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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9904051 No.9904051 [Reply] [Original]


Do  you  type  hiragana&katakana&kanji  via romaji? (Google IME)or have a Japa
nese  keyboard?

>> No.9904060

shut up nerd

>> No.9904068
File: 39 KB, 250x250, kusosure_kuso2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly one of the most kusoest threads I've ever seen.

>> No.9904070

Fairly sure everyone uses google IME.

>> No.9904081


>> No.9904084

Leave Yuno alone

>> No.9904091


When I'm not using Google Translate, that is.

>> No.9904113
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>> No.9904118
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>> No.9904129


>> No.9904142


>> No.9904174


>> No.9904276

google ime

>> No.9904358

Even if I had a Japanese keyboard,
 I don’t think it would let me ty
pe non-latin characters without a
n IME. You’d still at least need a
 Japanese keyboard layout. On Lin
ux, you can just write one yourse
lf, on Windows I don’t think so.

>> No.9904595

Japanese keyboard a shit.

>> No.9904619

>or have a Japa
nese  keyboard? 
Yeah, I trained myself for a whole
 new keyboard layout just to type
 in Japanese.

>> No.9904622

What kind of loser would actually 
buy a japanese keyboard?

>> No.9904647

If you buy japanese laptop it come
 pre-intall. No choice in matter see?

>> No.9904690

This is an English image board, stop writing in Mongolian.

>> No.9904697

How are you all typing like that?

>> No.9904740

Haha!Fun dude!

>> No.9904760

ひらがな だけ。
い-いじめないで ください。

>> No.9904777


>> No.9904784

hello yuno, how is your day? I hop
e you having a nice day 。◕‿◕。

>> No.9904787

い-いやっだ ! エッチ! もう。。

>> No.9904785

Christ, you guys' Japanese is so bland and cliche, like what you might expect from anime or VN dialogue. Might as well type うーうるさい、ばか!

>> No.9904794

I am severely dissapointed to lear
n that the people of Japan seldom
 write like this anymore.

>> No.9904800


>> No.9904801

煩い~煩い~煩い! バカは貴方です!

>> No.9904805

Learn when to use wa and ga please.

>> No.9904807


>> No.9904812


>> No.9904813

I knew someone would point that out, so I intentionally used hiragana. It really doesn't fucking matter which you use. Also, you should have used ga instead of wa, and using kanji for everything is unnecessarily convoluted.

I was going to write some witty one liner in Japanese, but then I remembered I hate using Japanese in English-oriented settings.

>> No.9904819

>I remembered I hate using Japanese in English-oriented settings.
I'm sure. I was going to write this whole post in Japanese the likes of which you've never seen, but them I remembered that I have a kidney infection that prevents me from speaking Japanese.

>> No.9904818
File: 21 KB, 300x300, bestmarketingpractice1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9904840

I wish I could participate in these threads but I can't form a complete Japanese sentence yet...

>> No.9904844

It's okay, no one else can either. Just string some words together.

>> No.9904847


He used it correctly; learn when to condescend to others, please.

>> No.9904856

Sure you can. Follow after me, わたしはアノンです。 Easy.

Not really, since the emphasis was directed differently. If you want to stretch, you can say it's fine using the "as for" translation (i.e. as for the fool, it is you) but that is only relevant in English and doesn't transfer so well.

>> No.9904884


"As for X" is the generic translation of uses of the topic marker, and it's all over the place, far more than in English. It literally translated to "The idiot is you", and I've had a Japanese person write something effectively similar to me before (アホはお前だろう).

>> No.9904914

Both ga and wa often translate to the same sentence, it's just the emphasis is placed differently. Well, I guess it sort of makes sense in this context... But the darou affirmation also helps, though I'm not entirely sure wh

Wait, some Japanese asshole called you an idiot? What a bastard.

>> No.9905125



>> No.9905148








>> No.9905155

I type hiragana, katakana, and kan
ji via romaji.

By the way,does anyone else read p
osts in this font very slowly? As
 if the person typing it is still
 learning English.

>> No.9905177



>> No.9905192

>By the way,does anyone else read
>osts in this font very slowly? A

> if the person typing it is stil

> learning English.

Wow, now that you mention it, yes.

>> No.9905200

I read it slowly because it's hard to read.

>> No.9905220

howaitu pigguu go homu

>> No.9905252




>> No.9905273


>> No.9905348


>> No.9905359


>> No.9905363

I might as well ask the non-moonsquigglers, too:

Anyone got a 2channel proxy? It is of course a matter of national security. It's your DUTY to provide one.

>> No.9905374

>using anything from Google or M$
Enjoy your spyware.

I-bus+Anthy reporting in

>> No.9905380

how does kanji work on jp keyboards n such?

>> No.9905402

>all the japanese wannabees itt

>> No.9905403
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>> No.9905413



My Japanese is fucking awful...

>> No.9905418

Ching chong ping ling

>> No.9905429
File: 544 KB, 2048x2082, ホワイトピッグゴホーム.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9905469


Fixed yer moonsquiggle for ya. Read more Japanese, you seem at least not COMPLETELY hopeless. I could surmise what you were trying to say, at least.

I don't know that I've EVER seen the kanji in 遣う used outside of the phrase 気を遣う.

>> No.9905475

>I don't know that I've EVER seen the kanji in 遣う used outside of the phrase 気を遣う.
Not that guy, but I’m a fan of using kanji when they are normally not used.

>> No.9905478

I find this better than the defaul
t font.


>> No.9905485

Also let me add:

You need to switch to Google IME. It's not complete fucking garbage like Microsoft's.

>> No.9905490

S0u/\/dz pr3tt1 k00L, br0. s()m3+iMez i L1k3 to wr1t3 sToop1|), 2!

>> No.9905492

What's the difference?

>> No.9905503

Slang. Tab-completion of past-entered subphrases. Actually breaking up my phrases the way I meant them. Slang. And it doesn't crash.

>> No.9905522

y0u'd b3773r n07 b3 p47r0n121n6 m3, b0y.

>> No.9905532

p3r1sh th3 th0u6ht!

>> No.9905539

y0u kn0w, y0u 4(7u4lly 533m pr377y k3wl. w4nn4 j01n my 41m (h47r00m 4nd h4xxx 50m3 n00b5 70637h3r?

>> No.9905544

h0ly sh1t g8ys st0p

>> No.9905548

There is a point where this has to stop. It was only with reluctance that I posted >>9905532. The point is: misusing kanji intentional is probably mostly fucking dumb.

>> No.9905569

Why do these languages still exist, why can't everyone speak the Queen's English?

>> No.9905579

Bad thread.

>> No.9905592

anki deletes itself for some random ass reason
Okay I'll try Anki 2.
begin figuring out how to make new cards
add card doesn't bring up my usual forms of making cards
Finally figure that you have to select the deck from the Browser then hit add.
begin entering cards
hit end to go to the end of the field
hit (
it does nothing
it enters it right where it was

What the fuck guys why is this happening, why is home and end so broken on Anki with Japanese input?

>> No.9905612


>> No.9905652

See? Exactly like this. I'm a fucking retard. Why can't my IME be omniscient? Thanks for the correction.

I also know I've seen some word that means "resident" in some 2ch thread to refer to residents of that thread or board. I don't remember if 住民 was it, it probably isn't.

>> No.9905707

I use things like お早う、今日は、有難う
I’m sorry

>> No.9905768

今日 is irregular? Is 今日は some special phrase I don't know of?

I see 有難う all. the. fucking. time. On internet.

お早う I really don't know about. I don't know that I've ever seen that.

I'm by no fucking means an expert on kanji usage, so I just try to go with what I read. The key then is to read. Lots and lots.

>> No.9905775

>Is 今日は some special phrase I don't know of?

>> No.9905780

Oh. Well, see, I didn't even know what you meant, then. I just thought you were talking about today.

It's kind of important that your audience understand you, but that's probably just because I'm a fucking retard.

>> No.9905789

I just really like kanji, I’m sorry.

>> No.9905816

Not a bad problem to have!

It's nice to be able to read 此処 and 其れ and 成る mean for when you do encounter them.

>> No.9905825

Geh. Edited "to know what ... mean" into "to be able to read ..." and fucked it up. I hate that.

>> No.9905827

Well to be honest I already know kanji from Chinese

>> No.9905834

Yeah, it’s annoying and sometimes embarrassing. Like when you correct someone but then end up posting a mangled post due to a botched editing.

>> No.9905867

Well it would just be pathetic not to know that one. Almost as bad as not knowing 彼 (it wasn't Jouyou until recently)

>> No.9905884
File: 37 KB, 436x330, British Lion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It would be pathetic to know any of those Oriental squiggles.
To speak the language of the Asian hordes is to degrade your own language, the language of a great nation.

>> No.9905890

Great nations do not have horrible food.

>> No.9905898
File: 67 KB, 624x452, 848745_9038_625x1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thou wotteth, m8?

>> No.9905904

Indeed. Despite effort, I couldn't come up with anything better. Language is hard to produce with no context. I KNOW that I know lots of other rare kanji usages.

I wonder if I've ever seen ... apparently my IME doesn't even OFFER "為る" as a candidate for する. I had to copypaste from a dictionary.
