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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9893957 No.9893957 [Reply] [Original]


What do you think /jp/?
Best fighter ever imo

>> No.9893997

why play this when there are so many better fighters out there? SF4, GGAC, VF5, TK, P4U...

>> No.9894012

p4u is retard as fuck (i will not mention autocombo, but god it's simply as heck and lolmitsuru)

>> No.9894020
File: 257 KB, 700x777, 5203858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait? Nu is back!?



>> No.9894031
File: 192 KB, 735x1000, Noel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I play Blazblue just for Noel, Rachel and Terumi.

>> No.9894040

SF4 is much better than BB and it's harder to play. That's probably why the BB scene is practically dead and SF4 is the main event.

>> No.9894072

Better? Half of SF4 is knockdowns and 50/50 mixups

>> No.9894087 [DELETED] 

ew Clones in fighting games

>> No.9894118
File: 828 KB, 500x281, Samurai spirit of Aoko.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're leaning a bit back towards their fuckugly CT artstyle. I liked the rougher look of he continuum shift art, when I first saw those I was creaming my pants.
Looking forward to this though overdrive and new characters look nice. This and that new Under Night game are the only things I have to look forward to in my life right now.

>> No.9894123

Please just go to /v/ or /vg/ if you want to talk about other games, don't mess up threads other people are trying to discuss in.

>> No.9894129

It was kind of obvious if you got the true ending in CS, where Hazama and Relius found the body still working at the bottom of that cauldron. She'll be fighting on Saya's side now.

>> No.9894156


Third Strike is better than BB.

3S > GG > BB > SF4

>> No.9894370

GGAC+ comes out in a week

>> No.9894390
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Hazama just called all the good girls to his side

>> No.9894715


excellent taste pretty much my thoughts exactly

>> No.9894765

Get in here janitor!

>> No.9894836

3S is the worst Street Fighter (aside from SF1, obviously). It's only held in high regard by casuals for le epic 2D sprites & animation.

>> No.9894837

Fuck yes! Importing the fuck out of this. That is if they dont region lock it like with P4A.

Living in a PAL zone is suffering.

>> No.9894860

Enjoy playing SF4. You've obviously never played a fighter in depth.

>> No.9894868

Daigo says SF4 is the best SF. How does that make you feel?

>> No.9894871

Daigo isn't even that good a player anymore.

You're probably one of those Americans that thinks he is because nobody in America is any good at fgs.

>> No.9894879
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>> No.9894882
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Please just go back to /v/, its so fucking obvious you don't belong here.
The only thing missing in your posts is a reaction image of a nigger and words like SALTY everywhere.

>> No.9894888

He's a veteran that has competed at the highest level in many games, including SF2, 3, 4.

He's also in the finals for the 25th anniversary SF tournament btw. But I guess he "isn't even that good any more" lol

>> No.9894890

Why do Ken fighter 1/2/3/4 Super Hyper Aracde Omega Tournament edition fags always have to shit up fighter threads?

fuck off to >>/shoryuken/

>> No.9894897

Hayao, Kuroda, J, YSB, Mimora, Kokujin, RX.. Plenty of people better than Daigo.

US tournaments mean shit.

I played BlazBlue plenty, although without a healthy offline scene you're not going to get anywhere.

>> No.9894901

Why didn't Tsubaki just follow Jin?
Will Noel get a romantic interest?

>> No.9894909

Newsflash: The majority of players play online and dont give a flying fuck about the offline scene.

>> No.9894912

>although without a healthy offline scene you're not going to get anywhere.
What the fuck does that even mean?
Does the game disappear and get taken away from me if a bunch of greasy nerds and niggers don't yell HYPE NIGGA HYPE SALT SCRUB NIGGA over it?

>> No.9894914

I'm well aware, it's just that online doesn't mean shit so it's ultimately pointless.

>> No.9894916

The 25th anniversary tournament is in Japan.

Secondly, nearly everyone worth mentioning is sponsored these days, so they compete at most of the major US tournaments.

>> No.9894928

Tournaments don't mean shit either. That time could be better spent working or finding a cure for cancer. how selfish of those players.

>> No.9894934


>> No.9894949

Stay free scrub, the only people who actually know how to play these games are those who go out to tournaments. Online warriors need not apply.

>> No.9894967

Too bad Under Night In-Birth is a better BB than BB now.

>> No.9894976

Dont worry we dont want to be around loud sweaty neckbeards who take these games too serious.

In return you can delete your posts and piss off from this board.

>> No.9894980

Incredibly apt considering it's more likely that those people are playing the story mode of BlazBlue.

>> No.9894993
File: 2.62 MB, 600x338, 1350359452799.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, your parents must be so proud.
Congratulations friend, you are a PORFESONAL video game player.
Everyone, give this guy some applause. He's good at a game and makes enough money to ONLY have to work part time to afford his flat and civic.
Trouly impresive :)

>> No.9895013

This is why the fighting game community is so shit. Too many ethugs and meme spewing faggots.

>> No.9895034

The community is offline.

>> No.9895035

fuck u nigga I fuckin smoke a bitch as nigga scrub shit salty nigga ass like you in a real game like SF not some gay ass homo bitch ass shit anime game.
I go to tourneys nigga i got like 50 trophies nigga.

>> No.9895090


Hope it gets a doujin release with online play.

>> No.9896226

Any /jp/sies hang out at Super Arcade? I know one of you must be on the IIDX machine or something

>> No.9901569

Umm, don't?
