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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9947332 No.9947332 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder

>> No.9947334

Joke's on you I'm a professional movie critic

>> No.9947337

And 4chan's a no-consequences outlet for posting flamebait. So there.

>> No.9947347

>You're not an intellectual

I disagree. Prove me wrong.

What's that, you can't? Ya I thought so, most people haven't gone to college to study physics like me.

>> No.9947348

All is poetry.

>> No.9947349

>Jokes on you, I never thought I am any of those
>Jokes on you

/jp/ confirmed for low plebeian-tier IQ

>> No.9947342

how fucking dare you OP

>> No.9947343

Everyone's a poet.

>> No.9947344

Joke's on you, i'm actually pretty deep, and criticize everything.
So there you go.

>> No.9947341
File: 86 KB, 320x281, no respond.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jokes on you, I never thought I am any of those

>> No.9947345

Is that Delicious Heavy?

>> No.9947346

Jokes on you, this is my soapbox


>> No.9947351

/jp/ - Haters

>> No.9947354

internet access is beter than those things

>> No.9947362

Maybe you arent, but I'm god.

>> No.9947357

It's all true.

>> No.9947356

You're not -very- deep
You're dumb
You can draw stickfigures
You're critical of everyone but yourself
Y-, wait what? who the fuck cares bout poetry?
I've got some damn fine internet.

>> No.9947358
File: 40 KB, 540x359, japan population.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9947361

cool FB repost d00d

>> No.9947364

For th dirst tim OP is right

>> No.9947371

That's probably true, but you don't need any of that to take it easy.

I know moon and have some (albeit meager) income at my disposal. That's all I really need.

>> No.9947375

That's pretty deep. Reblogging this and liking it on Facebook.

>> No.9947377

At least we can use the quote function correctly qnd link them to relevant post, turbofag.

/jp/ - 1
Atheists - checkmated

>> No.9947385

Hipsters and anti-hipsters need to realize they're both the same thing. If they took a break from Tumblr and Reddit and took it easy for a while, they would realize how much they've been wasting their lives. At least shmups and eroge are fun and personally fulfilling.

>> No.9947381

*fapping* ¿artist name?

>> No.9947392

look at all these "untrollable jp" madfags coming out the wood work lol

>> No.9947404

My house is made of concrete.

>> No.9947408

I guess I'm getting baited, but something I learned way too late was to stop judging myself by other people's standards. Pretend the other seven billion people don't exist, do what you want and what makes you feel satisfied. Don't get egotistical or too one-sided (e.g. "I am right, and you are not allowed to argue against me"), but take it easy and live your own life.
It's similar to the day I discovered I could watch cartoons and play games without looking up their review scores first. So many people are completely wrong.

>> No.9947412

ur mom is untrollable

If u kno wat i men ;)

>> No.9947416


It's funny because you're being anti-hipster and anti-anti-hipster at the same time?

>> No.9947421

In before that one xkcd comic.

>> No.9947424

that's right. But at least I got a pretty face.

so there HA

>> No.9947431

I've got a pretty face but am too lazy to work out ptoperly, and dieting is such a paain~

>> No.9947434

i had my dick deep in you're moms vagina

>> No.9947439

I wonder how this person felt before the web (or would have, since he/she probably isn't that old).

"Stop telling me your opinions on that record. You're a radio host, not a music critic!"

>> No.9947443
File: 15 KB, 406x517, tumblr_lwc0xaxqXA1r7sazfo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-but I am intelectual, I have made 2 and a oeuvre about hipolito's life, I have a PHD in history too

>> No.9947450

>obtaining the most useless degree
good job

>> No.9947446

congrats on NOJOBS LOL

Not like it matters, in neetdom et all, but still, you couldn't get a job even if you wanted to!

>> No.9947455

who are you quoting?

>> No.9947462

>am I epic win yet

>> No.9947463

Well that's no secret. I can't even do algebra.

>> No.9947465


>PHD in history

Are you THAT retarded?


Daily reminder to lick my dogs balls.

>> No.9947469

The operating system is called "Linux", not "GNU/Linux". GNU is a a set of userland utilities.

>> No.9947478

You're not a programmer
you're not a marketer
you're not a freedom fitghter
you just read some stallman copypasta

>> No.9947480

Might as well have a PHD is reading books.

>> No.9947481

cute image but useless major
overall i give you a 6/10 for that post!

>> No.9947511

I received an envelope full of feces today.

Now that's what I call a shitpost!

>> No.9947520

I fucking lol'd

>> No.9947531

epic duude

>> No.9947533

Jokes on you, I listen to IDM which by definition means I'm smart as HELL.

>> No.9947535

I'm probably more of a programmer than you will ever be.
I've written programs in Z80 _machine code_, in hexadecimal.
I mean I guess it's pretty cool for you to "quickly" write scripts for your java or python environments, but that's not programming, and the end result is an inefficient bloated piece of shit. But go on ahead and make up for that by producing massive shit in volume instead of slowly making gems. I recognize the fact that your work will be more appreciated for that than ours.

>> No.9947539

but I got that phd because I wanted to be a neet who sells shitty books to high prices
