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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 435 KB, 3901x2200, ore-no-imouto-ga-konna-ni-kawaii-wake-ga-nai-kousaka-kirino.c9b8f9274c302617b2aa9424a064cec4-17507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9918828 No.9918828 [Reply] [Original]

hey /jp/,

What's the best way to get a visa for japan?
What's an easy way to get over there for less expense?
I'm a fellow Otaku, but am Tired of american life and the society of morons around us.

>> No.9918834

>I'm a fellow Otaku, but am Tired of american life and the society of morons around us.

Your life will be more miserable in japan with that attitude

>> No.9918842
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>> No.9918841

I'd beg to differ. I'm tired of the litteral morons around us. The society of less than 100 I.Q. points. There's little to nobody to carry intelligent conversations or challenge my current intelligence. Plus the economy is shit and I'd rather not live in this country with the black guy or the white snob running it.

>> No.9918843

>,> I resent that.
I'm not fat nor a neckbeard.

>> No.9918848

This is just a joke, right?

>> No.9918845

what makes you think a racist country like japan is a better place?

>> No.9918849

That passage seems like it was composed by a 10th grader. Have you checked a high school parking lot for someone to test your intelligence against?

>> No.9918850

At least they have a lot more opportunities for advancement and better schools.

>> No.9918854

Depends. If you're there for education, take the student visa. Otherwise, get a student visa.

Says the westerner that gone apeshit when seeing a black man crossing over his street.

Oh, the irony.

>> No.9918860

I'll play along and assume you're serious, just for shits and giggles.

>There's little to nobody to carry intelligent conversations or challenge my current intelligence.
Japan will be no different.
>Plus the economy is shit
Japan's economy is even worse. They've never recovered from the recession caused by the bubble.

>they have a lot more opportunities for advancement
Yeah, if you're Japanese. Or if you happen to be really good at a certain profession. Otherwise, haha.
>and better schools.
Funny, everyone I've ever talked to about the Japanese educational system seems to think otherwise.

Speaking from an American living abroad, trust me, you're going to miss everything about America within half a year of moving abroad.

>> No.9918862
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>> No.9918861

Fuck japan, overall they're not much better than some european countries. Still, hopefully I can make enough money in the glorious west to afford myself a place in Tokyo someday so that I can hang around akiba all day everyday, obsessing over junior idols and spending my hard earned money.

>> No.9918864

>Says the westerner that gone apeshit when seeing a black man crossing over his street.
Oh my im not racist. I wont go mad unless that black man does something bad to me.

>> No.9918870

fuck off to reddit you retard or I will find you and I will kill you

>> No.9918873

Spoken like a true 'murican that whine how everyone is racist toward him when he himself doesn't try to communicate with fellow Japanese.

>> No.9918877

why would you want to live in japan? you can get 90% of the best parts of jap culture from your computer and live anywhere else you want

>> No.9918878 [DELETED] 

I heard that if you have autism they let you in the country.

>> No.9918882

lol fukov

>> No.9918884

You don't need a VISA if you're American to go to Japan. Thats only for turd world countries to keep them from immigrating there en masse.

>> No.9918891

90% of everything is shit.

Moving country won't help, as the majority will just be shit in a different way.

>> No.9918892

Hey, turd sniffer!
It's called "hypocrisy" not irony, fuckstick. Get your shit together before you insult westerners, you hear me? Bump, cause I want to see you cry when I bump this.

>> No.9918896

And yet, you are the same.

>> No.9918898

society full of timid and submissive people
low quality food

you should go there, no one in /jp/ is stopping you

>> No.9918899

What in the FUCK are you smoking?

>> No.9918902

Fast internet
Doujin everywhere
society full of people who won't bother me
food quality is on the level of europe

I will go there

>> No.9918905

>society full of people who won't bother me
But OP wanted people who can initiate "intelligent" conversations

>> No.9918906

Why would you talk to people? OP should get out of high school.

>> No.9918907


>low quality food

I hope you're not American and saying this.

>> No.9918910

Why does nobody here ever want to move to PRC or ROC?...

>> No.9918911

I wouldnt really do casual conversations unless it at some long waiting room like the DMV

>> No.9918913

Because all American food is mcdonalds, right?

>> No.9918917

It was intended, you fuckface. Should i increase your autism-buck funding so that you can understand it? Jesus, lord have mercy on this poor fuck that can't even understand a single sentence.

Also, i will sage to save you from the hummilation. You see, i'm a kind guy actually, so i will let you roll in shame alone while crying on how pathetic your western life is.

>> No.9918919

>What's the best way to get a visa for japan?

Do you have lots of money or a stable job?

>> No.9918921


No, but the quality of the average food sold in stores is about 20 years behind the rest of the Western world.

>> No.9918922

Class J entertainment visa.

Go suck some cocks dood.

>> No.9918927

Stop going to Walmart

>> No.9918932

Don't blame him, I mean do British people have anything worthwhile to eat? It's pure envy plain and simple.

So you it was your intention to act like a retard, el oh el. You even forgot your sage, you mumbling retard. HAHAHAHAHA
You want me to smack you?

>> No.9918937

Fuck Japan. How difficult would it be to migrate to a country within the Benelux?

>> No.9918938

China pls go home

>> No.9918942


That's the average food, though.

In most (all?) other western countries, one can use supermarkets and get good quality food. The store brand food is generally pretty good, and even the "value" or similar cheap as shit ranges can hold good things (though a lot if bad).

I'd imagine your alternative is disproportionately expensive.

>> No.9918940

British people eat fish & chips all day erryday. That, and english muffins.

This is a scientifically proven fact.

>> No.9918944

Where's the tea

>> No.9918946

>Not glorious Scandinavia

I'm quoting science

>> No.9918952

>Not oil-rich Middle East where wimmen know their place

I'm quoting the Quooran

>> No.9918955

> one can use supermarkets and get good quality food

There's also those in America too

Most of the food we buy are from Farmer's markets, Whole Foods and Asian Groceries anyway

Stop talking as if youve actually lived in america

>> No.9918962

From my personal experience, the Japanese weren't actually all that racist towards me.

I'd think that the Chinese or Pakistanis that I've met treated me a lot worse.

>> No.9918966

>the Japanese weren't actually all that racist towards me.
Theyre are secretly

>> No.9918971

They know you would be able to beat them up, that's why.

>> No.9918973

Did you even believe that i will sage? lel, puh-lease. Autistic retards like you didn't even deserve the mercy. Please put the autism-buck you've received to good use, and kindly go fuck yourself.

>> No.9918975

You're just unable to pick up on the social cues.

You wouldn't know racism until they literally lynched you, turbonerd

>> No.9918976


I don't think many countries aren't xenophobic towards at least a certain group.

>> No.9918980

All I do is fuck myself erry day, weeb.

I'll counter-anti sage you.

>> No.9918987

I think a lot of "racism" is actually retaliation due to not following social custom.

Not following social custom in Western Countries is received negatively too.

>> No.9918991

I'd consider even subtle racism to be a lot better than overt racism.

Everyone is at least a little racist, but the better man is the one who doesn't act out on it.

>> No.9918993

Immigrating here, hm. I don’t think you come from an impoverished wartorn area, so don’t try the miserable asylum process thing.
But I don’t think you have valuable diplomas and such either so fitting the skilled worker category isn’t going to happen either. Maybe find someone to marry you in exchange for citizenship!

>> No.9918996

Stop thinking and start dancing


>> No.9919003


>valuable diplomas

Can't imagine how difficult scientific writing is in Japanese.

>> No.9919007

Mercy?! I'll show you what NO mercy is. I'll fuck your ass so hard, I'll tear your rectum out and prolapse it. Your outer parts will be dangling and then I'll force you sit down, and you will sit down and it will be painful because your red, hot burning asshole will be protruding out, painfully.

This is my fight, bitch. Back the fuck off.

>> No.9919009

Actually I’d love to live in the ROC. Taiwanese are nice people, they have nice food and they are weeaboo tolerant. And I like Chinese. I don’t speak Hokkien though so I guess the south is out of the question.

>> No.9919011


Too much irony; I can no longer see your intention.

>> No.9919012

You only need to memorize 5000 more kanjis than the rest of the Japanese folks.

>> No.9919015

No amount of intentions will get your ebbin ass shakin' dood xDxDxD

>> No.9919020

this is the only way to do it. I plan on getting rich (lel) and retiring as a creepy old gaijin otaku near akiba

>> No.9919025

How much of your autismbux are you saving every month to get rich?

I'm saving $13 per month currently, but I'm thinking about saving $13.50 because I don't think 13 dollars is enough for me to retire on.

>> No.9919033


I can't tell if you're being ironic or not.

>> No.9919040

That's a symptom of assburgers, you might want to get that checked out.

>> No.9919041

I don't want to burst your bubble but, I don't think 50 cents more is really going to help you out.

>> No.9919045

Are you telling me that I need to save more money?

I think I can increase my savings to $14/month if I try really hard, but my budget's going to be really tight.

Thankfully, Japan doesn't have inflation so I don't have to worry about my savings losing their value over time.

>> No.9919046

no autism bux, I'm actually getting an engineering degree. highly functioning autist master race

>> No.9919050

GTFO, you human scum.

Aspergers will always be way better than higher functioning autism.

You might as well kill yourself now, because we are most certainly taking over your niche in society.

>> No.9919059

ah yes, spread that jelly all over me

>> No.9919060


Unless $7020 after 10 years sounds good to you. Yes, you need more.


Already been tested. Not aspie.

>> No.9919064

Woah. $7020 is a lot of money. I don't think I ever had that much money. I don't know what I'd even do with all of that.

I can probably invite maybe like 2 people from /jp/ to live with me too.

>> No.9919070


How are you going to afford to live anywhere?

Sorry, if you are being ironic, but I am concerned for you. I don't want you to have your dreams shattered.

>> No.9919071

$7020 isnt that much

>> No.9919075

government housing?

Fuck off, rich faggot.
Not everyone is as entitled as you are

>> No.9919080


I don't think Nippon will give you free housing for no reason.

>> No.9919086


>> No.9919087

Im not rich, but even i can tell that 7020 dollars isnt enough to live comfortably for a year

>> No.9919093



My best advice is play the lottery.

Don't do online gambling, you have to put in too much money for too little pay back, making it way too risky.

Better to put in a small amount of money for small change of a huge prize.

>> No.9919096

You can build a 3x3x3 metre cube house for only ~$3000 USD.

>> No.9919100


He'd still have to pay tax on a regular basis.

>> No.9919099

do you live in some 3rd world shithole?

>> No.9919108

How much are taxes for a 100 sq. ft house in japan? I'd think they'd be lower than other places. You could always make a commune and have other people help with taxes...

>> No.9919115

>make a commune and have other people help with taxes
or start a cult...

>> No.9919123

Cult of /jp/

>> No.9919132

I wonder how well going 'on vacation' would work, and 'accidentally' getting lost in the wilderness, 'forcing' one to live off the land.

>> No.9919136

If they never find you, quite well.
I recommend the forest around Mt. Fuji.

>> No.9919139

I always bee n interested in cults. They're are weird subject.

>> No.9919140

All hail Ken-sama!

>> No.9919143

You must suck every members cock to enter.

>> No.9919146


I was thinking more North where few people live.

>> No.9919147

Will I be able to live in corea or Japan if I join the Moonies?

>> No.9919149

I had a group of ~15 metalhead people in my hs call me jesus and genuflect in from of me whenever they saw me. It started as a joke with one guy and then got kind of creepy. I kind of miss those days

>> No.9919156 [DELETED] 

Going over to Japan was hilarious to me, because a lot of the people who tried to talk to me would bring up American things they love like Lady Gaga or popular movies.

Have fun still being a social outcast in Japan, OP.

Have fun being an outcast over in Japan

>> No.9919189


I ended up in the strange situation where a lot of people the same age as me in school had no idea who I was, but the kids of my sisters age all knew me, and a lot seemed to like me, for some inexplicable reason. I had a something akin to a small fanclub by the end, despite never communicating with any of them, aside from to tell them to leave me alone. Almost certain they were sincere and weren't trying to bully me.

>> No.9919197


Younger, by 2-3 years.

>> No.9919194

Older or younger?

>> No.9919220

That's really scary you shouldn't say things like that or people could pee their pants!

>> No.9919238

yo I didn't read any of that but from now on use 'Göndulfur' cus then it's like a really long wolf which is a lot cooler than 'Gandulfr' since that's just like some sort of wolf stick

>> No.9919278

Did you fuq them?

>> No.9919289



>> No.9919292

Not having a half Japanese best friend with Japanese citizenship and has an apartment in Chiba when i Japan who can help you when you wanna visit Japan

step it up geeks.

>> No.9919298

forgot to imply.


>> No.9919304

Why are you even questioning his purity?

Stop accusing innocent /jp/sies of being sluts

>> No.9919317

Hey what's the name of that site where you can get a Japanese pen-pal and the majority of them speak some English and want to get better?

>> No.9919322

That thing's been proven to be a scam a long time ago pal.

>> No.9919333

Are you sure we're talkin bout the same thing here?

I just trust ya, but you don't even want to know how many times I've been talking about one thing and they've been talking bout something completely different.

>> No.9919341

wtf? never thought of that. anyway i don't know. i rather GO to japan and teach there. there are programs where you can reside in japan for jobs where you can teach english. i think i remember hearing that japan covers all your livings costs in japan.

>> No.9919352

>i think i remember hearing that japan covers all your livings costs in japan.

Keep dreaming.

Japan's not a socialist country.

>> No.9919349

It's an find-an-internation-friend thing being hosted by japan-guide.com

Now, think for a second. The website is called "japan-guide". Who would visit a website named "japan-guide"? People who are not Japanese. If you were a Japanese person looking for an international penpal, would you go to a website called japan-guide?

>> No.9919357

I understand that, and again, it's not as if I don't trust you.

But maybe they named it that so where they would be assured their message would be found.

It's not marketing to the Japanese, it's marketing to others.

>> No.9919359

0/10 did not troll

>> No.9919377

It's not marketing to Japanese, but they need roughly equal amount of Japanese people for it to succeed.

You're assuming that Japanese people as a collective built a website for the purpose of finding penpals. The chances of that being true is equal to the chances of the Zionist Illuminati influencing the US government.

>> No.9919385

Also that's not a big enough reason to say it's a scam, now personal stories or large accounts of stories from other /jp/ goers and people on the net, would provide more ground.

Again, I'm not putting that site beyond suspicion, but I can't exactly write it off either, not fair.

>> No.9919394

Well in all honesty, it's more than just for the Japanese.

Now some people on there, could be scammers, but I think the site's got SOME legitimacy.

>> No.9919406

By a scam, I meant that it is a total waste of your time. I didn't mean to imply that they are out to swindle your money.

>> No.9919429

^Just go to Japan and shut the fuck up already ^

>> No.9919436

Ah, okay, yeah totally agree there.

>Go to a place full of xenophobia and will hate me and try to harm me.

Yeah, no, if I want that why not just go to New York, or any state in the North, all horrible lots period.

I want to make a friend or two from Japan, but you'd have to have a gun to my head to get me to make such a foolish move.

Never go where you aren't wanted after all.

>> No.9919452

>Yeah, no, if I want that why not just go to New York, or any state in the North

Butt-frustrated sister fucker detected.

Stay down there. We don't want your kind around.

>> No.9919464
File: 93 KB, 512x512, 1342716238795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quality troll thread op. Quality troll thread. Good job. Keep it up and this will be the most popular thread on /jp/

>> No.9919473

Not me, I already laughed everything out agreeing with your post.

>> No.9919465

let OP go to japan

who else is gonna laugh when he gets beat up by the yakuza,sold to a whorehouse or dies at the base of mount fuji

>> No.9919468

I'm sorry, least we have hospitality.

Just ignore the idiots and be polite and no one's gonna do dick to you.

>> No.9919481

All threads on /jp/ are thinly veiled troll threads newfriend

>> No.9919504

Fuck your visa.
Fuck Japan.
Fuck you.
Fuck off.

>> No.9919516

Why do people, specially the Caucasians want to go to Japan?

It's basically a Black man going to a KKK meeting.

>> No.9919569

all the big market cities in the US are the same, specifically here in LA and NY. both full of major faggots and normalfags.

because japanese women want to race mix with them, black and mexicans, that's why.

>> No.9919574

just like the way white women want to race mix with black men

>> No.9919584

yup. the jews control all this, sadly.

>> No.9919589

If the black guy likes KKK-culture, doesn't that seem like the perfect place to go? No one can tell if he wears the hood anyway.

>> No.9919634

I am sick of all these weebs wanting to move to Japan. What's in it for you? It's just another developed society.

I want to move somewhere like Mongolia or Niger, live off the land for 10 years, then come back and write a book about it.

>> No.9919958

why do they do that
