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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9926085 No.9926085 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone want to have a NEET thread?
I am looking for more stories of shut ins trying to leave their houses and going through stressful situations. Please share your latest adventures with us.

>> No.9926093 [DELETED] 
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That feel when want to NEET it up but the NSJ won't let you...

I am not going to school tomorrow btw...

>> No.9926101

I'm licking the dust off my headboard. It tastes good

>> No.9926115
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My only upcoming excursion is my yearly Christmas visit to my dad's.

>> No.9926143
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>makes QUALITY post
>thread 404s
>no replies

>> No.9926153

Does anyone else eat thing fingernails not because they're nervous, but because they like the taste?

>> No.9926157

Yeah, I think they have nutrients

>> No.9926158

Frig off tuturi

>> No.9926195 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9926200
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Hey guys are you ready? Are you ready for another FEEL by Chihaya?

>> No.9926256

I also eat the extra skin around the ends of my chewed-up fingernails. I'm worried if I keep doing this I'm going to end up permanently deforming my fingertips.

>> No.9926294

How do I become a NEET?

>> No.9926300

take the red pill

>> No.9926305

Beat Meguca on lunatic and the gouvernment sends you cheques.

>> No.9926560
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I'm waiting

>> No.9926620 [DELETED] 
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This one goes out to all those NEETs living on the rough side and keeping it tru. NEETs living in the ghettos, living on the streets, living in cardboard boxes next to puddles of cat piss.



[sounds of gunfire]

>> No.9926628

why does she have pot head LMAO

>> No.9926642

Does anyone else have to throw expensive medications away that your doctor prescribed you? The government pays for the stuff, but it still feels like a waste when I think about how much they would normally cost.

>> No.9926670

I have my brother sell adderall to some drug dealer who sells it to college kids. It gets me about 100$ per bottle, but my brother is an asshole, so I have no idea if I'm getting fucked or not.

>> No.9926674

It really shouldn't sell for more than 3-5$ a pill if the people you're selling to aren't retarded. The average university student that would use them to study has very little common sense, so can probably get like 10$ off of them. If the school is more relaxed then they're probably using them to party instead, so that would be on the lower end of the price range.

>> No.9926677


A 25mg pill wouldn't go for a dollar above 10 bucks, unless someone is retarded or extremely desperate. Often you could find them for about 5-7 bucks for a 25mg pill.

5 times 30 is only 150. Taking into account you're not selling them, you're not getting ripped off, in fact you're getting a good deal, even if they were 30mg pills.

If they were 20mg pills or less, you're making more money than you should.

>> No.9926683


I just got caught up with episode 2 and 3. Why is this show so fucking good?

That underage seiyuu only makes it better.

>> No.9926685 [DELETED] 

What show is it, I haven't watched anime in a few years.

>> No.9926691

Thats great to know. The people who go to the shitty liberal arts school here are mostly idiot kids who didn't do shit in high school, but still needed to spend some of their parent's money to avoid work for four years, and found the retardedly low admissions to be favorable (I've went there). Might this be a reason I get a good price?

>> No.9926694 [DELETED] 

a.k.a. another shitty harem with a long title.

>> No.9926695 [DELETED] 


It's not actually good. If you haven't watched anime in years, there's MUCH better things you should be watching. What I mean is that it's good relative to what it is. (Which is an extremely generic imouto harem, in fact it follows the stereotypes so closely, that it's not even generic, if only for the fact that shows pulling shit like that is almost rare.)

You're not going to like it unless your a pedophile and also like the idea of sister fucking, but it's called onii chan dakedo I'm not typing all that shit out yo ne.

>> No.9926705

>You're not going to like it unless your a pedophile
How pedophilic are we talking? The standard fourteen-year-old-that-hasn't-hit-puberty type of pedo, or real pedo?

>> No.9926706 [DELETED] 

>onii chan dakedo I'm not typing all that shit out yo ne
That's a nice title.

>> No.9926707


Hebephile if you want to be exact.

>> No.9926709

Get out /a/.

>> No.9926713

Oh, okay. I'm not interested then. Thanks for the heads up, even if I'm not the guy who originally asked.

>> No.9926716

My grandmother was having a pretty major surgery today, so I went to the hospital with my family.

To be honest I would have rather stayed at home to work on my anime backlog, but what could I possibly do? I just brought my copy of Pokemon White 2 to keep me busy in the lobby room. All was going well till my DS battery died and I had to sit around in the lobby room for an hour watching Steve Harvey on TV and being bored out of my mind.

>> No.9926718

I like to crunch the in my teeth and sometimes accidentally swallow them. I think the nervous thing is subconscious

>> No.9926726


Why didn't you bring your thinkpad with a spare battery in your oversized black cargo pants?

>> No.9926729

Why the fuck didn't you bring a charger?

Also how is White 2?

>> No.9926738

Why didn't you bring your charger faget?

>> No.9926745
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who poor here

as of today I only have stale bread left to eat for the rest of the month

>> No.9926757

That was mean to delete your thread while I was trying to reply.

>> No.9926761

I didn't delete it, the janitor was angry

apparently these sort of posts are only allowed in the single official NEET™ thread

>> No.9926765

That is why you buy 30 bags of instant noodles at the start of each month.

>> No.9926766

Actually I was told beforehand that the hospital cold, so I wore jeans.

It had a green charge so I just assume it would last me for the rest of the day.

Also it's pretty darn good, though so far it just seems like the token "third" version of B/W with a slight change in the story, which is to be expected. The selection in Pokemon is pretty awesome, it's no longer just exclusive B/W Pokemon until you beat the game. I picked up an Elekid very early and I think you can grab Riolu near the second town.

There's also some general polish to the game, my personal favorite being that every time a repel wears off, rather than going back into your inventory the game will just ask you if you want to use another one.

>> No.9926768

was cold*

>> No.9926767


1: Go to your church on sunday, sit through service, (you don't even have to do this, but don't be a fucking douchebag) and ask for food afterwards. (They give you a big bag of food to take home, not just a meal or something, almost all christian churches do this)
2: Dumpsters behind supermarkets are often FILLED with perfectly good food that they throw out because it went past it's expiration date. There's nothing dirty about eating unopened goods like boxes of cereal out of dumpsters.

>> No.9926771 [DELETED] 

janitor a shit

inb4 butthert homo janitor deletes this post

>> No.9926777

Where the fuck do you live? In texas they'll beat the shit out of you if you ask for food.

>> No.9926775

I already managed to invite myself to family on sunday.

And I'm not desperate enough to go through dumpsters. Having only bread sucks but I'm not that demanding in terms of food.

My only move of desperation was opening the can of chili today that has been in there for over a year. It was quite something else.

>> No.9926779

I thought so too.
Anyway, I know what it feels like to have an empty fridge and to experience hunger over a longer period of time. Right now I can eat a lot but maybe it will change in the future.
Where do you get your money from?

>> No.9926787

Government benefits. It's usually enough, I guess I was bleeding money somewhere this month.

>> No.9926792

I want to stop seeing my therapist and psychologist but if I stop going I'll lose my chance at getting neetbux.

>> No.9926798



You go to basically any church, sit through service, then talk to the pastor afterwards and tell him you're hungry and can't afford food. They give you food and/or food vouchers, because they're nice people, end of story.

Most people either don't know about it, or are just afraid/ashamed to go there and ask, but they will do it for you.

>> No.9926796

I meant psychiatrist. How embarrassing.

>> No.9926797

It's true. I remember the food drives that the local Lutheran church did. They kept all the food at the back of the church where Sunday school was. When the church needed the organ fixed or a new painting, the cans were sold for metal. Everyone thought it was a waste, but the church was feuding with the hippy who ran the local homeless shelter, and if you stopped bring food that would be wasted, then you would look bad (all donations were printed in the bulletin).

>> No.9926802
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What is the best disability to go for if you want the bux?

Could I get it for anxiety? I've been on a valium prescription for years and I still can't leave the house aside from when I go to the doctor once every 3-4 months for a refill.

>> No.9926808

Stop going for a couple weeks and come back pretending to have had a huge mental breakdown. Instant bux.

>> No.9926809


Probably because you're addicted to benzos, been going through tolerance withdrawals for years, and the effects have completely warped your perception of reality into a fucked up mess.

If you ever decide (or have to) get off them, good luck.

>> No.9926810

Ah well maybe, I found it was the kids that think they're hot shit in Science that didn't really have much in the way of "street smarts." This is from my own personal experience going through a BSc, maybe its different in other places, but I found you could rip them off quite a bit.

>> No.9926811

While we are on the topic of drugs, I want to lament the fact that not only is my prescription for hydrocodone now out, but the pills I got from my father's abandoned supply are gone too. It's very sad. It would put me in most awesome stupor, and I'd have nice, fuzzy feelings when I came out of it.

>> No.9926812

I was officially diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia.

>> No.9926829

That sucks man, I hope you're able to deal with it with your meds and such.

>> No.9926854

Do you get to experience any cool hallucinations?

>> No.9926878


Do you have any restrictions once you're diagnosed as a schizophrenic?

Not allowed to drive or things like that?

>> No.9926893


I live in NJ, and know someone who is extremely crazy to the point of having hallucinations/delusions, and is most likely more crazy than >>9926812, but can still legally drive.

>> No.9926900

What kind of truNEET foods should I eat?

I don't have any sort of a significant income so I'd prefer cheap foods, but I want something that I can make that's good for me. Recently eating like crap has taken a toll on me, and I want to be happyNEET and not sadNEET and I think that changing up my diet might help. What kinds of things will bring up my energy level and have me not feel suicidally depressed half of the time?

>> No.9926909


Potatoes and B12 pills, that's it, you can live off that.

>> No.9926910

Cheap fruit dude, get some of them apples and oranges.

>> No.9926925

I only had one huge breakdown and that was shortly before I went to a mental hospital.
I went insane a few years ago when I was extremely poor and my old computer died and I had to endure 2 months without any electronic devices in my room. I only hugged my dakimakura and looked at my figures or slept on my mattress all day. After some time I tried to get unemployment benefits but it was denied. I developed a huge anger towards everyone and nearly lost my mind.
I couldn't stand it any longer and let the ambulance take me into a mental hospital where I took meds and stayed for many weeks until I could finally get my money. It took me a really long time after that till I could start enjoying my old hobbies again.

Today I don't take the meds anymore that are prescribed for me because my psyche is in a much better condition. I don't feel bad at all anymore and I'm happy to be a NEET and get money for that.

The only hallucinations I had were caused by side effects from some sick pills they gave me in the hospital. They caused a terrible fear and also made my body stiff so I couldn't even properly move. It was one of the most horrible days in my life.

No restrictions that I know of. I don't plan to get a license anyway.

>> No.9926950

I started on propranolol earlier this month

Basically an off switch for the physical (fight or flight) aspect of anxiety / nervousness. For me at least

My psychiatrist must be leet or something, because it's usually not used for anxiety

>> No.9926951

What's it like, staying in a mental hospital? I was thinking of getting myself admitted to one but they seem scary.

>> No.9926989


They're all different.

Granted I was only in two different juvenile ones. One stunk like vomit/fruit/BO, and all the kids were just in there for throwing temper tantrums, running away, acting act, threatening to kill themselves, etc. I didn't meet one person who was actually crazy.

The other one was nicer, although the menial staff (IE. Nurses) has more mental issues than most of the "patients", notably anger issues, and a love of power tripping on kids. Most likely resulted from the job they did, but that's still no excuse.

Both were more like places to send unruly kids, rather than places that people went to for "help". There was no actual "medicine" going on in that facility, nothing but pseudoscience bullshit, "therapy" which was literally just games or group talking, forced drugging of people against their will for the way they think, and the most ridiculous system I've ever seen. The fact that the people there even dared call it a "hospital" or a legitimate "medical facility" is a joke.

>> No.9926986

Fellow schizobro reporting in.

Being on the dole is actually pretty cool when you're getting maximum bux, and full indefinite parental support.

That and being permanently stigmatized by everyone that knows you're cray cray.

>> No.9927052

It was extremely boring, but most of the day I was left alone and could sleep in the bed. I was put into a room with 4 beds and the people who stayed there were disgusting and snored the whole night, which made it difficult to sleep. Most of the staff was relatively nice, though.
Annoying was that you are forced to leave the room and eat together with other people. I tried to wait till the others were done and then ate alone the leftovers. I had to take my meds twice a day while the staff was watching me. Sometimes I had to do other annoying shit like walking around the yard with other freaks.

I wouldn't want to go through all that shit again, but if I didn't do that I couldn't live comfortably right now.

>> No.9927054

Do you have to go to a mental hospital in order to get SSI?

I'm too anxious to do something like that.

>> No.9927064


No. It just makes it much easier.

You already knew this though.

>> No.9927076

To you neets living alone...

How much do you pay for rent ? Food ? Electricity ? Internet ?

How would love to believe that all these things can be paid for with welfare. But the math doesnt work on my side.

Here, you get about $600 for a single person. Its $450 for a small appartment right off the bat. Maybe $50 on food if you're not picky...

I don't think ill be able to live the neet dream.

>> No.9927078

This would make a lot of sense as most mental conditions really solidify in the early 20s as opposed to the teenage years, where its just early symptoms mostly.

>> No.9927085

That sounds awful, especially having to share a room. I don't think I could deal with that.

>> No.9927109
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I touched a girls hand today when I passed her money over the counter.

>> No.9927112

I hope you wore a condom.

>> No.9927122

My boss yelled at me for doing homework at work. Then the professor yelled at me for not having my homework done. I tried going to a party, but I ended up leaving early because I was bored and no one would talk to me. It's so depressing being a hikki.

>> No.9927130


I don't think that's a mental hospital...

That is something to help keep you away from the outside to "cool you off" and get someone on meds. They have a section for teens too where they have someone talk to everyone every day in a group circle. You get to watch movies but, you better watch the movies if you want to get out of there fast. The staff watch everything you do to see if you're "O.K" to get out. The food is great though. You will meet all sorts of strange people and or complete assholes.

If it was a mental hospital, you wouldn't of been left off that easy.

>> No.9927128

Whenever I try to participate in family conversations I just get yelled at. I don't want to talk at all anymore. Maybe I should go full hikki and just stop leaving my room.

>> No.9927135

Its time /jp/: https://images.4channel.org/f/src/Gay%20test.swf

>> No.9927137

I used to have this problem, so I decided to fuck with them. I started talking over them with conspiracy theories about Jews and the government. Now they've concluded that I'm completely crazy (just like the Jewish overlords want), and just give me money to shut me up.

>> No.9927140
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I made this REPL today. It was fun.

>> No.9927148
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I'm getting really good at talking to people. Before, I couldn't even order food or clarify something I said without feeling awkward.

I just kept exposing myself to social situations and now I can talk without stuttering or blushing. It's fucking awesome

>> No.9927151


Ha I tried that but it didn't work. My mom is a full on drone and my dad is a christfag to the max

>> No.9927153

I don't think I want to go that far. I wish I had a better relationship with my family, but that probably won't happen because no one respects me.

>> No.9927162

Shut the fuck up you show offy cunt, if you had true social skills you'd know to shut you're retarded mouth up, assface. Bragging on /jp/ about social skills is like bragging about being the only non blind guy in a room full of blind people.

>> No.9927172

Please dont be a meanie this is a mean free zone where everyone is happy and cute thanks

>> No.9927173

Oh, it was one. But because I went there on my own accord I was put into the section for the "not so batshit insane people". They were mostly old depressed dudes or kids who did drugs. I was free to leave for a few hours everyday if I wanted to. I only used that time to buy some snacks because, where else should I go to?
The floor above ours was for the extreme cases and you could hear some yelling and ranting from time to time.

>> No.9927181

>I only hugged my dakimakura and looked at my figures
You're an inspiration to truNEETs everywhere

>> No.9927183

But... The floor above has been closed for 7 years...

>> No.9927193


Don't worry anon, I'm sure with enough practice you could improve your social skills!

>> No.9927202

But I did that for 2 whole months without internet, tv, or any other devices and like I already said, I went nearly insane.

>> No.9927229

>I was extremely poor and my old computer died
>my dakimakura and looked at my figures
Get your priorities right.

>> No.9927245

Well, in his defense, figs and cum-stained dakimakura aren't the most liquid assets one can have.

>> No.9927247

They are pretty solid lol

>> No.9927257

You don't even know how hard I'm laughing at my joke.

>> No.9927252

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.9927261

I really fucking hate you.

>> No.9927269

I keep looking back at the thread and it gets exponentially funnier by the second.

>> No.9927264

It's true. I'm half-blind, so there /jp/. At least I can order food without fucking up.

Is it possible to get cashmoney for ADHD and 'depression'? Or am I shit out of luck selling adderall to university students?

>> No.9927265


hah! I get it

>> No.9927276

I only have a few figures and I bought them in 2007 and 2008 when I still had some money left from the unemployment benefits that I got when I turned 18.
I was cut off from the benefits when my mother started earning a little more money, and of course she only gave her son barely enough to survive.
Since 2008 I didn't order anything new from Japan.

>> No.9927287

>few figures and I bought them in 2007 and 2008
That is even better isnt it. Probably worth more now. Just look at Sanya.

>> No.9927343

What would you do if the internet stopped working one day?

>> No.9927353


I'd be pretty bored but I'd find something to do.

Take a walk on the beach, go for a drive, ride my bike, read one of the many books I have in my backlog, Play one of the thousands of games I have in my back log. Stuff like that

>> No.9927358

My ISP is wireless, and this happens often.

I usually just masturbate and fantasize about /jp/ Manor full of little girls and tea parties.

If it went down forever, I'd probably go insane.

>> No.9927363

Other than be kinda pissed at myself for not downloading some anime in my backlog, I have a lot of books I can read and I can amuse myself with programming.

>> No.9927371

I've stopped masturbating for a few days and my life got better. I recommend it if you are doing it everyday. Also meditation and workouts helps a lot.

>> No.9927379


I had this happen recently and actually enjoyed it. I wouldn't mind having it down for a couple weeks actually, just so I could get finish off all the unwatched anime on my HDD.

Without the internet getting in my way, I tend to consume much more anime/manga/games.

>> No.9927387
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>> No.9927390


I haven;t gone for more than 3 days without masturbating since I was like 10-11 years old. Since then going even for a day without it was incredibly rare.

I couldn't imagine not masturbating. I still think it's probably why I have so much acne, although it can't be stopped for 2 weeks to find out for sure.

>> No.9927396

Call techsupport.
Cant fix it? Go to the nearest free starbucks wifispot or any place with AC.

>> No.9927408

What the fuck does acne have to do with masturbation?

>> No.9927414

I think he meant if it stopped for everyone, for a long period, like a massive Jewish conspiracy to cut all the fiber up and make Blu-Ray disk of of it or something.

>> No.9927420

I've stopped too, since I saw that thread a few days back. I've started meditating and I've been wanting to start working out but I don't know where to start.

>> No.9927422

I am just going to commit suicide then.
No point living without one.

>> No.9927448

Not him but my 7th grade biology teacher told us that guys who masturbate lots tend to get acne because of all the minerals your body loses with the sperm.

I know it was a blatant fucking lie but nevertheless I had acne back then and she pretty much fucked my social life with that comment.

>> No.9927462

I think its some bullshit that they taught older generations, I remember this being a rumor when I was in school, but you don't see it as much anymore.

>> No.9927465

what's her tumblr?

>> No.9927921

So I've been doing research on SSI and came upon this.

>A physical or mental impairment must be established by medical evidence consisting of signs, symptoms, and laboratory findings-not only by the individual's statement of symptoms.

How does one provide "established medical evidence" of psychological symptoms that aren't your own statements? Psychologist saying you act weird? Will family testimonials be supportive evidence in this case?

>> No.9927923

Medical reports will probably be fine.

>> No.9927940

Ah, I never understood at first but you're probably right. It probably just means you can't walk right into the SS office and pop off a bunch of bullshit about why you're disabled.

>> No.9927952

If I was brought in by my family to a psychiatrist, would that be noted in any report?

>> No.9928111

It's probably not going to be that relevant. The main thing is severity assessment, which that won't have much effect on.

>> No.9928491

last reply before I expire from hunger

>> No.9928499

See you in Gensokyo

>> No.9928533
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If you were god how would you redesign the world and human race so being a NEET permanently and living in comfort is normal?

>> No.9928654

is it okay if it wasn't that recent? I think the last time I tried going out to get lunch was like 6 or 7 months ago.

Anyway so I woke up hungry and decided it'd be great if I could go get some lunch at a nearby restaurant that is pretty cheap and delicious. I enjoyed a shower to cleanse myself for the long(10 minute) walk to the restaurant and then I got dressed. I slipped my pantsu on first, followed by a pair of pants that I then zipped and buttoned, slid into my white shirt and buttoned it up, and slipped some socks onto my feet. Then I grabbed my wallet and checked how much money I had so I knew I'd be able to afford lunch and not have to break for change. I pocketed my wallet and grabbed my cellular phone. I checked the battery and pocketed that as well. After that I grabbed the keys and swirled them around my finger once with the loop thing and enjoyed the silly noise it made. I said good bye to my dogs and closed my bedroom door. I walked to the door and slipped into my shoes, because untying and tying my shoes is a pain. I actually have an issue with my shoelaces constantly becoming untied, I don't quite understand, but it's very annoying. After that I left my apartment and started climbing down the stairs underneath the bright sun. In fact, it was too bright. The sun was reflecting off of the cement ground, the windows, every goddamn thing around. I only took thirty steps outside before being blinded and fleeing back home. "Damn you sun, you got me this time, you bastard." I thought to myself. I don't know if I'll ever beat that bastard, but I hope to one day enjoy a reasonably priced lunch again.

>> No.9928659

But that will be normal in 40-60 years. Hopefully I can last that long...

>> No.9928661

By wiping out all life but myself. I am god.

>> No.9928668
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>> No.9928667

I've had this painful ulcer in my stomach since May. Now it has started to feel different and I'm pretty sure it has been bleeding like crazy since my stool is dark and has blood in it. I wish I had health insurance... Any advice?

>> No.9928675

You don't need health insurance for a stomach ulcer...

>> No.9928671

Go to a doctor or kill yourself.

>> No.9928672

>If you were god how would you redesign the world and human race so being a NEET permanently and living in comfort is normal?
Sounds like the Catholic God and Heaven

>> No.9928692

Buy sunglasses. Problem solved.

>> No.9928699

My mums partner is being a dick, he quit his job so now he's always home but he's a workaholic doing crap around the house and complaining to her.

>> No.9928703

Kill him.

>> No.9928722


No, sunglasses are for douchebags. Have you ever met anyone who wore sunglasses and didn't look like a douchebag? That's what I thought.

>> No.9928729

The times when I go out I wear sunglasses and I DO NOT look like a douchebag.

>> No.9928730

Do your relatives know you're collecting autismbux?

I kept my pills/sessions secret for years (until I gave up on them) usually saying I was going to meet "friends" when I would actually go to the doctor/pharmacy.

>> No.9928732

The janitor isn't angry. You just broke the rules. Being poor and low on food isn't otaku culture, the closest thing it belongs to is the NEET thread. You probably are a NEET anyway if you can't afford food, or just bad with priorities.

>> No.9928733

Kill him in a way that can never be traced.

>> No.9928738

Tripcodes are for douchebags. Have you ever met anyone who used a tripcode and didn't look like a douchebag? That's what I thought.

>> No.9928745

You can get an apartment for $300 if you look really hard online, in most areas at least. I'm in Ohio, so everything is cheaper the further I go from cities.

>> No.9928748


Touche. Glasses generally feel funny on my head though.

>> No.9928803

There's literally no reason to live in the city if you're a NEET anyway. The city fucking sucks.

>> No.9928828

What are your dreams? My strongest dream is to leave the United States someday. I have 5k savings and 6k debt currently. I turn 24 in two weeks. I hope to clear my debt and head to the glorious Netherlands in two years time. I imagine that the cost of living isn't too bad there and I can find a cute little town with an old fashioned pub.

>> No.9928833

Live comfortably as a NEET forever.

I'd prefer to move to and start leeching in one of those wonderful scandinavian countries one day, but that's probably a ways off.

>> No.9928843

Internet speeds asshole. Can you get 3GB/s internet in a rural area?

>> No.9928845

10MB/s is enough for anyone

>> No.9928848

Don't clear the debt. As soon as you can become a citizen of Netherlands and you will be able to keep your money.

>> No.9928851

Not for me

>> No.9928855

It's student loan debt. I don't want to fuck with the US government.

>> No.9928857

By the way, look at this kick ass garage for only 100 eurobucks a month.

>> No.9928861

Can they do anything to you if you're in the Netherlands?

>> No.9928864

forgot the link

>> No.9928866


I used to want to be a scientific researcher, but once I saw how every academic does nothing in life but work, I changed my mind - that is not living, in my mind. Currently still in university, but it's coming towards an end, and my plan of winning funds for my future NEET lifestyle through gambling has failed, so I have reconsidered toward:
A - leeching off parents (probably won't work for long)
B - homelessness
C - working night shifts in a minimum wage job
D - death

>> No.9928867

I imagine I could get arrested if I ever fly to the US. Student loan debt is no joke, you can't get rid of it with bankruptcy and they are free to garnish your wages until it's paid back.

>> No.9928868

>student loan debt

>> No.9928875

It's only 6k worth which won't get any larger. It's my fault that I got it. I had a free ride scholarship but I fucked up when filing my financial aid forms that year so I had to take a loan out to avoid getting removed from my classes.

>> No.9928929

Here's a better plan
A - decent job at ~$20-$30/hour for 20 years
B - Retire
C - Live the truNEET life with your acquired monies for 70 years
D - Death

>> No.9928934

>A - decent job at ~$20-$30/hour for 20 years
I should become a nurse

>> No.9928939


Jobs that pay that much are really difficult, though. I would rather take it easy in an almost empty store all night, occasionally serving other night people.

Minimum wage is fine for me, as I spend very little money.

>> No.9928943

Highschool teacher pays that much... Also. the more you get per hour the less you have to work overall.

>> No.9928951


Teacher is a horrible job that requires a large amount of work outside of scheduled hours.

>> No.9928955

I do not know what country you live in, but no not really.

>> No.9928966

how do you think being a highschool teacher is easy?

They compute grades, prepare lesson plans and class materials, update their knowledge, review tests and essays, attend seminars and maybe study more to become a professor

>> No.9928969

Yeah, this is true. You don't even have to go on Sunday. Just go visit the church one day when it's open. The church I used to go to would help people out with food or bills sometimes who did this. It will probably work better if you find a conservative church, I think, as they actually believe the shit rather than just being a social club.

>> No.9928971

Or you don't do all that and just be a shitty teacher that gets paid anyway.

>> No.9928973

> just be a shitty teacher
Enjoy being fired

>> No.9928979


Most of that stuff is compulsory for teachers.

>> No.9929012

>implying NEET and hikikomori are the same thing

>> No.9929035

>I would rather take it easy in an almost empty store all night, occasionally serving other night people.

This is my plan as well. I could never work a job during the day and I would be willing to accept low pay if I could take it easy at some night job.

>> No.9929041

I dont like staying too much in the night

It turns my face into a slice of pizza

>> No.9929042

Haha, no. Teachers union will have your back.

>> No.9929047

>I would rather take it easy in an almost empty store all night, occasionally serving other night people.
I've got the perfect job for you. Have you ever considered sucking dick for a living?

>> No.9929050

If you're an english teacher you don't have to deal with that shit.

>> No.9929059

The one in that description fits English teachers the most

>> No.9929066

How high is the risk to get STDs from sucking cock and swallowing a load of cum? I want some realistic information please.

>> No.9929072

500% chance

>> No.9929070

Oh, and I mean from someone that is already infected with all kinds of STDs.

>> No.9929082

I wish there was a "take it easy" club you could pay a yearly fee to. It would be cozy like a library, they serve hot chocolate any other seasonal drinks and there is internet and comfy furniture to relax on. Also there would be some more private cubicle areas with a comfy chair that you could read/surf the internet in privacy in. I'd also staff the place with highschool girls and pay them minimum wage. Their main job would be to say nice things to the patrons when they come/go and stop by to offer them hot chocolate every once in a while.

>> No.9929094

enjoy having it closed in less than a month

>> No.9929144

Why not just go to an Internet Cafe?

>> No.9929189

I know it's infeasible that's why I said "I wish".

Because there is not enough focus on being comfy.

>> No.9929198


That's not taking it easy.

>> No.9929240

Most Internet Cafes have a couch or two, I think.

>> No.9929252

what jobs let you take it easy?

>> No.9929258


>> No.9929261


I think security is about the most easy going.

>> No.9929268

But Kings do lots political stuff

Unless the kingdom is really corrupt

>> No.9929282

Unless something bad happens, then your job becomes very difficult and you might died.

>> No.9929291


I still have a bit of a hero complex, so that's an added bonus.

>> No.9929294

I was a gate guard at a cardboard/paper factory once. The job was literally taking it easy. When something went wrong (ie fire alarm) I just had to radio someone who knew what they were doing.

Even better when I had night shifts.

>> No.9929307
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>> No.9929315

Go away.

>> No.9929325

I fear the social contract of work, more than anything else.

Sure, you can say "just ignore your colleagues", but superiors rapidly hear of that sort of thing, which results in repercussions. There's ridiculous work social events that are essentially compulsory too. I imagine people don't last long without complying.

If I could just go to an area, work my allotted hours, then go home, I would be OK, but society does not allow that.

>> No.9929341

If you live in a first world country as a teacher you get to school earlier than many students. Then you have your school schedule for 7 hours. Then you stay later to grade things, or you go grade them at home.

There is a reason the only people who teach are those who love the job, or at least most of it.

>> No.9929354

I want to write a novel and live off the royalties for the rest of my life. But the process leading up to having a novel published requires me to interact with various people and find someone who thinks my work is good enough.

And of course I still need to stop procrastinating and actually write it.

>> No.9929355


Almost every teacher I ever had hated their life because it was the dumping ground for the professionally qualified, who weren't fit to have professional jobs. Well, age 11 onwards, at least, prior to that it was exclusively motherly females.

>> No.9929375

If they went through the trouble of getting a teacher's license (which you need to renew by taking college classes every few years) and hate being a teacher then that is just a shitty choice by them, they never really wanted to be a teacher they just didn't know what they were doing. it is possible they did want to teach though but are fucking horrible at it so they are forced to work in some shitty inner city school though. Every teacher I had in high school liked teaching. They didn't all like us students, most didn't like mindless grading, but every single one of them liked being a teacher. The school I went too was pretty rich though, I think the starting salary was a couple thousand higher than the norm, maybe that plays a part in it.

>> No.9929376

wrong unit

>> No.9929389

You're right my bad, I meant Mb.

>> No.9929402

Just get a low-paying night shift job and you'll be okay.

>> No.9929413

The only teachers I knew who liked teaching were either Program Challenge or AP teachers, since they were able to teach kids that were actually interested in learning.

>> No.9929491

Don't you just love the tingly feeling of being drunk?
You know, that precise moment when you have just the right amount of acohol in your system,. Even better when you're home alone. I love laying back on my chair, listening to music. Is this what heaven is like? Because I feel completely liberated. The Illuminatus, the Hidden Hand, and all the other parts of the eternal Conspiracy don't matter anymore. It's just me. They may have the HAARP time traveling machine at their disposal, and who knows, maybe one of their agents has warped from the future just a moment ago to watch over me and make sure I don't stray from the intended path, but right now I just don't care. I feel great and I don't mind. I wish I could stay like this forever

>> No.9929504

I had half a bottle of wine when I was 20 and got very warm and sickly. I vowed never to drink after that.

>> No.9929505

I drink but I've never gotten drunk.

I guess I'm afraid of getting a hangover.

>> No.9929521

Try different types of drinks.

I get that feeling whenever I try to drink beer or rum but drinking vodka is always very enjoyable experience.

>> No.9929527

I love vodka for this reason. It always gets me clean drunk. Feels good.
Still, drink too much and it comes out the wrong end. Pretty easy to do, especially when you get drunk enough that you're numb to how much you're drinking.

>> No.9929532

A 40oz of malt liquor does it for me. I've been having one every night recently. I like the relaxing, calming feeling it gives me and the act of drinking itself is pleasant. I like the taste of beer. I can really take it easy with beer and some cigarettes at the end of the day.

>> No.9929617
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Security guard is an easy job, they said.

Just work around scientists, patrol around. Nothing will go wrong.

>> No.9929639 [DELETED] 

we need /b/lackup for our raid guys

can I count on /jp/ to blow shit up?


>> No.9930010
File: 10 KB, 225x219, hebephilia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to google that and look what happened.

>> No.9930171

Alcohol is one of the best things I've discovered. Haven't missed a day in five years. Be careful though, as a relaxing drink in the evening can quickly turn into alcoholism. I've had months where I had to slip rum into my morning coffee just to avoid the shakes.

>> No.9930859


>> No.9930912
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>> No.9931183

Hebephilia is the love of Jews.

>> No.9931257

That just seems incredibly excessive. I only have 15Mb/s and the only thing I want is for my download to actually stay that speed when I want it to and better ping.

>> No.9931281

Nice to see that somebody appreciates their internet.

I'm stuck with 120kb/s AT&T internet. I'm pretty sure speedtest ranked my connection below 98% of the US. It's really bothersome that just about the only thing playable on this connection is the occasional Valve FPS (Except for Killing Floor) and MOBAs.

>> No.9931289
File: 38 KB, 298x498, mooties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the truth??

>> No.9931299

Wasn't he going to NYU?

>> No.9932397

So today I found out I'm developing male pattern baldness

I shouldn't even care because I've resigned myself to a life of NEEThood, but I like my hair.

>> No.9932456


I think he dropped out. But it probably doesn't count cause he's a rich jew

>> No.9932539

You can try being a homeless researcher.

Can I take you home?

>> No.9932846

Moot isn't a NEET because he has an office job (Canvas). Also he's poor as shit.

>> No.9932888

Even with 4chan gold accounts?

>> No.9932944
File: 64 KB, 209x276, 13504755513571.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to take the garbage in today and my neighbor came out at the same time.

Never again

>> No.9933323

That's a cute gif.

>> No.9933675

You NEETtachi might find this interesting:


>> No.9934741

I had a dream Stallman came by my house and he helped me make dinner. It was nice.
What was everyone else's dreams?

>> No.9934767

Mm, this is the worst. I opened my front door last night to fetch my cat, and realized my neighbour was outside smoking. I retreated and just left the window open for the cat to come in.

>> No.9934769

I had a dream a few weeks ago where rms painted some rooms in my basement. Really weird

>> No.9934869

Where can I find a Misaki (or was it Misato or Misaka? i dont' remember, but I am talking about that person who saves the mp in welcome to the N.H.K.) to save me?

>> No.9934875

The one I had right before waking up was about some weird real life Resident Evil co-op my brother and I were doing. We ran into these cats who were spiky and had horns made out of old AOL CDs.

>> No.9934885

I just spent two hours reading about Nazi conspiracies. Great way to pass the time

>> No.9934891

Post or ante wwij?

>> No.9934890

She didn't really save Satou.

>> No.9934896

They end up mutually supporting each other, though you're right, it's skewed toward Satou saving Misaki.

>> No.9934897

ante and in during.

>> No.9934905

Hey idiot, the words are "before" or "after".

>> No.9934909

I got a place to rent cheaply through the local authoritiy. The rent is cheap and paid for, so I don't need to worry about that. Which leaves me just enough to pay all the bills. Whatever is left over I use to buy a very small amount of cheap food like rice and tinned stuff. It's possible but you need to make a lot of sacrifices; ie keep an eye on your electricity usage, never have the heating on.

>> No.9934911

ante baka

>> No.9934912


I was riding on my bike when some gang robbed and kidnapped me. I was very scared. Then gang leader forced some other guy to suck his cock. I woke up when female Commander Shepard with a gun and in full armor walked through the door and saved me from them. I was so happy.

>> No.9934918

So it is flying saucers and hollow Earth and things like that? Link please.
Why are you so mean? I was confused because in english they use post.

>> No.9934924

You know, I love the NEET lifestyle, however I just can't appreciate it to the fullest potential. Everyday I wake up and feel slightly more depressed because somebody out there believes what I'm doing is wrong, that it's a mediocre lifestyle, that I'm a skumbag etc.

Basically, the world needs to remind me that the NEET lifestyle is bad. But why? Ever since I've gone NEET after High School I've gained a way more sophisticated taste in videogames and I've finished so much anime/film/manga in my backlog because now I have all the free time in the world to do the things I enjoy. So why does the world despise that?

The words of this man make me feel a little better. It makes me feel like it's okay to NEET, even though it's probably not.

>> No.9934941


the most interesting part was "the Oberkommando der Luftwaffe's Unusual Map" but if you want to read about the saucers then just skip to "the alchemy of Atlantis"

>> No.9934969


>> No.9935081

I've heard a lot of bad stories about working as a security guard. They're always on edge so it's really tiring. Plus you have to pay a lot of money for the training.
One guy worked as a security guard in some project where people got raped and killed on a daily basis, he almost got shot by some crazy guy.

>> No.9935172

Stay at home security guard.
Ideal job of any NEET.

>> No.9935294

Just wanted to let you guys know I'm off to gensokyo, thanks for keeping me company.

>> No.9935304

Don't die in the process.

>> No.9935319

No, you are one of my only friends.

>> No.9935350

Now you are going to mke me sd.

>> No.9935379

Being NEET won't last forever. Eventually you're going to have to get a job to support yourself. Why not enroll in community college and take some GE classes? In 5 years you could graduate and be a bachelor NEET instead of a no skills NEET. Don't major in anything stupid like psychology. Go for the sciences, engineering or business. It's not too late! I'm 29 and still a year away from graduating with a B.S., but it's only a year! You can go to college when you're on autismbux too! So why not give it a shot?

>> No.9935387

My parents and everyone else's parents on this board are willing to support their children forever.

>> No.9935394

But I like psychology.

>> No.9935399

Said a sorrowful chorus of unemployed voices.

>> No.9935400
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Rip in peace.

>> No.9935405

I'm absolutely mediocre at everything I do. No job will hire me for anything Science/engineering/business etc. related, plus college will only get in the way of my backlog.

>> No.9935408

I am directly on that S

>> No.9935411

Can I go into forensics instead? Criminal justice seems interesting to me.

>> No.9935412

Never really been a NEET for longer than few months, neither would my family alow me nor' do I can bare being such a burden to someone, especially my own family. Used to be hardcore shut-in, still kinda am I guess. Got kicked out of my highschool, skipped half of a the school year out of fear/depression/personal goals.(goals being esports) Right now its either taking the studies back again and living insignificant life or going all the way to another country and meeting with my online comrades (which I will do) and try to become the very best together, which I hope will lead in me being able to reunite with my lost online love

>> No.9935415

I tried college once and dropped out after a week. Not for me.

>> No.9935416


I'm accepting going to community college for the refund check. I was forced to sign up to one today but I guess it's this over who knows what.

The work of HARP

>> No.9935418

Wow I'm extremely close to the S, neat.

Last big strom I was in was generic japanese typhoon in Kobe.

>> No.9935426

Unless your parents are millionaires, being NEET still won't last forever. Besides, are you really going to squander the years when you're young on anime and video games? Wouldn't you like to start a family someday? No woman is going to marry a NEET. There's always time to make a change. I'm 29 and still in school! I'll be 30 when I graduate! I didn't let my age stop me. I don't want to survive on $854 a month from the bux forever, or even worse mooch even less off my parents. Being a NEET hikki is reversible, you just have to extend your comfort zone and take anti-anxiety and anti-depression meds. Maybe even anti-psychotics.

>> No.9935420

So your stupid.

>> No.9935422

>Rest in peace in peace

>> No.9935423


>> No.9935427

>for the refund check.

You have to pay it back (or at least most of it) if you drop out, so don't spend any significant amount of it until you're sure you're going to last the whole semester.

>> No.9935428

Or should you say 'Wow, I'm extremely close to the S, NEET.'

>> No.9935430

Are you in Philadelphia? I figured I was the only one in the whole city who browsed /jp/.

>> No.9935431

Also if you start going full time and then drop down to part time they will probably make you pay some of it back as well, but I'm not sure on that. Just be careful and don't spend it right away.

>> No.9935433

The sheer amount of drivel you're spewing invalidates what little legitimacy your "message" had.

>> No.9935434

It's funny how the people who disregard the college experience are considered stupid while the college goers that play the loudest, dumbest games, watch the most mundane tv shows, and act out in the most regretful ways are considered smart.

>> No.9935438

>$854 a month from the bux forever

I'd give my left leg for that!

>> No.9935443

Feels like being a complete and utter human failure with no chance in succeeding. Why cant I do anything normal, why I am always drawn to making crappy decisions, whyyy am I drawn to failure so much

>> No.9935444

>tfw i live in NE Philly

>> No.9935445


Think of it this way: they generalize you in the same way you generalize them.

>> No.9935452

There's nothing more disgusting than a NEET who loathes his life and wants to be a normal.

>> No.9935448

Government employees. Not all of them. Some work absurd amounts, others do nothing most of the time.

>> No.9935451

Fuck I live close to the Jersey shore.
I hope our power doesn't go out for a whole week again like last year. That nearly drove me mad.

>> No.9935459

>Wouldn't you like to start a family someday? No woman is going to marry a NEET.
No I don't want to start a family and pigs legitimately gross me out you filthy normalfaggot. Go back to whatever board you came from.

>> No.9935458

I live in the Holmesburg / Mayfair area, lets fugg

>> No.9935465

If you're truly mediocre and unwilling to believe in yourself, then Business is the major for you. It's the easiest relevant major there is. Even Business Administration. Just get hired somewhere to be a manager and take it easy while everyone else does all the work.

>> No.9935466

well I guess have to play with the cards I am left with and do my best, dying just like this is not worth it

>> No.9935468

75 days since I stopped being a truNEET after a year of NEETing out hard.
It's not so bad.
School is okay.

>> No.9935469

You don't want to have a cute little girl to tuck in at night and cuddle with? What's wrong with you?

>> No.9935471

No, I want a cute robot girl to tuck in at night. I don't need a pig to make that.

>> No.9935476

But robots will never match the warmness and softness of a real loli, and they won't truly love you as much.

>> No.9935477

Taste in games and TV shows is utterly trivial, so that's probably why most people don't judge over that. I'm not sure what you mean by acting out, though.

>> No.9935480


Shutup both of you.

>> No.9935478
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>All NEETs from NJ

I get my autism bux legit.

>> No.9935488

When it's your time to die, how do you want to go /jp/?

>> No.9935486

Hey, non NEETs, did you read that? If you really want to work then at least make robot girls for us.

>> No.9935500

College and education is a good determination of one's intelligence just like iq tests. Dropouts and those that do worse in school are usually less intelligent. Engineers and doctors are smarter than the NEET's that make up /jp/

>> No.9935498

We are too busy working on /jp/ Manor, and the first step is finding a way for us to all be little girls.

Robots come later, much, much later. Probably after construction of the Manor and the sex and age transformations.

>> No.9935499

I'll fade away quietly... like tears in rain.

>> No.9935504

I don't think anybody would hire me with a Community College degree.

>> No.9935505

It's people like you that need the most help. You're deluding yourself. You just haven't met the right pig because you never go out. I don't like pigs either in general but at least I'm willing to settle for the right one. I bet your whole world will be turned upside down when you're a lonely old man and you meet some younger woman and you'll fall in love right then and there but you'll kill yourself from the tragedy that you missed your chance and now it's too late.

>> No.9935502

In my sleep

>> No.9935507
File: 15 KB, 384x384, YAKUI!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crazy yakui

>> No.9935513

>Engineers and doctors are smarter than the NEET's that make up /jp/

They're so smart they spend their days slaving away to make money.

>> No.9935515

>College and education is a good determination of one's intelligence just like iq tests.
I see you went to comedy school.

>> No.9935517

I will stay alive.
Fair enough.

>> No.9935519

I have gynophobia you insensitive ass. As I said they legitimately disgust me.

>> No.9935521

Or maybe it is their very intelligence which makes them incompatible, you imbecile. I won't waste my breath on you, since it's clear you're stunted.

>> No.9935524

So the doctor is more intelligent than me because he invested years into the medical field?

I invested probably more years into gaming, anime and film than the doctor put into medical education, what makes him smarter than me?

>> No.9935527

You are the one who will die with regrets if you think like that.

>> No.9935530

Ya totally those Doctors, Scientists and Engineers are so stupid. The smartest people in the world are high school drop outs like the one's on /jp/ right lmfao how can normals be so stupid.

>> No.9935533

you're a lonely old man and you meet some younger woman and you'll fall in love right then and there but you'll kill yourself from the tragedy that you missed your chance

I believe this is the feeling of wanting to be young again, not love.

>> No.9935543

incompatible with what.

>> No.9935541

You did not seriously just ask that.

>> No.9935545

There are plenty of mediocre scholars, and plenty of extraordinary NEETs. I can understand if you're talking in terms of averages by and large, but to claim some constant is utterly moronic. Moreover, please stop typing like you're 15 years old.

>> No.9935547

Time to build a boat NJ friends.

>> No.9935550

Give me a sincere response, otherwise you're just shitposting.

>> No.9935555

The whole point of a NEET is to drop out and not contribute smart people aren't NEET's.

>> No.9935558

/jp/ Arc?

>> No.9935583

What if the NEET doesn't want to contribute because he enjoys the lifestyle of taking it easy? Realistically, you're only living for yourself.

There's plenty of Scientist and Doctors that drink themselves into a coma because they're so stressed out and depressed. Who's the idiot then?

>> No.9935585

I keep getting knee pains recently

>> No.9935590

This nigga serious?

>> No.9935593

Aww shit I'm drunk and I found the NEET thread

What are yo plans for being NEET forever
I really need one since I'm in the UK. I'm considering getting a job and saving up then being NEET again

>> No.9935594

The education system. It goes beyond simple juvenile musings about how society is so fucked up, their parents and their teachers the devil incarnate and school some daunting entity out to get them -- there are definitely flaws in education (especially American), and not everyone can cope. You speak as if scientific contributions are the end goal of life, and dropping out is the absolute result of mental incompetence, other factors notwithstanding. Look, do we really have to discuss this? It's a trite and unproductive argument which will get nowhere.

>> No.9935604

>Look, do we really have to discuss this? It's a trite and unproductive argument which will get nowhere.
Well, do YOU have anything better to do?

>> No.9935606

I'm in delaware, like 15 min drive from philly.

>> No.9935629

People who drop out, and have an intense passionate hatred for school like you do, calling school's a daunting entity and teachers devil incarnate were too stupid for school to begin with. Its natural selection unintelligent scum like you falls to the bottom.

>> No.9935632

Lets coordinate with Jersey to make the /jp/ ark.

>> No.9935635

I'm currently hoping that the cube project comes to fruitition. ( fuuka.warosu.org/jp/thread/S9916299 )

Where in the UK are you? If you're in Scotland you can go to Uni for free and get paid for it too. Which is better, in my opinion, than having to get a job.

>> No.9935658

Um, I'm really hungry, so I thought I'd go prepare something...

Reading comprehension, damn it. I don't mean I say things like that, I mean even disregarding such childish ramblings, there is nevertheless some truth to the matter. Also FYI I never dropped out of high school, though I never attended college either. 12 years were more than enough for me, thank you.

>> No.9935674

I don't know what it is about University that makes somebody so stuck up and blunt.

You would think a vile comment like this is uncommon but almost every University student acts like this. Why are College people such bullies?

>> No.9935680

Guys, guys. This is /jp/. No bullying. That means no neet-shaming and no normal-shaming. Get along with the proper Nipponese virtue of 和。

>> No.9935688

I always think the radical on the right is misformatted unicode.

>> No.9935690

I have a little philosophy I carry with me, "If someone puts up with something stupid, they probably are stupid".
Thus, if one is fine with being a slave, one probably too stupid to realize what a slave is.

>> No.9935703

Seems like everyone was depressed and sad when I was in college. Maybe it was just me making them sad.

>> No.9935735

Anyone willing to seek higher education must have some delusion of grandeur, and a lofty image of themselves. From the beginning it's ingrained into their fundamental mindset that there are lesser beings such as you or myself, and higher beings such as themselves, who are worthy as dictated by grades and placement prestige. You know, the types back in high school who obsessed over scores and which college so-and-so got accepted into.

Well, maybe not, but that's my theory.

>> No.9935769

When I was in high school it was heavily emphasized that if you didn't go to college you would be a failure and a worthless person. He probably had something like that happen.

>> No.9935771

You are an anti-intellectual retard. You are the cancer that is destroying America. Go bitch about how the elitist, ivory-tower researchers are useless waste of space on /pol/, you dumb, ignorant faggot.

>> No.9935777

Please don't do this in the NEET thread. You aren't welcome here.

>> No.9935784

I'm reading a book right now to educate myself, and I actually don't expect to get some paper that says I read this book, but I don't care about the paper, I care about the information in the book.

>> No.9935785

Wow I've heard some pathetic things before but someone who refuses to learn because it is elitist is fucking awful, you are the worst type of human.

>> No.9935791

Shut the fuck up, you don't know my life or anything about me.

>> No.9935798

We're not talking about your life or you, we're talking about your opinions that you choose to voice.

>> No.9935803

I think believing you need to go to a special place and pay people to learn is the worst type of human. It's much cheaper and more efficient to stay at home and educate yourself, but I guess if it doesn't come with a diploma and a shiny sticker it doesn't count.

>> No.9935804

How does that post even imply that refusing to go to College means you have some objection towards general learning? There's plenty of NEETs out there that spend their time reading fine literature.

>> No.9935815

Ah, such cruel words! You've torn my heart in two. But don't worry, I'm not destroying anything. I'm only an observer, and if America is rotting, it was rotting long before I did a damn thing about it. Also, I'll have to decline your kind offer. /pol/ can go fuck itself.

Oh man, looks like I'm having ramen noodles again tonight...

>> No.9935817

>not using a semicursive font

>> No.9935819

I'm not even the person you were arguing with. The first reply I made to you was >>9935771, in which your stint of willful ignorance offended me too much to stay silent. Regardless, opinions are not something that you get to say >You aren't welcome here. about. You are not the /jp/ police. Grow up, child.

>> No.9935822

Cry about it on /r9k/ normalfag.

>> No.9935832

I use gdipp for font rendering which makes it all easy to differentiate.

>> No.9935834

Relax. I was only presenting my viewpoint toward the question voiced in the post I replied to. I am quite elitist myself in some regards, and I also enjoy learning. Once again you are only proving the stereotype correct.

>> No.9935844

You don't seem to understand efficiency.

Anyway have fun reading your book and 'learning'

>> No.9935846

He's not the one you were "arguing" with either. Isn't that funny?

>> No.9935860

>Anyone willing to seek higher education must have some delusion of grandeur, and a lofty image of themselves.
It implies that higher education is done out of arrogance.

>There's plenty of NEETs out there that spend their time reading fine literature.
University != higher education.

Well you are a consequence of a longer trend of anti-intellectualism. Being a product of your environment does not excuse you.


>> No.9935879

Something I've noticed in recent years is how many college students have atrocious grammar. To what do I owe my thanks for this strange phenomenon, the prevalent "bro culture" of college life?

>> No.9935891

Txting, more facebook than writing papers in high school, a lack of-give-a-fuck.

>> No.9935900

>It implies that higher education is done out of arrogance.

And how does that answer my question?

>> No.9935911

Like someone said earlier, only arrogant, obnoxious people go to college. Such people don't care about grammar. They only care about getting some piece of paper that they thinks makes them superior to others. It's not about education or a carerr.

>> No.9935913

Not exactly. What I said implies that those who seek higher education are more likely to be imbued with some sort of deep-seated, underlying arrogance (although to be fair, NEETs who think themselves inherently superior to the "normalfag sheeple" are no less arrogant themselves). That post was written overly pompously for shits and giggles anyway, so I'd advise you not waste time analyzing it.

>> No.9935921

>NEETs who think themselves inherently superior

We think that because it's true. Normalfags are essentially slaves.

>> No.9935926

I'd just like to say I had a very poor education which is why I have poor grammar, I don't really care much for grammar either but I'm not an obnoxious person.

unrelated but I think it's a little unfair to judge someone by their grammar.

>> No.9935935

Maybe. I'd wager it's more on a case to case basis, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel the same way sometimes.

>> No.9935942

But you need that piece of paper for a career in most cases.

>> No.9935945

I'll grant that there are some NEETs who are just as much slaves. The ones who want to be normalfags but can't because of social anxiety, for example.

>> No.9935957

I don't think it's unfair. If you had spent a bit more time reading and less time playing basketball on the street, you would sound like a more refined person by now.

>> No.9935983

I speak properly but when it comes to writing or typing I struggle, also I was mostly bed ridden during school and grew up in a poor neighborhood. I graduated top of my class but that's far from an accomplishment here. Not making excuses just saying it's a silly thing to judge someone on in my opinion.

>> No.9935984

unfortunately I'm already in uni in england.

>> No.9935998

You sure living in 2012?


Universities are only good for doing research and meeting people. Anyone who wants educated should be able to do it at home.

In my uni every person who did really well did a lot of stuff that was outside the curriculum on their own. The people who simply did what they were told to do sucked slightly less than people who dropped out.

>> No.9936005

>The ones who want to be normalfags but can't because of social anxiety
Those types sicken me like none else. They're the byproduct and the epitome of the worst attributes from both the NEET and the normalfag world, like an ungodly, chimeric Frankenstein's monster... Ugh, they're the worst.

Listen to me, I sound like some schoolgirl talking about guys with bad hygiene or something.

>> No.9936010

Interesting site... I'll check it out.

>> No.9936059

I'm interested in research.

>> No.9936070

>The ones who want to be normalfags but can't because of social anxiety
So in other words, NEETs.

>> No.9936079

I do not wish to be a normalfag in anyway, shape or form.

>> No.9936110

Then why be social on the internet? It's pretty far removed from e.g. a lifelong friendship, but you still seem to like interacting with people and commiserating with them.

It's the same desire that drives people to join clubs, make friends, etc., just in a different form so as not to have to make the same tradeoffs.

The fundamental desires of the NEET and the normalfriend are largely the same, as far as I can tell. Everyone likes to have fun, be good at something, have companionship (waifus or 3Ds), satisfy their lewd urges, etc.

>> No.9936135

The internet is a lot different from real life. I'd hardly call them comparable. Not to mention we're all anonymous and don't seek any further relationship with each other.

>> No.9936204

You can't really compare this largely minor socialization to that of the normals, where the nature of relationships is different, and also dominates their entire lifestyle.

>> No.9936272

People socialize in many different ways. So many people on this board have some kind of black and white tunnel vision.

It's either you are a NEET loner or a full normal with a slave job, facebook "friends" you pretend to care about, cheating wife, debt and worst of all - kids.

Between those two things lie so many different types of social interaction with very different degrees of commitment.

>> No.9936634


If you're just starting out (after doing nothing physical for ages) I would recommend taking it slowly and just starting off with some basic cardio or lifting 2-3 times a week for about ~30 minutes.

In regards to lifting Starting Strength is good (the link will direct you to the routine). You can look up how to properly do the lifts on youtube, and at the start you can just use a barbell/dumbells without any weight on (a barbell by itself is 20kg so there's still a bit of weight to it). You can buy everything you'll need for the first 6 or so months (barbell/db/weights) for a couple hundred dollars. If you're unsure about whether you want to invest in that, there's general bodyweight exercises (planks/tricep dips/push ups/pull ups/etc.) that you can experiment with to see if you enjoy it and want to go further.

Basic cardio can just consist of jogging, cycling or swimming. I personally cycle as it's pretty good cardio and it isn't too challenging to get into (you can go at your own pace), so if you have a bike available I would give that a try. If not, jogging is also pretty good. At any rate, expect it to be quite difficult the first week or so as your body adjusts to the exercise, but after the first week or so your body should become used to it. Over time gradually increase the amount of exercise until you reach a comfortable equilibrium. /fit/ can give you help if you're confused, although they tend to be off topic a lot.

>> No.9936939

Why aren't there more nocturnal NEETs? I hate waking up for nighttime but it seems like my sleep schedule always ends back up this way. It doesn't help when NEET general activity takes a dive either.

>> No.9937051

I thought most NEETs were nocturnal, no? I end up waking up at 4 PM at the earliest.

>> No.9937086

Doesn't seem like it, granted could be different timezones. I just know when I wake up there's a whole bunch of fresh posts and then the thread is dead for basically the whole time I'm awake.

>> No.9937113

Daytime /jp/ is full of normalfags. NEETs are on at night but there are less of us.

>> No.9937157

Going to get kicked out soon. Trying to find a job in that time but pretty hard when you have a 5 year gap of nothing and didn't work during HS either. But street NEET is worse I suppose.

>> No.9937503

pure math

everyone's mediocre here

>> No.9937798
File: 516 KB, 960x960, 25749243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Test test

>> No.9938160

I haven't gone outside in a little over a month, and in the preceding months only rarely went out to the nearest store... I sleep on a couch in an apartment living room, so I have no privacy or escape from daily pleas to go outside. I need to sell some things so I can escape, but it's hard to pull myself together enough to get anything done.
I've never been able to go full NEET since my family can't afford it (haven't had my own room since middle school). Anyone else stuck in a near-NEET hell-limbo?

>> No.9938365

I have cancer and my health insurance is going to run out next year. Every now and then I go out and get some food.

>> No.9938460

Good luck buddy.

>> No.9939063


I have my own room, but my little brothers rooms entrance is in my room so that fucker always goes trough my room and my parents always rudely walk trough my room when they have something to tell to my brother. I hate it so much.
 Today I was woken by that clown going to (high)school because he had to walk so loudly and then he left his rooms door open and there was coming this awful smell of axe, so I asked him if he could close the door, so he walked to his door laughed and walked away. I almost cried. Because of this I only slept 6 hours out of the normal 10-12 hours and saw less dreams. ;_;
 I don't like it at all to be home because my parents are nosy as fuck and I am constantly reminded that they are worried. Last time my mom was worried because I didn't know the day of the week when she asked. I have very little privacy but it doesn't atleast sound as bad as your situation.
 This is hell for me. I live in a welfare state and could get my own apartment for free, but am too afraid that I can't manage living alone. Well, sooner or later they will kick me out for not doing anything. ;_; and then I will die out of hunger or drown in my own dirt.
