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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9872663 No.9872663[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone wants to play Mabinogi again?

Need help with G16.

>> No.9872669

I need help with G1, OP.
and G12 I think. whatever the hamlet one is.

I think it'd just be easier to play maplestory with its halloween event

>> No.9872698

I play on Ruari so I can't be helped.

>> No.9872706

oh right I forgot to state my server.
I play Alexina, so I guess that's even worse, huh?
yeah sorry, OP.

>> No.9872854


>> No.9872866
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>> No.9872867
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>become master of the clay alchemy
>golem gets nerfed
>golem gets nerfed
>golem gets nerfed
>cooldown skill revamps come out
>skill reset capsules
>resets all the alchemy
>pump into fighter skills
>1k AP left over

puppet-master here i come!

>> No.9872925

>clay mastery

Mud peassant general.

>> No.9873014
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IGN the Clay Alchemist
with as big ass golem behind me at all times
was pretty badass

it turned small over time because of the nerfs, thats when i felt like a mud

>> No.9873031

Is there any way to change nick yet?

>> No.9873058
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>having numbers in your name
>having words in your name
>having exxes in your name
>not capitalizing the first letter in your name
>having random caps in your name
>not planning ahead for when you mature
no, no name changers yet

>> No.9873117

Welcome to /jp/, /vg/!

>> No.9873142

I haven't played it a while, but I'll play with you.

I'm on Alexina, I'm around lvl 200 I think, is that ok?

>> No.9873154

It is, if you're over 300 you might as well not ever try the missions. Since they don't scale the characters you role play as properly.

>> No.9873159


Why the hell is everyone in Alexina? Is everyone scared of Mari?

>> No.9873165

Alexina has the [New] tag next to it, fuck off you old piece of shit.

>> No.9873178

>fuck off you old piece of shit

That's so fucking satirically retarded...chill down you /vg/ first timer.

You didn't even get past total level 500, did you, why are you afraid of moving to Mari?

>> No.9873191

not who you are talking to, but I have over 5 mirrion gold, 20k NX worth of pets, and some rare-ish robes.
I'll move to Mari if you can provide me with these things.

>> No.9873201

I can't help you with robes because I haven't given up on getting grim reaper's and I don't have any NX left, not like it matters if you get all the free ones lately.

I can provide the money.

>> No.9873371

This thread makes me want to play mabinogi again, but it really does seem ruined after that last huge update, with the cooldown times and all that. I could probably still do pretty good, being level 3000 and last time I was playing, one of the best archers in the server, and I still have tens of millions worth of items that I could sell to get my money back.

tl;dr what do /jp/? Play again or is it not worth it, no going back?

>> No.9873389

I'd probably go back if there's a bunch of other /jp/ers to play with.

I totally would, except no one plays on Tarlach.

>> No.9873405


I wish /vg/ still did their general threads. I know they still have a small guild on Mari. Lately people were spamming the thread, so they stopped.

>> No.9873420

>Supporting Nexon/Devcat
>Company that doesn't let you change servers or reset names because they know they can screw you out of far more money

This new Talent update is just a cash grab too. They're breaking the Destinies down further in order to make you want to buy even more rebirths to stay competitive.

>> No.9873427

AR and Mirage are a must with recent patch, not all is lost, you can get some combos going with that.

Mirage and towers are still one of the best strategies vs some enemies.

Talents are better than Destinies though, even for beginners.

>> No.9873435

I generally think anything but ranged was rebalanced really well.

Ranged is kind of poor on stuns without Magnum, however, that became faster.

>> No.9873438

And why is that, in ANY way possible? They're just Destinies broken down even further. Also, do they even give you the 2x skill bonus still?

>> No.9873441

Also, if you haven't played G16, do so, it's pretty nice, probably my favorite Gen so far.

>> No.9873445

Yeah they do, they give you more xp after you get past early levels.

>> No.9873456

I don't mean leveling EXP. I mean when you get training points for actions related to your Destiny.

Also, are they still keeping in the EXP you get for doing life skill related things like in the Merchant Destiny?

>> No.9873462

Yes, I mean training xp.

Apparently gathering xp gets doubled too.

>> No.9873468

So you're telling me that I can still pretend to be a farmer/chef/what have you? I still think its breaking the skills up too much. Its just a ploy to get people to buy more rebirths.

>> No.9873472

I'm on Tarlach ;_;
I've got rank 1 mirage with about 400 int, so that's great!
Being an elf, I was already pretty fast with magnum spam, so if that's faster then even more good news!

That said, any /jp/sies on Tarlach? This is the deciding question I guess. Most people I know have already quit, so I'm going to need a lot to occupy myself with if I do go back.

>> No.9873487

Yeah, it's very divided so that's the flaw so far.

Even alchemy got divided, masteries moved to another branch, almost illogical.

>> No.9873497

Why don't you guys move back to Mari?

It's no fun to have 50000 levels and nothing to do. All that does is spoil new Generations for you too or fuck them up to the point you won't be able to get enough help.

>> No.9873515

Why would you buy rebirths for any reason than to get a new clothing set? Can't wait 3 weeks?

>> No.9873525
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Pic related.

>> No.9873527

>Magnum, however, that became faster.

>You can't use this skill again because it's on cool down
>Fucked by the enemy

When it had to be loaded, you could continuously load and fire by the time the enemy got back up. Now there's this stupid delay that lets the opponent close in.

Range really does need a fix, and maybe some new skills. Maybe a new set of ranged like throwing knives or something

>> No.9873528

Because you can really benefit from those 2x skill ups and extra stats?

>> No.9873538

Wait, do you think you can't chose destiny on free rebirths or something? You can.

>> No.9873535

Try using AR as followup or starter.

>> No.9873537

>imblying you can't rebirth every time you hit age 20

>> No.9873541

That's me IRL while waiting to hit total 3000.

>> No.9873547

You can, but thats every 3 weeks. Why the fuck would I want to be stuck in one of these Talents (except for the Fighter, Mage, and Knight) one for 3 weeks when people can pay to do it weekly? Even more advantage to them now.

>> No.9873550

>worrying about people that pay real money for this shit

The joke is that they had to spend money to get all and you didn't.

>> No.9873551

Helping people can be fun. As well as camping.
What if you're with the glorious elf master race?

>> No.9873556

They get more enjoyment though. Games should provide equal enjoyment.

>> No.9873557

You mean helping nobody/pubs? I rarely see /jp/ outside Mari and Alexina.

>> No.9873562

>Why the fuck would I want to be stuck in one of these Talents (except for the Fighter, Mage, and Knight) one for 3 weeks when people can pay to do it weekly?
Why would you blame Nexon for your unreasonable compulsion to waste money? Why do you care what other people do? Are you racing with them?

Are you one of those people who don't want to start Eve because you feel you'll be behind forever? Are you one of those people who grind to max level in 2 days in MMORPGs and then get bored?

>> No.9873566

hey guys you might be new here but i just thought id give you a heads up. it's generally considered out of place here to use meme arrows for anything but quoting another persons post. there are a lot of other nuances that i'm sure you'll come to learn of during your time here, but in the meanwhile you may want to refrain from posting anything in anything other than plain english or japanese, and this only if you're really sure you need something or have valid input for the conversation at hand

>> No.9873580

>meme arrows
I'll see you in /v/ later alright?

>> No.9873586

you'll have better luck in /r9k/ if I'm even posting later at all

>> No.9873588

Stop getting angered at each other and cut the meta.

>> No.9873611

Its okay to use maymays ironically, you nerd.

>> No.9873627


>> No.9873632


>> No.9873654

Don't laugh.

>> No.9873655

Please stop misusing the spoiler function.

>> No.9873671

>Are you one of those people who don't want to start Eve because you feel you'll be behind forever?
I have a hard time picking up a lot of MMOs because of this.

Especially if they have limited edition event items/abilities. Oh god.

>> No.9873684

You can buy some of them in Mabinogi you know.

>> No.9873694

Sorry, anon-san.

>> No.9873731

I'm not worried about it. The only thing that bugs me about Mabinogi is that if I started playing it again I'd probably have to start with a fresh account, and I can only imagine how long that would take now that you can level skills to rank 1. Skill points were already enough of a commodity when the max rank was like 9

>> No.9873760

I would like to play with you /jp/ friends as well on Mari, if any of you choose to settle there. My time spend in Mabi has only been a few weeks in total (over the course of a long time) but I plan to start playing seriously with G17. Fun stuff and grouping ahead.

>> No.9873810

I read that first as Mari Ox, and then as Marielx

>> No.9873817

They give you free rebirths every day until total level 200, so that's like 200 ap, plus any birthday AP, plus 25 ap every time you max out the exploration.

In theory, you can farm exploration for AP for a while that way, also the starting quests give you some AP. You'll be fine.

>> No.9873818

Nobody can be as cool as Mariel though.


>> No.9873842

And Generations are starting to give AP.

>> No.9873963
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But the issue then becomes idiots who can't understand irony and then use the terms unironically thinking they're doing it right and being cool.

>> No.9874088
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>/jp/ playing mabinogi
You better stay away from Mari server, touhoufag scum.

>> No.9874098

I play at Tarlach though sometimes or most times im a solo player, although I do tend to play with my friends

>> No.9874104

>Has a character that plays in Mari
Guess again faggot

>> No.9874111

Fuck off avatarguy from /v/, /vg/ and whatever boards you go to now.

All avatarfagging is reportable now.

>> No.9874120

But who are you tei quoting?

>> No.9874126

>posting a character from mabinogi on a mabinogi thread
And my point gets proven once again.

>> No.9874129

It's you being a complete faggot.

What's new?

>> No.9874135

Please stop misusing meme arrows.

>> No.9874190
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>> No.9874258

pls go /v/

>> No.9874275

That's a meemz from /sp/ to discourage greentext reaction image/avatarfag shit, you idiot.

>> No.9874281

You're one of those cunts from /sp/ no doubt that claims they invented all the memes. Also, using ironic Reddit images is not something anyone should condone.

>> No.9874289

Is it alright on /b/?

>> No.9874290

Don't get heated up son.

Just ignore it if you don't like it.

>> No.9874345

What's going on guys.

I thought we were going to discuss Mabinogi, not le meme arrows.

>> No.9874557

Aren't the AP gains very low to be considered?

>> No.9874795

If you're glorious elf master race then you shouldn't be having magnum delay at all, elf magnum refires almost as fast as AR as long as you have ranked it past r5, it literally has no cooldown whatsoever so the text should never show up. Denagle your pc or stop trying to be an archer if you have > 200 ping.

>> No.9874801

I hate Nexon's shitty servers for losing me clothes I won't get back. They think some shitty compensation is good enough, give me back my NX, you shits. Why the fuck would I want Pons? Why can't there be a non-shitty F2P company/service?

>> No.9874815

Change channels after taking something important out from a pet, lock your important items, or simply never put them in a pet if you want to be 100% safe from server failure or channel crashes

stuff only goes poof when you take it out of a pet and you don't change channels, log off or otherwise save your character state after taking said item out of your pet

>> No.9874819

*if the channel/server crashes right after

>> No.9874844

There's not much point in telling me months after the fact.

>> No.9874894

...I'm tempted to start replaying Mabinogi, but I've never really gotten that far - if even past G1. I really only like the life skills though <_<

Anybody stirr wirring to pray with me if I do start praying again? I'm redownroading it right now.

>> No.9875018

Funny, it's been 4 years and elves' ranged attack is still broken. ie, Trying to reload too quickly with ranged locks your character up from shooting long enough for monsters to screw you over.

>> No.9875030
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i'll reinstall if some cool people play on alexina

i'm about level 1,500 and i stopped playing after the economy got fucked/light beam swords were released/the combat was ruined

>> No.9875038

You uninstalled a couple months ago because of light beam swords? really?

>> No.9875042

no, i stopped playing because the combat was ruined and every aspect of the game was getting slowly destroyed

>> No.9875098

Stop living in third world Britain with shit internet.

>> No.9875103

Elf lag?
lower your MTU or mod your game

>> No.9875159

>every aspect of the game was getting slowly destroyed

All they did was tweak fighting and fuck with the story a little. The minigames and life skills are fine.

>> No.9875183

I mean with all of the dupe hacks, gacha items, and pay2win stuff like the windmill training potion

it was important for me to be the best dressup player with rare clothes
