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99504 No.99504 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, you wankers got me interested in Touhou.

Now, where do I start/what do I get etc.

Picture unrelated.

>> No.99511

Doujinstyle for the games, Gensokyo for the doujins.. That's about it. Have fun.

>> No.99512


Have fun.

>> No.99516


>> No.99525

Go get Perfect Cherry Blossom.

>> No.99531

Start with Imperishable Night. Then Perfect Cherry Blossom. The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil. Then Mountain Of Faith for the shmups.

Shoot the Bullet is stand alone but the hardest game evar.

Immaterial and Missing Power is a fun fightan gaem.

>> No.99534

Forget all of ZUN's shit, just get Touhou Soccer and Patchcon

>> No.99541

For the patches, click on the games (1,6,7,8 have been translated)
there is a link to the patch of the game under Additional information.

Have Japanese fonts installed.
If you play the newest ones (ie MoF), the system will tell you that a dll file has not been found.
Google it and put it in the game folder.

>> No.99577


>>99541 here again.

If you want to start with a game that looks good + has good music, start with Perfect Cherry Blossom.

Else, start chronologically with EoSD (that one looks a bit old though and you can't get to the last boss on Easy because Easy has only 5 stages, but is easy).

Imperishable Night is a game for beginners. You should be able to get past Reisen on the first try if you at least consider using your bombs.

Shoot the Bullet is good for training, because it consists of scenes, which is just like spellcard training. You can try one scene as often as you like. The first 3 stages are quite easy. However you will probably die at least once on every scene.

PoFV and MoF are not translated, I'd recommend playing the translated ones first.

>> No.99593

As a major Touhoufag, DO NOT start with IN; although it is the best, it will teach you some bad techniques.

Go PCB > ESoD > IN then where ever from there.

Also, remember, do NOT play on Easy nor continue.

>> No.99596

Disregard the 'don't continue' shit, you might as well unlock the stages for Practice mode. But after they're unlocked, then don't continue, it means you need more training.

>> No.99597

As a virgin shumper, it took me two weeks to clear PCB Easy.

Skip Easy if you have experience with the genre, otherwise PCB Easy is the best warm-up that's still a valid challenge.

>> No.99603

OP here. I get owned in Shikigami no Shiro on the easiest difficulty.

Eh, I think I'll go chronological, I don't like going from pretty to, like, not pretty.

>> No.99624

hey major fag.
1. Playing on Easy is the first thing a normal human being should do AND continue. Yes, continue. In order to at least see all the stages and bosses to easier get there the next time and to finally beat it without using a continue. After that, you progress to the next difficulty.

2. What about IN? Everytime it is asked, someone says IN teaches you bad things. Can you actually name at least 5 of these "bad techniques"? I played In pretty early and don't feel I am worse after it. EoSD though, Sakuya, taught me not to stay at the bottom of the screen.

3. What about PoFV, MoF, StB, AND YOU AS A MAJOR TOUHOUFAG, HRtP, SoEW, PoDD, LLS and MSq?

>> No.99642

IN is like being pinned to the bottom of the screen

>> No.99660

Real Touhoufags just read the doujins.

>> No.99661

Yeah, that's the one I pointed out. The major touhou fag spoke of plural.

>> No.99663

Perfect Cherry Blossom kicked my ass so hard I'm never touching another Touhou game ever again.

>> No.99672

Real Touhoufags don't play the game to beat the game.
Real Touhoufags use every chance for grazing they can get and go for highscores and make replays of that.
The best thing about Touhou is not getting high scores. It's showing everyone online that I did

>> No.99675

He's probably talking about death-bombing. In IN, you get like, a second to save yourself (at the expense of 2 bombs), but in every other game you gotta beat them to the punch, you know what I'm saying?

>> No.99687

IN teaches the deathly bad habit of "it's possible to bomb in reaction time rather than if you were going to bomb anyway."

It also overemphasizes having to exploit gimmicks in patterns to make them feasible, effectively always offers a PoC even though earlier games only offer it at full power, and is extremely generous about gaining extra lives.

It's not a bad start, but it's a lot to unlearn if you want to clear Hard.

>> No.99682

You speak of PCB.
PCB has the longest Border between Life and Death and it's the only game where bombing in that time frame costs two bombs.

>> No.99691

Haha, what? I know there it's there, but in IN you get forever. The screen even slows down and goes 'fwoosh' in a countdown kind of way.

>> No.99743

>IN teaches the deathly bad habit of "it's possible to bomb in reaction time rather than if you were going to bomb anyway."

When I started playing, I made the error of not bombing at all. Having the feeling of "use the bombs only when really needed". I think many newcomers did the same.

>It also overemphasizes having to exploit gimmicks in patterns to make them feasible, effectively always offers a PoC even though earlier games only offer it at full power, and is extremely generous about gaining extra lives.

I don't know which gimmicks you speak of exactly. (probably in one of Reisen's last spells and of Wriggle).
However, new players don't know how to exploit. I didn't know either and it was still feasable. It may be different on Lunatic.

PoC (Point of Collection) is only avaible in full power made whereas in MoF it is always there.

About extra lives. Yes, but you reach the maximum lifes in PCB too even before getting to Prismriver sisters. I think MoF has the lowest Extra Life count.

>> No.99770

adding I started with Highly Responsive to Prayers lol (and failed miserably, beating the game with how many continues?)
After that, I tried each game once, starting with 2-5 because they finished downloading first. The game which finished downloading last was PCB, followed by EoSB.

>> No.99776
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Speaking of exploiting patterns, eh?

>> No.99841
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>> No.99862
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The PC-98 games are just pure rape. EoSD teaches better skills to start because clearing it absolutely requires liberal bombing, which is the most important habit to learn. But meh, they all work; IN is just a bit more generous than the others.

>> No.99873
File: 309 KB, 600x1870, 872497b96dce9ccaab17c34b71d2e3bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about MoF?

>> No.99888


You will DIE, just as every Shrine Maiden before you.

>> No.99902

For me, bombs are like free spell-card passes. Yuyuko about to do that shitty card that blurs the screen? Suck it up for a few seconds, bomb, finish her of.

>> No.99901
File: 140 KB, 807x680, Moriya_Snails.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what to think about MoF's bombing system, actually. It's strongly encouraged, almost required... but you can "regain" bombs thanks to it relying on your power gains. This encourages using them more often, arguably too often if you get an idea of when power refills are coming up... I haven't played it too much since I can't get it to go at 60FPS so I feel like I'm cheating.

>> No.99909


exploitable see link for alot of exploitable patterns But be warned contains spoilers I personally don't like exploits


>> No.99915
File: 101 KB, 310x474, Kill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

( ゚ 3゚)

>> No.99923


Fucking 11's and their god damn ええええええええええええ and wwwwwwwwwwww.

But it does show a point about Spell Cards in the the games. PCB has the fewest "find the trick" cards and often requires raw skill to dodge. Imperishable Night and Mountain of Faith have seemingly harder cards but often have a simple trick that makes them much easier

>> No.99928

I thought I saw that vid. It included MoF spellcards???

>> No.99956
File: 24 KB, 476x558, Ned Flandre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you like zen, and have trained your eye to read patterns off the entire screen simultaneously as well as knowing them well enough to switch to a super focused view centered around your hitbox, and can remember the vectors of bullets that pass underneath each other and become hidden momentarily. Also sound is very important, many times you can hear something and simply move to the right a dozen pixels and not even need to see what you are dodging. Knowing the actual hitbox of the bullets is great too. Last, but not least, you should make an offering of high quality beer to your god ZUN every night and pray for frawress victoly in your battles to come.

>> No.100065

is it possible to turn the damn scrolling comments off?

>> No.100114

click Comment

>> No.100116
File: 11 KB, 551x90, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See that button? Press it.

>> No.100365

maybe you should just start as you please, enjoy your schmup and ignore all of these expert touhou players
