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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 453 KB, 1245x1400, 4fa8ea3c649e8d729c23da03a20db83b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9884472 No.9884472 [Reply] [Original]

Can we all agree that America is the hypest shit?

>> No.9884479

why the fuck is there an egg in that bitches burger?

>> No.9884491

Go to Red Robin and get a Royal Red Robin burger.

>> No.9884495

You never had a red robin burger? Bitch, you haven't lived yet. You better get yo ass up and get to Red Robin right now.

>> No.9884493

holy cow, look at this burger n00b

he must be from yurop or some shit

>> No.9884497

There are a couple Euroshit counties with more freedom but for the most part we kick ass.
Canada has shit loli laws, making them a shit tier nation!

>> No.9884501

Matt go back to neogaf.

>> No.9884500


How dare they taint America's greatest invention, the hamburger, with the mere mention of monarchy!

>> No.9884520
File: 768 KB, 1280x1292, burger-eater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is VERY common to do this. Quit eating shit burgers at mcdonalds.

>> No.9884522



>> No.9884527


No it isn't. Maybe in gookland, where burgers aren't even real burgers.

>> No.9884534

America likes to fuck around with food a lot.

Look at fucking "Hawaiian Pizza" for example.

>> No.9884542

experience life more turbonerd, all up and down the west coast almost every real burger joint has this on the menu. Every diner as well.

>> No.9884543

putting egg on your burger makes it a breakfast sandwich, not a real burger.

>> No.9884545

Egg and bacon are great on a burger.

>> No.9884566


West coast is basically gookland/spicington, so thank you for making my point.

Also, egg on burger isn't a real burger, you faggotron.

>> No.9884594

I wish to be the little Japanese, getting molested by a big-titted American, right before a public gangraped by filthy murderous foreign devils, and finally having a bamboo pole with a white flag showed up my cum-stained ass as a sign of total surrender and becoming property of USA.

>> No.9884602
File: 1.12 MB, 879x5000, war is over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fapped tot his.

>> No.9884603

" むま止してち撃 " isn't it?

I'm having trouble understanding what this means.

>> No.9884612

I know we all don't leave our house a whole ton here, but I'm in the midwest and there's not a single diner that doesn't have this option on a burger.

Also lived in Virginia for a while and it was a pretty famous burger at a couple local joints.

>> No.9884684

What's this mean? Please respond.

>> No.9884764

I live in California and I've never seen an option for an egg in the burger.

>> No.9884779

I have a Red Robin five minutes from my house
I fucking love Red Robin.

>> No.9884795

I bet this turns on a Japanese person more than it does an American person.

>> No.9884796


Get your shit together, America.
In Australia a burger 'with the lot' always contains egg (and bacon, cheese, lettuce, tomato, onion).
You can also get beetroot and pineapple, but they aren't included in 'the lot' because most people don't like them.

>> No.9884798

It's ”撃ちして止まむ”. My japanese ain't what it used to be but I believe it's saying "cease fire"

>> No.9884805 [DELETED] 
File: 128 KB, 329x300, 1350183115982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9884803

It's not like Japan doesn't do the same thing. Have you seen some of the things their Pizza Hut comes up with?

>> No.9884807

Danbooru alleges it's a WW2 Japanese war slogan that meant "ever onward!" or something like that, but it's opaque to me.

>> No.9884812

> bacon, cheese, lettuce, tomato, onio

That's the 'lot' ? Those are the standard burger ingredients here. Still, eggs are for breakfast sandwiches like the Egg McMuffin from McDonalds.

Personally, I prefer chilli burgers, rather than the traditional burgers. Sooo good.

>> No.9884823

Eggs are part of traditional American hamburgers, but during one of the World Fairs, they were served without eggs due to the necessity to serve lots of hamburgers really quickly and people went back home thinking that's what hamburgers looked like.

>> No.9884841

I live in the midwest and have not seen a single egg on a burger.

>> No.9884846

Steak 'n Shake has a burger with egg on it too

>> No.9884850

Ew, is this egg in burgers thing another fat people thing like deep frying? Fucking subhumans, can't wait for them to lose their country because the population is too obese to fight.

>> No.9884869

>サンキュー G‐I.....

Fucking great

>> No.9884873

Fuck USA, camel burger > cow burger.

>> No.9884881

I always knew Japan liked losing to us

>> No.9884909

I'm in heaven. This is great.

>> No.9884925


>> No.9884995
File: 134 KB, 446x400, Amused Fine Upstanding Ladies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He hasn't had a royal/hang-over burger
do you even freedom?

>> No.9885000

oooooooh say can you seeeeeeeeeee

>> No.9885015


Man, you guys need a new anthem. That one's lame.
I have always liked France's.

>> No.9885058

.it's an ode to our flag. make dealings. yes france song is very good, but that's their song.

>> No.9885085

That pretty much sums up japan after ww2

>> No.9885111

best country/continent

yuropoors pls die

>> No.9885144

Have you ever tried ordering one or even looked through a menu, or are you just basing this on preconceived notions and a few experiences ordering from chain restaurants?

Seriously, any places that sells more than 1 kind of burger will have the option. Of course a place that has 1 burger on the menu w/ iceberg lettuce & ketchup isn't going to have them.

>> No.9885166

Notice how there is no significant difference in skin tone or facial structure between the Jap and the American. Gooks wish they were white.

>> No.9885193

I pity anyone who doesn't eat egg on their burgers or in their ramen.
I suppose they are still technically human, but can one really be truly sentient if one does not enjoy the culinary delight that is the egg?
Truly, they exist on a lower rung of the great chain of being than egg eating übermensch.

>> No.9885520

- tits like that on a body like that
- tits at all on nip woman
- American eating a burger with an egg on it

Is this one of those "what's wrong with this picture" deals?

>> No.9885557 [DELETED] 

>trying to disguise your shitty attempt of meme arrows

>> No.9885566

it's called a bullet list turboautist

>> No.9885578 [DELETED] 

Are you gonna post the rest of the doujin were America brutally fucks Japan?

>> No.9885589


and a Cookie Magic to go with it.

Red Robin puts all those other burger chains to shame. Why the fuck is there a TGI Friday's in Tokyo now but no RR?

>> No.9885596

take it up with the artist

>> No.9885652

I cant get myself to eat eggs outside of breakfast

theyre so heavy

>> No.9885743

Can't see the picture anymore without associating it with Matt and Pat, fuck everything.

>> No.9885827

that does not answerer why people put slabs of greasy protein and cholesterol on top of slabs of greasy protein and cholesterol

>> No.9885842

Because some people think it tastes good? I don't really like eating, so I dunno.

>> No.9886305

Lots of fat people in this thread. I hope soon you all die of a heart attack.

>> No.9886310


I'm 70kg, 185cm and I enjoy eggs on my burgers on a regular basis. Deal with it, nerd.

>> No.9886335


No one cares, homoqueer.

>> No.9886538 [DELETED] 
File: 205 KB, 800x600, moenata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what I don't understand
why isn't the Japanese girl eating a burger

>> No.9886543

This makes me so mad and I'm not even Japanese.

>> No.9886550

This makes me happy and I’m Japanese

>> No.9886552


Because she has no freedom.


no, ur a weboo

>> No.9886556

I think it's pretty hot. I wish I was Japan, getting violated and humiliated like that.

>> No.9886575
File: 230 KB, 984x1400, Meanwhile in England.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow..

>> No.9886590


Burgers are shit, enjoy being fat and sick.

ps: Not otaku culture, reported.

>> No.9886592

Japanese always get the good stuff, don't they.

>> No.9886595

This guy is a cool artist and all, but damn, I hate this. I hate this! Japanese are pure!

>> No.9886597

Pure girls are lame and take forever to masturbate to. Give me the shameless sluts.

>> No.9886602

No shut up! Get your dirty white hands and turbans away from my 2D Japanese girls!
