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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 29 KB, 388x400, 2chwwww.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9908918 No.9908918 [Reply] [Original]


representing the hood
mother fuckers!

>> No.9908924

My DICK is bigger than whales.
Please tell me how big your DICK is?

>> No.9908927

I hope you retard get permacrucified from 2ch as well.

>> No.9908942

Burn to death and die in a fire, sparky.

>> No.9909064

>Fifty Shades of Grey

>> No.9909622

As I already explained in that thread, motherfucker is one word.

>> No.9909650

You bad people leave our website

>> No.9909873


>> No.9909899

2ch I apologize for this shithead OP.

>> No.9909911

Those gaylords don't even let foreigners post on the English board.

>> No.9909914

we demand apolojuice

>> No.9909989

nida detected

>> No.9910018


I can't post ;_;

>> No.9910034

let me try.

>> No.9910061
File: 59 KB, 400x302, 1254106312293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hope you stop making sexual comments. You may find it's funny, but it's not funny at all. It's quite offensive to some. People never make such comments in countries where English is spoken. You better learn to behave yourself before learning English. It's something that's not tolerated in forums overseas.

>> No.9910064


>> No.9910083


fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck japs

>> No.9910093

>I'm no matter of the tolkative. How should I solve this problem. Hope ease to work through.
By the way, how should I to cure my headach??

>Bang your head on a brick wall again and again until you you get unconcious.
That'll solve the problem.

Wow, what an asshole.

>> No.9910111

>Today, I learned three bad English words, skunk, asshole, and mother hucker.
>Language should be used for the feeling from bottom of own heart.
>I always want to say bad words to people that I dislike.
>This is my ture feeling.

>> No.9910117

So much cursing and verbal abuse...

Some of the rantings sound like /jp/ers are posting.

>> No.9910125

>As I already explained in that thread, motherfucker is one word.

It can be writer as either one word or two.

>> No.9910137

/jp/ isn't any better at english

>> No.9910444

Fuck you Japan

>> No.9910457

Okay guys where's the post button

>> No.9910490

It is like I am reading /jp/!

>> No.9910549

I have a strange feeling that the people claiming to be native English speakers insisting "that's a bit exaggerating" is proper English are really native speakers.

>> No.9910578

I wish I could post

>> No.9910610

Not letting foreigners post on the English board the Japanese never cease to amaze me.

>> No.9910644
File: 61 KB, 720x576, WC -.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is sparky such a disgusting faggot?

>> No.9910649

I can post.
I live on an island no one heard about.

>> No.9910651

Guys, make posts. I'm too embarrassed to post unless other /jp/ers are posting.

>> No.9910652
File: 322 KB, 500x500, 1349064195111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chop his dick off and he'd be happy

>> No.9910654

No one's there, it doesn't matter.

>> No.9910686

>I have a strange feeling that the people claiming to be native English speakers insisting "that's a bit exaggerating" is proper English are really native speakers.

It's not the kind of thing that someone with a good education would say, but it's plausible that it could be standard in some degenerate dialects.

>> No.9910741

"You're exaggerating a bit" is definitely better. The "a bit" describes the extent to which they're exaggerating.

"You're a bit exaggerating" seems like it's treating "exaggerating" as an adjective. To be correct they could put the middle in parenthetical commas. "You're, a bit, exaggerating."

The first is still better either way.

>> No.9910753

Why is "channeru" written in hiragana when it's obviously a foreign word?

>> No.9910799

2ch is shit.

>> No.9910808

shut your ass, nerd

>> No.9910810
File: 5 KB, 441x99, d19c6a4c3273206b15a83f83d0eb825e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mak post

>> No.9910820

Because not all Japanese can read english bitch. Take your 'merrikan bully ass out of my /jp/ RIGHT FUCKING NOW.

>> No.9910827

They should.

>> No.9910859

>Why is "channeru" written in hiragana when it's obviously a foreign word?

Careless language use has ever been common among the hoi polloi. For an example of this from our own tongue, it used to be de rigueur in English to italicize foreign phrases like "hoi polloi" or "de rigueur", but today they are often used in written English without any special annotation.

>> No.9910874

Stylization, it's done for many words.

>> No.9910930

>ERROR:変なホスト規制中!! 変なホストです。

how to post on 2ch?

>> No.9910935

Be born in glorious Europe or Japan

>> No.9910938

it says your host is WEIRD
deal with it weeb

>> No.9910948

It's a shame I can't post on 2ch, I'd like to help sort out all these arguments that come up over which phrases sound the most natural to a native english speaker. It's annoying when the people with broken english manage to win the arguments.

>> No.9910959
File: 6 KB, 438x96, 863cc4003fb1fc182602749060d34a91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit someone replied
Quickly what do I say I'm so excite

>> No.9910964
File: 54 KB, 500x541, 0060911580isaac0060201210140316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


there's no way around this? i really would like to talk to them about their video games.

if it isn't too much trouble, could somebody ask them about the freezing issues for 英雄伝説 零の軌跡~イベントフルボイス版~?

>> No.9910966

Gay, lewd, perverted, you should all drop dead and die.

>> No.9910970

No anon I can't do that

>> No.9910975

I would probably tell them that most of them speak english well enough, but need to work on their grammar.

>> No.9910976

Cm' ooooon, they'll enjoy it.

>> No.9910980

Do this, and correct the person you're replying to.

>> No.9910984

Damn I replied without correcting the person I replied to ;_;
Now I feel like a faggot

>> No.9910986

>correct the person you're replying to
Please. This is what people learning the language need the most.

>> No.9910990
File: 6 KB, 588x148, ae4be517e6ea82a5d751ff6e69e563f2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is this faggot fucking attention whore

>> No.9910994

I was trying to post.
They ask me to make some kind of account shit and ask me to go to ninja 2ch
What the fuck is going on?

>> No.9910997

You can't post from murrikan lands of freedom

>> No.9911000


>> No.9911006

The tripfags in Japan are horrifying

>> No.9911013

I hope you're being ironic.

>> No.9911020

shut the fuck up poopface

>> No.9911024
File: 116 KB, 850x699, crazysample-74429502c4e63186df6dc277da7f142a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The tripfags in Japan are horrifying

>> No.9911025

Today, I learned three bad English words, skunk, asshole, and mother hucker.
Language should be used for the feeling from bottom of own heart.
I always want to say bad words to people that I dislike.
This is my ture feeling.

>> No.9911034

Does anyone know what proxies would be good to bypass 2ch's block?

>> No.9911035

skun asshole mother hucker

>> No.9911043

Japanese proxies

>> No.9911103
File: 778 KB, 2500x2000, CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!1348751306642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9911115

Stop that.

>> No.9911121


>> No.9911122
File: 1.61 MB, 982x1464, CRAZY CRAZY HINA HATATE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats the matter?

>> No.9911129

It's dumb and irrelevant.

>> No.9911136

Just ignore him.

>> No.9911139
File: 102 KB, 800x577, CRAZY TEWI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9911140
File: 6 KB, 451x138, 82232650e1f3b84241c7df5b2630e52b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They called me a gentleman ;_;
This is the happiest day of my life

>> No.9911142

Everyone else does.

>> No.9911158

Make sure you wait at least 20-30 minutes before replying or you'll look too clingy!

>> No.9911156

And should I say something or just leave it?

>> No.9911166

Why would I look too clingy?
Do japs post and go jack off for 20 mins then reply or what?

>> No.9911171

What are the other threads on the English board about?

I see some for the TOEFL but everything's in moonspeak.

>> No.9911180
File: 533 KB, 1200x600, crazy flan1350422149146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9911181

Look at the times between posts in this thread. It's not exactly fast, if you post too often it'll look like you're fucking staring at the page and mashing f5.

>> No.9911183

What kind of creeper checks a thread for new posts five times per minute?

>> No.9911186



I must be 日本人~"

This guy (or girl) really pisses me off. What's their deal?

>> No.9911191

It's a shitposter from /jp/. Does that really surprise you?

>> No.9911194

The fact that the retard managed to use broken English even though he's a native speaker and had written only eight words really does make me wonder, though.

>> No.9911201
File: 60 KB, 554x545, 1341876473603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's exactly what I'm doing

>> No.9911203

Its just Sparky, the guy is as unintelligent as they come. At least everyone in that thread seems to realize this, very few people are replying to any of his nonsense.

>> No.9911226

Well, we're not going to let them know that we're that pathetic!

>> No.9911230

Trying not the be pathetic is hard

>> No.9911242

Just force yourself to bookmark the page and check back every hour or something.

>> No.9911250

I'm kind of shocked too. I guess this is the new /jp/.

>> No.9911246

You guys really don't recognize sparky?

>> No.9911247
File: 6 KB, 451x142, 499c0ba546af36dc06427563c73b0445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit fuck now I'm embarrassed why did I not double check
I'm going to kill myself and never return

>> No.9911251

Whe've got a badass here!

>> No.9911252

Quickly someone help me before I fall into depression

>> No.9911260

They make stupid mistakes when attempting to quote people if you look back a bit. Just ignore it.

Also, you could have at least told him it's spelled "Fuck".

>> No.9911255


>> No.9911258

>That feel when you only type one > when quoting a post

>> No.9911266

Why? Who gives a shit about a mistype.

>> No.9911271

I'm scared of getting judged
To who?
I'm pretty sure they know it's it's spelled "fuck" but "fack" is a thing over there.

>> No.9911277


The weeaboos worry that the denizens of their most favourite country might look down on them for it.

>> No.9911284
File: 52 KB, 300x321, 1342928539717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you mistype something a Japanese board too?

>> No.9911281
File: 265 KB, 430x900, depressed as fuck1332140244102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome to my world

>> No.9911287

Shut up, sparky.

>> No.9911291

Ja, I mistyping all times

>> No.9911293
File: 388 KB, 1000x812, crying homu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>something a
I can't take it anymore /jp/

>> No.9911297


Pull the trigger; no one would miss you.

>> No.9911298

And you like Homu too? There really is no hope for you.

>> No.9911300

Don't be rude anon, what would 2ch think?

>> No.9911304

I'm crying stop it /jp/

>> No.9911312

I'm rather pleased with the impression they got of us, maybe they're westabos

>> No.9911308

Notice how all of his posts are coupled with an Anime reaction image. He is probably from /a/. This would also explain why he seems to be unaware of Sparky's existence.

>> No.9911315
File: 31 KB, 261x235, 1316670952061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You talking shit about homu bitch?
You crossed the line buddy.

>> No.9911317

Thats unfortunate, maybe if you returned to your original board you'd be better received, and as a result, happier?

>> No.9911318

I didn't know I had to hate anime on /jp/

>> No.9911324

That's not what I'm saying. How did you manage to miss the point completely? Is liking something without spamming reaction images unthinkable to your kind?

>> No.9911326

Please post homu w/ penis.

>> No.9911330

You're damn right I am. Kyoko is the superior magical girl.

>> No.9911334

You did say "anime reaction images" not just "reaction images"
And what's wrong with using reaction images now?

>> No.9911344

I said Anime reaction images because that qualifies you not only as an outsider but also as a person from a specific board, namely, /a/, the Anime board. Just using "reaction images" generically wouldn't let me qualify exactly where you came from.

>> No.9911345

The trend on other boards is to respond with only a reaction image rather than actually explaining yourself in a more worthwhile way.

>> No.9911347

I dont have that pic. The one where naked futa homu put a gun through her head right?

>> No.9911351

Posting a picture of a cat does not mean that I frequent /an/.

>> No.9911355

You can still read threads from the US, yeah?
Freezing is discussed here: http://toro.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/handygrpg/1350628200/

>> No.9911366

You're not making any sense.
Stop with the fucking board labeling.
This is the otaku culture board so anime belongs here too but we have a board for that.
And why do you hate /a/ in the first place?

>> No.9911374

These are two very different situations. Cats aren't niche interests, and /an/ isn't notable for making very extensive use of cat reaction images, at least not in the way /a/ and Anime reaction images are. If you had come from, say, /v/, you'd likely have used a different variety of reaction images. Furthermore, the trend of using Nichijou reaction images is pretty particular to /a/.

>> No.9911375

/jp/ told me to.

>> No.9911392

>Furthermore, the trend of using Nichijou reaction images is pretty particular to /a/.
This. The Yuruyuri image made me suspicious, but I know there are a few people who post images from it on /jp/. You blew your cover completely with that Nichijou image.

>> No.9911393

I'll beat up /jp/ don't listen to peer pressure I'll fuck him up for you.

>> No.9911384

2D is 2D. Find something worthwhile to complain about or shut up.

>> No.9911389

So following this quote chain you hate some guy because he used two anime reaction images and according to you that is something someone from /a/ would do.
This is just retarded

>> No.9911399

I do not hate /a/, nor do I hate people from /a/. I hate obnoxious people who treat /jp/ as if it was /a/. /jp/ definitely isn't an Anime board. If there is a more specific board for that, it goes there.

>> No.9911401

Yeah because I wanted to stay "undercover" right?
/jp/ only hates /a/ because moot called /jp/ /a/'s trashcan when he made this board.

>> No.9911409

Same thing, you don't want people to treat the otaku culture board as if it was the anime board.

>> No.9911403
File: 494 KB, 500x282, akarin_04.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you faggot.
Nichijou image is only used by pig sudo. Dont bring yuru yuri into this.

>> No.9911421

Nobody is discussing anime here. He posted some fucking cute images and then you derailed the thread because you're an easily influenced turbo autist.

>> No.9911422

Shut up Yuru Yuri is the same shit as Nichijou nerd.

>> No.9911420

Well, look at the mess you've made by showing you're from /a/. You should have known this would happen.

>> No.9911426

I'm the one who made a mess?
It's that autist who's trying to fit in by bashing some guy because he used two reaction images.

>> No.9911433

I can't deny that. I mentioned how there were lots of evidence (such as the reaction images and the fact that he was all giddy about talking with Japanese people) that he came from another board in order to corroborate to the evidence that he was a retard, and he argued against it in a illogical way.

>> No.9911438

I agree let the man post images he's probably ugly in real life so he makes up by posting pictures of cute anime girls.

>> No.9911442

OK detective, why don't you go and take a break? We'll call you when we need you.

>> No.9911443

I don't know if you're trolling/being ironic or just a genuine autist.

>> No.9911447

He's a dectective we should ask him what happened to the fun tripfags in /jp/.

>> No.9911450


>> No.9911456
File: 1.39 MB, 384x216, 1333250936454.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9911455


>> No.9911457

"hola mi amigos I come from Japan I will suck dicks post them"

>> No.9911464

Shut up nerd

>> No.9911472

'Everyone in 4chan gets along well, huh.'

>> No.9911471

Noone actually post dicks when someone makes a post like that.

>> No.9911473

Why are you being mean I should charge you for this.

>> No.9911477

Is he being ironic?

>> No.9911479

Yes, we're a group of detectives that fight for power.

>> No.9911484

Hey no need to be mean he was just asking.

>> No.9911483


>> No.9911485

No fighting in front of guests.

>> No.9911487


>> No.9911499

Hey don't bully me one of the Mods is my boyfriend.

>> No.9911510


>> No.9911519
File: 326 KB, 1000x800, usa 1350303152002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9911515

Wrong answer.
Reported to crashhelper's dad.

>> No.9911516

I'm a girl, idiot!

>> No.9911522

You're both sluts and I'm tracking down your IP address to rape you both.

>> No.9911535
File: 24 KB, 625x229, jdcfndls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please stop embarrassing us...

>> No.9911541

What he's representing our hood, I respect his moxy.

>> No.9911549

Pretty funny seeing japs argue with an american as to what english sentences are correct or not.

>> No.9911557

Considering the average intelligence of the individuals posting in this thread, I'd say they have every right to.

>> No.9911565

Don't get all high and mighty just because you graduated high school.

>> No.9911569

Formal education has very little to do with intelligence.

>> No.9911571

Please don't get like this, it's unbearable having to deal with these kinds of posts.

>> No.9911572

Tell me how to post I want to shitpost.

>> No.9911583

Call your ISP.
Tell him to cut your internet connection.
Then in your browser type "Japan IP"

>> No.9911584

This is exactly why they don't allow gaikokujin to post.

>> No.9911590

But I want to share how Americans shitpost so they will become rude like us.

>> No.9911623

Why is no one insulting 2ch?
2ch a shit.
futaba is where it is at.

>> No.9911637

Because we only notice the reddit of Japan.
Just like the western world.

>> No.9911641

Because they have manners you nerd.

>> No.9911652

I'll just leave you people to discussing whatever it is you're discussing in this thread then.

>> No.9911654

>My DICK is bigger than whales.
Surely you jest...

>> No.9911779

I can not deny that. I mentioned how there were a lots of evidences (such as the reaction images and the fact that he was all giddy about talking with Japanese peoples) and that he came from another board in order to corroborate and with the evidence that he was is retard, and he argued against it in a illogically way.

I fixed grammarwwwwww

>> No.9911937

Enlighten me, anon. Who the fuck is this sparky guy?

>> No.9911943

And annoying poster who frequents /jp/, it's best if you don't get to know sparky too well though.

>> No.9911965

>The answer is, the question is a cheat.
They are really cute with their silly English mistakes.

>> No.9913360


Seconding this fucking post. I think I like /jp/ better.
