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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9887371 No.9887371[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Time for some NEETo conversation! Lets start things off with a few questions:

1. How long have you been NEET?
2. How old are you currently?
3. Do you still live with your parents?
6. What classes are you taking?
7. What's your occupation or career?
8. Likes/dislikes
9. Gender
10. Describe your ideal mate!

>> No.9887379

>>Taking Classes
Choose One

>> No.9887378
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Does not compute.

>> No.9887380

1. 7 years
2. 19
3. Yes
6. High school courses at home for credits because I dropped out in middle school
7. None
8. I like NTR
9. Male
10. Someone I could cuddle with

>> No.9887396

Well, if we count being in college but not working a regular job as NEET...
1. 21 years
2. 21
3. Yes
4. Regular collage courses, C++, Comp Engineering, Trig
5. I work at and own seperate arcades
6. Solitude/noise
7. Male
8. Someone equally peaceful, or at least someone who shares somewhat similar intrests

>> No.9887399

1. Too long, no idea.
2. Either 24 or 25, not sure.
3. No.
8. Flowers/Noise
9. Male.
10. None. I want a daughter though.

>> No.9887402

>How long have you been NEET?
like over a year

>How old are you currently?

>Do you still live with your parents?

>What classes are you taking?

>What's your occupation or career?
sucking cock

likes: epic raids
dislikes: girls


>Describe your ideal mate!

awesome /soc/ thread op! :)

>> No.9887404

1. 4 days
2. 24
3. no
6. CS & math
7. gov payment receiver
8. I like 2hu and dislike loud people who are unable to understand their impact
9. male
10. someone nice

>> No.9887409

I wish I could be a NEET

>> No.9887410

1.5 years
2.21 years old
3.Mother and Sister
6.Does self study count? if not, None.
7.No career
8. I like and dislike a Myriad of things, you'd have to be more specific.
9. Cute little girl.
10. A small bossy asian girl, probably.

>> No.9887411

Taking courses from home still counts as education.

>> No.9887414
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Lets see how many people even understand the meaning of "Neet"

>> No.9887416


>> No.9887419

I guess, but I haven't left my house in 7 years. I have no friends either. But I guess as of a month ago I'm technically not a NEET anymore since I started doing high school math.

>> No.9887422

1. How long have you been NEET?
9 months
2. How old are you currently?
3. Do you still live with your parents?
6. What classes are you taking?
7. What's your occupation or career?
8. Likes/dislikes
Just you, /jp/
9. Gender
I don't like identifying myself with a gender
10. Describe your ideal mate!
Cute, thin, very slutty but tries to hide it, a lot younger than me

>> No.9887430

whole 9 months, W0WZER!!!

>> No.9887434

I hate it. I'm only a NEET because I failed at school and waiting to go back. I need more stimulation in my life.

>> No.9887439


>> No.9887443

Why would you tell me to go there?

>> No.9887445

Because thats where you belong.

>> No.9887446

NEET =/= hikikomori, you fucking imbecile.

>> No.9887447

You're a shut in then, or a hikki if you want to be nipponese.

>> No.9887450

No it's not you autist, This is a NEET thread and being one, I posted here.

>> No.9887459

/soc/ is for lonely teenagers who want a qt azn gf like yourself.

>> No.9887460

2 years
lots of things each
I don't know

>> No.9887461

No one wants you here though.

>> No.9887464

What have I done?

Where did I write that?

>> No.9887465

/jp/ is for NEETs by choice.

Whiny losers who wish they could live a normal live belong somewhere else.

>> No.9887467

/a/ pls go

>> No.9887469

Some people can't even choose to be NEETs if their parents and the government aren't nice enough

>> No.9887472

We had threads about homeless NEETs before.

>> No.9887475

1. 2-3 years
2. 24
3. Yes
6. Um, none?
7. Dolescum. I apply for a few jobs every week and do volunteer work though, please don't hate me
8. Like: lolita fashion, gentle anime, John Waters, /tg/
Dislike: edgy neo-nazis
9. Please don't make me say, because people would mock me
10. Either: a tall and handsome man with dark shoulder-length hair and a beard on his jawline, who would take care of me always, or a cute girl to do cute /u/ things with. And be clingy together.

>> No.9887477

Sorry then, I didn't mean to say anything mean about truNEETs but I thought the term applies to anyone who is jobless/out of school.

I still like this board and some threads here.

>> No.9887487


>> No.9887495

>1. How long have you been NEET?
Twenty minutes.

>> No.9887499

>tfw mom won't let me be a NEET on school nights

>> No.9887503
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1. I dunno, lost track
2. 21
3. Yes
6. Not in education or Training
7. Not in employment
8. Cats, dogs anime ,manga, mmos, / people, invasion of my space.
9. N/A
10. clingy /jp/sie

That NEET word again...

>> No.9887511

>1. How long have you been NEET?
Almost five months
>2. How old are you currently?
>3. Do you still live with your parents?
>6. What classes are you taking?
Fucking your mom 101
>7. What's your occupation or career?
I work at the local gloryhole.
>8. Likes/dislikes
Likes: /jp/, cock
Dislikes: everything else
>9. Gender
>10. Describe your ideal mate!
A really hairy neckbear dude (like Richard Stallman but hairier) with a HUGE cock.

>> No.9887516
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Dunno. I've been a neet for as long as I remember.
pic related, it's me

>> No.9887521

1. How long have you been NEET?
I'm not
2. How old are you currently?
3. Do you still live with your parents?
For another month, yes
6. What classes are you taking?
7. What's your occupation or career?
None to speak of
8. Likes/dislikes
History, cleanliness/ NEET lifestyle threads
9. Gender
10. Describe your ideal mate!
Brown hair, cute boobs, sharp chin, and into sitting on my face

>> No.9887544

>1. How long have you been NEET?
Exactly 1 year
>2. How old are you currently?
>3. Do you still live with your parents?
>6. What classes are you taking?
If I did, would I be NEET?
>7. What's your occupation or career?
>8. Likes/dislikes
l: lolis d: normals
>9. Gender
>10. Describe your ideal mate!
kuudere loli

>> No.9887551

1. 21 yrs or something, never went to schoool cos im a truNEET xD
2. 21
3. yeah with mommy
6. im a truNEET man
7. lol
8. truNEET thrads/fuggen normies >:(
9. male
10. a truNEET like me xD

>> No.9887553

>Exactly 1 year
Happy NEETiversary!

>> No.9887561


thx d00d
