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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9890277 No.9890277[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ Confessions

I've never beaten a single 2hu game on any difficulty, not even IN

>> No.9890285
File: 126 KB, 395x700, ^^1340063542149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i beaten touhou 04 on easy

>> No.9890288

What's stopping you? You can at least clear a game on easy with a little bit of effort.

>> No.9890289

Bad Apple thread?
Bad Apple thread.


>> No.9890291

I've never played a VN. Unless Nanatsuiro Drops DS counts.

>> No.9890293

I tried to start playing Touhou from the beginning. I beat the first two. Somehow.

>> No.9890294

I've played 999 if that counts.

>> No.9890323
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Thats a confession I can relate with.

Mine is, I got into Touhou because of the Honk Honk maymay. It stuck with me, and Chen is my favorite 2hoo.

>> No.9890329
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>> No.9890345

My first introduction to Touhou was through a Brawl Home Run Contest video.

>> No.9890352

I got into Touhou because I thought the gameplay looked interesting.

>> No.9890364
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Yep, Chen with weapons makes my heart go doki doki.

>> No.9890369

Few VNs manage to keep my interest long enough for me to finish it.

>> No.9890372

I can't get myself to enjoy visual novels. I read regular books all the time, but VNs just bore me.

>> No.9890383

I follow /jp/ to FOTM MMOs, but never join their guilds because my power level is too low.

>> No.9890379


My OCD usually won't allow me to drop a VN if I start it. I think the only one I've ever dropped was Forest.

>> No.9890390

I got into touhou because I liked STGs.

>> No.9890402
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I like threads about lolis more than any other type of thread that gets posted here.

>> No.9890416

How in the holy name of fuck can you be weaker than the average /jp/ player in any MMO? Most of them suck, and can't even get to max level at modern "do 20 quests and get to cap" games.

Unless you mean you can't get their jokes.

>> No.9890422

i want to leave /jp/
i don't know why i'm still here
the only thing i like here is touhou
i keep coming back even if i'm banned or i block /jp/
it's like an abusive relationship

>> No.9890427

I'm a NEET but I also go to college. I conveniently picked classes that only meet once a week. I never study, homework is rarely assigned. Tests are hosted online for maximum ease.

>> No.9890431

I've never played, nor do I especially care for Touhou

>> No.9890437

i have hair on my penis
and not just the base

>> No.9890433

Tell me what you think NEET means.

>> No.9890435

You're not a NEET.

>> No.9890441

What the HELL, man?

>> No.9890448

I think most of you are pathetic losers (even more than me)
I only come here for the shitposting
I also fap to 2hus

>> No.9890444

I learned about touhou from custom ITG charts of touhou mixes.

>> No.9890446

I'm not interested in anything on /jp/ except for Touhou, and I hide every thread that doesn't have anything to do with Touhou.

Before I knew much about Touhou, Cirno was my favorite character, now she ranks in the bottom 3.

>> No.9890451

I've only beaten IN on Normal but it was a bad ending and I used several continues

>> No.9890454

I only like 2hu because of the fanart it gets. I only tried playing one of the games once.

>> No.9890456

I wish mods weren't allowed on /jp/. Fuck those normals.

Me too. It makes masturbating really uncomfortable.

>> No.9890458

The opposite of what this guy said >>9890446

>> No.9890459

Me neither. I usually never get past level three with a single life. I can get to level six or so if I continue a bunch of times.

>> No.9890461

>Classes that only meed once a week

Those exist?

>> No.9890468

Of course those exist. Shits usually last like 3 hours or more though

>> No.9890469

So you used to hate Cirno and now she's your favorite?

>> No.9890472

i havent watched anime in 6 years and have no interest in touhou

>> No.9890473
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>I also fap to 2hus

That's why we can't have nice things

>> No.9890482

I've downloaded over ten eroge, but none of them work, so as a consequence, I've never played one.

I love them though. At least I think I do.

>> No.9890491

Moogy is that you?

>> No.9890495

I just downloaded X-Change once...
It royally fucked up my computer...

>> No.9890500

Airhead moe

>> No.9890507

I got into Touhou because of JJBA.
I'm always being a jerk on /jp/, but the truth is I'm actually just a tsundere.

>> No.9890512

I only browse /jp/ for NEET threads even though I am a falseNEET.

>> No.9890514

That word... I don't think you know what it means...

>> No.9890515

I don't care about anime and firmly believe any sort of anime discussion in /jp/ are /a/ immigrants who refuse to change and instead shit up the board with their underage garbage.

>> No.9890517

Congratulations, you are all NEET posters

>> No.9890524

This is why anime discussion is not allowed on /jp/. Nobody wants that junk here.

>> No.9890526

I want to fuck a jpsie.

>> No.9890527


I honestly want to be an /a/ regular again. This board is shit and I can't escape it.

>> No.9890530

I can't get pass like stage 5 of any game. I blame myself for not having autism.

>> No.9890531

Tell me what it means then... That is if you're not too busy making weird drawings or smuggling onions...

>> No.9890535

A lot of /jp/sies watch anime. I don't see why that's hard to believe when visual novel and anime are so similar.

Just because you're not a TRUNEET doesn't mean that they don't exist.

>> No.9890536

It's not allowed because it has its own fucking board. Naturally lots of people here like anime since it's linked closely to this board's topics.

>> No.9890538

>A lot of /jp/sies watch anime.
This is what neo-jp actually thinks.

>> No.9890544


But a lot of people here do grandpa.

>> No.9890549

Why would a person dedicate nearly every waking moment to Touhou, visual novels, masturbation, and a board about otaku culture and have no interest in anime and manga? That makes no sense.

>> No.9890553


>> No.9890555

Looks like we have a couple of crossboarders here.

>> No.9890562

Uh this board is Shitposting Culture. Don't you know anything, idiot?

>> No.9890557

Even if it's linked in cases of VN/anime overlap, the way the people discuss it is distruptive compared to the way things are normally discussed here.

Nobody here wants threads filled with mostly reaction faces, greentext, spoiler abuse, anime screencaps, image macros, and minimal content or actual discussion. That stuff can go in /a/.

>> No.9890560

You're just spouting "crossboarder! crossbaorder!" and refusing to make an actual argument.

>> No.9890572

Because anime is shallow and silly for the most part. I used to like it when I was younger, now I only watch 1 or 2 series per year.

>> No.9890564


>> No.9890567

Anime is shit and shouldn't be allowed in /jp/.

>> No.9890568

Because new members of /jp/ believe that people here having a problem with /a/ means we dislike the board's subject.

>> No.9890569

I am only a part time NEET here but I pretend to be a truNEET calling all the college goers and mcdonald flippers falseNEET and bully all the depressed bloggers.
Should I feel bad?

>> No.9890571


Who can stay on /jp/ all day every day looking at 2hu image dumps with the hourly random meta thread without looking at another board. Stay delusional.

>> No.9890573

ITT: crossboarders making assumptions about /jp/ and thinking they're a part of the club

Keep trying guys.

>> No.9890574

I think stallman is a raving lunatic.

>> No.9890575

I agree completely that anime doesn't belong on /jp/, however, claiming that nobody here likes anime is just crazy.

>> No.9890588

Ive only been able to beat EoSD and PCB, I don't know how people say IN is the easiest, maybe on lunatic that is the case, but on normal I can't beat it like I can with EoSD and PCB

Right now im working on 1cc'ing normal UFO (havent beat it because I want to at least beat ichirin without using any continues before I try to continue)

>> No.9890580


I think everyone agrees with this

>> No.9890582

You don't belong in /jp/.

The people that belong here don't like anime.

>> No.9890585

He's pretty crazy and autistic, but I agree with some of the things he says.

>> No.9890586

tl;dr both boards are shit.

>> No.9890597
File: 55 KB, 634x357, misamari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about /jp/ approved anime like areyoufrustrated-kun, milkies, yurus or doyourememberlove?

>> No.9890593

>The people that belong here don't like anime.
And this is where you're wrong. It's only the people who make threads about anime that don't belong here.

>> No.9890596

Yeah, /jp/ is shitposting only. If you like Japanese media then you need to get out.

>> No.9890600

You probably just have them memorized better than IN.

>> No.9890606


>> No.9890618

I think this entire back-and-forth has been him being ironic.

>> No.9890615

I can't tell whether or not you're trying to be ironic here.

>> No.9890619

Hate its fans and hate /a/ if you want, but there is nothing inherently wrong with anime. I doubt anyone who thinks people should get the fuck out of /jp/ just for liking/watching it is in their right mind.

>> No.9890622

People should not assume others are interested in subjects not related to the board they are on. Isn't this common sense?

For example, I don't come from /p/ to /jp/ and expect to converse about cameras and lenses, even if there is an overlap with kigurumi, doll, and figure threads.

>> No.9890623

This but about the entire thread.

>> No.9890624

/jp/ isn't a secret club or something. Not all crossboarders are shitposting scum.

>> No.9890630

What if you qualify it by saying that you're a camera otaku?

>> No.9890634

What happened to /a/? It was a tolerable, even great at times, anime community, but now whenever I visit, it's like taking a trip to the local zoo.

>> No.9890635

Post that creepy jap camera otaku.

>> No.9890644

I think he is pretending to retarded and mimicking the behavior of those who say "you don't belong in /jp/ unless you shit on floors" in order to make them look stupid. That is what "ironic shitposting" is right?

>> No.9890645

I love the zoo, though. Is /a/ like the reptile house or something? That'd be neat.

>> No.9890649
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Same thing that has happened to most boards; normals. It'll happen to us too, maybe it already has.

>> No.9890652
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>> No.9890662

I don't remember /jp/ splitting from /p/ though.

>> No.9890659

It's more like the apes section, except they are not clever or funny, only continuously flinging shit and rocks at one another.

>> No.9890671

Doing that does not make something off-topic suddenly become on-topic.

>> No.9890674

Normals always leave though. Usually. Sometimes.

>> No.9890685
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I like to look at images of young girls hanging out together and imagine that I'm one of them.

What I'd give to be a 10 year old girl eating snacks with other 10 year old girls on a rainy day.

>> No.9890699


>> No.9890703

Seldom. Almost never.

Well, how long they tend to stay depends on the current composition of the community. At first you have a few stray normals and two who stay, and then you get some more normals, they see there are a few others so now three stay, now there are five, they attract more, and it's a continuous cycle. After a while, there will be normals everywhere -- /a/ has fallen already, but we are still in the middle phases. I imagine we at least have a few years left.

>> No.9890714

This thread has over 90 replies and there is a milk thread on front page.

It can't get any shittier. That's where shitting in your own home because your paranoid about other people shitting in it gets you.

>> No.9890706

Why don't you treat /jp/ as a seperate board? If you want to call /jp/'s creation a split, go ahead. /jp/ was created for Touhou, visual novels, figures, ect. It was not created as a second (or third, if you count text boards) place to discuss anime.

>> No.9890710

I wish.
People complain about chinese cartoons yet we have daily dose of milk stalker and soc shit.
Why people bring their edrama or realife problem here I have no idea.

>> No.9890714,1 [INTERNAL] 

If any of you that are complaining had been here since the split, you'd know that the quality of /jp/ hasn't changed. Not a bit.

>> No.9890714,2 [INTERNAL] 

it got better with all the epic memes

>> No.9890714,3 [INTERNAL] 

It started out with /a/ memes, now it has its own.
