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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 44 KB, 500x272, 4d17200d94d19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9955147 No.9955147[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you ever get tired of being a NEET?

>> No.9955153


>> No.9955156

I wish I were neet.

>> No.9955164

Got tired after a month. I could actually feel myself rot alive.

I actually enjoy my hobbies more after 8 hours of work. How you manage to not let the crushing depression kill you is beyond me.

>> No.9955166

No, I only get tired of being sober occasionally.

>> No.9955168

no, but i'm getting iterd of fuckin ur mom #LOL

>> No.9955188

How do you expect to be treated?

>> No.9955183

Yes, but not because of being NEET, but because of how I'm treated because of it.

>> No.9955196


>> No.9955200

Not as long as the government keeps paying me money.

>> No.9955208
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I would expect people in this age and time to be capable of doing some activities to keep themselves occupied.

>> No.9955210
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I want to be a womanizer; it runs in the family.
My strict moral code holds me back.
Maybe one day. Thanks, George.

>> No.9955217

You get depressed because you don't have to work?

>> No.9955222

Not tired at all of being one.

I guess people who get bored of it quickly didn't really learn how to have fun without getting told what to do when they were younger.

>> No.9955238

Do you realize how stupid you sound?

>> No.9955248

Imagine a hypothetical scenario for a moment. I come up to you and I say that you will have to spend the rest of your life doing horrible labor that you will most likely despise. You will have to do this almost every single day for the rest of your life until you eventually die, but if you want then I'll let you have the next two, three, or maybe even four years off. You can do whatever you want during this time, but then you have to get to work. Would you just say, "No, fuck you. Give me the work right now. Let's start this endless ride of misery!" or would you take those four years?

>> No.9955259

Only four years? Might as well just start working now.

>> No.9955263

Yes. I am going to apply to College / University next year. If I get rejected then I'll either kill myself or attempt to gain further benefits from depression and continue NEET life.

>> No.9955317

I would take the 4 years and kill myself at the end. Anyone who doesn't choose this is retarded. Horrible labor for 50+ years in exchange for 4 years of freedom? I wouldn't do it unless it was 4 years of work and 50 years off.

>> No.9955320
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What's the reward for starting earlier? Taking the first 4 years seems like the only obvious choice, if all you will do is slave away.

Also, get this: Some people actually work in something they enjoy doing.

>> No.9955359

Translate it, weeaboos!

>> No.9955380

there are no words d00d!

>> No.9955402

This is the only way I can live.

>> No.9955403


>> No.9955410

But I was meant to be a worthless shit in my room. I have fulfilled my destiny and all that remains is to watch the world burn.

>> No.9955414

Are you blind or something?!

>> No.9955428
File: 342 KB, 629x728, 122e72facff68b3134324c4dcc6010ac[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since this looks like a NEET general...
Today is my birthday.
None of my relatives have called (which I find to be a good thing).
Not a single one of my contacts have remembered about it. Not even people I consider to be pretty close.
The people that should have gotten a notification that it's my birthday didn't bother congratulating me either. (still love those niggas though)
Mother arrived for like 15 minutes to tell me that she loves me or something to that extent before going back home.

I'm not even mad or depressed (never really considered it to be much of special day), but it's amazing just how forgotten can you become with time. Just a few years ago that would sound impossible.

Oh, and on a birthday related note, I love you all, niggas. You are all fucking awesome and /jp/ is one of those things that get me trough the year.

>> No.9955432

Get used to it baka.

If you want to have fun on your Birthday then stop being a NEET!!!

>> No.9955435

Thanks. Now I get it!

>> No.9955440

Who are you calling a nigger, white boi?

>> No.9955461

This is what Stockholm Syndrome sounds like, I suppose.

>> No.9955486

I'm having fun, today is a pretty enjoyable day overall.

I'm calling you niggas niggas, you nigga.
I miss Arc

>> No.9955535

damn, i wish i could be a NEET. It is possible in Germany, because you even get money if you dont do anything, as long as you write some applications.

Although, I thought about taking a part time job with 20 hours and live off that. Is anyone else doing that?

>> No.9955539

NEETs get depress if all they did was play games and surf the Internet al lday - I know this because I did that during my teen years.

I'm self employed, no anxiety problems or autism, I have friends, had girlfriends, traveled alot.

I'm a normal fag who browses /jp/ and post in NEET threads

>> No.9955542

>Although, I thought about taking a part time job with 20 hours and live off that. Is anyone else doing that?

Tons of Japanese people do that, they're called twixtter or fritters

>> No.9955567

The Arbeitsamt cuts your welfare money if you don't write like 100 applications per week and accept every shitty job they offer you though.
A part time job is definitely the best way to go.

>> No.9955599

I think the "trueNEET" meme has some merits because depressed NEETs usually have social anxiety, and all they do is play video games and masturbate.

truNEET spend their time in self improvement, such as reading, exercising, improving their skill. They still working at a shit job as a waste of life. I would imagine truNEET to have some form of self employment because not having money sucks.

>> No.9955608

kill yourself

>> No.9955607

Nope, you are just too much of a boring person to understand what makes us happy.

>> No.9955649
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>> No.9955662
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>> No.9955668

> I would imagine truNEET to have some form of self employment

>> No.9955689

Thank you, pickle can deck and piece or paper!

>> No.9955699

I'm officially old now, heh.

>> No.9955710

``-Except when you're dead''

>> No.9955719

thats a damn shitty advice.

>> No.9955735

i really gotta get a job sometime and start over

>> No.9955748

I would imagine that a truNEET goes out to clubs, has a $500,000k salary, and studies tea in college.

>> No.9955760

The pressure from society is too much to handle sometimes. A job would be nice to have just so people would leave me alone.

>> No.9955763

I don't get tired of being a NEET.

I get tired of people trying to make me stop being a NEET.

>> No.9955773
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>> No.9955781

What pressure? Do random people kick at your door and yell at you for not having a job?
It's not anyone's business if you prefer to be jobless.

>> No.9955785

I want to be left alone.

Stop pushing me into doing stuff, world.

>> No.9955786
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>> No.9955791 [DELETED] 
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Of course not that's like asking if you ever get tired of eating ice cream.. why would I ever get tired of something so tasty?

>> No.9955801

>tell people to exercise and be healthy
>"nope, kill yourself"

Stay classy, /jp/

>> No.9955803

These pictures are stupid as hell.

>> No.9955804
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I bet I know what else you find tasty.

>> No.9955810
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>> No.9955820


But all my regrets are things I haven't done

1. Not asking for help in Uni and failing
2. Not visiting my dad the day before he died because I wasn't specifically invited by any family member
3. Not sleeping with a friend of mine because I was too anxious and couldn't get hard despite the fact I've desired her for nearly 4 years now.

>> No.9955814

If by random people you mean family and close friends then yes. Well, they don't yell but they ask questions I don't want to hear.

>> No.9955826

That's deep yo.

>> No.9955841

>Do you ever get tired of being a NEET?

Yes. It has been 3 years. I am no longer able to properly enjoy digital media. I just sleep, eat and browse internet. I am miserable as fuck.

This was fun in the beginning, but not anymore. I need either leave for gensokyo or start getting my shit together.

Fortunately I do not believe that all jobs are equally terrible. If I won't be able to make money from home with my personal projects, I'll look for some stressless jobs where I can take it easy.

>> No.9955833

Cringed so hard I crushed my internal organs.

>> No.9955834

Are there people in the year 2012 that still aren't determinists?

>> No.9955837

I'd kick that kid's ass.

>> No.9955852

Define "happy".

Define "life".

>> No.9955844

And why didn't you do them? You wanted to do something else instead.

>> No.9955856
File: 193 KB, 1370x679, 1271150329792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you even lift, /jp/?

>> No.9955860

It's a jpg, it can't answer you.

>> No.9955862

I'm happy when I fuck the living hell out of your mother.

>> No.9955872
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>> No.9955866

Brain producing endorphines either by natural or artificial means.

Cell activity.

>> No.9955867


>> No.9955879

Randomness doesn't ensure the existence of free will. For all we know we are observers with the illusion of control.

>> No.9955874

woah, I read this as "I'd lick that kid's ass."

>> No.9955878
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>> No.9955881

I don't get it.

>> No.9955882
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>> No.9955885

Explain why experiencing this feeling brought on by endorphines is superior to suffering. Explain why it should be the goal of life.

Randomness is the opposite of free will you stupid fuck.

>> No.9955886

>Yes. It has been 3 years. I am no longer able to properly enjoy digital media. I just sleep, eat and browse internet. I am miserable as fuck.

The true feels of NEETs on /jp/

>> No.9955888
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>> No.9955892
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>I just sleep, eat and browse internet. I am miserable as fuck.

>not exercising
>not reading classic books
>not improving your skills
>not going out and socializing
>not building a startup company

Do you even NEET?

>> No.9955897
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>> No.9955906

I like to believe that such people merely migrated here from /r9k/ and /v/ when they heard that they could cry about their NEETfeelings here.

The NEETs on /jp/ I used to know took pride in their choice

>> No.9955898

Just going to quote Wikipedia on this one:
>Determinism is a philosophy stating that for everything that happens there are conditions such that, given those conditions, nothing else could happen.
If all the variables are the same yet you get different results, then determinism is wrong. Determinism isn't just about free will.

>> No.9955899

Would the That Feel guy be happier if he wasn't so deformed?

>> No.9955900
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>> No.9955901

It's only been 1.5 years and I'm already at that face, the weird thing is I'm not miserable. I pace around my room and let my imagination run free, I feel like I have escaped the need for constant stimulation that is prominent in today's society.

>> No.9955902

Well, for 1, it's because I'm supposed to be a smart lad and should already know everything.
For 2. it's because I didn't want to get in anyone's way. The whole family was there that weekend. Besides, I don't really do anything or go anywhere unless invited. I don't want to pester my friends and family by just turning up or harassing them on the phone just because I'm bored or lonely.
For 3, it was a spur of the moment proposition, she asked if I wanted to do it, I looked down, was not hard, said so, moment gone.

>> No.9955903

Get a load of this normalking.

>> No.9955905
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>> No.9955908
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>> No.9955913
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>> No.9955914

It's not a choice for everyone.

>> No.9955915

I ask you again, do you even NEET

Being a NEET is a time for productivity, not sit around and surf the Internet and masturbate to touhou

>> No.9955916
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>> No.9955917

I'm happy to be a NEET, but

It's like getting rich. Being rich is great. You're so happy for the first few months/years. Then being rich becomes default, so it no longer makes you happy.

>> No.9955918

you are a normalfag if you care about physical body?

>> No.9955919

>not going out and socializing
>not building a startup company
Get out, normie.

>> No.9955922

>Determinism is a philosophy stating that for everything that happens there are conditions such that, given those conditions, nothing else could happen.

But randomness does not refute this wiki definition. If all your actions are determined by random biological forces then there are indeed conditions, and that is not free will.

>> No.9955930

>that battleFEELd

>> No.9955924


>> No.9955926

I thought NEET was about taking it easy.

>> No.9955927
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>> No.9955929
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>> No.9955933
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So fucking beta. Take this shit to /r9k/.

>> No.9955931

Beta as HELL

>> No.9955932

>motivational pics


/fit/ pls go

>> No.9955940
File: 72 KB, 443x565, mjolk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a NEET how do you get rid of the fatigue and to lack of motivation that keeps you from doing anything?

>> No.9955934
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>> No.9955937
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Look mom! I can post!

>> No.9955938

It was until the unemployed normals started coming here and spreading their self-improvement propaganda.

>> No.9955939

If it turns out there are no hidden variables, then if you set an atom to decay, then went back in time and repeated the experiment atom-for-atom, it would take a different length of time to decay.
Thus, given the exact same conditions, something else can happen.

>> No.9955941
File: 148 KB, 648x595, n5085cd0d23d64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That horribly depressing first world Otaku Culture feel when you have unlimited free time to do whatever you want as much as you want.

>> No.9955945
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>> No.9955948

>If it turns out

I'll wait for that to be proven.

>> No.9955949
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>not posting NEET feels on JP NEET feel threads


>> No.9955952

that feel when you log into facebook and theres only one new friend request

>> No.9955955
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>> No.9955956
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>> No.9955960
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>> No.9955966
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>tfw no qt asian gf

>> No.9955968

Have you seen those disgusting NEETs who use twitter extensively? MAKES ME SICK #nofalseNEETS #Obama2012

>> No.9955972
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>> No.9955973
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That feel when your parents won't buy you a new car for your birthday and you have to fuck your girlfriend in that old Jaguar.

>> No.9955980

That's true, but some people just make the best out of their situation and live a nice life.
Now, if someone is a NEET and unhappy about it but refuses to man the fuck up and change, that's pretty pathetic and I can't respect such a person

>> No.9955981
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>> No.9955982
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>> No.9955984

...but not the money or means to do it.

>> No.9955991


wait you only have one bitch? Fuck that beta monogamy shit

>> No.9955996

>that feel when average income parents who don't buy me shit
Not like I need a car anyway I guess.

>> No.9955998
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That Otaku feel when can't afford a gf

>> No.9956001
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>> No.9956004
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>> No.9956010
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>> No.9956013

Yes but you can exercise and still take it easy.


>> No.9956018
File: 90 KB, 690x610, 1350245989598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Otaku Feel when no gf notices you even after you get fresh toned abs

>> No.9956029
File: 8 KB, 645x773, 6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no girl fucking cares about me

>> No.9956031

>That horribly depressing first world Otaku Culture feel when you have unlimited free time to do whatever you want as much as you want.

But they don't have money which contraints what they can and cannot do.

>> No.9956026
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>> No.9956036

I care ;)

>> No.9956032


Dating is so horribly expensive, it almost makes you wish for equal gender rights or something...

>> No.9956039
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>> No.9956046
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>> No.9956050
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>can afford internet
>cant afford gf
>but i can at least afford to feel

>> No.9956052
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>> No.9956055
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>> No.9956056

Is every NEET depressive?

>> No.9956058
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>> No.9956066

that feel when you realize you are a grown up

>> No.9956073

I am eternally a boy.

Like Michael Jackson

>> No.9956069
File: 10 KB, 321x339, 1350216047179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I look depressive to you? All I want is a gf. That's it.

The new iPhone would be nice too. And a better house, mine only has thirty bedrooms and an indoor pool.

>> No.9956076

I'll never grow up!
Just like Peter Pan.

>> No.9956077 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9956078 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9956083 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9956087
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>> No.9956094
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>> No.9956091
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>tfw the more you grow up the more you get stupid

>> No.9956099
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>only 563 link karma on Reddit

>> No.9956100


More like
>tfw the more you grow up the more immature you get

>> No.9956107 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9956114
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>> No.9956115
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I can literally FEEL my IQ dropping...

>> No.9956121
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You have been temporarily blocked from posting for 15 minutes

>> No.9956119
File: 88 KB, 500x583, feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when you've been telling yourself you'll get around to buying a Something Awful account since 2001.

That feel when you could have been a confirmed oldfag with a 2001 regdate, but you still don't even have an account.

>> No.9956127
File: 16 KB, 500x461, 1323642227001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw everyone replies to the posts after yours and the posts before yours, but not yours

>> No.9956130

Being a NEET would be fun,

>> No.9956132
File: 51 KB, 396x385, tumblr_ljhxg3Pm2y1qcfyhd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You never made/kept a tripcode when you first discovered 4chan, so people will never respect you as an oldfag even if you're a bad poster, like ZUN!bar.

>> No.9956136
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bad feel

>> No.9956137
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>> No.9956186

I had a FEEL you'd show up.

>> No.9956195


>> No.9956210

Weren't you banned?

Also, stop using your avatars. They are against the rules now.

I wish our janitor would focus less on cherry picking and more on keeping people like you from posting. I'm frankly getting tired of reporting your posts.

>> No.9956225

Is this guy real? Could such an assburger actually exist?

>> No.9956226


>> No.9956238
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>> No.9956256

Check the archive. He complained about being banned these days.

>> No.9956256,1 [INTERNAL] 

>Error: You are temporarily blocked from posting for 15 minutes.

>> No.9956294

It's not that. It's that when you realise that your life as a NEET isn't helping others and that you're a parasite who feeds of the success of others. Think about it: if it wasn't for productive members of society paying their retarded taxes to their evil governments you autismbux wouldn't exist nigga.

>> No.9956332

Fuck off to krautchan, you retarded euros.

>> No.9956356

Samefag pls go

>> No.9956368

Are you suggesting I wasn't fully aware of that all along?

>> No.9956415
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>> No.9956701

Honestly, I find this to be a crock of shit. How much solid proof do we have that "randomness" exists? We don't even know what kind of organisms live on at the bottom of the ocean, forgive me for believing in the likelihood there are things in the microscopic and quantum world we don't know about as well.

Regardless, not only does Randomness have absolutely nothing to do with free will in the first place, but even if there is random things happening on a quantum level that does not change the fact that the human thought process is a deterministic one.

>> No.9956749

Can this board get any more shittier?

>> No.9956755

I hope not

>> No.9956764

>more shittier

At least it's not as bad as your grammar.

>> No.9956765


And to answer your question, no I don't get tired of my extended summer vacation. What I do get tired of is reading posts like yours prompting me to work when eventually I'll be forced to do something anyway. You're just jealous.

>> No.9956769


shutup you. I type without checking what I typed.

>> No.9956779

We could be like you and bump awful threads like these a couple hundred more times.

>> No.9957154

I miss being a NEET. But I like being able to rent something decent, have a car and buyfag. I wish I lived in some crazy socialist country that gives you craploads of money for being uncle-remus disabled.

>> No.9957291

my definition of happiness - samadhi
it's not just endorphines.
this is a state of full awareness and bliss.
why it's superior?
because awareness lowers the entropy much better than sadness.
and when you ask something, wish or do something it all comes down to lowering the entropy(chaos) because we always seek the best result.

btw, recently started working.
gonna buy some stuff i couldn't buy before on my first paycheck.
but i cannot see this as a productive activity. i basically trade my time for money.
the only path in life i see is the path inside. happiness is unattainable through getting something, only through parting with attachments. money and people are nothing but tools.

NEET brethren! you have the time. that is a great potential by itself.
use it well. i would suggest meditation and lucid dreaming. try being in silence without touching media for couple of days. the results are will be awesome.

>> No.9957295
File: 61 KB, 392x500, whoa nigga do you expect me to read.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9957301
File: 2 KB, 118x119, 0101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9957309

>the results are will be awesome.
Dumbass. Go back to school.

>> No.9957337
File: 14 KB, 237x300, david-crystal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He doesn't know about the future perfect continuous tense!

>> No.9957338

second language and all that jazz.
but you've understood me, right? then it's ok.
