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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9892935 No.9892935[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I've been a NEET for two years and I'll be officially homeless in a month.

I have a total of $7000 USD on me. Give or take a few dollars.

Is joining the military the only way to get shelter?

>> No.9892942

yes if you live in Freedomland. God bless

*a bald eagle screeches in the background and takes flight, a thousand people can be heard clapping*

>> No.9892944

If your physically fit enough sure why not.

Do 4-6 years, get free four years of college.

>> No.9892946
File: 31 KB, 481x337, 1349292118054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


if u dun want to go to army
u can kill urself
and fly to gensokyo

>> No.9892948

Having to go get shot at by insurgents in the middle east to get educated. America!!!!

>> No.9892950


yes go serve you country and stop being a useless shit


join the Marines so you can finally get laid too, i'm sure all those Jarheads missing their jodies will play "pretend" with you in an instant

>> No.9892956

heres a guide to joining the army OP:


good luck.

>> No.9892959

Lol no. Rent a block flat. Become a drug dealer or carder or something to pay expenses. Fuk society.

>> No.9892961

The change is too extreme.

Look for something less dramatic. Being in the military is the complete opposite of everything you do as a NEET.

>> No.9892977

You can live with me. I don't use the bottom floor of my house.

>> No.9892980

It isnt that bad. Join something safer like the airforce and you'll have it pretty easy.

>> No.9892986

Not everyone in the military goes into the front lines

>> No.9892990

Use some of the money to move to a country with unemployment benefits like Australia or something. Also the fact you're international will land you practically free housing and easy jobs.

A-And maybe we could hang out...and stuff.

>> No.9892994
File: 37 KB, 600x450, bald-eagle_1_600x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God Bless, teach these un-american freedom haters to do get a job that matters.

>> No.9893002

Shit man, I'm so academically inept that I'd rather risk getting shot than go to school.

>> No.9893003

You still go to a "school" when you're in the military

>> No.9893004

I'm living in italy, as soon as i'll be able to, imma' move into the jewish army, since i'm israeli born.
See you later, nerds.

>> No.9893005

The Air force isn't "safer". I don't know why people get this idea that the air force is some easy mode. I've heard recruiters tell people that they have a "higher standard of living" and how they don't have to do PT and all this bullshit when they live in the same housing as everyone else and do the same shit as well...

You do start out as an E-4 when you do serve in the Air Force but you take longer to reach say E-6 than a person in the army who gets promoted every 2-3 years. I've known people in the air force who were E-6 and had done 23 years lol.

>> No.9893008

Fuck, does that mean I would still have to learn how to do algebra?

>> No.9893012

Assuming your professer doesn't give a shit about showing work:

>> No.9893013

Ugh, can't a nigga just get shot by arabs without having to put up with math?

>> No.9893014

Well depending on what course you do you can just do fucking buisness math which is basically just balancing check books.

>> No.9893018


>Jew guido mussolinian joke otaku.

I hope you'll get kidnapped and beheaded by mudslimes, subhuman.

>> No.9893021

Wait, are we still talking about joining the army? I thought all you had to do to make it there was be able to do 300 push ups and shoot a gun with moderate accuracy.

>> No.9893022

You can just apply for the Infantry(getting shot) jobs if you find analyzing too hard

>> No.9893023

I'm also a slav and hae a 3 inch penis, if that helps you to feel disgust towards me.

>> No.9893027

>I thought all you had to do to make it there was be able to do 300 push ups and shoot a gun with moderate accuracy.

Army isnt all about fighting

>> No.9893029

Yeah its about discovering your sexuality with other hot blooded young men.

>> No.9893031 [DELETED] 


>> No.9893033


>> No.9893034

We've lost another /jp/er to the Jews

>> No.9893036

Well that sure is disappointing. I guess there really is no place for someone with zero academic skill to go but the streets or the forest. I think I'll take forest. At least that way I can die with dignity and have a bear eat my corpse.

>> No.9893045

Actually, all you need to do is pass a simple test that all Highschoolers could easily do.

If you get in though, don't expect to climb anywhere on the career lader because getting promoted in the military is all about TESTS TESTS TESTS TESTS and more TESTS

>> No.9893044


With such a cute little chin-chin no matter how you look at it, you'll be filthy military jew's cocksleeve boytoy.

(Yahve, that's hot!)

>> No.9893051
File: 22 KB, 645x773, 1350425515092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when the army prohibits NEET feels

>> No.9893052

Oy vey! That sounds exciting as HELL, dude!

>> No.9893054

What is a NEET feel

>> No.9893059

recruiters get out. Fucking scum.

>> No.9893061
File: 16 KB, 669x627, 1349956328461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People always talk about how great outside is, but it's not that great. I've been on a few vacations to many different types of outside areas and it's not that great. Take beaches for example. When you think of a beach you think of sitting on a beautiful beach and there's the ocean and all of that. In reality though, the beach is usually dirty, the entire beach is covered in loud tourists with their little umbrella cities, you get coated in sand and it always manages to find its way back to the hotel room and then get into your shoes and just get on everything. Not to mention the huge amount of time it takes to travel where you just sit in a car for hours and do nothing.

Outside is really disappointing. I would say it's 95% disappointing/traveling/annoying and 5% fun. Psychedelics though, if you're looking for out of the ordinary then you'll be in for one exciting adventure and you don't even have to leave your room.

One mushroom trip that lasts 6 hours is more exciting, satisfying, and out of the ordinary than every single vacation I've ever been on combined.

>> No.9893063

Why would you whore yourself to capitalists?

>> No.9893067

Buy a gun. Kill yourself.

>> No.9893074

HELP GUISE I ONLY HAVE [a fairly substantial amount of money]

>> No.9893069
File: 48 KB, 600x600, 1349781645381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but what about doing shrooms OUTSIDE
or jacking off in a secluded forest or something

>> No.9893070

I wonder if I even know how to go high school level stuff anymore. As for advancement, I'm not worried, I'm not there for promotions, I'm there because of my disdain for the academic system.

>> No.9893085

HAve you ever tried, you know, just sitting? You just sit there and focus on the fact that you're sitting, and just contemplate your state of sitting.
There's this weird state that you can reach that is awesome as fuck.

A lot of things that drugs do can be achieved through complex mental masturbation.

>> No.9893087
File: 93 KB, 603x412, 080_robot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9893090

$7000 is substantial? Are you kidding me?

>> No.9893091

>>9893045 the asvab or whatever its called. I did it in 10th grade since our school made us (school was mostly military kids) and I made a 50 something on that bitch. mind you I can't divide worth shit. the last two parts are red neck shit like car repair and how to fix light bulbs

>> No.9893094

>I'm there because of my disdain for the academic system.
You're not going anywhere in your life if you're not willing to learn

>> No.9893095


My brother in-law is enlisted in the army and can barely afford a place to stay. It's not worth it to whore out to the military in America you'll have a lot for signing up but after your first deployment you'll have less money then enlisting. That and budget cuts happen everyday and soon it will be a free job.

>> No.9893097
File: 381 KB, 1296x972, 1343522357400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be a soldier instead!

>> No.9893099

I find this very hard to do. How do you get yourself to stop letting thoughts happen?

>> No.9893100

I'd live for 2-3 years on 7000usd

>> No.9893101

Yep, easy

>> No.9893105

Ausfag here, joined the navy after getting kicked out of home(long story), though now im able to still play vidya and watch anime from like 4 pm till midnight and the like 35 hours straight doing the same shit on the weekend..

>> No.9893106

I joined the military after beeing NEET for almost 4 years.

If you live in america just go for a signal corps job. The only hard part about it is the physical fitness, the actual work is fucking bullshit easy.

Only do 3 years though, the least amount. Any more and you will regret joining.

>> No.9893107
File: 127 KB, 768x2741, 133645532620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, i guess i just do.
This pic helped a lot though, as /b/tardish as it may be and look like.

>> No.9893108

I'm not saying I hate learning, I'm saying that I hate the way "knowledge" has been turned into a shitty piece of paper. Nobody gives a fuck what you know or what you can do unless you have some paper proving that you can do it.

>> No.9893112

I you really know what you can do then getting that piece of paper should be easy

>> No.9893110

Shelter, utility, food, and other stuff?

Starting from absolute scratch? You've been inside too long that you're getting senile,

>> No.9893120

Most civilized countries have wellfare systems that at least guarantee a roof over your head without asking for nothing in return.

>> No.9893122

>3 years
Arent you supposed to serve 4 years minimum or else theyll hunt your sorry corpse?

>> No.9893127

Most welfare housing is crap though

>> No.9893130

it is better than being homeless, though.

>> No.9893131

they are usually just normal low end apartments, usually in high rises.

>> No.9893134

The trick is that no matter how many years you sign up for (3 to 6) you are signing for an 8 year contract.

How it works is you work active duty for your years you choose, then once you leave you are technically "on call" and be called if you are needed in a time of war or something like that, but you won't get that call ever, America is too pussy to actually make a move like that anymore.

>> No.9893139

taking HUD housing and food stamps and such into consideration, I could easily live on that 7000 for at least a year and half.

>> No.9893140

I'd like to think I have a good grasp of what I can't and can't do. Unfortunately academics falls into the "can't do" category and for a variety for reasons other than "fuck the system"

Which means I have no choice but become a rapper or join the military, and I am not good at coming up with rhymes on the spot.

>> No.9893141

We've passed the 50 thread threshold. Meido will now leave this thread, despite it being a personal NEET/advice thread outside of the NEET lifestyle thread.

>> No.9893142

>>9893122 yeah its 4. you can get dishonorably discharged but its hard to now. my father says it takes months to a year to fully discharge his soilders even when one went full AWOL.

>> No.9893143


Great, you can line up with other ethnic undersireables just to get a slip of paper so you can hand it to the cashier who will give you looks along the lines of pity and disgust.

>> No.9893149

if you're a NEET you should be used to being looked at like that.
Everyone hates you.

>> No.9893150
File: 63 KB, 300x300, 1335580738912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GJ !

>> No.9893151

go work at McDiddys drone. Like I give a shit what some random person thinks about me and my free money.

>> No.9893153

>Which means I have no choice but become a rapper or join the military,
You can do it as long as you believe

>> No.9893155

this guy does not know how to take it easy.

>> No.9893163

Stop humoring this person. You are encouraging advice threads.
Someone spam tanasinn or something.

>> No.9893165

remember op joining the miltary means you could be stationed at south Korea or Japan!!!

>> No.9893174

   _,,....,,_  _人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人_
-''":::::::::::::`''>   CHAKE IT EASY!!!   <
ヽ::::::::::::::::::::: ̄^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^ ̄
 |::::::;ノ´ ̄\:::::::::::\_,. -‐ァ     __   _____   ______
 |::::ノ   ヽ、ヽr-r'"´  (.__    ,´ _,, '-´ ̄ ̄`-ゝ 、_ イ、
_,.!イ_  _,.ヘーァ'二ハ二ヽ、へ,_7   'r ´          ヽ、ン、
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!イ´ ,' | /__,.!/ V 、!__ハ  ,' ,ゝ レリイi (ヒ_]     ヒ_ン ).| .|、i .||
`!  !/レi' (ヒ_]     ヒ_ン レ'i ノ   !Y!""  ,___,   "" 「 !ノ i |
,'  ノ   !'"    ,___,  "' i .レ'    L.',.   ヽ _ン    L」 ノ| .|
 (  ,ハ    ヽ _ン   人!      | ||ヽ、       ,イ| ||イ| /
,.ヘ,)、  )>,、 _____, ,.イ  ハ    レ ル` ー--─ ´ルレ レ´

>> No.9893175

discharging has and always will take a long time.

it's basically you coming into work everyday doing a million pieces of paperwork while all the higher ups are being lazy and trying to make you stay in so they don't have to worry about getting you out.

and for the record, the army has started trying to trim down on the amount of people in. just failing 2 PT tests in a row can get you an article 15 and have you on the path of getting dishonorably discharged, but getting an honorable or general discharge is not hard to get either.

>> No.9893179

no thanks, you get banned for a week for anything now thanks to ebin as hell /q/ mods.

>> No.9893180


/jp/ dream

>> No.9893181

_._._._              __
        | | | | |.             |.||
       ) .  vヽ.          丿 ソ
        ヽ   ノ__.       _/___/
       ノ____ノ∵∴∵ヽ     /:∴/
      /∴∵/:(・)∴.(・)ヽ   /∵:/
      /∵∴/∵/ ○\:l  ./:∴/
     /∴/:/:./三 | 三|:| /∵:/   tanasinn
     /∵/:/∴| __|__ |:| /:∴/
    /∴/:/ヽ.:|  === .|ノ:∵:/

>> No.9893183

Joining the military seems like a good idea, a guy I know was in it for the past five years and recently got a letter saying he can get $1,800 on top of the money he's already receiving from them.

>> No.9893185

It's the same old NSJ, don't be fooled.

>> No.9893188

imagine the endless darkness,the void that cannot be filled... it engulfies you.
it's cold∵∴ your consciousness is dizzying, nothingness fills your mind.

you dream of water.
drinking water is essential to humans∵∴ and other lifeforms...(?)∵∴
water drop∵drop∴drop∵drop∴drop∵drop∴drop∵∴∵∵
∵∴∵∴y∵ou wak∵∴e up?∵
The world.
The world where the sun never rises.
A planet with no oxygen.
The earth with no oceans or trees.

joy, sadness, despair, happiness
matter nothing...
i wake up.
there is nothing
I play the piano.∵∵∵am∴∵∴I∵?∵∵∵∴∵∴∵
i'm not the one playing the piano -- someone playes it.
i do not control body... is this my body?∵∴∵∵
∵∵∴∵∵i play a melody∵∵∴∵∵∵∵∴∵∵
surrounded by people(?)∴∵∵∴∵
i play the melody∵∵∴∵∵∵∵∴∵∵

people(?) seem to know this melody, but i do not
i am the one playing this melody. it seems nostalgic, but i don't know neither the name nor the notes.∵∵∴∵∵∴∵∵∴∵∵
i(?) just play it∵∵∴∵∵∴∵∵∴

my body starts to hurt∵∴∵i∵t∵∴∵∵h∵urts∵?∵∵∵∴∵∴∵∴w∵∴hy∵∵∴a∵∵∴re you∵hu∴rti∵∴ng∵me?

my eyes are blurry
my throat is dry
my head is dizzy
my vision is blurred
my conscience returns to me like lightning from heaven∵∵∴
in the instant-----
--i recognize this body
--i recognize this view
--i recognize this melody
--i recognize this people
∵∴∵∴i was tanasinn∵∴∵∴

>> No.9893189

But what if my rhymes aren't fresh enough and I get laughed at?

>> No.9893198

    |  (’A`)
   / ̄ノ( ヘヘ ̄ ̄ ̄

    |            ・  . ・
    |         三    三
    |            ̄ ̄
    |  (’A`)
   / ̄ノ( ヘヘ ̄ ̄ ̄

    |          (・)   (・)
    |              ○
    |            三 | 三
    |            __|__
    |            ===
    |  (   ’)
   / ̄ノ( ヘヘ ̄ ̄ ̄

    |        ∴∵∵∵∵∴
    |       ∴∵(・)∴∴(・)∵
    |       ∵∵ / ○\∵∵
    |      ∵∵∵/三 | 三|∵∵
    |       ∵∵∵| __|__ |∵∵ tanasinn
    |      ∵∵∵|  === .|∵∵
    |       .∴∵ \__/∴∵
    |  (   ゚)     ━(〒)━
   / ̄ノ( ヘヘ ̄ ̄ ̄

>> No.9893203 [DELETED] 

,. -─ '' "⌒'' ー- 、            __,,. -──- 、.
    ./ ,r' ´  ̄ ̄ `'' ‐-r--、     r=ニフ´  ̄ ̄ ~`` ‐、 \
   /      ,r--‐''‐ 、.._,,二フ-、  ,. -‐゙ー-‐ ''、'ー--''-_、     \
 /       /     , '´    ,.イVヽ__     }ノ´二 -‐ヽ._    \
        {       i     >∴∴∴L    ,'ー 'ー ''´ ̄}
         ト、     !.     〈∴∴∴/ }    /      ,.イ
         ヽ、___ヽ、  ./\∴ /    ̄レ'   _, ‐'
  、             " `,二ヽ!  /∴ .|      r''二  ̄
    ` ‐- 、..__,. -‐─┴─'  /∴∴|       ゙─‐'--''─- 、..___ ,.  
                  /∴∴ \
                /∵∴(・)∴∴.(・) |
                |∵∵∵/ ○\∵|
                |∵∵ /三 | 三| |  
                |∵∵ | __|__ | |   tanasinn
                 \∵ |  === .|/

>> No.9893207

Imagine a giant penis flying towards your mouth, and there's nothing you can do about it. And you're like "Oh man, I'm gonna have to suck this thing", and you brace yourself to suck this giant penis. But then, at the last moment, it changes trajectory and hits you in the eye. You think to yourself "Well, at least I got that out of the way", but then the giant penis rears back and stabs your eye again, and again, and again. Eventually, this giant penis is penetrating your gray matter, and you begin to lose control of your motor skills. That's when the giant penis slaps you across the cheek, causing you to fall out of your chair. Unable to move and at your most vulnerable, the giant penis finally lodges itself in your anus, where it rests uncomfortably for 4, maybe 5 hours. That's what tanasinn is like.

>> No.9893210

         ∴∵rミ ,○、:(・)∴∵∴∵
        ∴∵/  / ミ 〉∴∵∵
     ∴∵∴∵|  ̄\ /∴∵∴∵
      ∴∴∵∴.、`  /∴∵∴∵∴∵
    ri  ∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴
 __,! ヽ,∴∵∴∴tanasinn∵∴
三三  _{{∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵
  ̄ ~~∴∵∵∴∵∴∵∴==ュ
      ∴∵∴∵∴∵/,  !
       ∴∵∴∵  `^|.|.|jj
     ∴∵        .l.|.|

>> No.9893212

>>9893165 http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_military_bases

>> No.9893213 [DELETED] 

Picture in your mind a massive yellow phone book.

In this phone book is a name, number and address for every human being alive, that has ever lived, and ever will live, along with an equivalent number of pages in the business directory.

This phone book is on an old wooden table in a concrete room with no doors or windows.

You are trapped in the room and have a compulsion to read the phone book. You have now read through it cover-to-cover five-thousand, seven-hundred, thirty-one times. Your hands are pale from the lack of sunlight. Your hands are covered in scars from paper cuts. Your hands resemble the surface of Europa. You reach for the phone book one more time and flip through the pages like a picture book. As you flip through the pages at high-speed, the names and numbers form an image of yourself, staring back at you with a corrupted smile. The skin on your hands is now in shreds, the razor edges of the phone book having revealed bare bone, to which you are oblivious as you watch images dance on thin, colored-coded pages.

You have now flipped through the book eleven-thousand, eight-hundred, sixty-eight times.

This is what tanasinn is like.

>> No.9893217

This was good thread


>> No.9893219 [DELETED] 

Picture this:

You're looking through a magnifiying viewfinder. Perhaps that of a camera, or a binoculars, or one of those telescopes you see on observation decks. Your vision is shunted straight ahead, into a narrow cone five to fifteen degrees, at maximum. Peripheal vision is nonexistant. The rest of the world exists around you, but because of the focus, you can't see anything outside it, only the part in in front of you. You can turn in any direction, and you can view things it would normally be impossible for you to view, in detail you never would be able to see otherwise, but you're still looking through what is essentially tube vision, and as soon as your eyes try to reach the edge of the tube, you run into a barrier of non-information.

Now invert part of that image, as you would an image channel in Photoshop. All around you, you can see the entire world, but blurrily, out of focus, and the only thing you view clearly is straight ahead of you. It is as if your visual tube has been reversed, and instead of seeing through the tube, you see the tube itself. What is that tube made of? A boundary of emptiness, around which you can see the lack of any visual information at all in vivid detail.

That tube is what tanasinn is like.

>> No.9893226 [DELETED] 

Picture, if you will, an infinite number of monkeys. Each monkey is seated at a typewriter. Row upon row upon endless row of typewriters, stretching out into an unfathomable white infinity. These monkeys will, at random, strike keys on their typewriter with their clumsy simian hands and feet for the rest of eternity or until they produce the complete works of William Shakespeare, which ever comes first.
Now imagine a monkey drinking it's own urine.

That is what tanasinn is like.

>> No.9893228 [DELETED] 

Imagine you are reading a book. It is one of those heavy ones that talk about something deep, like social structure or philosophy or theoretic physics. It could even be a really boring novel. The thing is, it has really small letters, in fact they are so small that after some hours of boring reading, the endless series of lines of text start blurring your vision, causing you to skip lines. You try to get your mind together and try to read the next line, but you miss again, reading the same line again and again for two or three times. Getting annoyed by this, you try to look at something else for a moment and resume reading only to take it up again small letters, in fact they are so small that after some hours of boring reading, the endless series of lines of text start blurring your vision, causing you to skip lines. You try to get your mind together and try to read the next line, but you miss again, reading the same line again and again for two or three times. Getting annoyed by this, you try to look at something else for a moment and resume reading only to take it up again at page tanasinn.

>> No.9893232 [DELETED] 

What's that, OP? You want to know what Tanasinn is? Well, it's hard to put into words, but I think the best way to describe it is this:

Imagine you were a toothbrush. A great big stinky toothbrush, who is as as happy as a toothbrush could be. Imagine one day, a DQN comes along, and says “Bonjour”. You try to respond, but you cannot, because you're a toothbrush.

Suddenly, the DQN jews and his goggles fall off, revealing he has an extra vulva. You try to run away, but you cannot, because you're a toothbrush. So you just sit and watch as his vulva splits open, to reveal a golden statue of a cat.

The sky above you is filled with rime. Dongs rain from above, making a “GOOSH!” sound as they hit the ground. The DQN doesn't appear to notice.

You begin to panic, and then you realise. You are in Best Korea! The DQN laughs maniacally, and starts to cry NICELY, leaving kimchi stains everywhere. Finally you can take it no more. You shed your toothbrush disguise, stand up, and firmly rape the DQN's nigerchanger.

Yes, my snoogy-woogy, this is what Tanasinn is like.

>> No.9893245



>> No.9893243

Which branch is the easiest to take it easy in?

Obviously not the marines.

>> No.9893246

air force > navy (if you can handle being on the boat) > army > marines

>> No.9893252

I'm a student at University and I have £270 to my name.

>> No.9893253

━┳━  ┏━┓  ┏┓┃  ┏━┓  ┏━━  ┳  ┏┓┃┏┓┃
  ┃    ╋━╋  ┃┃┃  ╋━╋  ┗━┓  ┃  ┃┃┃┃┃┃
  ┃  ┗┛  ┗┛┃┗┛┗┛  ┗┛━━┛  ┻  ┃┗┛┃┗┛

>> No.9893257

(・∀・) Could it be that Tanasinn means something mathematical? Well, trigonometry for example..'Tan' and 'Sin' are in 'Tanasinn', so perhaps..

(・∀・) But what about 'Cos'?
∴;・∀・∵ ! Oh sh∵∴, I'm∵∴oo lat∵∴Ta∵asin∵∴∵∴∵∴∵

>> No.9893266

>>9893243 anything but marnines and national guard are good ways to go. honestly its about what you want to do. do you want to be a doctor, a cook, mechanic etc? you can literally go into the military as a softball coach.

>> No.9893261

Imagine you are having terrible nightmare.

It's terrible, but it's terrible only to you and no other. It's a horror custom made for you by your own mind.

The content is not important, but the fear is.

When you wake, you wake in a room on a bed. It is your bed, but it is not your bed.

It is your room, but it is not your room.

With effort, you realize you have not awoken at all, but are still asleep and have dreamed of an awakening.

The question remains if you are to wake and be greeted with reality, should you get out of bed or go back to sleep.

You decide to do both, and you fall backward through the bed as the sheets envelop your body.

It's dark, but it's not dark.

You're awake, but you're not awake.

You are dead and being cremated.

As flames disintegrate your flesh, a scream echos through your mind but not does not escape your lips which, even if you could speak, have been glued shut.

You black out once more, and awaken at dawn. As the mingled ashes of bone and oak are scattered on a beach by the one you've left behind, you finally understand:

You are not the ashes of the man, you are the ashes of coffin.

You were not a man dreaming of life, but a tree dreaming you were a man.

This awakening, this epiphany... this is tanasinn.

>> No.9893263


>> No.9893265

Oh god I feel just like this. I feel like I've wasted every opportunity I've had.

>> No.9893272

I like computers.

>> No.9893271


              n             a  .. 
                   ______/  /
          .. n .  \  \ ○ ./  /   n  .. 
                  .\  \/  /
                    .\  \/
              i      .\      a  .. 


>> No.9893280

   /∵∴.∵∴∵∴\   DON'T THINK.
  /∵∴∴,(・)(・)∴|    FEEL AND YOU'LL BE
  |∵∵./   ○ \.|   TANASINN
  |∵ /   三  | 三 |
  |∵ |   __|__  |
   \・|   \_/ /

>> No.9893288

Start with a cage containing five monkeys. Inside the cage, hang a banana on a string and place a set of stairs under it. Before long, one of the monkeys will go to the stairs and start to climb towards the banana. As soon as he touches the stairs, all of the monkeys are sprayed with cold water.

After a while, another monkey makes an attempt with the same result, then, all of the monkeys are sprayed with cold water. Pretty soon, none of the monkeys will try to climb the stairs. Now, put away the cold water. Remove one monkey from the cage and replace it with a new one. The new monkey sees the banana and wants to climb the stairs. To his surprise and horror, all of the other monkeys attack him. After another attempt and attack, he knows that if he tries to climb the stairs, he will be assaulted.

Next, remove another of the original five monkeys and replace it with a new one. The newcomer goes to the stairs and is attacked. The previous newcomer takes part in the punishment with enthusiasm! Likewise, replace a third original monkey with a new one, then a fourth, and then a fifth. Every time the newest monkey takes to the stairs, he is attacked. Most of the monkeys that are beating him have no idea why they were not permitted to climb the stairs, or why they are participating in the beating of the newest monkey.

After replacing all the original monkeys, none of the remaining monkeys have ever been sprayed with cold water. Nevertheless, no monkey ever again approaches the stairs to try for the banana. Why not?

Because tanasinn

>> No.9893289
File: 230 KB, 1280x853, 1350473612887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's never too late to do something, you have endless possibilites, as long as you keep on trying.

>> No.9893290

How is the national guard? I heard that was pretty chill.

>> No.9893303

>>9893290 the national guard is an on and off thing. you don't get paid as much. for long term its just not that good.

>> No.9893298

What do those guys even do?

>> No.9893299

But my life is all about laziness and not trying. Will I betray my code of laziness if I actively try to not try?

>> No.9893300

So, which group is the worst:
1) Spammers
2) People helping OP just to troll the spammers
3) People helping OP anyway
4) OP and other people who are too important for the NEET thread

>> No.9893304

Hang out in case of zombie outbreaks or other unexpected emergencies.

>> No.9893306

Find someone with an apartment who's looking for a roommate and move in there.

>> No.9893314

ur mom XDDDD

>> No.9893315

wh u qut?

>> No.9893311

ta∵∴sinn is∵∴t s∵∴m


>> No.9893319

wh u spln?

>> No.9893324
File: 148 KB, 864x922, 1319737654309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when whenever I visit the welfare office the only people in the line are immigrants with a very poor grasp of the language and literal mental patients.

>> No.9893327

imagine this

you are a faggot and you don't want to be a faggot but you are a faggot. you write things and expect people to care, but they don't.

now picture big elephant balls

this is tanansinn

>> No.9893330

oh so you're not a mental patient now?

>> No.9893331

how about you get a fucking job and start building a resume and getting experience so you can get a better job

>> No.9893337

You have acock up your ass, but you aren't really """""gay""""", you start dripping cum from your chin, but that's still not """"""GAY""""""" THEN YOU sTART POOING ON HIS FACE AND OHGOD UR A FUCKING FAG OH JESUS CHRIST YOU'RE PEEING TOO FUCK WHAT TH EHELLE THIS IS NOT ONLY GAY BUT RETARDEDLY PERVERTYED TOO KUSO MISO TECHNIQUE FTW IMMA' VOMIT NOW

is tannasinn

>> No.9893345

I'll let you stay in my room if you give me a blowjob every week.

>> No.9893346
File: 36 KB, 250x500, 128936259014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chake id deajy

>> No.9893363
File: 99 KB, 694x642, what the fuck am I looking at.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I'm actually closer to immigrants than mental patients because my father was brown and I was never diagnosed with the latter.

>> No.9893376

undiagnosed NEET...you're still a head case though.
