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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 109 KB, 640x360, samplecg_0501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9955647 No.9955647 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>9918284

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

The ero cg samples of Daitoshokan are up on the August site. Bekkankou is getting pretty good at drawing pantyhose.

>> No.9955659 [DELETED] 


>> No.9955693
File: 167 KB, 803x600, SELECT YOUR CHARACTER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished chapter 3 in Dies Irae.

>> No.9955713
File: 150 KB, 1023x595, 85093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the trial for 女系家族Ⅲ ~秘密HIMITSU卑蜜~. I can't wait for this, but the trial only made things worse because it's one of those digest-demos that skip to the next scene just when things start to get interesting.
Back to 恋色マリアージュ.

>> No.9955725

That's elf's usual artist isn't it?

>> No.9955736
File: 139 KB, 1024x576, 1296980821446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has great style (which includes the OST), but for a character-centric VN, its cast is a mixed bag of amazing people and unlikable retards. And you can't just ignore the latter, the game's system won't let you. The main thrill of the plot (the risk of fulfilling a wish) is also heavily spoiled by the fact that you can make a wish to resurrect someone.

It has great premise, but the implementation is average. At least it's great for learning the language.

>> No.9955739

I wish that chart would have everyone on at the same time without deaths.

>> No.9955747

More like Silky's artist coming home.

>> No.9955769

Anyway I like him, the only Silky's game I0ve played is gakuen saimin reido and the artist makes semen look like cheese, which I find quite off-putting.

>> No.9955775

How are the later ELF games, anyway? I played the Dragon Knight games years ago, good stuff.

>> No.9955789

Binniku no kaori and Ningen debris are quite good.
I thought gatenkei developed really well the connection with the heroine too.

>> No.9955829

>Binniku no kaori and Ningen debris are quite good.
Yeah, I really like those games. It's pretty awesome how they create a suspenseful and oppressing atmosphere. Great sound-design.

>> No.9955839
File: 259 KB, 1280x720, guishen_0062cg03zgg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading 催眠遊戯, it's pretty interesting and the cgs are hot.
The hypnotism are actually amusing and believable. It's not like your usual hypno game where the hypnotism is merely used as a shitty plot device for the hscenes.

Reminds me alot of Saimin Jikken and Minami kara no Tegami.

>> No.9955836

According to the last thread, ELF is a shitty ntr company that /jp/ likes and dislikes at the same time.

>> No.9955854
File: 154 KB, 816x638, おっぱいぼーーんっ!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suzuki Keiko is now my favorite seiyuu in this game. I nearly fell out of my chair.

>> No.9955858

How are the scenes themselves?

>> No.9955876

Hot. I couldn't stop fapping to be honest.

>> No.9955895

That's all I ask from a hypnotism game, if nit has an entertaining plot like shoushinki3 it's a plus too.

>> No.9955976

Sounds like my kinda game. Erotic hypnosis is really hot and interesting, but there's like a whole genre of "guy discovers magical device that makes women want to have consensual vanilla sex with him", which is passed off as hypnosis even though it has basically nothing to do with it. Is there any way to filter out those when searching for hypnosis nukige without having to waste time playing them personally? Maybe there's some Japanese blog somewhere that tracks hypnosis nukige and rates the hypnosis content?

>> No.9956216

Jesus. Tsuki ni Yorisou has a fucking 90 in EGS. Is it really that good?

>> No.9956231

At least wait till it has 50 votes before start talking about scores.

>> No.9956268

Is there any estimate on script/length?

>> No.9956298

Supposed to be around 2.5mb seeing the interview given in Bugbug.
But they always overestimate so it could be lower.

>> No.9956305

Ah great, I was fearing something really long.

>> No.9956426

Applique, minori, Clochette's new games.
Also that Silky's new game too. That artist's drawings are really hot.

>> No.9956554

I'm waiting for something interesting to be released. I download some trials but, I don't know, nothing seems interesting anymore. I haven't played much this year.

>> No.9956795

Does Erogamescape block non-Japanese IPs?

>> No.9956840

Gaijin block affects people at random, it seems.

>> No.9956863

I'm thinking about playing 5 -ファイブ- for the winter setting and the soundtrack. Does anyone know if it's worth playing, or should I just stick to getting the OST?

>> No.9956898
File: 1001 KB, 1280x720, Unknown 2012-10-29 04-35-36-72.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuckdonald's hamburger

Am I missing some kind of inside joke?

>> No.9956919

>next line
>Starfucks Coffee

Okay, they're doing it on purpose.

>> No.9956963

It's not bad, it has a good setting and there was one route in particular I liked quite a bit.
But (I won't spoil anything of the plot but don't read if you don't want to know how the game develops in its second half) 5 is a pretty hardcore utsuge, the endings are suicide inducing..
And yeah it has a great soundtrack.

>> No.9957242

I'm more inclined to wait til like 100.

Do we know who was in charge for each scenario yet?

>> No.9957294
File: 149 KB, 800x600, 0006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started Baldr Sky. Does she get a route in either game?

>> No.9957346

Reposting from the last thread


>> No.9957456


That depends on your philosophical point of view. Going by the game's presentation, I'd say she does.

>> No.9957462


She's unavoidable effectively - you will see why later.

>> No.9957519

She doesn't have her own route, but given that she has twice as much screentime in Sora's route as Sora does, it sure feels like she does.

>> No.9957541

I was referring to whether you view your simulacra as the same as yourself. If you do, then Sora's route is also Kuu's route.

>> No.9957704

You just can't fuck her because plot reasons, Sora's route doubles as hers.

>> No.9957745

Uh, yes, you can iirc. As an extra after beating dive 2. Although granted that's world zero Kuu.

>> No.9957749

Ah, thanks.

>> No.9957763

I know they are saying it with good intentions and that the result is encouraging, but I just can't picture it being a good thing.

>> No.9957778

Under EGS that main writer isn't credited to anything else though, so I can imagine it being better than Shuffle and miscellaneous shit. The lack of large amounts of Jackson is kind of a bummer, though I'm open to new writers.

Still going to hang on til quite a few more reviews come in before I put it on anything but my back log.

>> No.9957789

I'm reading it right now and I can certainly say it's quite fun and the heroines quite good and adorable.
Never been that big on trap MCs, and this one reminds me of im@s Azusa, both versions.

>> No.9957811

Really? I think Asahi is a great trap protagonist, some time I find myself forgot that he was supposed to be a guy.
His comments like "少女でごめんなさい" always crack me up.

>> No.9957815

>some time I find myself forgot that he was supposed to be a guy.
This is my problem, most of them never have a strong enough personality to remind me they were originally guys and just think the only reason this isn't yuri is because of the potential buyers.

>> No.9957818


>> No.9957951

How does Asahi compare to Tomo? He's probably my only favorite trap protag in a game ever.

>> No.9958553
File: 101 KB, 1282x721, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Root Double finished.

7/10, with a disclaimer: "I would not read/sit through this again even if you paid me"

Still, it feels good to finally finish a VN after dropping several and taking long break.

Going to read 世界でいちばんNGな恋, after seeing it recommended in the last thread. I drop a lot of slice of life stories, but this one at least seems interesting from the premise.

>> No.9958916

Yeah I'm with you there. I hated Root Double. The plot was pretty good, but the execution was awful. More critically, there wasn't enough reward for the effort in sitting through all those flashbacks.

>> No.9958939

Guys, I downloaded a bunch of preg fetish games from a company called 'swaneye' and I can't play any of them without a no dvd crack but I can't find any of them online. All the old links are dead and none of the many torrents I can find of their games contain no dvd cracks.

What do you guys do when you run into a wall like this? I find it pretty depressing.

>> No.9959242

elf's recent games are really great if you want something that balances plot and ero and has very well-written characters and relationships, plus good production values and atmosphere. There's NTR, which causes many people to instantly write off the games as shit without playing them, but even someone with an aversion to NTR should be able to get through Biniku no Kaori, which only has a few NTR scenes.

Btw the guy who writes their recent stuff also wrote a lot of their old games, including the Dragon Knight series, under a different name.

>> No.9959262

is there a way to search for games featuring swimsuits not including school swimsuits?

>> No.9959422

Just recovered my PC. Going to burn my midnight oil to finish Hanairo Heptagram, Shukufuku no Kane no Ne wa, and Tsukioto. If I have enough time, I might pick up Koiiro Marriage as well.

>> No.9959432

> The ero cg samples of Daitoshokan are up on the August site.
I'm a bit sad that Ureshino has no route.

>> No.9959471

Playing Narcissu. It's pretty nice and calming.

>> No.9959507

You're not the only one. I'm sad that Miyu doesn't have a route.

>> No.9959734 [DELETED] 


>> No.9960372

try alpharom crack if they're protected with it.

If not post the error message so we can say something more clear.

>> No.9960376

the girls all were bad. The protags were uninteresting as well.

>> No.9960618

I apologize for asking this, but is there a working torrent/DL link for 5 -ファイブ-? Google appears to have failed me and I don't know how to use Share.

>> No.9960831

I found a torrent the last time I looked but it wasn't seeded anyway. You should probably learn how to use Share.

>> No.9960926

I wish they would make it less obvious that the dumb genki imouto will probably turn out to be a mean, scheming bitch.

>> No.9961299


Salyu was pretty interesting. It's too bad that she didn't get very much screen time.

>> No.9961336


I feel bad about Mochizuki. She wants MC's dick so bad.

>> No.9961629

Chuning Lover hasn't been uploaded yet, right?

>> No.9961649

Who is Jackson and why is everyone jizzing themselves over him?

>> No.9961730

He wrote Oretsuba and Sore wa Maichiru Sakura no Youni. Just an excellent writer with outstanding characters and dialogue. He's also somewhat incontestably the most talented writer working for Navel.

>> No.9962071

what the fuck happened to chu-ning lover and raidy 3 are they on share only or something?

>> No.9962086

How good of a game is Oretsuba? The only thing I know about it is "DICK IN YA MOUTH".

>> No.9962104

Really good. 9/10 good.

>> No.9962219

It really depends on if you like the characters or not, it's a charage. That being said I've never met or heard of anyone who didn't like the characters. The jokes are hilarious, the dialogue is great, the interactions are entertaining, the core plot is well placed and when you get to it gives you a sense of having seen the whole story. Just all around in all aspects it's a good game that just about anyone will like. Personally my third favorite, at 10/10, and non-Maruto charage aren't often to my liking at all.

>> No.9962431
File: 92 KB, 1101x675, yesitis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Mihono grow up from her tsuntsun? Having read from ones that do grow with notable improved qualities from other vn's, I feel like not wanting to go through her route at all, and I only just started. At this point Nekoko's and her Pretty Vision high jinks felt it would be better.

>> No.9962433
File: 283 KB, 715x387, premium_image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The premium edition for the PS3 version of WA2 looks nice.

>> No.9962451

Well, she has to. I don't think she can stay insufferable in her own route.

>> No.9962457

Scores and all? Kinda want.

>> No.9962464


Well I am just wondering how much I can bear, frankly. So far she has little redeeming quality even as she learns. Damekoi and the like has me spoiled, yep.

>> No.9962705

I haven't read her route, but she was pretty bearable by the time the common route ended. By the end of Luriastis's route (which is the only one I've read), her tsun was basically gone, and she did grow a bit in terms of maturity.

Her problem is that she gets outdone hard by the others. Nekoko and Kuon have their own entertaining antics, while Luriastis is pure, concentrated love. Meanwhile, Mihono's defining feature is her unlikable bitchiness and her pantyhose.

>> No.9962755

what's the difference between this topic and the one in /vg/?

>> No.9962758

Only cute /jp/ies are allowed here.

>> No.9962762

The topic is the same.

Did u mena ``thread''?

>> No.9962766

Yes I meant "thread". My brain just farted. Being not fluent in English also didnt help.

>> No.9962768

/vg/'s threads are meant to be for translated stuff, these threads are more for untranslated

>> No.9962772
File: 327 KB, 1280x720, r8zt8o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished the trial for the new game from Clochette. Heroines make a rather good first impression but Clochette should seriously just make a nukige already because oh good those H-scenes are hot.

>> No.9962810

The /vg/ thread is for the English plebian masses. This thread is for the Moon-speaking master race that includes one tripfag and about 5 to 7 anons.

>> No.9962806

>Clochette should seriously just make a nukige already
Please no.
I like having an unbroken penis.

>> No.9962809

The calibre of poster on /vg/ is lower, they talk about translated VNs, they post random images/reaction images/other shit things/etc.

>> No.9962865
File: 342 KB, 1280x720, Japanese bird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went there trying to talk about eiyuu senki since I thought it wasnt just a VN to read through. I guessed wrong; it was pretty cold there. That was probably why. I cant be the only person in the world still playing this game right? Last I tried talking about it on /jp/ about a month after it was released and nobody cared either. Been making a playthrough cause why the hell not, the game deserve it but it's disheartening when I cannot find anyone to discuss strategy with. When I'm at it, might as well shamelessly self-advertise: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7GynSQQrjc&t=7m23s

>> No.9962891


From what I recall of comments on /jp/, the game is super easy for the most part except a little later it gets mildly challenging.

As for myself, I got about 2 hours in but the story and characters were so boring that I gave up.

>> No.9962956

Preordered that last week, kind of excited. Going to start the original when December hits and finish with the PS3 version.

I'll scan the scores if someone else doesn't too

>> No.9962954

it's get harder on hard. If the player doesnt stall for high troop count than by the time he reach europe the average enemy stack is about 2x that of the player. For a comparison, I think eiyuu senki's normal mode easier then rance one star but hard mode is easily up there with 10-20 points 5 stars.

>> No.9962984

shallow characters
easy from start to finish
the story sucked ass

>> No.9962996

Are they including any new actual in-game features or it's the same game with h-scene cropped out? The story was depressing even with the h; I cant see the point of replaying it in the living room.

>> No.9963152
File: 269 KB, 1366x768, delicious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Meanwhile, Mihono's defining feature is her unlikable bitchiness and her pantyhose.
Yeah, but that pantyhose is a rather significant plus.

>> No.9964502 [DELETED] 

Just finished Robotics;Notes there. Absolutely loved it; really can't understand why it got panned so much at release other than the 360 owners being incredibly bitter about it coming out on PS3 as well.

>> No.9964509

That you think there's more than about 12 people who own 360s in Japan makes any conclusions you've reached suspect.

>> No.9964524 [DELETED] 

Considering the originally 360 was hailed as the console for VNs until things started coming out on the PS3, and Steins;Gate was originally a 360 release, I'm quite confident in the conclusion I've come to.

>> No.9964536

For fuck's sake, deleted the wrong post by accident. Check the archive for it I guess.

Considering the 360 was originally hailed as the console for VNs until things started coming out on the PS3, and Steins;Gate was originally a 360 release, I'm quite confident in the conclusion I've come to.

>> No.9964602

>really can't understand why it got panned so much at release
It wasn't really. The game sold what, 80~100k copies? Yet how many reviews does it have on say, EGS? I wouldn't say there is enough of a response to gauge how the game was received.

>> No.9964672

I just finished Sekien no Inganock. It was very wonderful and surprising.

>> No.9964696


What game is it? I have to read it after the picture of her showing her feet and asking "how is it?"

>> No.9964705

You could just use google, but koiiro marriage.

>> No.9964719


tnx. smell u later nerd.

>> No.9964779

What do you think of this, /jp/?


>> No.9964796

>Tsuyokiss – Try not to fall asleep after the common route.
I think he is a monkey. Other than that, I'm not sure what you want to hear.

>> No.9964798

Tsuyokiss commom route is kind fun, but translating it must be a pain in the ass and boring as sin.

>> No.9964823

> Itsuka, Todoku, Ano Sora ni.
This reminds me: back than someone tried to start an Itsusora translation project. The first thing that came into my mind was how would the translator do that without making a very long explanation of many things.

>> No.9964838

A big enough pdf with all the notes and necessary links should suffice.
I was more interested in if he was going to port the CGs from the ps2 version.

>> No.9965006 [DELETED] 

The trailer for the game said that they were adding new CGs and an after story for Koharu.

>> No.9965014

The trailer for the game said that they were adding new CGs and an after story for Kazusa.

>> No.9965045

Funny 'cause I find Grisaia harder to read than Dies Irae and KKK.

>> No.9965094

How is that supposed to be possible? Did you learn the language from a hardcore chuunibyou who skipped basic Japanese vocabulary? Time to accept that you're the king of weirdos.

>> No.9965282
File: 871 KB, 1280x720, capture_27062012_092049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading is entirely different from translating. While reading, you can skip things or make assumptions about what things mean based on context. While translating, you need to fully grasp the source text (including all nuances). 'He's talking about some army stuff' won't cut it in translation, you need to know specifically what army stuff he's talking about.

>> No.9965327

god moogy will you stop? nobody gives a fuck about your blog, now quit spamming it in every thread. it's just getting pathetic.

>> No.9965427


But his post got 4 responses.

>> No.9965454

Most military stuff can be handled OK with some research. There are a lot of references to Japanese ranking / training concepts that do not translate clearly to English - I sometimes to localize to US Army equivalents, which fortunately actually makes sense in this particular case.

KKK's chants present a pretty huge technical challenge. I think moogy overstates the difficulty of "writing chuuni in english," though.

>> No.9965472
File: 68 KB, 375x294, 20120907_vfbsmp05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree the story was nothing, but the gameplay was fun enough. Going for 100% item completion by doing areas in the more difficult order provided enough of a challenge not to bore me at least. Russia with the HP handicap is a biiiiitch.

Plus Rino Kawashima as Nyarly-chan, why the HELL wasn't she recruitable ;_; maybe in the sequel? was so awesome as to totally redeem the game for me.

So as to make this post useful, here's my party when I beat Russia.

Back row
top: Lu Bu (2712 HP; Ruby)
center: Himiko (5015 HP; Alexandrite)
bottom: Archimedes (6495 HP; Brisingamen + Emerald)

Front row
top: Bedivere (5438 HP; Onimaru + Mikazuki Munechika)
center: Chihaya (5278 HP; Gandiva + Book of the Dead)
bottom: Mordred (6346 HP; Hihiirokane + Juzumaru)

I was on turn 164 and partway through EU.

>> No.9965491

I’m going to start Osadai again today, just finished the last bit of the Sharin no Kuni FD. That omake was pretty silly.
After Osadai I still have 9 titles I once started but stalled.

>> No.9965521

I still don't like his art or Nishimata's but at least Nishimata appers to be trying some new tricks in Tsuki ni Yorisou.

>> No.9965523

Oh lord the omake. I was almost on the floor. First laughing, then furiously masturbating.

>> No.9965572

Has anyone managed to get Pia Carrot 4 to run on Windows 7?

>> No.9965627

It doesn't? Weird, because Pia Carrot 3 works without issue.

>> No.9965983

>appers to be trying some new tricks in Tsuki ni Yorisou.
Having a different artist for half the cast is not trying new tricks. At least the hair of her designs looks better now and not so much like a wig.

>> No.9966094 [DELETED] 

Anyone has a link to himawari psp?
I could swear someone linked it once and I've been looking inn the archive, but no luck so far.

>> No.9966096

That cg, if I'm not mistaken, was on their promo cg list but was never placed in the game. Hoping for it to be included in the visual fanbook. And hoping for the book to be uploaded eventually.

>> No.9966142

Good prelude to the VN I’m finishing next which is also silly, I guess.

>> No.9966158
File: 254 KB, 1177x691, 2202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She scares me

>> No.9966372
File: 208 KB, 1285x722, she's lost it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She doesn't even speak japanese in some scenes

>> No.9966714

Minato is too adorable, she's going to guilt trip me to hell and back in the rest of the routes.

>> No.9966763

I hope the fandisk will contain Risona, Nanai, and Yachiyo routes. I especially love Yachiyo's voice. It sounds quite soothing.

>> No.9966776

Nanai seems to be ready halfway thorugh, but Yuuse isn't into incest.
Also don't forget Hokuto, I like her.

>> No.9966786

Where do I look to download a certain vn if I cannot find it on other sites?

>> No.9967843

Google, and hope there are links from before the mass culling of filehosting sites.

>> No.9967879



>> No.9968226

Luna is a masterpiece.

>> No.9968345
File: 102 KB, 803x601, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NG恋 Chapter 4. God these side characters.

I can already tell I'm supposed to dislike this idiot (as if the thumbs-up wasn't a blaring neon sign), but what's the point of making such a stupid, obvious character? Why do writers do this?

As for the rest, the tenants are just a three-headed eunuch hivemind, and the classmates are just loud and irrelevant. I have no idea why this game decided to make six of these, let alone make them appear three at a time, clogging up valuable 800x600 screen space, chiming in about absolutely nothing.

That's my only complaint so far. Maybe it's because the main characters are so good.

Anyway, liking the story so far. I'm guessing (read: praying) I'm not on the coworker route since I didn't see an H-scene. Goddammit, Osamu...

>> No.9968416

>I'm supposed to dislike this idiot
He tries to steal the main heroine so of course you're supposed to dislike him. I want him to die...

>> No.9969186

Sometimes I'll be casually thinking, and I'll just randomly recall awesome moments from games. Be it Ichijou's finale or the epiloque in Muramasa, the finale of MLA, or just about all of YU-NO, some stuff just sticks with me.

Recently YU-NO has come to mind a lot. I keep remembering how phenomenal Mio's route was, and tear up whenever I think about how Kanna died before I found out I needed the stone, I played the game without a walkthrough and played half of it just looking, waiting for the opportunity to save her because I felt so terrible. Or when Sayless died. As a result, I've been craving something like that.

I realize this question may not have an answer, but are there any games as good as YU-NO with that same sense of accomplishment, the same depth and detail applied to the setting, with a gradual plot that unfolds as you discover new clues? Where the characters are memorable, and the drama between the gags hits you hard? I can think of a few off the top of my head, Ruitomo, Myth, Itsusora, some Innocent Grey, but I'm looking for something with, and I know this doesn't really help to limit, but something with YU-NO's charm. Any suggestions on "Games you might like if you loved YU-NO". Hope that someone might get what I'm saying here, kind of difficult to express in concrete terms

I've played most popular games, so suggestions there might be misplaced. I haven't played much C's ware and Elf and am working on that currently. Anything else or pointers would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.9969361
File: 1.12 MB, 991x1280, YUNO_16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of Kanno's highly rated games, dude.

EBE, DESIRE, XENON, Exodus Guilty, Mystereet, gentleman detective, Juu Jigen, etc....

>> No.9969386
File: 28 KB, 384x243, 978003419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just don't expect them all to be on-par with Yu-no.

Exodus Guilty probably comes the closest in-terms of setting. Has some pretty nice animation too.

Desire is like an early version of Yu-no but without the fantasy elements.

>> No.9969492
File: 9 KB, 349x171, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

translate it please, weeaboos

does it mean I need to look for a crack?

>> No.9969509


>> No.9969529

damn there wasn't one provided with the download and looking for one is too much trouble. I guess I'll have to settle for fapping to the cg rip.

>> No.9969701
File: 239 KB, 1280x720, miu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is Dracu Riot compares to other Yuzu Soft titles? I read on EGS that it's not as good as Noble Works, and I didn't think Noble Works were very good either the moment they insert drama into their routes.
The characters seem to be very cute though, so I'm kinda undecided whether I should get this or not.

>> No.9969788
File: 455 KB, 600x820, 23201731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played Erona's route then finished and completely forgot I had it. Don't get me wrong, I like the other character's too but they just don't compare to Elina. Dracuriot is average at best but that's just my opinion.

>> No.9970112
File: 328 KB, 1280x720, Friendship is magic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished a new episode of my eiyuu senki play through, this time beating Mongolia: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ep0XMfw1Sgg
Suggestions are welcome though I dont have any obligation to follow cause I dont jews youtube.

>> No.9970118

And Love Potion/Etsuraku no Gakuen is a somehow enjoyable land mine; you can get through it in a weekend if you're ever looking for something you can laugh all the way through. The ending was pretty clever for an old-time H-game too,.

>> No.9970149

I actually don't really remember what happened in Love Potion. The car scene at the end was pretty funny though.

Seeing Kyouko would be the highlight of the game.

>> No.9970183 [DELETED] 

Oh, there's this academy somewhere where the schoolgirls were all turning into sex-crazed lesbians, so the protagonist gets sent there "undercover" as the most unconvincing teacher in the history of fiction. He amazingly doesn't get found out or arrested even after going on multiple-paragraphs all made up of I'D SHAG THE ERSE OFF OF THAT every time a character with boobs is on screen, uncoveres the truth (aphrodisiac drug ring), and then gets ditched by the two hot adult women who turn out to have been undercover too.

The plot was so forgettable I may have pulled half of that about of my ass, but seriously the internal (and not-so-internal) monologues in which he described how much he wants to fuck all de females is too hilarious and basically make the game. They're like James Joyce's letters to Nora might read if he'd had Down syndrome.

>> No.9970185

Oh, there's this academy somewhere where the schoolgirls were all turning into sex-crazed lesbians, so the protagonist gets sent there "undercover" as the most unconvincing teacher in the history of fiction. He amazingly doesn't get found out or arrested even after going on multiple-paragraph tangents all made up of I'D SHAG THE ERSE OFF OF THAT every time a character with boobs is on screen, uncovers the truth (aphrodisiac drug ring), and then gets ditched by the two hot adult women who turn out to have been undercover too.

The plot was so forgettable I may have pulled half of that about of my ass, but seriously the internal (and not-so-internal) monologues in which he described how much he wants to fuck ALL DE WOMANS is too hilarious and basically make the game. They're like James Joyce's letters to Nora might read if Joyce had Down syndrome.

>> No.9970221 [SPOILER] 
File: 325 KB, 1296x758, 100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luna is the prettiest.
This was a great route, overall I'm satisfied with TsuriOtsu
One thing to note though is that you shouldn't expect another Oretsuba when reading this, this route itself was obviously not written by Jackson and honestly I didn't see anything that really seem like his writing in it.
This game is more of a normal charage, a very nice one though with lot of memorable characters.

>> No.9970256
File: 195 KB, 800x595, 96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I'm almost finished with キナナキノ森, a free all ages otome-ge (though it doesn't really feel like one, there is barely any romance too).
I'll refrain from judging it before seeing the end but it's pretty nice, some scenes are pretty "cruel" to say the least so it's not for people who can't stomach fucked up shit.

>> No.9971062

Oh hey, I've been planning to play that game for a while, since it's one of the top-ranked free games on EGS. Good to hear that it's decent.

>> No.9971341
File: 200 KB, 1680x1050, 103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9971622
File: 244 KB, 1024x768, 456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Your dick will shrink into nothingness if you don't fuck women" is one of the more horrifying story-premises for a nukige.

>> No.9971698

Eunuchs live longer lives than sexually active males - testosterone reduces the human lifespan. And once your penis is gone, you'll live a blissfully tranquil existence, immune to the turbulent, arbitrary frustrations of failing to copulate. Why haven't you castrated yourself yet?

>> No.9972121

What's this?

>> No.9972126


>> No.9972525
File: 1.12 MB, 1280x720, thisgame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, that was certainly unexpected.

>> No.9972535

That's great. Is that game any good?

>> No.9972546

I've only read for about 3 hours, but the game has been pretty funny so far.

>> No.9972596

that is the most ridiculous little hat

>> No.9972817
File: 81 KB, 750x150, anime_banner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow does this mean it's getting an animu?

>> No.9972824


What is animu?

>> No.9972831

It means it's getting an H-OVA.

>> No.9972843


You shouldn't feed the animals.

>> No.9972867

I must have spent the last hour listening to this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSIu2CCRrA4 over and over again.
Chuuni as fuck but man that was just really cool. The pinnacle of chuuni. I will probably start on Acta est Fabula right after TsuriOtsu. Really love Rusalka's voice.

>> No.9973009

This screenshot has convinced me to play it.

>> No.9975076

Damn it Anon, I hadn't even noticed it.

>> No.9975826
File: 267 KB, 1600x1200, ev_07_111_0_3200x2400_base.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9976032

Looks weird and possibly disturbing, and you say it's an otome game? I'm so in.

>> No.9976054

It has a great opening too, definitely pretty impressive considering it's free

>> No.9977062

Playing Baldr Sky Dive2.
How do kill the floating eye-beam enemy?
I can't hit them while they're floating.

>> No.9977148

Learn to use AA-moves or wait until they drop momentarily down and then strike them

>> No.9977162

Example of AA moves? I don't see them.

>> No.9977178

Kaiser Kick or Scythe.

>> No.9977180

You should use different attacks to unlock more moves. I at least remember unlocking the one where you shoot straight upwards, but just ended up doing as >>9977148 said.
Stop moving for a moment and they'll try to crush you. Dodge and attack.

Speaking of which, is DiveX any good? And does it spoil anything for Muramasa or Scarlett (since it seems some characters make cameo)?

>> No.9977197

The cameos are like 10-30 lines long in one gameplay mode, so no it doesn't spoil anything.

Generally if you want bit more of Sky then it's decent and the best thing about DIveX was probably that it shows what happens between the school years and the start of Dive1/2

>> No.9977684
File: 107 KB, 640x400, 31304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys,
Where I can get Kakyuusei Updated Original Version?
This girl is so beautiful.

>> No.9977717


>> No.9977749

Oh thanks a lot mate.

>> No.9977955

Soushinki 3 is fun as fuck, I recommend it.

>> No.9977951

Saimin Yuugi sucked (there were about only 2 scenes with actual sex per heroine, wtf?) but the concept of a hypnosis nukige was interesting. Do you guys know of the better hypnosis nukige out there?

>> No.9977973

Meant soushinjutsu.

>> No.9977988

Thanks, I'll check it out.

>> No.9978040

I'm looking of a vn with girls that are mentally unsuitable to take care of themselves, anyone have any suggestions?

>> No.9978048


Jun Maeda, is that you?

>> No.9978055

do you happen to have doukyuusei as well? I don't remember if they ever made an updated version though.

>> No.9978065

Maeda would be already be writing the porn.
Seriously that guy was into some incredibly weird stuff in the 90s and early 00s.

>> No.9978078

Can you not get Sora's true end if you don't have Dive1 installed?
I can't find 永遠の終わり, I already seen all the ends except for Sora's true.

>> No.9978396


You need pick the option of Kuu feeling jealous and you get a plugin afterward and activate that. Listen to Sora about Neunzehn and his twisty idea about a woman. You will know you have activated the True End when Kuu is in the ero scene on beach

>> No.9978698

I believe there is one, but I don't have it.
Your best bet would probably be checking Share/PD.

>> No.9978908

Took a little break from 恋色マリアージュ (and from Mihono) and went to read a little light novel 精霊使いの剣舞, only to be met with a brutal tsundere man-beater with no redeeming quality. Suddenly Mihono doesn't feel so bad so I am resuming.

Noticed otomega's FD is coming out in a few weeks, I wonder how different this will be as it won't have the same writer. Yukie's route in the original was a little weird and didn't feel it fitted well compare to the other 4. I actually liked Akie didn't have a route but it looks like they added something for her in the FD... I guess my interest is also piqued a little at Etoile's incoming cross-dresser vn in Nov.

>> No.9978922
File: 230 KB, 1366x768, imoutits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stopped reading the trial for 夏空のペルセウス because it seems to spoil one of the heroine routes. Or maybe Shinra confessing to Touka is part of the common route I don't know, the trial covers too much distance either way. Very good trial though, heroines are great (especially Ren), soundtrack is awesome and the atmosphere in general is very relaxing. Cicadas, heat haze, sunflowers and all that shit. And I like how Minori is eager to let you know that you'll get to fuck them this time.

>> No.9978928

I could swear her back must be hurting a lot now. that, or the angle is just weird.

>> No.9978947

Wow I completely forgot forgot about this thing.
All the heroines appear to be titty monsters, in which I have no complaints.

>> No.9978965

They took a clue from Clochette, guaranteed sales.

>> No.9979036

Are gaijin not allowed to access minori's site? Fuck me.

>> No.9979053

They made an anti-gaijin campaign back when nnl was translating ef.

>> No.9979068
File: 301 KB, 1277x719, 06587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who can't stand Mihono -meaning everyone- just need to read Kuon's route. They basically decide to have an affair behind Mihono's back, heartbreak ensues.

>> No.9979160

I'll be interested in their games when they get rid of whoever does their shitty character designs.

>> No.9979288
File: 144 KB, 1280x720, 20121027195914f62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here play the Kimisora trial yet? If so, how was it?

>> No.9979295

Is Mihono really that bad? Japan seems to love her though.

>> No.9979305

What a strange complaint. Don't they have a mostly different team of artists for every game (the Supipara cast looks nothing like the one from Perseus or eden*)? And none of their designs are especially unpleasing to look at.

>> No.9979313

Kinda looks like fortissimo v. 2.0

>> No.9979320

He posts the same comment every time someone mentions minori. Guy's just weird like that.

>> No.9979331
File: 322 KB, 1296x758, my heart is about to implode.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is a bit of a cunt at the start, but she gets better on the common route. I'm honestly not sure why some people say she is the devil incarnated. There's plenty of much, much worse insufferable cunts in other eroge and manga, anime, etc.. Either way, she's definitely not as likable compared to the other heroines.

But eh, deep down we all know Ruria is the best.

>> No.9979334

I honestly agree, partially at least. Ef's designs were so... unremarkable, also I don't like the texture the shadowing gives to it.

>> No.9979342

How is Ren's bust only 80 when they look almost the same as the girls who are 90? Fuck this shit.

>> No.9979353

My problem with Minori is not so much with their designs, but the fact that the only game of theirs I've played, Ef, bored me to tears.

>> No.9979356

I think it was a typo. They listed E as her cup size after all. Maybe it was supposed to be 89.

>> No.9979390

>But eh, deep down we all know Ruria is the best.
I'm sorry Anon, but my Autism can't let me believe that.

>> No.9979408
File: 243 KB, 1366x768, matsuri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matsuri is a miracle of the universe. Unfortunately way less trainwreck potential than Midori no Umi. Everyone loves to hate that game.

>> No.9979439

Don't be silly, you know you wouldn't let something minor like autism stop you from believing that. Not even with a name like Luriastis Tearyheine.

How can you say no to a face like that, especially with that little shaking sprite effect? Do you want to make her cry? Are you trying to make her change her name to Luriastis Teary-eyed Mikuriya?

>> No.9979485

You don't actually need to see that H-scene. I just had all the plugins, then changed all the wrong choices and used the scene skip function to get to the end.

The "true ending" is nothing awesome anyways, just a one scene long epilogue for the good ending with one CG and the implication they're going to repopulate the planet.

>> No.9979598
File: 420 KB, 1024x576, capture_001_03112012_041616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone loves to hate that game.
I kinda liked it, especially some of the heroines and in particular the twins were great hnngggg. The worst problem with it was that the game tries to spoil itself at every possible moment; some parts of the extra screen have some (f.ex. character sprites) and even the god damn opening has a huge spoiler right in plain sight.
I tried to ignore this but then I accidentally got into the true route which spoiled the routes of every other heroine whose route I didn't play yet (which consisted over half of them). Ended up dropping the game after that.

And the execution in general wasn't really stellar. The setting had much potential but the events end up unfolding rather stupidly with general tone jumping between "awww, this is so heartwarming" and "oh jesus christ how horrifying". Particularly some of the routes are completely devoid of mystery and their good endings feel really convenient.

It's also very easy to read so I can wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone who is still struggling with their Japanese skills.

>> No.9979606

Luriastis Teary-hiney? That can't be real.

>> No.9979648
File: 64 KB, 904x361, one hit wonder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to Marmalade's RNG-based name creation, ティアリヘイネ = Tearyheine.

So unique it only gave me a single hit on Google, which coincidentally leads to that post you quoted. I'm fucking impressed.

>> No.9979725

>an after story for Kazusa.
LOOKS LIKE ITS TIME for me to start saving up that allowance

hopefully my autism bucks application gets to the part where they give me a psych test too

the future is so bright!

>> No.9980088
File: 419 KB, 880x550, 34ER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this any good?

>> No.9980365


Translator's note: Keikaku means plan.

>> No.9980519

I'm looking for the name of a VN that I wanted to read. It was mentioned a few months ago but I forgot the name.
The only thing I can remember about it is that the little sister is on the basketball team and that she has purple or dark blue hair.
Can someone help me out?

>> No.9980534


>> No.9980718


>> No.9980846 [DELETED] 

That's not it. It was released within the last 3 years and is in 16:9.

>> No.9980862

That's not it. It was released within the last 3 years, isn't translated and is in 16:9.

>> No.9981011


This is the only thing that comes to mind.

>> No.9981047


>> No.9981062

Trying to find torrents/DDL's of VN's older than 2 years old is getting harder and harder and I rather not go the Share/PD route.

Has the /jp/ FTP been well maintained with content or did it die along the way?

>> No.9981118

whats the matter too obscure for you?

>> No.9981185



>> No.9981398


This sounds delicious! I hope the a decent build-up for heart-breaking.


Different strokes for different folks, really. I agree quite a bit with >>9979331, except I would just like to add as the default/starting heroine, generally the writer(s) do a little more while in this case Mihono is actually a little less for me.


Best check the vnddl.txt file to see what's added.

>> No.9982101
File: 1.94 MB, 1366x804, HINT HINT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a retard and ended up messing around with my save files.
Can somebody check if the following is correct?
Tsujidou has 2 endings, black hair and normal. Black hair ends with the mountainside thingie with your daughter. After finishing both you get hiroshi's birthday. Everybody else has a single ending

>> No.9982920

Get a clubbox acc, you can find almost all eroge there. Slow as fuck dl though

>> No.9983055

Yes, that's it. Thanks.

>> No.9983831

So, anything promising to be released in the next few months?

>> No.9983854

There's the cross channel port with new and better resolution, grisaia's last game, n'gak thun, the new august. Also the new xchange for me.
That's all I can remember right now.

>> No.9983866

New August is not until February of next year. Same with Rakuen.

It's kinda nice how there isn't much going on with October since I need some time to go through my backlog. Still haven't started Tsuriotsu yet, but it looks to be a good contender this year.

>> No.9983877

>n'gak thun
Oh yeah this will be released this year, good.
Grisaia and Daitoshokan are scheduled for next year though

>> No.9983883

It barely makes the cut for this year, but I love my december releases.

>> No.9983897
File: 303 KB, 1273x719, ilgjf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely a high-tier imouto, she's going to throw some serious bitch fits once he starts dating someone else. In Touka's case she's probably going to slit her throat or something.

>> No.9985671
File: 1.29 MB, 1680x998, perseus_tr 2012-11-03 22-21-23-45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The bigger question is if this is gonna be a bad end or collect-all-the-dragon-balls-for-a-miracle good end. Minori's past games makes me think the former, but since they seem to be trying to go a safer route this time, it might be the latter.

>> No.9985669

Whoa, Asagi 3 is a full price 4 gig game? Seems like Lilith is going all out on this.

>> No.9985756

>Same with Rakuen.
Do you have a source on this being February?

>> No.9985794

Completely forgot about this month's release post.

Though I'm mostly looking forward to Witch's Garden and NaiNai.

>> No.9985808

The whole premise is basically a set-up for a last minute miracle. Still interested in how they are going to handle Touka.

>> No.9985810
File: 883 KB, 1280x720, perseus_tr 2012-11-03 22-51-07-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh boy. Here we go.

>> No.9985867

Sorry I meant the game being released in 2013, not February.

>> No.9986149
File: 283 KB, 1282x749, tsurioto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't they both 3P with the MC.

>> No.9986237
File: 115 KB, 1024x768, ascreenshotisborn009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got the harem end in oyako rankan. I got saya/kotone yesterday so I'm stopping here since I don't care to get every scene

a+ game would play again
if you're into ntr, give it a shot
if you're not into ntr, but would like to still play this game, but are afraid of heartbreak due to ntr, fear not, there are only two unavoidable (to my knowledge) scenes; one which I don't count but cg recollecion does
all the girls are good in my opinion, I never found any of them annoying or obtrusive
this was also the first time I actually liked, no, loved a mother character that you can actually fuck
I completely went goo goo ga ga over her. for real dawg

saya > yukino > kotone > ririko

I'm going to search for another game with a mother character to play now

>> No.9986334

Welcome to the club!

I hope this will be helpful:

>> No.9986819
File: 165 KB, 969x631, kiss x list.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any idea if there's a similar db for eroge with kissing?

I only have this small list I've been building up as I read and slowly double check old eroge I've already read. Note that I would add games to this list even if there was only a single kissing scene, as long as the length is decent.

>> No.9986992
File: 1.06 MB, 1280x748, perseus_tr 2012-11-04 01-32-53-45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Man, that h-scene was lewd as hell and right afterwards when Touka finds out he's only with her for his own wish fulfillment she completely rips him a new asshole.

Minori, I am impressed. This game is definitely going on my to-read list.

>> No.9988565 [DELETED] 

Saving this.

>> No.9988653
File: 240 KB, 1021x767, chuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, you're missing Walkure Romanze. They are so fucking hot, the game even counts them as full H-scenes.

>> No.9988838
File: 283 KB, 1024x576, capture_001_04112012_153819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might want to add 特別授業3 it has some decent ones, wish there would be more and longer though

>> No.9989053
File: 84 KB, 800x469, 1337190655846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good VN with actual gameplay?

I already played Sengoku Rance and Kamidori

>> No.9989092
File: 12 KB, 256x207, 7157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Mikan actually finished? And where I can find this?

>> No.9989138


Aselia the Eternal, Big Bang Age, Utawarerumono.

>> No.9989154

GIGA's games. Baldr Sky was great and Duel Savior got supposedly translated, though I haven't played it myself yet. Leaf's Utawarerumono was also pretty enjoyable gameplay wise. Just remember to play on the harder difficulties as the easy modo cuts some of the battle mechanics altogether.

BlazBlue barely counts as a VN (at least vndb lists it) but it had pretty solid gameplay.

>> No.9989164

You could always buy it from dlsite.

>> No.9989177


VNDB lists stuff like Ar Tonelico.

>> No.9989525
File: 393 KB, 963x1600, Myugyi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's Seinarukana if you want to spend probably over 100+ hours trying to get all the moves.

>> No.9989533

I bought it from Dlsite personally.
I really recommend it, it's a great game that is pretty much the precursor of everything Shumon wrote afterward (despite the fact that he was only a side writer in it it's a very "Shumon" title if you know his style).

And yeah it's a complete story, sort of.
Just an advice if you want to start it, use a walkthrough and go directly for Mayumi.
Mikan doesn't have any route per se but it has a lot of choices that center around 2 heroines, Nozomi the titular heroine and Mayumi.
Going for Mayumi add a lot of really interesting scenes that you won't see if you only go for Nozomi and it's the route that basically show the true story of Mikan, if you go for Nozomi first not only will you miss it but since the skip is broken you will have a real hard time seeing the new scenes the second time around.

>> No.9989574

zomg there are H-VN on psp

gotta buy one

>> No.9990221

Astelight was never uploaded?

>> No.9990543
File: 42 KB, 352x500, baldr_force_exe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone here played BALDR FORCE EXE? I wanted to start getting into the Baldr series, but is this the right place to start? Or should I just skip to Baldr Sky?

>> No.9990554

I'd reccomend EXE before, Standard edition even because voiced MC. A lot shorter and the concepts in it reappear in sky. Some routes are really similar too, just not as developed.

>> No.9990611

Doing Force first is recommended as it can be hard to play it later due to its age if you play Sky first. Also its still pretty good to this day

>> No.9990995

i finished umineko a few days ago. i've been wondering wether there are good articles around to read? theories and stuff..

and how does higurashi compare to umineko?

>> No.9991089
File: 104 KB, 360x526, chara_08_1_normal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anybody tried Pandora?


>> No.9991117

Could you be less of a samefag?

>> No.9991154

I remember looking forward to this...one year ago. And it's still not out huh? Well, back to not giving a fuck.

>> No.9991222

I've played the trial. I liked it, it was really surreal and had a totally original flair to it. Loved the art as well. However, I don't have too much faith in that circle to produce a truly amazing game (though it's certainly possible that they could produce a totally original title) and the lack of updates after spontaneously throwing out the trial has been worrysome.

>> No.9991258

i'm not, but thanks for showing me the thread

>> No.9991324

I'm liking Tsuki ni Yorisou way more than I thought I would. Usually I'm not a fan of moege, but the characters in this one are really endearing and pleasant, and the atmosphere is relaxing. Enjoying it about as much as I enjoyed Concerto Note, definitely a nice break in between all the plot focused games I've been playing recently.

>> No.9991409


>> No.9992153

What's the best route in Tsuki ni Yorisou? Luna's?

>> No.9992253
File: 105 KB, 1440x900, !.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /jp/ I'm trying to be brave so please forgive my post.
I am going to sound uneducated when I ask about these but since this is a VN general thread I hope this is suiting.
I'm looking to play some VN and unsure to where to start. I've been having a little war with myself but I have reached a decision. I'd like to start playing some nice cute VN's!

I hoping you could point me into the direction of some that don't have sexual scenes and are more about relationship building and potentially have some super cute female or male leads.

If it helps I am a female and I really really don't want to play any yaoi games. Ever really.

Sorry if I bothered you. ♥ Anon

>> No.9992263

not even going to take the bait. play some key games, the non-lewd versions.

>> No.9992266

I'm assuming you can't read Japanese, at /vg/ there's a visual novels general that has a pastebin of information, recommendations, etc.

>> No.9992268


Can you read Japanese?

>> No.9992277

Is there any good touhou eroge?
I find some but they look like shit

>> No.9992284
File: 5 KB, 160x149, yotsuba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bait? I'm sorry? I'm just embarrassed about being a newfag and not knowing anything, honest. I just want to be sincere. May ask what are Key Games? I literally new to this, could you suggest some titles to play? I feel like shouldn't have to apologize but I think I should I'm sorry I've upset you.
Sage: not contributing

>> No.9992314


>> No.9992316

Sure can't !
Thanks for help ♫

>> No.9992342

I haven't gotten there yet, so I don't have my own opinion. But on EGS everyone says Luna's route is top tier. She's also my favorite character, flat out the best character in the game, and won the popularity contest at 97%.

I am playing this game for Luna right now, though I generally like all the characters, she is the best.

>> No.9992356

You're not going to find a huge amount of content that fits what you're looking for if you don't speak Japanese. At least nowhere near as competently.

>> No.9992383

Hmm. Now I have to decide whether to play her route first or last.

>> No.9992416

I should have supplemented that by saying everyone recommends playing her route last since it'll leave you with the best impression. I'm doing that myself.

>> No.9993571

Who finished heptagram, do I have to complete all four routes to unlock Miyuri's?

>> No.9993583

Yes. I have no idea why they did that; Miyuri's route feels more like a bonus route than a "true" route.

>> No.9993876

Decided to play parfait2 and saw this teg on vndb Only Virgin Heroines - wtf Rikako is virgin? How...wha...e... fuck. Dropped.

>> No.9993883

Why wouldn't she be?

>> No.9994001

My only problem was Ema, I mean, what the fuck?

>> No.9994523

I see, thanks. Now I only hope that other 3 routes would be at least at same level as Mao's route, which imho, was pretty enjoyable.

>> No.9994540

Nobody has. Not only is it not out, there's not even a release date.

I so hope the project isn't stillborn; it looks very promising indeed. Basically everything >>9991222 said.

>> No.9994944

Damn seems like Gears of Dragoon was delayed for 2 months, I guess that was to be excepted to some degree. Hopefully there will be trial soon

>> No.9995000

Too bad, was looking forward to this.

>> No.9995047

please respond

>> No.9995049

What is the difference between this /vn/ general and the one on /vg/?

>> No.9995085

This one is mostly for non translated stuff. The one on /vg/ is mostly for English only peasants.

>> No.9995111

Tsuki ni Yarisou is mostly a comedy right? Because that prologue felt so out of place.

>> No.9995116

Meant Yorisou obviously.

>> No.9995119
File: 128 KB, 960x720, 黄雷のガクトゥーン_OP_snapshot_00.49_[2012.11.05_07.56.33].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9995122
File: 160 KB, 960x720, 黄雷のガクトゥーン_OP_snapshot_01.21_[2012.11.05_07.57.39].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9995125
File: 119 KB, 960x720, 黄雷のガクトゥーン_OP_snapshot_01.22_[2012.11.05_07.57.46].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9995127

I'm only several hours into the game but it seems to be comedy interspersed with low to mildly heavy drama.

>> No.9995129
File: 90 KB, 960x720, 黄雷のガクトゥーン_OP_snapshot_02.33_[2012.11.05_08.01.44].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>you will never have a waifu with such an anachronistic name

>> No.9995136
File: 120 KB, 960x720, 黄雷のガクトゥーン_OP_02.39_[2012.11.05_08.04.48].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cast of characters. Tesla's gundam not pictured.

>> No.9995143
File: 92 KB, 425x600, gahk_toku_sea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tesla's gundam not pictured.
Hee. And to think I ever had any doubts about this game. It's shaping up to be incredibly fun.

Why are they so adorable together? (Maybe it's just Sakurai's superior skill at crafting stoic male characters, which I am beginning to think are my fetish.)

>> No.9995145
File: 106 KB, 960x720, 黄雷のガクトゥーン_OP_snapshot_00.31_[2012.11.05_08.10.18].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I, too, enjoy Byronic heroes.

>> No.9995148
File: 510 KB, 1000x600, 30671320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops, forgot the countdown. One month, two weeks and a day until the Golden Dawn now.

>> No.9995171
File: 385 KB, 1800x600, 31036898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy knowing that there is someone else on /jp/ who recognizes that term and knows what it means!
I had never made that connection myself but you're absolutely right, of course.

So how about that title change? I liked N'gah-Kthun better, even though it was hard to spell :<

>> No.9995172

Why can't Liar-Soft just make the jump to a higher resolution already. I instinctively went 'ewww' upon starting Hiragumo-chan.

>> No.9995175

> Tsuki ni Yarisou

This made me laugh so hard, wonder why.

>> No.9995176

did they change it to Gakthun or something?

>> No.9995207
File: 142 KB, 450x340, 30568296_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like it. A lot of the more recent fan art uses that spelling, and the VNDB entry was changed too. Still haven't seen it from an official source, though, so who knows? It's almost 2 AM here so I am too tired to check.

Speaking of which, have some OOC goodness that almost made me pee myself with mirth a few minutes ago (possibly because I am sleep-deprived BUT ANYWAY), which anyone else who's hyped for this game really should see: www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=30568296

>> No.9995221

They've always said Gakthun in promos and the like, but I thought that was how the japanese pronounce it.

>> No.9995232

i think n'gah-kthun is the proper spelling though

>> No.9995252
File: 144 KB, 700x1200, event_cg_449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who sees Ren in the protag?

>> No.9995261
File: 35 KB, 580x350, 009-re-cyborg-2012-film.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just see him.

>> No.9995275

What do you guys think of this?

>> No.9995294

I wouldn't say Sorechiru was Kamiyan's only eroge title, maybe with his name I suppose.

>> No.9995363

Is anyone else really interested in Neon Scalar? My heart just won't calm down. I'm excited to see what sort of heroine she is.

>> No.9995443
File: 92 KB, 799x600, neko lily.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'll never reach the sheer moe levels of neko Lily, which makes me sad.

>> No.9995655

Speaking of which, how was Hiragumo-chan? Never seen it discussed here, even though I was going to read it even before it was out.

>> No.9996007

new thread

