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File: 689 KB, 640x480, dots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9931017 No.9931017 [Reply] [Original]

Do you DotS, /jp/?
It's like DotA and LoL(not really), but fun!


>> No.9931022

Youmu a shit

>> No.9931024

I wanted to play it but are there actually players to play with?

>> No.9931026

>It's like DotA and LoL
N-no thank you.

>> No.9931025

Nitori mount a huge thing, its funny

>> No.9931027

Oh boy, do I need to bust out my WCIII CD again?

>> No.9931040
File: 361 KB, 875x639, 1331850915359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9931046
File: 7 KB, 216x232, Chen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what touhou would chen play?

>> No.9931047

random-only characters are the dumbest thing to ever get popular in WC3. EX-Rumia sounds hilariously overpowered

>> No.9931048

AoS a shit

>> No.9931050
File: 592 KB, 751x725, 4004832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because it wasnt already MOBAs bad enough boring they add toho flawless planning

>> No.9931051


>> No.9931067

No, but I'd play the fuck out of a touhou defense or RPG map.

>> No.9931071

>touhou defense
Wait a minute, isn't there a touhou tower defense game yet? Someone should make one.

>> No.9931077


>> No.9931079

Not so sure about a tower defense, but a touhou hero defense would be pretty interesting.

>> No.9931081

No, I mean like a hero defense or whatever they used to be called. Everyone picks a character and works together to survive against waves of enemies.

>> No.9931084

LIke Enfos kinda?

>> No.9931086

Flandre and Youmu and etc are faster than Aya? What is this bullshit!?

>> No.9931087


>> No.9931092

Aya's passive makes her faster.

>> No.9931136


>> No.9931144

A few people I knew liked to play DotS, but then they told me that currently it's shit as hell.

>> No.9931150

Naw, it's fine

>> No.9931169

Wriggle looks to be in it
Time to download

>> No.9931208

Call me when they finish DotS2

>> No.9931214

Does anyone know if theres any fun custom maps for starcraft 2, I uninstalled it because that new custom map list basically killed any creativity.

>> No.9931228

>I uninstalled it because that new custom map list basically killed any creativity.
Huh? Care to explain?

>> No.9931224

I threw up a little when I saw Cirno's page.

>> No.9931234

On starcraft 1 and warcraft 3 there was a scrolling custom game list where anyones game showed up in the list when the game was created. In starcraft 2 its blizzard's list where its only the most popular custom maps. This basically kills any chance of playing some of the small random TDs and such that made those previous two games so much fun. I don't know if I explained that well enough, I hope you understand what I meant.

>> No.9931236

Warcraft/Starcraft Touhou mods thread?

>> No.9931246

What the fuck? And that's not toggle-able?
Holy shit, Blizzard. I know I shouldn't be surprised after the bullshit you pulled time and time again during my stay in WoW, but...holy shit.

>> No.9931249

That sucks. The biggest problem with SC2 is the multiplayer from what I hear. Blizzard fucking shit up.

>> No.9931251

The SC2 community is shitting all over itself right now because the custom game system is total shit and it is not looking like it is going to ever be fixed.

So no, there are no good custom maps for sc2.

>> No.9931255

Yeah basically if a new map gets made it ends up on page 99 of some massive list with absolutely no chance of anyone else joining the lobby.

>> No.9931356


>> No.9931701

didn't they patch this so it was like the old style? I thought it was called Blizzard Arcade or something.

>> No.9931715

"The left side of the Arcade main menu is composed of a series of buttons: Spotlight, Browse, Open Games, Fun or Not, Bookmarks, and Recently Played, each offering different ways to access Arcade games. "

This sounds roughly the same as the previous starcraft 2 system, but I haven't checked it out myself.

>> No.9931733

Maybe its that open game part though, I guess I'll have to check it out.

>> No.9931735

I have no idea what Enfos is, but I think the game anon was referring to is Scarlet Devil Mansion Defense. You can google a download link easily, the latest versions are translated into English. The game is extremely masochistic however, and you'll need extremely masochistic friends to play it with. A single game can last 2 hours, and there is no save function. I've played quite a bit, and have only managed to beat Easy and Normal mode with 4 people. There are few dedicated people who have managed to complete the game on Lunatic, and have only done so through "strategy" (abusing?).

>> No.9931749

Can I play WC3 online without a CD key? I'm tired of playing against bots by myself...

>> No.9931750

Warcraft 3 would still be alive if Blizzard banned those fucking empty bots flooding the whole custom games list. It used to be my favorite PC game, sad to see it end up like this.

>> No.9931756

yes you can

>> No.9931769

But it says my CD key is currently disabled.

>> No.9931773

i did enjoy blizzard's hands-off policy when it came to moderating customs. honestly, it worked incredibly well until someone released the code for bots.

>> No.9932030

You can't actually play on Battle.net without a legitimate CD Key afaik unfortunately. There are many clients that abuse WC3's LAN function though, so you can technically play "online" using LAN via those clients. However, those clients are usually almost exclusively for DotA. You can still use them to play with your friends on whatever map you want though, depending on the client.
