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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9873844 No.9873844 [Reply] [Original]

How much of /jp/ wants to live in Japan? How much actually do?

I honestly like living in New England, Japan would seem like a hot place to live. Though, what are some of the great things about living in Japan?

Anyhow, Japan general thread.

>> No.9873854

I feel like they would be mean and unwelcoming, even if I knew the language. Although I've never met a jap in my life.

>> No.9873857

The work ethic is too strict there. I don't wanna work 100-hour weeks or whatever.

>> No.9873890
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I've heard Xenophobia is worse in Japan then in the U.S. I mean, not to the point or murder but still pretty bad.

Agreed. Apparently even some of their kids agree.

Though the main reason is how they treat immigrants. Namely, even if you've finally become a citizen, you're only a citizen in name.

>> No.9873902


I doubt it would be anything like my animes.

>> No.9873909

Fuck yeah Tamamo

>> No.9873921

It's a nice place (except for the summers, it's ass hot and I fucking hate the heat) and I have relatives there that could help me out but unfortunately I don't think I'm smart enough to live there.

>> No.9873932


Since when is the US xenophobic?

Everything is basically run so you have to be super "tolerant" and "politically correct" about of everything and everyone, specifically "minorities", or else you will face punishment from the law.

It's nothing but a melting pot of shit, were everyone is forced (not pushed) to "accept" one another. I can't think of a possibly less xenophobic country on Earth actually.

>> No.9873938


people like you

>> No.9873939

OP what state are you from I'm in CT
Also I really like looking at the big buildings in Shibuya

>> No.9873948
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I see someone else likes moefied monsters.

How's the winters? If it's really cold, I might just decide to go there for vacations during college..... If my friends wanted to pool our cash together.

Also, that feel when you'll never be a super soldier demi god of the glorious space Nippon/Nazi empire of man in armour feeding your waifu.

>> No.9873966
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You've never been in northern PA. Honestly, in eastern PA, everything is reversed. Our rednecks are up north, our cities which focus on coal or steel can survive even the recession to an extent, and cleaning the rivers only make it dirtier.

PA was were I was born and raised but moved up with relatives for a while to Maine.

>> No.9873968
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I usually only go in the summers but I've been to Kyoto and Tokyo in the winter a few years ago. It was nice, it even snowed a bit in Kyoto. It wasn't even all that cold, 2 layers was more than enough to stay reasonably warm.

>> No.9873991

[x] Fluffy tail

>> No.9873985


you picked a horrendously awful time and board to start posting with a name

>> No.9873989

I was actually just looking at student exchange programs to Japan. No idea how realistic it is, but it's nice to dream about it.

>> No.9873999


What is there to dream about? Seriously, what would you have in Japan that you wouldn't have elsewhere?

All I can think of are unscanned manga/LNs and other merchandise, which you can have imported if you really want them anyway.

>> No.9874000

I wouldn't mind living in Japan if I was able to get a job without any trouble.

>> No.9874007


Yeah you would. Are you going to get up at 6 AM and sign off from your shitty job at 7 PM just to say you live in glorious nippon?

>> No.9874009

Weeaboos like you are too normal for this board. I'm scared of going outside, let alone living in a different country.

>> No.9874017
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If you were already experienced, educated, and trained in something like being a doctor or something I think that's possible. Otherwise they might just see everyone else as useless.
Though they are low on laborers.....

>> No.9874013


Fuck off with the elitism.

>> No.9874034
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I actually go outside only when I'm required (like going to work or joining up with friends for a game of 40k) otherwise I stay inside.

Though I do try to get as much sunlight into my place as possible.

>> No.9874046


I stayed in Ikebukuro/Asakusa about mid December last year and it dropped down to at least -6.7 Celsius.

>> No.9874049


holy shit we don't care about your life

go away, you're just going to get zunbarred if you stick around anyway

>> No.9874059

No, not really. And for a good reason.

Have you noticed how much technology has advanced in the past 30 years? Take a walk outside, go to the nearest park or mall, and count all the cameras on your way. We are being watch. Every single step we take is being recorded and stored in a hard drive somewhere where it can be easily acceded. They just installed not one, not two, but THREE cameras on the corner of a bulding near my apartment building. This is getting out of control. Or rather, in control of the Elite.
15, maybe 10 years ago, cameras were not a problem. But have you seen the kind of things they can do these days? Surveillance software will automatically recognize license plates and cross reference them with a list of vehicles reported as stolen. The police doesn't even need to check license plates anymore, the machinery installed on their cars will do that for them.

Now think of what things will be like in 2020, 2030, and beyond. The same cameras could run biometric scans on your fucking face. They could check your height, weight, eye color, pose, and who knows, they could even run a scan like those machines at the airport and see if you're carrying any guns. We're heading towards a very scary place, don't you think?

Sooner or later every developed country (developed as in, countries where people don't live in huts) will adopt this technology. It's really a matter of time. Why would you want to live in a place like that?

No. No thanks. I am saving my money, and when things get bad I'm moving to a place like Mali, Mozambique or shit, I don't know, I'll travel to the fucking Indukush and find a nice cave where to settle.

>> No.9874065

Cool Thing: my friend who is a fiction editor worked in japan for two years

he said 90% of the stories he got were about very masculine men having one-night flings with submissive, effeminate women

also two of them had blumpkins in them

>> No.9874081

Part of it would be the feeling of accomplishment from mastering a complex foreign language and being bold enough to fly to the other side of the world to study in that language. Part of it would simply be getting out of this dull country for a little while after having been stuck here for 22 years, though this is obviously fueled by an unwarranted hope that changing my environment would change me. And part of it is that I have some vague hope that I'd be a little more likely to find a few likeminded people, since it's the country that invented eroge and all.

>> No.9874082


i don't think japan invented sexy stories

>> No.9874106

I've lived in Japan about 7 years now. Never experienced the xenophobia most westerners seem to be so paranoid about. I speak Japanese fluently so I guess that helps, but I hardly think it's fair to expect anyone to welcome you with open arms when you don't speak their language. I also think there are a lot of things that westerners mistake for xenophobia which in fact are just cultural differences.

>> No.9874117


howaito piggu go hoooooooh

ps. they all secretly hate you

>> No.9874131

It's okay Anon, we all love you.

>> No.9874164 [DELETED] 
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on the scale to 1/10

i say ....+∞

>> No.9874204 [DELETED] 


sounds like heaven

>> No.9875004
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My friend, you should come to Bosnia. Probably the only country in the world that can take it REALLY easy.I think none exist that are as relaxed as Bosnia.Haven for all NEETS indeed.

>> No.9875011 [DELETED] 

my aunt is from Bosnia

>> No.9875029

Seriously though, the summers suck ass. Might just be because I'm just weak to heat but if you're as weak as I am you can always just go to Hokkaido for the summer. The summers there aren't as bad and there's even a breeze.

>> No.9875034 [DELETED] 
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i am used to toxic amounts of heat

>> No.9875035

well i'm going over there to teach english in a few months, and i can already speak it fairly fluently so if anyone gives me sass they can sit the fuck outside.

maybe not everyone over there likes white people, i can understand that because as an Australian i have seen what a blight foreign people (sand niggers) can be to a Country so as far as i'm concerned i'm fair game.

>> No.9875044


Aunt confirmed for good taste.

>> No.9875054 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9875059

My aunt is from Honduras.
I think my aunt is dead

>> No.9875068

I want to live in Japan but I'm black.

>> No.9875071

It's funny because Arc is black.

>> No.9875073 [DELETED] 
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she is married to my Panamanian uncle and they live in Canada

>> No.9875080

Won't they stab me for not being white?

>> No.9875086

I just don't want to pay international shipping...

>> No.9875101


No shit is given about race.Imagine it as a place where people work 2-3 hours per day and do whatever they want for the rest of their day.Weather is good as it is in mountains.People don't bother you if you don't want to be bothered. Otherwise they are friendly.

>> No.9875105

Who is Arc?

>> No.9875114

I live in Japan. It's hot as hell, and they're more racist than a Grand Dragon.

>> No.9875116

Sounds nice. Too bad you can't move to other countries unless you're of a desirable profession or willing to live illegally.

>> No.9875185 [DELETED] 
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if you have a tan the ladies will see you as exotic....

>> No.9875188

i live in tokyo...
and if you live/work in japan for a year you will hate everything japanese.

>> No.9875191 [DELETED] 
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the older generations tend to be that way

>> No.9875194 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9875196

Well I have been told that I look like a person of questionable ethnicity. I think I've been confused for a native american more than once.

Don't they already have turks to fill the role of "exotic brown person" anyways?

>> No.9875211

indians dude indians, they are the brown people

most turkish are indistinguishable from a south european they blend in well, yet kurds are another story

>> No.9875222

I always hear europeans bitch about turks and muslims though. Apparently they are our equivalent of black people.

>> No.9875231

I know right. All us real /jp/ers that have been here since the start know this, but all these neo/jp/ come in here hell bent on wanting to move to Japan.
Japan is a terrible place to live or at least in the City, especially for a Gaijin.

>> No.9875253

our language school has lots of turks so i had chance to know them better.
There 3 types

1) educated real people they are cool and you wont even notice they are even turks so they are not a target to hate machine.

2) religious fundamentalists [some are actually arabians with turkish passport to get in japan with no viza] those are guys with mission living in a very closed groups no connection witho thers at all

3) kurds.. those guys are worse than niggers, i think they are also trouble makes in europe too.. if they sense profit they instantly become kurds and loath turks, but that the first sign of trouble they become turks

>> No.9875264

my advice is never become a worker in japan.
if you are some mind of an artist, sportsman or a talent or have enough money to start your own business, you will be no less than a master race-demi god.

but if you are planning to be a salaryman [even worse english teacher] dont even think of it

>> No.9875284

>my advice is never become a worker in japan.
How about english te-
>[even worse english teacher]
aw dang

>> No.9875288

Yes yes. I know exactly what you're talking about.

I have so many friends that are Japanese and English majors who want to move to Japan to be English teachers for Japan, but I don't have the heart to tell them that they will not find this rainbow world of adventure that they think is in Japan.
Sometimes I feel like they don't really understand how your Society has socially worked in the past and how that has translated into the Present statuesque of present day Japan.
Gaijins mostly won't get it until maybe a year into the programs I think. You have to study all accepts of a culture before you go into it with your dreams.

It is admiring to see them go for pro and make their dreams reality, but they need a real reality check most of the time.
Please come back here more often with a trip showing us you're the real Japanese native. Thanks.

>> No.9875298

that bad huh?

i'm surprised race is such a big thing, you sure it's not at least partially due to language barrier?

>> No.9875301

ah also, is Osaka as bad? I am going to be working in some little town there.

>> No.9875306


most gaijin i know just live in their own gaijin society and keep complaining about japan and japanese.

what they dont know is, life is not difficult because they are gaijin, actually japanese are having the same problems too.

Japanese just born into it so they know how to cope and/or wont notice it is a problem.

Especially in Tokyo.
Osaka is a fun city.

>> No.9875309

opinion it may be, but asian women are more attractive and dress more feminine than western women. this is really the only good part i can think of about living in japan.

still, they dont want to date me even though im white
i must look like a thousand fucks of ugly

>> No.9875316

I am planning to enter my Uni's summer exchange program.

>> No.9875319

>asian women are more attractive and dress more feminine than western women
Because they're not yelling out stupids things like "IM NOT SUBMISSIVE FUCK YOU" like western women.
At least the japanese ones realized long ago that you don't need the flashy power part to control your husband, they're controlling the back-office, which is both amusing and scary at the same time.

>> No.9875330

dress up, dude... dress up

dating in tokyo same as role playing cyberpunk.
The rules :
1) Style over Substance.
2) Attitude is Everything.
3) Always take it to the Edge.
4) Break the Rules.

If i wear casuals not even a eye contact.
wearing suits, girls approact and ask if i need something when i act lost
dressed up, good hair... acting confident: "you like to go izakaya with us?"
Thats how it works.
Also never flirt with a girl in office, they will refuse even if the like wait for a nomikai or ask her out of working hours [alone]

>> No.9875347

i dont want to date a whore from a club or bar
if i wanted to do that i would have dated in america

>> No.9875350

>going outside
Fuck, /jp/ is too normal for me.

>> No.9875353

I mean that only works for so long though. Eventually Strait out of Asia Asian women want your devotion non-stop and if you don't comply than they'll break up with you.

You're tactics work for picking up women for hookups and dates, but then you start to think maybe I should settle down.

Everything you said about the suit, looks, fitness, and confidants is needed at all times though.

>> No.9875361


I live in Osaka. Been here just over a year. Love it. Friendly as fuck. Never experienced anything negative due to not being Japanese, even when I first got here with minimal language skills. Threads like these turn into shut-in weeaboos trying to convince themselves that Japan sucks. It doesn't. Much rather live here that Europe or America.

>> No.9875362

you don't have to hate or make yourself distinct from people who do those things you know.

none of those things necessarily make you normal or define you in any way.

>> No.9875363

dude you dont even need any effort to get a whore from a club or bar [assuming they let you in] just call her to your table buy some over priced drinks and do your stuff.

i am talking about real dating.

if you act this is me take it or leave it attitude you can get anything.

you said girls dress up dont you... they also expect their bf to be dressed up and looking confident.

>> No.9875372

I've lived in Japan for five years and speak and read Japanese fluently too, and encountering clueless or outright racist bullshit (everything from old dudes screaming English swear words at me on the street to drug store clerks blurting out "OH MY GOD YOU CAN TALK!" when I ask them for help) is a daily occurrance for me. And this is in the largest city in the whole prefecture.

I'd sure like to know what magical pocket of happiness and tolerance in Japan you're living in, if it exists.

>> No.9875367

>Mechanical Engineering 3rd year
>Take a Japanese course since I am a weeaboo
>Harder than anything I have studied before
Am I just weak at learning language or is Japanese a fuckign whore language?
them adjectives
them nouns
them verbs
them te forms
them katakana
them kanji

>> No.9875371

>and if you live/work in japan for a year you will hate everything japanese.
Pretty sure if you make the average /jp/ work for a year in any city he'll hate by the time he's done.

>> No.9875376

Based on what I can see of your English skills, you're retarded in the language department.

>> No.9875373

I'm living in Kyoto/

I interact with literally no other non-Japanese people except for emailing my parents back home. I don't know why I even still come on here.

>> No.9875375

I just can't relate to such people.

>> No.9875384

Or even brown hair. That's the color that teenage boys who think they're super hard dye their hair, so apparently doing that makes you SO KAKKOIII~.

When I was an ALT, I once had the super-strict student council president tell me that being a teacher was no excuse for coming to school with dyed hair and contacts.

>> No.9875380

Japanese is easy-mode compared to a whole lot of other languages, actually.

English took me about 4-5 years of dilligent self-study to master. After 2 years of studying Japanese, I know pretty much everything I need to know.

>> No.9875381

It is entirely possible that english is not his primary language though

>> No.9875382

>them verbs
>them nouns
>them adjectives
All easier than any romance language. You're an autist who thinks he's intelligent because he's good with numbers so you assumed you'd learn the language just like that.

>> No.9875386


are you fat/scruffy? they hate that. they don't like americans much either.

clearly you live somewhere small and shit anyway hence the 'largest city in the prefecture'. move out of the sticks aniki.

>> No.9875388

I am German :>

>> No.9875397

what the fuck do i do with kanji tho
and is it possible for me to get 1st grade on the JLPT if I study really hard for 2 years?

>> No.9875401

why not?

the literal difference is being employed, or duping a woman into getting in bed with them

>> No.9875402

That's nice to hear.
A little detailed explanation on your life onegai?


If you want to really yukkuri then you should go to Uruguay or something like that.

It's considerably 1st world for being south America, and the people take it easy too.
I don't know about the internet speed though.

>> No.9875410

You sit your arse down and work. They're not difficult either, they're just hard work. You've got no other choice. Remember that the pleasure which comes from taking it easy is deepened by working for a few hours a day. Don't bother with JLPT unless you want to work in Japan.

>> No.9875405

Level 1 JLPT requires tons of knowledge that you'll never ever need to use in any real-life scenario.

Go for Level 2 and you'll be set for life.

>> No.9875419

Yeah, I do live in the inaka, so there is that. Reason #1 why I plan to get the fuck out of here and into the biggest city that I can find employment in come spring. But I seriously doubt that a big city would be that much better.

Also I'm average weight and well-groomed; in fact people who do comment on my appearance at all are very complementary about 90% of the time (the other 10% is comments about my blue eyes or my huge feet) - but even if I were a 400 pound neckbeard that wouldn't excuse people refusing to speak directly to my face and conducting "conversations" with me via a third proxy Japanese person, or chasing me down on bikes to babble mangled half-English-half-gibberish at me.

I'm still waiting to hear where you live, by the way.

>> No.9875423


Passing JLPT1 means you just scrape into advanced learner status.

I got it in 2 years, ish.

>> No.9875425

I get JLPT 1 grade after studying 2 years
and only japanese i knew was konnichiwa when i started.
japanese is really easy, for tha kani all you have to do it memorize stuff thats all, there are tons of software to practice

>> No.9875431

People are friendlier to me here than my home country, even. At home I'm just a nobody.

>> No.9875433

Then why don't you get the fuck out and go eat some chicken innards or molest schoolchildren with your nip tomodachis?

>> No.9875444

I might take your advice seriously if you didn't appear to be illiterate.

>> No.9875440

I made chicken udon today, but didn't use innards, sorry.

>> No.9875465

I live up in Tohoku. It's all right. Summers are unreasonably hot (and winter is crazy cold, but I like that part fine), and most of the people living here are 1.) old as fuck, 2.) kinda dumb, 3.) rednecks, or some combination of the three. Things I like are most things being clean and well ordered, people are generally either very polite or total cunts, without any minor unpleasantness in between, and the crazy convenience of retail here. You can go to Lawson's for a sandwich and withdraw cash at the ATM, pay all your bills, buy concert tickets, and order stuff from Amazon at the same time.

There are shit parts too, but if I really hated it here I wouldn't stay. (I do want to move out of the prefecture and into someplace more urban soon, though.)

>> No.9875462


english teacher of course. it's easy and I make a lot of money as ALT during the day and doing extra private lessons in the evening. might go home to do a masters then come back and find a university job. I've never lived in toyko but go there every 8 weeks or so for the weekend. much better vibe here.


osaka. the only similar thing I can remember is a high school kid on a train last year who I heard discussing something amusing/offensive to say to me before they got off. best he could come up with was "kamikaze. I love Russia" which I suppose was some anti-american thing. I am a brit anyway. amusing.

>> No.9875472

Thanks everynyan :3
I'm taking an intensive Japanese course atm
It's been a month and a week past and we just started to learn te-form
is this fast pace for a japanese beginner or pretty ordinary?

ps:I need to get JLPT 1 so I can study at Tokyo University on for my 4th year or Grad schol

>> No.9875473

>"kamikaze. I love Russia"

Haha that's golden.
Maybe I should move to Osaka. If that's the worst the rude kids can come up with I'll take it; someone can have the boy who told me to fuck off and die.

>> No.9875535

Hey, question, how hot does Yokosuka get in the summer, I might have to go there for repair shit and what not since my counterpart is getting rotated back to Yankeeland.

>> No.9875543

You are human trash and I hope you'll a die incredibly painful death soon. Nobody here likes you.

>> No.9875547
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no one likes me :>

>> No.9875562

What do you aim to achieve by acting like a retard?

>> No.9875570

What do you do? Teacher? What credentials do you have or whatever?

>> No.9875574

How did you get to move there? What is your degree in,etc

>> No.9875600
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I'm not tryign to act like a retard
I am a little high though, please explain to me how I am acting lke a retard because i really cant tell rightn ow

>> No.9875653


any 4 year degree in any subject will get you am entry level teaching job on 200,000 ish a month. tough to get one in the popular places to live (kyoto, tokyo, osaka, kobe) though.

plenty of esl forums out there.

>> No.9875753

How did you get in Osaka? What was your degree in and how'd you find a job?

>> No.9875777

>please explain to me how I am acting lke a retard
Shit like this.
>rightn ow

Look over what you type before posting, being "a little high" is no excuse.

>> No.9875784


flew here, looked for job in person, got lucky. fuck getting put in some random country town with the companies you can apply to from abroad.

degree in international relations, but as I said it doesn't matter. degree is just a work visa requirement whether it is in japanese or metalwork.

>> No.9875818

you just randomly flew there? with a work visa if you didn't have a job? where did you stay till you got a job? do you have friends?

>> No.9875874


tourist visa. stayed in a gaijin house. had 90 days to find a job which would sponsor my work visa. found one after about 6 weeks. guy had just quit so they were desperate. I had to 'volunteer' with no pay part time until work visa was processed. that took about 9 weeks more. no paycheque for two months after that.

risky and expensive thing to do but why move to japan if you aren't in the city? small towns are boring.

once you have your first work visa you are set for however long you want to stay in japan. easy and quick to renew them. that's why it is so hard to get jobs in big cities - they won't even accept applications from people without work visas already.

>> No.9876131
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I heard that xenophobia is more towards Americans and that they respect Italians and Germans more than other westerners.

>> No.9876242

Because nazis?

>> No.9876249 [DELETED] 

Because Americans are fucking retarded, cause trouble whereever they go and don't know how to behave.

>> No.9876272

So they hate all Anglos?

>> No.9876349

Axis forces, bros for life, yo.

>> No.9876395


>> No.9876428
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>> No.9876437


I agree with you, I was just replying to other people using this terminology.
It's not really xenophobia, it's intollerance torwards unrespectul people, and for some reasons a lot of America tends to behave unrespectful in Japanese eyes.

>> No.9876443
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I actually live in Uruguay.
It's dirty as fuck, but if you land a decent job and you don't mind the disgusting sight, it's THE place to take it easy.
Pic related, be prepared to see this when you open your front door unless you live in the rich zone.
Other than that, enjoy your nothing happening ever (perfect if that's what you want).

>> No.9876451 [DELETED] 


>> No.9876444


>> No.9876522

I live in Arizona where it's hot and dry and when you walk down the street you don't see anyone. I just want to live in a city so I don't have to feel lonely all the time.

>> No.9876602

Brazilian here. Just wanted to say that place looks so nice compared to my city, even though there's a huge flow of trash.

But then again I live in a poor place. Rio de Janeiro is less than 20km away and it's actually quite nice in there (although it's expensive-ish to live anywhere but in a Favela... so there's that).

>> No.9876777

Panamanian family in /jp/? Wow. Never thought I'd see some.

By the way, Panama is probably great for a NEET that has saved enough government money to take it easy. The cost of life is quite low. That's because salary is low, but NEETs don't work. You'd have to get used to the insane temperature though.

Some of the reasons why I'd prefer Japan over Panama though are exactly those. I'm not cut to live a NEET life.

>> No.9877227

Omg it's happening

>> No.9877248

Are you the very same namefag on /tg/ who posts his pro tau garbage?

>> No.9877316

I live in New England too, it's pretty nice here, the Winters are cold, the Summers are hot.

I'd like to visit Japan, but I can't imagine living there for more than a couple months.

>> No.9877384

I like Canada, I don't think I will ever go out of my way to live in Japan.

>> No.9877420

Although I would like to visit Japan several times in my life, I would rather not live there. It's got a few aspects that do not seem pertinent to my interests.

>> No.9877563

Access to a variety of real Japanese food would be nice. I have limited access in my current area, but some of it is pretty nice.
Also the Japanese takes on other styles of food (Chinese, western) sound interesting.

Seeing the sakura bloom and scatter sounds nice. Maybe some other scenery too, though there's plenty of good scenery in most places.

Otherwise I don't see any real advantage to living there. As other people mentioned, the workweek is absurd, and I don't have the patience to force myself to learn the language.

>> No.9877627
File: 297 KB, 1280x960, 100_0683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been living in Japan for about a month now as a student, and I absolutely love it here. The weather has been pretty shitty for the last couple of weeks though. Asides from that, uni life here is pretty fucking awesome. Nobody gives a shit if you skip, and minimal tests. And the jobs you can get here are great. Working about 16 hours a week and making about 80,000 yen per week. The one thing I hate though is this shitty apartment I live in. I want to move out within a couple of months.

Here's a pic of my tiny as fuck room.

>> No.9877639

My mom always told me that getting into Japanese college is a pain in the ass and probably the hardest part about Japanese college. After you get in it's a pretty smooth ride apparently.

>> No.9877644

Yeah. The student's just dick around until they have to test into grad school.

>> No.9877652

what are you studying at uni?

>> No.9877659

Chuo University in Tama

>> No.9877671

>Nobody gives a shit if you skip, and minimal tests
Is there any place in the world where people care about you attendance at university?

>> No.9877686

classes that take attendance

>> No.9877720

I want to live in Japan so bad.
I don't even care that I need to work.

>> No.9877737

Do you speak Japanese?
How do people see you? Do strangers always talk engrish when they need to talk with you?

>> No.9877763

He asked `` what '', not `` where ''.

>> No.9877786

Or god, you already started confusing things in english.
Are you really turning into japanese?

>> No.9877796

Oops. Science and Japanese.

>> No.9877808

Man, wish I was smart enough to get into college.

>> No.9877824

>Do you speak Japanese
I guess I speak enough to carry a conversation and get around with ease, but my kanji is pretty shitty

>How do people see you
Sometimes I get stares, but that's the only bad thing. Everyone is general nice around me, which I assume is just their culture. If they do have to talk to me, that start off by using English, cause they what to practice I guess. It's actually a pretty good catch to talk to the local 3DPD. They love my big nose too, which helps.

>> No.9877834
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H-how did you managed to do it?

For how long will you stay there?

Please respond.
Please respond.
Please respond.

>> No.9877835

are you jew?

>> No.9877840

I stay inside all day, so it really doesn't matter where I live.

>> No.9877863

Most large universities are an international center you can call and set up appointments for foreign student admissions. Also, I'll be in Japan as long as it takes to graduate.


>> No.9877867

How rough are the qualifications for a japanese university? Probably pretty strict right?

>> No.9877874

I don't know if you would happen to know but if you have dual American and Japanese citizenship will they make you choose one if you go to school there? Japan doesn't allowed dual citizenship after a certain age but it isn't really enforced unless you do something so I'm kind of worried if that counts as a "something".

>> No.9877881

They actually go pretty easy on foreigners. Some schools have entrance exams in English for that reason. But usually it's easiest to use a public university in your area as a proxy to get in.

>> No.9877898
File: 57 KB, 188x222, 1343979181134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like something I might consider, I'll need to step up my moonrunes though.

>> No.9877902

I'm gaijin and I am in my 3rd year of living in Tokyo. I'm a college student.

It's great. I can do my /jp/ things (go to Comiket, Akihabara, cosplay etc) really easily and be a riajuu and make friends, go drinking, and bang tons of Japanese girls at the same time.

Plus I'm 20 years old so I can drink but I'm not a weird 30 year old English teacher so I can hang out with young girls without being creepy it's awesome.

Japanese food is amazing too.

Basically Japan owns. Plus you learn Japanese so you can actually consume Japanese media with ease instead of waiting for translations and stuff.

>> No.9877906

Do you have club activities?
Why don't you join the student council?

>> No.9877910

Did you go in dry with no moon knowledge?

>> No.9877912

What's that? Japanese for normalfag or something?

>> No.9877918

English Circle and Entertainment Circle

Uni council sucks

>> No.9877920

Nearly. I took Intensive Japanese 1 at a college for half a year before I went there, then I studied in Japan too.
Going and interacting (drinking, club activities etc) with Japanese people is worth so much more than reading a textbook, but it's hard at first.

Yeah, basically. It's what people on 2ch call normalfags I guess. But lately I think 2ch is full of riajuu people.

>> No.9877926

Can the average Jap tell the difference between a Japanese and Chinese man?

And on that note, do they hate Chinese people as much as we (mostly ultra-nationalist mainlanders) hate Japs?

>> No.9877939

>Uni council sucks
Don't be so sure about that, the best routes are the ones where the protag joins the council.

>> No.9877947

Shizune wasn't so great.

>> No.9877949

I'd say they can generally tell Chinese people apart and not everyone hates the Chinese but I do feel like there is a bit of racism towards them. I'm American so I kind of see Chinese people working in Japan like Mexicans in America. They work some shitty jobs like convenience store clerk or burger king cashier and fuck up all the time and can barely speak Japanese, plus they have nametags which makes their Chinese-ness super obvious via their last name.

The other kind of Chinese people here are like sons of rich people or party officials, half of them are pretty cool and half of them are brainwashed communist crazies.

>> No.9877965

It's 5:30 am here, I'm going the fuck to sleep. It was fun.

btw my favorite touhou is Okuu

>> No.9877968

Ah, I see. Thanks.

>> No.9878008

How did you get into a Japanese college? I am basically seething with jealousy after reading your post, so I would like to know.

>> No.9878065

fuck off to gaijinpot, you subhuman scum.

>> No.9878198
File: 116 KB, 333x294, penelopemario.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How did you managed to take exams in your first year when, supposedly, you didn't spoke Japanese well?

>> No.9878244 [DELETED] 

____________he's lying____________

>> No.9878260

I don't know what kind of job i would get there, immigrants get shitty jobs with low wage, i think.

>> No.9878312

you're in luck

>> No.9878464

I don't know about that guy, but there are programs that include learning the language. Like 2 years studying Japanese fulltime, and 3 years to get your actual degree.

>> No.9878628

>Working about 16 hours a week and making about 80,000 yen per week

Cool story bro. Do explain.

>> No.9878637


How many hundreds of thousands dollars such programs would cost?

>> No.9881322
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>Plus I'm 20 years old so I can drink but I'm not a weird 30 year old English teacher so I can hang out with young girls without being creepy it's awesome.

Fuck you, sellout. Also, if you're gonna swim in that pond, you need to abide by the real life rules and not be a pedo. Half your age plus seven is the lowest acceptable age, ALWAYS.

>> No.9881334

>Half your age plus seven is the lowest acceptable age, ALWAYS.
And where did that eternal commandment come from?

>> No.9881336

why would I get anywhere near those heathens?

>> No.9881339

>And where did that eternal commandment come from?

Are you asking me for a reason why you shouldn't attempt to rape children?

>> No.9881348

That obviously isn't the question I asked.
