5 day old fishguts
>unwrap the riceball and continue to eat
I swear who the fuck can eat nori for gods sake, that shit smells worse then my mothers feet.
pic related

>> No.9956352
File: 450 KB, 1406x1268, ramen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ramen-kun, is that spinach? I might try it...

Here's a pic I made for god-tier vegetarian ramen (just add cooked meat to the finished product if you want), but you can use bonito flakes or whatever else in it too, but it's nice as it is.

>> No.9956390

I love Nori. I got some with Ramen once, and it was lovely.

>> No.9956402


>> No.9956406

Yeah! Spinach is good! I bit of seaweed is good too.

I'll try your thing out. I've been looking for an excuse to buy a lot of those ingredients.

>> No.9956407



>> No.9956419

I've been living off fried rice recently, because i spent my autismbux on a rice cooker, i have pre-cooked rice by the bucket.

Scramble a few eggs, fry them. Put eggs onto plate, start frying the rice, then add the eggs + an onion. From there i throw whatever veg is cheap/cheap cuts of meat.

Pretty filling/nice, takes very little time too.

>> No.9956416
File: 900 KB, 1020x726, 1323073221839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You best prepare yourself for the storm.
The storm of Japanese food pictures that will support the pathetic little thing you call a thread.

>> No.9956423

Please do your best~ I hope you enjoy~

I get tinned spinach, not fresh. It's still nice.

>> No.9956439
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>> No.9956441
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It's literally impossible for a vegetarian to be offended by a meat-eating sub-human monster.

>> No.9956430


What the fuck is that? Is that Thomas The Train in a bubble with a hamburger patty on top of spaghetti?

>> No.9956457

I lol'd. Vegetarians are some of the easiest people to get riled up.
Vegans are even easier.

>> No.9956466

Omelette, spagetti, meat patty, fries.... Can I assume that this is a children's meal?

>> No.9956469
File: 29 KB, 400x300, 1345464078372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assume it's a kids meal at a restaurant and it comes with a free toy.

The hamburger is a hambagah steaky on spaghetti. Yes, it's odd, but it's the Japanese attempt to emulate American food.
I never got hamburger steaks, they feel so poor to me. You should just get a real cut of meat if you aren't eating a hamburger.
I guess it's because meat is so expensive over in Japan.

>> No.9956474

I like it. I don't think it's a problem if you're familiar with seafood. There are plenty of people who can't eat fish, so I would think they can't handle nori.

It's one of those things with an intense and unique flavor. It adds a lot of dimension to food which makes it a great pair with onigiri both for taste and practical purposes.

Vegetarians aren't so bad since I think most of them abstain from meat for health/practical reasons. Vegans are fucking scum because its ideological for them.

>> No.9956483
File: 48 KB, 800x600, 1343762224125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds nice. How long does it take you to cook rice?

I put half a cup of rice in a bowl (after rinsing) and add a stock cube and a splash of oil, and microwave on high power for 20 minutes.

>1.5 cups of water per cup for white rice
>2 cups of water per cup of brown rice

It comes out light and fluffy, delicious and mixed with the stock and you can just keep shoveling it in your mouth because it's so light and delicious, very moreish.

>> No.9956514
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Yes it is.

>> No.9956517
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>> No.9956523


2 cups of rice takes 16 minutes
8 cups of rice takes around 30 minutes

Rice cooker has been invaluable, it has a timer so aslong as i rinse the rice at night, i can have it autocook for any time tomorrow.

>> No.9956548

Japanese children must be really happy, with food like that, and their cute little backpacks and uniforms.

>> No.9956551

You leave rice out before eating? Don't you get food poisoning?

Shit, I ate rice that I put in the fridge the next day, and then microwaved really hot to kill the bacteria and I got food poisoning. I wouldn't trust leaving rice for so long, that's why I eat it as soon as it's cooked. A full cup of rice is enough for 2 people to have a big meal.

>> No.9956619

How can they even call that a meal? There's absolutely nothing to eat.

>> No.9956626
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>> No.9956634
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>> No.9956660

Maybe not for a filthy giant westerner like you.

>> No.9956670

Sorry, nerd but that even put me past 2 hours

>> No.9956675

There's something wrong with your stomach. I never heard of something like that.

>> No.9956680


>> No.9956683

Nope, food safety courses cover the types of bacteria you're likely to find in the kitchen and types of foods, etc. Doesn't matter, I eat it when cooked now anyway.

>> No.9956694

You can eat food that has been left out for a day. It's really okay to do so. To add to that, he's frying it, which means he's getting it over 160 degrees which means any bacteria is dead.

>> No.9956702

Shouldnt eat rice thats past 2 days

>> No.9956739

Where do you go that you see vegetarians getting "riled up?" I always see the opposite -- any mention of something vaguely vegetarian prompts a shitstorm from meat eaters with a persecution complex.

>> No.9956750

I just searched with Google a bit... why the hell didn't I know this sooner?

I reheated rice all these years and even left it outside for a day and ate it cold sometimes, and in large amounts on top of that. I never got sick even once from eating old or unwashed rice.

Could this result in long term effects on my body?

>> No.9956759

You can freeze rice just after cooking it, its also fine to eat 12 hours after cooking.

You will all be fine

>> No.9956762

Stay safe, Anon~

Yeah, I basically had too much rice and put it in a container in the fridge. A day later I microwaved it fairly hot and had a really bad stomach that night and following day. It's a breeding ground for bacteria, that's why I was confused because you said you cook it over a long period of time (and maybe up to 8 cups, which is like 16 big meals to me).

I have a slow cooker too for normal food and I got sick off that twice, once from a stew that turned frothy and another from some chilli that turned tangy. It put me off using it for a long time, but now I make sure to cook things separately before putting them in and try to cook it thoroughly.

>> No.9956768

Very unlikely, if the bacteria in the rice were going to cause problems then they would have done so already. Food poisoning is pretty rare anyway, and at worst you're just going to have a couple of days of feeling like shit.

>> No.9956782


What about people who don't call themselves vegans because they don't believe in the ideology, but don't and won't eat any animal products, just like a vegan?

Suddenly vegetarian that doesn't eat milk/eggs is scum, but one that does is okay?

>> No.9956796

I had some udon yesterday. It was pretty good, though I expected it to come in soup. Isn't it supposed to? I guess it was because it was "yaki" udon.

>> No.9956799

Anyone who doesn't like cheese is a total freak.

>> No.9956815
File: 488 KB, 1632x1224, CameraZOOM-20120329123702449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my attempts at Japanese food 1/2

omurice with tamago kake gohan filling (I didn't have meat or tomato paste)

>> No.9956820

I don't like the American cheddar slices they sell at the supermarket. It is bitter and cheap-tasting.

>> No.9956830
File: 384 KB, 1488x1046, CameraZOOM-20120507201109572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


tamago kake gohan

it was really nice, the omurice too although it was somewhat burned but it was my first attempt at it.

>> No.9956832

There are 1000s of variants of cheese

>> No.9956845

That looks very nice~

This looks dry, though. Where's the ketchup?

>> No.9956853

I used to be lactose intolerant and thus never got a chance to get accustomed to the taste. I don't like it because of that.

>> No.9956857


8 cups is fine, i freeze most of it immediately after its cooked. Not much bacteria grows at that temperature.

>> No.9956877
File: 597 KB, 1632x1224, DSCF3184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put it on afterwards and yeah it was in the pan for too long. The filling helped with the dryness though.

I forgot I made miso soup, too. This is the second time. I had to use up all my spring onions so quite a lot of them ended up in the soup. I also took too long with the photo so most of the "miso" ended up at the bottom of the bowl. The first attempt looked much better.

I also have some wakame now so the next attempt should be even better.

>> No.9956896

It looks nice apart from the onions, that's way too much for me.

>> No.9956901

I just had to dump them all somewhere and I didn't feel like throwing them away ┐(´ ~`;)┌

>> No.9956914

Highly reccomend tamagoyaki, there cheap, fast omelettes that taste nice.

>> No.9956930

dude you're german, right?

>> No.9956939

After seeing this thread, I decided to look at nearby takeaways, and found one that had some good reviews. But it's almost 2 miles away, the menu online is confusing and probably out of date, and I don't like ordering over the phone. What a pity.

>> No.9956948


>> No.9956958

I can't handle milk but cheese is usually fine. Most cheese doesn't have much lactose left. I hated it for most of my life just because I was weird.

>> No.9956960

This is what I'll be making tomorrow.

>> No.9956970
File: 23 KB, 480x480, wwww otaku coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks so thick and tasty. What is it? Can you tell me the recipe?

>> No.9956972
File: 325 KB, 816x900, 2012-02_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the first omurice I ever made.
I fucked up the ketchup and such, but it was still really good.

Now mine look much better, but I haven't taken a recent picture.

>> No.9956980
File: 241 KB, 876x600, 17914895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was one of my attempts at Omurice. I like to make large portions so note that this is a dinner plate and not a normal size plate.

I'm stuck with an electric hob now though so I can't make a good omurice anymore.

>> No.9956985
File: 48 KB, 300x300, sb-golden-curry-med[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks great!

It's Japanese-style curry made with curry-roux like the one in the picture.

>> No.9956988
File: 162 KB, 816x612, 2011-09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was just a random Japanese curry picture I posted.

Here is an old picture of the first curry I made. There's might have been either home made or from a mix. Mine was just made from Golden Curry curry blocks. Nothing special, just stew meat, onions, carrots, and potatoes.

I've been branching out and trying new things though, my latest curries look much better. But it is still just with curry blocks, one day I want to try a homemade recipe.

>> No.9956992

American Pig

>> No.9957003

I attempted Japanese style curry once, and it came out horrible watery. My mom, who often makes thin vietnamese curry attempted it and got it perfectly on her first try using blocks. I was both amazed at my mom's skill and ashamed that it took me 4 times to get a good consistency.

>> No.9957004
File: 348 KB, 1102x766, 718978756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also tried making Chicken Karaage, which wasn't bad.

>> No.9957015

Mine turned out incredibly "not-watery" or dry. I used one block for about a two portions and I used chicken stock instead of water. Now I'm not sure if it was just not enough liquid, not enough curry or the chicken stock's fault.

>> No.9957017

But homemade curry in Japan is made with roux blocks. Japanese curry also sucks compared to every other kind of curry.

>> No.9957030

That looks delicious

>> No.9957025 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 800x531, waffle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This waffle is Japanese take my word for it.

>> No.9957027

Well if you look you can actually see it's full of fucking carbs.

Any bigger and I'd spew my guts up if I tried to eat it.

>> No.9957040

I don't understand. If you follow the (simple) directions, it always comes out fine. I doubt chicken stock would do anything major to it, either. Also, if you're really not happy with the consistency, just mix some flour/corn starch and water in a jug and pour that in. It will thicken up like crazy.

>> No.9957041

This whole thread looks delicious. Too bad I can't make anything besides boiled egg, fried egg and omelet.

>> No.9957052

Master the simmer.

>> No.9957057
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>> No.9957101

Japanese curry like you made sounds delicious but I don't eat meat. Tofu kind of sucks and is too soft to put with curry. I'd love to eat that curry in your picture.

I get Chinese curry paste and add boiling water. It's probably a bit similar, but I just add it to rice without the stewing ingredients. Still nice.

>> No.9957112

Honestly you barely taste the meat anyway. I've made it with just onions/potatoes/carrots before and it comes out just as good. A lot cheaper, too.

>> No.9957114

The instructions on the package are for 5 servings. I divided it by 5 but it still turned out weirdly. I probably just need to use more water.

>> No.9957125

Maybe it doesn't work as well scaled down. I always made it in two sets, 4 bricks each. Me and my roommate would eat it over two days.

>> No.9957135
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It was really nice, chicken was incredibly tender and the seasoning gave it a nice taste.
The only problem was the chicken meat. They apparently like to use chicken thigh meat instead of chicken breast fillets which meant I spent around 45 minutes just carving the meat off chicken thigh bones. I still have two portions of raw chicken thigh meat in the freezer for future attempts.

I also tried Nikujaga, although that was a bitch to make because peeling all the vegetables took a long time, and then because I made so much I had to simmer it for about an hour before it started going soft and the ingredients started soaking up flavour.

End result wasn't bad though, but it's quite a lot of effort.

>> No.9957142
File: 426 KB, 1284x800, 14891481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, no one wants a 2mb image.

It was really nice, chicken was incredibly tender and the seasoning gave it a nice taste.
The only problem was the chicken meat. They apparently like to use chicken thigh meat instead of chicken breast fillets which meant I spent around 45 minutes just carving the meat off chicken thigh bones. I still have two portions of raw chicken thigh meat in the freezer for future attempts.

I also tried Nikujaga, although that was a bitch to make because peeling all the vegetables took a long time, and then because I made so much I had to simmer it for about an hour before it started going soft and the ingredients started soaking up flavour.

End result wasn't bad though, but it's quite a lot of effort.

>> No.9957157


I like to do chicken teriyaki with the thigh meat, as it tastes amazing hot or cold, good in a packed lunch.

>> No.9957174

Get some proper chopsticks you effen weeb. Those from fisher prize?

>> No.9957178

They look like pretty standard cafeteria chopsticks to me. Also, it's fisher price.

>> No.9957200

You're an expert I see.

>> No.9957207

Might have to try making Teriyaki. I have a cheap set of serrated knives which mean they're not particularly sharp, so I spent a lot of time sawing the meat off and it was a lot of effort.

>> No.9957217

What kind of nice things can I do with Hoi Sin sauce?

>> No.9957223

Make chinese food.

>> No.9957302

Pharmacies usually sell lactase pills, which will let you digest milk and milk products just fine. Ask about them at your local pharmacy.

>> No.9957331

I have like a 2L jar of it, I put a blob in some stirfry sauce. It's not that nice but it's OK.

>> No.9957334

I grew out of it actually, I just don't like the taste of milk products as a result of that allergy.

>> No.9957363

Interesting. I sometimes just leave it in the pot I steamed it in and eat it in about 24 hours. Never had a problem so far.

Maybe you just live somewhere full of bacteria?

>> No.9957394

Some people are more resistant to it than others. Not getting sick after eating it 20 times does not mean it's safe.

>> No.9957397

I don't know what you can do with hoisin sauce by itself. It's pretty good on dishes involving duck or with roast pork.

If you have peanut butter, you can make a tasty sauce for Vietnamese Goi Cuon (spring rolls). If you have oyster sauce and soy sauce you have the seasoning base for chow fun. I know you can also add it to sauces for ribs and barbeque to add more depth to the flavor.

>> No.9957433

Same here. I frequently leave it in the pot for more than a day and I've never had a problem with it. A crucial thing you need to do is mix up the rice after it's done. If you leave it, moisture collects at the bottom and quickens spoiling.

Maybe it's because I'm Asian that I never get sick from rice. Maybe it's a genetic thing.

>> No.9957447

I left mine for two days in the rice cooker and I was fine after it. He's just a pansy.

>> No.9957684

>food hygiene doesn't real
Say whatever you want, it's irrelevant.

>> No.9957692

Nothing happens to most kinds of food if you leave them for a day in the fridge. Especially not rice. You're either very sickly or live in a dumpster.

>> No.9957712

Stop using greentext like a retard and people might take you seriously.

>> No.9958038

Japanese curry is pretty much my favorite food ever; I've made it dozens of times but I can never get that dark rich brown color like in >>9956439. What am I doing wrong? It's always a bit more pale but tastes amazing so I keep making it.

I highly recommend it for newbie cooks because it's pretty easy to cook. Also ranks pretty high on the nutrients per dollar scale for you fellow poorfriends.

>> No.9958190

What are you putting in there? In my experience, that color comes as a result of using beef over chicken.

>> No.9958817

You probably aren't reducing it enough or you simply use more water in your recipe. As long as the flavor is there it's all good.

>> No.9958884
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>> No.9958886


>> No.9958901

I miss 100bowl's threads. He always posted such nice pictures of Japanese food. He said his computer broke so he couldn't post on 4chan anymore, but I think it was the constant trolling that made him leave.

>> No.9958908

Was he the guy who made those Japanese food threads every day?

>> No.9958912

in culinary terms japan is basically the same as england, little islands where everyone drinks tea and the only good tasting food is curry they copied from india. enjoy your bland fish and pickled vegetables weeaboos.

>> No.9958926

I drank a Kirin.

>> No.9958931

Guess what faggots, it's lunch time in my part of the world. So don't mind me while I eat the tempura my Japanese gf made for me.

>> No.9958938

I've got some asian shops around me
I've ramen once and it was nice though so I'm thinking of trying something else
What would good to have next?

>> No.9958944


>> No.9958954

Implying Japanese curry is anywhere close to tasting as good as east Asian, Indian or European curry.

>> No.9958965

still better than natto

>> No.9958972
File: 514 KB, 1280x853, 1347101096562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not everyday. He made probably no more than 20 threads while he posted on 4chan. He just bumped them daily with meals he ate. Of course other people posted their meals as well, since that's what the thread was made for.

And of course people got mad at OP for a plethora of ridiculous reasons, ranging from him eating too much, to him not cooking the food, to him having too many bowls to eat from, ect.

Poor guy. I wonder what he's doing now.

>> No.9958969

It is, sadly.

>> No.9958976

I see. I imagine we're thinking of the same guy. I've never posted on /ck/ but I do lurk there from time to time, and I remember some guy kept making Japanese meal threads and some folks were getting upset about it for some reason. I liked him and his pictures.

>> No.9959004

Most likely the same person. If you search Warosu for "This thread is to post food from around the world to build a mutual understanding of each others culture." it will return most of his threads, at least since /ck/ started being archived.

>> No.9959041

>for some reason
Just the usual irrational hatred of anything that smells Japanese.

>> No.9959047

Oh also, I think people were just posting food from blogs and not shit they actually ate.

>> No.9959081

Unless someone was monitoring the blogs and posting within minutes of the pictures being uploaded, I don't really think so. Exif always checked out.

>> No.9959143

>meatballs with sauce and cheese

preeeeety sure that's Italian

>> No.9959164

It's a Korean food. Get out of here.

>> No.9959172

Nah dude, that's takoyaki.

>> No.9959190
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>> No.9959187
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>> No.9959199

It's actually still alive.

>> No.9959574
File: 510 KB, 812x848, 1308466865875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get an onigiri mold/shaper. They cost like $3 and save you mess and tons of time. Since I started using one, my riceballs NEVER fall apart. I honestly don't know why everyone doesn't do this.

>> No.9959589

I want cups like those so bad. I can't find them anywhere.

>> No.9959592

I live in hicksville, southern US and I managed to find them locally at a small Japanese grocery store. If you can't find it at a local eastern market, try online. They're really inexpensive just about anywhere.

>> No.9959616 [DELETED] 

woah nice BATTLESTATION dude

are you a PRO gamer? I see you have a steelseries mat! wow dude

you should join your friends over at /g/, they're waiting for you

>> No.9959620

I have never had curry. I am curious. I heard only Indian and Japanese curry were any good, though.

>> No.9959637

so hilariously sarcastic and el1tist dude (that 1 stands for i btw, it's leetspeak)

one can almost not tell that you're really from /a/


>> No.9959643

I have not seen anyone reference that in years.

>> No.9959649

there are a lot of different kinds. I think generally the further east you go the darker and more stew-like it gets.

>> No.9959648

Well I did have to up the ante in trying to fit in.

>> No.9959655

kukkin wizu za doggu

>> No.9959656

My ante upped when I saw you're mom last night.

>> No.9959658
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>> No.9959695
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I wonder if this is close enough. Katsu curry of sorts, the meat is SPAM though.

>> No.9959705
File: 525 KB, 1200x800, IMG_1946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably closer. Tried to do castella earlier this summer, this was the second and final attempt.

Sorry if this is annoying.

>> No.9959749

I like the pictures you take food dude
that mug you were drinking grape soda out of was nice

>> No.9959752

The cake looks kind of dry and the missing head is scary but the "tonkatsu" and the curry look really nice.

>> No.9959790

It was a bit dry. Going to just stick to pound cake with honey.

>> No.9960705


Never been a fan of SPAM but that plate looks delicious! I guess if you want to mask the taste of cheap potted meat, breading it and drowning it in curry is probably the way to go.

>> No.9961069
File: 216 KB, 1024x768, DSCF3299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second attempt at curry, this time I used twice as many blocks and more water. Pardon the lighting.

The color is a little off, probably because I used chicken instead of beef but it tastes great nevertheless.

>> No.9961315

So many fucking weeaboos in this thread.
Isn't this more /ck/ material??

as a person who worked in a Japanese restaurant:
- golden curry a shit, roux is easy.
- chicken karaage is just fried chicken. nothing special apart from different seasoning.
- omurice is not that good, but it's pretty filling...a regular omelette with vegetables and cheese tastes better. I never have liked savory eggs. KETCHUP. ON EGGS. WHY.
- Misoshiru is literally the easiest shit on the planet to make; I'm surprised you weebs don't make it more.
- If you make tamagokakegohan, you are asking for food poisoning. Don't fucking eat raw eggs from murrica that is just gross.
- tempura just fried shit

to the person asking about getting takoyaki in the US: you can make it yourself, but it's cheaper to buy the premade stuff in the frozen section at your Asian market. Shit is like $8 and really delicious.

I have seriously never been more ashamed of what /jp/ has become.

>> No.9961327

use agedofu.

>> No.9961353


French food is superior.
Jap food a shit.

>> No.9961392

why? Japs are assholes to work for.

>> No.9961384

You should be more shamed of yourself.

>> No.9961394

>If you make tamagokakegohan, you are asking for food poisoning. Don't fucking eat raw eggs from murrica that is just gross.
Why assume everyone is from there?

>omurice is not that good
Yeah thanks for your expert opinion on tastes.

>> No.9961401

just my opinion, you buttmad autist.

>> No.9961407

Please be nice.

>> No.9961417

Yeah no fucking shit.

>> No.9961422



>> No.9962757

How do you mess up japanese curry? It's pretty much the easiest meal you can make. Onions, carrots, potatoes, water, meat. Simmer till cooked, add the portioned curry blocks and melt in. Simmer longer and serve over rice. It's fool-proof.

>> No.9962760

Nothing is fool-proof. Ever.

>> No.9962784

please respond

>> No.9962791
File: 25 KB, 400x430, 1350525451360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

12 hours later, no one gives a shit about your neurotypical post.

>> No.9962795
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I guess not. It's really simple if you're used to cooking at all, though.

>> No.9962875

I can't get over how good this looks

>> No.9963047

Really? It looks gross to me. I can't handle eating raw egg.

>> No.9963055
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>> No.9963096

Oh, I didn't notice the yolk. I'd much prefer a cooked egg, actually. I don't think I'd like the raw egg, either.

I cook my eggs over hard, so I don't like runny yolk at all unless I'm eating it with toast

>> No.9964758

What was wrong with mine?

>> No.9964830

The raw yolk kind of makes the whole meal different. A cooked one would just "be" there while a runny one mixes and changes the texture of the rice. Note that I only put the yolk in there and not the whole egg because I'm not a fan of raw eggwhite.

>> No.9964851
File: 254 KB, 1600x1200, BeefSashimi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't lived there for about four years now, but I've missed the food every day.

Raw eggs are delicious. Modern normaltards don't know because they're afraid of salmonella. There is no salmonella in Japan, and if there was it's not a dangerous illness anyway.

>> No.9964853
File: 1.25 MB, 2848x2136, konpeitou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You gotta have raw egg for sukiyaki.
Or for tsukimi udon.

>> No.9964859
File: 440 KB, 1280x960, Pocky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A soft-boiled egg is awesome with natto and dashi.
I was never a huge fan of pocky, but I kinda liked this picture.

>> No.9964860
File: 614 KB, 2816x2112, skewers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just talking about how I want some fricking izakaya food. Chicken hearts would be favorite. With Nikka Black whisky, mizuwari.

>> No.9964863
File: 346 KB, 2816x2112, Sushi-Plate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always preferred sashimi to sushi; all the rice is just calories I could be drinking.

>> No.9964861

I got my hands on pocky a couple times, but I never got to find out what it tasted like, because someone else always ate it.

>> No.9964862

Woah, that's a huge yolk. I've heard of special eggs with 90% yolk before.

>> No.9964865
File: 176 KB, 1024x768, Sushi_Set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so fucking hungry right now.

...it's past my bedtime.

>> No.9964867
File: 389 KB, 1200x797, Yakitori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not technically food, but it makes me hungry anyway

>> No.9964870
File: 258 KB, 1600x1200, Whale_Sashimi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I felt kinda wrong the first time I ate kojira sashimi, but it was so so so so so fucking good.

I ate it two times afterward.

If you get a cut from the outside it's whitish and tastes like bacon, but better. So delicious.

>> No.9964873

Wow, that's really dark meat. Is that grated ginger at the bottom?

>> No.9964876
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This doesn't really count, and it didn't taste good, but it's kinda cute in a tacky way

>> No.9964879
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Alas, I'm out. Time for me to lurk and leech a bit.

Some of the best classic cocktails have a raw egg in them; it adds a wonderful mouth feel to the drink.

>> No.9964898

For what it's worth, I have been eating raw eggs from 'murika for years. Lately I buy organic free range because whim, but I'll do it with mass-produced white eggs.

I have had about seven rocky mountain oysters in the last two weeks. I was only hung over four of those days. The rest of those days I just didn't have any food in the house and couldn't bring myself to go out shopping.

tl;dr eat a raw egg today. Even if the US eggs are more dangerous than any other country that isn't third-world, no healthy individual is in any real danger.

>> No.9964915

I am an idiot. I meant prarie oysters.

I'd eat a rocky mountain oyster, but I have not.

Seriously. I am an idiot. Ugh. Going to bed.

>> No.9965003

Japan seems like a horrible place to eat if you want to eat kosher.

>> No.9965080

>I have been eating raw eggs


>> No.9965116
File: 69 KB, 306x331, 1315603820145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>google rocky mountain oyster
>deep fried bull testicles

People actually eat this?! And it's considered a common dish? Oh God...

>> No.9965126

WAYQ normie

>> No.9965158


Who the fuck are you quoting? Keep your meme arrows on >>>/a/

>> No.9965170

>meme arrows
What the shit is this?

>> No.9965188

It's another case of someone making something up for "ironic shitposting" and it catching on

>> No.9965306

I want to make gyuudon but the rice is always wrong. It either too dry or turns into pudding mush in the cooker. What's the optimal water/time equation for creating perfect Japan rice for putting meats onto and eating?

>> No.9965310

Try one part rice, two parts water. If you wash the rice beforehand, use less water afterwards.

>> No.9966188


Glib: Because delicious.

Less glib: A prarie oyster is a good hangover cure, is a good shot of protein, and tastes good. Crack an egg into a short glass without breaking the yolk. Add a tablespoon-ish of worcestershire sauce (if you think raw egg is questionable, look up how worcestershire sauce is made), a healthy dollop of your favorite hot sauce, and a thin carpeting of salt and pepper. Toss it down the hatch and swallow it whole. The yolk goes down like an oyster, it tastes good, it wakes you up, and it's good for what ails you.

The raw egg that I crack into udon? (This is called 'moon-viewing' udon sometimes and it's cheap; some people crack the egg into a bowl and swish each chopstick-full of noodles through it before eating it.) The bowl with a raw egg cracked into it that accompanies sukiyaki so you can swipe each chopstick-full of fresh-cooked food through it? It's like adding any other sauce to anything. It's a condiment that goes extremely well with hot food; it moistens it, adds a soft mouth-feel, and is savory.

I pity the fool that hasn't had real cookie dough raw. Or cake batter.

A hard-boiled egg can be good in ramen, but a medium-boiled egg is much more interesting.

An egg fried over-medium is boring. Sunny-side up gives you something to taste; the yolk is full of flavor. The white is also good when partially runny, but the flavor is more subtle and doesn't compete well. It makes a good condiment though; I like salting it and wiping my toast through it.

..and, as I said earlier, I often can't bring myself to go out and deal with human interaction. If I run out of 'real food' in the house I can always toss back a prarie oyster.

>> No.9966193


Dude, it's a lump of meat and cartilage. They cut it into slices, batter it, fry it, and serve it with hot sauce. You could do that with anything at all and it'd taste good.

...well, okay, eyeballs would probably still taste horrible. I ate the eyeball and eye socket from kabuto-yaki a few times and it was like eating a meaty corn-starch flavored super-chewy jujube 'candy'. I don't know if I could learn to like that.

>> No.9966217

Why not just take "normal" meat and eat it knowing that you just didn't eat something completely disgusting?

>> No.9966264

>normal meat
I'm not a fucking normalfag.

>> No.9966277


>> No.9966307


You're not seeing the world the way it is.

All meat is normal. We're omnivores.

Two fish were swimming together and an older fish swam past the other way and said to them "how's the water?" After a while one of the two fish said to the other "What the fuck is water?"

I've met normaltards so fricking normal they wouldn't eat lamb, rabbit, or venison.

That is weakness. These people would also be too squeamish to eat nearly anything that you routinely get in Japan. Squid, squid ink, raw meat, eggs, milt... I would not want to eat with such people. It would be boring.

I met, once, a ten year old girl who almost never ate anything but chicken nuggets. Her parents didn't do her any favors by acceding to her weak-ass whims

>> No.9966336
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>> No.9969031
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>> No.9969108

You're not seeing the world the way it is.

Nothing is normal.

>> No.9970951

That's what a normal would say.

>> No.9971013

>Raw eggs are delicious.
No wonder Japan is the country with the most cases of stomach cancer.
Not to mention all that parasites from raw food...

>> No.9971022

What have raw eggs to do with stomach cancer?

>> No.9971028


>> No.9971052

That's not how proof works.

>> No.9973495

frog sushi for the win

>> No.9973513
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This thread is still here? Really?

>> No.9973533

/q/ a shit.

>> No.9975821

Ikr. Quick, better make another Touhou image dump.

>> No.9976029
File: 255 KB, 1024x768, DSCF3304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Third attempt at miso soup
