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9906621 No.9906621 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/! I need your help!

A listened to a remix of U.N. Owen was her about two years ago. I have never seen this specific remix again, and it is driving me nuts. NUTS. For the love of god, please help me.

I remember it pretty well, except some fine details and the name of the video. It's very frustrating. I've been looking for hours.

It was pretty slow, done on a piano or maybe an organ. Not electric sounding. I think there may have been sounds of rain in the background. The word 'girls' may have been in the video title.

People on the youtube comments were talking about it being kind of haunting or scary. One person particularly said something to the effect of "It makes me wanna look behind me." I have tried things like this as search terms to help me find it with no luck.

It was probably 3-4 minutes long (Not that that says much.) If there is anything else I can give for information, please don't hesitate to ask. I may remember, even if it's just a tiny detail.

>> No.9906631

Sorry OP can't help, 2spooky

>> No.9906628

Vocals or no vocals?

>> No.9906630
File: 140 KB, 720x544, nbwwww1339510836431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9906633

It definitely had no vocals.
Just music.

>> No.9906650

Oh, I should mention, part of what makes this hard mode is that I don't think U.N. Owen Was Her was in the title at all. Also, the title may or may not have been partially in Japanese. I think it was, but I cannot be sure.

>> No.9906657

Is this it?


>> No.9906663

It's not, but that is very pretty. Thanks a lot for the effort!

>> No.9906669

I'm starting to think pretty heavily that the intro and outro of the song had just the sounds of a storm and no real music. You know, rain falling.

The only thing that makes me doubt myself on that a little, is that I think that was around the time I discovered rainymood.com and spent a lot of time there.

>> No.9906684

I think the title may have been something like "Rainy girls" or "Lonely girls" or "Three girls" or something like that. There was a static image on the video the entire time it played, and that I think was of a rainy scene, possibly with three touhou characters sitting on a bench. Or possibly just the rainy scene.

>> No.9906695


>> No.9906700

I have been looking for this song for so amazingly long. I am not kidding when I say I've looked for a couple hours almost every month for the last year.

It's uploaded by a different user than the one I saw, and quite a bit longer, but still! Same song for sure!

I would kiss you right now if the internet didn't separate us and if you might not find that unpleasant.

>> No.9906718


>> No.9906722

Glad to have helped

>> No.9912398
File: 11 KB, 265x297, 1252649273590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need help too /jp/!
There was this song where Reisen and Tewi sang together and it was pretty sad, but awesome at the same time.

>> No.9912404

More details.

>> No.9912430

I also need help /jp/

There's this English-lyric jazz song on the tune of Phantom Ensemble with a good cartoonish animation about the Prismriver Sisters and Layla and how they got created and manifested their poltergeist powers.

>> No.9912536

This? /watch?v=GvIBU5oFCOE

>> No.9912855

Thanks, anon
