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File: 294 KB, 1000x900, 6948116ed9377cef0b373073ce2b9786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9936789 No.9936789[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Rustle should design little girl's clothes.

>> No.9936799
File: 126 KB, 600x705, remi cspl tnsh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet he got the idea from a SEARS catalog or something
I mean why are you so sure he didn't use real-life sources for that?

>> No.9936811

lol i no right? he traces real cp, he must have traced those clothes off a catalog xD

>> No.9936812

Why don't women dress well?

All I see is yoga pants, jeans, and spaghetti straps.

>> No.9936816

This isn't a laughing matter

>> No.9936844
File: 49 KB, 754x378, 1350768848610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't bully Rustle. His feelings get hurt too!

>> No.9936848
File: 54 KB, 767x395, 1350609922530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You heartless motherfucker.

>> No.9936850


Please be discerning enough to recognize the difference.

Lately rumors have been spreading that I trace when I draw, as if it were common
knowledge, but please realize that drawings as poor as mine could not possibly be
tracings. Any skilled artist could tell at once that I haven't traced. The human
anatomy, clothing, and backgrounds in my drawings are far removed from reality.

A great number of people outside this country appear to be confusing me with other
artists. Some are smugly providing "evidence that Rustle traced" but they haven't
realized that those aren't my drawings. Please help them to realize the truth.
If you find a traced photograph please consult someone familiar with Japanese lolita
comics. I have never traced pornography so it would have to be a different artist.

I have been streaming the process of my artwork over the net via peercast since 2009
so if you can understand Japanese please come and see for yourself. You can find me
from a web search and are free to watch from overseas.

I consider tracing to be "giving up on growth." I hate it. Please don't deny me the
experience I have struggled to gain over the past 10 or more years based on a pale
misunderstanding. People who once became fans of me despite my poor drawings have
now come to despise me.

Once someone has come to hate someone else they are unlikely to forgive them or come
to like them later. It saddens me deeply to be mocked daily as a result of
reputational damage.

I hope that if we ever have a chance to meet again it will be over more cheerful news.


>> No.9936859

Sounds like a pretty solid guy, to bad >>9936799 is a meanie

>> No.9936862
File: 78 KB, 420x420, ladies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't say he traced it guys...
Many artists use real-life sources for clothing to make it seem more realistic
Using a source is vastly different than tracing

I'm just thinking that the clothing doesn't seem to be somehow original, in response to the OP saying that Rustle should design clothing.

>> No.9936868

>he traces real cp
at most he uses it as reference material. i don't mind because he's making the fap materials so i can fap the good fap

>> No.9936873

fukkken saved as rustle in denile.jpeg

>> No.9936884

>All I see is yoga pants, jeans, and spaghetti straps.

You would dress like that as well if you were a girl

>> No.9936880

Look at all that backpedaling.
Everytime you read a rustle doujin, you are indirectly hurting a child.
>I totally didnt trace!! She is just wearing the same clothes as that kid in that PTHC video
>RUSTLE 2012
