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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9928447 No.9928447 [Reply] [Original]

When will this shitty board get axed?
It contributes nothing good. The threads are shit, posters are either pretending to be retarded or retarded for real.
Why does this excuse for a board exist anyway?
Touhou and Japanese games(powerpoint porn book are included)? Both can just go to /v/ and /vg/. Actually people from those boards do have threads for both.
Anime? Manga? LN? Those can go to /a/. Besides, from what I saw, people ain't really eager to discuss them here anyway.
Gook language problems? There is /lang/ for that.
Travel/live in Japan? There are /int/ and /trv/ for those threads.
The shitty NEET/An Hero/Milk/Pygma/genetalia/LGBT/teen angst/muh blog threads can go to both /soc/ and /r9k/
The nigger/gook bashing, politics, news etc go to /pol/
And the other useless shitposting can go to /b/

For a 'small' community, /jp/ sure spawns a lot of useless shit, which crossboarding retards from this board bring to other boards on 4chan, like /a/ and /v/. The shittiest part of the leaked content, the so called "epic" "memes", manage to make their way into the Internet, creating even more "epic" "memes". Thus shitting up the Internet and real life, because some aspies think that using internet slang IRL is cool.

Stop bringing your shit "culture" to other boards, weebshits. We don't want it.

>> No.9928449

fuck off you tosser

>> No.9928455

>When will this shitty board get axed?
>Stop bringing your shit "culture" to other boards, weebshits. We don't want it.

>> No.9928467
File: 493 KB, 734x737, 1351074649153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please kill yourself

>> No.9928474
File: 296 KB, 500x375, 1349798891593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just stop responding already.

>> No.9928486

Kuso thread of the day

>> No.9928493

/a/-quality posting

>> No.9928495

This isn't /a/

are you lost, friend?

>> No.9928498

>which crossboarding retards from this board
You mean crossboarding retards from other boards. Being a secondary non major board /jp/ doesn't really generate new uses. People come here for /b/a/v/
