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9955646 No.9955646[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's take a moment to remember the deaths of the many NEETs from /jp/ who have most likely died in the storm that is currently destroying America.

>> No.9955663
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>> No.9955674

We must be happy for them.

That storm is just a giant portal. They've gone to a better place.

>> No.9955690

But the portal is in Mexico!

>> No.9955702

americunts should be banned from /jp/

>> No.9955716

>storm that is currently destroying America.
Its not that big, geez.
People are acting like this is katrina level flooding or fukushima.

>> No.9955728

Sandy will be visiting me around 7:00 wish me luck /jp/~!

>> No.9955729

I'm alright.

>> No.9955744

They died for America!

>> No.9955751

NEET means "twigs, leaves, newspapers and glass bottles" ?

Because that's the only thing around here I see getting destroyed.

The power will probably go out later, but just because our power company likes setting its own equipment on fire and might consider it a challenge to do that with the little bit of rain we've got with the wind.

>> No.9955774
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RIP in piece fellow toubrous

>> No.9955794

>storm that is currently destroying America
payback for pearl harbor

>> No.9955795
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>> No.9955813

RIP Sudo

>> No.9955815

Myon pls

>> No.9955824


Americans are the reason you have the internet, google, and 4chan. Take a hike euroshit.

>> No.9955851

Implying ARPANET was the first network and another wouldn't have easily sprung up because it was an obvious idea.
Implying the World Wide Web isn't British.

>> No.9955847

But Russians and Fins are even worse shitposters

>> No.9955849

you know that shit was just the /b/ & reddit horde and similar crowds of manchildren shitting things up, right?

go figure this is quebec's fault

>> No.9955857


Take your "implying" back to /soc/, and return once you have a coherent argument that isn't unfounded assumptions supplemented with a cancer meme.

>> No.9955863

I bought water.

>> No.9955861

So how's that mudpeople situation going?

>> No.9955873

Please no bullying.

>> No.9955869

Fuck you.

t: quality poster

>> No.9955870

I'm not dead

>> No.9955884
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>> No.9955890

You didn't anwser my question.

>> No.9955894

It would turn me on a little if someone who read my post died tonight. I'm sorry...

>> No.9955909

Isn't this shit supposed to be cat1? They probably won't even lose electricity.

>> No.9955911

I always laugh when I see obongo.

It is so funny when half negro half whites are considered black and half chink half whites are considered asians. Such phenomenons occur when genetic trash is mixed with purity.

>> No.9955912
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>> No.9955921

Okay, the UK gets credit for starting this thread down rehash alley.

They can put that trophy up with the rest, alongside the Gin Lane and more than one for bullshitting their way into relevance by the same kind of endless repetition we see in these flamebait threads.

>> No.9955923

So the mud situation isn't go so well huh?

>> No.9955936

The world wide web was objectively invented by CERN contractor Tim Berners-Lee

>> No.9955942
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>> No.9955944

Oh come on. It didn't take a fucking genius to come up with the idea of connecting two computers to eachother.

>> No.9955943

I am still here.

>> No.9955946


They're called "Britons" faggot.

>> No.9955958

I think you mean Britains.

>> No.9955962
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>> No.9955978

I don't think it's killed anyone in the US yet.
And it's very unlikely any of the 69 killed in the Caribbean were /jp/ users, let alone NEETS.

>> No.9955983
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I am going to be dumping anime fanart in this gay ass thread.

>> No.9955986

You know as much as "Americans" like to consider themselves as an independent civilization, they are for the most part european in the end, both genetically and culturally.

The idea of an "american race" is absolutely laughable unless you're talking about native americans.

>> No.9955990

69 LOL!

>> No.9955999

just report it, dipshit

>> No.9956000

Grow up. The storm isn't even that bad
I was in the center of the mayhem, and survived this shit in a trailer with trees falling all around me..

>> No.9956011

Also, lost power for over a week

>> No.9956017


ok, bare grills.

>> No.9956022


>> No.9956047
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RIP in peace.

>> No.9956057

>Tornadoes are fine. As long as it doesn't hit you directly or throw a tree into you they don't do shit.

>> No.9956072

In the literal center? As in the eye of the storm? That's the most dangerous spot! And you even lost power for an entire fucking week. Holy shit, you're like Rambo or something.

>> No.9956068

It cracker my trailer in the center. There is a giant crack running all across my kitchen now. i thought I was going to die, /jp/...

>> No.9956080
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Survival of the fittest. It's about time we had a cleansing of all the weak and feeble degenerates.

>> No.9956082
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Stop making fun of me, please.

>> No.9956102
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Take care, Ameribros. I hope your little bodies can take it.

>> No.9956142

Don't you understand? This is exactly what they wanted. They have risen to Gensokyo!

>> No.9956148

Guys what if moot dies.

>> No.9956159
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dont worry man i got this i have his mom on speed dial

>> No.9956172

The first moot died years ago.

>> No.9956197
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>> No.9956205
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>> No.9956206

it's a legitimate question, but it belongs on /q/

>> No.9956212

>>9956148 there's always meximoot

>> No.9956217

He said his mom would take over.

>> No.9956287
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Hmm, if we are still alive after this storm is all said and done, would any NEETs around Baltimore / DC like to get together at a restaurant or something? Victory celebration?

>> No.9956511

>americunts should be banned from /jp/
4chan is an american site
