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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9933725 No.9933725 [Reply] [Original]

are yuo ready for a serius buttpounding!?
i cant wait!!

>> No.9933729

This whole ordeal is going to be such a tremendous trainwreck and it's going to own. I can't wait.

>> No.9933743

This makes me sad.
It'll be difficult to take it easy when I get banned every hour.

>> No.9933745

it's already fucking horrible. I've gotten banned for telling a /sp/ tripfag to leave /jp/ before. It's getting to the point that I don't give a shit about even posting on /jp/ anymore. Just what the /q/ crew wants I guess.

>> No.9933747
File: 9 KB, 221x255, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9933749

It will be a beautiful disaster

>> No.9933785

I dont understand why the /q/ fags want to turn /jp/ into /bun/ when /bun/ already exists.
Are they trying to troll?

>> No.9933796

RIP /jp/

>> No.9933798

I wouldn't expect any significant difference in /jp/.

moot is historically full of shit, especially on the subject of moderation. And even if this was true, /jp/ has weathered worse storms. Our shitposters are a surprisingly hardy breed.

>> No.9933807

http://fuuka.warosu.org/jp/thread/S9928470 gets deleted

Meanwhile on /jp/

"Videogame threads criteria for the janitor. If he likes the game it is allowed on /jp/, if not the thread gets deleted. Fantastic."

>> No.9933812

Great, now janitors will powertrip and be permanently forwarding ban requests on random people whose opinions they don't agree with just to block them from posting.

Luckily I stopped posting on /jp/ without proxies a few weeks ago and I encourage everyone to do the same.

>> No.9933837 [DELETED] 


Still butthurt?? damn...

>> No.9933843


you have passed the acceptable time period and post limit for butthurt over something so minor.

>> No.9933847

I would hope that the mods would take notice of a janitor constantly forwarding ban requests for bogus reasons and then have that janitors privileges revoked.

>> No.9933862

I have never been banned for anything I have done or said on this board, and I'm on /jp/ all the time.

>> No.9933868

I have been benned for shitposting once.

I cried a lot on that day.

>> No.9933870

Maybe for you who thinks "taking it easy" means to shitpost all the time.

Thats not what taking it easy means.

>> No.9933887

You're lucky then. I've been banned more than once for nothing and the appeal system is useless as well.

Taking it easy means posting in threads and having or defending your own opinion without the constant fear of some powerhungry retard banning your ass for no reason. Being on a static IP is suffering. I only post with proxies now, even though I see myself as a decent poster.

>> No.9933892

The only cure for /jp/ is less moderation but that argument means deaf ears in /q/.

>> No.9933902

Less moderation will cause more crossboarding shitposting.

Do you not see what it is like when the mods are away?

There seems to be a pattern with shitposters who actually wait and see when there are no mods. I dont know how they do it but seemingly everyday at a certain time /jp/ gets flooded with just outright random shitposts and spamming.

>> No.9933904

Taking it easy means taking it easy.
Those who attempt to define "taking it easy" are faggots who cannot use a dictionary.

>> No.9933906

I bet you shitpost as well and make offtopic threads and spam up /jp/ too.

>> No.9933908

You just tried to define "taking it easy".

>> No.9933912

You haven't been here for long, have you?

>> No.9933918

Been here long enough to see that there needs to be moderation. Less moderation only calls for more shitposting. Simple as that.

>> No.9933920

so you've been here for 2 days, right? /a/ kun?a

>> No.9933923

You want to see a board with less moderation look at /a/, look at /v/ look at /b/. /jp/ would become just as bad if there were any less moderation that we get now.

>> No.9933925

I want to take it too, even if I'm from /a/

You can't just call me out like that and expect me to take it easy

>> No.9933934

Not everyone is equal, long time /a/ posters are worse for a reason, this post is a clear eample as to why.

>> No.9933938
File: 45 KB, 600x600, 1347871964755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop bullying me ;_;

I just want to take it easy

>> No.9933943

You can't, you're an /a/non, i'm sorry, go shistpost about your waifu.

>> No.9933955
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Make me, turbonerd

>> No.9933964
File: 25 KB, 490x588, lebadfeel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be on /jp/ since its creation
>be a good poster
>every weeb finds out about 2hu, VNs, and vocaloid and shits up /jp/
>cry le manly tears
>years later
>/q/ brings in over 9000 newfags who actually want serious discussion and 2hu roleplay
>shitpost all day to try and scare them off
>but there's too many

>> No.9933974

it doesn't make a difference how many janitors this board has if they purposefully don't even fucking do anything

>> No.9933969

On a scale of 1 to 10, how disgusted are you after typing this?

>> No.9933978

Can you dump more vector images?

I haven't been keeping up since I left reddit

>> No.9933976

what kind of ultra autistic sperglord would you have to be to volunteer to moderate a board full of sperglords?
anybody that actually signs up for this crap is only in it because they enjoy powertripping.
that kind of moderation never ends well.

>> No.9933984

Who are you quoting?

>> No.9933987

Your mom (lol)

>> No.9933991
File: 78 KB, 388x594, jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would i be disgusted? lel
pic related

>> No.9934029
File: 53 KB, 454x600, tumblr_m3w16jc42V1qa02x4o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

def. know that feel.

>> No.9934029,1 [INTERNAL] 

We were warned of this. Now look at /jp/, it's just an all out war between shitposters and the Janitor and everyone else is caught in the crossfire.

>> No.9934029,2 [INTERNAL] 

Moot made a fatal mistake when getting janitors, he didn't get any that are always up during AM hours.

>> No.9934029,3 [INTERNAL] 

Moot must understand the relation between willing janitors/mods and powertripping by now, so I can only think of two reasons as to why he gave them even more power: 1. He wants to continue cleaning up 4chan in his effort to make it gradually more family-friendly and thus more profitable 2. He wants to troll parts of the userbase.

Moot seems like a smart guy, so I'm sure he has a philosophy about the big picture even if he likes to hide it. The only part of it that I think he's shared are his public views on the benefits of anonymity.

>> No.9934029,4 [INTERNAL] 

It only looks like a war if you visit warosu a lot.

>> No.9934029,5 [INTERNAL] 

RIP /jp/
