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9932208 No.9932208 [Reply] [Original]

What if nothing good happens in your life because you were fated to die at some point in the past, but defied expectations and managed not only to survive, but to be entirely unaware of the peril with which you were intended to meet your end?

Providence couldn't account for your continued survival, so mechanics such as luck or karma don't affect you, leaving you with an existence that is dull beyond compare.

>> No.9932230

My dick is means for survival

>> No.9932249


>> No.9934151
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I knew it, I knew I should have died in that car accident as a child where my mother got critically injured and the car was almost completely totalled. How I stepped out of the car completely untouched is nothing short of one of god's stupid fucking miracles that nobody ever asks for.

I knew I should have died. I should be dead.

>> No.9934166

Why should something good happen? I'm playing a game like games are played.
>leaving you with an existence that is dull
That is extremely easy to fix considering the small time frame.

>> No.9934180

I know that isn't true because my life has been consistently shit to shittier just when I imagine things can't get any worse God throws me a curveball (lol hello chronic incurable disease!). Basically I must have been a murderer in a previous life or something. That or the uncaring whims of fate!

>> No.9934186

My life gets exciting in short burst though. Unless I was supposed to die about a year ago, when my life got especially shit.

I don't know, I think your life would need to get pretty extraordinarily, impossibly bland to reasonably suspect divine screw up

>> No.9934195

Wouldn't doubt it. There's no reason for a person with my mix of useless qualities should exist but who knows maybe I have a role to play in the future, even if it's just something small like holding a door open for someone cosmically important when it really matters. Maybe everything in my life happens in a way that will make it so I will be there to perform that minor action when I have to.

What happens with my life afterwards I could never guess. Maybe I'll just get stabbed by a hobo or something.

>> No.9934257
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there are infinite possibilities of how life could have turned out.

karma(is a moral version of law of conservation of energy. if it worked, the world would be just as evil as it was millions years ago, which is false as you may guess. latest death rates are very low, if you look from a planetary standpoint)
justice(totally relative)
random luck(statistics, dude. getting the longer end of the stick is nothing special. somebody has to do it)
...is all bullshit. make your own luck. be free of fear, no negative emotion is ever gonna help you.

read this shit, now.

>> No.9934260

Fuck off ttgl dork.

>> No.9934269
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>> No.9934288

Fuck you I won't do what you tell me.

>> No.9934299


I believe this. Back in summer school, my class went to a YMCA pool to swim. I ended up drowning and nobody saw me. A few moments later I was still underwater but at an edge to climb out. Nobody knew I was drowning. Then when the supervisor of the pool spoke to the class before we left he said "Oh it looks like someone is drowning in the pool" and then said he was only kidding.

>> No.9934323
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there is no special reason for anything.
do what you like. if you want to wait for happiness, wait.
but i think you should know that it's not very productive. and there are better ways to procure it even with the tools you already have(the consciousness).

whatever you do is always estimated by you is the best choice you can make(including suicide).
but your judgement can be wrong.
so unless you are happy, it's obvious that you can change some thinking patterns to get closer to happiness.

i wouldn't write if it was really hard to become happy.
becoming a buisnessman is a lot harder.

>> No.9934330

Being unproductive makes me happy. It's like I'm doing everything and nothing and the same time, like whoa man.

>> No.9934341

that's right.
BUT there are methods that are superior to just being unproductive in usual sense of the world.

>> No.9934349

Yes. I must seek ways to enhance my ability to be a lazy shit and phase myself into the plane of eternal mattresses where I may sleep comfortably forever.

>> No.9934374

but that would probably require a lot more resources than you already have(moneys).
if they bring you more mindfulness. try it.
unless you are getting more mindful, be assured it's a wrong way.

though i know ones that are more energy effective.
also, isn't that awesome that my method gives you the ability to be comfortable regardless of surroundings, instead of just mattresses.

>> No.9934450
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>> No.9934804
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>> No.9936418

