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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 308 KB, 1000x485, 警視庁パトカー新エンブレム_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9907909 No.9907909 [Reply] [Original]

Can a gaijin work for the glorious Japanese Police?

>> No.9907913

become a NEET detective instead

>> No.9907914


>> No.9907919
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But I want to fight against the crime with my own hands. I don't care if it makes me a non-NEET

>> No.9907931
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Cute police cars~

>> No.9907935
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>> No.9907938

There is no crime in Japan.

>> No.9907940

I don't know how they sleep at night with all those forced confessions they wring out of people.

>> No.9907952
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there's rape

>> No.9907956

But is that really even considered a crime there?

>> No.9907961
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>> No.9907991

I thought the police doesn't carry any guns since Japan has like no guns at all thus reducing the number of armed criminals.

>> No.9907993
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but of course

>> No.9907996

But there is no problem with the police carrying guns.
Japanese police isn't corrupt and criminal like western police

>> No.9908001

The penalties aren't as severe as most first -world countries.
The guns are attatched to the uniform with a little cord. A foolproof defense against anyone trying to take it

>> No.9908110

There's no crime where there are enough bribes.
You'd just be doing nothing all day. With a uniform.

>> No.9908126

jap cops are beta. if you'll join you'll be forced to act beta and suck criminal cock(is if you aren't already one)

>> No.9908153


>> No.9908165

japan is shit.

got it? shit.

>> No.9908205


>> No.9908214

This is true, sad to say. If you want to be a cop, you'll have to do it in filthy amurrika.

>> No.9908225

>Prison sentences for rape in Japan range from two to 15 years, but it is unusual for a sentence to be more than five years.
It's like this in all European countries, except maybe UK.

>> No.9908230


I think it's more to stop one from losing it.

Modern armies usually have weapons on cables attached to their webbing, too.

>> No.9908239

It could also be used to prevent the enemy from scrapping. Most poor armies or resistance get their supplies form the bodies of their dead enemies.

>> No.9908304 [DELETED] 


Are you stupid or are you asking this seriously?

>> No.9909342

this will answer your question


>> No.9909950

oh so they stop random gaijin and ask for papers?

>> No.9910004

They can, but they rarely do (I never got asked once in 8 months, and my professor who has lived there for 20 years has only been asked once). At least, if you're a white dude. Koreans/Chinese/etc might get more suspicion (but are harder to spot).

>> No.9910033

So they treat us better than how we treat beaners?

>> No.9910038

Why was he wearing a prison uniform?

>> No.9910042

I was only asked for my papers when I was on my way out of the country (there was a police checkpoint outside the airport), which seemed very strange to me.

>> No.9910068

Whites in Japan mostly aren’t immigrants, they’re temporary tourists etc.
The immigrants in Japan are Chinese, Koreans, Philipinos etc.

>> No.9910127

Sure, why not.

>> No.9910131

Won't they think I'm a spy or something?

>> No.9910141

Join the CIA and if you're really good at Japanese they might place you in their Japan office, or may give you a Japanese passport to join the Japanese Police force to try and investigate corrupt officials.

>> No.9910153

>Join the CIA
Isn't it even harder?

>> No.9910161

I think it's impossible unless you have connections or decide to join from a really early age.

>> No.9910181

Getting a job in Japan is virtually impossible without a degree of some kind (any kind). It might even be literally impossible but I'm not sure on that.

>> No.9910180

So I'm out of luck as a lazy NEET who never went to college?

>> No.9910184

You can get an awful job packing shrimp. Don't even need to know japanese.

>> No.9910185

Yeah. How about a private detective? Sounds like fun.

>> No.9910215

Even an English degree? It's useless here, I doubt it's any more useful in Japan

>> No.9910229

The most common method of entry into Japan is teaching English, and every program or company I'm aware of requires a degree of some kind. It's not about what degree you have, it's just the fact that you've attended college. Japanese colleges are mostly just a place to socialize and get a job through connections before graduation, and there isn't as much emphasis placed on degree, etc. Of course this is different somewhat for hard sciences, but in general that's how it works. These english schools don't care if you have a philosophy degree or a mechanical engineering degree.

>> No.9910232

English degree is not useless.

>> No.9910233

From what I've heard you're eligible for JET and other teaching programs with any kind of 4 year degree.

>> No.9910247

Why does everything require a degree these days? Why do I need to spend 4 years and $80,000 on a piece of paper that says "hey I'm a goyim sucker."

I wish we could go back to the days of if you could do the job you get the job.

>> No.9910250

My University is having an information session on JET and international-relations government jobs in Japan next week.
I'm going to check it out. Might be cool to work with the local government in Japan.

>> No.9910265

A job in government will bring you closer to Tokyo's fucktarded governor, who will be an easy assassination target.

>> No.9910274

Only because crime is legal. Legalise crime! It is the solution to illegal activities!

>> No.9910278

They don't eat the dead bodies? Waste of good meat if you ask me...

>> No.9910275

But if it's legal it wouldn't be a crime now would it?

>> No.9910277

That IS how it works. Are you so autistic that you really take everything written down literally? So many people bluff and lie their way through work, networking and connections gets unqualified people in and tricking people is a part of the business. If you fuck up at work bad then they'll look at your past and really mess you up and get you in trouble. But if you're well connected (networking doesn't take money, just time and a good persona), and you can do the job, then you'll realize all those "qualifications" are to keep lazy over-sensitive bums like you from bothering to apply.

>> No.9910280

Hence the humor of the statement. Good work.

>> No.9910284

Yeah, a person you know in the company is way more influential (especially in a small company) than any number of credentials. There has to be some weed out process.

>> No.9910287

I admit it, I just laughed up my water. Are you fucking kidding me? I guess in 'Merrika they make you pay eighty fucking thousand USD for university? Fuck me mate, up here in Canada you can get a four year degree for about $10,000.

>> No.9910288

Sorry I am bad with these kinds of things. Thanks for letting me know.

>> No.9910293

Could I become a highschool teacher in Japan and teach english? It is my dream to have relatively easy job and live in Japanese.

>> No.9910295

Depends on the state and the university, Florida is pretty cheap for example at around 3k/semester. If you're fortunate enough to be able to live with your parents still and avoid living costs (which for me are double my tuition costs) then you can make out decently.

>> No.9910299

Forgot to add that Florida basically hands out something like 70% of that tuition as a scholarship to virtually everyone (the only major requirement is a 3.0 GPA and 75 hours of community service, though I think they are making it more restrictive) plus if you're poor you get pell grants and other stuff on top of that.

>> No.9910300

If you're a native English speaker, it's possible. And if you happen to be some foreigner and you're able speak English way better than most native speakers, you're out.

>> No.9910307

What do you mean by foreigner?

>> No.9910305

But I didn't go to highschool... Would they still give me a scholarship?

>> No.9910306

>Canada you can get a four year degree for about $10,000.
No, it's $7k/year.

>> No.9910310

I am native Canadian! I speak true english (not disgusting American version) I figure I'll just get a four year degree for something and try and get a job. Four year degree is required right?

>> No.9910313

Depends on the province.

>> No.9910316

If you are a non-native speaker of english or a non-white you will not get job. They hate chinks.

>> No.9910329

Hate to break it to you but they teach American English there.

>> No.9910335

Well frankly, if I were going to learn a language I wouldn't be interested in learning it from someone who didn't speak it natively unless they held serious credentials that entitled them to. Not to mention most English teaching jobs in Japan are just conversation schools, where the most important thing is pronunciation and native fluency.

There's a ton of Filipino/Indonesian "english" speakers in Japan who just aren't very good (you can find a lot of them on lang-8.com, for whatever reason). Their English is broken. It's unfortunate for Asians who actually are native speakers, but that's the way it ends up.

>> No.9910341

What if you're European, have top grades in English, always were top of the class and got an A* on your test from Cambridge University?

>> No.9910342

I taught myself to speak and write correctly when I discovered the true nature of the language they were teaching me. They spelled "aluminum" as "aluminium". It's horrible I'm telling you.

>> No.9910349

Are you white? If you're white you have the job. Not white? Out of luck mate, go somewhere else.

>> No.9910352

You seem awfully butthurt about the whole thing, if I may use a cliched phrase.

>> No.9910359

Yeah, I'm 100% white. Also studied science as "major" in high school, but those grades were pretty average. Never below A in English, though.

>> No.9910360

It’s true though, they’d sooner hire a German with bad English than a Flip with great English.

>> No.9910365

They don't really care about European or not. Despite his burning pinoy rage, he's right about the white thing. Most English schools are about giving an "English experience" as opposed to being effective English schools.

>> No.9910366

Can you really blame them though? I'd do the same.

>> No.9910370 [DELETED] 

That because Japs are fucking bros. The only country that still loves hitler man.

>> No.9910376

>Paying for receiving knowledge
Is this what they call freedom?

>> No.9910379 [DELETED] 

You wouldn't hire a nigger.
You wouldn't hire a spic.
You wouldn't hire a rag head.
You wouldn't hire a slav.


Think before you hire a dirty non white.

>> No.9910382

My friend teaches english and he's chinese there. He doesn't know japanese either.

>> No.9910384

I wonder how hard it is to become a highschool english teacher in Japan... The money is decent, higher than America at least.

>> No.9910385

His students will never ask to touch his dick. If you're white everyone wants to see your huge gaijin cock.

>> No.9910388


>> No.9910390 [DELETED] 
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sieg heil

>> No.9910392

Damn you edgy.

>> No.9910399

Fuck you jew.

>> No.9910403
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>Supporting any law enforcement entity
It's like you're trying to be a class traitor

>> No.9910409

Why is he hiding his face? Only leftists are cowardly enough to do that.

>> No.9910421

Right-wing nancies are always hiding behind one flag or another.

>> No.9910427


wow. keisatsu still carry 38 specials that's old school

>> No.9910429

Does the kind of degree really don't matter?

I have a fucking electrical engineering degree and I don't want to be treated like people with just an English degree.

>> No.9910431

Generally, those who act like that actually have no authority to speak for the ideology. And they shouldn't be allowed to associate themselves with them, either.

They only bring shame to it and give it a bad name.

>> No.9910442

Becuase it makes so much sense otherwise.

>> No.9910443

Unless you're trying to get some kind of job in your field (which is possible though you need some way to make yourself more valuable than a Japanese person with an equivalent degree, either through experience or English skill) it really doesn't matter. You're not going to see any preference for something like an English teaching job, generally.

>> No.9910454

Is there a market for teachers of other European languages in Japan (Dutch/German)? I'm a native English speaker, but would it be possible to teach one of those?

>> No.9910463

Not nearly as much as english and they would seriously prefer you to be a native speaker.

You'd have to be absolutely fluent in dutch or german.

>> No.9910465
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>> No.9910467

Not nearly to the same degree. Most people who take English in Japan aren't serious language learners, they're just looking to say "I'm learning English!" and not have to do any real thought or work. I don't know any specifics though, so maybe someone else has more info.

>> No.9910472
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>> No.9910477

Is there any market for Swedish teaching?

>> No.9910474

I'd stick out like a sore thumb in Japan as a black man.

>> No.9910480

OMG you're black!?

>> No.9910481

Sounds like I'd make more money just doing English.
I'm considering doing a program to teach over there for a year. However, I've heard the living conditions are pretty tough, like having almost no spending money.

>> No.9910478

That can work to your advantage if you know how to use it. Just stay away from Nigerians so you don't get mixed up with them and you'll be fine.

>> No.9910485

That depends on where you live, whether you require a car, and what program you're in. JET in a rural area (=virtually every JET placement) can be quite profitable as long as you're not blowing tons on booze or whatever.

>> No.9910489

But yeah some programs suck dick, pay nothing, and give you absurd rules and expectations. Always do a thorough search of the company you're thinking of signing with. If it folds under you or they don't complete the visa paperwork properly it will fuck you over hard.

>> No.9910496

What should I say when I get asked about my reasons for moving to Japan in an interview?
It's not like I'll say it's only because of the lolis

>> No.9910500
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>> No.9910501

You seem to know a bit about this, have you done a JET before?
A good standard of life, wanting to experience something new, yellowfever.

>> No.9910502

If it's something like teaching, just say you want to see other cultures and expand your mind, blah blah blah. No one cares. If it's something more serious, say you're interested in making international connections and learning how Japanese business works, or something like that.

>> No.9910513

No, I've just been interested for a long time and I have friends who have done this stuff.

>> No.9910528

I'd imagine practically none.

>> No.9910531
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>> No.9910535

Why there are no police touhou?

>> No.9910539

If it isn't English, it isn't going to work. MAYBE French, but even then I doubt you'll get work.

>> No.9910559


>> No.9910566

But it's aluminium anywhere else, so it's correct.

>> No.9910584


Yakuza are not criminals. They are legitimate businessmen who sometimes use aggressive tactics.

>> No.9910590

The concept of law enforcing agencies (aside from the church) didn't exist in most rural societies.

>> No.9910593

You'd make a great Japanese politician.

>> No.9910598

Dutch, no way. German possibly, it's quite a popular language in most schools that do give the option to take German. Dutch is a useless language in any country that isn't part of the Benelux, and there is no appeal for fans of any kind. It's also near impossible to not sound like a foreigner if you didn't grow up with throat cancer.

>> No.9910604

But doesn't JET make the locals hate you?

>> No.9910615

If you're not a citizen don't fucking do it. Penalties for citizens are low but if you're foreign they can lock you up for life bro.

>> No.9910616

From everything I've heard (personal anecdotes from friends and otherwise) people are usually pretty interested/excited about foreigners coming. If you're an asshat who is loud at night and gets drunk in public it probably won't end well, but there's no innate hatred. They are paying you to go there, after all.

>> No.9910618

If you know french just move to Hong Kong instead.

>> No.9910625

As long as it's legal it's not crime.

>> No.9910629

But if you get a local job won't getting drunk at night be expected of you?

>> No.9910635

A lot of JETs have a chip on their shoulder and don't try to integrate.

As long as you prove yourself considerate you won't have a problem. Except for racist japanese old people but what can you do.

>> No.9910637

It depends on how you do it.

>> No.9910660

>A lot of JETs have a chip on their shoulder and don't try to integrate.
This is the first thing I think of when I read the word “expat”.
Scum, the lot of ’em.

>> No.9910668


>> No.9910699

Here, fixed for racism.

>> No.9910785

Fuck you jina, fuck you.

>> No.9910840

Yes please.

>> No.9911065

Well become a cop in the US and then get sponsored to join Interpol. Interpol has offices in Japan so technically you'd at least be working alongside Japanese police (deskjob though - real Interpol isn't a crack team of agents shooting up the most wanted crooks). Interpol also has the most positions for Eurofags and Murricans being the most important member countries and all.

>> No.9911196

How do I do that?

>> No.9911217

Wouldn't joining the FBI gain you more credentials?

>> No.9911219

Pay this "protection" fee or I break you legs. Sounds good.

>> No.9911225 [DELETED] 

Join the NYPD. I haven't regretted it yet despite the shit work hours. Also, chicks dig a dude in uniform.

>> No.9911229

>TFW no GF.

>> No.9911228

Murder, extortion, assault, theft, smuggling, and selling narcotics, and prostitution, are not crimes?

>> No.9911231

Do you regularly abuse your authority?

>> No.9911239

fuck you corrupt

>> No.9911244 [DELETED] 

Not necessarily. Besides your own performance, it all depends on which branch you end up in. You end up in some small satellite and an NYPD or LAPD (big city) police branch experience would look relatively better. Mobility (locational) among the FBI is competitive and not guaranteed. But if you end up in Washington working for the FBI bigwigs then there's no one better to write your recommendation letter to Interpol.

>> No.9911254 [DELETED] 

I almost lost my shit one time when were detaining a girl drunk and causing a ruckus. She spit at me and I wanted to give her a pretty black eye but instead I did the right thing and took my anger out by kicking over a trashcan and yelling expletives.

>> No.9911270

That's very mature of you. You should in the future would spit masks, or those sanitary masks the Japanese wear when they're sick on the intoxicated.

>> No.9911280

Don't you know your defending corruption and encouraging the use of prison labor? (which puts legit paid workers out of business)

>> No.9911282 [DELETED] 

You guys ever pull over an unmarked FBI cruiser for 'suspicious' behaviour? No shit. Maybe they were busy tailing someone goddammit? Communication fail.

>> No.9911289 [DELETED] 

Going to delete those NYPD posts soon. Forgot this is /jp/ - paranoia central.

>> No.9911292

Well you gotta admit cops get a bad rep

>> No.9911296

Japan likes black people, as long as you aren't Nigerian.

>> No.9911302

What does that have to do with police touhou

>> No.9911307

It's just jokes, anon. Do you have any interesting stories?

>> No.9911327

>Japan likes black people

>> No.9911340 [DELETED] 

That was the highlight of my career. Other than watching some dude show up at our PCT and admitting to stealing a car and turning himself in.

>> No.9911359


>> No.9913166

you can pick up garbage aka sanitation

>> No.9913173


>> No.9913179

>He isn't a japanese.
>He is a Korean
Fucking netouyo

>> No.9913182

Even a real black guy would ran away from those girls.

Also :
>[Citation] likes black people
Who the hell would be insane enough to think that such a thing is possible?

>> No.9913833
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Jap cop cars?

>> No.9913838
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Jap cop cars.

>> No.9913843
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Jap cop cars!

>> No.9913855
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Jap cop cars...

>> No.9913896

I'm having an Otaku Culture Overdose!!!

>> No.9913906
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>> No.9913917
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>> No.9913951
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>> No.9913958

I-Is this what they call "Police Car Otaku"??

>> No.9913981
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unmarked undercover cop cars...

>> No.9913996

It's "meme-forcing Otaku", people who keep posting like retards trying to look funny.

>> No.9914027
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>> No.9914031 [DELETED] 

>>I don't think you know the meaning of Otaku go look it up and come back.

>> No.9914117


You'd have a somewhat easier time joining US Customs and Border Protection and getting assigned to Japan working container security operations. But you have to have high seniority to get that gig.

Everything is payed for and its damn good pay if you get on as a gs-12 or 13.

>> No.9914204
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>> No.9915524


>> No.9915656

I think the real question is if a gaijin can train to join the Imperial Guard

I would honestly give up all other plans of work if I could become part of the Imperial Guard and settle down with a Japanese girl.

No one could question me being a Gaijin if I was working under the Holy Emperor and eventually one of his officers.

>> No.9915670
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Here we go image

>> No.9915792

Do they allow gaijins?
I want to be admired by people and help to maintain the peace and security in the country I love.
That's why I want to work as a policeman.
Working at Imperial Guard is fine too, but isn't it even harder for a gaijin?

>> No.9915816

Idk I just asked /int/ which I hate crossboarding. haven't checked on it in the past 15 minutes, but all the Westerners were making fun of me.

Like I said >>9915656
>No one could question me being a Gaijin if I was working under the Holy Emperor and eventually one of his officers.

>> No.9915842

>I think the real question is if a gaijin can train to join the Imperial Guard

I think they're all clones of Boba Fett.

>> No.9915886


What, are you serious?

This is a country with a very powerful organized crime ring, far more powerful than the equivalents in most countries.

Wherever there is organized crime, there is going to be a fuckload of corruption in the police.

Add in the japanese habit of beating people for forced confessions and the massive racial profiling problems, the police there really cant be said to be better than anyone else.

>> No.9915905


> Thinks the way americans speak is in any way correct.

I dont dislike the americans by and large (im actually rather fond of our shouty cousins across the pond) but american english can eat it.

And before anyone mentions there being more americans speaking american english than british speaking proper english - there are more chinese people speaking Engrish, so if you want to go that route we all have to start getting confused around R's and L's.

>> No.9915916

Yakuza are stronger than the Japanese police

>> No.9915921


Theyre considered a semi-legitimate organization for the reason that many of their businesses are just that - ordinary businesses that dont commit crimes and are just there to build up money.

But yeah, they are certainly a criminal organization. People trafficking, drug trafficking, murder, intimidation etc. Just because they are politer and more organized than how you think of a crime syndicate doesnt mean theyre angry businessmen.l

Theyre just japanese criminals. Thats what theyre like. Its like canadian criminals saying sorry and waiting for the ambulance after theyve stabbed you.

>> No.9915924


No no no. Theyre clones of Jackie Chan.


I think anons best bet at getting into the imperial guard is to basically just be Wesley Snipes.

>> No.9915930

>Add in the japanese habit of beating people for forced confessions

Even though Amnesty International claims that this practice is common in Japan, the Japanese deny it, and attribute the high confession rate to the guilty consciences of the accused.

>> No.9915950


Hmm. Who should i trust. The people who are being accused of widespread abuse in a society obsessed with social responsibility, lack of individuality and an extremely high pressure in every field to get results quickly and efficiently... or Amnesty International?

I mean... its not like the japanese would want to purposefully ignore the human rights abuses, or pretend to downplay them.

And as we all know, Amnesty International is famously untrustworthy and well-known for making shit up to make itself look good.

Hm... Yknow what. Call me a paint chip eating, glue sniffing moron - but i think ill trust the longest running Human Rights Organization in existence.

>> No.9915986

100% this.

The only thing wrong with your post was "Who should i trust" It should be "Whom should I trust".

Note the whom, and capital I.

>> No.9916064
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Both Godtier

>> No.9916069

>chinese people speaking Engrish, >confused around R's and L's.

>> No.9916088
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Not where I come from.


>> No.9916117

Somehow I don't think it's that simple. Chances are there's a lot beneath the surface.

>> No.9916123

/jp/ has a slav?
I never would have thought.

>> No.9916132

>/jp/ has a slav?
Welcome to /jp/.
Half of this board still can't get over Yugoslav wars

>> No.9916163

Half of /jp/ is Slavic.

>> No.9916191

Croatian, Albanian or Bosnian mudslime detected.

>> No.9916224

Albania was not part of Yugoslavia.

>> No.9916260

>implying I wasn't talking about kosovo Albanians

I knew you would say something dumb like that.

>> No.9916283 [DELETED] 

who are you quoting?
