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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.18 MB, 1085x572, touhoucake-es.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9931269 No.9931269 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/
I made some Touhou cakes!

>> No.9931272

is the second one yamame

>> No.9931278


>> No.9931279
File: 360 KB, 900x900, Cirno is pleased with this turn of events.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Rumia or Sakuya cakes? I'm disappointed.
They look pretty damn tasty, though. Except the Meiling one. That one looks... not so tasty.

>> No.9931283

すげえぇ 本当にカッコかわいいだなぁ。 GJ

>> No.9931297

10/10 would eat

>> No.9931318

forgot to mention that Suika's purple icing is made with vodka instead of water~

It was supposed to be Marisa. It has white icing underneath and the black was supposed to not cover the whole cake.
Things went wrong.

It looks fucking awful- I know, haha. I'm hoping it'll clear up a bit when it dries. Still soggy due to all the colours I had to use to make the green.


>> No.9931409

Reimu, Marisa, Cherno, Suika, China, Patchy, flanery and Remeillia.

Good show OP- Suika or Remeilia looks the best!

>> No.9931427

Man there's something about the Patchouli one that makes me wanna cherish it.

>> No.9931453

God damn it, that Patchouli one. I want it.

>> No.9931517

Those are some huge cupcakes.

>> No.9931522

Very nice OP.

>> No.9931528

You made your own frosting? Impressive.

>> No.9931536

I can't bring myself to eat food with extreme coloring. It just doesn't seem right.

>> No.9931532

This is pretty cool, anon.

Why does Patchouli always look so delicious in cake form?

>> No.9931558

What's the matter faggot, you don't like drinking paint ?

>> No.9931570

I want to fuck them.

>> No.9931575

Its not paint though.

>> No.9931582

I want the Patchouli one. I imagine it tastes like cool lavender, and the yellow is a touch of minty citrus.

>> No.9931587

How so ? It fits the dictionary definition, get over it, turbonerd.

>> No.9931599

>abides by denotations only

>> No.9931613

What did you use for the star on the bottom left? That doesn't look like normal frosting.

>> No.9931619

I take it that's no natural coloring.

>> No.9931624

They obviously all taste the same. All he did was adding frosting and paint.

>> No.9931634

He might have used different batter mixings for each.

>> No.9931635


>> No.9931638
File: 255 KB, 526x647, 87f261fc31b273f37d71dc58b863c777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can I have the remilia one please

>> No.9931647

>values conotation over denotation
Scum of the earth.
I wish all people like you would just die a semantically painful death.

>> No.9931653

Please don't ruin how they taste in my imagination, thank you.

>not considering both connotation and denotation
>misspelling ``connotation''
I bet you even looked that word up, nerd.

>> No.9931666

>bound down by abritraty concepts and unable to experience his full self
If I looked that word up, I wouldn't have misspelled it.
Checkmate, atheist.

>> No.9931697

wheres the sanae one

>> No.9931722

Hey guys- Op here!
Thanks for all the support. They've been cooling a while and they look a bit nicer as well! (Meiling is a bit of a lost cause).

They're all vanilla cakes with hazelnut Marzipan.

Marisa, Meiling and part of Remila are chocolate. Suika is alcoholic, Flanery is Stawberry and Patchy, Cherno and Reimu are all just normal icing.

I've never made cakes before, so I'm really happy /jp/ like them! I may do another batch soon to make up for some of the lost characters.

i may update with better pictures in a bit.

>> No.9931739


>> No.9931740

I just wanted to that your cakes are very cute and I think you are a very cute and nice person

>> No.9931742

Oh god I feel like an idiot. I don't even pronounce it Cher-no usually, haha.

I think you're cute too!

>> No.9931813

Those look tasty! Great job OP!

>> No.9932795
File: 646 KB, 768x1024, 1325406701391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many cakes...

...i want to taste them all.jpg

>> No.9932810 [DELETED] 


taste this...

*whips out dick*

>> No.9932814
File: 607 KB, 612x706, 1350334484105.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna eat the Flandre cake right now!

>> No.9932817

Those are pretty cute, OP, way to go!

>> No.9932827

I wonder if someone will ever try replicating that Patchouli cake

>> No.9932829
File: 497 KB, 800x800, 1348447197946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to eat the Patchouli and Remilia cupcakes

>forgot to mention that Suika's purple icing is made with vodka instead of water~

Give me a box!

>> No.9932836

May I contribute with something I made a little while ago? I just don't want to hijack.

On topic, good work OP. They look very nice.

>> No.9932839

I am going to for my birthday next year.

>> No.9932851

Look sweaty to me

>> No.9932863

But it's not going to get you drunk or anything.

>> No.9933627

This- it probably has about a tea spn. of vodka at most for one cake.

>> No.9933662


I unironically enjoy this goodpost.

Congratz, man.

>> No.9933712

Doesn't matter. Still has the flavor.

>> No.9933716

If you could make me a batch and ship it too me, I would pay you.

>> No.9933720
File: 268 KB, 877x825, 1344898150101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9933733

Only if you let me sniff and lick your butthole first.

>> No.9933739

Very nice. Any more photos?

>> No.9933755


>> No.9938900

Did they taste good?

>> No.9938911

What's the blood on the Flan one made out of, and how did you get it to stay that way? It looks really good.

Good show, Anon.

>> No.9938984

Why are all of them but one from EoSD? What led you to choose Suika over Rumia?

>> No.9938990

What led you to choose Rumia over Sakuya?

>> No.9939000

I forgot about her for a second, but she would be more appropriate.

>> No.9944204

Patchy's looks crunchy.
